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ARMIDALESuccessful DTS recipients will be encouraged toconsider an ADF technical trade career; however,there is no obligation for them to join the ADF.DTS recipients may have the opportunity to participatein <strong>Defence</strong> experiences, open days, and visits to ADFbases and <strong>Defence</strong> Industry locations to learn about thevariety of career pathways offered by <strong>Defence</strong>.Eligibility & BenefitsTo be eligible for the DTS, students must meet thespecified DTS selection criteria that has been developedin consultation with State and Territory EducationDepartments and the Independent Schools sectors.Feedback received during the development of the DTSidentified that it was necessary to develop a consistentand robust selection process. A selection matrix hasbeen developed and will be applied to the assessmentprocess to ensure students are treated equally,regardless of their school and location. ATSI studentsare also strongly encouraged to self-identify on theapplication form.Scholarships will be awarded at the discretion of<strong>Defence</strong>, on merit and satisfaction of all selectioncriteria. The selection criteria are the same for allapplicants and there are no quota limits for States andTerritories. Decisions to award DTS to recipients willbe final and no correspondence will be entered into.The Selection ProcessWith over 2500 eligible schools, the DTS is acompetitive process. To ensure Scholarship selectionis fair and equitable, applicants will be required to:• complete an application form in their own handwritingand using their own words demonstrate a genuineinterest in pursuing an ADF general entry technicaltrade career;• have their application approved by their parents/guardian and either the School VET Coordinator ornominated DTS representative;• be eligible for and intend to enrol in a mathematicssubject for Year 11/12*;• be eligible for and intend to enrol in a technicalVET subject for Year 11/12**;• provide two written supporting statements – one froma teacher at the student’s school, preferably the VETCoordinator and one from an external source, e.g.an employer or a member of a community/sportingorganisation. These statements must not be written bya family member, and• undertake a specific DTS test.A student who receives a DTS and successfullycompletes Year 11 may also apply for Year 12 Scholarshipthe following year, providing they still meet the requiredselection criteria. There is no automatic progression toa Year 12 DTS from a Year 11 DTS.Following the processing of returned applications,schools will be contacted by the Testing Authorityand provided with testing protocols and the test toadminister and return to the Testing Authority. Results,in order of merit, will be provided to <strong>Defence</strong>, wherethe selection matrix will be finalised for each applicant.Applicants will be advised individually whether they aresuccessful with their application. Schools will also beadvised of their successful applicants. Refer to the DTSApplication Process for Schools and the DTS ApplicationProcess for Students for more informationThe DTS specific test has been developed by anindependent, nationally-recognised organisationand is designed to gauge suitability for a technicaltrade. Schools will be asked to administer the testunder examination conditions. Although this is anextra administrative duty, it is hoped that schools willappreciate that the DTS test allows independent,merit based assessment of their students.Successful Year 11 DTS recipients will be awarded$2000, paid as two semester-based payments.Successful Year 12 students will receive $3000, also paidas two semester-based payments. This financial supportis provided to assist students with fees, materials, tools,protective clothing and other education related costs.The first and second payments will be received by theScholarship recipient following validation of their schooland subject enrolment for both semesters. This processis detailed in the DTS Application Process for Students.If at any stage during the DTS period, the DTS recipientchooses to leave school, change subjects or there arechanges to their circumstances which may deem themineligible to continue with the DTS, School Principals areasked to contact <strong>Defence</strong> in writing as soon as possible.The DTS Information Handbook for Students and Parentshas been prepared to explain the DTS and its conditions.Copies of this Handbook may be downloaded fromwww.defencejobs.gov.au/DTS. You are encouraged todirect interested students to this site to learn more andto download all relevant information on the 2010 DTS.* A list of mathematics and vocational subjects for all States and Territories may be downloaded fromwww.defencejobs.gov.au/DTS and clicking on the DTS pre requisite subject icon.** Schools not undertaking a VET program are to contact the DTS Info Line for more information.

The Selection Process (cont.)Students must complete the application form intheir own hand writing and using their own words.Students must also attach a copy of their latestsubject results. Applications that have not beencompleted by the student in their own handwritingand/or do not include the requested documentationcannot be considered. It is in the best interest ofthe individual student, and the school, to ensureapplications have been completed correctly andcontain the requested supporting documentation.There is a checklist for applicants to follow on theapplication form to ensure that the applicationprocess is completed accurately.Schools are requested to forward only thoseapplications that have been completed correctly andcontain the requested supporting documentation.Please do not include any incomplete or incorrectapplications in the final package to <strong>Defence</strong>.Please forward your school’s correctly completedDTS application forms with a short covering letter(including names and number of applications) to:Department of <strong>Defence</strong>Reply Paid 85731ORMOND VICTORIA 3204Further information is available from the website,www.defencejobs.gov.au/DTS or alternatively youmay contact the <strong>Defence</strong> Technical ScholarshipInfo Line on 1300 880 818 or emailDTS@data-active.com.auPrivacy StatementThe Department of <strong>Defence</strong> complies with theInformation Privacy Principles of the PrivacyAct (1988) in the collection, handling, use anddisclosure of personal information. The purpose ofthe application documentation is to obtain relevantpersonal details of applicants for the <strong>Defence</strong>Technical Scholarship. The information provided willbe used for the purpose of processing and selectionof applicants for the <strong>Defence</strong> Technical Scholarship.<strong>Defence</strong> will not provide an unrelated party oragency with, or access to, any personal informationthat it has collected about students. Exceptionsmay occur when:• <strong>Defence</strong> believes in good faith that a student orstudent’s parent or guardian has consented;• A law enforcement agency, or other governmentagency, is exercising its legal authority andhas asked <strong>Defence</strong> to provide access to thatinformation.Freedom of InformationInformation collected in relation to the <strong>Defence</strong>Technical Scholarship may become subjectto applications under Freedom of Informationlegislation. Requests for access to informationcontained in the DTS Application Form, supportingstatements and attachments will be dealt withunder the provisions of freedom of informationlegislation applicable to the relevant State,Territory and <strong>Australian</strong> Commonwealthand State Governments.

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