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III. Venting / Air Intake PipingWARNINGDo not use this water heater with galvanized, non metallic or any other venting material that isnot designed for condensing flue gas applications.Do not use a drafthood with this appliance.Do not use vent dampers with this water heater.Moisture and ice may form on surfaces around termination. To prevent deterioration, surfacesshould be in good repair (sealed, painted, etc.).This appliance needs fresh air for safe operation and must be installed so there are provisionsfor adequate combustion and ventilation air.Do not reduce size of air intake pipe.Read, understand and follow combustion air instruction restrictions contained in the Pre-Installationinstructions of this manual.Do not operate appliance where gasoline or other flammable vapors or liquids, or sources ofhydrocarbons (i.e. bleaches, cleaners, chemicals, sprays, paint removers, fabric softeners, etc.)are used, stored and/or present in the air.When installing vent pipe through chimney, no other appliance can be vented into the chimney.Do not exceed maximum vent/air intake lengths. Refer to Table 0.A. Vent Guidelines Due to Removal of an ExistingWater heater8For installations not involving the replacement of anexisting water heater, proceed to Step B.When an existing water heater is removed from a commonventing system, the common venting system islikely to be too large for proper venting of the remainingappliances. At the time of removal of an existing waterheater, the following steps shall be followed with eachappliance remaining connected to the common ventingsystem placed in operation, while the other appliancesremaining connected to the common venting system arenot in operation:1. Seal any unused openings in the common ventingsystem.2. Visually inspect the venting system for proper sizeand horizontal pitch and determine there is noblockage or restriction, leakage, corrosion, andother deficiencies which could cause an unsafecondition.3. Insofar as is practical, close all building doors andwindows and all doors between the space in whichthe appliances remaining connected to the commonventing system are located and other spaces of thebuilding. Turn on clothes dryers and any appliancenot connected to the common venting system.Turn on any exhaust fans, such as range-hoodsand bathroom exhausts, so they will operate atmaximum speed. Do not operate a summer exhaustfan. Close fireplace dampers.4. Place in operation the appliance being inspected.Follow the Lighting (or Operating) Instructions.Adjust thermostat so appliance will operatecontinuously.5. Test for spillage at the draft hood relief openingafter five (5) minutes of main burner operation. Usethe flame of a match or candle, or smoke from acigarette, cigar or pipe.6. After it has been determined that each applianceremaining connected to the common ventingsystem properly vents when tested as outlinedabove, return doors, windows, exhaust fans, fireplace dampers and any other gas burning applianceto their previous conditions of use.7. Any improper operation of the common ventingsystem should be corrected so the installationconforms with the National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA54/ANSI Z223.1 and/or CAN/CSA B149.1 NaturalGas and Propane Installation Code. When resizingany portion of the common venting system, thecommon venting system should be resized to approachthe minimum size as determined using theappropriate tables in Part 11 of the National FuelGas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 and/or CAN/CSAB149.1 Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code.

B. General Guidelines1. Vent system installation must be in accordance withPart 7, Venting of Equipment of the National FuelGas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, or Section 7,Venting Systems and Air Supply for Appliances ofthe CAN/CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane InstallationCode, or applicable provisions of the localbuilding codes.2. Contact local building or fire officials about restrictionsand installation inspection in your area.3. Refer to the appropriate drawings in this section ofthis manual to determine the proper configuration ofventing system (Figures 2 thru 11). The vent systemshall be installed in accordance with the instructionslisted in this manual.4. This appliance requires a Special Gas Vent. Theproduct is designed to use AL 29-4C ® Stainless Steelor other Stainless Steel material approved for condensingflue gas applications. The water heaters areshipped with an AL 29-4C ® vent adapter to directlyconnect to Heat Fab Saf-T-Vent. The use of alternatemanufacturer’s venting systems will requireadapters. These adapters are not supplied with thisunit and should be obtained from the supplier of thealternate venting system.5. The venting system must be installed so as toprevent accumulation of condensate. Horizontalvent pipe must maintain a minimum ¼ inch per footslope down towards water heater.a. Do not manifold condensate drains.b. A common condensate sump/pump may be used.Run separate condensate piping from each ventdrain to the sump. A common drain may be usedto discharge condensate from the sump.Consult sump/pump manufacturer for compatibilityof materials of construction with flue gascondensate. If a common sump/pump is used,individual vent drain lines must be connectedsuch that one drain pipe cannot back feed intoanother vent drain.c. Consult local authorities regarding disposal offlue gas condensate into public waste water system.Some jurisdictions require that the condensatebe buffered before discharge. This bufferingis commonly achieved by draining the condensatethrough a limestone bed. Consult chemicaltreatment company for buffering systems.6. Use noncombustible ¾ inch pipe strap to supporthorizontal runs and maintain vent location andslope while preventing sags in pipe. Do not restrictthermal expansion or movement of vent system.Maximum support spacing is five (5) feet. Do notpenetrate any part of the vent system with fasteners.7. Vent length restrictions are based on equivalentlength of vent/air pipe (total length of straight pipeplus equivalent length of fittings). Maximum vent/air lengths are listed in Table 0. Do not exceedmaximum vent/air intake lengths. Refer to ventmanufacturer’s recommendations for the equivalentlength of fittings.Table 0: Vent & Air Intake LengthWaterHeaterModelVent/Air IntakeMinMaxPipe Dia.ft. ft. In.SOL-500 5 78 68. Provide and maintain vent pipe minimum clearancesto combustible materials. Vent pipe minimum clearanceto combustible material is four (4) inches whenvent is installed in a fully enclosed (chase) applicationor three (3) inches when vent is installed withat least one side open, similar to a joist bay application.Use double wall thimble when penetrating acombustible wall. Some examples of Wall thimblemanufactures are American Metal Products, Hart &Cooley, and Metal Fab.9. Do not install venting system components on the exteriorof the building except as specifically requiredby these instructions. The vent termination locationis restricted as follows:a. The minimum distance from adjacent publicwalkways, adjacent buildings, openable windowsand building openings shall not be lessthan those values specified in the National FuelGas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 and/or CAN/CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane InstallationCode.b. Minimum twelve (12) inches above grade plusnormally expected snow accumulation level, orseven (7) feet above grade if located adjacent topublic walkway. Do not install over public walkwaywhere local experience indicates applianceflue gas vapor or condensate creates a nuisanceor hazard.c. Minimum three (3) feet above any forced airinlet located within ten (10) feet.d. Power Vent - Minimum four (4) feet below, four(4) feet horizontally from, or four (4) feet aboveany door, window, or gravity air inlet.9

B. General Guidelines1. Vent system installation must be in accordance withPart 7, Venting of Equipment of the National FuelGas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, or Section 7,Venting Systems and Air Supply for Appliances ofthe CAN/CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane InstallationCode, or applicable provisions of the localbuilding codes.2. Contact local building or fire officials about restrictionsand installation inspection in your area.3. Refer to the appropriate drawings in this section ofthis manual to determine the proper configuration ofventing system (Figures 2 thru 11). The vent systemshall be installed in accordance with the instructionslisted in this manual.4. This appliance requires a Special Gas Vent. Theproduct is designed to use AL 29-4C ® Stainless Steelor other Stainless Steel material approved for condensingflue gas applications. The water heaters areshipped with an AL 29-4C ® vent adapter to directlyconnect to Heat Fab Saf-T-Vent. The use of alternatemanufacturer’s venting systems will requireadapters. These adapters are not supplied with thisunit and should be obtained from the supplier of thealternate venting system.5. The venting system must be installed so as toprevent accumulation of condensate. Horizontalvent pipe must maintain a minimum ¼ inch per footslope down towards water heater.a. Do not manifold condensate drains.b. A common condensate sump/pump may be used.Run separate condensate piping from each ventdrain to the sump. A common drain may be usedto discharge condensate from the sump.Consult sump/pump manufacturer for compatibilityof materials of construction with flue gascondensate. If a common sump/pump is used,individual vent drain lines must be connectedsuch that one drain pipe cannot back feed intoanother vent drain.c. Consult local authorities regarding disposal offlue gas condensate into public waste water system.Some jurisdictions require that the condensatebe buffered before discharge. This bufferingis commonly achieved by draining the condensatethrough a limestone bed. Consult chemicaltreatment company for buffering systems.6. Use noncombustible ¾ inch pipe strap to supporthorizontal runs and maintain vent location andslope while preventing sags in pipe. Do not restrictthermal expansion or movement of vent system.Maximum support spacing is five (5) feet. Do notpenetrate any part of the vent system with fasteners.7. Vent length restrictions are based on equivalentlength of vent/air pipe (total length of straight pipeplus equivalent length of fittings). Maximum vent/air lengths are listed in Table 0. Do not exceedmaximum vent/air intake lengths. Refer to ventmanufacturer’s recommendations for the equivalentlength of fittings.Table 0: Vent & Air Intake Length<strong>Water</strong>HeaterModelVent/Air IntakeMinMaxPipe Dia.ft. ft. In.SOL-500 5 78 68. Provide and maintain vent pipe minimum clearancesto combustible materials. Vent pipe minimum clearanceto combustible material is four (4) inches whenvent is installed in a fully enclosed (chase) applicationor three (3) inches when vent is installed withat least one side open, similar to a joist bay application.Use double wall thimble when penetrating acombustible wall. Some examples of Wall thimblemanufactures are American Metal Products, Hart &Cooley, and Metal Fab.9. Do not install venting system components on the exteriorof the building except as specifically requiredby these instructions. The vent termination locationis restricted as follows:a. The minimum distance from adjacent publicwalkways, adjacent buildings, openable windowsand building openings shall not be lessthan those values specified in the National FuelGas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 and/or CAN/CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane InstallationCode.b. Minimum twelve (12) inches above grade plusnormally expected snow accumulation level, orseven (7) feet above grade if located adjacent topublic walkway. Do not install over public walkwaywhere local experience indicates applianceflue gas vapor or condensate creates a nuisanceor hazard.c. Minimum three (3) feet above any forced airinlet located within ten (10) feet.d. Power Vent - Minimum four (4) feet below, four(4) feet horizontally from, or four (4) feet aboveany door, window, or gravity air inlet.9

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