Write down what went wrong and what you did about it in your diary.

Write down what went wrong and what you did about it in your diary. Write down what went wrong and what you did about it in your diary.


Check itIt is recommended that fridges and chilled displayequipment should be set at 5˚C or below.This is to make sure that chilled food is kept at 8˚Cor below. This is a legal requirement in England,Wales and Northern Ireland.In Scotland, the regulations do not set a specifictemperature for cold foods, but foods that needto be chilled should be kept in the fridge or otherchilling equipment.You should check the temperature of your chillingequipment at least once a day starting with youropening checks (see the ‘Opening and closing checks’safe method in the Management section).How do you do this?Some equipment will have a digital display or dial toshow what temperature it is set at. You can use thisto check the temperature of your equipment.If you do this, you should check regularly that thetemperature shown on the display/dial is accurateusing a fridge thermometer.How do you check the temperature of chillingequipment?Fridge: Digital display/dial ThermometerChilled display unit: Digital display/dialThermometerIf you do not do this, what do you do?Think twice!Chilled food must be kept at 8˚C or below, except for certain exceptions.When you display cold food, e.g. on a buffet, you should use suitable chilled display equipment to keep it at8˚C or below. If this is not possible, you can display food out of chilled storage for up to four hours. You canonly do this once.After this time, you should either put the food back in the fridge and keep it at 8˚C or below until it is used,or throw it away.If you do take food out of chilled storage to display it, remember not to mix new food with the food that isalready on display. This could lead to the older food being left out for too long.Prove itIf you would like extra reassurance that your chilling equipment is working effectively, you can use a temperatureprobe to check food as a one-off test to prove that your method keeps food at a safe temperature. (See the‘Prove it’ safe method in the Management section for advice on using probes safely.)What to do if things go wrong• If your fridge or display equipment breaks down,use other equipment, or move the food to acold area. If you cannot do this, or you do not knowhow long the equipment has been broken down,contact the environmental health service at yourlocal authority for advice.• If food on display has not been kept chilled for morethan four hours, throw it away.Remember that some foods need extra care.See the safe method ‘Foods that need extra care’in the Cooking section.How to stop this happening again• Review your chilled display method and see ifyou can make it safer (using the front of this sheet).• Train staff again on this safe method.• Improve staff supervision.• If you have frequent problems with your chillingequipment, consider whether it is suitable for yourbusiness. Generally, commercial equipment will bemore suitable for catering.DiaryWrite down what went wrong and what you did about it in your diary.DiaryCH2/09-06

Safe method:Chilling down hot foodHarmful bacteria can grow in food thatis not chilled down as quickly as possible.Safety pointIf you have cooked food that you will not serveimmediately, chill it down as quickly as possibleand then put it in the fridge.Avoid cooking large quantities of food in advance,unless you need to.Why?Harmful bacteria can grow in food thatis left to chill slowly.Large quantities of food are more difficultto chill down quickly, especially solid food.Options for chillingdown food (You canuse one or more of these)Divide food into smaller portions.Cover pans of hot food and standthem in cold water.Stir food regularly whileit is chilling down.Why?Smalleramounts offood chill downmore quickly.The cold watermakes thecontents ofthe pans chillmore quickly.Stirring helpsfood chill moreevenly.Tickif youdo thisCover hot food and move itto a colder area (e.g. a larder).Food will chillmore quickly ina colder place.If you have a ‘cool’ settingon your oven, use it to chilldown food.Use a blast chiller to chilldown food.If you have another method ofchilling down hot food, writethe details here:Some ovens have a ‘cool’ setting, which can help tochill down food by increasing the air flow around it.(The oven should be cool first.)A blast chiller is specially designed to chill down hot foodsquickly and safely.

Safe method:Chill<strong>in</strong>g <strong>down</strong> hot foodHarmful bacteria can grow <strong>in</strong> food thatis not chilled <strong>down</strong> as quickly as possible.Safety po<strong>in</strong>tIf <strong>you</strong> have cooked food that <strong>you</strong> will not serveimmediately, chill <strong>it</strong> <strong>down</strong> as quickly as possible<strong>and</strong> then put <strong>it</strong> <strong>in</strong> the fridge.Avoid cook<strong>in</strong>g large quant<strong>it</strong>ies of food <strong>in</strong> advance,unless <strong>you</strong> need to.Why?Harmful bacteria can grow <strong>in</strong> food thatis left to chill slowly.Large quant<strong>it</strong>ies of food are more difficultto chill <strong>down</strong> quickly, especially solid food.Options for chill<strong>in</strong>g<strong>down</strong> food (You canuse one or more of these)Divide food <strong>in</strong>to smaller portions.Cover pans of hot food <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>them <strong>in</strong> cold water.Stir food regularly while<strong>it</strong> is chill<strong>in</strong>g <strong>down</strong>.Why?Smalleramounts offood chill <strong>down</strong>more quickly.The cold watermakes thecontents ofthe pans chillmore quickly.Stirr<strong>in</strong>g helpsfood chill moreevenly.Tickif <strong>you</strong>do thisCover hot food <strong>and</strong> move <strong>it</strong>to a colder area (e.g. a larder).Food will chillmore quickly <strong>in</strong>a colder place.If <strong>you</strong> have a ‘cool’ sett<strong>in</strong>gon <strong>you</strong>r oven, use <strong>it</strong> to chill<strong>down</strong> food.Use a blast chiller to chill<strong>down</strong> food.If <strong>you</strong> have another method ofchill<strong>in</strong>g <strong>down</strong> hot food, wr<strong>it</strong>ethe details here:Some ovens have a ‘cool’ sett<strong>in</strong>g, which can help tochill <strong>down</strong> food by <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g the air flow around <strong>it</strong>.(The oven should be cool first.)A blast chiller is specially designed to chill <strong>down</strong> hot foodsquickly <strong>and</strong> safely.

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