Write down what went wrong and what you did about it in your diary.

Write down what went wrong and what you did about it in your diary. Write down what went wrong and what you did about it in your diary.


ChillingChilling food properly helps to stop harmful bacteriafrom growing.Some foods need to be kept chilled to keep them safe,such as milk and cream, desserts, cooked food, food witha ‘use by’ date and food that says ‘keep refrigerated’ onthe label.This section tells you about storing and displaying chilledfood, chilling down hot food, freezing and defrosting.CH1/09-06

Safe method:Chilled storage anddisplaying chilled foodHarmful bacteria can grow in food that is not chilled properly.Safety pointWhy?How do you do this?Certain foods need to be kept chilledto keep them safe e.g.• food with a ‘use by’ date• food that says ‘keeprefrigerated’ on the label• food you have cooked andwill not serve immediately• ready-to-eat food such assalads and dessertsIf these types offood are not keptcold enough harmfulbacteria could grow.Do you check regularlythat these types offood are kept chilled?YesIf not, what do you do?Make sure that you do notuse food after its ‘use by’ date.For dishes you have preparedor cooked, it is a good idea touse stickers, or another methodof labelling, to keep track ofwhen food should be usedor thrown away.If you are not sure how long to keepfood, ask your environmental healthservice for advice.Food with ‘useby’ dates, cookeddishes and otherready-to-eat foodshave a limited shelflife. If you keepthem too longthey might notbe safe to eat.How do you keep trackof when food should beused or thrown away?Follow the manufacturer’sinstructions on how to usefridges and chilled displayequipment.It is importantto use equipmentproperly to makesure food is keptcold enough.Do you followthe manufacturer’sinstructions forusing your:Fridge?Chilled display unit?If not, what do you do?• Pre-cool the display unit beforeyou put chilled food in it.• Only display as much foodas you think you will need.• Display food for theshortest time possible.You could also:• Use a ‘dummy’ portion fordisplay (which will not be eaten).• Use photographs to showcustomers what the foodlooks like.It is important tokeep chilled foodcold while it is ondisplay to preventharmful bacteriafrom growing inthe food.What do you do tomake sure chilled foodis displayed safely?

Chill<strong>in</strong>gChill<strong>in</strong>g food properly helps to stop harmful bacteriafrom grow<strong>in</strong>g.Some foods need to be kept chilled to keep them safe,such as milk <strong>and</strong> cream, desserts, cooked food, food w<strong>it</strong>ha ‘use by’ date <strong>and</strong> food that says ‘keep refrigerated’ onthe label.This section tells <strong>you</strong> <strong>about</strong> stor<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> display<strong>in</strong>g chilledfood, chill<strong>in</strong>g <strong>down</strong> hot food, freez<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> defrost<strong>in</strong>g.CH1/09-06

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