Write down what went wrong and what you did about it in your diary.

Write down what went wrong and what you did about it in your diary. Write down what went wrong and what you did about it in your diary.


Who should take charge of the pack?The person who is responsible for the day-to-dayrunning of the business is the best person to workthrough the pack.It is a good idea to involve other staff to help thepack work in your business.How does the pack work?The pack contains sheets for you to work through andcomplete. These are called ‘safe methods’.It also contains a diary for you to fill in every day andwrite down anything different that happens, includinganything that goes wrong.CIN1/09-06

How to use the safe methodsFrontThe ‘Safety point’ column highlights things that areimportant to make food safely.The ‘Why?’ column tells you why the safety pointis important.The ‘How do you do this?’ column is for you to writedown what you do.In some places you only need to tick a box and inother places write a small amount.Pictures help to illustrate the safety points.Sometimes the pictures are marked with one of these symbols: = right = wrongBackSome safe methods have a ‘Check it’ section, whichtells you what to look for to make sure your methodhas worked.The ‘What to do if things go wrong’ column givespractical tips on how to tackle problems.The ‘How to stop this happening again’ column tellsyou how you can prevent problems.If things go wrong, write down what happened andwhat you did in your diary. Each safe method remindsyou to do this.

Who should take charge of the pack?The person who is responsible for the day-to-dayrunn<strong>in</strong>g of the bus<strong>in</strong>ess is the best person to workthrough the pack.It is a good idea to <strong>in</strong>volve other staff to help thepack work <strong>in</strong> <strong>you</strong>r bus<strong>in</strong>ess.How does the pack work?The pack conta<strong>in</strong>s sheets for <strong>you</strong> to work through <strong>and</strong>complete. These are called ‘safe methods’.It also conta<strong>in</strong>s a <strong>diary</strong> for <strong>you</strong> to fill <strong>in</strong> every day <strong>and</strong>wr<strong>it</strong>e <strong>down</strong> anyth<strong>in</strong>g different that happens, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>ganyth<strong>in</strong>g that goes <strong>wrong</strong>.CIN1/09-06

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