Write down what went wrong and what you did about it in your diary.

Write down what went wrong and what you did about it in your diary. Write down what went wrong and what you did about it in your diary.


Type of pestCockroachesSigns of pestsEggs and egg cases, moulted ‘skins’,the insects themselves, droppingsAntsSmall piles of sand or soil, the insectsthemselves, flying ants on hot daysBirdsFeathers, droppings, nests, noise,the birds themselvesBeetles and weevilsMoving insects, particularly indry food, small maggotsWhat to do if things go wrongIf you see signs of a pest infestation, call a pestcontractor immediately. Write the contact details foryour pest contractor on the Contacts list in the diary.If you think any equipment, surfaces or utensilshave been touched by pests, they should be washed,disinfected and dried to stop harmful bacteriafrom spreading.If you think food has been touched by pestsin any way, throw it away.How to stop this happening again• Make your pest checks more frequent.• Improve staff training on recognising signs of pestsand encourage them to report problems immediately.• If you have persistent problems with pests, consideremploying a pest contractor, if you do not haveone already.DiaryWrite down what went wrong and what you did about it in your diary.DiaryThink twice!Never let pest control bait/chemicals, including sprays, come into contact with food, packaging, equipment orsurfaces, because they are likely to be poisonous to people.Manage it• Make sure no food or dirty plates etc. are left out at night – these are a source of food for pests.• Make sure that checks for pests are carried out regularly.• Put reminders of when to check for pests in your diary.• If you have a pest contractor, keep a record of their contact details and visits in your diary, as well as anyfeedback or action points they recommend. Make a note of when you have carried these out.CC5/09-06

Safe method:MaintenanceEffective maintenance is essential to allowyou to clean properly and keep pests out.Safety pointRepair structural damage assoon as it happens e.g.damp/chipped plaster, brokentiles, holes in walls or windows.Why?Structural damage can make yourpremises harder to clean and canattract pests.Check extractor fans andfilters regularly to make surethey are working properly andare free from grease and dirt.Replace chopping boards thatare scratched, pitted or scored.This is to make sure the fans andfilters can do their job properly.Dirt and harmful bacteria cancollect in any areas where theboard is not smooth.Repair or replace anyequipment or utensils that aredamaged or have loose parts.Dirt and harmful bacteria can collectin damaged equipment/utensils.Loose parts may fall into food.Throw away any cracked orchipped dishes and othertableware.Dirt and harmful bacteria can collectin cracks or chips.Make sure your cooking,hot holding and chillingequipment is well maintainedand working properly.Temperature probes shouldbe checked regularly tomake sure their readingsare accurate.If it does not work properly, foodmay not be kept safe.If your probe is not accurate, thenit will not give a reliable measure ofwhether food is at a safe temperature.(See the ‘Prove it’ safe method in theManagement section.)

Type of pestCockroachesSigns of pestsEggs <strong>and</strong> egg cases, moulted ‘sk<strong>in</strong>s’,the <strong>in</strong>sects themselves, dropp<strong>in</strong>gsAntsSmall piles of s<strong>and</strong> or soil, the <strong>in</strong>sectsthemselves, fly<strong>in</strong>g ants on hot daysBirdsFeathers, dropp<strong>in</strong>gs, nests, noise,the birds themselvesBeetles <strong>and</strong> weevilsMov<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>sects, particularly <strong>in</strong>dry food, small maggotsWhat to do if th<strong>in</strong>gs go <strong>wrong</strong>If <strong>you</strong> see signs of a pest <strong>in</strong>festation, call a pestcontractor immediately. <strong>Wr<strong>it</strong>e</strong> the contact details for<strong>you</strong>r pest contractor on the Contacts list <strong>in</strong> the <strong>diary</strong>.If <strong>you</strong> th<strong>in</strong>k any equipment, surfaces or utensilshave been touched by pests, they should be washed,dis<strong>in</strong>fected <strong>and</strong> dried to stop harmful bacteriafrom spread<strong>in</strong>g.If <strong>you</strong> th<strong>in</strong>k food has been touched by pests<strong>in</strong> any way, throw <strong>it</strong> away.How to stop this happen<strong>in</strong>g aga<strong>in</strong>• Make <strong>you</strong>r pest checks more frequent.• Improve staff tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g on recognis<strong>in</strong>g signs of pests<strong>and</strong> encourage them to report problems immediately.• If <strong>you</strong> have persistent problems w<strong>it</strong>h pests, consideremploy<strong>in</strong>g a pest contractor, if <strong>you</strong> do not haveone already.Diary<strong>Wr<strong>it</strong>e</strong> <strong>down</strong> <strong>what</strong> <strong>went</strong> <strong>wrong</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>what</strong> <strong>you</strong> <strong>did</strong> <strong>about</strong> <strong>it</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>diary</strong>.DiaryTh<strong>in</strong>k twice!Never let pest control ba<strong>it</strong>/chemicals, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g sprays, come <strong>in</strong>to contact w<strong>it</strong>h food, packag<strong>in</strong>g, equipment orsurfaces, because they are likely to be poisonous to people.Manage <strong>it</strong>• Make sure no food or dirty plates etc. are left out at night – these are a source of food for pests.• Make sure that checks for pests are carried out regularly.• Put rem<strong>in</strong>ders of when to check for pests <strong>in</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>diary</strong>.• If <strong>you</strong> have a pest contractor, keep a record of their contact details <strong>and</strong> vis<strong>it</strong>s <strong>in</strong> <strong>you</strong>r <strong>diary</strong>, as well as anyfeedback or action po<strong>in</strong>ts they recommend. Make a note of when <strong>you</strong> have carried these out.CC5/09-06

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