Personnel Licensing Requirements - Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal

Personnel Licensing Requirements - Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal Personnel Licensing Requirements - Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal
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CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALAircraft maintenance license without type rating (LWTR) An aircraft maintenancelicense LWTR) issued by the licensing authority endorsed with categories but not with typeratings. This license, when accompanied with type rating document, shall meet the intent <strong>of</strong>full privileges <strong>of</strong> AME license as given in the ICAO annex 1.Air Traffic: all aircraft in flight or operating on the manoeuvring area <strong>of</strong> an aerodrome.Air Traffic Control Clearance: authorization for an aircraft to proceed under conditionsspecified by an Air Traffic Control Unit.Air Traffic Control Service: a service provided for the purpose <strong>of</strong>:• preventing collisions:• between aircraft, and• on the manoeuvring area between aircraft and obstructions; and• Expediting and maintaining an orderly flow <strong>of</strong> air traffic.Air Traffic Control Unit: a generic term meaning variously, Area Control Centre, ApproachControl Unit or aerodrome control tower.Air Traffic Service: a generic term meaning variously, flight information service, alertingservice, Air Traffic Advisory Service, Air Traffic Control Service (Area Control Service,Approach Control Service or Aerodrome Control Service).Airway: a control area or portion there<strong>of</strong> established in the form <strong>of</strong> a corridor.Alerting Service: a service provided to notify appropriate organisations regarding aircraft inneed <strong>of</strong> search and rescue aid, and assist such organisations as required.Alert Phase: a situation wherein apprehension exists as to the safety <strong>of</strong> an aircraft and itsoccupants.Alternate Aerodrome: an aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed when it becomeseither impossible or inadvisable to proceed to or to land at the aerodrome <strong>of</strong> intended landing.alternate aerodromes include the following:• Take-Off Alternate. An alternate aerodrome at which an aircraft can land should thisbecome necessary shortly after take-<strong>of</strong>f and it is not possible to use the aerodrome <strong>of</strong>departure.• En-Route Alternate. An aerodrome at which an aircraft would be able to land afterexperiencing an abnormal or emergency condition while en route.• Destination Alternate. An alternate aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed shouldit become either impossible or inadvisable to land at the aerodrome <strong>of</strong> intended landing.Altitude: the vertical distance <strong>of</strong> a level, a point or an object considered as a point, measuredfrom mean sea level.Aircraft — type <strong>of</strong>. All aircraft <strong>of</strong> the same basic design including all modifications theretoexcept those modifications which result in a change in handling or flight characteristics.Aircraft – similar type <strong>of</strong>. All aircraft <strong>of</strong> the same basic design including modificationsthereto except those modifications, which result in a change in handling or flightcharacteristics._______________________________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION- 2 -

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALAirmanship. The consistent use <strong>of</strong> good judgement and well-developed knowledge, skillsand attitudes to accomplish flight objectives.Airship. A power-driven lighter-than-air aircraft.Air Operator Certificate means an Air Operator Certificate (AOC) as a certificateauthorizing an operator to carry out specified commercial air transport operations.AME logbook is a verifiable record <strong>of</strong> maintenance and engineering activities <strong>of</strong> a person.Approach Control Service: air traffic control service for arriving or departing controlledflights.Approach Control Unit: a unit established to provide air traffic control service to controlledflights arriving at, or departing from, one or more aerodromes.Appropriate ATS <strong>Authority</strong>: the relevant authority designated by the state responsible forproviding air traffic services in the airspace concerned.Apron: a defined area, on a land aerodrome, intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes<strong>of</strong> loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance.Area Control Centre: a unit established to provide Air Traffic Control Service to controlledflights in control areas under its jurisdiction.Area Control Service: Air Traffic Control Service for controlled flights in control areas.ATS Route: a specified route designed for channelling the flow <strong>of</strong> traffic as necessary for theprovision <strong>of</strong> Air Traffic Services.Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS): the automatic provision <strong>of</strong> current,routine information to arriving and departing aircraft throughout 24 hours or a specifiedportion there<strong>of</strong>:• Data Link-Automatic Terminal Information Service (D-ATIS). The provision <strong>of</strong> ATIS viadata link.• Voice-Automatic Terminal Information Service (Voice-ATIS). The provision <strong>of</strong> atis bymeans <strong>of</strong> continuous and repetitive voice broadcasts.Approved maintenance organization. (AMO) An organization approved by a contractingstate, in accordance with the requirements <strong>of</strong> Annex 6, Part 1, Chapter 8 — aeroplanemaintenance, to perform maintenance <strong>of</strong> aircraft or parts there<strong>of</strong> and operating undersupervision approved by that state. Note. — Nothing in this definition is intended to precludethat the organization and its supervision be approved by more than one state.Approved training. Training conducted under special curricula and supervision approved bya contracting state that, in the case <strong>of</strong> flight crew members, is conducted within an approvedtraining organization.Approved by the authority means approved by the Director General, CAAN or his/herdelegated representative.Approved person means a person approved in writing by an authorized person as adesignated examiner / instructor.Approved training program means a training program established by an operator andapproved by the competent authority._______________________________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION- 3 -

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALArticle 32 (Chicago Convention). (Licenses <strong>of</strong> personnel) The pilot <strong>of</strong> every aircraft andthe other members <strong>of</strong> the operating crew <strong>of</strong> every aircraft engaged in international navigationshall be provided with certificates <strong>of</strong> competency and licenses issued or rendered valid by theState in which the aircraft is registered.Each contracting State reserves the right to refuse to recognize, for the purpose <strong>of</strong> flightabove its own territory, certificates <strong>of</strong> competency and licenses granted to any <strong>of</strong> its nationalsby another contracting State.Article 33 (Chicago Convention). (Recognition <strong>of</strong> Certificates and Licenses) Certificates <strong>of</strong>Airworthiness and certificates <strong>of</strong> competency and licenses issued or rendered valid by thecontracting State in which the aircraft is registered, shall be recognized as valid by the othercontracting States, provided that the requirements under which such certificates or licenseswere issued or rendered valid are equal to or above the minimum standards which may beestablished from time to time pursuant to this Convention.ATS surveillance service: A term used to indicate a service provided directly by means <strong>of</strong>an ATS surveillance systemATS surveillance system : A generic term meaning variously, ADS-B, PSR, SSR or anycomparable ground-based system that enables the identification <strong>of</strong> aircraft.Authorised person. Authorised person mean a person authorized by the operator in writingto communicate on personnel licensing matters with the licensing <strong>of</strong>fice.<strong>Authority</strong> means the Director General <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong>.<strong>Aviation</strong> Training Organization is a training organization approved by the <strong>Authority</strong>; andwhose training is acceptable to the <strong>Authority</strong> for the purposes <strong>of</strong> issue, renewal andrevalidation <strong>of</strong> a license, certificate, rating or an endorsement.Base Turn: a turn executed by the aircraft during the Initial Approach between the end <strong>of</strong> theoutbound track and the beginning <strong>of</strong> the intermediate or Final Approach track. The tracks arenot reciprocal.Basic Rating the first endorsements <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> the ATC ratings <strong>of</strong> any ATS unit/airport onthe license <strong>of</strong> an ATCO.Balloon. A non-power-driven lighter-than-air aircraft. For the purposes <strong>of</strong> this regulation, thisdefinition applies to free balloons.CAAN means <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong>.CAAN Inspector means a licensing <strong>of</strong>ficer/inspector or an operations inspector inaccordance with the prescribed qualification.Cabin crew a crew member who performs, in the interest <strong>of</strong> safety <strong>of</strong> passengers, dutiesassigned by the operator or the pilot-in-command <strong>of</strong> the aircraft; but who shall not act as aflight crew member.Cabin Crew Certificate (CCC) is an authorization issued by the licensing authority to acabin crew to exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> a cabin crew._______________________________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION- 4 -

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALCategory (basic) a particular area <strong>of</strong> aircraft/equipment identified for maintenance purposes.Certify as airworthy (to). To certify that an aircraft or parts there<strong>of</strong> comply with currentairworthiness requirements after maintenance has been performed on the aircraft or partsthere<strong>of</strong>.Certificate Of Airworthiness (C OF A) means a Certificate Of Airworthiness issued to anaircraft by the airworthiness directorate subject to meeting the prescribed airworthinessrequirements.Change-Over Point: the point at which an aircraft navigating on an ATS route segmentdefined by reference to Very High Frequency Omni Directional Radio ranges (VORs) isexpected to transfer its primary navigational reference from the facility behind the aircraft tothe next facility ahead <strong>of</strong> the aircraft.Check pilot means designated check pilot,Clearance Limit: the point to which an aircraft is granted Air Traffic Control Clearance.Company authorized person a person nominated by the company to communicate withCAA on licensing matters on behalf <strong>of</strong> the company.Control Area: a controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above theearth.Controlled Aerodrome: an aerodrome at which Air Traffic Control Service is provided toaerodrome traffic.Controlled Airspace: an airspace <strong>of</strong> defined dimensions within which Air Traffic ControlService is provided in accordance with the airspace classification.Controlled Flight: any flight, which is subject to an Air Traffic Control Clearance.Control Zone: a controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface <strong>of</strong> the earth to aspecified upper limit.Cruising Level: a level maintained during a significant portion <strong>of</strong> a flight.Commercial air transport operation. An aircraft operation involving the transport <strong>of</strong>passengers, cargo or mail for remuneration or hire.Competency. A combination <strong>of</strong> skills, knowledge and attitudes required to perform a task tothe prescribed standard.Competency element. An action that constitutes a task that has a triggering event and aterminating event that clearly defines its limits, and a servable outcome.Competency unit. A discrete function consisting <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> competency elements.Competent authority means the Director General, CAAN or a person authorized by the DG.Contracting State means a state that is a member state <strong>of</strong> the ICAO.Co-pilot. A licensed pilot serving in any piloting capacity other than as pilot-in-command butexcluding a pilot who is on board the aircraft for the sole purpose <strong>of</strong> receiving flightinstruction.Credit. Recognition <strong>of</strong> alternative means or prior qualifications.Cross-Country. A flight between a point <strong>of</strong> departure and a point <strong>of</strong> arrival following a preplannedroute using standard navigation procedures._______________________________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION- 5 -

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALDangerous Goods Articles or substances which are capable <strong>of</strong> posing significant risk tohealth, safety or property when transported by air.Designated Check ATCO (DCATCO) a CAA ATCO duly designated by the licensingauthority for the assessment <strong>of</strong> ATCOs for the purpose <strong>of</strong> issue, renewal and revalidation <strong>of</strong>ATC license or ratings.Designated Check Pilot means an approved person who may conduct tests and checks onbehalf <strong>of</strong> the CAAN. His privileges may include those <strong>of</strong> a training pilot.Designated Examiner means a person authorized to conduct a skill test on behalf <strong>of</strong> theCAAN where typically a CAAN <strong>Licensing</strong> Officer/Inspector is required. Unlike the DCP,Designated Examiner is not a permanent position.Distress Phase: a situation wherein there is reasonable certainty that an aircraft and itsoccupants are threatened by grave and imminent danger or require immediate assistance.Dry, wet and damp lease. For regulatory purposes, the two basic types <strong>of</strong> aircraft leases aredry leases, where the aircraft is leased without crew, and wet leases, where the aircraft isleased with crew. Wet leases with partial crew are sometimes referred to as damp leases.Downstream Clearance: a clearance issued to an aircraft by an Air Traffic Control Unit thatis not the current controlling authority <strong>of</strong> that aircraft.Dual controls means an arrangement <strong>of</strong> ground, flight and engine controls such that eitherpilot can operate the aircraft in a normal or conventional manner during ground and flightoperations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nose wheel steering is excepted where an aircraftis designed to have nose wheel steering operated only from the left seat.Dual instruction time. Flight time during which a person is receiving flight instruction froma properly authorized pilot on board the aircraft.Dual flight instruction time (P-3) means flight time during which a pilot is receiving flightinstruction from a properly authorized or rated flight instructor pilot on board a dual controlaircraft.Dual instrument flight instruction time (P-3) means time during which a pilot is piloting anaircraft solely by reference to instruments under instruction from a properly authorized orrated flight instructor pilot.Emergency Phase: a generic term meaning, as the case may be, uncertainty phase, alertphase or distress phase.Error. An action or inaction by the flight crew that leads to deviations from organizational orflight crew intentions or expectations.Error management. The process <strong>of</strong> detecting and responding to errors with countermeasuresthat reduce or eliminate the consequences <strong>of</strong> errors, and mitigate the probability <strong>of</strong> furthererrors or undesired aircraft states.ETOPS means extended twin engine operation.Experimental aircraft mean an uncertified flying machine._______________________________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION- 6 -

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALEvaluation flight means flight conducted to evaluate the performance and pr<strong>of</strong>iciency level<strong>of</strong> a person as appropriate to the license or rating applied for.Examination means written and/or oral test <strong>of</strong> theoretical knowledge.Final Approach: that part <strong>of</strong> an Instrument Approach Procedure which commences at thespecified Final Approach Fix or point, or where such a fix or point is not specified,• at the end <strong>of</strong> the last procedure turn, base turn or inbound turn <strong>of</strong> a racetrack procedure, ifspecified; or• at the point <strong>of</strong> interception <strong>of</strong> the last track specified in the approach procedure; and endsat a point in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> an aerodrome from which:• a landing can be made; or• A Missed Approach Procedure is initiated.Flight Check means a test <strong>of</strong> theoretical and practical knowledge and skill.Flight crew member. A licensed crew member charged with duties essential to the operation<strong>of</strong> an aircraft during a flight duty period.Flight Dispatcher means FOO/FD or flight operations <strong>of</strong>ficer.Flight Information Centre: a unit established to provide flight information service andalerting service.Flight Information Region: an airspace <strong>of</strong> defined dimensions within which FlightInformation Service and Alerting Service are provided.Flight Information Service: a service provided for the purpose <strong>of</strong> giving advice andinformation useful for the safe and efficient conduct <strong>of</strong> flights.Flight Instructor (FI) means a flight instructor who can conduct pilot training, within thescope <strong>of</strong> his privileges.Flight Level: a surface <strong>of</strong> constant atmospheric pressure which is related to a specificpressure datum, 1013.2 hectopascals (hpa), and is separated from other such surfaces byspecific pressure intervals.Flight Plan: specified information provided to Air Traffic Services Units, relative to anintended flight or portion <strong>of</strong> a flight <strong>of</strong> an aircraft.Flight Test means flight check.Flight Time means the total time from the moment an aircraft first moves under its ownpower for the purpose <strong>of</strong> taking <strong>of</strong>f until the moment at which it comes to rest at the end <strong>of</strong> aflight.Flight time — aeroplanes. The total time from the moment an aeroplane first moves for thepurpose <strong>of</strong> taking <strong>of</strong>f until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end <strong>of</strong> the flight. Note.— flight time as here defined is synonymous with the term “block to block” time or “chockto chock” time in general usage which is measured from the time an aeroplane first moves forthe purpose <strong>of</strong> taking <strong>of</strong>f until it finally stops at the end <strong>of</strong> the flight._______________________________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION- 7 -

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALFlight time — helicopters. The total time from the moment a helicopter’s rotor blades startturning until the moment the helicopter finally comes to rest at the end <strong>of</strong> the flight, and therotor blades are stopped.FRTO means Flight Radio Telephony Operator’s license endorsed on all types <strong>of</strong> pilot'slicenses; the privileges <strong>of</strong> this license have been included in the main license privileges.FTO means an aviation training organization conducting flying training/courses for the issue<strong>of</strong> flight crew Licenses and certificates.Glider. A non-power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly fromaerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions <strong>of</strong> flight.Glider flight time. The total time occupied in flight, whether being towed or not, from themoment the glider first moves for the purpose <strong>of</strong> taking <strong>of</strong>f until the moment it comes to restat the end <strong>of</strong> the flight.GTO means an aviation training organization conducting the ground training/courses for theissuance <strong>of</strong> Licenses and certificates <strong>of</strong> persons other that flight crew.Height: the vertical distance <strong>of</strong> a level, a point or an object considered as a point, measuredfrom a specified datum.Helicopter. A heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight chiefly by the reactions <strong>of</strong> the airon one or more power-driven rotors on substantially vertical axes.Human performance. Human capabilities and limitations which have an impact on thesafety and efficiency <strong>of</strong> aeronautical operations.IMC: the symbol used to designate Instrument Meteorological Conditions.Incident: an occurrence, other than an accident, associated with the operation <strong>of</strong> an aircraftwhich affects or could affect the safety <strong>of</strong> operation.Instrument means a device using an internal mechanism to show visually or aurally theattitude, altitude, or operation <strong>of</strong> an aircraft or aircraft part. It includes electronic devices forautomatically controlling an aircraft in flight.Instrument flight time. Time during which a pilot is piloting an aircraft solely by referenceto instruments and without external reference points.Instrument ground time. Time during which a pilot is practicing, on the ground, simulatedinstrument flight in a synthetic flight trainer approved by the licensing authority.Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC): meteorological conditions expressed interms <strong>of</strong> visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling, less than the minima specified for VisualMeteorological Conditions.Instrument time. Instrument flight time or instrument ground time.Lessor and Lessee. Lessor means the party from which the aircraft is leased; the term lesseemeans the party to which the aircraft is leased. For example, if Air Carrier A leases an aircraftto Air Carrier B, Air Carrier A is the lessor and Air Carrier B is the lessee._______________________________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION- 8 -

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALMedical Examiner. A physician with training in aviation medicine and practical knowledgeand experience <strong>of</strong> the aviation environment, who is designated by the licensing authority toconduct medical examinations <strong>of</strong> fitness <strong>of</strong> applicants for licenses or ratings for whichmedical requirements are prescribed.Microlight : means a mechanism, engine, appliance, apprartus, contraption and piece <strong>of</strong>equipment, device or an instrument.Microlight Competency Certificate (MCC) : means a certificate issued by the licensingauthority for piloting an uncertified flying machine below 600 kg. An uncertified flyingmachine above 600 kg shall be piloted by the holder <strong>of</strong> a PPL <strong>of</strong> a higher license.Microlight Organization (MO) : means an organization , approved by the licensingauthority that conducts and monitors the activities <strong>of</strong> the microlights, including which areregistered with it; and the operating crew.MNPS means minimum navigation performance specifications.Movement Area: that part <strong>of</strong> an aerodrome to be used for the take-<strong>of</strong>f, landing and taxiing <strong>of</strong>aircraft, consisting <strong>of</strong> the manoeuvring area and the apron(s).Multi-Crew Cooperation means the methodologies and techniques used to operate a multicrewaircraft.Multi-Pilot Operation Aircraft (MPA) means an aircraft manufactured by the manufacturerfor multi-pilot operation or certificated by the CAAN for multi-pilot operation in accordancewith nature and type <strong>of</strong> operation.Night. The hours between the end <strong>of</strong> evening civil twilight and the beginning <strong>of</strong> morningcivil twilight or such other period between sunset and sunrise, as may be prescribed by theappropriate authority. <strong>Civil</strong> twilight ends in the evening when the centre <strong>of</strong> the sun’s disc is 6degrees below the horizon and begins in the morning when the centre <strong>of</strong> the sun’s disc is 6degrees below the horizon.NOTAM: a notice distributed by means <strong>of</strong> telecommunication containing informationconcerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service,procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge <strong>of</strong> which is essential to personnel concerned withflight operations.Operational Flight Plan’ means the operator’s plan for the safe conduct <strong>of</strong> the flight basedon considerations <strong>of</strong> aircraft performance, other operating limitations and relevant expectedconditions on the route to be followed and at the aerodromes concerned.OJT a system <strong>of</strong> on the job training conducted by an approved person in an approvedorganization.OJT instructor (OJTI) an ATCO, with an OJTI endorsement on ATC license, authorized tosupervise and conduct on job training <strong>of</strong> ATCOs._______________________________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION- 10 -

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALOperational control means the authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion ortermination <strong>of</strong> a flight in the interest <strong>of</strong> the safety <strong>of</strong> the aircraft and the regularity andefficiency <strong>of</strong> the flight.Operational Flight Plan (OFP) means specified information provided to a pilot-incommandrelative to an intended flight or series <strong>of</strong> flights or portion <strong>of</strong> a flight from onedestination to another destination.Performance criteria. A simple, evaluative statement on the required outcome <strong>of</strong> thecompetency element and a description <strong>of</strong> the criteria used to judge if the required level <strong>of</strong>performance has been achieved.Personal License means a license or a certificate issued to a person under <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong>Regulations.PELR <strong>Personnel</strong> <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Requirements</strong>.<strong>Personnel</strong> licensing <strong>of</strong>fice means a centralized and a harmonized personnel licensing <strong>of</strong>fice,functioning under the licensing authority, for the implementation <strong>of</strong> the SARPS contained inthe Annex 1 and its related ICAO Documents. In the case <strong>of</strong> CAAN, it shall mean the<strong>Licensing</strong> and Examination Division.Pilot-In-Command. The pilot designated by the operator, or in the case <strong>of</strong> General <strong>Aviation</strong>,the owner, as being in command and charged with the safe conduct <strong>of</strong> a flight.Pilot-In-Command Under Supervision. Co-pilot performing, under the supervision <strong>of</strong> thepilot-in-command, the duties and functions <strong>of</strong> a pilot-in-command, in accordance with amethod <strong>of</strong> supervision acceptable to the <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong>.Pilot (to). To manipulate the flight controls <strong>of</strong> an aircraft during flight time.Pilot Integrated Course means an integrated pilot license course comprising ppl, CPL, IR incontinuation. The duration <strong>of</strong> the course shall begin from the date <strong>of</strong> the issuance <strong>of</strong> theStudent Pilot License.Powered-lift. A heavier-than-air aircraft capable <strong>of</strong> vertical take-<strong>of</strong>f, vertical landing, andlow speed flight that depends principally on engine-driven lift devices or engine thrust for thelift during these flight regimes and on non-rotating aer<strong>of</strong>oil(s) for lift during horizontal flight.Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency Test• Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency test means the checking <strong>of</strong> the required pr<strong>of</strong>iciency in an operationalassignment against a prescribed criterion.• Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency test is more stringent than the basic skill test; and is accepted in lieu <strong>of</strong>the skill test for licensing purposes.Problematic Use <strong>of</strong> Substances. the use <strong>of</strong> one or more psychoactive substances by aviationpersonnel in a way that:• constitutes a direct hazard to the user or endangers the lives, health or welfare <strong>of</strong>others; and/or• causes or worsens an occupational, social, mental or physical problem or disorder.Psychoactive Substances. Alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, sedatives and hypnotics, cocaine,other psycho-stimulants, hallucinogens, and volatile solvents, whereas c<strong>of</strong>fee and tobacco areexcluded._______________________________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION- 11 -

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALQuality assurance means all those planned and systematic actions necessary to provideadequate confidence that all training activities satisfy given standards and requirements,including the ones specified by the approved training organization in relevant manuals.Quality audit means a systematic and independent examination to determine whether qualityactivities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether thesearrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives.Quality manual means the Document containing the relevant information pertaining to theapproved training organization’s quality assurance system.Quality System. Documented organizational procedures and policies; internal audit <strong>of</strong> thosepolicies and procedures; management review and recommendation for quality improvement.Radiotelephony: a form <strong>of</strong> radio communication primarily intended for the exchange <strong>of</strong>information in the form <strong>of</strong> speech.Rated Air Traffic Controller. An Air Traffic Controller holding a license and valid ratingsappropriate to the privileges to be exercised.Rating an authorization entered on or associated with a license or certificate and forming partthere<strong>of</strong>, stating conditions, privileges or limitations pertaining to such license or certificate.Recent practical maintenance experience for purposes <strong>of</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> aircraft maintenancelicense (LWTR), is the experience period upto the date <strong>of</strong> application for issue <strong>of</strong> LWTR.Recent practical experience for extension <strong>of</strong> categories is counted from the date <strong>of</strong>application for endorsement <strong>of</strong> the last category.Repair the restoration <strong>of</strong> an aeronautical product to an airworthiness condition to ensure thatthe aircraft continues to comply with the design aspects <strong>of</strong> the appropriate airworthinessrequirements used for the issuance <strong>of</strong> the type certificate for the respective aircraft type, afterit has been damaged or subjected to wear.Rendering (a license) valid the action taken by CAA, as an alternative to issuing its ownlicense, in accepting a license issued by any other contracting state as an equivalent <strong>of</strong> itsown licenseReporting Point: a specified geographical location in relation to which the position <strong>of</strong> anaircraft can be reported.Recognized Flight Time means flight time that is:• in the case <strong>of</strong> flight time in an aeroplane – flown by the holder <strong>of</strong> an aeroplanepilot license or a student pilot license as pilot-in-command or in dual flying; and• in the case <strong>of</strong> flight time in a helicopter – flown by the holder <strong>of</strong> a helicopter pilotlicense or a student pilot license as pilot-in-command or in dual flying; and• in the case <strong>of</strong> flight time in a powered-lift – flown by the holder <strong>of</strong> a powered-liftpilot license or a student pilot license as pilot-in-command or in dual flying; and• in the case <strong>of</strong> flight time in an airship – flown by the holder <strong>of</strong> an airship pilotlicense or a student pilot license as pilot-in-command or in dual flying; and_______________________________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION- 12 -

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL• in the case <strong>of</strong> flight time in a glider, power assisted glider or self-launching gliderflownby the holder <strong>of</strong> a glider pilot license or a student pilot license as pilot-incommandor in dual flying; and• in the case <strong>of</strong> flight time in a recreational vehicle – as specifically approved by theauthority, and• Balloon time.Registered Aircraft means an aircraft registered in a Contracting State.Rendering (a license) valid. The action taken by a contracting state, as an alternative toissuing its own license, in accepting a license issued by any other contracting state as theequivalent <strong>of</strong> its own license.Runway: a defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take<strong>of</strong>f<strong>of</strong> aircraft.Runway Visual Range (RVR): the range over which the pilot <strong>of</strong> an aircraft on the centreline <strong>of</strong> a runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway oridentifying its centre line.RVSM means reduced vertical separation minima.Safety Management System A systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessaryorganizational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures.State Safety Programme An integrated set <strong>of</strong> regulations and activities aimed at improving safety.SIGMET Information: information issued by a meteorological watch <strong>of</strong>fice concerning theoccurrence or expected occurrence <strong>of</strong> specified en-route weather phenomena which mayaffect the safety <strong>of</strong> aircraft operations.Significant Point: a specified geographical location used in defining an ATS route or theflight path <strong>of</strong> an aircraft and for other navigation and ATS purposes.Special VFR Flight: a VFR flight cleared by Air Traffic Control to operate within a controlzone in meteorological conditions below VMC.Sign a Maintenance Release (to). To certify that maintenance work has been completedsatisfactorily in accordance with the applicable standards <strong>of</strong> airworthiness, by issuing theMaintenance Release referred to in Annex 6.Significant. In the context <strong>of</strong> the medical provisions, significant means to a degree or <strong>of</strong> anature that is likely to jeopardize flight safety.Solo flight time. Flight time during which a student pilot is the sole occupant <strong>of</strong> an aircraft.Solo Flight means when the person acting as a pilot is the sole occupant <strong>of</strong> the aeroplane,helicopter, balloon, glider or a Microlight.State <strong>of</strong> Registry means a State on whose register the aircraft is entered.State <strong>of</strong> the Operator means a State in which the operator's principal place <strong>of</strong> business islocated or, if there s no such place <strong>of</strong> business, the operator's permanent residence or the Statewhich is the hub <strong>of</strong> its corporate activity.Synthetic Flight Instructor (SFI) means Synthetic Flight Instructor who may conduct pilottype training on Synthetic Flight Trainer for aircraft <strong>of</strong> weight category <strong>of</strong> above 5700 kg._______________________________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION- 13 -

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALSynthetic Flight Trainer. any one <strong>of</strong> the following three types <strong>of</strong> apparatus in which flightconditions are simulated on the ground:• a Flight Simulator, which provides an accurate representation <strong>of</strong> the flight deck <strong>of</strong> aparticular aircraft type to the extent that the mechanical, electrical, electronic, etc. aircraftsystems control functions, the normal environment <strong>of</strong> flight crew members, and theperformance and flight characteristics <strong>of</strong> that type <strong>of</strong> aircraft are realistically simulated;• a Flight Procedures Trainer, which provides a realistic flight deck environment, andwhich simulates instrument responses, simple control functions <strong>of</strong> mechanical, electrical,electronic, etc. aircraft systems, and the performance and flight characteristics <strong>of</strong> aircraft<strong>of</strong> a particular class;• a Basic Instrument Flight Trainer, which is equipped with appropriate instruments, andwhich simulates the flight deck environment <strong>of</strong> an aircraft in flight in instrument flightconditions.Track: the projection on the earth’s surface <strong>of</strong> the path <strong>of</strong> an aircraft, the direction <strong>of</strong> whichpath at any point is usually expressed in degrees from North (True, Magnetic or Grid).Trainee technician card (TTC) a card issued by the licensing authority authorizing theholder to work under supervision and acquire on the job training/experience in maintenancerelated work dealing with aircraft and/or its equipment.Transfer Agreement means a bilateral agreement between the state <strong>of</strong> operator and the state<strong>of</strong> registry <strong>of</strong> aircraft/state <strong>of</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> license; where some, all or none <strong>of</strong> functions have beentransferred from the state <strong>of</strong> registry <strong>of</strong> aircraft/state <strong>of</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> license to the state <strong>of</strong>operator.Temporary Permit temporary permit is a specific authorization issued by the licensing<strong>of</strong>fice to an applicant who has lost his ATCL or the license has expired; and the applicantwishes to meet the revalidation requirement to revalidate the license/rating.Terminal Control Area: a control area normally established at the confluence <strong>of</strong> ATS routesin the vicinity <strong>of</strong> one or more major aerodromes.Tethered Flight means a flight in a captive balloon <strong>of</strong> at least 5 minutes.Tethered Flight Time means the moment a balloon tethered to the surface becomes airborneuntil the envelope is deflated after landing.Threat. Events or errors that occur beyond the influence <strong>of</strong> the flight crew, increaseoperational complexity and which must be managed to maintain the margin <strong>of</strong> safety.Threat Management. The process <strong>of</strong> detecting and responding to the threats withcountermeasures that reduce or eliminate the consequences <strong>of</strong> threats, and mitigate theprobability <strong>of</strong> errors or undesired aircraft states.Uncertainty Phase: a situation wherein uncertainty exists as to the safety <strong>of</strong> an aircraft andits occupants.VFR: the symbol used to designate the Visual Flight Rules.VFR Flight: a flight conducted in accordance with the Visual Flight Rules.Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC): meteorological conditions expressed in terms <strong>of</strong>visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling, equal to or better than specified minima._______________________________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION- 14 -

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALVMC: the symbol used to designate Visual Meteorological Conditions.Waypoint: a specified geographical location used to define an area navigation route or theflight path <strong>of</strong> an aircraft employing area navigation. waypoints are identified as either:• Fly-By Waypoint. a waypoint which requires turn anticipation to allow tangentialinterception <strong>of</strong> the next segment <strong>of</strong> a route or procedure, or• Flyover Waypoint. A waypoint at which a turn is initiated in order to join thenext segment <strong>of</strong> a route or procedure._______________________________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION- 15 -

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1. CAAN REFERENCESThis regulation has to be read in conjunction with other related regulations as under:1.1. <strong>Nepal</strong>ese Flying School <strong>Requirements</strong> (NFSR)1.2. Flight Operations <strong>Requirements</strong> Instruction (FOR) Aeroplane, Helicopter andGeneral <strong>Aviation</strong>1.3. <strong>Nepal</strong>ese <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> Airworthiness <strong>Requirements</strong> (NCAR)1.4. Aeronautical Information Publications <strong>Nepal</strong> (AIP)1.5. Air Traffic Control Manual1.6. <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> Regulations, 20581.7. Procedure for PELR1.8. Dangerous Goods Handling <strong>Requirements</strong> (DGHR)1.9. Medical <strong>Requirements</strong>_______________________________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION- 1 -



CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.1 UPDATE STATUSPELR is updated to the latest amendment <strong>of</strong> ICAO ANNEX 1.1.2 ATTACHMENTSReserved.1.3 STATE LEGISLATION1.3.1 The state regulatory function <strong>of</strong> `personnel licensing’ in aviation shall bebacked by the state legislation at the highest level i.e. CAR 2058 and <strong>Civil</strong><strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> Act, 2053.1.4 LICENSING AUTHORITY1.4.1 The Director General <strong>of</strong> <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong> shall issue and renewlicenses and ratings subject to such conditions as he thinks fit in the interest <strong>of</strong>flight safety, authorizing the holder to act as a member <strong>of</strong> a flight crew <strong>of</strong> anaircraft registered in <strong>Nepal</strong>, when he is satisfied that the applicant for a licenseor a rating is a fit person to hold the license or rating and is qualified by reason<strong>of</strong> his knowledge, experience, competence, skill and physical and mental fitnessto act in the capacity authorized by the license or rating; for that purpose theapplicant shall furnish such evidence and undergo such examinations and testsas the Director General may require <strong>of</strong> him.1.4.2 A license granted by the Director General shall entitle the holder to suchprivileges and be subject to such conditions and limitations as may be specifiedby the Director General.1.4.3 The Director General Shall grant licenses, subject to such conditions as hethinks fit, upon his being satisfied that the applicant is a fit person to hold thelicense and is qualified by reason <strong>of</strong> his knowledge, experience, competence,skill and mental and physical fitness to act in the capacity to which the licenserelates and for that purpose the applicant shall furnish such evidence andundertake such examinations and tests as the Director General may specify.1.4.4 The Director General is authorized to amend this requirement as an whennecessary.1.5 REGULATIONS MAKING PROCEDURE AND ITS AMENDMENTS1.5.1 <strong>Licensing</strong> and Examination Division shall follow the following procedure forregulation making: Ascertain the need for a new regulation. Prepare the initial draft <strong>of</strong> the regulation from the available contentfrom the ICAO Annexes and related ICAO Documents. Study the regulations on the subject <strong>of</strong> other contracting states,manufacturers and related organizations. Study the related government regulations for any limitations orconditions.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 3

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.5.1.5 Fill the gaps in the ICAO guidance material by adopting andadapting from regulations from other states, manufacturers andrelated organizations. Dispatch the initial draft to Director General and other relateddepartments in the <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Authority</strong>. Finalize the initial draft in light <strong>of</strong> the feedback. Dispatch the revised draft to the end users in the industry, operatorsand organizations for comments if necessary. Finalize the revised draft in light <strong>of</strong> the feedback. Send the final draft to the Director General for approval. Once approved, dispatch the regulation to other relateddepartments <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> and governmentbodies (as appropriate); and to the end users in the public i.e.operators and organizations. Place the regulation on the <strong>of</strong>ficial website. Maintain a record <strong>of</strong> the recipients. Give a reasonable time to the end users for its effective date <strong>of</strong>implementation. Monitor its efficacy and make any amendments/revisions, ifrequired. Repeat the same procedure for the amendments in regulation withamendment in Annex-1.1.6 AUTHORITY TO ACT AS FLIGHT CREW1.6.1 A person shall not act as a flight crew member <strong>of</strong> an aircraft unless a validlicense or certificate is held showing compliance with the prescribedspecifications and appropriate to the duties to be performed by that person.1.7 AUTHORITY TO ACT AS AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE PERSON1.7.1 A person shall not carry out any aircraft maintenance work, as a maintenanceperson, unless he holds a valid Trainee Technician Card or an AML-LWTR(License Without Type Rating) or an LWTR and a Type Rating showingcompliance with the prescribed specifications and appropriate to the duties tobe performed by that person.1.8 AUTHORITY TO ACT AS AN ATCO1.8.1 A person shall not be involved in the controlling <strong>of</strong> aircraft as an Air TrafficController unless he holds a valid Air Traffic Controller License, workingunder the supervision <strong>of</strong> a rated Controller, Shift-Incharge (SIC), Supervisoror OJTI and showing compliance with the prescribed specifications andappropriate to the duties to be performed by that person.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 4

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.9 AUTHORITY TO ACT AS FOO/FD1.9.1 A person shall not dispatch an aircraft as a Flight Operations Officer/FlightDispatcher unless he holds a valid license or certificate showing compliancewith the prescribed specifications and appropriate to the duties to beperformed by that person.1.10 AUTHORITY TO ACT AS CABIN CREW1.10.1 A person shall not act as a Cabin Crew, unless a valid license/certificate isheld showing compliance with the prescribed specifications and appropriate tothe duties to be performed by that person.1.11 POSSESSION AND PRODUCTION OF LICENSES / CERTIFICATES1.11.1 The operating crew <strong>of</strong> an aircraft, Flight Operation Officers, Air TrafficControllers, Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and holders <strong>of</strong> Cabin CrewCertificates or Trainee/Student Authorizations are required to be in possession<strong>of</strong> the license or certificate while on duty, except where the license is with thelicensing authority for a licensing action.1.11.2 When the license or certificate is with the licensing authority for a licensingaction, a License Deposit Certificate or Authorization Letter issued by CAANmay be carried. This procedure may be followed only in domestic operations.On international flights, only original valid document shall be carried.1.11.3 A valid Medical Certificate and Crew Competency Card appropriate to thelicense or certificate shall be carried along with the license or certificate.1.11.4 A license or certificate holder shall produce his license or certificate whenasked by an authorized CAAN <strong>of</strong>ficial (licensing <strong>of</strong>ficer/inspector) whileexercising the privileges <strong>of</strong> license or certificate.1.11.5 The licensing authority shall have a provision for the applicants to initiate thelicensing action within 90 days prior to the expiry <strong>of</strong> license or certificate. Thenew validity period shall begin from the original date <strong>of</strong> expiry <strong>of</strong> the licenseor certificate. This 90 day window has been given to facilitate the operators toarrange and adjust the checks which should not fall together for a largenumber <strong>of</strong> license or certificate holders; and which are dependent on factorssuch as the availability and booking <strong>of</strong> simulators and availability <strong>of</strong> the checkpersons etc.1.12 PERSONNEL LICENSING PROCESS - GENERAL1.12.1 a license, certificate or a rating shall be issued subject to the applicant havingmet the following conditions: Flight Training Organizations / Ground Training Organizationsapproved by the CAAN.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 5

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.12.1.2 Basic ground courses approved by CAAN. Basic flying courses approved by CAAN. Flight Simulation Training Devices approved by CAAN. Chief Flight Instructors, Flight Instructors, Chief GroundInstructors and Ground Instructors approved by CAAN. Instructors, as applicable in Flight Crew, Air Traffic Services,AME, FOO and Cabin Crew approved by CAAN. Check persons for Skill Tests / Oral Tests in Flight Crew, AirTraffic Services, AME, FOO and Cabin Crew approved by CAAN. Applicant meets the age requirement. Applicant meets the educational requirement. No Objection Certificate/Letter, wherever applicable, is available. Security clearance, wherever applicable, is available. Applicant meets the prescribed medical standard. Applicant meets the English language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency requirement. Applicant has `satisfactorily’ completed the ground course. Applicant has `satisfactorily’ completed the flying course, whereapplicable. Applicant has `satisfactorily’ completed the On Job Training,where applicable. Applicant has `satisfactorily’ completed the prescribed experience. Applicant has passed the `CAAN written examinations’. Applicant has passed the `CAAN oral tests’, where applicable. Applicant has passed the `CAAN skill tests’, as applicable. Applicant has paid the prescribed `fee’ to CAAN.1.13 APPROVED TRAINING/TRAINING ORGANIZATION1.13.1 <strong>Licensing</strong> authority shall ensure that all elements <strong>of</strong> basic training areapproved in accordance with the prescribed requirements and records <strong>of</strong> allsuch approvals are made.1.13.2 Formal approval procedures, records and documentation shall also beapplicable to all outsourced (other contracting states) training organizations,instructors, check persons and documents.1.13.3 The approval <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Aviation</strong> Training Organizations, comprising the FlyingTraining Organizations and Ground Training Organizations, involved in thebasic training for the issuance <strong>of</strong> licenses/certificates shall be in accordancewith the prescribed requirements.1.13.4 At least one monitoring audit <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Aviation</strong> Training Organization shall beconducted annually by licensing authority to keep the approval status valid.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 6

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.13.5 The approvals shall be granted on prescribed form and the licensing authorityshall maintain a record <strong>of</strong> the approval process and approval certificates.1.13.6 Approved Persons1.13.6.1 Under mentioned persons shall be accorded approval before they canexercise the privileges on behalf <strong>of</strong> the licensing authority: Head <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Aviation</strong> Training Organization. Chief Flying Instructor (CFI) Chief Ground Instructor (CGI) Instructors (Flying, AML, ATCL, Cabin, FOO courses) Designated Check Pilot. (DCP) Designated Check Flight Engineer (DCFE) Designated Check Air Traffic Controller (DCATC) Designated Check Cabin Crew (DCCC) Designated Examiner (DE) Designated/Approved Person1.13.7 Approved Training Program/Training Device1.13.7.1 Under mentioned training program, document or device shall beaccorded approval by licensing authority before being utilized for theconduct <strong>of</strong> training : Training and Procedures Manual1. Training Program. Training Syllabus1. Flight Simulation Training Devices1. ATC Simulation Training Devices1.13.8 Approved <strong>Aviation</strong> Training Organizations1.13.8 Under mentioned training organizations shall be accorded approval bylicensing authority before commencing the training: Ground Training Organization (all categories). Flight Training Organization (all categories). ATCO OJT Training Organization. Cabin Crew Ground Training Organization. AML (LWTR) OJT/Experience Organization. FOO OJT Training Organization.1.14 Approval Certificate/Authorization Letter (Persons)1.14.1 The format for the Approval Certificates issued to the persons shouldcontain the following information: name <strong>of</strong> the person1.14.1.2 address and location <strong>of</strong> the organization where currentlyemployed.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 7

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.14.1.3 type and number <strong>of</strong> license or certificate held by the person1.14.1.4 privileges <strong>of</strong> approval certificate/Authorization Letter1.14.1.5 reference <strong>of</strong> relevant ICAO document1.14.1.6 reference <strong>of</strong> relevant CAAN regulations1.14.1.7 quote approval by other contracting State, if applicable1.14.1.8 limitations <strong>of</strong> certificate1.14.1.9 conditions attached, if any1.14.1.10 Validity period <strong>of</strong> approval certificate. issuing authority1.14.2 Renewal1.14.2.1 The certificate may be renewed subject to a monitoring reportby the CAAN. In the case <strong>of</strong> foreign nationals, a copy <strong>of</strong> the renewed licenseor certificate issued by the CAA <strong>of</strong> the State <strong>of</strong> issuance and acopy <strong>of</strong> the current Work Permit issued by the Department <strong>of</strong>Labor. Either the certificate may contain space for renewal entries or afresh certificate can be issued every time.1.15 FLIGHT SIMULATION TRAINING DEVICES1.15.1 under mentioned categories shall be used for the approval <strong>of</strong> Flight SimulationTraining Devices: Type I1.15.1.3 Type II1. E-training and part tasking devices that have thefollowing characteristics: involve accessories beyond those normally associatedwith desktop computers, such as functional replicas <strong>of</strong> athrottle quadrant, a side stick controller, or an FMSkeypad; and1. Involve psychomotor activity with appropriate application<strong>of</strong> force and timing <strong>of</strong> responses. A Flight Simulation Training Device that represents ageneric turbine-powered aeroplane. This requirement can be met by a Flight SimulationTraining Device equipped with a daylight visual systemand otherwise meeting at a minimum the specificationsequivalent to FAA FTD Level 5, or JAA FNPT II,MMC.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 8

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.15.1.4 Type III1.15.1.5 Type IV1. A flight simulation training device that represents amulti-engine turbine-powered aeroplane certificated fora crew <strong>of</strong> two pilots with enhanced daylight visualsystem and equipped with an autopilot. The requirement can be met by a flight simulationtraining device equipped with a daylight visual systemand otherwise meeting at a minimum the specificationsequivalent to a Level B simulator as defined in JARSTD 1A, as amended, including Alternate Means <strong>of</strong>Compliance (AMOC), as permitted in AC 12040B.[Some previously evaluated Level A Full Flightsimulators that have been approved for training andchecking with the required manoeuvres may be used.] Fully equivalent to a Level D Flight Simulator or to aLevel C Flight Simulator with an enhanced daylightvisual system. The requirement can be met by a Flight SimulationTraining device meeting at a minimum thespecifications equivalent to a Level C and Level Dsimulator as defined in JAR STD 1A, as amended; andin FAA AC 120-40B, as amended, including AlternateMeans <strong>of</strong> Compliance (AMOC), as permitted in AC120-4B.1.15.2 The licensing <strong>of</strong>fice shall maintain a record <strong>of</strong> the approval <strong>of</strong> the flightsimulation training devices.1.15.3 The licensing <strong>of</strong>fice shall factor in the quality <strong>of</strong> training device whileassessing the training imparted and the skill test conducted.1.15.4 Only the training and skill test conducted on type IV training device shallentitle the applicant to meet the actual aircraft take and landing requirementsduring the `Under Supervision’ revenue flights.1.16 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS1.16.1 Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Date <strong>of</strong> Birth/Nationality1.16.1.1 When making an application for grant <strong>of</strong> a license or a certificate, anapplicant shall produce such evidence <strong>of</strong> date <strong>of</strong> birth and nationality(citizenship) as required by the licensing authority.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 9

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.16.2 Change <strong>of</strong> Name1.16.2.1 Name <strong>of</strong> the applicant shall be taken from the citizenship oreducational certificate. for changing the name on a license, under mentioned procedure shallbe applicable:a) an amended certificate <strong>of</strong> secondary school or an equivalenteducational certificate; orb) new citizenship card issued by the state, passport and any otherevidence required by the licensing authority1.16.3 Loss <strong>of</strong> License / Certificate1.16.3.1 Where a holder has misplaced a license or a certificate, he/she isrequired to meet the following requirements for the issue <strong>of</strong> aduplicate license/certificate:a) submit an application to the <strong>Licensing</strong> and ExaminationDivision with the following documents:i) Copy <strong>of</strong> police report.1.16.4 Issue <strong>of</strong> duplicate License/Certificateii) Copy <strong>of</strong> newspaper cutting mentioning the loss <strong>of</strong>license that if the original license is found, it shall bereturned to the <strong>Authority</strong>.iii) Fee voucher for issue <strong>of</strong> a duplicate license. In case the license/certificate is mutilated and unusable, and theapplicant wishes to get a new issued, the applicant shall submit anapplication along with the necessary fee voucher. an annotation will be stamped on the first page on the duplicatelicense/certificate issued, as under: "DUPLICATE” A person found guilty <strong>of</strong> having intentionally mutilating, altering ormisplacing a license/certificate is guilty <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>fence under the civilaviation regulations; and is liable for a disciplinary action under theregulations.1.17 THE 60-65 YEARS RULE1.17.1 Holder <strong>of</strong> a pilot license shall not act as Pilot-In-Command or as a co-pilot <strong>of</strong>an aircraft engaged in commercial air transport operations if the license holderhas attained the 60th birthday or, in the case <strong>of</strong> operations with more than onepilot where the other pilot is younger than 60 years <strong>of</strong> age, their 65th birthday.1.17.2 Holder <strong>of</strong> pilot license having attained their 65 th birthday shall not be permittedto exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> license in commercial air transport operations.1.17.3 Prescribed medical and licensing restrictions shall apply.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 10

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.18 DEFERMENT OF MEDICAL EXAMINATION1.18.1 the prescribed re-examination <strong>of</strong> a license/certificate holder operating in anarea distant from designated medical examination facilities may be deferred atthe discretion <strong>of</strong> the licensing authority, provided that such deferment shallonly be made as an exception and shall not exceed: a single period <strong>of</strong> six months in the case <strong>of</strong> a flight crew member <strong>of</strong>an aircraft engaged in non-commercial operations; two consecutive periods each <strong>of</strong> three months in the case <strong>of</strong> a flightcrew member <strong>of</strong> an aircraft engaged in commercial operationsprovided that in each case a favourable medical report is obtainedafter examination by a designated medical examiner <strong>of</strong> the areaconcerned or in cases where such a designated medical examiner isnot available, by a physician legally qualified to practice medicine inthat area. a report <strong>of</strong> the medical examination shall be sent to thelicensing authority where the license was issued; In the case <strong>of</strong> a private pilot, a single period not exceeding 24 monthswhere the medical examination is carried out by an examinerdesignated in which the applicant is temporarily located. A report <strong>of</strong>the medical examination shall be sent to the licensing authoritywhere the license was issued.1.19 MEDICAL VALIDITY:A medical assessment shall become current on the date it is issued and shall expire:1.19.1 in the case <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong> a Private Pilot License, on the last day <strong>of</strong> thesixtieth month (the holder whose age is 40 years or more-24 months or theholder whose age is 50 years or more-12 months) after the month in whichthe assessment was issued;1.19.2 in the case <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong> a Commercial Pilot License, on the last day <strong>of</strong> thetwelfth month ( the holder whose age is 40years or more in single crewcommercial airtransport operations – 6 months) after the month in which theassessment was issued;1.19.3 in the case <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong> an Airline Transport Pilot License, on the last day<strong>of</strong> the twelfth month (the holder whose age is 40 years or more in single-crew-6 months or the holder whose age is 60 years or more in multi-crew-6 months)after the month in which the assessment was issued; in the case <strong>of</strong> the holder<strong>of</strong> a Flight Engineer License, on the last day <strong>of</strong> the twelfth month after themonth in which the assessment was issued.1.19.4 in the case <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong> a Flight Engineer License, on the last day <strong>of</strong> thetwelfth month after the month in which the assessment was issued.1.19.5 in the case <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong> a Balloon Pilot License, on the last day <strong>of</strong> thesixtieth month after the month in which the assessment was issued.1.19.6 in the case <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong> a Glider Pilot License, on the last day <strong>of</strong> thesixtieth month after the month in which the assessment was issued.1.19.7 in the case <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong> a Ultra Light Pilot License, on the last day <strong>of</strong> thetwelfth month after the month in which the assessment was issued.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 11

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.19.8 in the case <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong> ATC License, on the last day <strong>of</strong> forty eight monththe holder whose age is 40 years or more 24, the holder whose age is 50 yearsor more 12 months.1.20 MEDICAL UNFITNESS:1.20.1 Temporary Unfitnessa) A person holding a license issued under these requirements which includesa medical assessment, who suffers any personal injury or illness affectinghis capacity to function as member <strong>of</strong> a flight crew throughout a period <strong>of</strong>20 days or more; (or is a woman who becomes pregnant) shall inform theDirector General as soon as possible. On the occurrence <strong>of</strong> such aninjury, illness or pregnancy, the medical assessment shall be deemed to besuspended and shall not again become current until the holder hasundergone such medical examination.b) A person holding a license issued under these requirements which includesa current medical assessment, shall not exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> hislicense if he is aware that his capacity to efficiently perform his duties islikely to be impaired by a decrease in his medical fitness other than onedescribed in sub paragraph (a) above.1.20.2 Permanent Unfitnessa) A license holder who is found unfit to perform his flight duty permanentlyon medical ground shall be declared permanently unfit by Director Generalon the recommendation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> Medical Board (CAMB). Suchperson shall be relieved from flight duty on permanent basis.b) However, if due to new medical invention, such persons recovers fromhis/her unfitness, Director General may consider the person to act as aflight crew on the recommendation <strong>of</strong> CAMB.1.21. REQUIREMENTS OF MEDICAL ASSESSMENTS1.21.1 Detailed medical provisions have been mentioned in Medical Requirement.1.22. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONFor the initial endorsement, the pilot must have an academic qualification <strong>of</strong>Intermediate in Science or equivalent in which the subjects <strong>of</strong> physics and mathematicsare covered.1.23. USE OF PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCES1.23.1 Holders <strong>of</strong> licenses/certificates shall not exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> theirlicenses/certificates and related ratings while under the influence <strong>of</strong> anypsychoactive substance which might render them unable to safely and properlyexercise these privileges.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 12

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.23.2 Holders <strong>of</strong> licenses/certificates shall not engage in any problematic use <strong>of</strong>substances.1.23.3 <strong>Licensing</strong> authority shall ensure, as far as practicable, that alllicense/certificate holders who engage in any kind <strong>of</strong> problematic use <strong>of</strong>substances are identified and removed from their safety-critical functions.Return to the safety-critical functions may be considered after successfultreatment or, in cases where no treatment is necessary, after cessation <strong>of</strong> theproblematic use <strong>of</strong> substances and upon determination that the person’scontinued performance <strong>of</strong> the function is unlikely to jeopardize safety.1.24. MAINTENANCE OF COMPETENCY OF LICENSE/CERTIFICATE1.24.1 <strong>Licensing</strong> authority, having issued a license or certificate, shall ensure that theprivileges granted by that license, or by related ratings, are not exercisedunless the holder maintains competency and meets the prescribedrequirements for recent experience.1.24.2 <strong>Licensing</strong> authority, having issued a license/certificate, shall ensure that othercontracting states are enabled to be satisfied as to the validity <strong>of</strong> the license orcertificate.1.24.3 The maintenance <strong>of</strong> competency <strong>of</strong> flight crew members, engaged incommercial air transport operations, may be satisfactorily established bydemonstration <strong>of</strong> skill during pr<strong>of</strong>iciency flight checks completed inaccordance with Annex Record <strong>of</strong> maintenance <strong>of</strong> competency shall be kept with the CAAN <strong>Licensing</strong>and Examination Division, in the operator’s records and in the flight crewmember’s personal log book and license. (Ref. Attachment No. 4)1.24.5 Flight crew members and Air Traffic Controllers may, to the extent authorizedby the licensing authority, demonstrate their continuing competency in flightsimulation training devices approved by the licensing authority. (ReferenceICAO Doc 9625 - Manual <strong>of</strong> Criteria for the Qualification <strong>of</strong> FlightSimulators).1.25 LICENSES, CERTIFICATES, RATINGS1.25.1 Airline Transport Pilot's License (aeroplane, helicopter, powered-lift)Day/Night, VFR/IFR, SE/ME1.25.2 Commercial Pilot License (aeroplane, helicopter, powered-lift, airship)Day/Night, VFR/IFR, SE/ME1.25.3 Private Pilot's License (aeroplane, helicopter, powered-lift, airship)Day/Night, VFR/IFR, SE/ME1.25.4 Flight Engineer License1.25.5 Flight Operation Officer / Flight Dispatcher License1.25.6 Glider Pilot‘s License1.25.7 Free Balloon Pilot's License1.25.8 Cabin Crew Certificate (for International Operations only)1.25.9 Air Traffic Controllers License1.25.10 Ultra Light Pilot LicenseAmendment No. 3Date : April 08, 2011PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 13

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.26 ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY1.26.1 Aeroplane, helicopter, powered-lift, airship, free balloon, glider, ultralightpilots and those flight navigators who are required to use the radio telephoneaboard an aircraft shall demonstrate the ability to speak and understand thelanguage used for radiotelephony communications.1.26.2 Air traffic controllers shall demonstrate the ability to speak and understand thelanguage used for radiotelephony communications.1.26.3 Flight Engineers should have the ability to speak and understand the languageused for radiotelephony communications.1.26.4 The language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency <strong>of</strong> aeroplane, helicopter, powered-lift, airship, freeballoon, gliders, ultralight pilots and air traffic controllers and aeronauticalstation operators who demonstrate pr<strong>of</strong>iciency below the expert level (Level 6)shall be formally evaluated at intervals in accordance with an individual’sdemonstrated pr<strong>of</strong>iciency level. Those demonstrating language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency at the operational level(Level 4) should be evaluated at least once every three years; and1.26.4.2 That demonstrating language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency at the extended level (Level5) should be evaluated at least once every six years.1.26.5 Formal evaluation is not required for applicants who demonstrate expertlanguage pr<strong>of</strong>iciency, e.g. native and very pr<strong>of</strong>icient non-native speakers witha dialect or accent intelligible to the international aeronautical community.1.26.6 <strong>Licensing</strong> authority shall prescribe procedures for English languagepr<strong>of</strong>iciency testing.1.27 TYPES AND CATEGORIES OF AIRCRAFT1.27.1 A license or certificate shall be valid only for the type(s) and categories <strong>of</strong>aircraft, for which the holder <strong>of</strong> the license has produced satisfactory evidence<strong>of</strong> his/her ability to fly.1.27.2 Type within a particular category <strong>of</strong> aircraft may only be endorsed on a licenseor certificate <strong>of</strong> that category.1.27.3 Each type <strong>of</strong> aircraft shall be endorsed in Group I (P-1) or Group II (P-2) <strong>of</strong> apilot license.1.27.4 Where the licensing authority considers appropriate, it may endorse a group <strong>of</strong>aircraft <strong>of</strong> similar characteristic on the pilot license.1.28 RATING ENDORSEMENTS – GENERALFor the initial endorsement <strong>of</strong> a Rating, revalidation <strong>of</strong> expired Ratings and the reissuance<strong>of</strong> License and/or Ratings, a CAAN observer pilot should be present during thebriefing session and on-board during in-flight phases <strong>of</strong> the check ride if conducted byan Instructor Pilot; however, an observer from CAAN is not required if the check ride isbeing conducted by a Designated Check Pilot.An instructor pilot or DCP shall not conduct the check-ride to the pilot to whom he hasgiven the fight training or as approved by Director General on case to case basis.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 14

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.28.1 AEROPLANE TYPE RATING - PILOTAn Aeroplane type rating will be included in a pilot license when it is firstissued and will authorize the holder to act as pilot-in-command or co-pilot <strong>of</strong> theAeroplane type, or group, on which the holder successfully demonstrates hiscompetence in accordance with the requirement <strong>of</strong> qualifying the issue <strong>of</strong> alicense.Ratings for other Aeroplane types may be included subsequently if the licenseholder submits a current license issued by a Contracting State applicable to thecategory and class <strong>of</strong> an Aeroplane, and,a) successful completion <strong>of</strong> the Ground Class and Flight Test as per the CAANapproved type course satisfies for the endorsement <strong>of</strong> Type Rating: orb) successfully completes an examination <strong>of</strong> his technical/ performanceknowledge <strong>of</strong> the particular Aeroplane type and undergoes a flight trainingand test satisfies for the endorsement <strong>of</strong> type Rating.1.28.2 AEROPLANE TYPE RATING –FLIGHT ENGINEERAn Aeroplane type rating will be included in a Flight Engineer License, ifhe/she has :a) successfully completed an approved particular Aeroplane type courseb) passed a written examination <strong>of</strong> his technical knowledge <strong>of</strong> the Aeroplanetype conducted by CAAN.c) a practical flight test in that type <strong>of</strong> Aeroplane for which rating is sought.1.28.3 HELICOPTER TYPE RATING - PILOTAn Helicopter Type Rating will be included in a pilot license when it is firstissued and will authorize the holder to act as Pilot-in-Command or co-pilot <strong>of</strong>the Helicopter type, or group, on which the holder successfully demonstrateshis/her competence in accordance with the requirement <strong>of</strong> qualifying the issue<strong>of</strong> a license.Ratings for other Helicopter types may be included subsequently if the licenseholder submits a current license issued by a Contracting State applicable to thecategory and class <strong>of</strong> an Helicopter, and,a) upon successful completion <strong>of</strong> the Ground Class and Flight Test as per theCAAN approved type course satisfies for the endorsement <strong>of</strong> Type Rating;orb) successfully completes an examination <strong>of</strong> his/her Technical andPerformance knowledge <strong>of</strong> the particular Helicopter type and undergoes aflight training and test satisfactorily for the endorsement <strong>of</strong> Type Rating.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 15

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.28.4 HELICOPTER TYPE RATING –FLIGHT ENGINEERAn Helicopter type rating will be included in a Flight Engineer License, ifhe/she has :a) successfully completed an approved particular Helicopter type courseb) passed a written examination <strong>of</strong> his/her technical knowledge <strong>of</strong> theHelicopter type conducted by CAAN.c) a practical flight test in that type <strong>of</strong> Helicopter for which rating is sought.1.29 LIMITATIONS ON SIMULTANEOUS FLYING OF MULTIPLE AIRCRAFT1.29.1 Unless otherwise approved by the licensing authority, pilots or a flightengineer engaged in regular public transport operations and charter operationsshall be assigned to pilot on one aircraft type only.1.29.2 <strong>Licensing</strong> authority shall prescribe regulations with regard to the variantswithin the same type <strong>of</strong> aircraft and simultaneous flying <strong>of</strong> similar aircraft.1.30 EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS1.30.1 All written examinations, flight/skill or oral tests for demonstration <strong>of</strong>knowledge and/or skill shall be conducted at such times and places and in amanner determined by the licensing authority.1.30.2 The licensing authority may direct an applicant for any additionalexaminations and tests (written or oral), in addition to the examination andtests prescribed in the relevant parts; if the authority is not satisfied with theconduct/environment <strong>of</strong> the examination or test.1.30.3 An applicant shall abide by all the rules and instructions issued by thelicensing authority from time to time.1.30.4 An applicant shall not make either orally or in writing a statement that is falseor misleading, during an application, for an examination, test or grant <strong>of</strong>license, certificate and rating.1.30.5 A person, who contravenes or fails to comply with any provision <strong>of</strong> the rulesor instructions therein or displays an unsatisfactory conduct in the examinationcenter, including infringement <strong>of</strong> examination instructions; is guilty <strong>of</strong> an<strong>of</strong>fence.1.30.6 Such person shall be liable for disqualification from examination papersincluding papers already cleared. The licensing authority may also restricthim from examination/test for a specified period. For a similar second <strong>of</strong>fence,he/she may be disqualified permanently for any license and certificateexaminations or tests.1.31 ISSUE OF LICENSE ON BASIS OF FOREIGN LICENSE1.31.1 License issued by a non-contracting state shall not be recognized.1.31.2 The licensing authority may issue a local license on the basis <strong>of</strong> the foreignlicense / certificate issued by Contracting State provided applicant passesrelevant licenses (PPL, CPL, ATPL, FE and FOO etc.) examination and airregulations examination.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 16

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.31.3 The license / certificate issued shall not carry privileges beyond the privilegesgranted on the original license / certificate. The license or certificate issuedmay carry restrictions / limitations as deemed appropriate by the licensingauthority.1.31.4 License issued by Contracting State shall be Examined properly for thecompliance <strong>of</strong> Annex 1.In case the original license is not in full compliance with Annex 1, additionalrequirement mentioned in Part 6 & 7 <strong>of</strong> this requirement needs to be fulfilledfor the conversion to <strong>Nepal</strong>i License.1.32 FUNCTIONS OF STATE OF REGISTRY1.32.1 The Convention on international civil aviation allocates to the state <strong>of</strong> registryall safety oversight functions. Where the state <strong>of</strong> registry is unable to fulfill itsresponsibilities when aircraft are leased, chartered or interchanged by anoperator <strong>of</strong> another state, it may delegate to the state <strong>of</strong> the operator, subject toacceptance by the latter state, those functions <strong>of</strong> the state <strong>of</strong> registry that canbe more adequately discharged by the state <strong>of</strong> the operator.1.32.2 In such instance, a `transfer agreement’ shall be reached between the `state <strong>of</strong>registry’ and the `state <strong>of</strong> operator’ , under Article 83 bis <strong>of</strong> the Convention,clearly demarcating the safety oversight functions in areas <strong>of</strong> personnellicensing, operations and airworthiness which are to be implemented by thestate <strong>of</strong> registry and by the state <strong>of</strong> operator. (reference ICAO DOC 9318)1.33 VALIDATION OF A FOREIGN LICENSES1.33.1 A foreign license holder, who does not have a continued requirement to hold alocal license and is required to fly (i.e. training local pilots) or maintain a localregistered aircraft (i.e. newly inducted aircraft), on a short term basis, may beissued with a Validation Certificate in the prescribed manner.1.34 METHOD OF RENDERING A FOREIGN LICENSE / CERTIFICATE VALID1.34.1 A foreign license or certificate issued by another Contracting State may berendered valid by issuing an appropriate authorization. The authorization shallspecify the privileges <strong>of</strong> the license or certificate which are to be accepted as itsequivalent. The validity <strong>of</strong> the authorization shall not extend beyond the period<strong>of</strong> validity <strong>of</strong> the license. The authorization ceases to be valid if the license uponwhich it was issued is revoked or suspended.1.34.2 the authorization shall be given subject to:a) scrutiny <strong>of</strong> the license/certificate;b) scrutiny <strong>of</strong> the medical assessment;c) Verification from the state <strong>of</strong> registry.d) Any other requirement prescribed by the licensing authority in theregulations.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 17

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL1.34.3 A `Validation Certificate’ shall be issued to the foreign license holder to fly alocal registered aircraft.1.34.4 A `Validation Letter’ shall be issued to a foreign license holder to fly a foreignregistered wet leased aircraft with a local operator.1.34.5 The `validation certificate’ or the `validation letter’ shall be carried with theoriginal license while performing the duty.1.34.6 The original foreign license shall be kept valid in accordance with therequirements <strong>of</strong> the state <strong>of</strong> issue.1.34.7 The validity <strong>of</strong> the authorization shall not extend beyond the period <strong>of</strong> validity <strong>of</strong>the original foreign license.1.34.8 The scope <strong>of</strong> the privileges authorized in the `validation certificate’ or the`validation letter’ shall not exceed the privileges granted under the original foreignlicense.1.35 APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSING ACTIONS1.35.1 Issue: an applicant for the initial issue <strong>of</strong> a license, certificate or rating shallsubmit a duly completed application form to the licensing <strong>of</strong>fice. Theapplication shall be accompanied with the required evidence that the applicanthas met all the requirements.1.35.2 Renewal: before the date <strong>of</strong> expiry <strong>of</strong> a validity period, an applicant shallsubmit a duly completed application form to the licensing <strong>of</strong>fice. Theapplication form shall be accompanied with required evidence that theapplicant has met all the renewal requirements.1.35.3 Revalidation: where the validity <strong>of</strong> a license or certificate has not beenrenewed by the date <strong>of</strong> expiry, the validity shall stand lapsed. To restore thevalidity <strong>of</strong> the lapsed license or certificate, holder shall meet the prescribedrevalidation requirements; and submit an application to licensing <strong>of</strong>fice alongwith evidence that all revalidation requirements have been met.1.35.4 Application for renewal <strong>of</strong> licenses should reach at <strong>Licensing</strong> And ExamDivision at least 15 days before the expiry <strong>of</strong> license.1.35.5 The applicant shall give a reasonable time (i.e. at least 7 days not including theday <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> application) to the licensing <strong>of</strong>fice for processing <strong>of</strong> the case.1.36 SPECIFICATION OF LICENSES1.36.1 <strong>Personnel</strong> Licenses or Certificates issued by the licensing <strong>of</strong>fice shall conformto the following specifications:i) Name <strong>of</strong> State (in bold type);ii)iii)iv)Title <strong>of</strong> license (in very bold type);Serial number <strong>of</strong> the license, in Arabic numerals, given by theauthority issuing the license;Name <strong>of</strong> holder in full (in Roman alphabet also if script <strong>of</strong> nationallanguage is other than Roman);PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 18

v) Date <strong>of</strong> birth;vi)vii)viii)ix)CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALAddress <strong>of</strong> holder;Nationality <strong>of</strong> holder;Signature <strong>of</strong> holder;<strong>Authority</strong> and, where necessary, conditions under which the license isissued;x) Certification concerning validity and authorization for holder toexercise privileges appropriate to license and statement <strong>of</strong> medicalvalidity;xi)xii)xiii)xiv)xv)Signature <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficer issuing the license and the date <strong>of</strong> such issue;Seal or stamp <strong>of</strong> authority issuing the license;Ratings, e.g. category, class, type <strong>of</strong> aircraft, airframe, aerodromecontrol, etc.;Remarks, i.e. special endorsements relating to limitations andendorsements for privileges, and from 5 March 2008 an endorsement<strong>of</strong> language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency;Any other details desired by the State issuing the license.1.36.2 FRTOL privileges1.36.2.1 FRTOL privileges is endorsed on the license or certificate, incase separate FRTOL is not being issued.1.36.3 Medical Assessment1.36.3.1 Medical assessment certificate shall be carried separately butthe license or certificate should contain a statement that theprivileges <strong>of</strong> the license or certificate may be exercised subjectto a valid medical assessment.1.36.4 All licenses issued by the CAAN shall be <strong>of</strong> Blue colour.1.37 VARIATION, SUSPENSION AND CANCELLATION1.37.1 Any person who makes a false or misleading statement in his/her logbook orany other documents submitted to the licensing authority is guilty <strong>of</strong> an<strong>of</strong>fence. The person is liable to be penalized under enforcement regulations.1.38 APPEAL1.38.1 An applicant may only appeal against the conduct <strong>of</strong> examinations and notagainst the technical content, therefore it is important that the guidelinescontained within this procedure are adhered to. The licensing authority willhave determine whether the examination was properly conducted.1.38.2 An applicant may appeal against the procedure <strong>of</strong> issuance <strong>of</strong> license and itsrenewal. The licensing authority will conduct investigation <strong>of</strong> licensingprocess.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION1- 19



CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL2.1 REQUIREMENT TO HOLD A PILOT LICENSE2.1.1 A person shall not act either as Pilot-In-Command or as co-pilot <strong>of</strong> an aircraftin any <strong>of</strong> the following categories unless that person is the holder <strong>of</strong> a licenseor certificate issued in accordance with the prescribed provisions in theregulations:a) Aeroplaneb) Helicopterc) Powered-lift.d) Airship <strong>of</strong> a volume <strong>of</strong> more than 4600 cubic metrese) Gliderf) Free Balloong) Ultralight Aircraft2.1.2 An applicant shall, before being issued with any pilot license or rating, meetsuch requirements in respect <strong>of</strong> age, knowledge, experience, flight instruction,skill and medical fitness, as are specified for that license or rating.2.1.3 An applicant for any pilot license or rating shall demonstrate, in a mannerprescribed by the licensing authority, such requirements for knowledge andskill as are specified for that license or rating.2.2 TRANSITIONAL MEASURES RELATED TO THE POWERED-LIFTCATEGORY2.2.1 A type rating for aircraft <strong>of</strong> the powered-lift category may be endorsed on anaeroplane or helicopter pilot license. The endorsement <strong>of</strong> the rating on thelicense shall indicate that the aircraft is part <strong>of</strong> the powered-lift category.2.2.2 The training for the type rating in the powered-lift category shall be completedduring a course <strong>of</strong> approved training. Previous experience <strong>of</strong> the applicant inaeroplane or helicopter, as appropriate, may be taken into consideration whileincorporating all relevant training aspects <strong>of</strong> operating an aircraft <strong>of</strong> thepowered-lift category.2.3 CATEGORY OF AIRCRAFT2.3.1 The category <strong>of</strong> aircraft shall be included in the title <strong>of</strong> the license itself, orendorsed as a category rating on the license.2.3.2 When the holder <strong>of</strong> a pilot license seeks a license for an additional category <strong>of</strong>aircraft, the licensing authority shall issue the license holder with an additionalpilot license for that category <strong>of</strong> aircraft;2.3.3 Category ratings shall be for categories <strong>of</strong> aircraft. Category ratings shall notbe endorsed on a license when the category is included in the title <strong>of</strong> thelicense itself.2.3.4 Any additional category rating endorsed on a pilot license shall indicate thelevel <strong>of</strong> licensing privileges at which the category rating is granted.2.3.5 The holder <strong>of</strong> a pilot license seeking additional category ratings shall meet theprescribed requirements appropriate to the privileges for which the categoryrating is sought.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 3

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL2.4 CLASS AND TYPE RATINGS2.4.1 Class ratings shall be established for aeroplanes certificated for single-pilotoperation and shall comprise:a) single-engine, land;b) single-engine, sea;c) multi-engine, land;d) multi-engine, sea.2.4.1 Class rating shall be established for the helicopters certificated for single-pilotoperations and which have comparable handling, performance and othercharacteristics.2.4.2 Type ratings shall be established for:a) each type <strong>of</strong> aircraft certificated for operation with a minimum crew <strong>of</strong>at least two pilots;b) each type <strong>of</strong> helicopter certificated for single-pilot operation exceptwhere a class rating has been established;c) And any type <strong>of</strong> aircraft whenever considered necessary by thelicensing authority.2.4.3 When an applicant demonstrates skill and knowledge for the initial issue <strong>of</strong> apilot license, the category and the ratings appropriate to the class or type <strong>of</strong>aircraft used in the demonstration shall be entered on the license.2.4.4 A pilot shall not act either as Pilot-In-Command or as co-pilot <strong>of</strong> an aeroplane,helicopter, power-lift, airship, glider and free air balloon unless the holder hasreceived authorization as follows:a) the appropriate class rating specified;b) Or a type rating when required in accordance with the prescribedprovisions.2.4.5 When a type rating is issued limiting the privileges to act as co-pilot, orlimiting the privileges to act as pilot only during the cruise phase <strong>of</strong> the flight,such limitation shall be endorsed on the rating.2.4.6 For the purpose <strong>of</strong> training, testing, or specific special purpose non-revenue,non-passenger carrying flights, special authorization (temporary permit) maybe provided in writing to the license holder by the <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> inplace <strong>of</strong> issuing the class or type rating. This authorization shall be limited invalidity to the time needed to complete the specific flight.2.4.7 A flight crew license shall be valid for the type (s) <strong>of</strong> aircraft on which theholder has demonstrated his technical knowledge and ability to fly.2.4.8 The type(s) <strong>of</strong> aircraft for which a license is valid shall be specified by anendorsement on the license.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 4

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL2.4.9 A pilot or flight engineer license shall not be issued unless the applicant hasqualified for the endorsement <strong>of</strong> at least one aircraft type on the license.2.4.10 Unless authorized by the licensing authority, the aircraft shall be on the stateregister <strong>of</strong> civil aircraft; and in respect <strong>of</strong> which a valid certificate <strong>of</strong>airworthiness has been issued.2.4.11 A pilot desiring an endorsement <strong>of</strong> a type <strong>of</strong> aircraft in which provision is notmade for fully functioning dual controls, shall make application to thelicensing authority for approval to undertake the endorsement training.2.5 REQUIREMENTS FOR ISSUE OF CLASS / TYPE RATING2.5.1 The applicant shall have demonstrated a degree <strong>of</strong> skill appropriate to thelicense in an aircraft <strong>of</strong> the class for which the rating is sought.2.5.2 The applicant shall have received training from a qualified instructor:a) gained, under appropriate supervision, experience in the applicable type <strong>of</strong>aircraft and/or flight simulator in the following:b) normal flight procedures and maneuvers during all phases <strong>of</strong> flight;c) abnormal and emergency procedures and maneuvers in the event <strong>of</strong>failures and malfunctions <strong>of</strong> equipment, such as power plant, systems andairframe;d) where applicable, instrument procedures, including instrument approach,missed approach and landing procedures under normal, abnormal andemergency conditions, including simulated engine failure;e) procedures for crew incapacitation and crew coordination includingallocation <strong>of</strong> pilot tasks;f) crew cooperation and use <strong>of</strong> checklists;g) demonstrated the skill and knowledge required for the safe operation <strong>of</strong> theapplicable type <strong>of</strong> aircraft, relevant to the duties <strong>of</strong> a Pilot-In-Command ora co-pilot as applicable;h) And demonstrated, at the airline transport pilot license level, an extent <strong>of</strong>knowledge determined by the <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong>.i) The applicant shall have demonstrated the skill and knowledge requiredfor the safe operation <strong>of</strong> the applicable type <strong>of</strong> aircraft, relevant to thelicensing requirements and piloting functions <strong>of</strong> the applicant.2.6 USE OF FLIGHT SIMULATION DEVICES FOR SKILL TEST2.6.1 The use <strong>of</strong> a flight simulation training device for performing any maneuverrequired during the demonstration <strong>of</strong> skill for the issue <strong>of</strong> a license or ratingshall be approved by the licensing authority which shall ensure that thesynthetic flight trainer used is appropriate to the task.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 5

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL2.6.2 For the purpose <strong>of</strong> approval <strong>of</strong> synthetic training device, <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong>will inspect and evaluate it, if found satisfactory, will provide approval for itsuse.2.7 FLIGHT SIMULATION TRAINING DEVICES2.7.1 The flight simulation training devices used to gain the experience shall havebeen approved by the <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong>.2.7.2 Flight simulation training devices shall be categorized as follows:2.7.3 Type I2.7.4 Type IIa) E-training and part tasking devices approved by the <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong>that have the following characteristics:b) involve accessories beyond those normally associated with desktopcomputers, such as functional replicas <strong>of</strong> a throttle quadrant, a side stickcontroller, or an FMS keypad; andc) Involve psychomotor activity with appropriate application <strong>of</strong> force andtiming <strong>of</strong> responses.a) A flight simulation training device that represents a generic turbinepoweredaeroplane.b) This requirement can be met by a flight simulation training deviceequipped with a daylight visual system and otherwise meeting at aminimum the specifications equivalent to FAA FTD Level 5, or JAAFNPT II, MCC.2.7.5 Type IIIa) A flight simulation training device that represents a multi-engine turbinepoweredaeroplane certificated for a crew <strong>of</strong> two pilots with enhanceddaylight visual system and equipped with an autopilot.b) This requirement can be met by a flight simulation training deviceequipped with a daylight visual system and otherwise meeting at aminimum the specifications equivalent to a Level B simulator as definedin JAR STD 1A, as amended; and in FAA AC 120-40B, as amended,including Alternate Means <strong>of</strong> Compliance (AMOC), as permitted in AC120-40B. [Some previously evaluated Level A Full Flight Simulatorsthat have been approved for training and checking required manoeuvresmay be used.]2.7.6 Type IVa) Fully equivalent to a Level D Flight Simulator or to a Level C FlightSimulator with an enhanced daylight visual system.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 6

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALb) This requirement can be met by a flight simulation training devicemeeting at a minimum the specifications equivalent to a Level C andLevel D simulator as defined in JAR STD 1A, as amended; and in FAAAC 120-40B, as amended, including Alternate Means <strong>of</strong> Compliance(AMOC), as permitted in AC 120-40B.2.8 CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE INSTRUMENT RATING IS REQUIRED2.8.1 A pilot license holder shall not act either as Pilot-In-Command or as co-pilot<strong>of</strong> an aircraft under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) unless such holder hasreceived proper authorization comprising an instrument rating appropriate tothe aircraft category.Note : The Instrument Rating is included in the Airline Transport Pilot License —aeroplane, multi-crew pilot license and commercial pilot license – airshipcategory; and the provisions do not preclude the issue <strong>of</strong> a license having theInstrument Rating as an integral part there<strong>of</strong>.2.9 STUDENT PILOTS2.9.1 A student pilot shall meet requirements prescribed by the licensing authority.2.9.2 A student pilot shall not fly solo unless under the supervision <strong>of</strong>, or with theauthority <strong>of</strong>, an authorized flight instructor.2.9.3 A student pilot shall not fly solo in an aircraft on an international flight unlessby special or general arrangement are made between the concerned states.2.9.4 A student pilot shall not fly solo unless that student pilot holds a current Class2 medical assessment.2.10 ARCRAFT TYPE TECHNICAL EXAMINATIONa) The validity <strong>of</strong> the Technical Examinations conducted by CAAN shall be valid fora period <strong>of</strong> up to 24 months;b) however, after passing the Examinations, if an applicant has not received TypeTraining on the particular type <strong>of</strong> aircraft within the next 12 months, the personshall undergo a complete ground course and pass an Examination conducted bythe Operator;c) furthermore, if the applicant has not received Type Training on the particularaircraft within 24 months <strong>of</strong> having passed the CAAN examinations, the personshall undertake the complete ground course and pass the CAAN examinationsagain.d) In the case <strong>of</strong> ground trainings and examinations conducted abroad, suchprograms shall normally be monitored by a CAAN Inspector assigned for thepurpose; however, if this is not possible due unforeseen circumstances, CAANreserves the right to conduct its own examinations for the particular Type <strong>of</strong>aircraft prior to type endorsement.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 7

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALe) In case <strong>of</strong> applicant fails in written type examination may not apply for reexaminationuntil 30 days after the date he failed in exam.2.11 SINGLE ENGINE RATINGa) Completed an approved ground course.b) Passed type Technical Examination.c) Completed required number <strong>of</strong> training hours as per Company Training Manual.d) Flight check with CAAN inspector or Designated Check Pilot or DesignatedExaminer.2.12 MULTI-ENGINE RATINGa) Completed an approved ground course.b) Passed type Technical Examinationc) Completed the required training hours including night and instruments (ifapplicable).d) Completed additional training if recommended by the instructor.e) Flight check by CAAN inspector or Designated Check Pilot or DesignatedExaminer.2.13 SKILL TEST/CHECK (AIRCRAFT / SIMULATOR) - GENERAL2.13.1 Generala) A Skill Test/check shall be conducted on a non-revenue flight or anappropriate simulator.b) On small two-seat aircraft, a CAAN Inspector or Designated Check Pilotor Designated Examiner may conduct the check.c) On bigger aircraft, a company employee (DCP, DE) may conduct thecheck which may be monitored by the CAAN Inspector.d) CAAN Inspector conducting the Skill Test shall hold or have heldappropriate category <strong>of</strong> license and shall have the required experience.e) Route checks <strong>of</strong> the commercial operators may be conducted on revenueflights.2.14 SKILL TEST/CHECK – OCCASIONS2.14.1 A Skill Test shall be conducted for following licensing actions:a) Issue, renewal and re-validation <strong>of</strong> a license or certificate.b) Instrument rating.c) Instructor rating.d) Type rating.e) Whenever considered necessary by the CAAN to assess the performance<strong>of</strong> a license holder.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 8

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALf) A skill test may be conducted within 90 days prior to the expiry date <strong>of</strong>license or rating. In such cases, the renewed period shall begin from thedate <strong>of</strong> expiry <strong>of</strong> the license or rating.2.15 UPGRADING P–2 TO P-1a) Where the holder has a P-2 endorsement <strong>of</strong> an aircraft type and intends to upgrade to P-1endorsement, he/she shall complete all given requirements for a P-1 endorsement exceptthe type Technical Examination if he/she has currency as a co-pilot.b) Meet the requirement <strong>of</strong> Operator's Operations Manualc) Upgrading ground course and approved flight trainingd) Successfully complete flight check by CAAN Inspector or Designated Check Pilot orDesignated Examiner2.16 CONVERSION TRAINING – MULTI-ENGINE HELICOPTER2.16.1 Generala) An applicant for conversion <strong>of</strong> multi-engine helicopter type endorsementon his license shall have received theoretical instruction and flight trainingfrom an instructor or DCP.2.16.2 Theoretical Traininga) Not less than 25 hours theoretical instruction, including.b) Syllabus items for helicopter type technical examination.c) Loading (type related).d) Weight and performance (type related).e) Effect <strong>of</strong> engine failure on performance and system operation.2.16.3 Flying Training2.16.3.1 As per approved company training manual including:a) Normal and emergency operation <strong>of</strong> the helicopter and itssystems in various load conditions.b) normal and maximum performance single engine take-<strong>of</strong>f invarious conditions and various type <strong>of</strong> approach (normal, steepand shallow);c) Pinnacle and confined area operation.d) Effect <strong>of</strong> one engine failure in visual conditions and simulatedinstrument flight conditions.e) Auto rotation flight (if applicable).f) Running landings and take-<strong>of</strong>f (if applicable).PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 9

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL2.17 LICENSE RENEWALThe renewal application should reach at concerned CAAN <strong>of</strong>fice at least 15 days beforethe expiry <strong>of</strong> the license with necessary fees. CAAN will issue a note to the holderagainst the deposit <strong>of</strong> the license which will act equivalent to the license until the holderis in receipt <strong>of</strong> his revalidated license. The renewal requirements for different types <strong>of</strong>license is as follows:2.17.1 PRIVATE PILOT LICENSE (Aeroplane)An applicant for the renewal <strong>of</strong> a Private Pilot License must produce the licenseto be renewed, a current Class II Medical Assessment, and evidence that he has,in the period <strong>of</strong> 6 months immediately preceding the application, flown not lessthan 5 hours solo flight time, or that he has successfully completed a flight test<strong>of</strong> his pr<strong>of</strong>iciency in an Aeroplane.2.17.2 COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENSE (Aeroplane)An applicant for the renewal <strong>of</strong> a Commercial Pilot License-Airplane mustproduce the license to be renewed with a Flight Crew Renewal ApplicationForm duly filled and following documents :a) current Class I medical assessmentb) pilot pr<strong>of</strong>iciency check reportc) a route check as applicable.d) Recurrent ground training as appropriatee) pilot log book2.17.3 AIRLINE TRANSPORT PILOT LICENSE (Aeroplane)An applicant for the renewal <strong>of</strong> a Airline Transport Pilot License must producethe license to be renewed with a license renewal form duly filled and followingdocuments :a) current Class I medical assessmentb) pilot pr<strong>of</strong>iciency check reportc) a route check as applicable.d) Recurrent ground training as appropriatee) pilot log book2.17.4 FLIGHT ENGINEER LICENSEAn applicant for the renewal <strong>of</strong> a Flight Engineer License must produce thelicense to be renewed with a license renewal form duly filled and followingdocuments :a) a current Class I medical assessmentb) a pilot pr<strong>of</strong>iciency check which shows his ability to carry out the functions<strong>of</strong> a flight engineer in an Aeroplane <strong>of</strong> the type for which he holds andAeroplane rating, or in a flight simulator approved for the purpose by theDirector General,PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 10

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALNote : This requirement may be deemed to be satisfied if he has within thepreceding 12 months carried out two such checks, provided that theinterval between the checks is not less than 4 months.c) recurrent ground training as appropriate,d) crew log book,2.17.5 BALLOON PILOT LICENSEAn applicant for the renewal <strong>of</strong> a Free Balloon Pilot License must produce thelicense to be renewed with a Flight Crew Renewal Application Form duly filledand following documents:a) Current Class II medical assessmentb) A Pilot Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency Checkc) Pilot log book2.17.6 GLIDER PILOT LICENSEAn applicant for the renewal <strong>of</strong> a Glider Pilot License must produce the licenseto be renewed with a Flight Crew Renewal Application Form dully filled andfollowing documents:a) Current Class II medical assessmentb) A Pilot Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency Checkc) Pilot log book2.17.7 ULTRA-LIGHT PILOT LICENSEAn applicant for the renewal <strong>of</strong> a Ultra-light Pilot License must producethe license to be renewed with a Flight Crew Renewal Application Formdully filled and following documents:a) Current Class II medical assessmentb) A Pilot Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency Checkc) Pilot log book2.17.8 FLIGHT OPERATIONS OFFICER/AEROPLANE DISPATCHERLICENSEa) An applicant for renewal <strong>of</strong> a Flight Operations Officer License mustproduce the license, along with a certificate from his employee to the effectthat he is successfully working as a Flight Operations Officer or AeroplaneDispatcher.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 11

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALb) Evidence that he has within the immediate preceding 12 months made at leastone one-way flight on the flight deck <strong>of</strong> an Aeroplane over an area in whichhe is authorized to exercise his duties.2.18 RECENT EXPERIENCEThe holder <strong>of</strong> a license issued under these requirements shall not exercise the privileges<strong>of</strong> his license by acting as a pilot, a flight engineer or flight operations <strong>of</strong>ficer unless hehas satisfied the requirements for recent experience as specified.2.18.1 Recent Experience for Private PilotThe holder <strong>of</strong> Private Pilot License shall not exercise the privilege <strong>of</strong> theholder's license unless that person, within the immediate preceding 6 months,has flown not less than 5 hours <strong>of</strong> flight time as a private pilot in an Aeroplane<strong>of</strong> the same type.2.18.2 Recent Experience for Flight InstructorThe holder <strong>of</strong> Flight Instructor Rating shall not exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> hisrating to act as a flight instructor.a) Unless he, within the past 24 calendar months, has logged at least 10 hours<strong>of</strong> instruction time as a Flight Instructor, orb) Unless he, successfully undergoes special pilot pr<strong>of</strong>iciency check designedand approved for flight instructors.2.18.3 Recent Experience for Pilot-In-Command and Co-pilot2.18.3.1 An operator shall not assign a pilot-in-command or a co-pilot tooperate at the flight controls <strong>of</strong> a type or variant <strong>of</strong> a type <strong>of</strong>aeroplane during take-<strong>of</strong>f and landing unless that pilot has operatedthe flight controls during at least three take-<strong>of</strong>fs and landings withinthe preceding 90 days on the same type <strong>of</strong> aeroplane or in a flightsimulator approved for the purpose. When a pilot-in-command or a co-pilot is flying several variants <strong>of</strong>the same type <strong>of</strong> aeroplane or different types <strong>of</strong> aeroplanes withsimilar characteristics in terms <strong>of</strong> operating procedures, systems andhandling, the State shall decide under which conditions therequirements <strong>of</strong> for each variant or each type <strong>of</strong> aeroplane canbe combined.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 12

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL2.19 EXPIRY OF EXAMINATION AND LICENSE/RATINGS2.19.1 Expiry <strong>of</strong> Examinationa) An applicant who fails in a written test may not apply for re-testinguntil 30 days after the date he failed the test.However in the case <strong>of</strong> his first failure, may request for re-testingbefore the 30 days have expired upon presenting written statementfrom an instructor or operator instructor pilot certifying that he hasgiven remedial flight instruction as appropriate to the applicant andfinds him competent to pass the test.b) An applicant will be eligible for flight test within 12 months <strong>of</strong> hispassing the ground test(s).c) After elapse <strong>of</strong> 12 months or more but not more than 24 months <strong>of</strong>passing written test, the applicant is required to undergo a refresherground course with flight training to be eligible for the flight test.d) After elapse <strong>of</strong> 24 months <strong>of</strong> written test the candidate is required for awritten test applicable to the initial ground course and flight training tobe eligible for flight test(s).2.19.2 Expiry <strong>of</strong> License/Rating(s)Where a license has not been renewed by the date <strong>of</strong> expiry, the validity <strong>of</strong>the license stands lapsed. A holder <strong>of</strong> the expired license shall not exercisethe privileges <strong>of</strong> his license/rating until he has either received his renewedlicense/rating or has got special approval from the <strong>Authority</strong>.2.19.3 Revalidation <strong>of</strong> expired licenseTo restore the validity <strong>of</strong> an expired license, the holder shall meet therequirements subject to the expiry period from the date <strong>of</strong> expiry as follows;a) For the period <strong>of</strong> 3 months, the applicant shall fulfill all therequirements necessary for the renewal <strong>of</strong> the license/ratings.b) If the duration is more than 3 months but less than 12 months, theapplicant shall successfully complete approved refresher groundcourse and a flight test on type <strong>of</strong> the Aeroplane(s) or approved FlightSimulator.c) If the duration is more than 12 months but less than 24 months, theapplicant shall successfully complete approved refresher groundcourse, flight training and flight test on the type <strong>of</strong> Aeroplane(s).d) If the duration is more than 24 months, the applicant shall successfullycomplete all the requirements necessary for initial training on type,which includes, the approved ground course, <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong>PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 13

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALexamination, flight training with specified hours and a checkride.e) If the duration is more than 60 months the applicant shall successfullycomplete all the requirements necessary for initial issue whichincludes;1) a current medical examination2) a certificate from a flying instructor certifying that the studenthas carried out sufficient refresher training covering the contents<strong>of</strong> the course syllabus approved for CAAN's ATPL or CPLexamination as relevant.3) he shall successfully complete the examination on AeronauticalInformation Publication, Flight Operation <strong>Requirements</strong>, NCARand <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> Rules.4) while undergoing a new type conversion, he shall successfullycomplete the approved ground course and CAAN examinationon type.5) he shall undergo the flight training with at least;i) in case <strong>of</strong> turbo-propeller powered Aeroplane 10 hours forPilot In Command and 8 hours for second in command.ii)2.19.4 Re-issuance <strong>of</strong> licensein case <strong>of</strong> jet engine powered Aeroplane 20 hours for PilotIn Command and 10 hours for Second In Command.6) he shall have to successfully complete a check ride on type.Where a holder has misplaced, destroyed or mutilated a license beyondrecognition, he is required to meet the following requirements for the issue<strong>of</strong> a duplicate license:1) Application Form2) A copy <strong>of</strong> advertisement made on national news paper in case <strong>of</strong> amisplaced license3) Fee equivalent to the renewal <strong>of</strong> the license/rating.2.20 FLYING WITH FOREIGN AOC HOLDER2.20.1 A local license holder employed by a foreign AOC holder/operator, acceptableto the CAAN; and undergoing regular recurrent trainings, pr<strong>of</strong>iciency checks,may get his local license renewed based on the Instrument Rating checkconducted abroad, subject to his providing the required documentary evidenceto the licensing <strong>of</strong>fice. If considered necessary, the training device used shallPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 14

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALundergo a normal CAAN approval process. The cost <strong>of</strong> any such visit shall beborne by the applicant/AOC holder.2.20.2 The applicants shall submit the following documents for considerations <strong>of</strong> thecase:a) Letter from the employer <strong>of</strong> employed status.b) Copy <strong>of</strong> last page <strong>of</strong> logbook duly authenticated by local CAA /operator.c) Valid local license.d) Photocopy <strong>of</strong> valid foreign license/certificate.e) Copy <strong>of</strong> medical certificate <strong>of</strong> ICAO standard <strong>of</strong> appropriate class.f) Flight Simulator Check report.2.21 LIMITATIONS AND EXEMPTIONS2.21.1 A single-engine aeroplane shall operate at night only on a training missionwithin aerodrome area.2.21.2 Night flying on multi-engine aeroplane (below 5700 kg) may be conductedsubject to a valid instrument rating and night currency.2.22 REQUIREMENT FOR FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR RATING2.22.1 A pilot license holder shall not carry out flight instruction required for theissue <strong>of</strong> a Private Pilot License, Commercial Pilot License and AirlineTransport Pilot License in the categories <strong>of</strong> aeroplane, helicopter, powered-liftand airship, as appropriate, unless such holder has received properauthorization from the licensing authority.2.22.2 Proper authorization shall comprise:a) a flight instructor rating on the holder’s license;b) Or a specific authorization granted by the <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong>.2.23 FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR – AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGEa) A Flight Instructor Rating will be issued to an applicant who shall :i) have completed not less than 1000 hours <strong>of</strong> flight time as a pilot-incommandon the category and class <strong>of</strong> Aeroplane involved and not less than100 hours as pilot in command on type <strong>of</strong> Aeroplane.ii)have satisfactorily completed an approved training course <strong>of</strong> flightinstruction and ground training techniques, which includes:a) techniques <strong>of</strong> applied instruction;b) assessment <strong>of</strong> student performance in those subjects in which groundinstruction is given;c) the learning process;d) elements <strong>of</strong> effective teaching;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 15

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALiii)iv)e) student evaluation and testing, training philosophies;f) training programme development;g) lesson planning;h) classroom instructional techniques;i) use <strong>of</strong> training aids;j) analysis and correction <strong>of</strong> student errors;k) human performance relevant to flight instruction;and/or produces a current pilot license containing a Flight Instructor Ratingissued by a Contracting State,has satisfactorily completed an oral examination as specified.has undergone by not less than 3 hours <strong>of</strong> flight training applicable for theflight instructor; andv) has satisfactorily completed flight check showing his ability to fly as aninstructor with an instructor pilot or a pilot designated by Director General.b) A Flight Instructor Rating included in a pilot license will have the same period <strong>of</strong>validity as the license and will be revalidated upon renewal <strong>of</strong> the license.c) In the case <strong>of</strong> an applicant who has a Flight Instructor Rating in a multi-engineclass <strong>of</strong> aircraft and wishes to apply for a Flight Instructor Rating in a singleengine aircraft, the requirement <strong>of</strong> 1000 hours as PIC in category and class asmentioned in clause (a) <strong>of</strong> this paragraph shall be reduced to 500 hours.2.24 OPERATORS TO PROVIDE FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS ANDGROUND INSTRUCTORS2.24.1 The holder <strong>of</strong> an Air Operator Certificate issued by the Director General whois engaged in commercial operations shall ensure that sufficient number <strong>of</strong>Flight Instructors and instructor for ground courses who are qualifying withnot less than that mentioned in FOR.2.24.2 The Privileges Of Instructor Pilot shall be to carry out thetests/checks/trainings as mentioned below:i) Training <strong>of</strong> Pilots for aircraft type, Instrument Rating and InstructorRatingii) Pilot Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency check for renewaliii) Pilot Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency check for Renewal <strong>of</strong> Instrument Ratingiv) Conducting Line/STOL Clearancesv) Route checks2.25 AEROPLANE TYPE RATING –FLIGHT ENGINEER2.25.1 An Aeroplane type rating will be included in a Flight Engineer License, ifhe/she has :a) successfully completed an approved particular Aeroplane type courseb) passed a written examination <strong>of</strong> his technical knowledge <strong>of</strong> theAeroplane type conducted by CAAN.c) a practical flight test in that type <strong>of</strong> Aeroplane for which rating is sought.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 16

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL2.25.2 FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR RATING -FLIGHT ENGINEER (F/E)a) A Flight Instructor Rating included in a Flight Engineer License willentitle the holder to give flight instruction in the type or types <strong>of</strong>Aeroplane for which he holds a current rating.b) A Flight Engineer Instructor Rating will be issued to an applicant whoproduces a current F/E license including Instructor Rating issued by aContracting State or who shall have :i) completed not less than 1000 hours <strong>of</strong> flight time as a FlightEngineer on the type <strong>of</strong> Aeroplane involved;ii) have satisfactorily completed an approved training course <strong>of</strong>flight instruction and ground training techniques andiii)has satisfactorily completed a flight check showing his ability toact as an instructor with an Instructor (F/E) or Flight Engineer,designated by Director General.c) A Flight Instructor Rating in a F/E license will have the same period <strong>of</strong>validity as the license and will be revalidated upon renewal <strong>of</strong> thelicense.2.26 MINIMUM TRAINING REQUIREMENTS2.26.1 All the prescribed training requirements in these regulations are the minimumrequirements. The instructor may give additional training, if required, depending onthe performance and flying background <strong>of</strong> the pilot to ensure that the pilot acquiresthe required pr<strong>of</strong>iciency to discharge his/her privileges.2.27 RECORDING AND CREDITING OF FLIGHT TIME2.27.1 GeneralA license/certificate holder shall maintain a logbook, which may be subject torandom checks by the CAAN.2.28 RECORDING OF FLIGHT TIME2.28.1 All aircrew flight time shall be logged in the logbook.2.28.2 Flight time during which a pilot is under dual instruction shall be entered inhis logbook as `dual’ and the pilot giving instruction shall sign the entry. Dualflight time shall be logged if the aircraft was scheduled for flight training.2.28.3 A pilot may log as co-pilot the total flight time while co-pilot <strong>of</strong> an aircraft:a) for which his license is endorsed; andb) Which is certificated for multi-pilot operations by the manufacturer <strong>of</strong>CAAN.c) Co-pilot <strong>of</strong> single pilot aircraft, regulated by CAAN as Multi-pilotaircraft (MPA), shall log half the time however, the credition <strong>of</strong> suchflight time will be as per 2.31PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 17

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL2.28.4 An instructor may log as Pilot-In-Command the total flight time during whichhe/she was acting as an instructor. The log entries shall show that the flighttime was as an instructor.2.28.5 A DCP/DE, who is conducting a check while on the controls, shall log thetime as P-1. This time shall not be indicated as `instructional hours’.2.29 LOGGING OF INSTRUMENT TIME2.29.1 a pilot may log the instrument flight time only;a) While he/she is manually manipulating the controls, with reference toinstrument under either actual or simulated instrument flying conditions.The entire period may be logged as instrument flying time.b) While monitoring or providing input to the auto-pilot/auto stabilizationequipment when it is engaged.2.30 LOGGING OF FLIGHT ENGINEER TIME2.30.1 the holder <strong>of</strong> a flight engineer license may log the total flight time;a) While operating as a flight engineer or supervising a flight engineer.b) Flying as flight engineer under supervision.2.30.2 The holder <strong>of</strong> a flight engineer license may log as simulator time for the timehe/she operates as flight engineer <strong>of</strong> an approved aircraft simulator.2.30.3 To log the time specified in above paragraphs, a flight engineer license shallbe endorsed with the particular type <strong>of</strong> aircraft.2.31 CREDITING OF FLIGHT TIME2.31.1 A student pilot or the holder <strong>of</strong> a pilot license shall be entitled to be credited infull with all solo, dual instruction and Pilot-In-Command flight time towardsthe total flight time required for the initial issue <strong>of</strong> a pilot license or the issue <strong>of</strong>a higher grade <strong>of</strong> pilot license.2.31.2 The holder <strong>of</strong> a pilot license, when acting as co-pilot at a pilot station <strong>of</strong> anaircraft certificated for operation by a single pilot but required by the licensingauthority to be operated with a co-pilot, shall be entitled to be credited with notmore than 50 per cent <strong>of</strong> the co-pilot flight time towards the total flight timerequired for a higher grade <strong>of</strong> pilot license. The licensing authority mayauthorize that flight time to be credited in full towards the total flight timerequired if the aircraft is equipped to be operated by a co-pilot and the aircraft isoperated in a multi-crew operation.2.31.3 The holder <strong>of</strong> a pilot license, when acting as Pilot-In-Command undersupervision, shall be entitled to be credited in full with this flight time towardsthe total flight time required for a higher grade <strong>of</strong> pilot license.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 18

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL2.32 LOG BOOK CERTIFICATION AND ENDORSEMENTS2.32.2 a Pilot log book shall be duly certified by:a) The concerned instructor for each instructional flights (dual).b) The concerned IP for a co-pilot flying as P-1 u/s (PICUS).c) The concern authorized person from the operation department <strong>of</strong> theoperator.2.33 GROUND INSTRUCTOR2.33.1 No certificate holder may use a person to serve as a ground instructor for acourse <strong>of</strong> training unless that person :(a)(b)holds a flight instructor license with at least a CPL, or ATP licenseholder or a certified AMT license, all with the experience <strong>of</strong> not lessthan 3 years in operation <strong>of</strong> aircraft applicable to the category and class.In case <strong>of</strong> an AMT license holder, his affiliation with subject to instructshould be fit to satisfy the DGCA.A pilot whose license is not current but has above mentionedqualification and experience also may be considered to be eligible toapply for a position <strong>of</strong> ground instructor.has demonstrated his knowledge and capacity on teaching subject matterby conducting a ground class satisfactorily to the DGCA and is clearedby DGCA to act as an instructor for the ground training.2.33.2 In case <strong>of</strong> ground instruction for flight operation <strong>of</strong>ficer and personnel involvedin dispatching aircraft, a pilot or a FOO license holder, with experience <strong>of</strong> notless than 3 years shall be eligible to conduct ground instruction, if hisqualification and background is satisfactory to DGCA.2.33.3 In case <strong>of</strong> ground instruction for cabin attendants, a pilot or a FOO licenseholder or a cabin attendant, with experience <strong>of</strong> not less than 3 years shall beeligible to conduct ground instruction, if his qualification and background issatisfactory to DGCA.2.33.4 A ground instructors authorization will have the duration <strong>of</strong> 24 months as theperiod <strong>of</strong> validity.2.33.5 For the purpose <strong>of</strong> ground instructor authorization all class should be organizein CAAN approved organization in the presence <strong>of</strong> CAAN observer.2.33.6 For the renewal <strong>of</strong> ground instructorship the applicant must produce an evidence<strong>of</strong> conducting a ground class in the presence <strong>of</strong> CAAN observer <strong>of</strong> his subject atleast once in a year in CAAN approved organization.2.33.7 Fee voucher as per CAR, 2058.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 19

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL2.34 REQUIREMENT FOR FORMER MILITARY PILOTS2.34.1 A former military pilot applying for a CAAN license shall be entitled to amaximum <strong>of</strong> fifty percent <strong>of</strong> his military flight hours when seeking the crediting<strong>of</strong> his military flight hours for pursuing a higher grade <strong>of</strong> his commerciallicense.2.34.2 A former military pilot applying for a CAAN license must meet the followingrequirements:a) hold at least a commercial pilot license from a contracting state.b) produce a letter <strong>of</strong> release from the military.c) pass a knowledge test on the appropriate category <strong>of</strong> aircraft at thecommercial pilot license level.d) a letter <strong>of</strong> employment from an air operator.e) a copy <strong>of</strong> the total hours on the logbook.f) a copy <strong>of</strong> the military pilot license indicating the last held category, classand type rating.g) pass the ground and flight training on the type <strong>of</strong> aircraft for which therating is sought.h) pass the pr<strong>of</strong>iciency check on the type <strong>of</strong> aircraft for which the rating issought.i) the necessary fee voucherPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION2- 20



CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL3.1 AVIATION TRAINING ORGANIZATION (ATO)3.1.1 An <strong>Aviation</strong> Training Organization (ATO) may be a Flying TrainingOrganization (FTO) or a Ground Training Organization (GTO) or involved inboth functions.3.1.2 the training organizations shall include the following:a) Organizations conducting the basic ground and flying training courses forissue <strong>of</strong> pilot Licenses and instrument rating.b) Organizations conducting the basic ground courses for the issue <strong>of</strong> aircraftmaintenance License – LWTR.c) Organizations conducting the basic flight operation <strong>of</strong>ficer/flightdispatcher course for issue <strong>of</strong> FOO/FD License.d) Organizations conducting the basic air traffic controller courses for issue<strong>of</strong> air traffic controller License.e) Organizations conducting the basic cabin crew course for issue <strong>of</strong> cabincrew certificate.3.2 ATO – APPROVAL CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENTNo person shall establish and operate an aviation training organization (ATO), eitheran FTO or a GTO, for the purpose <strong>of</strong> providing ground and/or flight trainings, for theissuance <strong>of</strong> a License, certificate or a rating/category, without holding a valid`approval certificate’ from the licensing authority.3.3 ATO – APPROVAL CERTIFICATE3.3.1 The issuance <strong>of</strong> an `approval certificate’ to an ATO and the continued validity<strong>of</strong> the approval shall depend upon the training organization being incompliance with the requirements prescribed herein.3.3.2 the `approval certificate’ shall contain at least the following:a) organization name and location;b) date <strong>of</strong> issue and period <strong>of</strong> validity; andc) Terms <strong>of</strong> approval.3.4 ATO – TRAINING SPECIFICATIONS3.4.1 ATO approval certificate, issued by the licensing authority, shall accompany aDocument called `training specifications’. Training specifications shallprescribe ATO’s training, checking, and testing authorizations and limitations,and specifies training program requirements.3.4.2 training specifications, issued by the authority to the certificate holder, shallinclude:PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 3

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL3.4.2.1 the type <strong>of</strong> training authorized, including approved courses; training specifications for the following categories, as applicable:a) Flight crew training.b) the category, class, and type <strong>of</strong> aircraft that may be used fortraining, testing and checking;c) for each flight simulator or flight training device, the make, model,and series <strong>of</strong> aircraft or the set <strong>of</strong> aircraft being simulated and thequalification level assigned, or the make, model, and series <strong>of</strong>rotorcraft, or set <strong>of</strong> rotorcraft being simulated and the qualificationlevel assigned;d) for each flight simulator and flight training device subject toqualification evaluation by the authority, the identification numberassigned by the authority;e) the name and address <strong>of</strong> each satellite ATO, and the approvedcourses <strong>of</strong>fered at each satellite ATO; Other than flight crew training.a) ATC training.b) LWTR training.c) CCC training.d) FOO/FD training. authorized deviations or waivers from the authority; and3.4.2.4 other authorizations, approvals and limitations issued by the authorityin accordance with the standards which are applicable to the trainingconducted by the ATO or any other items the authority may require orallow.3.5 ATO – APPROVAL PROCESS3.5.1 An applicant wishing to obtain an approval for establishing and operating anATO shall apply to the Director General <strong>of</strong> the civil aviation authority.3.5.2 The application shall be accompanied by the training and procedure manualwhich shall contain the full descriptions <strong>of</strong> the training schemes, standardoperating procedures; and other required Documents as prescribed by theauthority.3.5.3 Airworthiness exposition manual/engineering manual, as applicable, shall beprovided in respect <strong>of</strong> maintenance/airworthiness <strong>of</strong> aircraft operated by theorganization. The manual shall be prepared in accordance with the prescribedrequirements <strong>of</strong> the authority.3.5.4 the course/s to be conducted shall be defined in detail and shall include, butnot necessarily limited to, at least the following details:a) Title <strong>of</strong> the course.b) Objectives <strong>of</strong> the course.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 4

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALc) Frequency <strong>of</strong> the course.d) Planned intake <strong>of</strong> the course.e) Location where course is to be conducted.f) physical infrastructure & accommodationg) Duration <strong>of</strong> the course.h) Eligibility criterion <strong>of</strong> the students.i) Phase/subject wise course contents.j) Planned periods/hours for each phase/subject.k) Duration <strong>of</strong> each period/break.l) External/ICAO Documents to be used.m) Internal Documents to be used.n) Study material/course ware to be provided to students.o) Number <strong>of</strong> instructors to be used.p) Instructors’ qualification criterion.q) Aircraft, if applicable, to be used with instruments/aids details.r) Audio/visual training aids to be used.s) Simulation devices to be used, if applicable.t) Logistics support details, where applicable.u) Details <strong>of</strong> on job or Field experience, if applicable.v) Details <strong>of</strong> study tour/visits, if applicable.w) System <strong>of</strong> progress/training reports.x) Type and frequency <strong>of</strong> examinations/skill tests to be conducted.y) Number/type <strong>of</strong> questions in examinations.z) Pass criterion to be used for academic/skill test, as applicable.aa) Assessment forms/contents <strong>of</strong> personal Specimen course completion certificate to be Specimen enrollment formdd) Administrative instructions and working Process <strong>of</strong> course termination/refund <strong>of</strong> fee, if applicable.ff) Organization Staff duties & responsibilities.hh) Specimen course advertisement in press.ii) Contact person for CAAN.jj) Any other relevant information.3.5.5 After consideration <strong>of</strong> the application and associated Documents, the applicantorganization shall be inspected to ensure that it meets the authority’s standardsin flying training, ground training and overall facilities, as applicable.3.5.6 Subject to a satisfactory inspection by the authority, an approval will begranted initially for a period <strong>of</strong> one year.3.5.7 For the approval <strong>of</strong> foreign ATO, FTO, GTO, after the consideration <strong>of</strong>application and associated documents, the organization will be inspected andevaluated to ensure to meet the <strong>Authority</strong>'s standard in flying and groundtraining and overall facilities.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 5

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL3.6 ATO – DURATION OF CERTIFICATE3.6.1 the duration <strong>of</strong> an approval certificate shall be one fiscal year including thelast day <strong>of</strong> that month, unless:a) the certificate is surrendered, suspended or revoked;b) The ATO has been unable to maintain the facilities, aircraft or personnelrequired for the school’s approved training courses, for more than 60 days.c) A major change has been made to the ATO’s facilities, upon which theATO’s certificate is based, without the prior approval <strong>of</strong> the authority.d) The ownership <strong>of</strong> the ATO has changed and no application has beensubmitted to the authority within the 30 days <strong>of</strong> change <strong>of</strong> ownership.3.7 ATO – RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATE3.7.1 An ATO may apply for renewal <strong>of</strong> its certificate within 30 days preceding themonth <strong>of</strong> expiry provided it meets the prescr ibed requirements.3.7.2 An ATO may have its certificate renewed for one fiscal year subject to thesatisfaction <strong>of</strong> the authority that the ATO’s personnel, aircraft (as applicable),facility and airport, approved training programs, training records and recenttraining ability meets the prescribed requirements.3.7.3 In order to maintain current instructional skill and teaching pr<strong>of</strong>iciency, anATO shall ensure that it does not remain without students for long periods <strong>of</strong>time.3.7.4 For the renewal <strong>of</strong> the approval certificate, an ATO shall have to be activelyinvolved in the training process.3.8 ATO – DISPLAY OF CERTIFICATE3.8.1 An ATO shall prominently display its `approval certificate’ at its premises.3.8.2 An ATO shall readily make its `approval certificate’ available for scrutinywhen requested by the authorized <strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>of</strong> the authority or by theauthorized <strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>of</strong> a governmental agency.3.9 ATO – TRAINING AND PROCEDURES MANUAL3.9.1 An ATO shall provide a `training and procedures manual’ for the use andguidance <strong>of</strong> personnel concerned. This manual may be issued in separate partsand shall contain at least the following information:a) a general description <strong>of</strong> the scope <strong>of</strong> training authorized under theorganization’s terms <strong>of</strong> approval;b) the content <strong>of</strong> the training programmes <strong>of</strong>fered including the coursewareand equipment to be used;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 6

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALc) a description <strong>of</strong> the organization’s quality assurance system;d) a description <strong>of</strong> the organization’s facilities;e) the name, duties and qualification <strong>of</strong> the person designated as responsiblefor compliance with these requirements;f) a description <strong>of</strong> the duties and qualification <strong>of</strong> the personnel designated asresponsible for planning, performing and supervising the training;g) a description <strong>of</strong> the procedures used to establish and maintain thecompetence <strong>of</strong> instructional personnel;h) description <strong>of</strong> the method used for the completion and retention <strong>of</strong> thetraining records;i) a description, when applicable, <strong>of</strong> additional training needed to complywith an operator’s procedures and requirements; andj) When an ATO has been authorized as an approved training organization toconduct the testing required for the issuance <strong>of</strong> a License or rating, adescription <strong>of</strong> the selection, role and duties <strong>of</strong> the authorized personnel, aswell as the applicable requirements prescribed by the licensing authority.3.9.2 the training organization shall ensure that the `procedures and trainingmanual’ is amended as necessary, subject to the approval <strong>of</strong> the licensingauthority, to keep the information contained therein up to date.3.9.3 Copies <strong>of</strong> all amendments to the training and procedures manual shall befurnished promptly to all organizations or persons to whom the manual hasbeen issued.3.10 ATO – FACILITIES3.10.1 The facilities and working environment <strong>of</strong> an ATO shall be appropriate for thetask to be performed; and shall be acceptable to the licensing authority.3.10.2 An ATO shall have, or have access to, the necessary information, equipment,training devices; and material to conduct the courses for which it is approved.3.10.3 Synthetic training devices shall be qualified according to requirementsestablished by the licensing authority; and their use shall be approved by thelicensing authority to ensure that they are appropriate to the task.3.10.4 The physical infrastructure shall be compatible with the scope <strong>of</strong> training andnature <strong>of</strong> training to be conducted. As a minimum, under mentioned physicalinfrastructure shall be available:a) Room for the chief supervisor.b) Administration room.c) Teaching staff room.d) Two class rooms.e) Training/practical lab, as applicable.f) Students’ room.g) Store.h) Toilet.i) Cafeteria/LoungePERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 7

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL3.10.5 Additional facilities and requirements, as applicable, shall be indicated in thepart dealing with a specific type <strong>of</strong> training.3.11 ATO – TECHNICAL LIBRARY3.11.1 An ATO shall be in possession <strong>of</strong> the relevant and updated ICAO referenceand guidance material relating to the course to be conducted.a) Annex 1, 6 & 8.b) Training manual 7192-Vol.-1-b-5-CPL course details.c) Training manual 7192-Vol.-2-b-5-CPL instructor briefing sheets.d) Training manual 7192-d-3-FOO/FD.e) Training manual 7192-e-1-cabin crew.f) Training manual 7192-f-1-met for ATCO & pilots.g) Training manual 7192-d-1-ames.h) DOC 9683- human factors training manual.i) DOC 8984 – aviation medicine.j) DOC 9375- dangerous goods training –book -2 for crew and book-3 forflight attendants.k) DOC 9401-manual on ATO (FTO & GTO) s.l) DOC 9432- manual on radio telephony.m) DOC 9734- safety oversight manual.n) DOC 9735- safety oversight audit manual.o) DOC 4444- procedure for air navigation.p) DOC 9841 – manual on flight crew training organization.q) Any other relevant Document.3.11.2 a) FORb) NCARc) AIPd) PELRe) NFSR3.11.3 All relevant CAAN documents.3.11.4 All relevant <strong>Nepal</strong> Government document.3.12 ATO – PERSONNEL3.12.1 An ATO shall nominate a person responsible for ensuring that it is incompliance with the requirements for an approved organization.3.12.2 An ATO shall employ the necessary personnel to plan, perform and supervisethe training to be conducted.3.12.3 An ATO shall ensure that the competence <strong>of</strong> instructional personnel is inaccordance with the requirements; and to a level acceptable to the licensingauthority.3.12.4 An ATO shall ensure that all instructional personnel receive initial andcontinuation training appropriate to their assigned tasks and responsibilities.The training programme established by the training organization shall includetraining in knowledge and skills related to human performance.3.12.5 Additional details <strong>of</strong> the training personnel <strong>of</strong> an ATO are given under thespecific type <strong>of</strong> training to be conducted by the respective FTO or GTO.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 8

3.13 ATO – RECORDSCIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL3.13.1 An ATO shall maintain a detailed student records to indicate that allrequirements <strong>of</strong> the training course have been met as approved by thelicensing authority.3.13.2 An ATO shall maintain a system for recording the qualifications; and training<strong>of</strong> instructional and examining staff, where appropriate.3.13.3 The records shall be kept for a minimum period <strong>of</strong> two years after completion<strong>of</strong> the training.3.14 ATO – QUALITY MANAGEMENT/ASSURANCE SYSTEM3.14.1 An ATO shall establish a quality management/assurance system, acceptable tothe licensing authority, which ensures that training and instructional practicescomply with all relevant requirements.3.14.2 the quality management/assurance system shall include the following:a) Mission <strong>of</strong> the ATO.b) Organizational structure <strong>of</strong> the ATO.c) Qualification, induction policy, duties and responsibilities <strong>of</strong> eachmember <strong>of</strong> staff.d) A training policy for the staff.e) External reference Documents to be used.f) Internal regulatory Documents to be used.g) Detailed process for the issuance <strong>of</strong> Licenses, certificates, ratings orcategories.h) Detailed process <strong>of</strong> conducting examinations and skill testing.i) Criterions and standards for examinations and skill testing.j) Office procedures, security and Filing systems.k) A system <strong>of</strong> getting a feedback from its clients.l) A regular review process based on the feedback.m) A system <strong>of</strong> regularly setting up <strong>of</strong> the quality objectives and achievingthe quality objectives.3.15 ATO – SAFETY OVERSIGHT3.15.1 An ATO shall be subjected to a safety oversight regime by the licensingauthority in order to ensure that the training is conducted in accordance withthe CAAN standards and recommended practices; and that it is maintaining acontinuing compliance with the prescribed requirements by the licensingauthority.3.15.2 An ATO shall facilitate scheduled or unscheduled visit/inspections by theauthority at any time <strong>of</strong> the year. The authority <strong>of</strong>ficials shall be given a fulland an unhindered access during such visits/inspections to the organization’spersonnel, facilities, equipment and records.3.16 ATO – EVALUATION AND CHECKING3.16.1 Where the authority has authorized an ATO to conduct the testing required forthe issuance <strong>of</strong> a License or rating, the testing shall be conducted by thepersonnel authorized by the authority; or designated by the ATO inaccordance with the criteria prescribed by the authority.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 9

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL3.17 ATO – THEORETICAL EXAMINATIONS3.17.1 The ATO shall forward names <strong>of</strong> only those candidates to the authority forappearing in the written examination that are likely to meet the examinationstandards.3.17.2 Unusually high failure rate <strong>of</strong> an ATO in the CAAN technical examinationsshall reflect poorly on the organization; and a regular similar lapse could resultin the withdrawal <strong>of</strong> the approval to the ATO by the authority.3.18 ATO – SKILL AND ORAL TESTS3.18.1 ATO shall forward names <strong>of</strong> only those candidates to the authority forappearing in the skill and oral tests who are likely to meet the required skilland oral test standards.3.18.2 Unusually high failure rate <strong>of</strong> an ATO in the CAAN skill and oral tests shallreflect poorly on the organization; and a regular similar lapse could result inthe withdrawal <strong>of</strong> the approval to the ATO by the authority.3.19 ATO – CHECK PERSONS AND EXAMINERSThe licensing authority shall prescribe the qualifications and requirements for thedesignated check persons and examiners in all categories <strong>of</strong> licenses and certificates.3.20 ATO – ISSUE, RENEWAL AND REVALIDATION PROCEDURESThe licensing authority shall prescribe the procedures, Documentation, fee scheduleas per CAR 2058 and other related details for the issuance, renewals and revalidations<strong>of</strong> the different categories <strong>of</strong> the Licenses, certificates, ratings and categories.3.21 ATO – VALIDATION OF FOREIGN LICENSES/CERTIFICATESThe licensing authority shall prescribe the procedures, Documentation, fee scheduleas per CAR 2058 and other related details for the issuance <strong>of</strong> `validation certificates’to foreign License/certificate holder to operate local registered aircraft with the ATOs.3.22 ATO – CARRIAGE OF ILLEGAL DRUGS3.22.1 An ATO shall not permit its aircraft, leased or owned, to be used for thepurpose <strong>of</strong> transportation, storage or any other illegal operation <strong>of</strong> narcotics,marijuana, depressants or stimulant drugs or substances.3.22.2 A violation <strong>of</strong> this regulation may result in the suspension or revocation <strong>of</strong> theapproval certificate.3.23 ATO – SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS3.23.1 An ATO shall not permit an unauthorized person to enter its premises or haveaccess to its <strong>of</strong>ficial Documents, records or equipment.3.23.2 An ATO shall take all security measures to prevent its aircraft from beingmodified or utilized as a weapon <strong>of</strong> terror.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 10

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL3.24 ATO – ADVERTISING LIMITATIONS3.24.1 An ATO shall not advertise any service/course <strong>of</strong>fered by it beyond theauthorization granted to it by the authority.3.24.2 An ATO shall promptly remove all its signboards and other indications fromits premises upon vacation <strong>of</strong> its premises or when its certificate has beensuspended, revoked or surrendered.3.25 ATO – AUTHORIZATIONS3.25.1 subject to the approval <strong>of</strong> the proposal by an ATO to the licensing authority,an ATO may be authorized to conduct any or some <strong>of</strong> the courses givenbelow:a) Private pilot course.b) Commercial pilot course.c) Instrument rating course.d) Ground instructor course.e) Flight instructor course.f) Aircraft type rating course.g) Basic flight operation <strong>of</strong>ficer course.h) Basic air traffic controller courses.i) Basic aircraft maintenance courses.j) Basic cabin crew course.k) Instructional technique course.l) Dangerous goods course.3.26 ATO – COURSE COMPLETION CERTIFICATE3.26.1 An ATO shall issue upon completion <strong>of</strong> training, a certificate to each studentwho completes its approved course <strong>of</strong> training. The certificate shall include:a) the name <strong>of</strong> the organization;b) the certificate number;c) the name <strong>of</strong> the graduate to whom it was issued;d) the approved curriculum title;e) the date <strong>of</strong> graduation;f) a statement that the student has satisfactorily completed each requiredstage <strong>of</strong> the approved course <strong>of</strong> training including the tests for thosestages;g) an authentication by an <strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>of</strong> the school; andh) A statement showing the cross-country flight training that the studentreceived during the course <strong>of</strong> training, if applicable.i) Any other relevant detail.3.27 ATO SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMAn ATO shall establish a SMS acceptable to <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> which ensures thatSafety Programme is implemented and maintain by ATO.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 11

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALTRAINING AND PROCEDURES MANUALATTACHMENT 3-11. GENERAL1.1. An <strong>Aviation</strong> Training Organization shall have an approved Training AndProcedures Manual.1.2. The Training And Procedures Manual should include the followingelements as far as they are appropriate to the type <strong>of</strong> the training to beprovided.1.3. Preamble relating to use and authority <strong>of</strong> the manual1.4. Table Of Contents1.5. Amendment, Revision and Distribution <strong>of</strong> the manual:1.5.1. procedures for amendment;1.5.2. amendment record page;1.5.3. distribution list; and1.5.4. List <strong>of</strong> effective pages.1.6. Glossary <strong>of</strong> significant terms and definitions.1.7. description <strong>of</strong> the structure and layout <strong>of</strong> the manual, including:1.7.1. various parts, sections, their contents and use; and1.7.2. The paragraph numbering system.1.8. Description <strong>of</strong> the scope <strong>of</strong> training authorized under the organization'sterms <strong>of</strong> approval.2. ORGANIZATION (CHART OF THE MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION)3. QUALIFICATIONS3.1. qualifications, responsibilities and succession <strong>of</strong> command <strong>of</strong>management and key operational personnel, including but not limitedto:3.2. accountable manager;3.3. head <strong>of</strong> training;3.4. chief flight instructor;3.5. chief ground instructor;3.6. maintenance manager;3.7. quality manager; and3.8. Instructors: ground, flight and flight simulation training device.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 12

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL4. POLICIES4.1. policy regarding approval <strong>of</strong> flights;4.2. responsibilities <strong>of</strong> the pilot-in-command;4.3. flight planning procedures — general;4.4. policy regarding carriage <strong>of</strong> passengers;4.5. operational control system;4.6. policy regarding safety, including hazards, accidents and incidentsreporting and safety management systems;4.7. flying duty period and flight time limitations for flying staff andstudents; and4.8. Rest periods for flying staff and students.5. FACILITIES5.1. description <strong>of</strong> the facilities available, including:5.2. the number and size <strong>of</strong> classrooms;5.3. training aids provided; and5.4. Flight simulation training devices and training aircraft.6. AIRCRAFT OPERATION6.1. aircraft operating information:6.2. certification and operating limitations;6.3. aircraft handling, including:6.3.1. performance limitations;6.3.2. use <strong>of</strong> checklists; and6.3.3. aircraft maintenance procedures6.4. Instructions for aircraft loading and securing <strong>of</strong> load.6.5. Fuelling procedures.6.6. Emergency procedures.6.7. Routes.6.8. Performance criteria, e.g.: take-<strong>of</strong>f, route, landing, etc.6.9. flight planning procedures including:6.9.1. fuel and oil requirements;6.9.2. minimum safe altitudes; and6.9.3. navigation equipmentPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 13

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7. WEATHER7.1. Weather minima for all instructional training flights during day, night,VFR and IFR operations.7.2. Weather minima for all student training flights at various stages <strong>of</strong>training.8. TRAINING ROUTES AND PRACTICE AREAS.9. STAFF TRAINING9.1. Persons responsible for standards and competency <strong>of</strong> instructionalpersonnel.9.2. Details <strong>of</strong> the procedures to determine competency <strong>of</strong> instructionalpersonnel as required.9.3. Details <strong>of</strong> the training program for instructional personnel as required byAnnex 1.9.4. Procedures for pr<strong>of</strong>iciency checks and upgrade training.10. TRAINING PLAN10.1. Aim <strong>of</strong> the course in the form <strong>of</strong> a statement <strong>of</strong> what the student isexpected to do as a result <strong>of</strong> the training, the level <strong>of</strong> performance, andthe training constraints observed.10.2. pre-entry requirements, including:10.2.1. minimum age;10.2.2. education requirements;10.2.3. medical requirements; and10.2.4. Linguistic requirements.11. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE11.1. Credits for previous experience, which should be obtained from thelicensing authority before the training commences.12. TRAINING CURRICULA12.1. training curricula, including the:12.2. flying curriculum (single engine);12.3. flying curriculum (multi-engine);12.4. theoretical knowledge curriculum; and12.5. Flight simulation training curriculum.12.6. The general arrangements <strong>of</strong> daily and weekly programs for flyingtraining ground training and flight simulation training.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 14

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL13. TRAINING POLICY13.1. training policies in terms <strong>of</strong>:13.1.1. bad weather constraints;13.1.2. maximum student training times–flying, theoretical knowledgeand synthetic flight training, per day/week/month;13.1.3. restrictions in respect <strong>of</strong> training periods for students;13.1.4. duration <strong>of</strong> training flights at various stages;13.1.5. maximum student flying hours in any day or night period;13.1.6. maximum number <strong>of</strong> student training flights in any day or nightperiod; and13.1.7. Minimum rest periods between training periods.14. EVALUATION POLICY14.1. policy for the conduct <strong>of</strong> student evaluation, including:14.1.1. procedures for flying progress checks and skill tests;14.1.2. procedures for knowledge progress tests and knowledge tests;14.1.3. procedures for authorization for tests;14.1.4. procedures for refresher training before retest;14.1.5. test reports and records;14.1.6. procedures for knowledge test preparation, type <strong>of</strong> questions andassessments,14.1.7. standards required for a pass;14.1.8. procedures for question analysis and review and issuingreplacement exams; and14.1.9. Knowledge test re-write procedures.15. TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS POLICY15.1. policy regarding training effectiveness, including:15.1.1. individual student responsibilities;15.1.2. liaison procedures between training departments;15.1.3. procedures to correct unsatisfactory progress;15.1.4. procedures for changing instructors;15.1.5. maximum number <strong>of</strong> instructor changes per student;15.1.6. internal feedback system for detecting training deficiencies;15.1.7. procedures for suspending a student from training;15.1.8. requirements for reporting and Documentation; and15.1.9. Completion standards at various stages <strong>of</strong> training to ensurestandardization.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 15

16. TRAINING SYLLABUSCIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL16.1. Detailed statement <strong>of</strong> the content specifications <strong>of</strong> all air exercises to betaught, arranged in the sequence to be flown with main and sub-titles.16.2. Flight lesson reference list in the form <strong>of</strong> an abbreviated list <strong>of</strong> theabove exercises giving only main and sub-titles for quick reference in aform to facilitate daily use by instructors.16.3. Statement <strong>of</strong> how the course will be divided into phases, indicating howthey will be arranged to ensure completion in the most suitable learningsequences and that essential or emergency exercises are repeated at theproper frequency.16.4. Syllabus hours for each phase and for groups <strong>of</strong> lessons within eachphase and when progress tests are to be conducted.16.5. Statement <strong>of</strong> what a student is expected to be able to do and the standard<strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>iciency required before progressing from one phase <strong>of</strong> training tothe next. Include minimum experience requirements in terms <strong>of</strong> hoursand satisfactory exercise completion before undertaking significantlessons, such as night flying.16.6. <strong>Requirements</strong> for instructional methods, particularly with respect to preflyingand post-flying briefings, adherence to syllabi and trainingspecifications, and authorization <strong>of</strong> solo flights.16.7. Instruction in respect to the conduct and Documentation <strong>of</strong> all progresschecks.16.8. Instruction, where applicable, given to all examining staff in respect tothe conduct <strong>of</strong> tests.17. FLIGHT SIMULATION TRAINING SYLLABUS17.1. Syllabus for flight simulation training should be appropriately structuredwith the progressive training.18. THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE SYLLABUS18.1. The syllabus for theoretical knowledge instruction should beappropriately structured generally with the progressive training withtraining specification and objective for each subject.19. TESTS AND CHECKS19.1. Tests and checks conducted for the issuance <strong>of</strong> a License or a rating.19.2. when a state has authorized an approved training organization toconduct the testing required for the issuance <strong>of</strong> a License or rating inaccordance with the training and procedures manual, it should include:19.2.1. name <strong>of</strong> the personnel with testing authority and scope <strong>of</strong> theauthority;19.2.2. role and duties <strong>of</strong> the authorized personnel;19.2.3. if the school has been given authority to appoint personnel toconduct the testing required for the issuance <strong>of</strong> a License orrating, the minimum requirement for appointment as well as theselection and appointment procedure; andPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 16

20. RECORDSCIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL19.2.4. applicable requirements established by the licensing authoritysuch as: procedures to be followed in the conduct <strong>of</strong> checks andtests; and19.2.4.2. Methods for completion and retention <strong>of</strong> testing recordsas required by the licensing authority.20.1. policy and procedures regarding:20.1.1. attendance records;20.1.2. student training records;20.1.3. staff training and qualification records;20.1.4. person responsible for checking records and student personallogs;20.1.5. nature and frequency <strong>of</strong> record checks;20.1.6. standardization <strong>of</strong> record entries;20.1.7. personal log entries; and20.1.8. Security <strong>of</strong> records and Documents.21. QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM21.1. Provide a brief description <strong>of</strong> the quality assurance system, as requiredby Annex 1, appendix 2, paragraph 3, with reference to a separatequality assurance manual or, include the full quality assurance system inthe training and procedures manual.22. APPENDICES22.1. Sample progress test forms, navigation logs, test reports and records, acopy <strong>of</strong> the approved training organization approval Document, asrequired.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 17

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALATTACHMENT 3-2QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM1. QUALITY POLICY AND STRATEGY1.1. The ATO shall describe how the organization formulates, deploys, andreviews its policy and strategy and turns it into plans and actionsapplicable to all levels <strong>of</strong> the organization. A formal written qualitypolicy statement should be established that is a commitment by the head<strong>of</strong> the training organization, as to what the quality assurance system isintended to achieve. The quality policy should reflect the achievementand continued compliance with relevant parts <strong>of</strong> Annex 1, appendix 2,together with any additional standards specified by the ATO.1.2. The accountable manager <strong>of</strong> the training organization will have overallresponsibility for the quality assurance system including the frequency,format and structure <strong>of</strong> the internal management review and analysisactivities and may delegate the responsibility for the tasks, definedunder paragraph below, to a quality manager.2. QUALITY MANAGER2.1. The primary role <strong>of</strong> the quality manager is to verify, by monitoringactivities in the Field <strong>of</strong> training, that the standards as established by theATO and any additional requirements <strong>of</strong> the licensing authority arebeing carried out properly.2.2. The quality manager should be responsible for ensuring that the qualityassurance system is properly implemented, maintained and continuouslyreviewed and improved.2.3. the quality manager should:2.3.1. have direct access to the accountable manager; and2.3.2. Have access to all parts <strong>of</strong> the ATO's organization.2.4. The quality manager should be responsible for ensuring that personneltraining relating to the quality assurance system is conducted.3. QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM3.1. The quality assurance system <strong>of</strong> the ATO should ensure compliance withrequirements, conformance to standards and adequacy <strong>of</strong> trainingactivities conducted.3.2. Every process that assists the ATO to achieve its results should beidentified and the activities and procedures Documented.3.3. The ATO should specify the basic structure <strong>of</strong> the quality assurancesystem applicable to all training activities conducted.4. FEEDBACK SYSTEM4.1. The quality assurance system should include a feedback system toensure that corrective actions are both identified and promptlyaddressed. The feedback system should also specify who is required torectify discrepancies and non-conformance in each particular case, andthe procedure to be followed if corrective action is not completed withinan appropriate timescale.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 18

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL5. DOCUMENTATION5.1. Relevant Documentation includes the relevant part(s) <strong>of</strong> the training andprocedures manual, which may be included in a separate quality manual.5.2. in addition, relevant Documentation should also include the following:5.2.1. quality policy;5.2.2. terminology;5.2.3. specified training standards;5.2.4. a description <strong>of</strong> the organization;5.2.5. the allocation <strong>of</strong> duties and responsibilities; and5.2.6. Training procedures to ensure regulatory compliance.5.3. the quality assurance audit programme, reflecting:5.3.1. schedule <strong>of</strong> the monitoring process;5.3.2. audit procedures;5.3.3. reporting procedures;5.3.4. follow-up and corrective action procedures;5.3.5. recording system; and5.3.6. Document control.6. QUALITY ASSURANCE AUDIT PROGRAMME6.1. the quality assurance audit programme should include all planned andsystematic actions necessary to provide confidence that all training areconducted in accordance with all applicable requirements, standards andprocedures.7. QUALITY INSPECTION7.1. The primary purpose <strong>of</strong> a quality inspection is to observe a particularevent/action/Document etc., in order to verify whether establishedtraining procedures and requirements are followed during theaccomplishment <strong>of</strong> that event and whether the required standard isachieved.7.2. typical subject areas for quality inspections could be:7.2.1. actual flight and ground training;7.2.2. maintenance;7.2.3. technical standards; and7.2.4. Training standards.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 19

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL8. AUDIT8.1. An audit is a systematic and independent comparison <strong>of</strong> the way inwhich training is being conducted against the way in which thepublished training procedures say it should be conducted.8.2. audits should include at least the following quality procedures andprocesses:8.2.1. an explanation <strong>of</strong> the scope <strong>of</strong> the audit;8.2.2. planning and preparation;8.2.3. gathering and recording evidence; and8.2.4. Analysis <strong>of</strong> the evidence.8.3. the various techniques that make up an effective audit are:8.3.1. interviews or discussions with personnel;8.3.2. a review <strong>of</strong> published Documents;8.3.3. the examination <strong>of</strong> an adequate sample <strong>of</strong> records;8.3.4. the witnessing <strong>of</strong> the activities which make up the training; and8.3.5. The preservation <strong>of</strong> Documents and the recording <strong>of</strong>observations.9. AUDITORS9.1. The ATO should decide, depending on the complexity <strong>of</strong> the training,whether to make use <strong>of</strong> a dedicated audit team or a single auditor. In anyevent, the auditor or audit team should have relevant training and/oroperational experience.9.2. The responsibilities <strong>of</strong> the auditors should be clearly defined in therelevant Documentations.9.3. auditor's independence9.3.1. Auditors should not have any day-to-day involvement in the area<strong>of</strong> the operation or maintenance activity that is to be audited. AnATO may, in addition to using the services <strong>of</strong> full-time dedicatedpersonnel belonging to a separate quality department, undertakethe monitoring <strong>of</strong> specific areas or activities by the use <strong>of</strong> parttimeauditors.9.3.2. An ATO whose structure and size does not justify theestablishment <strong>of</strong> full-time auditors, may undertake the auditfunction by the use <strong>of</strong> part-time personnel from within its ownorganization or from an external source under the terms <strong>of</strong> anagreement acceptable to the licensing authority.9.4. In all cases the ATO should develop suitable procedures to ensure thatpersons directly responsible for the activities to be audited are notselected as part <strong>of</strong> the auditing team. Where external auditors are used, itis essential that any external specialist is familiar with the type <strong>of</strong>training conducted by the ATO.9.5. the quality assurance audit programme <strong>of</strong> the ATO should identify thepersons within the company who have the experience, responsibility andPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 20

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALauthority to:9.5.1. perform quality inspections and audits as part <strong>of</strong> ongoing qualityassurance;9.5.2. identify and record any concerns or Findings, and the evidencenecessary to substantiate such concerns or Findings;9.5.3. initiate or recommend solutions to concerns or Findings throughdesignated reporting channels;9.5.4. verify the implementation <strong>of</strong> solutions within specific timescales; and9.5.5. Report directly to the quality manager.10. AUDIT SCHEDULING10.1. A quality assurance audit programme should include a defined auditschedule and a periodic review cycle. The schedule should be flexible,and allow unscheduled audits when trends are identified. Follow-upaudits should be scheduled when necessary to verify that correctiveaction was carried out and that it was effective.10.2. An ATO should establish a schedule <strong>of</strong> audits to be completed during aspecific calendar period. All aspects <strong>of</strong> the training should be reviewedwithin a period <strong>of</strong> twelve months in accordance with the programme.10.3. When an ATO defines the audit schedule, significant changes to themanagement, organization, training, or technologies should beconsidered, as well as changes to the standards and requirements.11. MONITORING AND CORRECTIVE ACTION11.1. The aim <strong>of</strong> monitoring within the quality system is primarily toinvestigate and judge its effectiveness and thereby to ensure that definedpolicy and training standards are continuously complied with.Monitoring activity is based upon quality inspections, audits, correctiveaction and follow-up. The ATO should establish and publish a qualityprocedure to monitor compliance with requirements and conformance tostandards on a continuing basis. This monitoring activity should beaimed at eliminating the causes <strong>of</strong> unsatisfactory performance.11.2. Any non-conformance identified should be communicated to themanager responsible for taking corrective action or, if appropriate, thehead <strong>of</strong> the training organization. Such non-conformance should berecorded, for the purpose <strong>of</strong> further investigation, in order to determinethe cause and to enable the recommendation <strong>of</strong> appropriate correctiveand preventive action.11.3. The quality assurance audit programme should include procedures toensure that corrective and preventive actions are developed in responseto findings. These quality procedures should monitor such actions toverify their effectiveness and that they have been completed.Organizational responsibility and accountability for the implementation<strong>of</strong> corrective action resides with the department where the Finding wasidentified. The head <strong>of</strong> the training organization will have the ultimateresponsibility for ensuring, through the quality manager(s), thatcorrective action has re-established conformance with the standardrequired by the ATO and any additional requirements established by thelicensing authority or the ATO.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 21

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL11.4. The ATO should identify internal and external customers, and monitortheir satisfaction by measuring and analysis <strong>of</strong> feedback.12. MANAGEMENT REVIEW AND ANALYSIS12.1. management should accomplish a comprehensive, systematicDocumented review and analysis <strong>of</strong> the quality assurance system,training policies, and procedures, and should consider:12.1.1. the results <strong>of</strong> quality inspections, audits and any other indicators;12.1.2. the overall effectiveness <strong>of</strong> the management organization inachieving stated objectives; and12.1.3. Correcting trends, and preventing, where applicable, future nonconformities.12.2. Conclusions and recommendations made as a result <strong>of</strong> the review andanalysis should be submitted in writing to the responsible manager foraction. The responsible manager should be an individual who has theauthority to resolve issues and take action. The head <strong>of</strong> the trainingorganization should decide upon the frequency, format, and structure <strong>of</strong>internal review and critical analysis meetings.12.3. recording12.4. Accurate, complete and readily accessible records documenting theresult <strong>of</strong> the quality assurance audit programme should be maintained bythe ATO. Records are essential data to enable an ATO to analyze anddetermine the root causes <strong>of</strong> non-conformity, so that areas <strong>of</strong> noncompliancecan be identified and subsequently addressed.12.5. The following records should be retained at least for the period that maybe required by national requirement. in the absence <strong>of</strong> suchrequirements, a period <strong>of</strong> three years is recommended:12.5.1. audit schedules;12.5.2. quality inspection and audit reports;12.5.3. responses to Findings;12.5.4. corrective and preventive action reports;12.5.5. follow-up and closure reports; and12.5.6. Management review and analysis reports.13. QUALITY ASSURANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SATELLITE ATOS13.1. An ATO may decide to sub-contract certain activities to externalorganizations subject to the approval <strong>of</strong> the licensing authority.13.2. The ultimate responsibility for the training provided by the satelliteATO always remains with the ATO. A written agreement should existbetween the ATO and the satellite ATO clearly defining the safetyrelatedservices and quality to be provided. The satellite ATO's safetyrelatedactivities relevant to the agreement should be included in theATO's quality assurance audit programme.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 22

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL13.3. The ATO should ensure that the satellite ATO has the necessaryauthorization/approval when required, and commands the resources andcompetence to undertake the task. If the ATO requires the satellite ATOto conduct activity that exceeds the satellite ATO'sauthorization/approval, the ATO is responsible for ensuring that thesatellite ATO's quality assurance takes account <strong>of</strong> such additionalrequirements.14. QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM TRAINING14.1. Correct and thorough training is essential to optimize quality in everyorganization. In order to achieve significant outcomes <strong>of</strong> such trainingthe ATO should ensure that all staff understands the objectives as laiddown in the quality manual.14.2. those responsible for managing the quality assurance system shouldreceive training covering:14.2.1. an introduction to the concept <strong>of</strong> quality assurance system;14.2.2. quality management;14.2.3. concept <strong>of</strong> quality assurance;14.2.4. quality manuals;14.2.5. audit techniques;14.2.6. Reporting and recording.14.2.7. The way in which the quality system will function in the ATO.14.3. Time should be provided to train every individual involved in qualityassurance and for briefing the remainder <strong>of</strong> the employees. Theallocation <strong>of</strong> time and resources should be governed by the size andcomplexity <strong>of</strong> the operation concerned.14.4. sources <strong>of</strong> personnel training14.4.1. Quality assurance courses are available from the various nationalor international standards institutions, and an ATO shouldconsider whether to <strong>of</strong>fer such courses to those likely to beinvolved in the management <strong>of</strong> the quality assurance system.Organizations with sufficient appropriately qualified staff shouldconsider whether to carry out in-house training.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 23


CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALATTACHMENT 3-4-2COMPANY OFFICIALS CONTACTED (Name/Designation)1.2.3.CAAN AUDIT TEAM MEMBERS (Name/Designation)1. 6.Important Note:Auditor is to audit only the applicable areas and should appropriately cater for the scope <strong>of</strong> work andworkload <strong>of</strong> the organization.GENERAL – APPLICABLE TO ALL ORGANIZATIONSAspects to be audited or questions to be answeredAre CAAN Authorizations, Licenses & Approvals available & valid?Does the Organization have an Organogram?Are the duties & responsibilities <strong>of</strong> each person clearly defined?Whether relevant ICAO ANNEXES & DOCUMENTS are available with thetraining center?Whether CARs, relevant ANOs, Air Safety Circulars (Lic) & other Instructionsavailable with the training center?Whether AIP with latest amendments is available?Whether Jeppesen Maps and Charts along with its revisions available?Whether the training center is maintaining a standing order register?Whether Exposition Manual/MEL/ ANs available?Whether Operations Manual/Flight/ Training Manuals available?Whether an approved training manual contain the complete information withregards to the courses conducted by the FTO/GTO:• Title <strong>of</strong> the Course.• Objectives <strong>of</strong> the Course.• Frequency <strong>of</strong> the Course.• Planned intake <strong>of</strong> the Course.• Location where Course is to be conducted.• Duration <strong>of</strong> the Course.• Eligibility Criterion <strong>of</strong> the Students.• Phase/Subject wise course contents.• Planned periods/hours for each phase/subject.• Duration <strong>of</strong> each period/break.StatusYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 25

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL• External/ICAO Documents to be used.• Internal Documents to be used.• Study Material/Course ware to be provided to students.• Number <strong>of</strong> Instructors to be used.• Instructors Qualification criterion.• Aircraft, if applicable, to be used with Instruments/Aids details.• Audio/Visual training aids to be used.• Simulation Devices to be used, if applicable.• Logistics support details, where applicable.• Details <strong>of</strong> On Job or Field experience, if applicable.• Details <strong>of</strong> study tour/visits, if applicable.• System <strong>of</strong> progress/training reports.• Type and frequency <strong>of</strong> Examinations/Skill Tests to be conducted.• Number/type <strong>of</strong> questions in Examinations.• Pass criterion to be used for academic/Skill test, as applicable.• Assessment Forms/Contents <strong>of</strong> Personal Folders.• Specimen Course completion Certificate to be issued.• Any other relevant information.Availability <strong>of</strong> Current NOTAMS to Pilots/students?Does the organization conduct its business with written instructions & records?Eg. SOPsDoes the organization take corrective actions as required byCAAN?Does the organization take preventive actions as required byCAAN?Are stores relating to Files and records maintained in a mannerthat they provide safekeeping, identity, and ease <strong>of</strong> retrieval?Is the control <strong>of</strong> records satisfactory in terms <strong>of</strong>:Responsibility / retention/ secrecyIs the training center maintaining its principal business <strong>of</strong>fices at the same placeand address that was previously approved by CAAN?Is the principal business <strong>of</strong>fice being shared with any other organization?Is the training centre using any other place/airport as base for imparting thetraining?If so, has the approval been obtained from CAAN?Is a proper library available, which provides ready access to students theDocumentation, aviation books, literature etc.?Whether a master folder showing various Documents available in the traininginstitute being maintained?Are the Documents available are updated?Yes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 26

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALFINANCIALAspects to be audited or questions to be answeredHas the training centre got its regular employees?Are payments being made regularly to fuel vendors and others including CAAN?Are the Employees/aircraft insured as per CARs?Can the training centre provide evidence that its Financial audit has been carriedout?Is the copy <strong>of</strong> the audited balance sheet <strong>of</strong> the training centre available? What arethe Financial assets <strong>of</strong> the organization?Are internal audit conductedIf Yes, frequency <strong>of</strong> audit?Have prescribed Insurance requirements been met?StatusYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoADVERTISEMENTAspects to be audited or questions to be answeredHas the training centre given any advertisement, which states that the training centrehas been approved? If yes, whether these advertisements are in accordance with thescope <strong>of</strong> approval?Has the training centre clearly differentiated in their advertisement between thecourses, which are approved and those courses which are not approved or not coveredunder the scope <strong>of</strong> approval granted to the training centre?If the training centre is not holding a current approval, whether the institute hasremoved all indications and signboards etc. showing its approval?StatusYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoGROUND TRAINING – APPLICABLE TO ALL ORGANIZATIONSAspects to be audited or questions to be answeredCheck if competence requirements <strong>of</strong> each employee have beendefined in terms <strong>of</strong>:• CFI• CGI• Instructors• Other personsHave the approvals been displayed prominently in the concerned <strong>of</strong>fice?Are the approvals <strong>of</strong> persons are valid?StatusYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 27

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALAspects to be audited or questions to be answeredDoes the Organization have an appropriate Physical Infrastructure commensuratewith its authorization, scope <strong>of</strong> work and load <strong>of</strong> work in terms <strong>of</strong>:• An operations room with facilities to control the operations.• A flight planning room with the following facilities:• Appropriate current maps and charts.• Current AIS information.• Current meteorological information.• Communications to ATC and the operations room.• Maps showing standard cross-country routes.• Maps showing current prohibited danger and restricted areas.• Any other flight safety related material.• Adequate briefing rooms/cubicles <strong>of</strong> sufficient size and number.• Suitable <strong>of</strong>fices for the supervisory staff and room(s) to allow flying instructorsto write reports on students, complete records, etc.• Furnished crew-room(s) for instructors and students.• Room (s) for Administration.• Toilet(s).• Stores (s)Are copying / printing facilities available?Are alarm bell and siren facilities at a suitable location available with the traininginstitute?Are sufficient numbers <strong>of</strong> Fire extinguishers available?Is a FIrst-aid room with proper kits and validity available?Is trained manpower available to handle safety services?Does proper coordination with local Fire station exist?Are ‘No-Smoking’ signs displayed at appropriate places?Check the conduct <strong>of</strong> Courses by the following:• Check ground training course contents.• Check ground assessment reports and results.• Check flying training course contents.• Check flying training assessment reports.• Check attendance sheet.• Check lecture program.Aspects to be audited or questions to be answeredCheck the followings in the Operations/Technical library:• Stock <strong>of</strong> books commensurate with the Number <strong>of</strong> students.• Satisfactory procedure <strong>of</strong> loaning books to the students.• Procurement <strong>of</strong> new books.• Revision status <strong>of</strong> the books available.• Check that <strong>of</strong>ficial notices, technical circulars, literatures and other requirementsare circulated by the institute to the instructional staffs as soon after receipt aspracticable and all superseded publications are withdrawn promptly.StatusYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoStatusYes/NoPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 28

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALWhether adequate training aids are available?Whether the space used for instructional purpose is properly lighted and ventilated?Whether proper audio-visual training aids are available?Whether similar arrangements are available at the satellite bases approved or carryingout flying training by the institute?Is ground-training study material available to the students?Is a simulator being used for conducting the training?If yes, is the Simulator approved?Yes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoFLYING TRAININGAspects to be audited or questions to be answeredNumber <strong>of</strong> serviceable a/c available (with types)Does the Number & Names <strong>of</strong> instructors imparting training including theirqualification and experience tally with details submitted to CAAN?Check the availability and status <strong>of</strong> following Documents:• Check pilots logbook• Check Flight Authorization• Check Authorization• Check Student Flying Trg. recordAre procedures laid down for the instructors Standardization/Regency/Ratings?Are proper briefing debriefing procedures established?Are records being maintained to show that proper briefing/de-briefing <strong>of</strong> the traineepilots is being conducted by CFI/FI?Are records being maintained to show that each student has gone through properground training prior to starting flying?Is the dossier <strong>of</strong> each trainee pilot maintained and updated including the supportingDocumentation?Is proper Met information available for the airports and the en-route beforeundertaking the training flights?Aspects to be audited or questions to be answeredHave procedures been established to obtain preflight information?Is there a satisfactory system <strong>of</strong> dissemination <strong>of</strong> Current NOTAMS to Pilots/studentsavailable?Does the institute issue a flying program in advance and disseminate it to thestudents?Are procedures established to ensure that the aircraft Centre <strong>of</strong> Gravity is withinlimits?Are standardized checklists available for normal, abnormal and emergencyprocedures?Are appropriate maps and charts for the flights available?Is a checklist available to show the Documents required to be carried on board?StatusYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoStatusYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 29

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALHave procedures been established under which the trainee pilots can be sent on theirfirst solo and subsequent solos?Have procedures been established under which the trainee pilots can be sent on theirfirst solo cross-country flight?Are procedures established under which the trainee pilot could be sent for nightflying?Are flight & duty time records being maintained? (instructors)Are records being maintained to show that the flying training is being conducted inaccordance with the approved syllabus prescribed in the approved training manual?Is there a system to check that the flight timings certified by the institute tally with theaerodrome records? (Log books VS Authorization book)Are smooth runways with clear runway markings available?Whether windsock or wind direction indicator is visible from each end <strong>of</strong> the runwayat ground level?Whether night training flights are carried out at the airport?If yes, then whether proper night flying facilities are available at the airport?Whether proper traffic pattern has been established for carrying out the flyingtraining?Whether proper drills have been established in case <strong>of</strong> aircraft emergency duringflying at the airport?Whether airport perimeter fencing is available with adequate watch and ward forpreventing runaway incursion during aircraft operation?Whether procedures have established for the Chief Flight Instructor to carry out flyingchecks <strong>of</strong> Flight Instructors and the trainee pilots to ensure standardized flyingtraining?Whether reports on various flying checks carried out are available?Is pilots’ folder available and maintained as per CAAN instructions?Is the organization approved as a maintenance organization?Is the approval Certificate displayed?Is the QCM/CE and Exposition Manual approved?Is the approved QCM/Chief Engineer a full time regular employee <strong>of</strong> theorganization?Yes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 30

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALCABIN ATTENDANT TRAININGAspects to be audited or questions to be answeredWhether an approved training syllabus for Cabin Attendants Training is available inthe training organization?Are records being maintained for each student to show the classroom trainingaccomplished?Whether the evacuation drills being conducted in a proper mockup and does themockup bear close resemblance to the specific aircraft type?Whether actual Fire is extinguished in a Fire drill?Where is the wet drill carried out?Whether a high degree <strong>of</strong> similarity is maintained in the slide training with regard tospecific aircraft type?Are the trainees given exposure to actual aircraft during the training?Whether the First Aid training being conducted?Are results <strong>of</strong> various checks <strong>of</strong> the trainees at different stages readily available?Is adequate space available for different drills?Whether adequate safety equipment is available for briefing purposes?Whether adequate equipment is available for demonstration, briefing and practicingdifferent drills?Are the classrooms equipped with adequate audio-visual aids?Whether the classrooms, briefing rooms or mockups have temperature controlfacilities?StatusYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 31

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALAIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER TRAINING(Basic Course)Aspects to be audited or questions to be answeredIs there a procedure to ensure incorporation <strong>of</strong> latest amendments into the approvedcourse material?Does the organization have a technical library?Does the organization have a recent master copy <strong>of</strong> related ICAO Annexes andDocuments?Are the trainees briefed on the latest amendments on the related subjects?Do the trainees have access to the technical library?Are the trainees provided with complete sets <strong>of</strong> the course material?Do the trainees meet the required criteria for the subject training?Aspects to be audited or questions to be answeredDo the instructors meet the required criteria for approval as instructor?Is there a process to ensure the up keep <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>essional knowledge <strong>of</strong> theinstructors through refreshers?Do the instructors keep abreast with the latest developments in Air Traffic Control?Specially CNS-ATMAre the practical exercises for the trainees realistic?Are the classrooms equipped with adequate audio-visual aids?Is the radio equipment <strong>of</strong> the ATC simulators working properly?Are the clocks in the ATC simulators properly synchronized; and in good workingcondition?Is the strip marking the same as being done actually in the ATS Units?Is there enough number <strong>of</strong> simulators?Are the lighting facilities in the classrooms and simulators satisfactory?Are the classrooms and simulators equipped with temperature control devices?StatusYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoStatusYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoON JOB TRAINING – ATCOAspects to be audited or questions to be answeredIs the Airport appropriate for basic Rating OJT?Does Instructor hold OJTI Rating?Is appropriate record being maintained <strong>of</strong> the OJT?Is student allowed on the controls during peak time?Is there an appropriate room for Briefing & De-Briefing?StatusYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoYes/NoPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 32

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALATTACHMENTCAAN REF. No.:PERSONNEL LICENSING OFFICECIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITYOF NEPAL, KATHMANDUDated :ORGANIZATION NON-CONFORMANCE REPORTChief Flight InstructorFlying School1. Ref Inspection visit to Flying School.2. Following observations are made:a. Training and Procedures manual not approved. (Ref Part 3 CARs)b. Medical records <strong>of</strong> pilots not available. (Ref Part 3 CARs)c. Skill test <strong>of</strong> Jerry D Silva <strong>of</strong> less duration. (Ref Part 2 CARs)d. Annex 1 amendment 167 not incorporated. (Ref Part 1 CARs)3. Corrective action to be intimated to PLO by (Date) 20 May 06Name:Signature <strong>Licensing</strong> OfficerFor use by <strong>Personnel</strong> <strong>Licensing</strong> Office (PLO):1. Corrective action received vide………………………………….2. Corrective action found Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory* / not received**3. Follow up and closed out by………………………………….• * Raise another Form-QMS-ML-04• ** A reminder is to be sent to the operator in case no response is received within 07 days,a show cause is to be served.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION3- 33



4.1 PURPOSE OF VALIDATIONCIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALThe purpose <strong>of</strong> a validation is to permit a foreignlicense/certificate holder, to exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> his/ herlicense/certificate for a specific purpose and for a limitedduration on a <strong>Nepal</strong>ese registered aircraft where issue <strong>of</strong> a<strong>Nepal</strong>ese license is neither appropriate nor necessary.4.2 TYPES OF VALIDATION4.2.1 Two types <strong>of</strong> validation documents will be issued by thelicensing authority as under:a) Validation Certificateb) Validation Letter.4.3 VALIDATION CERTIFICATE4.3.1 A Validation Certificate is issued to a foreign licenseholder authorizing him to exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> licensein operation <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Nepal</strong>ese registered aircraft.4.3.2 The license holder shall carry the Validation Certificate,along with his valid foreign license, while exercising theprivileges <strong>of</strong> Validation Certificate.4.4 VALIDATION LETTER4.4.1 A Validation Letter is issued to a foreign license holderauthorizing him to exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> license inoperation <strong>of</strong> a foreign registered aircraft, under operationalcontrol <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Nepal</strong>ese operator/owner.4.4.2 The license holder shall carry the Validation Letter, alongwith his valid foreign license, while exercising theprivileges <strong>of</strong> the Validation Letter.4.5 REQUIREMENT TO HOLD A VALIDATIONCERTIFICATE4.5.1 No pilot holding a foreign license shall operate a <strong>Nepal</strong>eseregistered aircraft without his foreign license having beenrendered valid in accordance with the prescribed method;and the foreign license holder having been issued with a`Validation Certificate’.4.5.2 No Flight Engineer holding a foreign license shall operatea <strong>Nepal</strong>ese registered aircraft without his foreign licensehaving been rendered valid in accordance with theprescribed method; and the foreign license holder havingbeen issued with a `Validation Certificate’.4.5.3 No cabin crew holding a foreign license certificate shalloperate a <strong>Nepal</strong>ese registered aircraft without her/hisforeign license having been rendered valid in accordancewith the prescribed method; and the foreign license holderhaving been issued with a `Validation Certificate’.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 4- 2

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL4.5.4 No maintenance engineer holding a foreign license shallcarry out any maintenance work on a <strong>Nepal</strong>ese registeredaircraft without his foreign license having been renderedvalid in accordance with the prescribed method; and theforeign license holder having been issued with a`Validation Certificate’.4.5.5 No flight operation <strong>of</strong>ficer holding a foreign license shalldispatch a <strong>Nepal</strong>ese registered aircraft, from a <strong>Nepal</strong>eseapproved dispatch centre, without his foreign licensehaving been rendered valid in accordance with theprescribed method; and the foreign license holder havingbeen issued with a `Validation Certificate’.4.5.6 No Air Traffic Controller holding a foreign license shallcarry out air traffic control duties from a <strong>Nepal</strong>eseaerodrome/airport without his foreign license having beenrendered valid in accordance with the prescribed method;and the foreign license holder having been issued with a`Validation Certificate’.4.6 REQUIREMENT TO HOLD A VALIDATION LETTER4.6.1 No pilot holding a foreign license shall operate a foreignregistered aircraft on a dry lease, wet lease, damp lease,sub-lease, charter, sub-charter or interchange aircraftunder the operational control <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Nepal</strong>ese operator/ownerwithout his foreign license having been rendered valid inaccordance with the prescribed method; and the foreignlicense holder having been issued with a `ValidationLetter’.4.6.2 No flight engineer holding a foreign license shall operate aforeign registered aircraft on a dry lease, wet lease, damplease, sub-lease, charter, sub-charter or interchangeaircraft under the operational control <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Nepal</strong>eseoperator/owner without his foreign license having beenrendered valid in accordance with the prescribed method;and the foreign license holder having been issued with a`Validation Letter’.4.6.3 No cabin crew holding a foreign license shall operate aforeign registered aircraft on a dry lease, wet lease, damplease, sub-lease, charter, sub-charter or interchangeaircraft under the operational control <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Nepal</strong>eseoperator/owner without his foreign license having beenrendered valid in accordance with the prescribed method;and the foreign license holder having been issued with a`Validation Letter’.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 4- 3

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL4.6.4 No maintenance engineer holding a foreign license shallcarry out maintenance work on a foreign registered aircrafton a dry lease, wet lease, damp lease, sub-lease, charter,sub-charter or interchange aircraft under the operationalcontrol <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Nepal</strong>ese operator/owner without his foreignlicense having been rendered valid in accordance with theprescribed method; and the foreign license holder havingbeen issued with a `Validation Letter’.4.7 VALIDATION CERTIFICATE - CIRCUMSTANCES FORISSUE4.7.1 A Validation Certificate may be issued to a foreign licenseholder under, subject to meeting the prescribed PELrequirements, under following circumstances:a) Operation <strong>of</strong> an aircraft based abroad with <strong>Nepal</strong>eseregistration.b) Ferry <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Nepal</strong>ese registered aircraft to and from aforeign country.c) Conduct <strong>of</strong> training <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong>ese crew by a foreignlicense holder.d) A foreigner receiving training on a <strong>Nepal</strong>ese registeredaircraft.e) Conduct <strong>of</strong> a flight test <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Nepal</strong>ese registeredaircraft by a foreign license holder.f) For any other purpose, not specified above, as deemedappropriate by the licensing authority.4.8 VALIDATION CERTIFICATE – CONDITIONS ANDSCOPE4.8.1 A Validation Certificate shall be issued in specificcircumstances, for a specific purpose and for a specificduration.4.8.2 The privileges granted by the Validation Certificate shallnot exceed the original license.4.8.3 The period <strong>of</strong> validity <strong>of</strong> the Validation Certificate shallnot exceed the period <strong>of</strong> validity <strong>of</strong> the original license.4.8.4 Validation Certificate may be issued withrestrictions/limitations, as applicable.4.8.5 The Validation Certificate shall contain the authorizationdetails including name, foreign license type and number,issuing state, medical status, type <strong>of</strong> aircraft to beoperated, period <strong>of</strong> validity and any otherrestriction/limitation imposed.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 4- 4

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL4.9 VALIDATION CERTIFICATE – ISSUE PROCESS4.9.1 Issue <strong>of</strong> a Validation Certificate shall be subject to thefollowing process:a) A request by the operator/owner to the licensingauthority justifying the need for such a validation.b) Submission by the operator <strong>of</strong> the individual’s originalvalid foreign license with appropriate Type Rating,Instrument Rating and Instructor Rating as applicable.(clear photocopy <strong>of</strong> the license documents - if theindividual is not physically present in the country asyet)c) Submission by the operator <strong>of</strong> the individual’s validmedical assessment with appropriate class.d) Submission by the operator the work permit issued bythe state.e) Submission by the operator the evidence <strong>of</strong> requiredsecurity clearance in accordance with the governmentregulations as applicable.f) Verification by the licensing <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the licensedetails from the issuing state.g) Passing <strong>of</strong> the CAAN Validation Examination <strong>of</strong>English Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency (as applicable) and AirRegulations.h) Payment <strong>of</strong> licensing fee.4.10 VALIDATION CERTIFICAT LETTER – VALIDATIONEXAMINATION4.10.1 The Validation Examination shall comprise two parts asunder:a) A written examination on the <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> AirRegulations.b) An oral test in English as applicable.4.10.2 With prior approval <strong>of</strong> the DG CAAN, ValidationExamination may be conducted, by CAAN licensing<strong>of</strong>ficers, outside the country at the operator/ownerexpense.4.11 VALIDATION CERTIFICATE - VALIDITY PERIOD4.11.1 Validation Certificate shall be issued for a period <strong>of</strong> 6calendar months or as per the validity <strong>of</strong> the holdersforeign license or medical certificate whichever is earliest.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 4- 5

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL4.12 VALIDATION CERTIFICATE – EXTENSION OFVALIDITY PERIOD4.12.1 Period <strong>of</strong> validity <strong>of</strong> the Validation Certificate may beextended by the licensing authority subject to a validrequest by the operator/owner justifying the need forextension.4.12.2 Validation certificate will be renewed subject to applicantmeets renewal requirements <strong>of</strong> the licenses.4.12.3 <strong>Licensing</strong> fee payment as per the fee schedule as per CAR2058.4.13 VALIDATION LETTER - CIRCUMSTANCES FOR ISSUE4.13.1 A Validation Letter may be issued to a foreign licenseholder operating a foreign registered aircraft under drylease, wet lease, damp lease, sub-lease, charter, subcharteror interchange aircraft under the operationalcontrol <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Nepal</strong>ese operator/owner.4.13.2 `Validation Letter’ shall be issued to theLicense/Certificate holder subject to meeting therequirements agreed with the state <strong>of</strong> registry under the`Transfer Agreement’ signed under ICAO Article 83 bis.4.14 VALIDATION LETTER – ISSUE PROCESS4.14.1 Issue <strong>of</strong> a Validation Certificate shall be subject to thefollowing process:a) A request by the operator/owner to the licensing <strong>of</strong>fice.b) Submission by the operator <strong>of</strong> the individual’s originalvalid foreign license with appropriate type rating,instrument rating and instructor rating as applicable.(clear photocopy <strong>of</strong> the license documents if theindividual is not physically present in the country asyet)c) Submission by the operator <strong>of</strong> the individual’s validmedical assessment with appropriate class.d) Submission by the operator the work permit issued bythe state.e) Verification by the licensing <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the licensedetails from the issuing state.f) Examination <strong>of</strong> English language (as applicable) andAir Regulations.g) Payment <strong>of</strong> licensing fee.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 4- 6

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL4.15 VALIDATION LETTER – VALIDITY PERIOD4.15.1 Validation Letter shall be issued for a period 6 calendarmonths or as per the validity <strong>of</strong> the holders foreign licenseor medical certificate whichever is earliest.4.16 VALIDATION LETTER – EXTENSION OF VALIDITYPERIOD4.16.1 Period <strong>of</strong> validity <strong>of</strong> the Validation Letter may be extended bythe licensing authority subject to a request by theoperator/owner and payment <strong>of</strong> the licensing fee.4.16.2 Validation letter will be renewed subject to applicants fulfillingthe renewal requirement <strong>of</strong> the licenses.4.17 FEE SCHEDULE4.17.1 As per CAAN fee schedule as per CAR 2058.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 4- 7

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALAttachment 4-1VALIDATION CERTIFICATECIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALVALIDATION CERTIFICATE No.The __________________________________________ License No.__________________ issued on _________________________ by______________________________________ in favour <strong>of</strong>___________________________________________________ is herebyrendered valid for the purpose <strong>of</strong> fly with______________________________________ in the capacity and subjectto the conditions and the limitations specified below. The holder shallabide by the rules, regulations and limitations contained in <strong>Personnel</strong><strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Requirements</strong>, Flight Operations <strong>Requirements</strong> and CAR 2058.a) This certificate is valid subject to medical fitness, and a valid Licenseuntil _______________________. The holder is authorized to fly__________________ type <strong>of</strong> aircraft registered in <strong>Nepal</strong> as_______________________b) This certificate is to be carried with the original license.c) Limitations:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Signature <strong>of</strong> Holder<strong>Licensing</strong> and Examination Division<strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong>Dated : _______________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTSJANUARY, 2010SECOND ED ITION4- 8


CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL(SPECIMEN VALIDATION LETTER)Attachment 4-2CAAN Ref. :Dated:Dear Sir,SUBJECT :VALIDATION LETTER NO: ………1. Ref : __________________________2. The Foreign License <strong>of</strong> the under mentioned crew <strong>of</strong>__________________________ are rendered valid. The competency isto ensure that the renewal requirements are kept in accordance with therequirements <strong>of</strong> the State <strong>of</strong> Registry:S.No Name Authorization License # Aircraft1. Mr. ……….. Captain ATPL-…….. B-7573. The crew is advised to carry a copy <strong>of</strong> this letter, along with theoriginal license while operating flights.4. This certificate is valid until ______________5. The holder <strong>of</strong> this certificate is authorized to operate only_______________ Registered aircraft.Yours Faithfully,____________________________Signature <strong>of</strong> Holder<strong>Licensing</strong> and Examination Division<strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong>c.c.:Flight Operations DivisionPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 4- 10


CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL5.1 INTRODUCTION5.1.1 Radiotelephony provides the means by which pilots and groundpersonnel communicate with each other. Used properly, theinformation and instructions transmitted are <strong>of</strong> vital importancein conduct <strong>of</strong> safe and expeditious operation <strong>of</strong> aircraft. On theother hand, the use <strong>of</strong> non-standard procedures and phraseologycan cause misunderstanding. Incidents and accidents haveoccurred in which a contributing factor has been themisunderstanding caused by the use <strong>of</strong> poor phraseology.However it does not mean that the personnel involved areexempted from using non-standard phraseologies. Wherestandard phraseologies are not sufficient for safecommunications, the use <strong>of</strong> plan English is always desired.Therefore, the importance <strong>of</strong> using correct and precise standardphraseology as well as plane English can not be overestimated.5.1.2 This regulation provides the working details for thedetermination <strong>of</strong> the English Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency Level in the ATCcommunications radio phraseology.5.2 ENGLISH PROFICIENCY – REQUIREMENTS5.2.1 Aeroplane, helicopter, powered-lift, airship, free balloon,glider, Microlight pilots and those flight navigators who arerequired to use the radio telephone aboard an aircraft shalldemonstrate the ability to speak and understand the languageused for radiotelephony communications.5.2.2 Air Traffic Controllers and aeronautical station operators shalldemonstrate the ability to speak and understand the languageused for radiotelephony communications.5.2.3 Flight Engineers should have the ability to speak andunderstand the language used for radiotelephonycommunications.5.2.4 The language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency <strong>of</strong> aeroplane, helicopter, poweredlift,airship, free balloon, gliders, microlight pilots, air trafficcontrollers and aeronautical station operators who demonstratepr<strong>of</strong>iciency below the expert level (Level 6) shall be formallyevaluated at intervals in accordance with an individual’sdemonstrated pr<strong>of</strong>iciency level.a) those demonstrating language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency at theoperational level (Level 4) should be evaluated at leastonce every three years; andb) That demonstrating language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency at theextended level (Level 5) should be evaluated at leastonce every six years.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 5- 2

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL5.1.5 Cabin crew, aircraft maintenance personnel and FlightOperations Officers / Flight Dispatchers shall demonstrate alanguage pr<strong>of</strong>iciency <strong>of</strong> at least Level 4 during the initialinduction for basic training for the initial issue <strong>of</strong> license /certificate.5.2.6 Formal evaluation is not required for applicants whodemonstrate Expert language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency, e.g. native and verypr<strong>of</strong>icient non-native speakers with a dialect or accentintelligible to the international aeronautical community.5.2.7 <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> Academy shall develop <strong>Aviation</strong> EnglishTraining and Testing Procedures, which should contain, atleast, the following:a) Methods and Methodologies <strong>of</strong> testingb) Design, adoption or selection <strong>of</strong> training materialsc) Instructor and Tester qualification and selectiond) Testing Standardse) Programme Evaluation5.3 ENGLISH PROFICIENCY – HOLISTIC DESCRIPTORSa) The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with thedescription, as given below, in the ATC radiotelephony and inplain language.b) The pr<strong>of</strong>icient speakers shall:i) Communicate effectively in voice-only (telephone/radiotelephone) and in face to face situations.ii) Communicate on common, concrete and work related topicswith accuracy and clarity.iii) Use appropriate communicative strategies to exchangemessages and to recognise and resolve misunderstandingsin a general or work related context. (for example to check,confirm or clarify information)iv) Handle successfully and with relative ease the linguisticchallenges presented by a complication or unexpected turn<strong>of</strong> events that occurs within the context <strong>of</strong> a routine worksituation or communicative task with which they areotherwise familiar; andv) Use a dialect or accent, which is intelligible to theaeronautical community.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 5- 3

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL5.4 ENGLISH PROFICIENCY – LEVELS5.4.1 The under mentioned English language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency ratinglevels shall be endorsed on the license/certificate:a) Level 1 – Pre-Elementary.b) Level 2 – Elementary.c) Level 3 – Pre-Operational.d) Level 4 – Operational.e) Level 5 – Extended.f) Level 6 – Expert.5.4.2 For the explanation <strong>of</strong> the English language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency ratingscale, refer to Annex 1.5.5 ENGLISH PROFICIENCY – EVALUATION5.5.1 Flight crew shall be required to hold English languagepr<strong>of</strong>iciency <strong>of</strong> operational level (Level 4) as a pre-requisite forthe issue <strong>of</strong> any License.5.5.2 Flight crew holders <strong>of</strong> Operational Level (Level 4) shall beevaluated by the CAAN at least once every three years.5.5.3 Flight crew holders <strong>of</strong> Extended Level (Level 5) shall beevaluated by the CAAN at least once every six years.5.5.4 Air Traffic Controllers who demonstrate pr<strong>of</strong>iciency below theExpert Level (Level 6) shall be formally evaluated by theCAAN at intervals in accordance with an individual’sdemonstrated pr<strong>of</strong>iciency level.5.5.5 Formal evaluation by the CAAN in English languagepr<strong>of</strong>iciency may be exempted for applicants who demonstrateExpert language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency, e.g. English speaking or verypr<strong>of</strong>icient non-native English speakers with a dialect or accentintelligible to the international aeronautical community.5.5.6 The endorsement <strong>of</strong> English language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency level on thelicenses/certificates already issued by the CAAN will be carriedout in a phased manner to be completed by December 2010.5.6 ENGLISH PROFICIENCY – ENDORSEMENT5.6.1 English language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency shall be endorsed on the Licenseor Certificate at para X111 titled `Remarks’ in accordance withthe English Language prescribed pr<strong>of</strong>iciency level in Annex 1.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 5- 4



CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.1 PRIVATE PILOT LICENSE – AEROPLANE, HELICOPTER6.2 PPL - ELIGIBILITY6.2.1 SPL6.2.2 Age6.2.1.1 Applicant shall hold a valid student pilotlicense. Applicant shall not be less than 17 years <strong>of</strong>age.6.2.3 Medical6.2.3.1 Applicant shall hold Class II medical.6.3 PPL - FLYING TRAINING ORGANIZATION (FTO)6.3.1 The flying organization conducting training for the issue <strong>of</strong> aprivate pilot license shall hold a valid approval from licensingauthority as a flying training organization (FTO).6.3.2 FTO shall have the detailed course <strong>of</strong> each category <strong>of</strong> aircraft,as applicable, approved from the licensing authority.1.3.3 FTO shall begin each course under intimation to <strong>Licensing</strong><strong>Authority</strong>.6.4 PPL – LICENSING REQUIREMENTa) Completion <strong>of</strong> ground theoretical course.b) Completion <strong>of</strong> flying experience.c) Passing <strong>of</strong> CAAN Technical Examinations.d) Passing <strong>of</strong> CAAN Oral Test.e) Passing <strong>of</strong> CAAN Skill Test.6.5 PPL – KNOWLEDGE- AEROPLANE, HELICOPTER6.5.1 The Applicant shall have demonstrated a level <strong>of</strong> knowledgeappropriate to the privileges granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> a PrivatePilot License and appropriate to the category <strong>of</strong> aircraftintended to be included in the license, in at least the followingsubjects:PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 3

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.5.2 Air Law6.5.2.1 Rules and regulations relevant to the holder <strong>of</strong> a PrivatePilot License; rules <strong>of</strong> the air; altimeter settingprocedures; appropriate Air Traffic Services practicesand procedures;6.5.3 Aircraft General Knowledge for Aeroplane, Helicoptera) principles <strong>of</strong> operation and functioning <strong>of</strong> power plants,systems and instruments;b) operating limitations <strong>of</strong> the relevant category <strong>of</strong> aircraft andpower plants;c) relevant operational information from the flight manual orother appropriate document;d) for helicopter and powered-lift, transmission (power-trains)where applicable;e) for airship, physical properties and practical application <strong>of</strong>gases;6.5.4 Flight Performance, Planning and Loadinga) effects <strong>of</strong> loading and mass distribution on flightcharacteristics; mass and balance calculations;b) use and practical application <strong>of</strong> take-<strong>of</strong>f, landing and otherperformance data;c) pre-flight and en-route flight planning appropriate to privateoperations under VFR; preparation and filing <strong>of</strong> air trafficservices flight plans; appropriate Air Traffic Servicesprocedures; position reporting procedures; altimeter settingprocedures; operations in areas <strong>of</strong> high-density traffic;6.5.5 Human Performance6.5.5.1 human performance including principles <strong>of</strong> threat anderror management;6.5.6 Meteorology6.5.6.1 application <strong>of</strong> elementary aeronautical meteorology; use<strong>of</strong>, and procedures for obtaining, meteorologicalinformation; altimetry; hazardous weather conditions;6.5.7 Navigation6.5.7.1 practical aspects <strong>of</strong> air navigation and dead-reckoningtechniques; use <strong>of</strong> aeronautical charts;6.5.8 Operational Proceduresa) application <strong>of</strong> threat and error management principles tooperational performance;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 4

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALb) altimeter setting procedures;c) use <strong>of</strong> aeronautical documentation such as aip, NOTAM,aeronautical codes and abbreviations;d) appropriate precautionary and emergency procedures,including action to be taken to avoid hazardous weather,wake turbulence and other operating hazards;e) in the case <strong>of</strong> the helicopter, and if applicable, powered-lift,settling with power; ground resonance; retreating bladestall; dynamic roll-over and other operation hazards; safetyprocedures, associated with flight in VMC;6.5.9 Principles <strong>of</strong> FlightPrinciples <strong>of</strong> flight;6.5.10 RadiotelephonyCommunication procedures and phraseology as applied to VFRoperations; action to be taken in case <strong>of</strong> communication failure.6.6 PPL – EXPERIENCE - AEROPLANEa) The Applicant shall have completed not less than 50 hours <strong>of</strong>flight time or 40 hours if completed during a course <strong>of</strong> approvedtraining, as a pilot <strong>of</strong> aeroplanes appropriate to the class rating.The licensing authority shall determine whether experience as apilot under instruction in a flight simulation training device, isacceptable as part <strong>of</strong> the total flight time <strong>of</strong> 50 hours or 40 hours,as the case may be. Credit for such experience shall be limited to amaximum <strong>of</strong> 5 hours.b) When the Applicant has flight time as a pilot <strong>of</strong> aircraft in othercategories, the licensing authority shall determine whether suchexperience is acceptable and, if so, the extent to which the flighttime requirements can be reduced accordingly.c) The Applicant shall have completed in aeroplanes not less than 10hours <strong>of</strong> solo flight time appropriate to the flight <strong>of</strong> solo flighttime appropriate to the class rating sought under the supervision<strong>of</strong> an authorized flight instructor, including 5 hours <strong>of</strong> solo crosscountryflight time with at least one cross-country flight totalling notless than 270 km (150 nm) in the course <strong>of</strong> which full-stoplandings at two different aerodromes shall be made.d) operations to, from and transiting controlled aerodromes,compliance with air traffic services procedures;e) normal and crosswind take-<strong>of</strong>fs and landings; andf) flight by reference solely to instruments, including the completion<strong>of</strong> a level 180° turn.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 5

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.7 PPL – FLIGHT INSTRUCTION - AEROPLANE6.7.1 The Applicant shall have received dual instruction inaeroplanes appropriate to the class rating sought from anauthorized flight instructor. The instructor shall ensure that theApplicant has operational experience in at least the followingareas to the level <strong>of</strong> performance required for the private pilot:a) recognize and manage threats and errors;b) pre-flight operations, including mass and balancedetermination, aeroplane inspection and servicing;c) aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collision avoidanceprecautions and procedures;d) control <strong>of</strong> the aeroplane by external visual reference;e) flight at critically slow airspeeds; recognition <strong>of</strong>, and recoveryfrom, incipient and full stalls;f) flight at critically high airspeeds; recognition <strong>of</strong>, andrecovery from, spiral dives;g) normal and cross-wind take-<strong>of</strong>fs and landings;h) maximum performance (short field and obstacle clearance)take-<strong>of</strong>fs; short-field landings;i) flight by reference solely to instruments, including thecompletion <strong>of</strong> a level 180° turn;j) cross-country flying using visual reference, dead reckoningand, where available, radio navigation aids;k) emergency operations, including simulated aeroplaneequipment malfunctions;l) operations to, from and transiting controlled aerodromes,compliance with air traffic services procedures; andm) Communication procedures and phraseology.Note : The instrument experience specified in 6.7.1 and the night flying dualinstruction in 6.18.2 do not entitle the holder <strong>of</strong> private license to pilothelicopter under IFR.6.8 PPL – EXPERIENCE - HELICOPTERa) The Applicant shall have completed not less than 40 hours <strong>of</strong>flight time as a pilot <strong>of</strong> helicopters. The <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong>shall determine whether experience as a pilot under instructionin a flight simulation training device, is acceptable as part <strong>of</strong> thetotal flight time <strong>of</strong> 40 hours. Credit for such experience shall belimited to a maximum <strong>of</strong> 5 hours.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 6

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALb) When the Applicant has flight time as a pilot <strong>of</strong> aircraft in othercategories, the licensing authority shall determine whether suchexperience is acceptable and, if so, the extent to which the flighttime requirements can be reduced accordingly.c) The Applicant shall have completed in helicopters not less than10 hours <strong>of</strong> solo flight time under the supervision <strong>of</strong> anauthorized flight instructor, including 5 hours <strong>of</strong> solo crosscountryflight time with at least one cross-country flighttotalling not less than 180 km (100 nm) in the course <strong>of</strong> whichlandings at two different points shall be made.6.9 PPL – FLIGHT INSTRUCTION - HELICOPTER6.9.1 The Applicant shall have received not less than 20 hours <strong>of</strong> dualinstruction time in helicopters from an authorized flightinstructor. the instructor shall ensure that the Applicant hasoperational experience in at least the following areas to thelevel <strong>of</strong> performance required for the private pilot:a) recognize and manage threats and errors;b) pre-flight operations, including mass and balancedetermination, helicopter inspection and servicing;c) aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collision avoidanceprecautions and procedures;d) control <strong>of</strong> the helicopter by external visual reference;e) recovery at the incipient stage from settling with power;recovery techniques from low-rotor rpm within the normalrange <strong>of</strong> engine rpm;f) ground manoeuvring and run-ups; hovering; take-<strong>of</strong>fs andlandings — normal, out <strong>of</strong> wind and slopping ground;g) take-<strong>of</strong>fs and landings with minimum necessary power;maximum performance take-<strong>of</strong>f and landing techniques;restricted site operations; quick stops;h) cross-country flying using visual reference, dead reckoningand, where available, radio navigation aids, including aflight <strong>of</strong> at least one hour;i) emergency operations, including simulated helicopterequipment malfunctions; autorotative approach ;j) operations to, from and transmitting controlled aerodromes,compliance with air traffic services procedures; andk) Communications procedures and phraseology.6.10 PPL – EXPERIENCE - POWERED-LIFT6.10.1 The Applicant shall have completed not less than 40 hours <strong>of</strong>flight time as pilot <strong>of</strong> a powered-lift. The <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong>shall determine whether experience as a pilot under instruction ina flight simulation training device is acceptable as part <strong>of</strong> thetotal flight time <strong>of</strong> 40 hours.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 7

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.10.2 When the Applicant has flight time as a pilot <strong>of</strong> aircraft in othercategories, the licensing authority shall determine whether suchexperience is acceptable and, if so, the extent to which the flighttime requirements can be reduced accordingly.6.10.3 The Applicant should have completed in a powered-lift not lessthan 10 hours <strong>of</strong> solo flight time under the supervision <strong>of</strong> anauthorized flight instructor, including 5 hours <strong>of</strong> solo crosscountryflight time with at least one cross-country flight totallingnot less than 270 km (150 nm) in the course <strong>of</strong> which full stoplandings at two different aerodromes shall be made.6.11 PPL – FLIGHT INSTRUCTION - POWERED-LIFT6.11.1 The Applicant shall have received not less than 20 hours <strong>of</strong> dualinstruction time in a powered-lift from an authorized flightinstructor. the instructor shall ensure that the Applicant hasoperational experience in at least the following areas to the level<strong>of</strong> performance required for the private pilot:a) recognize and manage threats and errors;b) pre-flight operations, including mass and balancedetermination, powered-lift inspection and servicing;c) aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collision avoidanceprecautions and procedures;d) control <strong>of</strong> the powered-lift by external visual reference;e) ground manoeuvring and run-ups; hover and rolling take<strong>of</strong>fsand climb-out; hover and rolling approach and landings— normal, out <strong>of</strong> wind and slopping ground;f) take-<strong>of</strong>fs and landings with minimum necessary power;maximum performance take-<strong>of</strong>f and landing techniques;restricted site operations; quick stops;g) flight by reference solely to instruments, including thecompletion <strong>of</strong> a level 180° turn;h) recovery at the incipient stage from settling with power;recovery techniques from low-rotor rpm within the normalrange <strong>of</strong> engine rpm;i) cross-country flying using visual reference, dead reckoningand, where available, radio navigation aids, including aflight <strong>of</strong> at least one hour;j) emergency operations, including simulated powered-liftequipment malfunctions; power <strong>of</strong> reconversion toautorotation and autorotative approach, where applicable;transmission and interconnect driveshaft failure, whereapplicable;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 8

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALk) operations to, from and transiting controlled aerodromes,compliance with air traffic services procedures; andl) Communication procedures and phraseology.6.12 PPL – EXPERIENCE - AIRSHIP6.12.1 The Applicant shall have completed not less than 25 hours <strong>of</strong>flight time as a pilot <strong>of</strong> airships, including at least:a) 3 hours <strong>of</strong> cross-country flight training in an airship with across-country flight totalling not less than 45 km (25 nm);b) 5 take-<strong>of</strong>fs and 5 landings to a full stop at an aerodrome witheach landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern at anairport;c) 3 hours <strong>of</strong> instrument time; andd) 5 hours as pilot assuming the duties <strong>of</strong> the pilot-incommandunder the supervision <strong>of</strong> the pilot-in-command.6.13 PPL – FLIGHT INSTRUCTION - AIRSHIP6.13.1 The Applicant shall have received dual instruction in airshipsfrom an authorized flight instructor. the instructor shall ensurethat the Applicant has received instruction in at least thefollowing areas:a) recognize and manage threats and errors;b) pre-flight operations, including mass and balancedetermination, airships inspection and servicing;c) ground reference manoeuvres;d) aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collision avoidanceprecautions and procedures;e) techniques and procedures for the take-<strong>of</strong>f, includingappropriate limitations, emergency procedures and signalsused;f) control <strong>of</strong> the airships by external visual reference;g) take-<strong>of</strong>fs and landings and go-around;h) maximum performance (obstacle clearance) take-<strong>of</strong>fs;i) flight by reference solely to instruments, including thecompletion <strong>of</strong> a level 180o turn;j) navigation, cross-country flying using visual reference, deadreckoning and radio navigation aids;k) emergency operations (recognition <strong>of</strong> leaks), includingsimulated airship equipment malfunctions; andl) Communication procedures and phraseology.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 9

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.14 PPL - CAAN EXAMINATION AND TESTS6.14.1 Eligibilitya) Applicant shall be eligible to appear in the CAANwritten examinations after having flown at least 50%<strong>of</strong> the required experience.6.15 PPL- CAA TECHNICAL EXAMINATIONexam questions duration pass marks validityPPL –General +Cat.aeroplanePPL- General+ Cat.helicopterPPL- General+ Cat.powered-liftPPL- General+ Cat.AirshipTypeTechnical andPerformance100 3 hours 70% 2 years100 3 hours 70% 2 years100 3 hours 70% 2 years100 3 hours 70% 2 years100 3 hours 70% 2 years6.16 PPL – SKILL – AEROPLANE, HELICOPTER6.16.1 The applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to perform aspilot-in-command <strong>of</strong> an aircraft within the appropriate category,the procedures and manoeuvres, with a degree <strong>of</strong> competencyappropriate to the privileges granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> a privatepilot license and to:a) recognize and manage threats and errors;b) operate the aircraft within its limitations;c) maintain control <strong>of</strong> the aircraft at all times in a manner suchthat the successful outcome <strong>of</strong> a procedure or manoeuvre isassured.d) complete all manoeuvres with smoothness and accuracy;e) exercise good judgement and airmanship;f) apply aeronautical knowledgePERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 10

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.17 PPL - ERROR MARGINSheightnormal flightwith simulated engine failure (for multi engine aircraft)± 150 feet± 200 feetheading/tracking <strong>of</strong> radio aidnormal flight ± 10 0with simulated engine failure (for multi engine aircraft) ± 15 0speedtake-<strong>of</strong>f & approachnormal flightwith simulated engine failure (for multi engine aircraft)+15/-5 knots± 10 knots± 15 knots6.18 PPL - PRIVILEGES OF LICENSE6.18.1 The privileges <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong> a private pilot license shall be toact, but not for remuneration, as pilot-in-command or co-pilot <strong>of</strong>aircraft within the appropriate aircraft category engaged in nonrevenueflights.6.18.2 Before exercising the privileges at night, the license holdershall have received dual instruction in aircraft within theappropriate category <strong>of</strong> aircraft in night flying including take<strong>of</strong>f,landing and navigation.6.18.3 Before exercising the privileges at night, the licenseholder shall hold a night rating.6.18.4 Before carrying passenger, the license holder shall have apassenger rating.6.19 PPL - VALIDITY6.19.1 A PPL shall be valid for 24 months.6.20 PPL - CURRENCY6.20.1 The holder <strong>of</strong> a PPL shall remain current subject to 3take-<strong>of</strong>f and 3 landings in preceding 90 days.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 11

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.20.2 The night currency shall remain current subject to 3 take<strong>of</strong>fand 3 landings by night in preceding 90 days.6.20.3 Currency on types <strong>of</strong> aircraft with similar performanceand handling characteristics is acceptable provided anendorsement is also held for that type <strong>of</strong> aircraft.6.21 PPL - RENEWAL6.21.1 PPL shall be renewed subject to a flight check after 24months or maintaining a higher license.6.22 PPL - REVALIDATION6.22.1 From the date <strong>of</strong> expiry <strong>of</strong> PPL to 24 monthsa) 01 hour <strong>of</strong> trainingb) Skill test from approved instructor6.22.2 After 24 months <strong>of</strong> expiry <strong>of</strong> PPL:a) Pass PPL- Gen and PPL-Cat.b) 03 hours <strong>of</strong> training.c) Type Technical.d) Skill Test from an approved instructor6.23 PPL - NIGHT RATING6.23.1 Private Pilot License may be endorsed with a Night Ratingsubject to a total experience <strong>of</strong> 50:00hrs provided the Applicanthas:a) 25:00 hrs as PIC.b) 05: hrs as Night with:i) 03:00 hrs as DUAL with minimum 5 take-<strong>of</strong>f andlandings.c) 05:00 hrs instrument training.d) Flight check with CFI/DCP with log book endorsement.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 12

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.24 PPL - LIMITATIONS6.24.1 The holder <strong>of</strong> a PPL may act as pilot-in-command <strong>of</strong> anaircraft carrying passengers, but not for remuneration,provided he/she has a passenger rating endorsed onlicense.6.24.2 The instrument experience and the night flying dual during theinstruction phase for the issue <strong>of</strong> license do not entitle theholder <strong>of</strong> a Private Pilot License to pilot aeroplane, helicopters,powered-lift and airship under IFR.6.24.3 The holder <strong>of</strong> a PPL not endorsed with an InstrumentRating shall not pilot an aircraft under instrument flightconditions.6.24.4 The holder <strong>of</strong> a PPL shall not act as pilot-in-command <strong>of</strong>an aircraft by night unless he has a night rating on hislicense.6.24.5 The holder <strong>of</strong> a PPL not endorsed with an instrumentrating but having a night rating may fly at night only invisual meteorological conditions.6.24.6 The holder <strong>of</strong> a PPL shall not act as pilot-in-command <strong>of</strong>an aircraft engaged in spinning practice unless he/she hasbeen certified in the log book by a duly qualified flightinstructor as being competent to recover from fullydeveloped spins.6.24.7 The holder <strong>of</strong> a PPL shall not act as pilot-in-command <strong>of</strong>an aircraft engaged in aerobatic flight unless he/she hasbeen certified in the log book by a qualified flightinstructor or an approved person as being competent inthe maneuvers to be performed.6.24.8 The holder <strong>of</strong> a PPL shall not act as pilot-in-command <strong>of</strong>an aircraft engaged in formation flight unless he/she hasbeen certified in log book as competent by a qualifiedflight instructor or an approved person as beingcompetent to carry out formation flight.6.24.9 When the holders <strong>of</strong> private pilot licenses-aeroplane,airship, helicopter and powered-lift, free balloon pilotlicenses, glider pilot licenses have passed their 50 thbirthday, the period <strong>of</strong> validity specified in 6.19 shouldbe further reduced to 12 months.6.25 PPL - LOGBOOK6.25.1 A holder <strong>of</strong> a Private Pilot License shall be maintain alogbook in accordance with the CAAN prescribedregulations.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 13

6.26 PPL - FEE SCHEDULECIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.26.1 As per the CAA fee schedule as per CAR 2058.6.27 PPL - DOCUMENTATION6.27.1 For Issue Of PPLa) Application.b) Medical assessment.c) 2 color photographsd) PPL examination result.e) Photocopy <strong>of</strong> first and last page <strong>of</strong> logbook.f) PPL course completion certificate.g) X-country certificate if applicableh) Skill test report.i) Fee voucher.6.28 FOR RENEWAL OF PPLa) Application form.b) Private pilot license.c) Skill test report.d) Medical assessment.e) Copy <strong>of</strong> Flight Log Bookf) Fee voucher6.29 FOR REVALIDATION OF PPLa) Application.b) Private pilot license.c) Training record, as applicabled) Skill test report.e) Medical assessment.f) Fee voucher6.30 GLIDER PILOT LICENSE (GPL)6.30.1 GPL - ELIGIBILITYa. AgeApplicant shall not be less than 16 years <strong>of</strong> age.b. MedicalApplicant shall hold at least Class 2 medical certificate.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 14

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.30.2 GPL - AIRWORTHINESSEach person operating a glider shall ensure that the glider hasbeen issued with a Certificate Of Airworthiness (C <strong>of</strong> A) by theCAAN.6.30.3 GPL - FLYING TRAINING ORGANIZATIONAn approved glider flying organization may be authorized toconduct training for Glider Pilot License provided it meets theCAAN prescribed requirements <strong>of</strong> a Flying TrainingOrganization (FTO).6.30.4 GPL - AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE6.30.4.1 The Applicant shall have demonstrated a level <strong>of</strong>knowledge appropriate to the privileges granted to theholder <strong>of</strong> a Glider Pilot License in at least thefollowing subjects:a) Air lawrules and regulations relevant to the holder <strong>of</strong> aglider pilot license; rules <strong>of</strong> the air; appropriateair traffic services practices and procedures;b) Aircraft general knowledgei) principles <strong>of</strong> operation <strong>of</strong> glider systems andinstruments;ii) operating limitations <strong>of</strong> gliders; relevantoperational information from the flightmanual or other appropriate document;c) Flight performance and planningi) effects <strong>of</strong> loading and mass distribution onflight characteristics; mass and balanceconsiderations;ii) use and practical application <strong>of</strong> launching,landing and other performance data;iii) pre-flight and en-route flight planningappropriate to operations under VFR;appropriate air traffic services procedures;altimeter setting procedures; operations inareas <strong>of</strong> high-density traffic;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 15

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALd) Human performancei) human performance relevant to the gliderpilot including principles <strong>of</strong> threat and errormanagement;e) meteorologyi) application <strong>of</strong> elementary aeronauticalmeteorology; use <strong>of</strong>, and procedures forobtaining, meteorological information;altimetry;f) Navigationi) practical aspects <strong>of</strong> air navigation and deadreckoningtechniques; use <strong>of</strong> aeronauticalcharts;g) Operational proceduresi) use <strong>of</strong> aeronautical documentation such asAIP, NOTAM, aeronautical codes andabbreviations;ii) different launch methods and associatedprocedures;iii) appropriate precautionary and emergencyprocedures, including action to be taken toavoid hazardous weather and waketurbulence and other operating hazards;h) Principles <strong>of</strong> flighti) Principles <strong>of</strong> flight relating to gliders.ii) The applicant should have demonstrated alevel <strong>of</strong> knowledge appropriate to theprivileges to be granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> aglider pilot license, in communicationprocedures and phraseology as appropriateto VFR operations and on action to be takenin case <strong>of</strong> communication failure.6.30.5 GPL - AERONAUTICAL EXPERIENCE6.30.5.1 The Applicant shall have gained, under appropriatesupervision, operational experience in gliders in atleast the following areas:a) The applicant shall have completed not less than 6hours <strong>of</strong> flight as a pilot <strong>of</strong> glider, including notless than 2 hours solo flight time; and not less than20 launches and 20 landingsPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 16

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.30.5.2 When the Applicant has flight time as a pilot <strong>of</strong>aeroplanes, the <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> shall determinewhether such experience is acceptable and, if so, theextent to which the flight time requirements can bereduced accordingly.6.30.6 GPL – FLIGHT INSTRUCTIONa) pre-flight operations, including glider assembly andinspection;b) techniques and procedures for the launching method used,including appropriate airspeed limitations, emergencyprocedures and signals used;c) traffic pattern operations, collision avoidance precautionsand procedures;d) control <strong>of</strong> the glider by external visual reference;e) flight throughout the flight envelope;f) recognition <strong>of</strong>, and recovery from, incipient and full stallsand spiral dives;g) normal and cross-wind launches, approaches and landings;h) cross-country flying using visual reference and deadreckoning;i) Emergency procedures. ; andj) in the case <strong>of</strong> power-assisted glidersi) engine handlingii) fuel system;iii) Engine failure.6.30.7 GPL - EXAMINATIONS AND TESTSThe examination shall consist <strong>of</strong> 100 questions 3 hoursduration70% pass mark validity 2 years.6.30.8 GPL – SKILL TESTa) a person shall not take the GPL skill test unless he/she haspassed the GPL theory examinations;b) The Applicant shall demonstrate the ability to perform aspilot-in-command <strong>of</strong> a glider, the procedures and manoeuvreswith a degree <strong>of</strong> competency appropriate to the privilegesgranted to the holder <strong>of</strong> a glider pilot license, and to:i) recognize and manage threats and errors;ii) operate the glider within its limitations;iii) complete all manoeuvres with smoothness and accuracy;iv) exercise good judgement and airmanship;v) apply aeronautical knowledge; andvi) Maintain control <strong>of</strong> the glider at all times in a mannersuch that the successful outcome <strong>of</strong> a procedure ormanoeuvre is never seriously in doubt.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 17

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.30.9 GPL - PRIVILEGESa) The holder <strong>of</strong> a glider pilot license may pilot any type <strong>of</strong>glider for which his license is endorsed.b) The holder <strong>of</strong> a glider pilot license may carry out aerialwork operation subject to approval and limitations imposedby the CAAN.6.30.10 GPL - OPERATING LIMITATIONSa) The holder <strong>of</strong> a GPL shall not act as pilot-in-command <strong>of</strong>a glider carrying passengers unless he has completed notless than 20 hours <strong>of</strong> flight time as a pilot-in-command <strong>of</strong>gliders; recommendation by the approved person with alog book endorsement; and holds a passenger rating onGPL.b) The holder <strong>of</strong> a GPL shall only pilot gliders by day invisual meteorological conditions.6.30.11 GPL – ORGANIZATIONA person shall not operate a glider unless the person is a bonafide member <strong>of</strong> an approved glider organization inaccordance with the prescribed procedures <strong>of</strong> theorganization; and has been allotted a membership number.6.30.12 GPL - VALIDITYThe glider pilot license shall be valid for 60 months.6.30.13 GPL - CURRENCYa) Holder <strong>of</strong> a GPL shall have currency if he/she has withinthe preceding 90 days carried out at least 3 launches and 3landings as PIC or PIC under supervision.b) Currency on a type <strong>of</strong> a glider with similar performanceand handling characteristics is acceptable provided anendorsement is also held for that type <strong>of</strong> glider.6.30.14 GPL - RENEWALGPL shall be renewed subject to a flight check after 60months.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 18

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.30.15 GPL - REVALIDATION6.30.15.1 From the date <strong>of</strong> expiry <strong>of</strong> GPL upto 24months.a) Pass GPL.b) Minimum <strong>of</strong> 1 training launch.c) Type technical.d) Skill test. After 24 months <strong>of</strong> expiry <strong>of</strong> GPL:a) Pass GPL- Gen and GPL -Cat.b) Min <strong>of</strong> 3 training launches.c) Type technical.d) Skill test.6.30.16 GPL - GLIDER INSTRUCTOR (GI) A Glider Instructor Rating shall be endorsed onthe GPL provided the Applicant:a) Holds a valid GPL.b) Has 100 hours flight time as a pilot <strong>of</strong> gliders,which shall include at least 40 hours as pilotin-commandand not less than 75 launches and75 landings.c) Has passed the FI exam.d) `Satisfactory’ check by a CAANInspector/Designated Examiner.e) Privileges Of Glider Instructori. Impart flight instruction for issue <strong>of</strong> GPL.ii. Clear and send students solo.iii. Train for type endorsement on gliders.iv. May carry passengers.f) CurrencyPrivileges <strong>of</strong> a Glider Instructor Rating may beexercised provided the pilot has, within thepreceding 6 months, at least 3 glider flightinstructional hours or 6 launches and 6landings; or a flight check.g) LimitationsThe holder <strong>of</strong> a Glider Instructor Rating maygive instruction only. In dual control glidertypes including self launching motor gliders(SLMG) if he/she has the type rating. If he/shehas flown at least 5 hours on type as pilot-incommandincluding not less than 6 launchesand 6 landings.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 19

6.30.17 GPL - EXEMPTIONSCIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALa) An Applicant holding PPL or a higher license in othercategories shall undergo a minimum training <strong>of</strong> 4 hoursincluding 20 launches and 20 landings including 2 sololaunches and 2 solo landings.b) An holder <strong>of</strong> a Flight Instructor Rating may be endorsedwith a Glider Instructor Rating on his GPL providedhe/she has 10 hours <strong>of</strong> glider experience as pilot-incommandincluding 30 solo launches and 30 sololandings, as a glider pilot.6.30.18 GPL - LOGBOOKHolder <strong>of</strong> a GPL shall maintain a glider pilot logbook asapproved by the licensing authority.6.30.19 GPL - FEE SCHEDULEAs per CAAN fee schedule as per CAR 2058.6.30.20 GPL – DOCUMENTATION6.30.20.1 For Issue <strong>of</strong> GPLa) Application.b) Medical assessment.c) 02 colour photographsd) GPL examination result.e) Type technical TT-1.f) Photocopy <strong>of</strong> first and last page <strong>of</strong> logbook.g) GPL course completion certificate by FTO.h) Skill test authorization by CAAN.i) Skill test report.j) Fee voucher. For Renewal <strong>of</strong> GPLa) Application.b) Glider pilot license.c) Skill test report.d) Medical certificate.e) Fee voucher.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 20

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.30.20.3 For Revalidation <strong>of</strong> GPLa) Application.b) Glider pilot license.c) Type technical TT-1.d) Exam report – oral/GPL-r/GPL-gen, GPLcatas applicable.e) Skill test report.f) Medical assessment.g) Fee voucher. For Glider Instructor Ratinga) Application.b) Glider Pilot License.c) FI -1 exam result.d) Skill test authorization by CAAN.e) Skill test report.f) First & last page <strong>of</strong> logbook.g) Fee voucher.6.31 FREE BALLOON PILOT LICENSE (BPL)The provisions <strong>of</strong> the free balloon pilot license apply to free balloonsusing hot air or gas.6.31.1 BPL - ELIGIBILITYa) AuthorizationApplicant shall hold a valid Student Pilot Authorization.b) AgeApplicant shall not be less than 16 years <strong>of</strong> age.c) MedicalApplicant shall hold a Class 2 medical certificate.6.31.2 BPL - AIRWORTHINESSEach person operating a balloon shall ensure that the balloonhas been issued with a Certificate <strong>of</strong> Airworthiness (C <strong>of</strong> A) bythe CAAN.6.31.3 BPL – FLYING TRAINING ORGANIZATIONAn approved balloon flying organization may be authorized toconduct training for balloon pilot license provided it meets theCAAN prescribed requirements <strong>of</strong> a Flying TrainingOrganization (FTO).PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 21

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.31.4 BPL - AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGEThe Applicant shall have demonstrated a level <strong>of</strong> knowledgeappropriate to the privileges granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> a FreeBalloon Pilot License, in at least the following subjects:a) Air lawRules and regulations relevant to the holder <strong>of</strong> a FreeBalloon Pilot License; rules <strong>of</strong> the air; appropriate air trafficservices practices and procedures;b) Aircraft general knowledgei. principles <strong>of</strong> operation <strong>of</strong> free balloon systems andinstruments;ii. operating limitations <strong>of</strong> free balloons; relevantoperational information from the flight manual or otherappropriate document;iii. physical properties and practical application <strong>of</strong> gasesused in free balloons;c) Flight performance and planningi. effects <strong>of</strong> loading on flight characteristics; masscalculations;ii. use and practical application <strong>of</strong> launching, landing andother performance data, including the effect <strong>of</strong>temperature;iii. pre-flight and en-route flight planning appropriate tooperations under VFR; appropriate air traffic servicesprocedures; altimeter setting procedures; operations inareas <strong>of</strong> high-density traffic;d) Human performanceHuman performance relevant to the free balloon pilotincluding principles <strong>of</strong> threat and error management;e) MeteorologyApplication <strong>of</strong> elementary aeronautical meteorology; use <strong>of</strong>,and procedures for obtaining, meteorological information;altimetry;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 22

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALf) Navigationpractical aspects <strong>of</strong> air navigation and dead-reckoningtechniques; use <strong>of</strong> aeronautical charts;g) Operational proceduresi. use <strong>of</strong> aeronautical documentation such as AIP,NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations;ii. appropriate precautionary and emergency procedures,including action to be taken to avoid hazardous weather,wake turbulence and other operating hazards;h) Principles <strong>of</strong> flightPrinciples <strong>of</strong> flight relating to free balloons.i) RadiotelephonyRadiotelephony procedures and phraseology.6.31.5 BPL – AERONAUTICAL EXPERIENCEa) The Applicant shall have completed not less than 16 hours<strong>of</strong> flight time as a pilot <strong>of</strong> free balloons including at leasteight launches and ascents <strong>of</strong> which one must be solo.b) The Applicant shall have received flight instruction from aqualified instructor in at least the following areas:i. pre-flight operations, including balloon assembly,rigging, inflation, mooring and inspection;ii. techniques and procedures for the launching and ascent,including appropriate limitations, emergency proceduresand signals used;iii. collision avoidance precautions;iv. control <strong>of</strong> a free balloon by external visual reference;v. recognition <strong>of</strong>, and recovery from, rapid descents;vi. cross-country flying using visual reference and deadreckoning; approaches and landings, including groundhandling;vii. emergency procedures.c) If the privileges <strong>of</strong> the license are to be exercised at night, theApplicant shall have gained, under appropriate supervision,operational experience in free balloons in night flying.d) If passengers are to be carried for remuneration or hire, thelicense holder shall have completed not less than 35 hours <strong>of</strong>flight time including 20 hours as a pilot <strong>of</strong> free balloon.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 23

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.31.6 BPL – EXAMINATION AND TESTSExam Questions Duration Pass marks ValidityBPL – General 100 3 hours 70% 2 years6.31.7 BPL – SKILL TESTThe Applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to perform aspilot-in-command <strong>of</strong> a free balloon, the procedures andmanoeuvres with a degree <strong>of</strong> competency appropriate to theprivileges granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> a free balloon pilot license,and to:a) recognize and manage threats and errors;b) operate the free balloon within its limitations;c) complete all manoeuvres with smoothness and accuracy;d) exercise good judgement and airmanship;e) apply aeronautical knowledge; andf) Maintain control <strong>of</strong> the free balloon at all times in a mannersuch that the successful outcome <strong>of</strong> a procedure ormanoeuvre is never seriously in doubt.6.31.8 BPL - CLASSES OF FREE BALLOONS: description <strong>of</strong>balloona) Class 1 Hot air balloons with a volume that is not more100,000 cubic feet.b) Class 2 Hot air balloons with a volume that is more than100,000 cubic feet but not more than 200,000cubic feet.c) Class 3 Hot air balloons with a volume that is more than200,000 cubic feet.d) Class 4 Special shape balloons.e) Class 5 Gas balloons.f) Class 6 blimps/airship (hot air/gases)(airship above 4600 cu meters shall require aPPL or CPL on airship category)6.31.9 BPL – PRIVILEGESa) The privileges <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong> a free Balloon Pilot Licenseshall be to act as pilot - in-command <strong>of</strong> free balloon inprivate, aerial work and charter operations provided thelicense holder has the appropriate balloon classendorsement.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 24

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALb) For exercising the privileges <strong>of</strong> the variants within the sameclass <strong>of</strong> balloon, the person shall have a log bookendorsement, made by the approved person, subject tomeeting the prescribed requirements <strong>of</strong> the balloonorganization.c) The holder <strong>of</strong> a Balloon Pilot License may carry out aerialwork and charter operation subject to approval andlimitations imposed by the CAAN.6.31.10 BPL – ORGANIZATIONA person shall not operate a balloon unless the person is a bonafide member <strong>of</strong> an approved balloon organization in accordancewith the prescribed procedures <strong>of</strong> the organization; and hasbeen allotted a membership number.6.31.11 BPL - VALIDITYThe Balloon Pilot License shall remain valid for 60 months.6.31.12 BPL - CURRENCYwithin the preceding 6 months carried out at least one freeflight which includes at least;a) one inflation <strong>of</strong> the balloon envelope; 30 minutes <strong>of</strong> freeflight time; including three ascents and landings; and onedeflation <strong>of</strong> the balloon envelope.b) Or skill test by an approved person.6.31.13 BPL - RENEWALBPL shall be renewed subject to a flight check after 60months.6.31.14 BPL - REVALIDATIONa) From the date <strong>of</strong> expiry <strong>of</strong> GPL upto 24 monthsi) Pass BPL-r.ii) Minimum <strong>of</strong> 1 training launch.iv) Type technical.v) Skill test.b) After 24 months <strong>of</strong> expiry <strong>of</strong> BPL:i) Pass BPL- Gen and BPL -Cat.ii) Minimum <strong>of</strong> 2 training launches.iii) Type technical.iv) Skill test.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 25

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.31.15 BPL - BALLOON INSTRUCTOR (BI)A Balloon Instructor Pilot Rating may be endorsed on a BPLprovided the Applicant meets the following requirements:a) holds a valid BPL;b) have at least 100 hours aeronautical experience as pilot <strong>of</strong>balloons <strong>of</strong> which at least:i) 75 hours as pilot-in-command <strong>of</strong> balloons in free flight;ii) 5 hours <strong>of</strong> tethered flights; andiii) Pass FI-1 examination.iv) `Satisfactory’ check by a CAAN Inspector/ DesignatedExaminer.6.31.16 BPL – LOGBOOKHolder <strong>of</strong> a Balloon Pilot License shall maintain a logbook asapproved by the licensing authority.6.31.17 BPL - FEE SCHEDULEAs per CAAN fee schedule as per CAR 2058.6.31.18 BPL - DOCUMENTATIONa) For Issue Of BPLi) Application.ii) Medical assessment.iii) 02 colour photographsiv) BPL examination result.v) Photographs <strong>of</strong> first and last page <strong>of</strong> logbookvi) BPL course completion certificate by FTO.vii) Skill test reportviii) Fee voucher.b) For Renewal Of BPLi) Application.ii) Balloon pilot license.iii) Photocopy <strong>of</strong> first and last page <strong>of</strong> logbook.iv) Skill test report.v) Medical Fee voucher.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 26

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.32 ULTRA LIGHT PILOT LICENSE (UPL)6.32.1 UPL - ELIGIBILITYa) AgeAn applicants must be not less than 18 years <strong>of</strong> age.b) MedicalAn applicant must hold a current Class 2 medicalcertificate.c) Academic QualificationAn applicant must complete Class UPL - AIRWORTHINESSEach person operating an Ultra Light shall ensure that the UltraLight has been issued with a Certificate <strong>of</strong> Airworthiness (C <strong>of</strong>A) by the CAAN.6.32.3 UPL – FLYING TRAINING ORGANIZATIONAn approved Ultra Light flying organization may be authorizedto conduct training for Ultra Light pilot license provided itmeets the CAAN prescribed requirements <strong>of</strong> a Flying TrainingOrganization (FTO).6.32.4 UPL - AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGEThe Applicant shall have demonstrated a level <strong>of</strong> knowledgeappropriate to the privileges granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> an UltraLight Pilot License, in at least the following subjects:a) Air lawRules and regulations relevant to the holder <strong>of</strong> an UltraLight Pilot License; rules <strong>of</strong> the air; appropriate air trafficservices practices and procedures;b) Aircraft general knowledgei. principles <strong>of</strong> operation <strong>of</strong> an Ultra Light systems andinstruments;ii. operating limitations <strong>of</strong> an Ultra Light; relevantoperational information from the flight manual or otherappropriate document;c) Flight performance and planningi. effects <strong>of</strong> loading on flight characteristics; masscalculations;ii. use and practical application <strong>of</strong> take<strong>of</strong>f, landing andother performance data,;iii. pre-flight and en-route flight planning appropriate tooperations under VFR; appropriate air traffic servicesprocedures; altimeter setting procedures; operations inareas <strong>of</strong> high-density traffic;Amendment No. 2Date : 28 September, 2010PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 27

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALd) Human performanceHuman performance relevant to an Ultra Light pilot includingprinciples <strong>of</strong> threat and error management;e) MeteorologyApplication <strong>of</strong> elementary aeronautical meteorology; use <strong>of</strong>,and procedures for obtaining, meteorological information;altimetry;f) Navigationpractical aspects <strong>of</strong> air navigation and dead-reckoningtechniques; use <strong>of</strong> aeronautical charts;g) Operational proceduresi. use <strong>of</strong> aeronautical documentation such as AIP,NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations;ii. appropriate precautionary and emergency procedures,including action to be taken to avoid hazardous weather,wake turbulence and other operating hazards;h) Principles <strong>of</strong> flighti. Principles <strong>of</strong> flight relating to an Ultra Light.ii) The applicant should have demonstrated a level <strong>of</strong>knowledge appropriate to the privileges to be granted tothe holder <strong>of</strong> an Ultra Light pilot license, incommunication procedures and phraseology asappropriate to VFR operations and on action to be takenin case <strong>of</strong> communication failure.i) RadiotelephonyRadiotelephony procedures and phraseology.6.32.5 UPL – AERONAUTICAL EXPERIENCE6.32.5.1 Technical Knowledge, Experience And PracticalFlyingApplicant must have successfully completedappropriate tests <strong>of</strong> their knowledge and skill in theappropriate category (weight-shift or three-axis). Inaddition, applicant must have completed not less than25 hours flight time including :a) not less than 15 hours <strong>of</strong> Solo flight as a pilot <strong>of</strong>an Ultra Light;b) not less than 5 hours <strong>of</strong> cross country flight timeas the solo occupant <strong>of</strong> an Ultra Light.Amendment No. 2Date : 28 September, 2010PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 28

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.32.5.2 For the conversion <strong>of</strong> his license into <strong>Nepal</strong>ese license,he is required to successfully complete a writtenexamination as specified by the Director General <strong>of</strong> hisknowledge <strong>of</strong> the contents <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong>ese aviation rulesand regulations including relevant portion <strong>of</strong>Aeronautical Information Publication, FlightOperations <strong>Requirements</strong> and <strong>Nepal</strong>ese <strong>Civil</strong>Airworthiness <strong>Requirements</strong>. An applicant who is the holder <strong>of</strong>, or has held a pilotlicence-aeroplane within the preceding 5 years shallhave the experience requirements reduced to aminimum <strong>of</strong> 5 hours <strong>of</strong> flight time in ultra-lightaeroplanes, including a minimum <strong>of</strong> 2 hours dualinstruction flight time and a minimum <strong>of</strong> 2 hours sol<strong>of</strong>light time. The flight time shall include a minimum <strong>of</strong>20 take<strong>of</strong>fs, full circuits and landings, including aminimum <strong>of</strong> 10 as sole occupant.6.32.6 UPL – EXAMINATION AND TESTSExam Questions Duration Pass marks ValidityUPL – General 50 2 hours 70% 5 YearsUPL - Renewal 25 1 hour 70% 2 Years6.32.7 UPL – FLIGHT INSTRUCTIONa) pre-flight operations;b) techniques and procedures for the landing method used,including appropriate airspeed limitations, emergencyprocedures and signals used;c) traffic pattern operations, collision avoidance precautionsand procedures;d) flight throughout the flight envelope;e) recognition <strong>of</strong>, and recovery from, incipient and full stallsand spiral dives;f) normal and cross-wind take<strong>of</strong>f, approaches and landings;g) cross-country flying using visual reference and deadreckoning,Radio Navigation aids and DiversionProcedures;h) Emergency procedures; andi) Communication Procedures and Phraseology.6.32.8 UPL – SKILL TESTa) a person shall not take the UPL skill test unless he/she haspassed the UPL theory examinations;b) The Applicant shall demonstrate the ability to perform aspilot-in-command <strong>of</strong> an Ultra Light, the procedures andmanoeuvres with a degree <strong>of</strong> competency appropriate to theprivileges granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> an Ultra Light pilotAmendment No. 2license, and to:Date : 28 September, 2010PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 29

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALi) recognize and manage threats and errors;ii) operate the Ultra Light within its limitations;iii) complete all manoeuvres with smoothness and accuracy;iv) exercise good judgement and airmanship;v) apply aeronautical knowledge; andvi) Maintain control <strong>of</strong> an Ultra Light at all times in amanner such that the successful outcome <strong>of</strong> a procedureor manoeuvre is never seriously in doubt.6.32.9 UPL – PRIVILEGESa) The holder <strong>of</strong> an Ultra Light pilot license may pilot anytype <strong>of</strong> Ultra Light for which his license is endorsed.b) For exercising the privileges <strong>of</strong> the variants within the samecategory (weight-shift or 3 axis) <strong>of</strong> Ultra Light, the personshall have a log book endorsement, made by the approvedperson, subject to meeting the prescribed requirements <strong>of</strong>the Ultra Light organization.6.32.10 UPL - VALIDITYThe Ultra Light Pilot License shall remain valid for 12 months.6.32.11 UPL - CURRENCYa) Holder <strong>of</strong> a UPL shall have currency if he/she within thepreceding 90 days carried out at least 3 take<strong>of</strong>fs and 3landings as PIC or PIC under supervision.b) Currency on a type <strong>of</strong> an Ultra Light with similarperformance and handling characteristics is acceptableprovided an endorsement is also held for that type <strong>of</strong> anUltra Light.6.32.12 UPL - RENEWALUPL shall be renewed subject to approved ground classand skill test.6.32.13 UPL - REVALIDATION6.32.13.1 Where a license has not been renewed by the date<strong>of</strong> expiry, the validity <strong>of</strong> the license stands lapsed.A holder <strong>of</strong> the expired license shall not exercisethe privileges <strong>of</strong> his license until he has eitherreceived his renewed license or has got specialapproval from the <strong>Authority</strong>.Amendment No. 2Date : 28 September, 2010PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 30

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.32.13.2 To restore the validity <strong>of</strong> an expired license, theholder shall meet the requirements subject to theexpiry period from the date <strong>of</strong> expiry as follows;a) For the period <strong>of</strong> 3 months, the applicant shall fulfillall the requirements necessary for the renewal <strong>of</strong> thelicense.b) If the duration is more than 3 months but less than 24months, the applicant shall successfully completeapproved refresher ground course, flight training andskill test.c) If the duration is more than 24 months but less than60 months, the applicant shall successfully completethe approved refresher ground course, flight training<strong>of</strong> 2 hours which includes at least 20 take<strong>of</strong>fs andlandings and skill test.d) If the duration is more than 60 months the applicantshall successfully complete all the requirementsnecessary for initial issue which includes;1) a current class 2 medical examination2) a certificate from a flying instructorcertifying that the student has carried outsufficient refresher training covering thecontents <strong>of</strong> the course syllabus approvedfor CAAN's UPL examination asrelevant.3) he shall successfully complete theexamination on Aeronautical InformationPublication, Flight Operation<strong>Requirements</strong>, NCAR and <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong>Rules.4) he shall undergo the requirements asmentioned in para UPL - ULTRA LIGHT INSTRUCTOR (FI)An Ultra Light Instructor Pilot Rating may be endorsed on aUPL provided the Applicant meets the followingrequirements:a) holds a valid UPL;b) have at least 100 hours aeronautical experience as pilot <strong>of</strong>an Ultra Light.c) Pass FI oral test.d) `Satisfactory’ check by a CAAN Inspector/ DesignatedExaminer.6.32.15 UPL – LOGBOOKHolder <strong>of</strong> an Ultra Light Pilot License shall maintain a logbookas approved by the licensing authority. Amendment No. 2Date : 28 September,PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 31

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL6.32.16 UPL - FEE SCHEDULEAs per CAAN fee schedule as per CAR 2058.6.32.17 UPL - DOCUMENTATION6.32.17.1 For Issue <strong>of</strong> UPLa. Application.b. Medical assessment.c. 02 colour photographsd. UPL examination result.e. Photo copies <strong>of</strong> foreign licenses, if applicablef. Photo copies <strong>of</strong> first and last page <strong>of</strong> logbookg. Flying hours breakdown.h. UPL course completion certificate by FTO.i. Skill test report.j. Fee voucher. For Renewal Of UPLa. Application.b. Ultra Light pilot license.c. Photocopy <strong>of</strong> first and last page <strong>of</strong> logbook.d. Skill test report.e. Ground class report.f. Medical assessment.g. Fee voucher. For Revalidation <strong>of</strong> UPLa. Application.b. Ultra Light pilot license.c. Revalidation examination result, if applicabled. Ground Class report.e. Skill test report.f. Medical assessment.g. Fee voucher. For UPL Instructor Rating1. Application2. Ultra Light Pilot License3. FI exam result4. Skill Test Authorization by CAAN5. Skill test report6. First and Last page <strong>of</strong> Log Book7. Fee voucherAmendment No. 2Date : 28 September, 2010PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 32

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALPRIVATE PILOT SKILL TEST GUIDESECTION – 1PRE – FLIGHT OPERATIONSATTACHMENTUse <strong>of</strong> checklist, airmanship (control <strong>of</strong> aeroplane by external visual reference, anti/deicingprocedures etc.) apply in all sections.a) aeroplane knowledgeb) mass and balancec) pre – flight inspectiond) engine startinge) taxiingf) pre-take-<strong>of</strong>f proceduresg) ATC liaison – compliance, r/t proceduresa) take-<strong>of</strong>fb) aerodrome departure procedureSECTION – 2GENERAL AIR WORKc) straight and level flight with speed changesd) climbinge) climbing turnsf) leveling <strong>of</strong> fg) medium (30 0 bank) turnsh) steep (45 0 bank) turns (including recognition and recovery from a spiral dive)i) flight at critically slow airspeed with and without flapsj) clean stall, recovery without powerk) clean stall, recovery with powerl) approach to stall in landing configurationm) descent with and without powern) descending turnso) leveling <strong>of</strong>fSECTION – 3ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY OPERATIONSa) simulated engine failure after take-<strong>of</strong>fb) *simulated forced landingc) simulated precautionary landingd) simulated emergenciese) *approach to landing without powerAmendment No. 2Date : 28 September, 2010PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 33

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALa) aerodrome arrival proceduresSECTION – 4ARRIVAL AND LANDING PROCEDURESb) *precision landing (short field landing)c) *flapless landingd) Touch and goe) *crosswind landing, if suitable conditions availablef) go around from low heightg) ATC liaison – compliance, r/t proceduresh) actions after flightSECTION – 5NAVIGATIONa) flight plan; dead reckoning and map readingb) maintenance <strong>of</strong> altitude and headingc) orientation, timing and revisions <strong>of</strong> etasd) diversion to alternate aerodrome (planning and implementation)e) use <strong>of</strong> radio navigation aidsf) basic instrument flying check (180 0 turn in simulated IMC)g) internal checks (fuel management, systems and carburetor icing checks, etc)h) actions after flightSECTION – 6as determined by the de any relevant items <strong>of</strong> the class/type rating skill test• Some <strong>of</strong> these items may be combined at the discretion <strong>of</strong> the CheckPilot.Amendment No. 2Date : 28 September, 2010PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 6- 34



CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.1 COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENSE - AEROPLANE, HELICOPTER7.2 CPL - ELIGIBILITYa) PPLApplicant shall have a valid Private Pilot License.b) AgeApplicant shall not be less than 18 years <strong>of</strong> age.c) MedicalApplicant shall hold a valid Class 1 medical assessment.d) EducationFrom January 2001 for the initial endorsement, the pilot must have an academicqualification <strong>of</strong> Intermediate in Science or equivalent in which the subjects <strong>of</strong>physics and mathematics are covered.e) No Objection Certificate (NOC)Serving personnel from armed forces and government departments shallprovide NOC from their parent organization.7.3 CPL – ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCYAn applicant shall demonstrate speaking, reading and understanding English languageas defined in ICAO operational minimum Level 4 <strong>of</strong> the ICAO language pr<strong>of</strong>iciencyrating scale.7.4 CPL - AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGEThe applicant shall have demonstrated a level <strong>of</strong> knowledge appropriate to theprivileges granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> a Commercial Pilot License and appropriate tothe category <strong>of</strong> aircraft intended to be included in the license, in at least the followingsubjects:a) Air LawRules and regulations relevant to the holder <strong>of</strong> a Commercial Pilot License; rules<strong>of</strong> the air; appropriate air traffic services practices and procedures;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 3

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALb) Aircraft General Knowledge for Aeroplane, Helicopteri) Principles <strong>of</strong> operation and functioning <strong>of</strong> power plants, systems andinstruments operating limitations <strong>of</strong> the relevant category <strong>of</strong> aircraftand power plants; relevant operational information from the flight manualor other appropriate document;ii) use and serviceability checks <strong>of</strong> equipment and systems <strong>of</strong> appropriateaircraft;iii) maintenance procedures for airframes, systems and power plants <strong>of</strong>appropriate aircraft;iv) for helicopter and powered-lift, transmission (power-trains) whereapplicable;v) for airship, physical properties and practical application <strong>of</strong> gases;c) Flight Performance, Planning and Loadingi) effects <strong>of</strong> loading and mass distribution on aircraft handling, flightcharacteristics and performance; mass and balance calculations;ii) use and practical application <strong>of</strong> take-<strong>of</strong>f, landing and other performancedata;iii) pre-flight and en-route flight planning appropriate to commercialoperations under VFR; preparation and filing <strong>of</strong> air traffic services flightplans; appropriate air traffic services procedures; altimeter settingprocedures;iv) in the case <strong>of</strong> helicopter effects <strong>of</strong> external loading;d) Human Performancehuman performance including principles <strong>of</strong> threat and error management;e) Meteorologyi) interpretation and application <strong>of</strong> aeronautical meteorological reports,charts and forecasts; use <strong>of</strong>, and procedures for obtaining, meteorologicalinformation, pre-flight and in-flight; altimetry;ii) aeronautical meteorology; climatology <strong>of</strong> relevant areas in respect <strong>of</strong> theelements having an effect upon aviation; the movement <strong>of</strong> pressuresystems, the structure <strong>of</strong> fronts, and the origin and characteristics <strong>of</strong>significant weather phenomena which affect take-<strong>of</strong>f, en-route andlanding conditions;iii) causes, recognition and effects <strong>of</strong> icing; frontal zone penetrationprocedures; hazardous weather avoidance;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 4

f) NavigationCIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALair navigation, including the use <strong>of</strong> aeronautical charts, instruments andnavigation aids; an understanding <strong>of</strong> the principles and characteristics <strong>of</strong>appropriate navigation systems; operation <strong>of</strong> airborne equipment.g) Operational Proceduresi) application <strong>of</strong> threat and error management principles to operationalperformance;ii) use <strong>of</strong> aeronautical documentation such as AIP, NOTAM, aeronauticalcodes and abbreviations;iii) altimeter setting procedures;iv) appropriate precautionary and emergency procedures;v) operational procedures for carriage <strong>of</strong> freight; potential hazardsassociated with dangerous goods;vi) requirements and practices for safety briefing to passengers, includingprecautions to be observed when embarking and disembarking fromaircraft;vii) in the case <strong>of</strong> the helicopter, and if applicable, powered-lift, settling withpower; ground resonance; retreating blade stall; dynamic roll-over andother operation hazards; safety procedures, associated with flight inVMC;h) Principles <strong>of</strong> FlightPrinciples <strong>of</strong> flight;i) Radiotelephony7.5 CPL - SKILLCommunication procedures and phraseology as applied to VFR operations;action to be taken in case <strong>of</strong> communication failure.7.5.1 The applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to perform as pilot-incommandwithin the appropriate category <strong>of</strong> aircraft the procedures andmaneuvers with a degree <strong>of</strong> competency appropriate to the privileges grantedto the holder <strong>of</strong> a commercial pilot license, and to:a) recognize and manage threats and errors;b) operate the aircraft within its limitations;c) complete all manoeuvres with smoothness and accuracy;d) exercise good judgement and airmanship;e) apply aeronautical knowledge; andf) Maintain control <strong>of</strong> the aircraft at all times in a manner such that thesuccessful outcome <strong>of</strong> a procedure or manoeuvre is assured.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 5

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.5.2 For a skill level test in a multi-crew cockpit, the other crew complementshall be qualified on the aircraft.7.5.3 The Commercial Pilot License skill test shall be conducted with theminimum flight crew complement specified in the aircraft flight manualand any additional crew required under an approved training andchecking program <strong>of</strong> the operator.7.5.4 If the Commercial Pilot License skill test is conducted for issue orrenewal <strong>of</strong> Instrument Rating, on single pilot operation aircraft, theflight inspector or de conducting the test shall not, during the test,perform any duty essential to the operation <strong>of</strong> the aircraft.7.5.5 if the Commercial Pilot License skill test is conducted in an aircraftcertificated for multi-pilot operation; and the flight inspector or deconducting the test occupies a control seat, he shall during the test,perform all duties <strong>of</strong> a pilot not flying.7.6 CPL – AEROPLANE - EXPERIENCE7.6.1 Technical Knowledge, Experience and Practical FlyingApplicants must have completed a course <strong>of</strong> approved training in a ContractingState and must hold a Commercial Pilot License endorsed with multi-engine andinstrument rating, issued by that State. In addition applicants must havecompleted not less than 200 hours flight time including :a) not less than 100 hours as pilot-in-command;b) not less than 20 hours <strong>of</strong> cross country flight time as pilot-in-commandand sole manipulator <strong>of</strong> the controls, including one flight <strong>of</strong> not less than300 nautical miles in the course <strong>of</strong> which not less than two full stoplandings at different places are made;c) not less than 10 hours <strong>of</strong> flight solely by reference to instruments, <strong>of</strong>which not more than 5 hours may be completed in an instrument groundtime; andd) if the privileges <strong>of</strong> the license are to be exercised at night, not less than 5hours flying by night, including not less that 5 take <strong>of</strong>fs and 5 landingsby night as pilot-in-command.7.6.2 An applicant, to act as a pilot in single engined Aeroplane for operation <strong>of</strong>carrying passenger shall also hold a CPL from a Contracting State with thecategory and classification <strong>of</strong> single engine land in addition with therequirement mentioned in 7.6.1.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 6

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.6.3 The holder <strong>of</strong> commercial pilot license-helicopter, who applies for an airplanecategory must have to fulfil all the requirement <strong>of</strong> 7.6.1 and 7.6.2 <strong>of</strong> commercialpilot license-airplane <strong>of</strong> this chapter. Except in this case, not more than 50 hours<strong>of</strong> flying in helicopter may be granted while crediting towards the total time <strong>of</strong>200 hours requirement.7.6.4 For conversion to <strong>Nepal</strong>ese license, an applicant shall successfully complete awritten examination on Basic CPL.7.6.5 Applicants are required to successfully complete an examination as specified bythe Director General <strong>of</strong> his knowledge <strong>of</strong> the contents <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong>ese civil aviationrules and regulations including the relevant portions <strong>of</strong> AeronauticalInformation Publication, Flight Operations <strong>Requirements</strong> and <strong>Nepal</strong>ese <strong>Civil</strong><strong>Aviation</strong> Airworthiness <strong>Requirements</strong>.7.7 CPL – AEROPLANE - FLIGHT INSTRUCTION7.7.1 The applicant shall have received dual instruction in aeroplanes appropriate tothe class and/or type rating sought from an authorized flight instructor. Theinstructor shall ensure that the applicant has operational experience in at leastthe following areas to the level <strong>of</strong> performance required for the commercialpilot:a) recognize and manage threats and errors;b) pre-flight operations, including mass and balance determination,aeroplane inspection and servicing;c) aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collision avoidance precautionsand procedures;d) control <strong>of</strong> the aeroplane by external visual reference;e) flight at critically slow airspeeds; spin avoidance; recognition <strong>of</strong>, andrecovery from, incipient and full stalls;f) flight with asymmetrical power for multi-engine class or type ratings;g) flight at critically high airspeeds; recognition <strong>of</strong>, and recovery from,spiral dives;h) normal and cross-wind take-<strong>of</strong>fs and landings;i) maximum performance (short field and obstacle clearance) take-<strong>of</strong>fs;short-field landings;j) basic flight manoeuvres and recovery from unusual attitudes byreference solely to basic flight instruments;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 7

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALk) cross-country flying using visual reference, dead reckoning and radionavigation aids; diversion procedures;l) abnormal and emergency procedures and manoeuvres includingsimulated aeroplane equipment malfunctions;m) operations to, from and transiting controlled aerodromes, compliancewith air traffic services procedures; andn) Communication procedures and phraseology.7.7.2 The instrument experience and the night flying experience during the trainingdo not entitle the holder <strong>of</strong> a commercial pilot license to pilot aeroplanes underIFR.7.8 CPL – HELICOPTER - EXPERIENCE7.8.1 The applicant shall have completed not less than 150 hours <strong>of</strong> flight time, or100 hours if completed during a course <strong>of</strong> approved training, as a pilot <strong>of</strong>helicopters. The <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> shall determine whether experience as apilot under instruction in a flight simulation training device is acceptable aspart <strong>of</strong> the total flight time <strong>of</strong> 150 hours or 100 hours, as the case may be,Credit for such experience shall be limited to a maximum <strong>of</strong> 10 hours.The applicant shall have completed in helicopters not less than:a) 35 hours as pilot-in-command;b) 10 hours <strong>of</strong> cross-country flight time as pilot-in-command including across-country flight in the course <strong>of</strong> which landings at two differentpoints shall be made;c) 10 hours <strong>of</strong> instrument instruction time <strong>of</strong> which not more than 5 hoursmay be instrument ground time; andd) If the privileges <strong>of</strong> the license are to be exercised at night, 5 hours <strong>of</strong>night flight time including 5 take-<strong>of</strong>fs and 5 landing patterns as pilotin-command.7.8.2 When the applicant has flight time as a pilot <strong>of</strong> aircraft in other categories, the<strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> shall determine whether such experience is acceptable and,if so, the extent to which the flight time requirements <strong>of</strong> 7.8.1 can be reducedaccordingly.7.9 CPL – HELICOPTER - FLIGHT INSTRUCTION7.9.1 The applicant shall have received dual instruction in helicopters from anauthorized flight instructor. The instructor shall ensure that the applicant hasoperational experience in at least the following areas to the level <strong>of</strong>performance required for the commercial pilot:PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 8

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALa) recognize and manage threats and errors;b) pre-flight operations, including mass and balance determination,helicopter inspection and servicing;c) aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collision avoidance precautionsand procedures;d) control <strong>of</strong> the helicopter by external visual reference;e) recovery at the incipient stage from settling with power; recoverytechniques from low-rotor rpm within the normal range <strong>of</strong> engine rpm;f) ground manoeuvring and run-ups; hovering; take-<strong>of</strong>fs and landings —normal, out <strong>of</strong> wind and sloping ground; steep approaches;g) take-<strong>of</strong>fs and landings with minimum necessary power; maximumperformance take-<strong>of</strong>f and landing techniques; restricted site operations;quick stops; hovering out <strong>of</strong> ground effect; operations with externalload, if applicable; flight at high altitude;h) basic flight manoeuvres and recovery from unusual attitudes byreference solely to basic flight instruments;i) cross-country flying using visual reference, dead reckoning and radionavigation aids;j) diversion procedures;k) abnormal and emergency procedures, including simulated helicopterequipment malfunctions, autorotative approach and landing;l) operations to, from and transiting controlled aerodromes, compliancewith air traffic services procedures; andm) Communication procedures and phraseology.7.9.2 Instrument and night flying during the training do not entitle the holder <strong>of</strong> acommercial pilot license to pilot helicopters under IFR.7.10 CPL - EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS7.10.1 EligibilityApplicant is eligible to appear in the CAAN written examination <strong>of</strong>Commercial Pilot License provided a Student Pilot Authorization hasalready been issued on the basis <strong>of</strong> meeting the CPL flying requirementsbased on previous experience; or the applicant already holds a validprivate pilot license or produce CPL license from contracting states.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 9

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.11 CPL - EXAMINATIONSexam questions duration pass marks validityCPL – General +Cat. Aeroplane3003 papers3 hours perpaper70% 5 yearsCPL Examination(For the conversion <strong>of</strong> foreign license (CPL) issued from Contracting State)exam questions duration passmarksCPL – General + Cat.Aeroplane/ Helicoptervalidity100 3 hours 70% 5 years7.12 CPL - PRIVILEGES OF LICENSE7.12.1 Subject to compliance with the prescribed requirements, the privileges <strong>of</strong> theholder <strong>of</strong> a Commercial Pilot License shall be:a) to exercise all the privileges <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong> a Private Pilot License — inan aircraft within the appropriate aircraft category;b) to act as Pilot-In-Command in an aircraft within the appropriateaircraft category engaged in operations other than commercial airtransportation;c) to act as Pilot-In-Command in commercial air transportation in anaircraft within the appropriate aircraft category certificated for singlepilotoperation;d) to act as co-pilot in an aircraft within the appropriate aircraft categoryrequired to be operated with a co-pilot.; and7.12.2 A Commercial Pilot License holder employed in commercial airtransport operation shall meet the additional requirements as prescribedin the operations manual by the AOC holder.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 10

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.13 CPL – LIMITATIONS OF LICENSEa) The holder <strong>of</strong> a CPL not endorsed with an Instrument Rating shall not act aspilot-in-command <strong>of</strong> an aircraft in other than Visual MeteorologicalConditions.b) Before exercising the privileges at night, the license holder shall have receiveddual instruction in aircraft within the appropriate category in night flying,including take-<strong>of</strong>f, landing and navigation.c) The holder <strong>of</strong> a CPL shall not act as Pilot-In-Command <strong>of</strong> an aircraftengaged in formation flight unless he is certified in his log book ascompetent by a duly qualified flight instructor or other person dulyapproved by the CAAN for this purpose.d) The holder <strong>of</strong> CPL shall not act as Pilot-In-Command <strong>of</strong> an aircraftengaged in spinning practice unless the aircraft is certified for spinningand he has been certified in his log book by a duly qualified flightinstructor as being competent to recover from fully developed spins.e) The holder <strong>of</strong> CPL shall not act as Pilot-In-Command <strong>of</strong> an aircraftengaged in aerobatics flight unless the aircraft is certified for aerobatics;and he has been certified in his log book by an approved flight instructoror a person duly approved by the CAAN as competent in the maneuversto be performed.f) A CPL holder may exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> the license up-to 65 thbirthday provided the person has fulfill the necessary CAANrequirement and other pilot is below 60 years.g) After attaining the 65 th birthday, an CPL holder may exercise theprivileges <strong>of</strong> his or her Private Pilot License provided the person haspassed a flight test with a flight inspector or an approved person withinthe previous 6 months.h) Prior to operating as pilot <strong>of</strong> an aircraft engaged in regular publictransport operations, the holder <strong>of</strong> a CPL shall meet the minimumexperience appropriate to the type <strong>of</strong> aircraft.7.14 CPL - MAINTENANCE OF LICENSE7.14.1 CPL - ValidityA Commercial Pilot License shall be valid for 6 or 12 months as thecase may be.7.14.2 CPL – CurrencyPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 11

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALa) A license shall remain current subject to 3 take <strong>of</strong>fs and 3 landings in thelast 90 days.b) A type rating shall remain current subject to 3 take <strong>of</strong>fs and 3 landings inthe last 90 days.c) The night currency shall remain valid subject to 3 night take <strong>of</strong>fs and 3night landings in the last 90 days.d) Currency may be regained by flying with an instructor deputed by theapproved person.e) Currency on a type <strong>of</strong> aircraft with similar performance andhandling characteristics, as defined by the CAAN regulations, isacceptable provided an endorsement is also held for that type <strong>of</strong>aircraft.7.14.3 CPL – renewal/revalidation7.15 CPL - LOGBOOKCPL shall be renewed subject to refer to Part 2 para 2.18 and/or 2.19.A holder <strong>of</strong> a Commercial Pilot License shall maintain a logbook in accordancewith the CAAN prescribed regulations.7.16 CPL - FEE SCHEDULEAs per CAAN licensing fee schedule as per CAR 2058.7.17 CPL - DOCUMENTATION7.17.1 For Issue <strong>of</strong> CPLa) Application.b) Medical assessment.c) NOC from department, if applicable.d) Photocopies <strong>of</strong> foreign licenses, if applicable.e) 02 colour photographsf) Type technical result, as applicable.g) CPL examination result.h) Photocopy <strong>of</strong> first and last 3 pages <strong>of</strong> logbook.i) Flying hour’s breakdown.j) CPL course completion certificate.k) Logbook certificate.l) Copy <strong>of</strong> skill test authorization by CAAN.m) Skill test report.n) Fee Voucher7.17.2 For Renewal or Revalidation <strong>of</strong> CPLa) Application.b) Revalidation examination result, if applicable.c) Medical assessment.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 12

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALd) Skill test report.e) CPL License.f) Fee voucher.g) PPC and Recurrent Training.h) Route Check.i) CRM Training.j) Dangerous Goods Training.k) Emergency Evacuation Training7.18 AIRLINE TRANSPORT PILOT LICENSE (ATPL)(AEROPLANE, HELICOPTER)7.19 ATPL - ELIGIBILITY7.19.1 License/Certificate :7.19.2 Agea) For ATPL-aeroplane, hold CPL with IRb) For ATPL-helicopter, hold CPLApplicant shall not be less than 21 years <strong>of</strong> age.7.19.3 MedicalApplicant shall hold a class 1 medical assessment.7.19.4 No Objection Certificate (NOC)Serving personnel from armed forces and government departments shallprovide NOC from their parent organization.7.19.5 ATPL - English Language Pr<strong>of</strong>iciencyAn applicant shall be capable <strong>of</strong> speaking, reading and understanding theEnglish language. <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> shall take the test and submit the resultalong with answer sheets to the CAA.7.20 ATPL – AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE7.20.1 The applicant shall have demonstrated a level <strong>of</strong> knowledgeappropriate to the privileges granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> an airlinetransport pilot license and appropriate to the category <strong>of</strong> aircraftintended to be included in the license, in at least the following subjects:7.20.2 Air Lawa) rules and regulations relevant to the holder <strong>of</strong> an airline transportpilot license;b) rules <strong>of</strong> the air; appropriate air traffic services practices andprocedures;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 13

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.20.3 Aircraft General Knowledge for Aeroplanea) general characteristics and limitations <strong>of</strong> electrical, hydraulic,pressurization and other aircraft systems; flight control systems,including autopilot and stability augmentation;b) principles <strong>of</strong> operation, handling procedures and operatinglimitations <strong>of</strong> aircraft power plants; effects <strong>of</strong> atmosphericconditions on engine performance; relevant operational informationfrom the flight manual or other appropriate document;c) operating procedures and limitations <strong>of</strong> the relevant category <strong>of</strong>aircraft;d) effects <strong>of</strong> atmospheric conditions on aircraft performance inaccordance to the relevant operational information from the flightmanual; use and serviceability checks <strong>of</strong> equipment and systems <strong>of</strong>appropriate aircraft;e) flight instruments; compasses, turning and acceleration errors;gyroscopic instruments, operational limits and precession effects;practices and procedures in the event <strong>of</strong> malfunctions <strong>of</strong> variousflight instruments and electronic display units;f) maintenance procedures for airframes, systems and power plants <strong>of</strong>appropriate aircraft;g) for helicopter transmission (power-trains) where applicable;7.20.4 Flight Performance and Planninga) effects <strong>of</strong> loading and mass distribution on aircraft handling, flightcharacteristics and performance; mass and balance calculations;b) use and practical application <strong>of</strong> take-<strong>of</strong>f, landing and otherperformance data, including procedures for cruise control;c) pre-flight and en-route operational flight planning; preparation andfiling <strong>of</strong> air traffic services flight plans; appropriate air trafficservices procedures; altimeter setting procedures;d) in the case <strong>of</strong> helicopter effects <strong>of</strong> external loading on handling;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 14

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.20.5 Human PerformanceHuman performance including principles <strong>of</strong> threat and errormanagement;7.20.6 Meteorologya) interpretation and application <strong>of</strong> aeronautical meteorologicalreports, charts and forecasts; codes and abbreviations; use <strong>of</strong>, andprocedures for obtaining, meteorological information, pre-flight andin-flight; altimetry;b) aeronautical meteorology; climatology <strong>of</strong> relevant areas in respect<strong>of</strong> the elements having an effect upon aviation; the movement <strong>of</strong>pressure systems; the structure <strong>of</strong> fronts, and the origin andcharacteristics <strong>of</strong> significant weather phenomena which affect take<strong>of</strong>f,en-route and landing conditions;c) causes, recognition and effects <strong>of</strong> icing; frontal zone penetrationprocedures; hazardous weather avoidance;d) in the case <strong>of</strong> aeroplane and powered-lift, practical high altitudemeteorology, including interpretation and use <strong>of</strong> weather reports,charts and forecasts; jet streams;7.20.7 Navigationa) air navigation, including the use <strong>of</strong> aeronautical charts, radionavigation aids and area navigation systems; specific navigationrequirements for long-range flights;b) use, limitation and serviceability <strong>of</strong> avionics and instrumentsnecessary for the control and navigation <strong>of</strong> aircraft;c) use, accuracy and reliability <strong>of</strong> navigation systems used in departure,en-route, approach and landing phases <strong>of</strong> flight; identification <strong>of</strong>radio navigation aids;d) principles and characteristics <strong>of</strong> self-contained and externalreferencednavigation systems; operation <strong>of</strong> airborne equipment;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 15

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.20.8 Operational Proceduresa) application <strong>of</strong> threat and error management to operationalperformance;b) interpretation and use <strong>of</strong> aeronautical documentation such as aip,NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations;c) precautionary and emergency procedures; safety practices ;d) operational procedures for carriage <strong>of</strong> freight and dangerous goods;e) requirements and practices for safety briefing to passengers,including precautions to be observed when embarking anddisembarking from aircraft;f) in the case <strong>of</strong> the helicopter, and if applicable, powered-lift, settlingwith power; ground resonance; retreating blade stall; dynamic rolloverand other operation hazards; safety procedures, associatedwith flight in VMC;7.20.9 Principles <strong>of</strong> FlightPrinciples <strong>of</strong> flight;7.20.10Radiotelephonya) Communication procedures and phraseology; action to be taken incase <strong>of</strong> communication failure.b) In addition to the above subjects, the applicant for an airlinetransport pilot license applicable to the aeroplane or powered-liftcategory, shall have met the knowledge requirements for theInstrument Rating.7.20.11ATPL – SKILL TEST - AEROPLANE, HELICOPTERThe applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to perform, aspilot-in-command <strong>of</strong> an aircraft <strong>of</strong> the appropriate categoryrequired to be operated with a co-pilot, the following proceduresand manoeuvres:a) pre-flight procedures, including the preparation <strong>of</strong> theoperational flight plan and filing <strong>of</strong> the air traffic servicesflight plan;b) normal flight procedures and manoeuvres during all phases <strong>of</strong>flight;c) abnormal and emergency procedures and manoeuvres relatedto failures and malfunctions <strong>of</strong> equipment, such as powerplant, systems and airframe;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 16

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALd) procedures for crew incapacitation and crew coordination,including allocation <strong>of</strong> pilot tasks, crew cooperation and use<strong>of</strong> checklists; ande) In the case <strong>of</strong> the aeroplane procedures and manoeuvres forinstrument flight, including simulated engine failure. In the case <strong>of</strong> an aeroplane, the applicant shall havedemonstrated the ability to perform the procedures andmanoeuvres described as pilot-in-command <strong>of</strong> a multi-engineaeroplane. The applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to performthe procedures and manoeuvres with a degree <strong>of</strong> competencyappropriate to the privileges granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> an airlinetransport pilot license, and to:a) Recognize and manage threats and errors; smoothly andaccurately manually control the aircraft within itslimitations at all times, such that the successful outcome<strong>of</strong> a procedure or manoeuvre is assured;b) Operate the aircraft in the mode <strong>of</strong> automation appropriateto the phase <strong>of</strong> flight and to maintain awareness <strong>of</strong> theactive mode <strong>of</strong> automation; perform, in an accuratemanner, normal, abnormal and emergency procedures inall phases <strong>of</strong> flight;c) Exercise good judgment and airmanship, to includestructured decision making and the maintenance <strong>of</strong>situational awareness; and communicate effectively withother flight crew members and demonstrate the ability toeffectively perform procedures for crew incapacitation,crew coordination, including allocation <strong>of</strong> pilot tasks, crewcooperation, adherence to standard operating procedures(SOPs) and use <strong>of</strong> checklists. For a skill level test in a multi-crew cockpit, the other crewcomplement shall be qualified on the aircraft. ATPL initial issue skill test shall be conducted in p-1position.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 17

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.20.11.5 Applicant shall undergo a skill test by the CAANinspector/designated examiner on appropriate aircraft. An applicant who fails to pass a flight test may apply for aretest only when he has carried out the further study ortraining determined by the person who conducted the test. The Airline Transport Pilot License test shall be conductedwith the minimum flight crew complement specified in theaircraft flight manual and any additional crew required underan approved training and checking program <strong>of</strong> the operator. If the Airline Pilot License test is conducted for renewal <strong>of</strong>Instrument Rating, on single pilot operation aircraft, the flightinspector or de conducting the test shall not, during the test,perform any duty essential to the operation <strong>of</strong> the aircraft. If the Airline Transport Pilot License test is conducted in anaircraft certificated for multi-pilot operation; and the flightinspector or de conducting the test occupies a control seat, heshall during the test, perform all duties <strong>of</strong> a pilot not flying.7.21 ATPL – AEROPLANE - EXPERIENCE7.21.1 The applicant shall have completed not less than 1500 hours <strong>of</strong> flight time as apilot <strong>of</strong> aeroplanes. The licensing authority shall determine whetherexperience as a pilot under instruction in a flight simulation training device isacceptable as part <strong>of</strong> the total flight time <strong>of</strong> 1500 hours. Credit for suchexperience shall be limited to a maximum <strong>of</strong> 100 hours, <strong>of</strong> which not more than25 hours shall have been acquired in a flight procedure trainer or a basicinstrument flight trainer.7.21.2 The applicant shall have completed in aeroplanes not less than:a) 500 hours as Pilot-In-Command under supervision or 250 hours, either aspilot-in-command, or made up by not less than 70 hours as pilot-in-commandand the necessary additional flight time as pilot-in-command undersupervision;b) 200 hours <strong>of</strong> cross-country flight time, <strong>of</strong> which not less than 100 hoursshall be as pilot-in-command or as pilot-in-command under supervision;c) 75 hours <strong>of</strong> instrument time, <strong>of</strong> which not more than 30 hours may beinstrument ground time; andd) 100 hours <strong>of</strong> night flight as pilot-in-command or as co-pilot.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 18

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.21.3 When the applicant has flight time as a pilot <strong>of</strong> aircraft in other categories, thelicensing authority shall determine whether such experience is acceptable and, ifso, the extent to which the flight time requirements can be reduced accordingly.7.22 ATPL – AEROPLANE - FLIGHT INSTRUCTIONThe applicant shall have received the dual flight instruction required for the issue <strong>of</strong>the Commercial Pilot License and for the issue <strong>of</strong> the Instrument Rating or for theissue <strong>of</strong> the Multi-Crew Pilot License.7.23 ATPL - AEROPLANE - LIMITATIONSa) The holder <strong>of</strong> an ATPL shall not act as Pilot-In-Command <strong>of</strong> an aeroplaneengaged in formation flight unless he is certified on log book as competentby a duly qualified flight instructor or other person duly approved by theCAAN for this purpose.b) The holder <strong>of</strong> ATPL shall not act as Pilot-In-Command <strong>of</strong> an aeroplaneengaged in spinning practice unless the aircraft is certified for spinning andhe has been certified on his log book by a duly qualified flight instructor asbeing competent to recover from fully developed spins.c) The holder <strong>of</strong> ATPL shall not act as Pilot-In-Command <strong>of</strong> an aeroplaneengaged in aerobatics flight unless the aircraft is certified for aerobatics andhe has been certified on his log book by an approved flight instructor or aperson duly approved by the CAAN for this purpose as competent in themaneuvers to be performed.d) An ATPL-a holder may exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> the license up-to 65 thbirthday provided the person has fulfill the necessary requirement and theother pilot is below 60 years.e) Prior to operating as pilot <strong>of</strong> an aeroplane engaged in commercialoperations, the holder <strong>of</strong> an ATPL shall meet the minimum experiencerequirement appropriate to the type <strong>of</strong> aeroplane. .f) An aircraft specified for single pilot operation by the manufacturer may beoperated by one pilot. Where the operator wishes to operate the sameaircraft with two pilots (VIP/terrain), the CAAN may permit such operationprovided the operator has formulated the required SOPs and operationdetails; and they are approved by the CAAN.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 19

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.24 ATPL – HELICOPTER - EXPERIENCE7.24.1 The applicant shall have completed not less than 1000 hours <strong>of</strong> flight time as apilot <strong>of</strong> helicopters. The <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> shall determine whetherexperience as a pilot under instruction in a flight simulation training device isacceptable as part <strong>of</strong> the total flight time <strong>of</strong> 1000 hours. Credit for suchexperience shall be limited to a maximum <strong>of</strong> 100 hours, <strong>of</strong> which not more than25 hours shall have been acquired in a flight procedure trainer or a basicinstrument flight trainer.7.24.2 The applicant shall have completed in helicopters not less than:a) 250 hours, either as pilot-in-command, or made up by not less than 70hours as pilot-in-command and the necessary additional flight time aspilot-in-command under supervision;b) 200 hours <strong>of</strong> cross-country flight time, <strong>of</strong> which not less than 100 hoursshall be as pilot-in-command or as pilot-in-command under supervision;c) 30 hours <strong>of</strong> instrument time, <strong>of</strong> which not more than 10 hours may beinstrument ground time; andd) 50 hours <strong>of</strong> night flight as pilot-in-command or as co-pilot.e) When the applicant has flight time as a pilot <strong>of</strong> aircraft in other categories,the <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> shall determine whether such experience isacceptable and, if so, the extent to which the flight time requirements <strong>of</strong> canbe reduced accordingly.f) Airline Transport Pilot License (H) Restricted to VFR and day operationonly, will be issued to an applicant who does not fulfill the experiencementioned in clause ATPL – HELICOPTER - FLIGHT INSTRUCTIONa) The applicant shall have received the flight instruction required for the issue <strong>of</strong> thecommercial pilot license.b) The instrument time and the night flying time <strong>of</strong> 7.24.2 do not entitle the holder <strong>of</strong>the airline transport pilot license — helicopter to pilot helicopters under IFR.7.26 ATPL – HELICOPTER - LIMITATIONSa) The holder <strong>of</strong> an ATPL not endorsed with an Instrument Rating shall not actas pilot-in-command <strong>of</strong> a helicopter in other than visual meteorologicalconditions.b) The holder <strong>of</strong> an ATPL shall not act as pilot-in-command <strong>of</strong> a helicopterengaged in formation flight unless he is certified as competent by dulyqualified flight instructor or other person duly approved by the authority forthis purpose.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 20

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALc) An ATPL holder may exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> the license up-to 65 thbirthday provided the person has fulfill necessary requirement and the otherpilot is below 60 years.d) After attaining the 65 th birthday, an ATPL holder may exercise theprivileges <strong>of</strong> his or her Private Pilot License provided the person has passeda flight test with a flight inspector or an approved person within theprevious 6 months.e) Prior to operating as pilot <strong>of</strong> an helicopter engaged in regular publictransport operations, the holder <strong>of</strong> an ATPL shall meet the minimumexperience appropriate to the type <strong>of</strong> aircraft.f) A helicopter specified for one pilot operation by the manufacturer may beoperated by one pilot. Where the operator wishes to operate the samehelicopter with two pilots (VIP/terrain), the CAAN may permit suchoperation provided the operator has formulated the required SOPs andoperation details; and they are approved by the CAAN.7.27 ATPL - EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS7.27.1 EligibilityApplicant is eligible to appear in the written examination <strong>of</strong> the airlinetransport pilot license provided the student pilot license (SPl) or privatepilot license (ppl) or multi-crew pilot license (MPL) or commercial pilotlicense (CPL) has already been issued and is valid; and the applicant hascompleted 100% <strong>of</strong> the required flying experience for the issue <strong>of</strong> theairline transport pilot license.7.27.2 ATPL - ExaminationsExam Questions Duration Pass marks ValidityATPL – General + Cat.AeroplaneATPL- General+ Cathelicopter50 2 hours 70% 2 years50 2 hours 70% 2 years7.28 ATPL - PRIVILEGES - AEROPLANE, HELICOPTER7.28.1 Subject to compliance with the prescribed requirements, the privileges <strong>of</strong> theholder <strong>of</strong> an Airline Transport Pilot License shall be:a) To exercise all the privileges <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong> a Private and CommercialPilot License <strong>of</strong> an aircraft within the appropriate aircraft category and, inthe case <strong>of</strong> a license for the aeroplane category, <strong>of</strong> the Instrument Rating;andPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 21

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALb) To act as Pilot-In-Command in commercial air transportation in an aircraft<strong>of</strong> the appropriate category and certificated for operation with more thanone pilot.7.28.2 When the holder <strong>of</strong> an Airline Transport Pilot License in the aeroplanecategory has only previously held a MPL, the privileges <strong>of</strong> the license shall belimited to multi-crew operations. Any limitation <strong>of</strong> privileges shall beendorsed on the license.7.28.3 An ATPL holder employed in commercial air transport operation shallmeet the additional requirements as prescribed in the Operations Manualby the operator.7.29 ATPL - MAINTENANCE OF LICENSE7.29.1 ATPL - ValidityThe license shall remain valid for 6 or 12 months as the case may be.7.29.2 ATPL – currencya) A license shall remain current subject to 3 take <strong>of</strong>fs and 3 landings in thelast 90 days.b) A type rating shall remain current subject to 3 take <strong>of</strong>fs and 3 landings inthe last 90 days.c) Currency may be regained by flying with an instructor deputed by theapproved person.d) Currency on a type <strong>of</strong> aircraft with similar performance andhandling characteristics, as defined by the CAAN regulations, isacceptable provided an endorsement is also held for that type <strong>of</strong>aircraft.7.29.3 ATPL –Renewal/Revalidation7.29.3.1 An applicant for the renewal <strong>of</strong> a Airline Transport Pilot License mustproduce the license to be renewed with a license renewal form dulyfilled and following documents :a) current Class I medical assessmentb) Pilot Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency Check reportc) a route check as applicable.d) recurrent ground training as appropriatee) pilot log book7.29.3.2 To restore the validity <strong>of</strong> an expired license, the applicant shall meetthe requirements subject to the expiry period as follows;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 22

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALa) For the period <strong>of</strong> 3 months, the applicant shall fulfill all therequirements necessary for the renewal <strong>of</strong> thelicense/ratings.b) If the duration is more than 3 months but less than 12months, the applicant shall successfully complete approvedground refresher course and a pass flight test on type <strong>of</strong> theaircraft(s) or approved Flight Simulator.c) If the duration is more than 12 months but less than 24months, the applicant shall successfully complete approvedground course, flight training and pass flight test on thetype <strong>of</strong> aircraft(s).d) If the duration is more than 24 months, the applicant shallsuccessfully complete all the requirements necessary forinitial training on type, which includes, the approvedground course, <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> examination, 5 hours flighttraining and pass flight test.e) If the duration is more than 60 months the applicant shallsuccessfully complete all the requirements necessary forinitial issue which includes;i) a current medical examinationii)iii)a certificate from a ground instructor certifying thatthe applicant has carried out sufficient refreshertraining covering the contents <strong>of</strong> the course syllabusapproved for CAAN's ATPL or CPL as relevant andpass CAAN examinations.applicant shall pass Air Regulation Examination.iv) while undergoing a new type conversion, he shallsuccessfully complete the approved ground courseand CAAN examination on type.v) applicant shall undergo the flight training with atleast;i) in case <strong>of</strong> turbo-propeller powered aircraft 10hours for Pilot In Command and 8 hours forsecond in command.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 23

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.30 ATPL - LOGBOOKii) in case <strong>of</strong> jet engine powered aircraft 20 hours forPilot In Command and 10 hours for Second InCommand.iii) applicant shall have to successfully completeflight testA holder <strong>of</strong> an Airline Transport Pilot License shall maintain a logbook inaccordance with the CAAN prescribed regulations.7.31 ATPL - FEE SCHEDULEAs per the CAAN fee schedule as per CAR 2058.7.32 ATPL - DOCUMENTATION7.32.1 For Issue <strong>of</strong> ATPLa) Application.b) Medical assessment.c) NOC (for military/Govt. departments).d) 02 colour photographse) Photocopy <strong>of</strong> foreign licenses/Certificate if applicable.f) CAAN ATPL examination result.g) P1 upgrade course completion certificateh) Photocopy <strong>of</strong> first and last three pages <strong>of</strong> logbook.i) Copy <strong>of</strong> skill test authorization by CAAN.j) Skill test report.k) Fee voucher.7.32.2 For Renewal or Revalidation <strong>of</strong> ATPLa) Application.b) Medical assessment.c) Skill test report.d) Revalidation examination results/ training details, as applicable.e) PPC and Recurrent Trainingf) Route Checkg) CRM Trainingh) Dangerous Goods Trainingi) Emergency Evacuation Trainingj) Fee voucher.7.33 INSTRUMENT RATING – Aeroplane, Helicopter7.33.1 IR - ELIGIBILITYApplicant shall hold a valid PPL or a CPL.7.33.2 MedicalApplicant shall hold class 1 medical assessment.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 24

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.34.3 IR - GRADES OF INSTRUMENT RATINGThe grades <strong>of</strong> Instrument Rating are:a) Multi – Engine Aeroplane;b) Multi – Engine Helicopter;7.33.4 IR – AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE - Aeroplane, HelicopterThe applicant shall have demonstrated a level <strong>of</strong> knowledge appropriate to theprivileges granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> an Instrument Rating, in at least thefollowing subjects:a) Air LawRules and regulations relevant to flight under IFR; related air trafficservices practices and procedures;b) Aircraft General Knowledge for the Aircraft Category being soughti) use, limitation and serviceability <strong>of</strong> avionics, electronic devices andinstruments necessary for the control and navigation <strong>of</strong> aircraft underIFR and in instrument meteorological conditions, use and limitations <strong>of</strong>autopilot;ii) compasses, turning and acceleration errors; gyroscopic instruments,operational limits and precession effects; practices and procedures inthe event <strong>of</strong> malfunctions <strong>of</strong> various flight instruments;c) Flight Performance and Planning for the aircraft category beingsoughti) pre-flight preparations and checks appropriate to flight under IFR;ii) operational flight planning; preparation and filing <strong>of</strong> air traffic servicesflight plans under IFR; altimeter setting procedures;d) Human performance for the aircraft category being soughtHuman performance relevant to instrument flight in aircraft includingprinciples <strong>of</strong> threat and error management;e) Meteorology for the aircraft category being soughti) application <strong>of</strong> aeronautical meteorology; interpretation and use <strong>of</strong>reports, charts and forecasts; codes and abbreviations; use <strong>of</strong>, andprocedures for obtaining, meteorological information; altimetry;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 25

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALii) causes, recognition and effects <strong>of</strong> icing; frontal zone penetrationprocedures; hazardous weather avoidance;iii) in the case <strong>of</strong> helicopter and powered-lift, effects <strong>of</strong> rotor icing;f) Navigation for the aircraft category being soughti) practical air navigation using radio navigation aids;ii) use, accuracy and reliability <strong>of</strong> navigation systems used in departure, enroute,approach and landing phases <strong>of</strong> flight; identification <strong>of</strong> radionavigation aids;g) Operational procedures for the aircraft category being soughti) application <strong>of</strong> threat and error management to operational procedures;ii) interpretation and use <strong>of</strong> aeronautical documentation such as AIP,NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations, and instrumentprocedure charts for departure, en-route, descent and approach;iii) precautionary and emergency procedures; safety practices associatedwith flight under IFR; obstacle clearance criteria;7.33.5 RadiotelephonyCommunication procedures and phraseology as applied to aircraft operationsunder IFR; action to be taken in case <strong>of</strong> communication failure.7.34 IR - SKILL TEST - Aeroplane, Helicoptera) The applicant shall have demonstrated in an aircraft <strong>of</strong> the category for which theInstrument Rating is being sought the ability to perform the procedures andmanoeuvres with a degree <strong>of</strong> competency appropriate to the privileges granted tothe holder <strong>of</strong> an Instrument Rating, and to:i) recognize and manage threats and errors;ii) operate the aircraft for the category being sought within its limitations;iii) complete all manoeuvres with smoothness and accuracy;iv) exercise good judgement and airmanship;v) apply aeronautical knowledge; andvi) Maintain control <strong>of</strong> the aircraft at all times in a manner such that thesuccessful outcome <strong>of</strong> a procedure or manoeuvre is assured.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 26

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALvii) The applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to operate multi-engineaircraft <strong>of</strong> the appropriate category solely by reference to instruments with oneengine inoperative, or simulated inoperative, if the privileges <strong>of</strong> the InstrumentRating are to be exercised on such aircraft.b) For a skill level test in a multi-crew cockpit, the other crew complementshall be qualified on the aircraft.c) Applicant shall qualify skill test by the CAAN inspector/designatedexaminer.d) An applicant who fails to pass a flight test may apply for a retest only whenhe has carried out the further study or training determined by the personwho conducted the test.e) Unless otherwise approved by the CAAN, the same examiner shall conductthe re-test.f) An applicant for initial issue and renewal <strong>of</strong> an Instrument Rating shallprovide a suitable dual control aircraft and/or flight simulation trainingdevice as applicable for the purpose <strong>of</strong> demonstrating <strong>of</strong> his skill.g) The Instrument Rating test shall be conducted with the minimum flight crewcomplement specified in the Aircraft Flight Manual and any additional crewrequired under an approved training and checking program <strong>of</strong> the operator.h) If the Instrument Rating test is conducted for issue or renewal <strong>of</strong> InstrumentRating, on single pilot operation aircraft, the flight inspector or deconducting the test shall not, during the test, perform any duty essential tothe operation <strong>of</strong> the aircraft.i) If the Instrument Rating test is conducted in an aircraft certificated formulti-pilot operation; and the Flight Inspector or DE conducting the testoccupies a control seat, he shall during the test, perform all duties <strong>of</strong> a pilotnot flying.j) Except for the CFIs, more than 02 consecutive tests <strong>of</strong> the same applicantshall not be taken by the same examiner.7.35 IR - AERONAUTICAL EXPERIENCE – Aeroplane - HelicopterThe applicant shall have completed not less than:i) 50 hours <strong>of</strong> cross-country flight time as pilot-in-command <strong>of</strong> aircraft in categoriesacceptable to the <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong>, <strong>of</strong> which not less than 10 hours shall be in theaircraft category being sought; andii) 40 hours <strong>of</strong> instrument time in aircraft <strong>of</strong> which not more than 20 hours, or 30 hourswhere a flight simulator is used, may be instrument ground time. The ground timeshall be under the supervision <strong>of</strong> an authorized instructor.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 27

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.36 IR - FLIGHT INSTRUCTION - Aeroplane, Helicoptera) The applicant shall have gained not less than 10 hours <strong>of</strong> the instrument flight timerequired in 1.35 while receiving dual instrument flight instruction in the aircraftcategory being sought from an authorized flight instructor. The instructor shallensure that the applicant has operational experience in at least the following areasto the level <strong>of</strong> performance required for the holder <strong>of</strong> an Instrument Rating:i) Pre-flight procedures, including the use <strong>of</strong> the flight manual or equivalentdocument, and appropriate air traffic services documents in the preparation <strong>of</strong>an IFR flight plan.ii) Pre-flight inspection, use <strong>of</strong> checklists, taxiing and pre-take<strong>of</strong>f checks.iii) Procedures and maneuvers for IFR operation under normal, abnormal andemergency conditions covering at least:- Transition to instrument flight on take-<strong>of</strong>f.- Standard instrument departures and arrivals.- En-route IFR procedures.- Holding procedures.- Instrument approaches to specified minima- Missed approach procedures.- Landings form instrument approaches.- In-flight maneuvers and particular flight characteristics.iv) If the privileges <strong>of</strong> the instrument rating are to be exercised on multi-enginedaircraft, the applicant shall have received dual instrument flight instruction in amulti-engined aircraft within the appropriate category from an authorizedflight instructor. The instructor shall ensure that the applicant has operationalexperience in the operation <strong>of</strong> the aircraft within the appropriate category byreference solely to instruments with one engine inoperative or simulatedinoperative.7.37 IR - PRIVILEGES OF RATING - AEROPLANE,HELICOPTERSubject to compliance with the requirements specified in 1.19, 1.20 and 2.1, theprivileges <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong> an instrument rating with a specific aircraft category shallbe to pilot that category <strong>of</strong> aircraft under IFR.7.38 IR - LIMITATIONS OF RATINGIf a holder <strong>of</strong> an Instrument Rating attempts the Instrument Rating renewalflight test and fails to satisfy the test requirements; he shall not exercise theprivileges <strong>of</strong> Instrument Rating.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 28

7.39 IR - ENDORSEMENTCIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.39.1 An Instrument Rating will be included in a pilot license, if the holder:a) produces a pilot license, issued by a Contracting State, which contains anInstrument Rating applicable to the category and class;b) passes a practical instrument competency check.(during initialendorsement, competency check <strong>of</strong> precision approach in approvedinstrument procedure trainer conducted within a year may satisfy therequirement)c) such instrument competency check may be conducted in part or all <strong>of</strong> thecheck in instrument (flight) procedure trainer equipped for instrumentflying or an Aeroplane simulator which is/are approved by the DirectorGeneral.7.39.2 A current Airline Transport Pilot License will entitle the holder to act as pilotin-commandor co-pilot in an Aeroplane for which he holds an Aeroplanerating, when flying in compliance with Instrument Flight Rules.7.40 IR - VALIDITYa) An Instrument Rating shall remain valid for 6 months from the date <strong>of</strong>endorsement on the license provided the license is valid on which therating is endorsed.b) There shall be no extension <strong>of</strong> IR validity period.7.41 IR - CURRENCYAn Instrument Rating shall remain current subject to currency <strong>of</strong> license; andIR period <strong>of</strong> validity.7.42 IR - FEE SCHEDULEAs per the CAAN fee schedule as per CAR 2058.7.43 IR - DOCUMENTATION7.43.1 For issue <strong>of</strong> IRa) Application.b) Instrument Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency Check report.c) Fee voucher7.43.2 For renewal or revalidation <strong>of</strong> IRa) Application.b) Skill test report.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 29

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.44 ELIGIBILITY FOR TYPE RATING ENDORSEMENT7.44.1 To qualify for an aircraft type endorsement, an applicant shall have completedan approved ground training course with an approved aviation trainingorganization or from Instructor authorized by <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong>.7.44.2 Passed the aircraft type Technical Examination.7.44.3 Completed approved flying training and/or simulator training.7.44.4 Passed a flight check with CAAN inspector or Designated Check Pilot (DCP)or Designated Examiner (DE).PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 7- 30



CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL8.1 FLIGHT ENGINEER LICENSE8.2 ELIGIBITYa) AgeNot less than 21 years.b) MedicalClass 2 Medicalc) Educational QualificationApplicants must have passed Intermediate <strong>of</strong> Science or itsEquivalent acceptable to Director General.d) Technical Knowledge, Experience and Practical Flying TestsApplicant must have:i) Aeroplane Maintenance Technician (AMT) License, in theCategories 'A' & 'C' on type <strong>of</strong> for which the FlightEngineer is required, issued or validated by CAAN,orA Commercial Pilot License in aeroplane having completednot less than 1000 hours <strong>of</strong> flight.orDegree in Aeronautical Engineering (only recognized bythe <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> the issuing countrywithout any limitations or conditions).ii) successfully completed an approved Flight EngineersGround Course or hold current Flight Engineer's Licenseissued by a Contracting State.iii) passed Basic Flight Engineers Examination conducted byCAAN.iv) completed, under the supervision <strong>of</strong> an Instructor FlightEngineer, not less than 100 hrs <strong>of</strong> flight time in theperformance <strong>of</strong> the duties <strong>of</strong> Flight Engineer.The maximum <strong>of</strong> 50 hrs on approved flight simulator isacceptable as part <strong>of</strong> the total flight time <strong>of</strong> 100 hrs.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 8 - 2

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL8.3 LICENSING PROCESSOperational experience in the performance <strong>of</strong> the duties <strong>of</strong> aFlight Engineer, under the supervision <strong>of</strong> an InstructorFlight Engineer, in at least the following areas:normal procedure- pre-flight inspections- fueling procedures, fuel management- inspection <strong>of</strong> maintenance documents- normal flight deck procedures during all phases <strong>of</strong>flight- crew co-ordination and procedures in case <strong>of</strong> crewincapacitation- defect reportingabnormal and alternate- recognition <strong>of</strong> abnormal functioning <strong>of</strong> Aeroplanesystems- use <strong>of</strong> abnormal and alternate (standby) procedureemergency procedure- recognition <strong>of</strong> emergency conditions- use <strong>of</strong> appropriate emergency proceduresa) Flight Engineering License issued from ContractingStates.b) Ground course.c) CAAN technical examination.d) CAAN pr<strong>of</strong>iciency test.8.4 FEL - KNOWLEDGEAn applicant shall have demonstrated a level <strong>of</strong> knowledge appropriateto the privileges granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> a Flight Engineer License, inat least the following subjects:8.4.1 Air lawRules and regulations relevant to the holder <strong>of</strong> a flight engineerlicense; rules and regulations governing the operation <strong>of</strong> civilaircraft pertinent to the duties <strong>of</strong> a flight engineer;8.4.2 Aircraft General Knowledgea) basic principles <strong>of</strong> powerplants, gas turbines and/or pistonengines; characteristics <strong>of</strong> fuels, fuel systems including fuelcontrol; lubricants and lubrication systems; afterburners andinjection systems, function and operation <strong>of</strong> engine ignitionand starter systems;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 8 - 3

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALb) principles <strong>of</strong> operation, handling procedures and operatinglimitations <strong>of</strong> aircraft powerplants; effects <strong>of</strong> atmosphericconditions on engine performance;c) airframes, flight controls, structures, wheel assemblies, brakesand anti-skid units, corrosion and fatigue life; identification<strong>of</strong> structural damage and defects;d) ice and rain protection systems;e) pressurization and air-conditioning systems, oxygensystems;f) hydraulic and pneumatic systems;g) basic electrical theory, electric systems (AC and DC),aircraft wiring systems, bonding and screening;h) principles <strong>of</strong> operation <strong>of</strong> instruments, compasses,autopilots, radio communication equipment, radio and radarnavigation aids, flight management systems, displays andavionics;i) limitations <strong>of</strong> appropriate aircraft;j) fire protection, detection, suppression and extinguishingsystems;k) use and serviceability checks <strong>of</strong> equipment and systems <strong>of</strong>appropriate aircraft;8.4.3 Flight Performance and Planninga) effects <strong>of</strong> loading and mass distribution on aircrafthandling, flight characteristics and performance; mass andbalance calculations;b) use and practical application <strong>of</strong> performance data includingprocedures for cruise control;8.4.4 Human PerformanceHuman performance relevant to the flight engineer includingprinciples <strong>of</strong> threat and error management;8.4.5 Operation Procedurea) principles <strong>of</strong> maintenance, procedures for the maintenance<strong>of</strong> airworthiness, defect reporting, pre-flight inspections,precautionary procedures for fuelling and use <strong>of</strong> externalpower; installed equipment and cabin systems;b) normal, abnormal and emergency procedures;c) operational procedures for carriage <strong>of</strong> freight and dangerousgoods;8.4.6 Radio TelephonyCommunication procedures and phraseology.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 8 - 4

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL8.4.7 The applicant should have demonstrated a level <strong>of</strong> knowledgeappropriate to the privileges granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> a flightengineer license in at least the following subjects:a) fundamentals <strong>of</strong> navigation; principles and operation <strong>of</strong>self-contained systems; andb) operational aspects <strong>of</strong> meteorology.8.5 FEL – EXPERIENCEa) The applicant shall have completed, under the supervision <strong>of</strong> aperson accepted by the <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> for that purpose, not lessthan 100 hours <strong>of</strong> flight time in the performance <strong>of</strong> the duties <strong>of</strong> aflight engineer. The <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> shall determine whetherexperience as a flight engineer in a flight simulator, which it hasapproved, is acceptable as part <strong>of</strong> the total flight time <strong>of</strong> 100 hours.Credit for such experience shall be limited to a maximum <strong>of</strong> 50hours.b) When the applicant has flight time as a pilot, the <strong>Licensing</strong><strong>Authority</strong> shall determine whether such experience is acceptable and,if so, the extent to which the flight time requirements <strong>of</strong> 8.4(a) can bereduced accordingly.c) The applicant shall have operational experience in the performance<strong>of</strong> the duties <strong>of</strong> a flight engineer, under the supervision <strong>of</strong> a flightengineer accepted by the <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> for that purpose, in atleast the following areas:i) Normal proceduresii) pre-flight inspectionsiii) fuelling procedures, fuel managementiv) inspection <strong>of</strong> maintenance documentsv) normal flight deck procedures during all phases <strong>of</strong> flightvi) crew coordination and procedures in case <strong>of</strong> crewincapacitationvii) defect reportingviii) abnormal and alternate (standby) proceduresix) recognition <strong>of</strong> abnormal functioning <strong>of</strong> aircraft systemsx) use <strong>of</strong> abnormal and alternate (standby) proceduresxi) Emergency proceduresxii) recognition <strong>of</strong> emergency conditionsxiii) use <strong>of</strong> appropriate emergency proceduresPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 8 - 5

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL8.6 FEL - EXAMINATIONS AND TESTSa) All written examinations and flight tests shall be conducted atsuch times and places and in such a manner as determined bythe authority.b) An applicant who fails to pass a flight test may apply for aretest only when he has carried out the further study ortraining determined by the person who conducted the test.c) An applicant shall provide a suitable simulator/aircraft for thepurpose <strong>of</strong> undergoing the flight test. The type <strong>of</strong>simulator/aircraft is subject to approval by the authority.8.7 FEL – EXAMINATIONSExam Questions Duration Pass marks ValidityTypeTechnicalandPerformance100 3 hours 70% 2 Years8.8 FEL – SKILLThe applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to perform as flightengineer <strong>of</strong> an aircraft, the duties and procedures with a degree <strong>of</strong>competency appropriate to the privileges granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> aflight engineer license, and to:a) recognize and manage threats and errors;b) use aircraft systems within the aircraft’s capabilities and limitations;c) exercise good judgement and airmanship;d) apply aeronautical knowledge;e) perform all the duties as part <strong>of</strong> an integrated crew with thesuccessful outcome assured; andf) Communicate effectively with the other flight crew members.8.9 FEL - RECENT EXPERIENCEa) The holder <strong>of</strong> a flight engineer license shall not perform theduties <strong>of</strong> flight engineer without supervision unless he meetsthe recent experience requirements prescribed by the operatorand has passed a check conducted by an approved personwithin 6 months immediately preceding the date on which aflight commences.OrPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 8 - 6

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALb) The holder <strong>of</strong> a flight engineer license shall not act as a flightengineer other than under supervision <strong>of</strong> any type <strong>of</strong> anaircraft endorsed on his license, on which he has notperformed the duties <strong>of</strong> flight engineer in the preceding 90days where the applicant does not fulfill this requirement. Heshall meet the prescribed requirements <strong>of</strong> 8.8(a).8.10 FEL - VALIDITYThe license shall remain valid for one year subject to the provisions <strong>of</strong>this regulation.8.11 FEL - PRIVILEGESThe holder <strong>of</strong> FEL may perform the duties <strong>of</strong> a flight engineer onan aircraft for which his license is endorsed and has recentexperience.8.12 FEL - MAINTENANCE OF LICENSEa) Renewal Requirementi)) a current Class 2 medical assessmentii) recurrent ground training as appropriate,iii) crew log book,b) Within 12 months <strong>of</strong> expiryOral test and meeting the renewal requirements includingpr<strong>of</strong>iciency check.c) Within 12 months to 60 monthsi) FEL revalidation paper;ii) 2 hours <strong>of</strong> training in simulators or in aircraft;iii) 5 hours <strong>of</strong> under supervision for expiry more than 24months;iv) And meeting the renewal requirements.d) After 60 months <strong>of</strong> expiryi) Full FEL written examinations.ii) 5 hours <strong>of</strong> simulator.iii) 10 hours <strong>of</strong> under supervision.iv) CAA skill test.8.13 FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR RATING -FLIGHT ENGINEER(F/E)a) A Flight Instructor Rating included in a Flight Engineer License willentitle the holder to give flight instruction in the type or types <strong>of</strong>Aircraft for which he holds a current rating.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 8 - 7

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALb) A Flight Engineer Instructor Rating will be issued to an applicantwho produces a current F/E license including Instructor Ratingissued by a Contracting State or who shall have :i) completed not less than 1000 hours <strong>of</strong> flight time as a FlightEngineer on the type <strong>of</strong> Aircraft involved;ii) have satisfactorily completed an approved training course <strong>of</strong>flight instruction and ground training techniques andiii) has satisfactorily completed a flight check showing his ability toact as an instructor with an Instructor (F/E) or Flight Engineer,designated by Director General.iv) Flight Instructor Rating in a F/E license will have the sameperiod <strong>of</strong> validity as the license and will be revalidated uponrenewal <strong>of</strong> the license.8.14 FEL – DOCUMENTATIONFor issuea) Application.b) Medical assessment.c) Ground course certificate.d) Simulator training record if applicable.e) CAAN technical examination results.f) 2 photographs 1x1 inchg) CAAN skill test report.8.15 FOR RENEWAL/REVALIDATIONa) Application.b) Medical assessment.c) Oral test report, if applicable.d) Written examination result, if applicable.e) Simulator training record if applicable.f) Under supervision record, if applicable.g) CAAN skill test report.8.16 FEL – FEE SCHEDULEAs per CAAN fee schedule as per CAR 2058.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 8 - 8




CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL10.1 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER LICENSE (ATCL)10.2 ATCL - ELIGIBILITYa) AgeAn applicant shall be not less than 21 years <strong>of</strong> age.b) EducationApplicant shall be any graduate <strong>of</strong> any discipline.c) MedicalAn applicant shall hold a class 3 medical assessment.d) No Objection Certificate (NOC)Serving personnel from the armed forces and the governmentdepartments shall provide NOC from their parent organization.e) Experience :The applicant shall have completed an approved training courseand not less than three months <strong>of</strong> satisfactory service engagedin actual air traffic control under the supervision <strong>of</strong> OJTI andmeet the experience requirements as mentioned in para ATCL - ENGLISH PROFICIENCYa) an applicant shall be capable <strong>of</strong> speaking, reading andunderstanding the English language. the applicant shalldemonstrate compliance with the holistic descriptors asexplained below and as defined in ICAO operational level 4 <strong>of</strong>the ICAO language pr<strong>of</strong>iciency rating scale as given in ICAOannex 1.b) holistic descriptors;c) the pr<strong>of</strong>icient speakers shall:i) communicate effectively in voice-only (telephone/radiotelephone) and in face to face situations.ii) communicate on common, concrete and work related topicswith accuracy and clarity.iii) use appropriate communicative strategies to exchangemessages and to recognize and resolve misunderstandings.(for example to check, confirm, or clarify information) in ageneral or work related context.iv) handle successfully and with relative ease the linguisticchallenges presented by a complication or unexpected turn<strong>of</strong> events that occurs within the context <strong>of</strong> a routine worksituation or communicative task with which they areotherwise familiar; andv) use a dialect or accent which is intelligible to theaeronautical community.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 3

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL10.4 ATCL – AVIATION TRAINING ORGANIZATIONSa) <strong>Civil</strong> aviation training institute, or ATCO training institutes<strong>of</strong> contracting states, may be approved by the licensingauthority for the conduct <strong>of</strong> basic ATC basic courses andradar courses.b) The aviation training organizations providing basic trainingcourses for issuance <strong>of</strong> ATCL shall be monitored and auditedat least once a year for the renewal <strong>of</strong> their approval status.10.5 ATCL – FLIGHT SIMULATION DEVICESa) Training PlansAll training plans are required to indicate the amount <strong>of</strong>training, if any, that will be conducted on a simulator. Thesimulator will be approved by the licensing authority as part<strong>of</strong> the course approval process for any particular trainingplan. The training organization is required to demonstratehow the simulator and the associated exercises will provideadequate support for the particular training plan. Theapproval <strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> a simulator and the part <strong>of</strong> theparticular training plan for which the organization proposes touse it will be based on an assessment against the criteria listedbelow. The extent to which the simulator achieves thesecriteria will be used to determine the adequacy <strong>of</strong> thesimulator for the proposed use. As a general principle, thegreater the degree <strong>of</strong> replication <strong>of</strong> the operational positionbeing represented, the greater the use that will be possible inany particular training plan.b) General environment for simulator useThe environment in which simulator exercises may be run shallnot have undue interference from unrelated activities.c) Criterion for assessment <strong>of</strong> simulatori) simulator layout;ii) details <strong>of</strong> equipment provided;iii) display presentation, functionality, and updating <strong>of</strong>operational information;iv) Data displays, including strip displays, where appropriate;v) Co-ordination facilities;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 4

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALvi) Aircraft performance characteristics, including theavailability <strong>of</strong> manoeuvres, e.g., holding or ILS operation,required for a particular simulation;vii) availability <strong>of</strong> real-time changes during an exercise;viii)ability <strong>of</strong> the simulated environment to enable students tomeet the stated objectives <strong>of</strong> the practical training exercises;ix) ability <strong>of</strong> the simulator and its exercises to enable theperformance objectives to be assessed to the leveldetermined in the training programme;x) processes by which the training organization can be assuredthat staff associated with the conduct <strong>of</strong> the simulation arecompetent;xi) Where a simulator is an integral part <strong>of</strong> an operational ATCsystem, the processes by which the training organization isassured that interference between the simulated andoperational environments is prevented.10.6 ATCL - ISSUE PROCESSThe ATC license shall be issued subject to:a) having qualified the approved basic ATC course.b) having met the prescribed OJT/experience requirementsc) having qualified the prescribed CAAN written technicalexaminationsd) having met the prescribed skill requirements.e) having passed Class III medical assessmentf) having qualified to be issued with at least one ATC rating.10.7 ATCL - COURSESa) The basic ATC and radar course, developed by the ICAO,conducted by civil aviation authority at civil aviation traininginstitute, or in another contracting states, will be acceptedsubjected to the approval process.b) The aviation training organization shall forward the completecourse/s details to the licensing authority in the prescribed formfor approval.10.8 ATCL – SYLLABUS FOR LICENSE AND RATINGSPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 5

10.9 ATCL – KNOWLEDGEa) Air LawCIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALi) Rules and regulations relevant to the air trafficcontroller which shall includes the following as wellii) ATC Courseiii) CATI Course Material For Radar Courseiv) ATC Manual. Annex 1 <strong>Personnel</strong> <strong>Licensing</strong> and RulesOf The Air – ICAO annex 2.v) Meteorological Service For International AirNavigation – ICAO annex Units Of Measurement – ICAO annex 5.vii) Operation Of Aircraft – ICAO annex 6 (volume –I).viii) Aeronautical Telecommunication – ICAO annex 10(volume-ii).ix) Air Traffic Services – ICAO annex 11.x) Aerodromes – ICAO annex 14 (volume 1).xi) Aeronautical Information Service – ICAO annex 15.xii) PANS-ATM – ICAO doc 4444.xiii) Air Traffic Control Manual.xiv) Aeronautical Information Publication.b) Air Traffic Controller EquipmentPrinciples, use and limitations <strong>of</strong> equipment used in air trafficcontrol.c) General KnowledgePrinciples <strong>of</strong> flight; principles <strong>of</strong> operations and functioning <strong>of</strong>aircraft, power plants and systems; aircraft performancesrelevant to air traffic control operations.d) Human PerformanceHuman performance including principles <strong>of</strong> threat and errormanagement (human factors training manual, ICAO doc 9683)e) LanguageThe ability to speak English language without accent orimpediment which would adversely affect radiocommunications.f) MeteorologyAeronautical meteorology; use and appreciation <strong>of</strong>meteorological documentation and information; origin andcharacteristics <strong>of</strong> weather phenomena affecting flightoperations and safety; altimetry.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 6

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALg) NavigationPrinciples <strong>of</strong> air navigation; principle, limitation and accuracy<strong>of</strong> navigation systems and visual aids; andh) Operational ProceduresAir traffic control, communication, radiotelephony andphraseology procedures (routine, non-routine and emergency);use <strong>of</strong> the relevant aeronautical documentation; safety practicesassociated with flight.10.10 ATCL – KNOWLEDGE – RATINGSa) Categories <strong>of</strong> air traffic control ratingsAir traffic control rating shall comprise the followingcategories:i) aerodrome control ratingii) approach control procedural ratingiii) approach control radar rating, andiv) area control procedure rating10.11 REQUIREMENT FOR AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL RATINGS10.11.1KnowledgeThe applicant shall have demonstrated a level <strong>of</strong> knowledgeappropriate to the privilege granted, in at least the followingsubjects, in so far as they affect the area <strong>of</strong> responsibility.a) Aerodrome control ratingi) Aerodrome layout : physical characteristic and visualaids.ii) airspace structure.iii) applicable rules, procedures and source <strong>of</strong> information.iv) air navigation facilities.v) air traffic control equipment and its usevi) terrain and prominent landmarks.vii) characteristics <strong>of</strong> air traffic.viii) weather phenomena; andix) emergency and search and rescue plans.b) Approach Control and Area Control Ratingsi) airspace structure.ii) applicable rules, procedures and source <strong>of</strong> information.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 7

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALiii) air navigation facilities.iv) air traffic control equipment and its use.v) terrain and prominent characteristics <strong>of</strong> air traffic and traffic flows.vii) weather phenomena; andviii) emergency and search an rescue plans; andc) Approach Control Radar RatingsThe applicant shall meet the prescribed requirements in so faras they affecti) the area <strong>of</strong> responsibility, and shall have demonstrated alevel <strong>of</strong> knowledge appropriate to the privileges granted,in at least the following additional subjects:ii)principles, use and limitations <strong>of</strong> radar, other surveillancesystems and associated equipment; andiii) procedures for the provision <strong>of</strong> approach, precisionapproach or area radar control service, as appropriate,including procedures to ensure appropriate terrainclearance.10.12 ATCL - EXPERIENCE (OJT) REQUIREMENTS – RATINGS10.12.1The applicant shall have completed an approved trainingcourse; and satisfactory completion <strong>of</strong> on job training for thetime period mentioned against each rating under thesupervision <strong>of</strong> an appropriately rated on job training instructor(OJTI).a) Aerodrome Control RatingAn aerodrome control service, for a period <strong>of</strong> not lessthan 90 hours or one month, whichever is greater, at theunit for which the rating is sought.b) Approach Control Procedural, Approach Radar, AreaControl RatingThe control service for which rating is sought, for aperiod <strong>of</strong> not less than 180 hours or three months,whichever is greater, at the unit for which the ratingssought;10.12.2 The on job training <strong>of</strong> applicants for issue <strong>of</strong> license or ratingshall commence with intimation to the licensing <strong>of</strong>fice.10.12.3 The completion <strong>of</strong> the on job training <strong>of</strong> an applicant shall becertified by the OJT instructor on the prescribed OJT formand report shall be submitted to licensing unit.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 8

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL10.12.4 The experience specified in 10.11.1(a) and (b) shall havebeen completed within the 6 months period immediatelypreceding application.10.12.5 When the applicant already holds the same rating for anotherunit (airport) the licensing authority may reduced theexperienced requirement <strong>of</strong> 10.11.1 (a) and (b), but notexceeding 50 percent <strong>of</strong> total.10.13 ATCL AND RATING – EXAMINATIONSATCL and Rating examination is divided in three parts:a) theoretical written examinationb) oral examinationc) skill tests10.13.1 Eligibility to appear in Theoretical Examinationsa) an applicant shall have met the prescribed requirements <strong>of</strong>the eligibility, course and experience for appearing inCAAN theoretical examinations.b) A candidate for a rating to be annotated I ATC licensemust pass a written examination ATCL paper and onerating paper appropriate to particular rating as mentionedin following table initially, then oral examination.c) The over all pass standard is 70%.d) Failure to obtain at least 70% for each group <strong>of</strong> questionshall necessitate supplementary written examination. Thesupplementary examination shall not be conducted before30 days <strong>of</strong> completion <strong>of</strong> examination.e) An initial written licensing and rating examination mustbe conducted under supervision and without reference toany documents, maps charts, or other materials exceptwhere specified and required for individual question –that is it must be a closed book examination.10.13.2 An applicant is required to qualify papers ATC-1, ATC-2 andat least one ATC rating paper to qualify for a skillassessment.10.13.3 Final oral test shall be confined to the ATC-1 and ATC-2subjects. Oral test for the practical aspects <strong>of</strong> ATC ratingsshall be a part <strong>of</strong> the skill testPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 9

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL10.13.4 The theory examinations for air traffic controller license &ratings, except where the examinations are conducted byinstitutes <strong>of</strong> other contracting states recognized by theCAAN, shall be as given below:Paper subject questions time pass validityATC-L Annex 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11,14, 15 and ICAO doc 4444& <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong><strong>Requirements</strong>ATC-1 practical aspects <strong>of</strong>aerodrome control andrelative subjects from AIP<strong>Nepal</strong> and ATCM and localinstructionsATC-2 practical aspects <strong>of</strong>approach control rating andrelative subjects from AIP<strong>Nepal</strong> and ATCM and localinstructionsATC-3 practical aspects <strong>of</strong>approach radar controlrating and relative subjectsfrom AIP <strong>Nepal</strong> and ATCMand local instructions100 3 hours 70% 2 years50 2 hours 70% 1 year50 2 hours 70% 1 year50 2 hours 70% 1 yearATCR-4practical aspects <strong>of</strong> areacontrol rating and relativesubjects from AIP <strong>Nepal</strong>and ATCM and localinstructions50 2 hours 70% 1 year10.14 ATCL - SKILL ASSESSMENTa) the applicant shall have demonstrated, at a level appropriate tothe privileges being granted, the skill, judgment andperformance required to provide a safe, orderly and expeditiouscontrol service.b) skill objectives are to met by a assessment process in a realfield environment. Individual achievements against theseobjectives must be determined by DCATCO.c) The skill assessment shall be conducted normally on morningand day shift. If traffic condition demands DCATCO mayconduct additional assessment on night shift as well. The length<strong>of</strong> assessment shall be determined by DCATCO after andevaluation <strong>of</strong> traffic density, the performance <strong>of</strong> the individualand any other significant factors.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 10

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALd) The skill assessment shall be carried out in accordance withskill assessment report form (as mentioned below) andminimum required level <strong>of</strong> knowledge or performance level is4 in each headings. Level <strong>of</strong> knowledge or performance denotesthe following below:● Level 1 denotes "poor knowledge"● Level 2 denotes "knowledge lacks details"● Level 3 denotes "basic knowledge"● Level 4 denotes "a through knowledge <strong>of</strong> the subject andthe accuracy to apply it with speed and accuracy.● Level 5 denotes "extensive knowledge <strong>of</strong> the subject andthe ability to apply procedures derived from it withjudgment in the light <strong>of</strong> circumstances"e) Failure to acquire required level <strong>of</strong> knowledge or performancelevel 4 during skill check shall necessitate supplementary skillcheck which shall not be conducted 60 days <strong>of</strong> completion <strong>of</strong>skill check. During these period the applicant for rating andlicensing shall work under the supervision <strong>of</strong> OJTI.f) The applicant <strong>of</strong> license and rating who failed onsupplementary written examination or supplementary skillcheck shall be forwarded to flight operation director/airportmanger who shall be responsible for deciding if further trainingshould be granted prior to conducting a further writtenexamination or skill check.g) Before conduct o the skill assessment, DCATCO shall ensurethat the candidate has:i) passed written examii) a valid medical certificateiii) a recommendation from OJT Instructorh) Initial issueThe assessment <strong>of</strong> an applicant for the initial issue <strong>of</strong> thelicense or rating shall be conducted by a team authorized by thelicensing authority.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 11

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALAIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER PROFICIENCY ASSESSEMENT FORMATC DCATCO/DE POSITION DATECONFLICT RECOGNITION 12345……………………………………………….……………………………………………….……………………………………………….……………………………………………….CONFLICT RESOLUTION 12345……………………………………………….……………………………………………….……………………………………………….……………………………………………….TRAFFIC HANDLING 12345……………………………………………….……………………………………………….……………………………………………….……………………………………………….COORDINATION 12345……………………………………………….……………………………………………….……………………………………………….……………………………………………….AIRSPACE KNOWLEDGE 12345……………………………………………….……………………………………………….……………………………………………….……………………………………………….SAR & EMERGENCY 12345……………………………………………….……………………………………………….……………………………………………….……………………………………………….TRAFFICPLANNING 12345…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………PHRASELOGY/ 12345COMMUNICATION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………STRIPWORK 12345…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………PROCEDURE KNOWLEDGE 12345…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………FACILITY KNOWLEDGE 12345…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………TRAINING ABILITY 12345…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Mr./Mrs. ________________________________________________ is recommended/not recommended for initial/renewal/revalidation <strong>of</strong> aerodrome control rating.SIGNATURE ATC SIGNATURE DCATCO/DE DATEPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 12

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALCOORDINATION1. Frequent errors made, late ormissed coordination.Ambiguous coordination.2. Able to cope with only routineand standard coordination.3. Coordinated normal traffic withno or few errors.4. All coordination completedcorrectly but not always in mostefficient manner.5. All coordination correct and inexpeditious manner.SAR & EMERGENCY1. Failed to respond to abnormalsituations.2. Aware <strong>of</strong> abnormal situationsbut unable to make correctresponse.3. Identified correct response,but slow to implement.4. Analyzed the situation well andresponded correctly.6. Reacted quickly andcorrectly.STRIPWORK1. Unable to maintain a functionaldisplay.2. Display included incorrectInformation.3. Display accurate and upto datawith minor errors.4. Display accurate and up to datebut with no errors but not totallyclear.5. Display accurate, clear and upto date.PHRASEOLOGY &COMMUNICATIONS1. Bad phraseologies andindistinct and hesitantdelivery.2. Used a mixture <strong>of</strong>standard and nonstandardphrases. Sometimes difficultfor pilots to understand.3. Some minor errors andcommunication difficulties.4. Standard phrases used at alltimes.5. All communicationstandard, unambiguousand clear.AIRSPACE KNOWLEDGE1. Poor knowledge.2. Knowledge lacks detail.3. Basic knowledge but has to referto chart for detail.4. Above average knowledge<strong>of</strong> airspace.5. Very good knowledge <strong>of</strong>airspace. TRAFFIC PLANNING1. Poor planning. Unable to copewith simple traffic changes.2. Able to plan for routine trafficpattern only .3. Able to plan methodically butfailed to consider alternatives.4. Planned ahead and consideredalternatives.5. Able to cope with busy andchanging traffic pattern.CONFLICT RECOGNITION1. Failed to recogn i ze conflictsleadingtobreakdown <strong>of</strong> separation.2. Recognised basic and regularconflicts but not unusual ormore complex conflicts.3. Recognised most conflicts. Anymissed were due to high workload.4. Recognised all conflicts but wassometimes rushed.5. Recognised all conflicts withtime to effect resolution.CONFLICT RESOLUTION1. Rarely produced safe resolutionsleading to separationbreakdown.2. Resolution was limited t<strong>of</strong>amiliar and regularconflictions.3. Produced safe resolutions to allrecognised conflicts but did notalways use most effectivemethod and was late to applyresolution technique4.Produced safe resolution to allconflicts in adequate time butdid not always use bestmethods.5. Produced safe arid efficientresolution to all conflicts inadequate time-.TRAFFIC HANDLING1. Slow to handle traffic ontime.2. Kept up with routine traffic butunable to copy with moderatetraffic causing delays.3. Able to cope with moderatetraffic without delay.4. Coped with workload capably.Adopted good techniques tohandle busy traffic.5. Able to handle busy traffic byprioritising traffic and adoptingdefensive techniques. FACILITYKNOWLEDGE.1. Poor understanding <strong>of</strong> facilitylocation, function and control.2. Has basic knowledge <strong>of</strong>facilities but lacks detail.3. Has understanding <strong>of</strong> mostsignificant facilities in routineuse.4. Has an adequate knowledge <strong>of</strong> alloperational facilities.5. Has an above average anddetailed knowledge <strong>of</strong> alloperational facilities.TRAINING ABILITY1. Knowledge, enthusiasm andpersonality unsuited fortraining role.2. Experience too limited fortraining role.3. Suitable for training role withfurther Instruction andoperational exposure.4. Suitable for training role withonly minor reservations.5. A person well suited to thetraining role in all respects,COMMENT BY AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER / DCATCO/DEDCATCO/DEA.T.C.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 13

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALAIR TRAFFIC CONTROL PROFICIENCY ASSESSMENT FORM(APPROACH RADAR)Name : ……………………………………………. Shift :……………………………..SubjectMarksAllottedMarksObtainedRemarksRadar Identification Method 20Maintaining Identity 10Radar Service Termination 5Radar Separation 10Validation <strong>of</strong> Mode C Readout 5Departure 5Arrival 5Strip Marking 5Phraseology 5Thoroughness 10Grasping Operational Status <strong>of</strong>Equipment5DEDS Alignment 5DEDS Keyboard Operation 5Communication Technique 5TOTAL 100SIGNATURE ATC DATE SIGNATURE DCATCOPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 14

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL10.15 ATCL - CURRENCY OF LICENSE AND RATINGa) A skill check in last 12 months; andb) A minimum <strong>of</strong> three watches (last six months) shall be requiredto satisfy the currency requirement <strong>of</strong> the ATC license; and tomaintain the specific rating valid.10.16 ATCL - CONCURRENT ISSUANCE OF MORE THAN ONEATC RATINGSWhen more than one air traffic controller ratings are soughtconcurrently, the applicant shall meet the requirements <strong>of</strong> each ratingssought.10.17 ATCL - VALIDITY PERIODSa) In the case <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong> ATC License, on the last day <strong>of</strong>forty eight month the holder whose age is 40 years or more 24,the holder whose age is 50 years or more 12 months.b) ATC rating 12 monthsc) However a rating shall become invalid when an ATC hasceased to exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> the rating for a period <strong>of</strong> 90days. A rating shall remain invalid until the revalidation <strong>of</strong> thatrating through the skill assessment by DCATCO.10.18 ATCL - PRIVILEGES OF ATC LICENSE & RATINGSa) Each type <strong>of</strong> rating shall be valid for the specific airport wherethe OJT/experience was gained and skill test conducted.b) Subject to valid medical assessment <strong>of</strong> class 3; and compliancewith the prescribed requirements, the privileges <strong>of</strong> the holder <strong>of</strong>an air traffic controller license endorsed with one or more <strong>of</strong>the under mentioned ratings shall be:i) Aerodrome Control Ratingii)To provide or to supervise the provision <strong>of</strong> Aerodromecontrol service for the aerodrome for which the licenseholder is rated.Approach Control RatingTo provide or to supervise the provision <strong>of</strong> approachcontrol service for the aerodrome or aerodromes forwhich the license holder is rated, within the airspace orportion there<strong>of</strong>, under the jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> the unitproviding approach control service.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 15

iii)iv)CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALApproach Radar Control RatingTo provide and/or supervise the provision <strong>of</strong> approachcontrol service with the use <strong>of</strong> radar or other surveillancesystems for the aerodrome or aerodromes for which thelicense holder is rated, within the airspace or portionthere<strong>of</strong> under the jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> the unit providingapproach control service.Area Control RatingTo provide and/or supervise the provision <strong>of</strong> area controlservice within the control area or portion there<strong>of</strong>, forwhich the license holder is rated;v) Before exercising the privileges indicated in 29.2 thelicense holder shall be familiar with all pertinent andcurrent information.10.19 ATCL – RATING LIMITATIONSa) No ATCO shall exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> license or rating at anATS unit/airport unless the ATCO holds a valid license andrating for the ATS unit/airport; and a valid medical assessment.b) Each airport shall require an ATC rating specific to the airport.ATC license shall reflect both the initial issue <strong>of</strong> a rating; andthe subsequent record <strong>of</strong> the ratings held at different airports.c) In case an ATCO is to be deployed at a different airport at ashort notice for a short period <strong>of</strong> time; an ATCO already holdsthat basic rating for another airport; the ATCO may beauthorized to exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> his rating subject to arefresher check by the incumbent ATCO, this clause isapplicable only for domestic airport with limited traffic andsimple operation.10.20 ATCL – RENEWAL10.20.1ATC license shall be renewed subject to meeting the followingrequirements:a) having met the prescribed recent experience requirements.b) having met the prescribed medical assessmentrequirements.c) holds at least one valid rating.d) having qualified skill test.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 16

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL10.21 ATCL - RE-VALIDATION REQUIREMENTSWhen a license/rating has not been renewed by the date <strong>of</strong> expiry, thevalidity <strong>of</strong> the license/rating shall stand expired. the holder <strong>of</strong> anexpired license/rating shall meet the revalidation requirements asunder:a) Less than six monthsIf all renewal requirements have been met prior to the date <strong>of</strong>expiry, there shall be skill assessment by DCATCO.b) Upto two yearsi) pass an oral test by a DCATCO.ii) OJT days 40 hours ADC, 60 hours ACC, 90 hoursAPP/RDRiii) skill text by a DCATCO.c) More than two yearsSame as in initial process.d) More than four yearsThe applicant shall meet all the requirements (except the basicATC course) for initial issue <strong>of</strong> an ATC license.10.22 ATCL - ADDITIONAL RATINGS10.22.1<strong>Requirements</strong> for additional ATC rating shall be as under:a) has met the prescribed experience requirements.b) Has passed the applicable ATC rating examination.c) ‘satisfactory’ skill assessment report.10.22.2DocumentationThe following documents shall be submitted to the licensing<strong>of</strong>fice for the endorsement <strong>of</strong> additional rating:a) application form.b) ATC license.c) Verifiable record <strong>of</strong> experience (OJT).d) skill assessment report.e) medical assessment.f) fee voucher.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 17

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL10.23 ATCL – ATCL GROUND INSTRUCTOR (AGI)10.23.1 Eligibility – full time instructorsa) Holds or have held an ATC License;b) 07 years <strong>of</strong> ATC experience;c) suitable temperament and above board conduct;d) recommendation by ATS directorate.10.23.2 Eligibility - Part time instructor/sPart time instructor/s may be kept, with approval <strong>of</strong> licensingauthority, only in specialized non-ATC related areas (e.g. met,theory <strong>of</strong> flight, Navigation, dangerous goods)10.24 ATCL – AGI - APPROVALThe applicant shall meet AGI approval requirements in the sequence asgiven below:a) meet the eligibility criteria.b) pass the CAAN instructional technique paper/recognizedinstructional course.c) successfully undergone the supervised teaching experience; andd) has been given “satisfactory” skill test report by the CAANInspector / supervising AGI.10.25 ATCL – AGI - PRIVILEGESAn AGI will exercise the privilege <strong>of</strong> conducting/teaching ATCLground courses within the conditions and limitations contained in theCAAN approval.10.26 ATCL – AGI - VALIDITY OF APPROVALa) an AGI approval will be valid for 02 years.b) the approval may be renewed subject to conduct converse once in ayear.10.27 ATCL – OJT INSTRUCTOR (OJTI)10.27.1 Air traffic controllers holding valid ATC license and deployedon operational assignments may be endorsed with an OJTinstructor endorsement subject to meeting the followingrequirements:a) has ATCO experience <strong>of</strong> 5 years and current ATC ratings inthe relevant air traffic control units i.e. tower, area,approach and approach radar for the specific airport(s).PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 18

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALb) has no ATS violations/near miss reports attributable tohim/her during the last 1 year.c) has not failed in any assessment during the last 3 years.d) suitable temperament and above board conduct.e) has been recommended by the ATS Directorate.f) ‘satisfactory’ monitoring report by CAANInspector/DCATCO.10.27.2DocumentationThe following documents shall be submitted to the licensing<strong>of</strong>fice for the endorsement <strong>of</strong> an OJTI on the ATC license:a) application form.b) medical assessment.c) monitoring report.d) recommendation letter by ATS directorate.10.28 ATCL – OJTI - PRIVILEGES10.28.1The holder <strong>of</strong> an OJT instructor endorsement shall exercise theprivileges as under:a) instruct air traffic service personnel during the OJT forobtaining a license/rating.b) supervise air traffic service personnel under training forregaining currency.c) assess and report ATCOs during the OJT for issue /revalidation <strong>of</strong> license / ratings.d) when designated, be a part <strong>of</strong> the examining team for theassessment <strong>of</strong> trainee for the initial issue <strong>of</strong> license / rating.e) forward OJT completion report.10.28.2 Currency – OJT instructor endorsementThe OJT instructor endorsement shall remain current:- Subject to maintaining a current ATC license withspecific rating for the ATS unit.10.29 ATCL - DESIGNATED CHECK ATCO (DCATCO)ApprovalAir traffic controllers holding valid ATC license may be approved asdesignated Check ATCO, by the <strong>Licensing</strong> <strong>Authority</strong>, subject to fiveyear experience as an OJTI.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 19

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL10.30 ATCL – DCATCO - PRIVILEGES10.30.1The designated Check ATCO shall exercise the undermentioned privileges:a) exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> an ATCO.b) exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> an OJT instructor.c) conduct assessment checks for the initial issue, renewal orrevalidation <strong>of</strong> the license or rating.10.30.2ValidityThe designated Check ATCO approval shall remain valid forone year:i) subject to a valid ATC license.ii) subject to a current appropriate rating.iii) the approval shall be renewed subject to a satisfactorymonitoring report by a CAAN Inspector/DCATCO.10.31 ATCL – DOCUMENTATION10.31.1 For issuea) Application formb) Medical assessment.c) copy <strong>of</strong> basic ATC course certificate.d) on job training certificate. (OJTI training report)e) Theoretical examinations results.f) Skill assessment report.g) certification <strong>of</strong> Graduationh) 02 colour photographsi) fee voucher.10.31.2For renewala) Application formb) Medical assessment.c) ATC license.d) Skill assessment report.e) fee voucher.10.31.3 For revalidationa) Application formb) Medical assessment.c) ATC license.d) Technical examination/s result, as applicable.e) OJT report, as applicable.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 20

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALf) Skill assessment report.g) Fee voucher.10.32 ATCL - FEE SCHEDULEa) as per CAAN personnel licensing fee schedule as per CAR2058.b) CAAN employees are exempted from the CAAN fee.Note : This regulation supersede all previous regulation <strong>of</strong> ATC license andratings as mentioned in ATCM.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 10- 21


CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL11.1 FLIGHT OPERATION OFFICER LICENSE(FOO/FD LICENSE)11.2 FOO/FD LICENSE - ELIGIBILITYa) AgeApplicant shall not be less than 21 years <strong>of</strong> age.b) EducationApplicant shall hold an educational qualification <strong>of</strong> atleast higher secondary school certificate or equivalent.c) MedicalApplicant shall be physically and mentally fit dulycertified by Physician.d) No Objection Certificate (NOC)Serving personnel from armed forces and governmentdepartments shall provide NOC from the parentorganization.11.3 FOO LICENSE - ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCYa) Applicant shall be capable <strong>of</strong> speaking, reading, writingand understanding English language.b) The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with theholistic descriptors as explained below and as defined inICAO operational level 4 <strong>of</strong> the ICAO languagepr<strong>of</strong>iciency rating scale as given in ICAO Annex 1.11.4 FOO LICENSE – KNOWLEDGEThe applicant shall have demonstrated a level <strong>of</strong> knowledgeappropriate to the privileges granted to the holder <strong>of</strong> a FlightOperations Officer License in at least the following subjects:a) <strong>Aviation</strong> Lawi) Rules and Regulations relevant to the holder <strong>of</strong> a FlightOperations Officer/Dispatcher License;ii) appropriate air traffic services practices andprocedures;iii) Contents <strong>of</strong> Operations Specifications.b) Aircraft General Knowledgei) Principles <strong>of</strong> operation <strong>of</strong> aeroplane power plants,systems and instruments;ii) Operating limitations <strong>of</strong> aeroplanes and power plants;iii) Minimum equipment list.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 11- 2

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALc) Flight Performance Calculation and PlanningProceduresi) Effects <strong>of</strong> loading and mass distribution on aircraftperformance and flight characteristics; mass andbalance calculation;ii) Operational flight planning; fuel consumption andendurance calculations, alternate airport selectionprocedures, en-reroute cruise control and extendedrange operation;iii) Preparation and filing <strong>of</strong> air traffic services flightplans;iv) Basic principles <strong>of</strong> computer-assisted planningsystems;v) Consultation <strong>of</strong> aircraft Manual if required;vi) Consultation <strong>of</strong> Contents <strong>of</strong> Operations Specifications.d) Human PerformanceHuman performance relevant to dispatch duties.e) Meteorologyi) Aeronautical meteorology; the movement <strong>of</strong> pressuresystems; the structure <strong>of</strong> fronts, and the origin andcharacteristics <strong>of</strong> significant weather phenomena whichaffect take-<strong>of</strong>f, en-route and landing conditions;ii) Interpretation and application <strong>of</strong> aeronauticalmeteorological reports, charts and forecasts; codes andabbreviations; use <strong>of</strong>, and procedures for obtainingmeteorological information.f) NavigationPrinciples <strong>of</strong> air navigation with particular reference toinstrument flight.g) Operational proceduresi) Use <strong>of</strong> aeronautical documentation;ii) Operational procedures for the carriage <strong>of</strong> freight anddangerous goods;iii) Procedures relating to aircraft accidents; and incidents;emergency flight procedure;iv) Procedures relating to unlawful interference and sabotage<strong>of</strong> aircraft;PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 11- 3

h) Principles <strong>of</strong> flightCIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALPrinciples <strong>of</strong> flight relating to appropriate category <strong>of</strong>aircraft; andi) Radio communicationProcedures for communicating with aircraft and relevantground stations.11.5 EXPERIENCEi) An applicant who has satisfactorily completed a course <strong>of</strong>approved Flight Operations Officer (Flight Dispatcher) trainingin a contracting state or hold a Flight Operations Officer(Aeroplane Dispatcher) license issued by the contracting state.OrA person who has completed an approved Air Traffic ControllerCourse from a contracting state with at least 2 years <strong>of</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>essional experience and obtain a 30 days <strong>of</strong> On the JobTraining (OJT) on Flight Dispatching.OrA person who holds a Flight engineer license from a contractingstate and obtain a 45 days <strong>of</strong> On the Job Training (OJT) onFlight Dispatching.ii)iii)An applicant for license shall successfully complete writtenexamination as specified by Director General on the subjectmatter covering the approved syllabus for Aeroplane dispatcher.Applicants will also be required to successfully complete awritten or oral examination as specified by the Director General<strong>of</strong> their knowledge <strong>of</strong> the contents <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Nepal</strong>ese AeronauticalInformation Publication, Flight Operations <strong>Requirements</strong> andrelevant <strong>Nepal</strong>ese <strong>Civil</strong> Airworthiness <strong>Requirements</strong> etc.11.6 FOO LICENSE - EXEMPTIONS FROM GROUND COURSEa) Applicants with under mentioned qualifications may beexempted from the FOO ground course:i) Holder <strong>of</strong> a valid ATPL or a valid CPL with IR.ii)A qualified flight navigator.b) The exemption from the FOO/FD ground course shall bewithdrawn in case an applicant fails to clear the CAANexaminations in a maximum <strong>of</strong> three attempts.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 11- 4

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL11.7 FOO LICENSE - SKILL TESTThe applicant shall demonstrate the ability in the following areas<strong>of</strong> knowledge and practical ability:a) Knowledgei) Contents <strong>of</strong> AOC and Operations Specification.ii) Content <strong>of</strong> Operations Manual.iii) Knowledge & application <strong>of</strong> Jeppesen Manual.b) Practical abilityi) make an accurate and operationally acceptableweather analysis from a series <strong>of</strong> daily weather mapsand weather reports; provide an operationally validbriefing on weather conditions prevailing in thegeneral neighborhood <strong>of</strong> a specific air route; forecastweather trends pertinent to air transportation withparticular reference to destination and alternates;ii) Determine the optimum flight path for a givensegment and create accurate manual and/or computergenerated flight plans;iii) Provide operating supervision and all other assistanceto a flight in actual or simulated adverse weatherconditions as appropriate to the duties <strong>of</strong> a holder <strong>of</strong>flight operation <strong>of</strong>ficer license.11.8 FOO LICENSE – EXAMINATIONSexam questions duration pass marks validityFOO/FD 100 3 hours 70% 2 years11.9 FOO LICENSE - ON JOB TRAINING (OJT)a) After passing <strong>of</strong> the written examinations, applicant forissue <strong>of</strong> FOO/FD license shall complete on job training(OJT) under supervision <strong>of</strong> a licensed flight operations<strong>of</strong>ficer for at least 90 days within 06 months immediatelypreceding the date <strong>of</strong> application.b) A prior authorization is required from the licensing <strong>of</strong>fice tocommence the OJT; and the details <strong>of</strong> the OJT shall berecorded on prescribed form.11.10 FOO LICENSE - PRIVILEGESThe privileges <strong>of</strong> a FOO/FD license are to:a) Assist the pilot-in-command in flight preparation and providethe relevant information required; andb) Prepare operational and ATS flight plans, sign the documentwhen applicable and file the ATS flight plan with thePERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 11- 5

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALappropriate ATS facility; andc) Furnish the pilot-in-command while in flight, by appropriatemeans, with information that may be necessary for the safeconduct <strong>of</strong> flight; andd) In the event <strong>of</strong> an emergency, initiate such procedures as maybe outlined in the operations manual <strong>of</strong> AOC holder.11.11 FOO LICENSE - LIMITATIONSa) A flight operations <strong>of</strong>ficer shall not:-i) Dispatch an aircraft <strong>of</strong> a type for which he has notreceived performance training.ii) Shall not be assigned to any duty if he has beenabsent from such duty for 12 consecutive monthsunless he has received re-current training by theoperator; andb) A flight operations <strong>of</strong>ficer shall not dispatch an MNPSflight unless he / she has successfully completed anapproved MNPS course with a ATO; and has dispatched aminimum <strong>of</strong> 01 MNPS flight under supervision; andc) A flight operations <strong>of</strong>ficer shall not dispatch an ETOPSflight unless he / she has successfully completed anapproved ETOPS course with a ATO; and has dispatched aminimum <strong>of</strong> 01 ETOPS flight under supervision.11.12 FOO LICENSE - VALIDITYThe FOO/FD license shall be valid for 24 months.11.13 FOO LICENSE – ISSUE PROCESSThe applicant shall meet :a) The eligibility criteria.b) Undergo an approved FOO/FD ground theoretical course.c) Pass the CAAN FOO/FD theoretical examinations.d) Undergo a minimum 90 days <strong>of</strong> on-job-training.e) Pass the skill test.f) Fee Voucher as per CAR, 2058.11.14 FOO LICENSE – RENEWAL/REVALIDATIONREQUIREMENTSa) An applicant for renewal <strong>of</strong> a Flight Operations Officer Licensemust produce the license, along with a certificate from his employeeto the effect that he is successfully working as a Flight OperationsOfficer or Aeroplane Dispatcher.b) Evidence that he has within the immediate preceding 12 monthsmade at least one way flight on the flight deck <strong>of</strong> an Aeroplane overan area in which he is authorized to exercise his duties.c) Evidence <strong>of</strong> annual refresher/recurrent training.d) Fee Voucher as per CAR, 2058.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 11- 6

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL11.15 FOO GROUND INSTRUCTOR REQUIREMENTSIn case <strong>of</strong> ground instruction for flight operation <strong>of</strong>ficer and personnelinvolved in dispatching aircraft, a pilot or a FOO license holder, withexperience <strong>of</strong> not less than 3 years shall be eligible to conduct groundinstruction, if his qualification and background is satisfactory to DGCAAN.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 11- 7


CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL12.1 CABIN CREW CERTIFICATE (CCC) - ELIGIBILITY12.2 Eligibilitya) AgeApplicant shall not be less than 18 years <strong>of</strong> age.b) EducationApplicant shall hold an educational qualification <strong>of</strong> at least highersecondary school certificate or equivalent.c) Medicali) Applicant shall be physically and mentally fit duly certified byPhysician.ii) Able to reach safety equipment and open and close theoverhead bins in standing position in the specific aircraft.d) Validity <strong>of</strong> CCC : CCC is valid for 36 months.e) CCC - ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCYApplicant shall be able to speak, read and write English in additionto the national language.f) No Objection Certificate (NOC)Serving personnel from armed forces and government departmentsshall provide NOC from their parent organization.12.3 ISSUE PROCESSThe issue process <strong>of</strong> Cabin Crew Certificate will be as under:a) Successfully completing the ground training course.b) Successfully completing the training drills.i) Fire drill.ii) Evacuation drill.iii) Wet drill.c) Passing the theoretical examination.d) Flying two under supervision flights as determine by operator.e) Satisfactory oral/skill test report by the Company IFS during thedrills and in flight check.f) Fee voucher as per CAR, 2058.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-2

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL12.4 CCC – TRAINING SYLLABUSINITIAL ANNUAL REQUALIFICATIONA/C TYPEPART ONEAVIATION INDOCTRINATION1.1 AIR OPERATIONS INDOCTRINATIONAIR OPERATOR SPECIFICCompany Orientation•• Overview <strong>of</strong> company: Type andscope <strong>of</strong> operations conducted• Company structure: Managementorganization, route structure, fleetcomposition (size and type),facility locations.FLIGHT ATTENDANT SPECIFIC•1.2 REGULATORY OVERVIEWNATIONAL REGULATIONS• • •• appropriate provisions <strong>of</strong> FORand other applicable regulationand guidance material eg.Advisory CircularsINTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS • • •• relevant Annexes and ICAODocumentsCOMPANY REGULATIONS • • •1.3 AVIATION TERMINOLOGYTerminology• <strong>Aviation</strong> terminology with regardto Airports, Ground and Flightoperations, weather conditions,Time Conversions etc.Terms <strong>of</strong> ReferenceAircraft specific terminology• •••1.4 THEORY OF FLIGHTGeneral Aircraft Description including • •major aircraft components.Theory <strong>of</strong> Flight (Aerodynamics) • ••Contamination <strong>of</strong> critical surfaces • •PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-3

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALCockpit and cabin configurations -communications, lighting, oxygen• •Pressurization system - effects <strong>of</strong> • •depressurizationAir Traffic Control - system, procedure •and technical termsWeight and Balance; effect <strong>of</strong> passenger • • •seatingMeteorology • • •••Turbulence and safety precautions • •Communications Equipment • •1.5 PHYSIOLOGY OF FLIGHTGeneral • • •Effect <strong>of</strong> altitude • • •Cabin poisoning • • •PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-4

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALPART TWODUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES2.1 AIR OPERATOR SPECIFICCONTENTS OF OPERATIONS MANUAL AND FLIGHT ATTENDANT MANUAL• Overview <strong>of</strong> Manual sections • • •• Correlation <strong>of</strong> Manual sections to • • •Flight Attendant Training• Program • • •• Reference system • • •• Revision system • • •• Distribution system • • •• Familiarity <strong>of</strong> portions applicable to • • •Flight AttendantsFLIGHT ATTENDANT MANUALSTRUCTURE• • •• overview <strong>of</strong> manual sections• correlation <strong>of</strong> manual sections toFlight Attendant training• program• reference system• revision system• distribution systemREQUIREMENTS• responsibilities• carriage <strong>of</strong> Manual when on duty• maintaining Manual currencyCompany Operating requirements • • •Pre-flight and In-flight duties andresponsibilities that include :• authority <strong>of</strong> PIC• chain <strong>of</strong> command• credential requirements foradmission to cockpit• locking <strong>of</strong> cockpit door• sterile cockpit procedures• required number <strong>of</strong> FlightAttendants• passenger briefings anddemonstrations• passengers requiring extra attention• carry-on baggage requirements• exit row seating requirements• carriage <strong>of</strong> cargo in passengercompartments.• • •PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-5

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL• stowage <strong>of</strong> crane and crutches• stowage <strong>of</strong> crew baggage• identification and handling <strong>of</strong>HAZMAT/COMAT• serving alcoholic beverages• fuelling with passengers on board• electronic devices• carriage <strong>of</strong> pets• stowage <strong>of</strong> in-flight service items• galley equipment restraints• stowage compartment• passenger and crew seats andrestraints• Flight Attendant jump seatarrangements• passenger seating requirements• infant/child restraints• required placard and signs• compliance with seatbelt and nosmokingsigns• smoking regulations• cockpit to cabin signals• serving Food to flightcrewmembers• MEL provisions• reporting mechanical irregularitiesPost-flight duties and responsibilities • • •Cockpit and Cabin Crew - composition, • • •seniority, general duties andresponsibilitiesFlight Operations Inspectors • •••2.2 PASSENGER HANDLING POLICIESPassenger acceptance and refusal policies • • •Passengers requiring special assistance • • •eg., infants, children, unaccompaniedminors, elderly, obese, physically ormentally handicapped, pregnant, nursingmothers, non-English speaking foreignpassengersarmed passengers • • •prisoners with escorts, couriers • • •unauthorized persons • • •apprehensive passengers • • •PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-6

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALpassengers who carry oxygen forpersonal use• • •oxygen administration in flight • • •serious illness or injury in flight • • •death onboard • • •delivery onboard • • •unruly passengers; mentally disturbedpassengers; drunk passengers; abusivepassengers• • •PART THREESAFETY PROCEDURES3.1 CREW COORDINATIONGeneral • •Crew Communication and coordination:• importance and content <strong>of</strong> crewbriefing• • •• flight familiarization, includingTake<strong>of</strong>fs and landings• in-flight communications• post-flight debriefings• crewmember team conceptCommunication,announcementspassenger• • •3.2 STANDARDIZATION OF PROCEDURES AND SIGNALS BETWEENCOCKPIT AND CREW TO INCLUDEPreflight responsibilities • • •Chime signals • • •Signal for evacuation • • •Signal for sterile cockpit • • •Security procedures • • •Procedures for initiation <strong>of</strong> evacuation • • •Procedures for notification <strong>of</strong> emergency • • •PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-7

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALCockpit emergency assignments • • •Procedures for notifying cockpit that allpassengers are seated prior to movement<strong>of</strong> aircraft for Take<strong>of</strong>f and for LandingPositioning <strong>of</strong> cockpit door prior toTake<strong>of</strong>fProcedures for flight attendant entry tocockpitAnnouncements for flight attendants tobe seated prior to Take<strong>of</strong>f• • •• • •• • •• • •3.3 ROUTINE FLIGHT DUTIES<strong>Authority</strong> <strong>of</strong> crew duty positions • •Crewmember duties and responsibilitiesspecific to each crew position for eachphase <strong>of</strong> flight such as emergencyequipment preflight and passengerboarding responsibilitiesReview <strong>of</strong> FOR and company policiesrelevant to cabin safetyAwareness <strong>of</strong> interior and exterior safetyhazardsContent <strong>of</strong> passenger briefings for allphases <strong>of</strong> flight• • •• • •• • •• • •3.4 SPECIAL FLIGHT SITUATIONSProcedures for delayed flights • • •Spoiled FOOd • • •Passenger complaints • • •Damaged personal effects • • •3.5 SURFACE CONTAMINATIONCrew member responsibilities • •De-icing and Anti-icing • •3.6 BRIEFINGSCrew briefings • • •Passenger briefings • • •PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-8

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL3.7 SAFETY CHECKSGeneral • • •3.8 PRE TAKEOFF AND PRE LANDINGCabin preparation • •Crew member responsibilities • • •Abnormal situations • • •3.9 PROPELLER ABNORMALITIESGeneral • • • •3.10 APRON SAFETYHazards on apron • • •Crewmember responsibilities • • • •Helicopter operators • • • •3.11 TURBULENCECrewmember responsibilities • • •Safety procedures for preventing injuriesduring turbulence• • •3.12 CREW MEMBER INCAPACITATIONPilot incapacitation • • •Flight Attendant incapacitation • • •CAAN reporting requirements • • •3.13 FUEL DUMPINGGeneral • •3.14 OXYGEN ADMINISTRATIONGeneral • •Procedures • •3.15 POST-FLIGHT DUTIESDocumentation • • •Communication • • •PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-9

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALPART FOUREMERGENCY PROCEDURES4.1 CREWMEMBER DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIESEmergency assignments • • •Captain's emergency authority • • •Reporting incidents and accidents • • •Cabin crew notification procedures • • •Ground agency notification proceduresCAAN, Airport <strong>Authority</strong> etc.• • •Company communication procedures • • •4.2 FIRE FIGHTINGGeneral • • •Crew member responsibilities • • •Procedures-cabin • • •Procedures-external • • •4.3 SMOKE/FUMES IN THE CABINGeneral • • •Crewmember responsibilities • • • •4.4 RAPID DECOMPRESSIONS AND CABIN DEPRESSURIZATIONPROBLEMSGeneral • • •Crew member responsibilities • • •Respiration, hypoxia, hypothermia,hyperventilation• • •Time <strong>of</strong> useful consciousness • • •Gas expansion/bubble formation • • •4.5 EVACUATIONGeneral• • •Crewmember responsibilities• • •Evacuation procedures, directingpassenger flow, blocked or jammed exit • • •PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-10

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALproceduresFuel spills and other ground hazards • • •Handicapped persons • • •Post-evacuation • • •Accident/incident review • • •4.6 DITCHING* for international flights onlyCockpit and cabin preparation • • •Passenger briefing • • •Crew coordination • • •Primary and secondary swells, seaconditions• • •Ditching heading and water landings • • •Ditching at night • • •Use <strong>of</strong> life vests and slide rafts • • •4.7 EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEMS4.8 ILLNESS, INJURY AND FIRST AIDPrinciples <strong>of</strong> CPR • • •Ear and sinus blocks • • •Seeking medical assistance • • •Treatment <strong>of</strong> shock • • •Heart attack and pregnancy situations • • •PART FIVEEMERGENCY EQUIPMENT5.1 EQUIPMENT OVERVIEWGeneral • • •Accident/Incident, new equipment and• •procedures reviewFirst Aid equipment • • •Oxygen equipment • • •Fire fighting equipment • • •Survival equipment • • •Any other emergency equipment onboard•PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-11

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALPART SIXSECURITY6.1 UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCECompany procedures for dealing withunlawful interference• • •Hijacking and other unusual situations • • •Bomb threat procedures • • •Security coordinator responsibilities • •In-flight intercept signals and procedures • •PART SEVENAIRCRAFT SPECIFIC7.1 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONGeneral • •Exterior description • • •Interior description • • •7.2 GALLEYSGeneral • • •7.3 COMMUNICATION SYSTEMSGeneral • •Interphone • • •Public address system • • •Passenger call system • • •Entertainment system • • •Automatic announcement system • • •7.4 LIGHTING SYSTEMSGeneral • • • •7.5 WATER AND WASTE SYSTEMSGeneral • • • •PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-12

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL7.6 OXYGEN SYSTEMSGeneral • • • •Oxygen equipment and safety/emergencyequipment•7.7 HEATING AND VENTILATION SYSTEMSGeneral • • • •7.8 EXITSGeneral • • • •Normal operations • • • •Abnormal operations • • • •Emergency operations • • • •Airstairs • • • •7.9 UNIQUE FEATURESGeneral • • • •PART EIGHTDRILLS8.1 COMMUNICATION DRILLSPublic address systems and interphonesystem drills• • •Passenger briefing drills • • •8.2 AIRCRAFT EXIT OPERATION DRILLS - EACH AIRCRAFT TYPEEquipment criteria • • • •Normal door operations performancecriteriaEmergency door operation performancecriteria• • •• • •Emergency exits and slides operations • • •Evaluation criteria • • • •8.3 EVACUATION DRILLSGeneral • •Simulation scenarios • •PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-13

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALUnprepared land and inadvertent watercontact evacuation drill performancecriteria• •Evaluation criteria • •8.4 RAFT DRILL* for international operations onlyEquipment criteria, instructions on theuse <strong>of</strong> life raft removal from aircraft andinflation, use <strong>of</strong> life lines, actual boarding<strong>of</strong> life raft or slide raft, donning and use<strong>of</strong> life vests etc.• • •Performance criteria • • •8.5 LIFE PERSERVER DRILLEquipment and performance • •8.6 AIRCRAFT SLIDE DRILL • •Equipment and performance • •8.7 FIREFIGHTING DRILLSGeneral • •Equipment criteria • •Equipment practice • •Live firefighting • •Firefighting/cabin performance criteria • • •Evaluation criteria • • •Fires / class B main deck cargocompartment• • • •8.8 OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION DRILLEquipment criteria • •Portable oxygen bottle performancecriteria• •Fixed oxygen performance criteria • • •8.9 FIRST AID DRILLGeneral • •Comprehensive First Aid training • • •PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-14

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALPART NINEHYGIENE, AVIATION MEDICINE, FIRST AID9.1 HYGIENE AND AVIATION MEDICINETerminology • •Personal hygiene • •Tropical hygiene • •Transmissible disease • • •Quarantinable disease • • •Endemic disease, Pandemic disease • • •Food poisoning • • •In-flight medical emergencies andincidents• • •Artificial respiration • • •Effects <strong>of</strong> drugs/intoxicants • • •9.2 FIRST AID MEDICAL SUPPLIESFirst Aid kits - contents and use <strong>of</strong> (FirstAid training should take by MedicalDoctor)• • •Medical kits - contents and use <strong>of</strong> • • •HUMAN FACTORS10.1 FUNDAMENTAL HUMANFACTOR CONCEPTSPART TEN• • •10.2 CREW RESOURCE• • •MANAGEMENT (CRM)PART ELEVENCARRIAGE OF DANGEROUS GOODS11.1 GENERALLegalities, regulations - national andcompany• •PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-15

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALProhibited goods • • •Label identification • • •Exceptions • • •11.2 PROCEDURESEmergency procedures for dealing withDangerous GoodsPART TWELVEPREVIOUS ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS REVIEWPast accident/incident report reviews, ifavailable• • •• • •Reporting system, if in existence • • •12.5 CCC – TRAINING AREASa) The training should include the following:i) Appropriate portions <strong>of</strong> the Operations Manual.ii) Basic indoctrination ground training.ii) Discipline, duties, and responsibilities.b) The training program shall include training which will enablecrew members to act in the most appropriate manner tominimize the consequences <strong>of</strong> acts <strong>of</strong> unlawful interference.c) The training program shall include training which will acquaintcrew members with preventive measures and techniques inrelation to passengers, baggage, mail, equipment, stores, andsupplies intended to be carried on an aircraft so that they cancontribute to the prevention <strong>of</strong> acts <strong>of</strong> sabotage or other forms<strong>of</strong> unlawful interference.d) Training in the location <strong>of</strong> the least risk location for a bomb oneach type <strong>of</strong> aircraft operated and methods or specializedmeans to be employed to attenuate and direct the blast.e) Knowledge and skill in human performance as related topassenger cabin safety duties including flight crew-Cabin crewco-ordination. The Initial Ground Training for Cabin Crewsshall include training in personal appearance and presentation,knowledge <strong>of</strong> languages, familiarization with aviationindustry, passenger facilitation, filling up <strong>of</strong> requisiteforms/records, flight documentation, custom laws, immigrationlaws and health laws.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-16

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL12.6 CCC - AIRCRAFT SPECIFIC TRAINING12.6.1 A general description <strong>of</strong> the aircraft emphasizingphysical characteristics that may have a bearing onditching, evacuation, and flight emergency proceduresand on other related duties;a) The use <strong>of</strong> both the public address system and themeans <strong>of</strong> communicating with other flight crewmembers.b) Proper use <strong>of</strong> electrical galley equipment and thecontrols <strong>of</strong> cabin heat and ventilation.c) Proper opening and closing <strong>of</strong> doors and other exits.d) A general description <strong>of</strong> the aircraft emphasizingphysical characteristics, cabin system, total seats,oxygen system, water and lavatories, emergencyequipment carried on board, type <strong>of</strong> engines, location<strong>of</strong> galleys, cabin lights and their operation, cabintemperature control, electrical pertaining to passengercabin and emergency exits.e) knowledge <strong>of</strong> galley, passenger oxygen system, flightcrew oxygen system, public address system, electricalsystem, position and use <strong>of</strong> fire extinguishers,emergency means <strong>of</strong> communication during anyunusual situation <strong>of</strong> flight including hijacking andother unusual situations.f) Cabin heat, ventilation, pressurization, airconditioning,heating system, electrical panels in thecabin etc.g) shall include instructions regarding the properpackaging, marking, labeling and documentation <strong>of</strong>dangerous goods and magnetized materials andinstructions regarding their loading, storage andhandling characteristics.h) With emphasis on type <strong>of</strong> extinguisher to be used ondifferent classes <strong>of</strong> fires.i) Emergency exits in the emergency mode with theevacuation slide/raft pack attached (if applicable),with training emphasis on the operation <strong>of</strong> the exitsunder adverse conditions.j) instruction in the handling <strong>of</strong> emergency situationsincluding:i) rapid decompression;ii) fire in flight or on the ground and smoke controlPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-17

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALprocedures with emphasis on electrical equipmentand related circuit breakers found in the cabinareas including all galleys, service centres, lifts,lavatories, movie screens.iii) ditching and other evacuations, including theevacuation <strong>of</strong> other persons and their crews, ifany, who may need the assistance <strong>of</strong> anotherperson to move expeditiously to an exit in theevent <strong>of</strong> an emergency; aborted take<strong>of</strong>f - whichshould be conducted during day and night simulatedconditions and with low illumination <strong>of</strong> floor light.emergency training12.7 CCC – EMERGENCY TRAININGa) Each training program shall provide the emergencytraining set forth with respect to each aircraft type, modeland configuration and each kind <strong>of</strong> operation conducted inso far as appropriate.b) Instruction in emergency assignments and procedures,including coordination among crew members.c) Individual instructions on the location, function andoperation <strong>of</strong> emergency equipment including :i) Equipment used in ditching and evacuation.ii) First Aid Kit and its proper use.iii) Portable fire extinguishers.iv) Illness, injury or other abnormal situationsinvolving passenger or crew members toinclude familiarization with the physician kit.v) Hijacking and other unusual situations likebomb Review and discussion <strong>of</strong> previous aircraftaccidents and incidents pertaining to actualemergency situations.vii) Each cabin crew shall accomplish thefollowing emergency training during thespecified training periods, using those items <strong>of</strong>installed emergency equipment for each type<strong>of</strong> aircraft in which he or she is to serve.viii) Emergency drill requirements shall beaccomplished during initial training. eachcabin crew must perform: at least oneapproved fire fighting drill using at least onetype <strong>of</strong> installed hand fire extinguisher,appropriate for the type <strong>of</strong> fire to be fought,while using the type <strong>of</strong> installed protectivebreathing equipment, for combating firesaboard aircraft.ix) Observe the following drills:Removal from the aircraft (or trainingdevice) and inflation <strong>of</strong> each type <strong>of</strong> life raft,if applicable.Deployment, inflation andPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-18

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALdetachment from the aircraft (or trainingdevice) <strong>of</strong> each type <strong>of</strong> slide/ raft pack).)Emergency evacuation including the use <strong>of</strong> aslide.d) Cabin Crew who serve in operations above 25,000feet shall receive instruction in the following –i) Respiration.ii) Hypoxia.iii) Duration <strong>of</strong> consciousness withoutsupplemental oxygen at altitude. Gasexpansion.iv) Gas bubble formation.v) Physical phenomena and incidents <strong>of</strong>decompression.12.8 CCC – PRACTICE OF EMERGENCY DRILLSa) A Trainee Cabin Crew shall undergo the following emergencydrills:i) Wet Drill (ditching) : valid for 3 Yearsii) Evacuation Drill : valid for 2 Yearsiii) Fire Drill: valid for 1 Yearb) The drills shall be monitored by the CAANinspector/designated examiner.c) The drill/s may be repeated if the CAAN inspector/designatedexaminer is not satisfied with the performance <strong>of</strong> student/s.12.9 CURRENCYA cabin crew who has not operated any flight during last six monthsshall undergo a recency check.12.10 CC – LIMITATIONSa) Unless approved by the licensing authority, a cabin crew shallnot exercise the privileges <strong>of</strong> a cabin crew on more than threeaircraft at one time.b) No cabin crew shall be scheduled nor shall any cabin crewoperate on any aircraft on which he/she is not currently trained;and holds valid competency certificates with appropriate typeendorsement and Cabin Crew Competency Card (Ref.Attachment No. 5).12.11 CCC – RE-CURRENT TRAININGa) Recurrent training, once in every 12 months, shall ensurethat each cabin crew is adequately trained and currentlypr<strong>of</strong>icient with respect to the type/s <strong>of</strong> aircraft (includingdifferences training).b) Recurrent training shall include evacuation, fire drill andwet drill.Amendment No. 3Date : April 08, 2011PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-19

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL12.12 CCC - RENEWAL / REVALIDATION12.12.1 The ccc shall be renewed subject to meeting the re-currentrequirements as under:i) Medical assessment.ii) A ground refresher.iii) Fire drill.iv) Evacuation drill.v) Wet In-flight competency check.12.13 CCC – GROUND INSTRUCTOR - CABIN (GIC)12.13.1 A Ground Instructor – Cabin (GIC) may be approved byCAAN provided he/she:a) Holds or has held CCC or an equivalent authorization.b) Has 6 years <strong>of</strong> experience as a Cabin Crew.c) Suitable temperament and excellent conduct.d) Have been recommended by the company.e) Train the trainer course.f) Satisfactory monitoring report by a CAAN inspector.12.13.2 Approval CertificateSubject to receiving the required documentation, licensing<strong>of</strong>fice will issue the approval certificate in the prescribedformat.12.14 CCC - DOCUMENTATION12.14.1 Issue Of CCCOperator/organization shall submit the following documents:a) Application.b) Medical assessment.c) 02 colour photographsd) Ground training report by training organization.e) Ground training report (emergency drills).f) Theory examination resultg) Detail <strong>of</strong> under-supervision flights.h) In-flight competency check report.i) On type drill report.j) Fee voucher as per CAR, 2058Amendment No. 3Date : April 08, 2011PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-20

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL12.14.2 Renewal / Revalidation <strong>of</strong> CCCa) Application form.b) Cabin Crew Certificatec) Ground training report from training organization.d) In-flight competency check report.e) Medical assessment.f) On type drill report.g) Fee voucher.12.15 CCC – SAFETY OVERSIGHT OF CABIN CREWS12.15.1 CAAN Inspectors shall carry out safety oversight audits <strong>of</strong>the operators and en route inspections to ensure thefollowing:a) That the cabin crews hold valid competency certificates.b) That the cabin crews perform their function during theflights in accordance with CAAN regulations.c) That the CAAN prescribed flight and duty timelimitations are complied with.d) that the operators ensure that cabin crews are seated attheir assigned stations, with the seat belts and shoulderharness on, during take-<strong>of</strong>f and landing; and wheneverdeemed necessary by the pilot-in-command in the interest<strong>of</strong> safety.e) That the operators ensure that no non revenue passengeris allowed to occupy a jump seat during flight.f) The operators shall ensure that adequate number <strong>of</strong>approved GICs and DCCCs are available to handle therequired certification task.g) That operator's and training and checking departmentsmaintain a complete record <strong>of</strong> training and utilization <strong>of</strong>the cabin crews.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-21

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALRef. No.AttachmentCAANX) Remarks : - Cabin CrewLead Cabin CrewI.CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY NEPALII.CABIN CREW CERTIFICATEIIIIVCertificateNumberNameIV a Date <strong>of</strong> BirthVVIVIIVIIIIXNationalityAddressPermanentCurrentlyResidenceOrganizationPositionSignature <strong>of</strong>HolderX) RATINGSAircraft Rating :-PHOTO……………………………Valid for use in connection with service for thecrew member's term <strong>of</strong> employment.Issued on : ………………… (Date)______________________(Signature <strong>of</strong> issuing Officer)IX) PRIVILEGESThe privileges <strong>of</strong> CabinCrew Certificate are:-a) Preserve the safety <strong>of</strong>passengers on board anaircraft and provide guidanceto all persons on board duringemergency,b) Safe evacuation <strong>of</strong> passengersin an emergency,c) Assist passengers in case <strong>of</strong> aninjury or sickness.CONDITIONS OF USEa) The Certificate is to be availableat all times while on duty.b) Loss <strong>of</strong> this Certificate is to bereported to Manager FlightService immediately. Loss <strong>of</strong>Certificate by negligence willresult in disciplinary action.c) The Certificate should beavailable during renewaltraining.d) The Certificate will be invalid ifthe holder does not completerecurrent training within thestipulated period.e) Operating a flight with aninvalid Certificate or withoutthe appropriate aircraftendorsement will be in violation<strong>of</strong> the Rules.f) The privileges <strong>of</strong> the Certificatecan be exercised only with avalid Medical.g) The validity <strong>of</strong> Medical checkconducted by an authorisedMedical Examiner is two years.PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS JANUARY, 2010SECOND EDITION 12-22

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALAttachment 11.1 Procedure for the issuance <strong>of</strong> license on the basis <strong>of</strong> licenses issued inICAO contracting States into <strong>Nepal</strong>ese pilot license1.1.1 The licensing authority may issue a local license on the basis <strong>of</strong> theforeign license/certificate issued by contracting State.1.1.2 License issued by contracting State shall be examined and evaluatedproperly for the compliance <strong>of</strong> Annex 1.1.2 Procedure to evaluate the license issued by ICAO contracting StatesCAAN will evaluate the status <strong>of</strong> compliance <strong>of</strong> original license with ICAOAnnex 1 provision for the issuance <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Nepal</strong>ese license on the basis <strong>of</strong> foreignlicense issued by ICAO contracting States by adopting the following procedures.1.2.1 Procedure for CPL/ATPLSubmission <strong>of</strong> documents to CAAN:(a) Applicants must submit license along with application:-1. Valid foreign Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Pilot’s License + verificationletter from issuing State. The licensing authority may verifythe authenticity <strong>of</strong> license through verification.2. Foreign Medical Assessment from State <strong>of</strong> issue3. Authenticated Log book <strong>of</strong> a period <strong>of</strong> at least preceding 5years, which must include information regarding dates,aircraft type (single/Multi) and registration, crew status(PIC, Co-pilot etc.), total time, Sectors, Departure-arrivaltimes, day & Nights, X-country flights, X-country testswith no. <strong>of</strong> landings, Skill tests (Day /night / IR with no. <strong>of</strong>landings) instrument time(actual, simulated inaircraft),simulator flying (separately logged). All theentries must be verified by the appropriate authority inthe State <strong>of</strong> Issue <strong>of</strong> foreign license. Tests must besigned by the examiners as well._______________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTSSECOND EDITION Amendment No. 1Date : 24 September, 2010A 1-1

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL4. Valid Certificates <strong>of</strong> Skill tests for Single as well as Multiengine as appropriate.5. For CPL Aeroplane flying experience shall be as mentionedin PELR 7.6.1 and for Helicopter as mentioned in For ATPL Aeroplane flying experience shall be asmentioned in PELR 7.21.1, 7.21.2 and for Helicopter asmentioned in 7.24.1 and For Multi endorsement on CPL: Record <strong>of</strong> groundtraining and pass result <strong>of</strong> technical exam, Statementindicating at least 8 hrs <strong>of</strong> training on multi engine aircraftfor which endorsement is requested(including test/ check),and within 6 months General flying test by day with threesolo take <strong>of</strong>f and landings each, General flying test Nightwith three solo take <strong>of</strong>f and landings each and for IR onmulti IR test report with two approaches on aircraft forwhich multi -endorsement on license is requested.(b)Prior to submitting an application, the candidate should completethe following requirements :-For CPL1. General Flying Test report by day, night and InstrumentRating test (if IR desired) in a flying training instituteapproved by the regulatory authority <strong>of</strong> the ICAOcontracting State.2. Pass results <strong>of</strong> <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> Air Regulation (AIP) andBasic CPL Examination as specified by the DirectorGeneral.3. <strong>Nepal</strong>ese Class-I Medical assessment.4. Obtains certificates from respective school Boardsexamination for 12 th with original certificates5. Applicant must complete all requirements for CPL asmentioned in the company Operations Manual.6. Fees as per <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> Regulation 2002._______________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTSSECOND EDITION Amendment No. 1Date : 24 September, 2010A 1-2

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALFor ATPL1. Pass results <strong>of</strong> <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> Air Regulation and ATPLExamination as specified by the Director General.2. <strong>Nepal</strong>ese Class-I Medical assessment.3. Obtains certificates from respective school Boardsexamination for 12 th with original certificates4. Applicants must have successfully completed appropriatetests <strong>of</strong> their technical knowledge and the practical flyingskill with a degree <strong>of</strong> competency appropriate to theprivileges granted for Airline Transport Pilot License.5. Applicant must complete all requirements for ATPL asmentioned in the company operations manual.6. Fees as per <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> Regulation 2002._______________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTSSECOND EDITION Amendment No. 1Date : 24 September, 2010A 1-3

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPAL2.1 Procedure for contacting the State <strong>of</strong> IssuanceAttachment The following procedure shall be adopted to contact the State <strong>of</strong> issuancefor the necessary verification <strong>of</strong> original licenses to ensure that the licenseissued by the contracting State was in compliance with the provision <strong>of</strong>ICAO Annex Verification shall be done by furnishing all the details as mentioned below:Verify the Authenticity <strong>of</strong> Foreign License, Rating and Medicalcertification as follows :Name :Nationality :Date <strong>of</strong> Birth :Sex :License No. :License Level :Type Rating :Instructor Rating :License Validity :Validity <strong>of</strong> Medical :Date <strong>of</strong> Issue <strong>of</strong> License :English Language for radio-telephony communication :Is the certificate/license under suspension or revocation?Expiration date <strong>of</strong> certificate/license :Country <strong>of</strong> medical certification:2.1.3 Through Email or via Fax or via any other means available._______________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS Amendment No. 1SECOND EDITION Date : 24 September, 2010A 2-1

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALAttachment 2.2<strong>Aviation</strong> Safety Department<strong>Licensing</strong> and Examination DivisionFORM FOR THE VERIFICATION OF FOREIGN LICENSEName : Date <strong>of</strong> Birth :Nationality : Marital Status/Sex :License No.Type Rating:Instructor Rating:Medical Validity:License Level:(CPL/ATPL)Validity <strong>of</strong> License:Language Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency:Medical Assessment Class:Country <strong>of</strong> Medical Certification:Date <strong>of</strong> Issue <strong>of</strong> License:Country <strong>of</strong> Issue:This license/certificate was not under suspension or revocation.__________________Signature <strong>of</strong> Applicant_______________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS Amendment No. 1SECOND EDITION Date : 24 September, 2010A 2-2

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALAttachment 33.1 Additional exam required for validation <strong>of</strong> foreign licenseissued by the contracting State3.1.1 Air Regulation Examination (AIP)3.1.2 English Language Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency Test, if required3.1.3 Oral Interview_______________________________________________________________________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS Amendment No. 1SECOND EDITION Date : 24 September, 2010A 3-1

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALFront Side <strong>of</strong> the CardAttachment 4CompanyLogoFLIGHT CREW COMPETENCY CARDThis record shall be available for review when engaged in Flight OperationsName :Designation:License No.:Employer :Date ValidToY MAircraftTypePPCILSCATIIILSCATIIIEmergencyEvacuationCRMDangerousGoodsCompanyChief Pilot /OperationManagerRear Side <strong>of</strong> the CardDate ValidToY MAircraft TypePPCILSCATIIILSCATIIIEmergencyEvacuationCRMDangerousGoodsCompanyChief Pilot /OperationManagerPERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTSSECOND EDITIONAmendment No. 3Date : April 08, 2011

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALAttachment 5CompanyLogoCABIN CREW COMPETENCY CARDPHOTOName :S.No. Particulars Valid Until(Type <strong>of</strong> Aircraft)01. Recurrent Training02. Emergency EvacuationTraining and Drill03. CRM Course04. Dangerous Goods05. Medical ValidityChief Pilot / Operation Manager _______________ Date : _________PERSONNEL LICENSING REQUIREMENTSSECOND EDITIONAmendment No. 3Date : April 08, 2011

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