MSU OP 5 Procedure for Corrective Action - Maseno University

MSU OP 5 Procedure for Corrective Action - Maseno University MSU OP 5 Procedure for Corrective Action - Maseno University




DOCUMENTPROCEDURE FOR CORRECTIVE ACTIONDOC. NO: <strong>MSU</strong>/MR/<strong>OP</strong>/05 ISSUE NO: 1DATE OF ISSUE 30/06/08 REV. NO: 10.1 DOCUMENT CHANGESDate Changes Authorized By01/11/10 Redefined the scope01/11/10 Made additional references: ISO 9001:2008,<strong>MSU</strong>/<strong>OP</strong>/03, <strong>MSU</strong>/<strong>OP</strong>/0401/11/10 Re-structured and re-organized chapter 6 on method.0.2 DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTIONDocuments shall be distributed as follows:S /No01 Master Copy Management representative02 Copy VC03 Copy DVC AA04 Copy DVC A&F05 Copy DVC PRES06 Copy Deans/Directors of Faculties07 Copy Directors08 Copy Heads of Departments30

DOCUMENTPROCEDURE FOR CORRECTIVE ACTIONDOC. NO: <strong>MSU</strong>/MR/<strong>OP</strong>/05 ISSUE NO: 1DATE OF ISSUE 30/06/08 REV. NO: 11. PURPOSEThe purpose of this procedure is to ensure that corrective action is taken by Heads of Department and toenhance adherence to QMS standards.2. SC<strong>OP</strong>EThis procedure covers all processes and procedures in the <strong>University</strong>.3. REFERENCES3.1 <strong>Maseno</strong> <strong>University</strong> Quality Manual3.2 ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems - requirements3.3 <strong>MSU</strong>/MR/<strong>OP</strong>/03 – <strong>Procedure</strong> <strong>for</strong> Internal Quality Audit3.4 <strong>MSU</strong>/MR/<strong>OP</strong>/04 – <strong>Procedure</strong> <strong>for</strong> noncon<strong>for</strong>ming Products/Services4. TERMS (DEFINITIONS)4.1 <strong>MSU</strong> - <strong>Maseno</strong> <strong>University</strong>4.2 VC – Vice-Chancellor4.3 DVC - Deputy Vice-Chancellor4.4 HoD - Head of Department4.5 <strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Action</strong> - <strong>Action</strong> taken to eliminate causes of an identified noncon<strong>for</strong>mity in order toprevent recurrence.4.6 CAR – <strong>Corrective</strong> <strong>Action</strong> Request Form4.7 MR – Management Repesentative5. RESPONSIBILITIESThe MR shall ensure the implementation of this procedure together with HoDs who shall oversee thecorrective action process.31

DOCUMENTPROCEDURE FOR CORRECTIVE ACTIONDOC. NO: <strong>MSU</strong>/MR/<strong>OP</strong>/05 ISSUE NO: 1DATE OF ISSUE 30/06/08 REV. NO: 16. METHOD6.1 Reviewing of noncon<strong>for</strong>mities6.1.1 Potential noncon<strong>for</strong>mities may be identified during internal (1 st party) audits, supplier (2 nd party)audits or external (3 rd party) audits6.1.2 Internal audit procedure shall be recorded by the internal auditors in the observation <strong>for</strong>ms andsummarised in the audit reports by the MR.6.1.3 Noncon<strong>for</strong>mities identified during supplier audits shall be recorded in the supplier audit reportscompiled by the auditors and submitted to <strong>University</strong> Management through the MR.6.1.4 Potential noncon<strong>for</strong>mities identified during external audits by external agencies on the <strong>University</strong>QMS shall be recorded by the auditors and captured in their audit summary reports compiled andcirculated to the <strong>University</strong> Management <strong>for</strong> action.6.1.5 Noncon<strong>for</strong>mities identified by <strong>University</strong> employees during their daily activities in any function shallbe recorded in the departmental corrective action registers.6.1.6 Noncon<strong>for</strong>mities shall also identified by analyzing feedback posted by employees, customers orother stakeholders on suggestion boxes checked weekly by the PR Directorate and Heads ofdepartment and recorded in the suggestion boxes feedback register maintained by the PRdirectorate and departments.6.2 Determining the causes of noncon<strong>for</strong>mities6.2.2 Causes of noncon<strong>for</strong>mities shall be identified by the MR and HoDs from internal audit reports,external audit reports and departmental corrective action registers.6.3 Evaluating the need to ensure that noncon<strong>for</strong>mities do not occur6.3.1 The MR shall examine the corrective action register and identify outstanding CAR’s <strong>for</strong> follow-up.6.3.2 On or be<strong>for</strong>e the date of completion of corrective action, the MR shall follow-up with the HoDs <strong>for</strong>corrective action and ensure that corrective action has been effected and all the verificationsignatures have been obtained.6.3.3 The MR and the HoDs shall review during follow-ups, the adequacy of corrective actions taken toaddress noncon<strong>for</strong>mities raised during internal and external audits as contained in the CARs. Whennoncon<strong>for</strong>mities have been adequately eliminated by the corrective actions, the MR shall remark assuch in the CAR <strong>for</strong>m and have the CAR closed out.32

DOCUMENTPROCEDURE FOR CORRECTIVE ACTIONDOC. NO: <strong>MSU</strong>/MR/<strong>OP</strong>/05 ISSUE NO: 1DATE OF ISSUE 30/06/08 REV. NO: 16.3.4 In situations where corrective action has not been completed or action taken is inadequate, asupplementary CAR shall be raised <strong>for</strong> the noncon<strong>for</strong>mity and a new corrective action proposed bythe HoD and target date <strong>for</strong> completion of the corrective action. The noncon<strong>for</strong>mity shall beescalated if found not completed or corrective action inadequate in the supplementary CAR.6.3.5 <strong>Corrective</strong> actions taken on customer complaints shall be reviewed <strong>for</strong> adequacy by theimplementing department and other stakeholders be<strong>for</strong>e communication to the customer as areport. The corrective actions shall be recorded in the customer complaints register.6.3.6 <strong>Corrective</strong> actions <strong>for</strong> noncon<strong>for</strong>mities recorded in the corrective action registers shall be reviewed<strong>for</strong> adequacy by the implementing HoD and recorded against each noncon<strong>for</strong>mity in the register.6.4 Determining and implementing action needed6.4.1 The HoDs shall record in the raised CAR, in the customer complaints register or corrective actionregister the actions needed to address the noncon<strong>for</strong>mity and propose a date implementation ofthe corrective action should be completed as the target date. The HoD shall ensure that theproposed and recorded corrective action is appropriate and commensurate with the effects of theencountered and identified noncon<strong>for</strong>mities.6.4.2 The HoDs shall implement the corrective actions within the implementation period as documentedagainst each noncon<strong>for</strong>mity.6.4.3 The MR shall make follow-ups with the HoDs to appraise the progress on corrective actions. Suchfollow up actions shall be recorded as corrective action follow up reports. The MR shall periodicallyupdate the corrective action register and prepare a report of outstanding noncon<strong>for</strong>mities <strong>for</strong> andcirculate to Management <strong>for</strong> review and <strong>for</strong> presentation to Management during ManagementReview Meetings.6.4.4 <strong>Corrective</strong> actions shall also be reported through corrective action registers as part of employerfeedback, departmental reports and customer complaint registers.6.5 Records of the results of action taken6.5.1 The MR shall make follow-ups with the HoDs to appraise the progress on corrective actions. Suchfollow up actions shall be recorded as corrective action follow up reports. The MR shall periodicallyupdate the corrective action register and prepare a report of outstanding noncon<strong>for</strong>mities <strong>for</strong> and33

DOCUMENTPROCEDURE FOR CORRECTIVE ACTIONDOC. NO: <strong>MSU</strong>/MR/<strong>OP</strong>/05 ISSUE NO: 1DATE OF ISSUE 30/06/08 REV. NO: 1circulate to Management <strong>for</strong> review and <strong>for</strong> presentation to Management during ManagementReview Meetings.6.5.2 <strong>Corrective</strong> actions shall also be reported through corrective action registers as part of employerfeedback, departmental reports and customer complaint registers.6.6 Reviewing the effectiveness of the corrective action taken6.6.1 The MR shall make follow-ups with the HoDs to appraise the progress on corrective actions. Suchfollow up actions shall be recorded as corrective action follow up reports.6.6.2 <strong>Corrective</strong> actions taken shall be deemed effective only when they prevent recurrence of thenoncon<strong>for</strong>mity.6.6.3 Results of corrective actions taken against each identified noncon<strong>for</strong>mity shall be recorded in theCARs during follow ups and in the customer and corrective action registers following completion ofthe actions.34

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