PC Magazine - 2009 12.pdf - Libertad Zero

PC Magazine - 2009 12.pdf - Libertad Zero

PC Magazine - 2009 12.pdf - Libertad Zero

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HDTVS DIGITAL VOICE RECORDERS SPEAKER DOCKS GAMESLG 42SL80Olympus WS-500MKlipsch iGroove SXTHalo 3: ODST$1,699.95 list$99.99 list$149.99 direct$59.99 list • Sleek, edge-to-edge glassdesign• 240-Hz technology• Good color quality• Easy setup wizard• Retractable USB connectorfor file transfer and batteryrecharge• Plentiful playback andrecording options• Backlit LCD• Solid audio performance• Strong bass output consideringits small size• Video out• New multiplayer options• Different weapons• New main character• Soft standard-definitionquality• Some visible haloing• Weak deinterlacing performance• Complex controls• No support for MP3 playlists• No extra features• Limited remote control• Some environments aretoo dark• Not a big departure fromHalo 3 in campaign modeThe LG 42SL80 is an attractivelydesigned LCD thatdelivers a sharp HD picturebut struggles with standarddefinition content.This full-featured voice recordercan double as a USBdrive for shuttling files and arobust digital music player.This compact, no-frills iPodspeaker system delivers onaudio quality.Halo 3: ODST is a prequelto Halo 3, but with plentyof tweaks to the originalgame and new multiplayeroptions, this first-personshooter still feels fresh.42-inch LCD; 1,920 by 1,080native resolution; 16:9aspect ratio; EnergyStarcompliant.2GB storage capacity; voiceand line-in recording; MP3,WAV, and WMA playback;3.7 by 1.5 by 0.4 inches(HWD); 1.7 ounces.iPod compatible; 2-channelaudio; remote control; 4.6 by12 by 4.8 inches (HWD).Action game; rated M forMature.Visit pcmag.com for the full reviews of these and other consumer electronics products.

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