MEETING OF COUNCIL - Town of Cambridge

MEETING OF COUNCIL - Town of Cambridge

MEETING OF COUNCIL - Town of Cambridge

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<strong>COUNCIL</strong> MINUTESTUESDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2013DV13.2LOT 341 (NO. 240) OCEANIC DRIVE, CITY BEACH -APPLICATION FORRETROSPECTIVE APPROVAL FOR TWO UPPER FLOOR BEDROOMWINDOWSSUMMARY:There is a three storey dwelling under construction at No. 240 Oceanic Drive, City Beach (thesubject site). In November 2012, the owners <strong>of</strong> the adjoining properties raised concerns withtwo large upper floor windows built in close proximity to the boundaries. Council <strong>of</strong>ficersundertook a site inspection and found these (bedroom) windows to be considerably larger thanthe highlight windows shown on the approved plans.The applicant was made aware <strong>of</strong> the issue and has subsequently submitted an application forretrospective planning approval for the two windows which is the subject <strong>of</strong> the following report.The application requires a Council determination as an assessment is required against thevisual privacy performance criteria <strong>of</strong> the Residential Design Codes <strong>of</strong> WA (R Codes) andobjections have been received during the consultation period.The proposal is not considered to satisfy the relevant performance criteria for the followingreason:-• the proposed obscure filmed windows are openable and will therefore allow overlooking<strong>of</strong> the active habitable spaces and outdoor living areas <strong>of</strong> the adjoining properties to thenorth and east.Accordingly, it is recommended that the windows be modified to comply with the R Codesacceptable development requirements.BACKGROUND:Application: 526DA-2012Owner:Mr C CardaciApplicant: Day Designs and AssociatesZoning: Residential R12.5Use class: Dwelling (single) ‘P’ – permittedLand area: 837 m²On 20 April 2010, town planning approval was granted approval for a two storey dwelling withundercr<strong>of</strong>t at the subject site. The plans granted planning approval show:1. for the first floor bedroom 4, a highlight window (sill height <strong>of</strong> 1.6 metres) facing north;and2. for first floor bedroom 3 facing east, three small square windows (total area <strong>of</strong>approximately 0.91 sqm and sill height <strong>of</strong> 2.0 metres).The windows were small or highlight as they are located on the first floor and closer than theminimum acceptable development requirement <strong>of</strong> 4.5 metres from a neighbouring propertyboundary.On 23 August 2011, the <strong>Town</strong> issued a building licence for the development.H:\CEO\GOV\<strong>COUNCIL</strong> MINUTES\13 MINUTES\FEBRUARY 2013\B DV.DOCX 21

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