Myotest SPORT device

Myotest SPORT device

Myotest SPORT device

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<strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>device</strong>thinkig movementThe <strong>Myotest</strong> revolution – an accessible reference for allSport is made up of challenges – <strong>Myotest</strong>’s challenge was to offersports professionals, and now athletes, a tool for use in the field capableof measuring muscular performance in a quick and simple manner.The <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>device</strong> is easy to transport, doesn’t require longand fastidious preparation, and enables you to measure values thatare indispensable for high-quality training with precision. Results areinstantly visible on the screen of your <strong>device</strong>. Simplicity that makesit much more than just an evaluation tool. You have in your hands agenuine training companion.From performance evaluations to training. Not only does the <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong><strong>device</strong> enable the testing and evaluation of an athlete; it also allows the optimizationand monitoring of their training…A practical measuring tool. The <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>device</strong> was born from a physicaltrainer’s desire to measure the performance of an athlete right there in the traininglocation…Precise and reliable. Created in Switzerland, a country where precision has becomea raison d’être, the <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>device</strong> has been tested and validated by renownedindividuals. Scientists, biomechanics experts and coaches have been unanimous inapproving its precision…Share and compare on the Web. With the <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>device</strong>, you have accessto unlimited space for the saving and sharing of results. An ideal tool for remote communication.To find out more, see overleafwww.myotest.comA complete packCompact (size of an MP3) and light(59g), the <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>device</strong>comes with:• A belt for fixing to the waist• A clip for fixing to barbells• Extra Velcro• USB cable for connecting PC• DVD, guides in 6 languages• A carry case9 simple preprogrammed tests<strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>device</strong> performancetests are based on standard exercisesadapted for all sports. A common languagefor all professionals responsiblefor training and managing athletes.Details of the tests can be found on thereverse.

Precise technologyThe <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>device</strong> isconcentrated technology. It onlyweighs 59 grams and doesn’t requireprior installation.A range of simple pre-programmed testsThe <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>device</strong> has 9 pre-programmed tests. 7 tests basedon very simple standard exercises of the Bosco variety adapted for allsports. 2 specific tests – the undefined test for professionals and thestride analysis, a <strong>Myotest</strong> exclusive.Thanks to its accelerometry system,the <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>device</strong> calculatespower, force and speed, as wellas jump height, contact time withthe floor and many other values. Interms of precision, this Swiss technologyhas nothing left to prove;scientific studies have been unanimousin confirming the validity ofall of the reports provided.Much more than a simple evaluationtool, the <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>device</strong> canbe configured according to loads,number of repetitions, etc. It thusbecomes a genuine training toolcapable of checking that exercisesare realized correctly. It revolutionizestraining by giving athletes theoption of measuring the speed atwhich a movement is executed – aconcept that has proven its worthamong the best athletes.Saving resultsThere are two ways in which youcan save your results: directly inthe <strong>device</strong> for day-to-day use andvia our Web platform for limitlessstorage and the option of consulting,comparing and exchanginginformation using any Internetconnection.You can save all your results on the<strong>device</strong>. You can create records onthe Web. Your access is secured via apassword. You are free to share accessas desired.1 & 2. Muscular profilesThese two tests (lower limbs andupper limbs) enable athletes to definetheir muscular profile, loads andoptimal speeds of execution for trainingin terms of power, force, speedand hypertrophy.3. Bench pressEnables athletes to measure thedevelopment in the performance oftheir upper limbs. Placed directly onthe barbell, the <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>device</strong>provides immediate feedback onthe quality of your movement basedon your objectives.4. Half-squatIn the same way as for the benchpress, this test measures the developmentin the performance of yourlower limbs, principally the glutealmuscles, quadriceps and calves.5. Stride analysisA <strong>Myotest</strong> exclusive – a stride analysis(or Runcheck) in a real runningenvironment. Nearly 20 values toenable the in-depth understandingof an athlete’s stride: force oncontact, contact time, flight time,angle of attack, undulation of thecenter of gravity, etc. but also themeasurement of the risk of injuryor energy usage. The <strong>Myotest</strong> innovation,now integrated into your<strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>device</strong>.www.myotest.com6. Jump reactivityThis test enables the measurementof stiffness (resilience) and the muscularreactivity of the lower limbs.These two values provide you withinformation on bounce quality,which influences the effectivenessof impulsion from the ground.7. Standing jumpEnables the precise measurement ofjump height and vertical elasticity. Inall sports where elevation gives anathlete a competitive edge, verticalelasticity plays a major role.8. Squat jumpThis test enables athletes to measurethe explosiveness of their lowerlimbs. It measures muscular contractionfrom an immobile position. Akey performance factor in numeroussports.9. Unspecified measurementThe <strong>Myotest</strong> <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>device</strong> can beused in a specific manner whateverthe sport. Every activity requires specialphysical characteristics, whichis why we have provided professionalswith the freedom to recordmeasurements that are appropriateto their particular area. The “coach”test enables the measurement ofone movement. Your <strong>device</strong> will feedinformation relating to force, powerand speed directly to the screen.We nevertheless advise use of the<strong>Myotest</strong> PRO software for a morecomplete analysis (see <strong>Myotest</strong> PRO<strong>device</strong> sheet).

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