IGETC 2013-2014 Sheet - Shasta College

IGETC 2013-2014 Sheet - Shasta College

IGETC 2013-2014 Sheet - Shasta College

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Chapter 5 – Degrees and Certificates<strong>2013</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong> Catalog<strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> <strong>IGETC</strong>(Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum)Students who are planning to transfer to the University of California system or who are undecided about whether to transfer to a UC or CSU may satisfy generaleducation requirements with <strong>IGETC</strong>. The <strong>IGETC</strong> will permit a student to transfer from a community college to a campus in either the UC or CSU system without theneed to take additional lower division general education courses to satisfy campus general education requirements. Transfer students to UC have the option of following<strong>IGETC</strong> or completing the general education requirement at the campus they plan to attend. Students pursuing majors that require extensive lower division preparationmay not find the <strong>IGETC</strong> option to be advantageous. Check with a counselor before choosing your general education pattern.<strong>IGETC</strong> courses must be completed with a "C" grade or better (P is acceptable).AREA 1 - ENGLISH COMMUNICATIONGroup A: English Composition (one course)ENGL 1A: <strong>College</strong> CompositionGroup B: Critical Thinking/English Composition (one course)ENGL 1B: Literature and CompositionENGL 1C: Critical Reasoning, Reading and WritingFOR CSU ONLY:Group C: Oral Communication (one course)CMST 10: Interpersonal Communication CMST 54: Small Group Communication CMST 60: Public SpeakingAREA 2 - MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS AND QUANTITATIVE REASONING (one course):MATH 2: Pre-CalculusMATH 3A: Calculus+MATH 3B: CalculusMATH 4A/4B: Calculus/Diff. EquationsMATH 6: Linear AlgebraMATH 8: Finite MathMATH 9: Survey of Calculus+MATH 13: <strong>College</strong> AlgebraMATH 14: Intro to StatisticsMATH 17: Calc. for Social/Life SciencesAREA 3 - ARTS AND HUMANITIES (three courses; at least one course from the Arts and one from the Humanities):ARTS:ART 1: Introduction to ArtART 2: History of Western ArtART 3: Western Art, Renaissance to Cont.ART 4: World ArtHUMANITIES:ASL 2 American Sign Language 2ASL 3 American Sign Language 3ASL 4 American Sign Language 4ENGL 10A/B: World LiteratureENGL 11A/B: Survey of American Lit.ENGL 12: Intro to Short FictionENGL 13A/B: Survey of English Lit.ENGL 14: Survey of Drama as LitENGL 15: Lit. By and About WomenENGL 16: PoetryENGL 17: Intro to ShakespeareENGL 18: African American LiteratureENGL 19: Survey of the Bible as LiteratureENGL 20: World MythologyENGL 24: Multicult. Perspectives in Amer LitART 6: History of Modern ArtMUS 10: Music AppreciationMUS 11: History of Jazz and RockMUS 14: World MusicENGL 25: LinguisticsENGL 33: Fiction and FilmENGL 36: Children’s LitFREN 2: Elementary FrenchFREN 3/4: Intermediate FrenchGERM 2: Elementary GermanGERM 3/4: Intermediate GermanHIST 2: World Civilization to 1500 C.E.HIST 3: World Civilization 1500 to PresentHIST 25: African American HistoryJAPN 2: Elementary JapaneseJAPN 3/4: Intermediate JapaneseSPAN 2: Elementary SpanishSPAN 3/4: Intermediate SpanishTHTR 1: Introduction to Theatre+THTR 5: 20th Century TheatreTHTR 8: Theatre History ITHTR 9: Theatre History IIHUM 2: Exploring HumanitiesHUM 4: Humanities Through the FilmHUM 70: Exploring Contemporary TVPHIL 6: Intro. to PhilosophyPHIL 7: Ethics: Understand Right/WrongRUSS 2: Elementary RussianRUSS 3: Intermediate RussianRUSS 4: Intermediate RussianAREA 4 - SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (three courses from at least two disciplines):ANTH 2: Cultural AnthropologyANTH 5: Humanity, Culture and EcologyANTH 14: Religion, Myth, and RitualANTH 25: Culture/History of N. Amer. Indian+ARCH 3: Principles of ArchaeologyECE 1: Human DevelopmentECE 9: Child Growth and DevelopmentECON 1A: Principles of Economics (Micro)ECON 1B: Principles of Economics (Macro)GEOG 1A: Physical GeographyGEOG 1B: Cultural GeographyGEOG 7: California GeographyGEOG 8: World GeographyHIST 1A: History of Western CivilizationHIST 1B: History of Western CivilizationHIST 2: World Civilization to 1500 C.E.HIST 3: World Civilization 1500 to PresentHIST 17A: U.S. History and GovernmentHIST 17B: U.S. History and GovernmentHIST 25: African American HistoryHIST 35: History of Mexican AmericansHIST 36: History of the Far EastHIST 38: History of World ReligionsHIST 40: History & Government of CAHIST 55: History of the American WestHIST 57: Russian History of 20th CenturyPOLS 1: Introduction to Political SciencePOLS 2: Introduction to American GovernmentPOLS 20: Politics of the Developing WorldPOLS 25: Global PoliticsPSYC 1A: General PsychologyPSYC 5: Human SexualityPSYC 14: Understand. Human BehaviorPSYC 15: Social PsychologyPSYC 17: Abnormal PsychologyPSYC 20: Cross-cultural PsychologyPSYC 41: Cultural/Soc Context-ChildhoodPSYC 46: Human Memory & LearningSOC 1: Introduction to SociologySOC 2: Social ProblemsSOC 15: Sociology of Mass MediaSOC 22: Sociology of AgingSOC 25: Sociology of MinoritiesSOC 30: Sociology of Gender+Transfer credit may be limited by either UC or CSU or both (usually due to duplication of content). Students should consult with a counselor for additionalinformation.In the event of a discrepancy between the online edition of the catalog and the printed version of the catalog, the online version is the official version.Page 5-12

Chapter 5 – Degrees and Certificates<strong>2013</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong> Catalog<strong>2013</strong>-14 <strong>IGETC</strong> (continued)AREA 5 - PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (two courses, one Physical Science and one Biological Science for a minimum of 7 units; at least onecourse must include a laboratory (underlined).PHYSICAL SCIENCES:ASTR 1: AstronomyCHEM 1A: General ChemistryCHEM 1B: General ChemistryCHEM 2A: Intro to Chemistry +CHEM 2B: Intro to Org & Bio Chemistry+CHEM 6: Intro to Chem Applied EnvironmentCHEM 10: Chemistry for Liberal Arts+CHEM 11: Chemistry Lab/Liberal Arts+CHEM 16: Chemical Problem SolvingCHEM 70, 71: Organic ChemistryESCI 1: Physical GeologyBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES:AGNR 60: Environmental ScienceAGNR 61: Environmental Science LabAGPS 20: Plant ScienceANAT 1: Human AnatomyANTH 1: Physical AnthropologyESCI 2: Historical GeologyESCI 3: Mineralogy & Crystal OpticsESCI 4: Rock Origins & RelationshipsESCI 5: Introduction to Geology+ESCI 6: Ancient LifeESCI 7: Intro to Geology of CaliforniaESCI 8: Planetary GeologyESCI 9: Earthquakes, VolcanoesESCI 10: Environmental GeologyESCI 12: Earth Science Survey+ESCI 14: MeteorologyBIOL 1: Principles of BiologyBIOL 5: Intro to Human Biology+BIOL 6: Intro to Human Biology Lab+BIOL 10: General Biology+BOT 1: General BotanyESCI 15: OceanographyESCI 17: Earth System ScienceESCI 18: Global Climate: Past, Present,& FutureGEOG 1A: Physical GeographyGEOG 1AL: Physical Geography LabPHSC 1: Physical Science Survey+PHYS 2A: General <strong>College</strong> Physics+PHYS 2B: General <strong>College</strong> Physics+PHYS 4A: Physics Mechanics+MICR 1: MicrobiologyNHIS 15: Natural HistoryPHY 1: PhysiologyZOOL 1: General ZoologyAREA 6 - LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISHProficiency is required by UC. CSU transfers do not need to meet this requirement. Proficiency is defined as two years of high school study in the samelanguage with a "C" grade or better. If you have not satisfied this requirement in high school, you must take one of these courses:ASL 1 American Sign Language 1CHIN 1: Mandarin ChineseFREN 1: Elementary FrenchGERM 1: Elementary GermanJAPN 1: Elementary JapaneseRUSS 1: Elementary RussianSPAN 1: Elementary SpanishCSU GRADUATION REQUIREMENT IN U.S. HISTORY AND AMERICAN IDEALS (Two courses, one from each group):GROUP 1:HIST 17A: U.S. HistoryHIST 17B: U.S. HistoryGROUP 2:POLS 2: Introduction to American Government+Transfer credit may be limited by either UC or CSU or both (usually due to duplication of content). Students should consult with a counselor for additionalinformation.This is the approved list for courses taken Fall <strong>2013</strong> through Summer <strong>2014</strong>. See www.assist.org for prior years.6/5/13Page 5-13

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