Town Centre brochure - Stockland

Town Centre brochure - Stockland

Town Centre brochure - Stockland

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Discover the future of<strong>Town</strong>sville`s NorthernGrowth Corridor<strong>Town</strong><strong>Centre</strong>North Shore

Meticulously designed, the North Shore<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> will be the vibrant, civic heart of<strong>Town</strong>sville`s Northern Beaches – that will seta new standard for contemporary mixed-usedevelopment in Australia.Located at the Gateway of <strong>Town</strong>sville’s northern growth corridor and within <strong>Stockland</strong>’s award-winning NorthShore masterplanned community, this meticulously planned 49 hectare designated Sub-Regional<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> is truly like no other.It has a range of commercial and residential sectors along with unique places and spaces to create a true<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> to service the 60,000 population expected to call the Northern Beaches home over thenext 30 years.Focused on a unique Main Street and connected to the 50Ha Central Park, North Shore <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> offersthe perfect opportunity to create a diverse and distinctive <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>.Opportunities exist for a wide range of commercial office, bulky goods, tavern, restaurants, medium densityresidential and home office uses to name a few.Join these brands today:Gentle... Family Dental... Care

<strong>Town</strong>svilleOver the last decade, <strong>Town</strong>sville has undergone exceptional population and economic growth.Home to more than 185,000 people, it has emerged as one of the most dynamic regional cities in Australiaand consistently makes an above average contribution to the Queensland and Australian economies.Increasingly, <strong>Town</strong>sville is being praised as a model of regional development.<strong>Town</strong>sville is an example of what can be achieved in a regional centre.<strong>Town</strong>sville has a diversified economy, good infrastructure and isreaping the rewards through economic growth and jobs creation.Simon Crean MP, Minister for Regional Development, SEGRA, 19 October 2010Future Population growthWith a population of approximately 190,000, the city andits services are predicted to expand to become home toan additional 100,000 residents over the 20 years.300,000250,000200,000150,000100,00050,00002001 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031Source: Queensland Government Population Projections (OESR), 2011 edition.

Diverse Employment and Economy<strong>Town</strong>sville is characterised by a strong balanced economy and is recognised as having Australia’smost diverse regional economy.Economic growth has averaged 8.9% per annum over the past 5 years with Gross RegionalProduct is estimated at $13.37 billion.Personal and Other ServicesCultural and Recreational ServicesQUEENSLANDTOWNSVILLEHealth and Community ServicesEducationGovernment Administration and DefenceProperty and Business ServicesFinance and InsuranceCommunication ServicesTransport and StorageAccommodation, Cafes and RestaurantsRetail TradeConstructionElectricity, Gas and Water SupplyManufacturingMiningAgriculture, Forestry and Fishing0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16%<strong>Town</strong>sville Employment<strong>Town</strong>sville Quick Facts33Home to one of the largest Defence force bases in Australia including the 3rd brigade, with 6,000personnel within the city and a further 8,000 partners and dependant children;33The third largest port in Queensland, the Port handles almost $3.5 billion worth of exports annually andcontributes 12% of Queensland’s export cargo by value;33A significant public service sector serving Northern Queensland;33Northern <strong>Centre</strong> for rail and road networks;33The largest (and only tertiary) hospital in regional Australia;33Key regional services hub supporting growth throughout North Queensland;33James Cook University;33Barrier Reef institute of TAFE;33One of the busiest hospitals in Queensland;33Young and wealthy population in comparison to Queensland averages;33Affordable land and housing in comparison to capital cities;

Northern Beaches<strong>Town</strong>sville’s growth corridorThe Northern Beaches area is <strong>Town</strong>svillesmajor population growth centre withgrowth of around 8.8% per annumexpected to 2031, compared to 2%per annum for <strong>Town</strong>sville generally.Almost 50% of <strong>Town</strong>sville’s growth will bein the Northern Beaches corridor.North Shore will be a major contributor tostrong population growth in the northerncorridor, with the Northern Beachespopulation expected to increase from 15,839in 2009 to 64,510 in 2031, and increasingits proportion of <strong>Town</strong>sville’s populationform 9% to 24% over the same period.(Source: AEC Economics)<strong>Town</strong>sville Land Supply70,00060,00050,00040,00030,00020,00010,00002001 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031Source: AEC economics.Northern Beaches Population ProjectionNorth Shore <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> perfectly positioned for growthNorth ShoreNORTHSHORECBD5km 10km 15kmNorth Shore<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong><strong>Town</strong>svilleAirport<strong>Town</strong>svilleCBDPortNORTH SHOREMAJOR ROADRAILWAYTOWNSVILLE CBD<strong>Town</strong>sville GrowthAreas (Greenfield)ROSSRIVERPORTNORTH SHORE TOWNCENTREGREENFIELD DEVELOPMENTAREASROCKY S

North Shore <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>at the Gateway to theNorthern BeachesUnder the recently released <strong>Town</strong>sville<strong>Centre</strong>s Hierarchy, the North Shore <strong>Town</strong><strong>Centre</strong> is designated as a Major Activity<strong>Centre</strong> to service a sub-regional area(the Northern Beaches of <strong>Town</strong>sville). The<strong>Town</strong>sville <strong>Centre</strong>s Hierarchy will informthe new <strong>Town</strong>sville City Plan, followingpublic consultation, in 2013.The existing Plan of Developmentapprovals for North Shore protect theNorth Shore <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> as theSub-Regional centre for the NorthernBeaches.The physical size of the <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>allows capacity for future growth up tothat projected to be requiredby economic need. The following graphshows the expected economic need vs.the physical capacity(GFA Vision).GFA m 250,00045,00040,00035,00030,00025,00020,00015,00010,0005,0000CommercialRetail /Mixed UseBulky Goods /Mixed IndustryAEC Economic Needs AssessmentNorth Shore <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> GFA CapacityCommunityProjected floorspace demand and possible <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> GFA by land sizeNote: Does not include education and residental components.GFA Capacity interpreted from AEC Group - Economic Assessment of North Shore Version1.0 - September 2009PRINGS

North ShoreTo be developed over 15 years, <strong>Stockland</strong> launched the North Shore residential community to thepublic in November 2008, with the first stage including 140 residential lots.Since that launch, North Shore has seen rapid growth and in 2010 was awarded North Queensland’sBest Masterplanned Community by the UDIA.Since the launch in November 2008, North Shore isalready home to:33Thousands of residents and growing every week;33The Northern Beaches Leisure <strong>Centre</strong>;33St Clare’s Catholic School;33The $42M North Shore Boulevard which links theHighway in the south to the community of Mt Lowin the north;33The North Shore <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> Main Street;33Stage 1 of the <strong>Stockland</strong> North Shoreshopping <strong>Centre</strong> including Woolworthsand 13 specialty stores;33North Shore Medical <strong>Centre</strong>;33McDonalds;332 completed residential villages (Riverbank,and Central Park Village) and a further 3 underconstruction (Sunhaven, Discovery and Horizon).Ultimately North Shore will feature:3315,000 residents;335,200 residential lots33600 medium density townhouses;3340,000m² retail;335,000m² of office space;3325,000m² of bulky goods;334 schools;332 child care facilities;33330 Hectares of dedicated open space;3349 Hectare Central Park;336km central green spin corridor;33And much, much more...

<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>Development SectorsCentral ParkBookend WestResidental<strong>Town</strong> SquareFrameBookend EastHealth &WellbeingEducationalRetail CoreBoulevardBusinessResidentalEducational

<strong>Town</strong> Square Frame33Development that occursin The <strong>Town</strong> Square Sectorwill directly contribute tothe vibrancy and activenature of the <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>’s‘civic heart’33Building design will directlyfocus on the importantedge relationships to MainStreet, <strong>Town</strong> Square andCentral Park.33Building uses will focuson Entertainment andCommunity uses that canoperate outside of normalbusiness hours with afocus on evening use togenerate activity in the<strong>Town</strong> Square throughoutthe day and night.TavernRestaurant/Civic/CommonOpportunityForTavern Office Commercial Restaurant Civic EateryBoulevard Business33A gateway sector along North Shore Boulevard,providing opportunities for innovative commercialand retail exposure.33Activities including commercial office, large formatretail, service retail and government services are allappropriate within this sector.33Buildings should be built to meet and primarily frontpublic streets to achieve33an urban streetscape with internalised offstreetparking and circulation as required.33Dual frontage buildings can achieve entries from thepublic street as well as central parking areas.OpportunityForOffice Homemaker Commercial Large Retail

Health and Wellbeing33A sector creating a hub to support activeand healthy lifestyle expanding on thealready established Northern BeachesLeisure <strong>Centre</strong>.33Community aquatic facilities will besupplemented with additional health andfitness facilities including medical clinics,dentists, pathology, various therapy andgymnasium.33Built form should create building edgesalong Main Street and Erskine Place withfuture parking areas positioned behind theprimary building line where possible.OpportunityForMedical associated business Gym VetLink way Business33A commercial-retail zone focusing on largerformat uses such as bulky goods retail as wellas mixed industry and business.33Supported by strong access to the Link wayand North Shore Boulevard with a dedicatedservice lane to locate all loading and distributionrelated activities to the southern rear buildingfrontage.33Parking areas are predominately in front ofbuildings, however opportunities for smallerfloorplates along Link way in key locations as afronting built edge element can be considered.OpportunityForBulky goods Homemaker Light Service Showrooms

Retail Core33Ultimately 45,000m 2 GFA33Sub-Regional Shopping <strong>Centre</strong>33Stage 1 opened March 2011 with new conceptWoolworths and 13 speciality stores.334.5 Star Green Star Design ratingOpportunityForRetail leasing Office space Level 1 Cinema FoodBookend East & West33Mixed use sites including residential, homeoffice and commercial office.33Community uses33Premium residential overlooking Central Park33CommercialOpportunityForBulky goods Homemaker Light Service Showrooms

Central Park

Central Park is a city wide parkland – offering a high quality landscaped zone for the wider community to gather.Having such a public facility immediately adjacent to the commercial heart of the Northern Beaches is a truly uniqueopportunity. The cross benefit of commercial, civic and public zones allows for activation and critical mass during awide array of times throughout the day.Civic SpaceA place accented by culture

<strong>Town</strong><strong>Centre</strong>North ShoreThe perfect place foryour business!CommercialOfficeContact us today!Suite 1, Level 1<strong>Stockland</strong> North Shore20 – 38 Main StreetBurdell QLD 4818PO Box 361Deeragun QLD 4818EateryGym<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>T +61 7 4795 6700F +61 7 4408 6700E northshore@stockland.com.auW www.northshore.com.auShowroomsLarge RetailMedicalCivicRestaurantCinemaBulky GoodsLight ServiceRetail leasingFoodHomemakerTavernVet

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