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REDRAWINGTHEENERGY-CLIMATEMAP<strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> <strong>Special</strong> Report

REDRAWINGTHEENERGY-CLIMATEMAP<strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> <strong>Special</strong> Report10 June 2013

© OECD/IEA, 2013lle Brornelis Bloason E BordoEric BorremansDavid Brayshawnna BroadhurstCarey BylinBen CaldecoPatri CarlnRichenda Connellvo de Boeros DelbeePhilippe DesfossesBo Dicfalusyoic Douilletmar EdenhoferDolf Gielenudi Greenwaldeigh aceDavid awinsDavid oneEsa yvrineniay yereun iangaroon hesghians rgen ochihiro uroiSarah adislawames eatonoesung eeMar ewisSurabi Menonlan MillerStephanie Millerincent Minierinistry of inance, SwedenEcofysColumbia University, United StatesBP Paribas nvestment PartnersUniversity of Reading, United ingdoministry of oreign airs and Trade, ew ealandUS Environmental Protecon gencySmith School of Enterprise and <strong>the</strong> Environment, University offordaenfallcclimasePGDirectorate General for Climate con, European CommissionRetraite ddionnelle de la oncon Publiue, ranceinistry of Enterprise, <strong>Energy</strong> and Communicaons, SwedenlstomPotsdam nstute for Climate mpact Researchnternaonal Renewable <strong>Energy</strong> gencyCentre for Climate and <strong>Energy</strong> Soluons, United Stateslstomatural Resources Defense Council, United StatesShellortumorld Ban<strong>Energy</strong> Research nstute, ChinaExxonMobil<strong>Energy</strong> gency, Ministry of Climate, <strong>Energy</strong> and Building,DenmarThe nstute of <strong>Energy</strong> Economics, apanCenter for Strategic and nternaonal Studies, United StatesCarbon Tracerorea University Graduate School of <strong>Energy</strong> and EnvironmentDeutsche BanClimateors oundaonnternaonal inance Corporaonnternaonal inance CorporaonSchneider Electric4 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Giuseppe MontesanoClaude ahonaushige obutaniPatric livaSimonEri llusenri Paillereindene E PaonStephanie Pfeiferolmar Pugntonio PgerMar RadaTeresa Riberaic Robinsrgen RosenowStéphanie Saunierrisn SeybothStephan SingerPremysaw Sobasieena Srivastavandrew Steericholas Sternaren Sundosué Tanaao Tyndallras TynynenStefaan ergotePaul atinsonMelissa eitMechthild rsdrferi ouEEEDMinistry of Economy, Trade and ndustry, apanMichelinortumuclear <strong>Energy</strong> gencyurich nsurance Groupnstuonal nvestors Group on Climate ChangeSiemensederal Ministry of Economics and Technology, GermanyUnited aons Environment ProgrammeSTSBCECarbon imitsIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change InternaonalMinistry of <strong>the</strong> Environment, PolandThe <strong>Energy</strong> and Resources Instute, Indiaorld Resources Instuteondon School of EconomicsSUD <strong>Energy</strong>European Ban for Reconstrucon and DevelopmentMinistry of oreign airs and Trade, ew ealandParliament of inlandDirectorate General for Climate con, European CommissionMinistry of Ecology and Sustainable Development, ranceEnvironmental Protecon gency, United StatesDirectorate General for <strong>Energy</strong>, European Commissionaonal Center for Climate Change Strategy and InternaonalCooperaon, China1234The individuals and organisaons that contributed to this study are not responsible for anyopinions or udgements it contains ll errors and omissions are solely <strong>the</strong> responsibilityof <strong>the</strong> IE© OECD/IEA, 2013Acknowledgements 5

Dr ah BirolChief EconomistDirector, Directorate of Global <strong>Energy</strong> EconomicsInternaonal <strong>Energy</strong> gency, rue de la édéraon3 Paris Cedex 1ranceTelephoneEmail(331) 4 weoieaorgMore informaon about <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> is available atwww.world<strong>energy</strong>outlook.org© OECD/IEA, 20136 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Table of ContentsAcknowledgements 3Executive Summary 91Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trends 13Introduction 14The <strong>energy</strong> sector and <strong>climate</strong> change 15Recent developments 18International <strong>climate</strong> negotiations 19National actions and policies with <strong>climate</strong> benefits 20Global status of <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions 26Trends in <strong>energy</strong> demand and emissions in 2012 26Historical emissions trends and indicators 29<strong>Outlook</strong> for <strong>energy</strong>-related emissions and <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario 33Sectoral trends 36Investment 38Broader benefits of <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario 392<strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 43Introduction 44GDP-neutral emissions abatement to 2020 45Methodology and key assumptions 45Emissions abatement to 2020 50Abatement to 2020 by policy measure 53Implications for <strong>the</strong> global economy 70Building blocks for steeper abatement post-2020 75The long-term implications of <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario 75Technology options for ambitious abatement post-2020 76Policy frameworks post-2020 80© OECD/IEA, 20133Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 83Introduction 84Impacts of <strong>climate</strong> change on <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 84<strong>Energy</strong> demand impacts 87<strong>Energy</strong> supply impacts 91Climate resilience 96Table of Contents 7

Economic impact of <strong>climate</strong> policies on <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 97Existing carbon reserves and <strong>energy</strong> infrastructure lock-in 98Power generation 101Upstream oil and natural gas 106Coal supply 110Implications of delayed action 113Annexes 117Annex A. Units and conversion factors 117Annex B. References 119© OECD/IEA, 20138 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

The world is not on track to meet <strong>the</strong> target agreed by governments to limit <strong>the</strong> longtermrise in <strong>the</strong> average global temperature to 2 degrees Celsius (°C). Global greenhousegasemissions are increasing rapidly and, in May 2013, carbon-dioxide (CO 2 ) levels in <strong>the</strong>atmosphere exceeded 400 parts per million for <strong>the</strong> rst me in several hundred millennia.The weight of scienc analysis tells us that our <strong>climate</strong> is already changing and that weshould expect extreme wea<strong>the</strong>r events (such as storms, oods and heat waves) to becomemore freuent and intense, as well as increasing global temperatures and rising sea levels.Policies that have been implemented, or are now being pursued, suggest that <strong>the</strong> long-termaverage temperature increase is more likely to be between 3.6 °C and 5.3 °C (comparedwith pre-industrial levels), with most of <strong>the</strong> increase occurring this century. hile globalacon is not yet sucient to limit <strong>the</strong> global temperature rise to 2 °C, this target sllremains technically feasible, though extremely challenging. To keep open a realisc chanceof meeng <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target, intensive acon is reuired before 2020, <strong>the</strong> date by which anew internaonal <strong>climate</strong> agreement is due to come into force. <strong>Energy</strong> is at <strong>the</strong> heart of thischallenge: <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector accounts for around two-thirds of greenhouse-gas emissions,as more than 80 of global <strong>energy</strong> consumpon is based on fossil fuels.espite posive developments in some countries global <strong>energy</strong>-related C 2 emissionsincreased by 1.4% to reach 31.6 gigatonnes (Gt) in 212 a historic high. Non-OECDcountries now account for 60 of global emissions, up from 45 in 2000. In 2012, Chinamade <strong>the</strong> largest contribuon to <strong>the</strong> increase in global CO 2 emissions, but its growth wasone of <strong>the</strong> lowest it has seen in a decade, driven largely by <strong>the</strong> deployment of renewablesand a signicant improvement in <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> intensity of its economy. In <strong>the</strong> United States,a switch from coal to gas in power generation helped reduce emissions by 200 milliontonnes (Mt), bringing <strong>the</strong>m back to <strong>the</strong> level of <strong>the</strong> mid-1990s. However, <strong>the</strong> encouragingtrends in China and <strong>the</strong> United States could well both be reversed. Despite an increase incoal use, emissions in Europe declined by 50 Mt as a result of economic contracon, growthin renewables and a cap on emissions from <strong>the</strong> industry and power sectors. Emissions inJapan increased by 70 Mt, as eorts to improve <strong>energy</strong> eciency did not fully oset <strong>the</strong>use of fossil fuels to compensate for a reducon in nuclear power. Even aer allowing forpolicies now being pursued, global <strong>energy</strong>-related greenhouse-gas emissions in 2020 areprojected to be nearly 4 Gt CO 2 -equivalent (CO 2 -eq) higher than a level consistent withaaining <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target, highlighng <strong>the</strong> scale of <strong>the</strong> challenge sll to be tackled just inthis decade.© OECD/IEA, 2013We present our 4-for-2 °C cenario in which we propose <strong>the</strong> implementaon of fourpolicy measures that can help keep <strong>the</strong> door open to <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target through to 2020 at nonet economic cost. Relave to <strong>the</strong> level o<strong>the</strong>rwise expected, <strong>the</strong>se policies would reducegreenhouse-gas emissions by 3.1 Gt CO 2 -eq in 2020 80 of <strong>the</strong> emissions reduconExecutive Summary 9

equired under a 2 °C trajectory. This would buy precious me while internaonal <strong>climate</strong>negoaons connue towards <strong>the</strong> important Conference of <strong>the</strong> Pares meeng in Parisin 2015 and <strong>the</strong> naonal policies necessary to implement an expected internaonalagreement are put in place. The policies in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario have been selectedbecause <strong>the</strong>y meet key criteria: <strong>the</strong>y can deliver signicant reducons in <strong>energy</strong>-sectoremissions by 2020 (as a bridge to fur<strong>the</strong>r acon) <strong>the</strong>y rely only on exisng technologies<strong>the</strong>y have already been adopted and proven in several countries and, taken toge<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong>irwidespread adopon would not harm economic growth in any country or region. The fourpolicies are:• Adopng specic <strong>energy</strong> eciency measures (49 of <strong>the</strong> emissions savings).• iming <strong>the</strong> construcon and use of <strong>the</strong> least-ecient coal-red power plants (21).• Minimising methane (CH 4 ) emissions from upstream oil and gas producon (18).• Accelerang <strong>the</strong> (paral) phase-out of subsidies to fossil-fuel consumpon (12).Targeted <strong>energy</strong> eciency measures would reduce global <strong>energy</strong>-related emissionsby 1. Gt in 2020 a level close to that of ussia today. These policies include: <strong>energy</strong>performance standards in buildings for lighng, new appliances, and for new heang andcooling equipment in industry for motor systems and, in transport for road vehicles.Around 60 of <strong>the</strong> global savings in emissions are from <strong>the</strong> buildings sector. In countrieswhere <strong>the</strong>se eciency policies already exist, such as <strong>the</strong> European Union, Japan, <strong>the</strong>United States and China, <strong>the</strong>y need to be streng<strong>the</strong>ned or extended. O<strong>the</strong>r countries needto introduce such policies. All countries will need to take supporng acons to overcome<strong>the</strong> barriers to eecve implementaon. The addional global investment required wouldreach $200 billion in 2020, but would be more than oset by reduced spending on fuel bills.nsuring that new subcrical coal-red plants are no longer built and liming <strong>the</strong> use of<strong>the</strong> least ecient eisng ones would reduce emissions by 640 t in 2020 and also helpeorts to curb local air polluon. Globally, <strong>the</strong> use of such plants would be one-quarterlower than would o<strong>the</strong>rwise be expected in 2020. The share of power generaon fromrenewables increases (from around 20% today to 27% in 2020), as does that from naturalgas. Policies to reduce <strong>the</strong> role of inecient coal power plants, such as emissions and airpolluon standards and carbon prices, already exist in many countries. In our 4-for-2 °CScenario, <strong>the</strong> largest emissions savings occur in China, <strong>the</strong> United States and India, all ofwhich have a large coal-powered eet.© OECD/IEA, 2013ethane releases into <strong>the</strong> atmosphere from <strong>the</strong> upstream oil and gas industry would bealmost halved in 2020 compared with levels o<strong>the</strong>rwise epected. Around 1.1 Gt CO 2 -eqof methane, a potent greenhouse-gas, was released in 2010 by <strong>the</strong> upstream oil and gasindustry. These releases, through venng and aring, are equivalent to twice <strong>the</strong> total naturalgas producon of Nigeria. Reducing such releases into <strong>the</strong> atmosphere represents an eecvecomplementary strategy to <strong>the</strong> reducon of CO 2 emissions. The necessary technologies arereadily available, at relavely low cost, and policies are being adopted in some countries,such as <strong>the</strong> performance standards in <strong>the</strong> United States. The largest reducons achieved in<strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario are in Russia, <strong>the</strong> Middle East, <strong>the</strong> United States and Africa.10 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

ccelerated acon towards a paral phase-out of fossil-fuel subsidies would reduce C 2emissions by 360 t in 2020 and enable <strong>energy</strong> eciency policies. Fossil-fuel subsidiesamounted to $523 billion in 2011, around six mes <strong>the</strong> level of support to renewable<strong>energy</strong>. Currently, 15% of global CO 2 emissions receive an incenve of $110 per tonnein <strong>the</strong> form of fossil-fuel subsidies while only 8% are subject to a carbon price. Growingbudget pressures streng<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> case for fossil-fuel subsidy reform in many imporngand exporng countries and polical support has been building in recent years. G20 andAsia-Pacic Economic Cooperaon (APEC) member countries have commied to phase outinecient fossil-fuel subsidies and many are moving ahead with implementaon.1234The <strong>energy</strong> sector is not immune from <strong>the</strong> physical impacts of <strong>climate</strong> change and mustadapt. In <strong>map</strong>ping <strong>energy</strong> system vulnerabilies, we idenfy sudden and destrucveimpacts (caused by extreme wea<strong>the</strong>r events) that pose risks to power plants and grids, oiland gas installaons, wind farms and o<strong>the</strong>r infrastructure. O<strong>the</strong>r impacts are more gradual,such as changes to heang and cooling demand, sea level rise on coastal infrastructure,shiing wea<strong>the</strong>r paerns on hydropower and water scarcity on power plants. Disruponsto <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> system can also have signicant knock-on eects on o<strong>the</strong>r crical services.To improve <strong>the</strong> <strong>climate</strong> resilience of <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> system, governments need to design andimplement frameworks that encourage prudent adaptaon, while <strong>the</strong> private sector shouldassess <strong>the</strong> risks and impacts as part of its investment decisions.The nancial implicaons of stronger <strong>climate</strong> policies are not uniform across <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong>industry and corporate strategy will need to adjust accordingly. Under a 2 °C trajectory,net revenues for exisng nuclear and renewables-based power plants would be boosted by$1.8 trillion (in year-2011 dollars) through to 2035, while <strong>the</strong> revenues from exisng coal-red plants would decline by a similar level. Of new fossil-fuelled plants, 8% are reredbefore <strong>the</strong>ir investment is fully recovered. Almost 30% of new fossil-fuelled plants are ed(or retro-ed) with CCS, which acts as an asset protecon strategy and enables more fossilfuel to be commercialised. A delay in CCS deployment would increase <strong>the</strong> cost of powersector decarbonisaon by $1 trillion and result in lost revenues for fossil fuel producers,parcularly coal operators. Even under a 2 °C trajectory, no oil or gas eld currently inproducon would need to shut down prematurely. Some elds yet to start producon arenot developed before 2035, meaning that around 5% to 6% of proven oil and gas reservesdo not start to recover <strong>the</strong>ir exploraon costs in this meframe.© OECD/IEA, 2013elaying stronger <strong>climate</strong> acon to 2020 would come at a cost 1. trillion in lowcarboninvestments are avoided before 2020 but trillion in addional investmentswould be reuired <strong>the</strong>reaer to get back on track. Delaying fur<strong>the</strong>r acon, even to <strong>the</strong>end of <strong>the</strong> current decade, would <strong>the</strong>refore result in substanal addional costs in <strong>the</strong>Executive Summary 11

<strong>energy</strong> sector and increase <strong>the</strong> risk that <strong>the</strong> use of <strong>energy</strong> assets is halted before <strong>the</strong>end of <strong>the</strong>ir economic life. The strong growth in <strong>energy</strong> demand expected in developingcountries means that <strong>the</strong>y stand to gain <strong>the</strong> most from invesng early in low-carbon andmore ecient infrastructure, as it reduces <strong>the</strong> risk of premature rerements or retrots ofcarbon-intensive assets later on.© OECD/IEA, 201312 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Chapter 1Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trendsMeasuring <strong>the</strong> challengeHighlights There is a growing disconnect between <strong>the</strong> trajectory that <strong>the</strong> world is on and onethat is consistent with a 2 °C <strong>climate</strong> goal <strong>the</strong> objecve that governments haveadopted. Average global temperatures have already increased by 0.8 °C comparedwith pre-industrial levels and, without fur<strong>the</strong>r <strong>climate</strong> action, our projecons arecompable with an addional increase in long-term temperature of 2.8 °C to 4.5 °C,with most of <strong>the</strong> increase occurring this century. <strong>Energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions reached 31.6 Gt in 2012, an increase of 0.4 Gt (or 1.4%)over <strong>the</strong>ir 2011 level, conrming rising trends. The global increase masks diverseregional trends, with posive developments in <strong>the</strong> two-largest emiers, China and<strong>the</strong> United States. US emissions declined by 200 Mt, mostly due to low gas pricesbrought about by shale gas development that triggered a switch from coal to gas in<strong>the</strong> power sector. Chinas emissions in 2012 grew by one of <strong>the</strong> smallest amountsin a decade (300 Mt), as almost all of <strong>the</strong> 5.2% growth in electricity was generatedusing low-carbon technologies mostly hydro and declining <strong>energy</strong> intensitymoderated growth in <strong>energy</strong> demand. Despite an increase in coal use, emissionsin Europe declined (-50 Mt) due to economic contracon, growth in renewablesand a cap on emissions from <strong>the</strong> industry and power sectors. OECD countries nowaccount for around 40% of global emissions, down from 55% in 2000. Internaonal <strong>climate</strong> negoaons have resulted in a commitment to reach a newglobal agreement by 2015, to come into force by 2020. But <strong>the</strong> economic crisishas had a negave impact on <strong>the</strong> pace of clean <strong>energy</strong> deployment and on carbonmarkets. Currently, 8% of global CO 2 emissions are subject to a carbon price, while15% receive an incenve of $110 per tonne in <strong>the</strong> form of fossil-fuel subsidies.Price dynamics between gas and coal are supporng emissions reducons in someregions, but are slowing <strong>the</strong>m in o<strong>the</strong>rs, while nuclear is facing dicules and largescalecarbon capture and storage remains distant. Despite growing momentumto improve <strong>energy</strong> eciency, <strong>the</strong>re remains vast potenal that could be tappedeconomically. Non-hydro renewables, supported by targeted government policies,are enjoying double-digit growth.© OECD/IEA, 2013 Despite <strong>the</strong> insuciency of global acon to date, liming <strong>the</strong> global temperaturerise to 2 °C remains sll technically feasible, though it is extremely challenging. Toachieve our 450 Scenario, which is consistent with a 50% chance of keeping to 2 °C,<strong>the</strong> growth in global <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions needs to halt and start to reversewithin <strong>the</strong> current decade. Clear polical resoluon, backed by suitable policies andnancial frameworks, is needed to facilitate <strong>the</strong> necessary investment in low-carbon<strong>energy</strong> supply and in <strong>energy</strong> eciency.Chapter 1 | Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trends 13

ntroduconClimate change is a dening challenge of our me. The scienc evidence of its occurrence,its derivaon from human acvies and its potenally devastang eects accumulate. Sealevels have risen by 15-20 cenmetres, on average, over <strong>the</strong> last century and this increasehas accelerated over <strong>the</strong> last decade (Meyssignac and Caenave, 2012). Oceans arewarming and becoming more acidic, and <strong>the</strong> rate of ice-sheet loss is increasing. The Arccprovides a parcularly clear illustraon, with <strong>the</strong> area of ice covering <strong>the</strong> Arcc Ocean in<strong>the</strong> summer diminishing by half over <strong>the</strong> last 30 years to a record low level in 2012. Therehas also been an increase in <strong>the</strong> frequency and intensity of heat waves, resulng in moreof <strong>the</strong> world being aected by droughts, harming agricultural producon (Hansen, Sato andRuedy, 2012).Global awareness of <strong>the</strong> phenomenon of <strong>climate</strong> change is increasing and polical aconis underway to try and tackle <strong>the</strong> underlying causes, both at naonal and internaonallevels. Governments agreed at <strong>the</strong> United Naons Framework Convenon on ClimateChange (UNFCCC) Conference of <strong>the</strong> Pares in Cancun, Mexico in 2010 (COP-16) that <strong>the</strong>average global temperature increase, compared with pre-industrial levels, must be heldbelow 2 degrees Celsius (°C), and that this means greenhouse-gas emissions must bereduced. A deadline was set at COP-18 in Doha, atar in 2012 for agreeing and enacng anew global <strong>climate</strong> agreement to come into eect in 2020. But although overcoming <strong>the</strong>challenge of <strong>climate</strong> change will be a long-term endeavour, urgent acon is also required,well before 2020, in order to keep open a realisc opportunity for an ecient and eecveinternaonal agreement from that date.There is broad internaonal acceptance that stabilising <strong>the</strong> atmospheric concentraonof greenhouse gases at below 450 parts per million (ppm) of carbon-dioxide equivalent(CO 2 -eq) is consistent with a near 50% chance of achieving <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target, and that thiswould help avoid <strong>the</strong> worst impacts of <strong>climate</strong> change. Some analysis nds, however, that<strong>the</strong> risks previously believed to be associated with an increase of around 4 °C in globaltemperatures are now associated with a rise of a little over 2 °C, while <strong>the</strong> risks previouslyassociated with 2 °C are now thought to occur with only a 1 °C rise (Smith, et al., 2009). O<strong>the</strong>ranalysis nds that 2 °C warming represents a threshold for some <strong>climate</strong> feedbacks thatcould signicantly add to global warming (enton, et al., 2008). The UNFCCC negoaonstook <strong>the</strong>se scienc developments into account in <strong>the</strong> Cancun decisions, which include anagreement to review whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> maximum acceptable temperature increase needs tobe fur<strong>the</strong>r reduced, including consideraon of a global average temperature rise of 1.5 °C.Global greenhouse-gas emissions connue to increase at a rapid pace. The 450 ppmthreshold is drawing ever closer (Figure 1.1). Carbon-dioxide (CO 2 ) levels in <strong>the</strong> atmospherereached 400 ppm in May 2013, having jumped by 2.7 ppm in 2012 <strong>the</strong> second-highest© OECD/IEA, 201314 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

ise since record keeping began (Tans and eeling, 2013). 1 Average global temperatureshave already increased by around 0.8 °C, compared with pre-industrial levels, and, withoutaddional acon, a fur<strong>the</strong>r increase in long-term temperature of 2.8 °C to 4.5 °C appearsto be in prospect, with most of <strong>the</strong> increase occurring this century. 2Figure 1.1 <strong>World</strong> atmospheric concentration of CO 2 and average globaltemperature changeppm4504003500.750.500.25°CAtmosphericconcentraonof CO 2Temperaturechange (right axis)12343000250-0.25200-0.501900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2010Note: The temperature refers to <strong>the</strong> NASA Global and-Ocean Temperature Index in degrees Celsius, baseperiod: 1951-1980. The resulng temperature change is lower than <strong>the</strong> one compared with pre-industriallevels.Sources: Temperature data are from NASA (2013) CO 2 concentraon data from NOAA Earth System Researchaboratory.The <strong>energy</strong> sector and <strong>climate</strong> changeThe <strong>energy</strong> sector is by far <strong>the</strong> largest source of greenhouse-gas emissions, accounng formore than two-thirds of <strong>the</strong> total in 2010 (around 90% of <strong>energy</strong>-related greenhouse-gasemissions are CO 2 and around 9% are methane CH 4 , which is generally treated, in thisanalysis, in terms of its CO 2 equivalent eect). The <strong>energy</strong> sector is <strong>the</strong> second-largestsource of CH 4 emissions aer agriculture and we have esmated total <strong>energy</strong>-related CH 4emissions to be 3.1 gigatonnes (Gt) of carbon-dioxide equivalent (CO 2 -eq) in 2010 (around40% of total CH 4 emissions). Accordingly, <strong>energy</strong> has a crucial role to play in tackling<strong>climate</strong> change. et global <strong>energy</strong> consumpon connues to increase, led by fossil fuels,which account for over 80% of global <strong>energy</strong> consumed, a share that has been increasinggradually since <strong>the</strong> mid-1990s.© OECD/IEA, 20131. The concentration of greenhouse gases measured under <strong>the</strong> yoto Protocol was 444 ppm CO 2 -eq in 2010 and<strong>the</strong> concentration of all greenhouse gases, including cooling aerosols, was 403 ppm CO 2 -eq (EEA, 2013).2. The higher increase in temperature is consistent with a scenario with no fur<strong>the</strong>r <strong>climate</strong> action and <strong>the</strong>lower with a scenario that takes cautious implementation of current <strong>climate</strong> pledges and <strong>energy</strong> policies underdiscussion, <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario. Greenhouse-gas concentration is calculated using MAGICC version 5.3v2(UCAR, 2008) and temperature increase is derived from Rogelj, Meinhausen and nutti (2012).Chapter 1 | Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trends 15

Carbon pricing is gradually becoming established, and yet <strong>the</strong> worlds largest carbonmarket, <strong>the</strong> EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), has seen prices remain at very low levels,and consumpon of coal, <strong>the</strong> most carbon-intensive fossil fuel, connues to increaseglobally. Some countries are reducing <strong>the</strong> role of nuclear in <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>energy</strong> mix and developingstrategies to compensate for it, including with increased <strong>energy</strong> eciency. Renewableshave experienced strong growth and have established <strong>the</strong>mselves as a vital part of <strong>the</strong>global <strong>energy</strong> mix but, in many cases, <strong>the</strong>y sll require economic incenves and appropriatelong-term regulatory support to compete eecvely with fossil fuels. Acon to improve<strong>energy</strong> eciency is increasing, but two-thirds of <strong>the</strong> potenal remains untapped (IEA,2012a). It is, accordingly, evident that if <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector is to play an important part inaaining <strong>the</strong> internaonally adopted target to limit average global temperature increase,a transformaon will be required in <strong>the</strong> relaonship between economic development,<strong>energy</strong> consumpon and greenhouse-gas emissions. Is such a transion feasible Analysesconclude that, though extremely challenging, it is feasible (IEA 2012a OECD 2012).Our 450 Scenario, which shows what is needed to set <strong>the</strong> global <strong>energy</strong> sector on a coursecompable with a near 50% chance of liming <strong>the</strong> long-term increase in average globaltemperature to 2 °C, suggests one pathway. Achieving <strong>the</strong> target will require determinedpolical commitment to fundamental change in our approach to producing and consuming<strong>energy</strong>. All facets of <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector, parcularly power generaon, will need to transform<strong>the</strong>ir carbon performance. Moreover, <strong>energy</strong> demand must be moderated throughimproved <strong>energy</strong> eciency in vehicles, appliances, homes and industry. Deployment ofnew technologies, such as carbon capture and storage, will be essenal. It shows that,to stay on an economically feasible pathway, <strong>the</strong> rise in emissions from <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong>sector needs to halted and reversed by 2020. Acon at naonal level needs to ancipateimplementaon of a new internaonal agreement from 2020. Achieving a 2 °C target in <strong>the</strong>absence of such acon, while technically feasible, would entail <strong>the</strong> widespread adopon ofexpensive negave emissions technologies (Box 1.1), which extract more CO 2 from <strong>the</strong>atmosphere than <strong>the</strong>y add to it. By <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> century, <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissionsin <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario need to decrease to around 5 Gt CO 2 per year, i.e. less than one-sixthtodays levels. 3It is <strong>the</strong> cumulave build-up of greenhouse gases, including CO 2 , in <strong>the</strong> atmosphere thatcounts, because of <strong>the</strong> long lifeme of some of those gases in <strong>the</strong> atmosphere. Analysis hasshown that, in order to have a 50% probability of keeping global warming to no more than2 °C, total emissions from fossil fuels and land-use change in <strong>the</strong> rst half of <strong>the</strong> century needto be kept below 1 440 Gt (Meinshausen, et al., 2009). Of this carbon budget, 420 Gt CO 2has already been emied between 2000 and 2011 (Oliver, Janssens-Maenhout and Peters,2012) and <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> 2012 (WEO-2012) esmated that ano<strong>the</strong>r 136 Gt CO 2© OECD/IEA, 20133. The RCP2.6 Scenario in <strong>the</strong> Fifth Assessment Report of <strong>the</strong> Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changeis based on negative emissions from 2070 (IPCC, 2013). The RCP2.6 Scenario is more ambitious than <strong>the</strong>450 Scenario in that it sets out to achieve an 80% probability of limiting <strong>the</strong> long-term (using 2200 as <strong>the</strong>reference year) global temperature increase to 2 °C, while <strong>the</strong> probability is around 50% in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario.16 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

will be emied from non-<strong>energy</strong> related sources in <strong>the</strong> period up to 2050. This means that<strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector can emit a maximum of 884 Gt CO 2 by 2050 without exceeding its residualbudget. hen <strong>map</strong>ping potenal emissions trajectories against such a carbon budget, itbecomes clear that <strong>the</strong> longer acon to reduce global emissions is delayed, <strong>the</strong> more rapidreducons will need to be in <strong>the</strong> future to compensate (Figure 1.2). Some models esmatethat <strong>the</strong> maximum feasible rate of such emissions reducon is around 5% per year (Elen,Meinshausen and uuren, 2007) Chapter 3 explores fur<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> implicaons of delayedacon in <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector.Box 1.1 What are negative emissions?1234Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology could be used to capture emissionsfrom biomass processing or combuson processes and store <strong>the</strong>m in deep geologicalformaons. The process has <strong>the</strong> potenal to achieve a net removal of CO 2 from <strong>the</strong>atmosphere (as opposed to merely avoiding CO 2 emissions to <strong>the</strong> atmosphere as is <strong>the</strong>case for convenonal, fossil fuel-based CCS). Such negave emissions result when<strong>the</strong> amount of CO 2 sequestered from <strong>the</strong> atmosphere during <strong>the</strong> growth of biomass(and subsequently stored underground) is larger than <strong>the</strong> CO 2 emissions associatedwith <strong>the</strong> producon of biomass, including those resulng from land-use change and<strong>the</strong> emissions released during <strong>the</strong> transformaon of biomass to <strong>the</strong> nal product (IEA,2011a). So-called bio-<strong>energy</strong> with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) could be usedin a wide range of applicaons, including biomass power plants, combined heat andpower plants, ue gas streams from <strong>the</strong> pulp and paper industry, fermentaon inethanol producon and biogas rening processes.From a <strong>climate</strong> change perspecve, BECCS is aracve for two reasons. First, netgains from BECCS can oset emissions from a variety of sources and sectors that aretechnically dicult and expensive to abate, such as emissions from air transportaon.Second, BECCS can migate emissions that have occurred in <strong>the</strong> past. For a given CO 2stabilisaon target, this allows some exibility in <strong>the</strong> ming of emissions higheremissions in <strong>the</strong> short term can, within limits, be compensated for by negaveemissions in <strong>the</strong> longer term. Of course, <strong>the</strong> projects have to be economically viable.© OECD/IEA, 2013To achieve net negave emissions, it is essenal that only biomass that is sustainablyproduced and harvested is used in a BECCS plant. Assuring <strong>the</strong> sustainability of<strong>the</strong> biomass process will require dedicated monitoring and reporng. As this willencompass acvies that are similar to those required to monitor and verify emissionsreducon from deforestaon and forest degradaon (REDD), <strong>the</strong> development ofnaonal and internaonal REDD strategies will contribute to <strong>the</strong> deployment of BECCSand vice versa. Increasing <strong>the</strong> share of sustainably managed biomass in a countrys<strong>energy</strong> mix, in addion to decreasing CO 2 emissions, has a number of benets in termsof economic development and employment.Chapter 1 | Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trends 17

Figure 1.2 Mapping feasible world CO 2 emissions trajectories within acarbon budget constraintAnnual CO2 emissionsCumulave CO2 emissionsCO 2 budget with a 50% chance of 2 °CTimeTimeTaking as its starng point <strong>the</strong> proporonate contribuon of <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> system to <strong>the</strong>global greenhouse-gas emissions, this chapter focuses on <strong>the</strong> disconnect between <strong>the</strong> levelof acon that science tells us is required to meet a 2 °C <strong>climate</strong> goal and <strong>the</strong> trajectory <strong>the</strong>world is currently on. It looks at recent developments in <strong>climate</strong> policy, both at global andnaonal levels, and at those elements of <strong>energy</strong> policy that could have a signicant posiveimpact on <strong>the</strong> migaon of <strong>climate</strong> change. It <strong>map</strong>s <strong>the</strong> current status of global greenhousegasemissions, illustrang <strong>the</strong> dominant role of <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions in this pictureand <strong>the</strong> important underlying trends, drawing on <strong>the</strong> latest emissions esmates for 2012.It <strong>the</strong>n looks at <strong>the</strong> prospecve future contribuon of <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector to <strong>the</strong> totalemissions up to 2035, comparing <strong>the</strong> outcome if <strong>the</strong> world pursues its present course (ourNew Policies Scenario) with a trajectory compable with liming <strong>the</strong> long-term increasein average global temperature to 2 °C (our 450 Scenario) (IEA, 2012a). This enables us tohighlight <strong>the</strong> addional eorts that would be necessary to achieve <strong>the</strong> 2 °C <strong>climate</strong> goaland to point to <strong>the</strong> short-term acons (see Chapter 2) which could contribute signicantlyto make its realisaon possible.Recent developmentsGovernment policies are crical to tackling <strong>climate</strong> change: what has been happeningAnswering this queson requires an examinaon both of policies that are directed mainlyat <strong>climate</strong> change and of policies with o<strong>the</strong>r primary objecves, such as <strong>energy</strong> securityand local polluon, which also have consequences for global emissions. hile key <strong>climate</strong>commitments may be internaonal, implemenng acons will be taken primarily atnaonal and regional levels. So far, to take one indicave example, carbon pricing appliesonly to 8% of <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions, while fossil-fuel subsidies, acng as a carbonincenve, aect almost twice that level of emissions.© OECD/IEA, 201318 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

centralised set of commitments that characterise <strong>the</strong> yoto Protocol, in order to allowfor exibility to take account of naonal circumstances. It is expected to bring toge<strong>the</strong>rexisng pledges into a co-ordinated framework that builds mutual trust and condencein <strong>the</strong> total emissions abatement that <strong>the</strong>y represent. It will also need to create a processthat provides for <strong>the</strong> ambion of <strong>the</strong>se pledges to be adequately developed to match <strong>the</strong>evolving requirements of meeng <strong>the</strong> 2 °C goal.As discussed above, policies adopted at <strong>the</strong> naonal level which deliver emissionsreducons are central to tackling <strong>climate</strong> change whe<strong>the</strong>r that is <strong>the</strong>ir primary movaonor not. The global economic crisis has constrained policy makers scope for acon in recentyears, but <strong>the</strong>re have been some encouraging developments. In parcular, many developingcountries that made voluntary emissions reducon pledges under <strong>the</strong> Cancun Agreementshave announced new strategies and policies, in many cases involving measures in <strong>the</strong><strong>energy</strong> sector (Figure 1.4).Figure 1.4 Linkages between <strong>climate</strong> change and o<strong>the</strong>r major policiesCarbon pricing is one of <strong>the</strong> most direct ways of tackling emissions. Currently some 8% ofglobal <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions are subject to carbon pricing. This share is expectedto increase, as more countries and regions adopt this pracce (Spotlight). However, <strong>the</strong>roll-out is by no means free of concerns, notably on compeveness and carbon leakage.© OECD/IEA, 2013Power plant emissions are being regulated in a number of countries. Regulaons limingemissions from new power plants, which would have an impact parcularly on investmentin new convenonal coal generaon, have been proposed by <strong>the</strong> US EnvironmentalProtecon Agency (EPA). New standards are also expected to be promulgated for exisngplants. US EPA regulaons targeng convenonal pollutants are also expected to promotemodernisaon of <strong>the</strong> power generaon eet (though <strong>the</strong>y may face legal challenge).Canada has introduced regulaons for new power plants that rule out new convenonalcoal investment. High levels of local polluon connue to be a signicant issue for some20 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

of Chinas largest cies and <strong>the</strong> government has spulated mandatory reducons insulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) and nitrogen oxide (NO x ) emissions per kilowa-hour (kh) of powergenerated by coal-red power plants and a target to cut by at least 30% <strong>the</strong> emissionsintensity of parculate maer (PM 2.5 ) coming from <strong>energy</strong> producon and use. Thesenaonal measures will all have associated <strong>climate</strong> change benets.Although WEO-2012 demonstrated that only a fracon of <strong>the</strong> available <strong>energy</strong> eciencybenets are currently being realised, fortunately, many countries are taking new stepsto tap this potenal. In early 2013, <strong>the</strong> US government announced a goal to double<strong>energy</strong> producvity by 2030. WEO-2012 had already highlighted <strong>the</strong> contribuon newfuel-economy standards could make in moving <strong>the</strong> United States towards lower importneeds and <strong>the</strong> queson now is whe<strong>the</strong>r similar eects can be achieved in o<strong>the</strong>r sectorsof <strong>the</strong> economy. The US Department of <strong>Energy</strong> has put in place in recent years <strong>energy</strong>eciency standards for a wide range of products, including air condioners, refrigeratorsand washing machines. More standards are expected to come into force for eciency inbuildings and appliances. The European Union has adopted an <strong>Energy</strong> Eciency Direcve,to support its target of improving <strong>energy</strong> eciency by 20% by 2020 and pave <strong>the</strong> way forfur<strong>the</strong>r improvements beyond this. In China, <strong>the</strong> 12 th Five-ear Plan (2011-2015) includesindicave caps on total <strong>energy</strong> consumpon and on power consumpon for 2015. Thereare also mandatory targets to reduce <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> intensity of <strong>the</strong> economy by 16% and toreduce CO 2 emissions per unit GDP by 17% <strong>the</strong> rst me a CO 2 target has been set. Chinahas published <strong>energy</strong> eciency plans consistent with <strong>the</strong> 12 th Five-ear Plan, including<strong>the</strong> Top 10 000 programme that sets <strong>energy</strong> savings targets by 2015 for <strong>the</strong> largestindustrial consumers. In India, a Naonal Mission on Enhanced <strong>Energy</strong> Eciency has beenlaunched, aimed at restraining growth in <strong>energy</strong> demand. Indias Perform Achieve andTrade mandatory trading system for <strong>energy</strong> eciency obligaons in some industries waslaunched in 2011, and is a key element in plans to deliver its pledge to reduce carbonintensity by 20-25% by 2020 (from 2005 levels).1234© OECD/IEA, 2013Many forms of intervenon to support renewable <strong>energy</strong> sources have contributed to <strong>the</strong>strong growth of <strong>the</strong> sector in recent years. Installed wind power capacity increased by19% in 2012, to reach 282 gigawas (G), with China, <strong>the</strong> United States, Germany, Spainand India having <strong>the</strong> largest capacity (GEC, 2013). Sub-Saharan Africas rst commercialwind farm also came online, in Ethiopia. US solar installaons increased by 76%, to 3.3 Gin 2012 (Solar <strong>Energy</strong> Industries Associaon, 2013) and, while a federal target is not inplace, most US states have renewable <strong>energy</strong> porolio standards designed to increase<strong>the</strong> share of electricity generated from renewable sources. The European Union has inplace a target contribuon from renewable <strong>energy</strong> to primary demand of 20% by 2020.Japan has also expressed strong expectaons for renewables, mainly solar photovoltaics(P), in its new <strong>energy</strong> strategy following <strong>the</strong> Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. Chinahas an extensive range of targets for all renewables, which are regularly upgraded. Oneexample is <strong>the</strong> recent streng<strong>the</strong>ning of <strong>the</strong> target for P installaons to 10 G per year,promising to make China <strong>the</strong> world leader for P installaon from 2013 onwards. IndiaChapter 1 | Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trends 21

Nuclear policies vary by country. In 2012, Japan announced new <strong>energy</strong> eciency andrenewable <strong>energy</strong> targets, supported by feed-in taris, in light of <strong>the</strong> 2011 accident at<strong>the</strong> Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power staon. However, plans in <strong>the</strong> major nuclear growthmarkets, such as China, India and orea, are largely being maintained. Condence in <strong>the</strong>availability of low-carbon alternaves needs to be high in countries contemplang movingaway from nuclear power.In transport, policies to increase eciency and support new technologies go hand-in-hand.Most major markets have fuel-economy standards for cars and have scope to introducesimilar standards for freight. Sales of plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles more thandoubled, to exceed 100 000, in 2012. None<strong>the</strong>less, <strong>the</strong>se sales are sll well below <strong>the</strong> levelrequired to achieve <strong>the</strong> targets set by many governments. Collecvely <strong>the</strong>se amount toaround 7-9 million vehicles by 2020 (IEA, 2013a).1234Figure 1.7 CCS capacity by region and project status, 2012Mt CO21008060Rest of worldOECD Asia OceaniaEuropeNorth America4020Operang2012UnderconstruconAdvancedplanningEarly planningNotes: Relates to large-scale integrated projects and, where a range is given for CO 2 capture capacity, <strong>the</strong>middle of <strong>the</strong> range has been taken. Exisng EOR projects are not included where <strong>the</strong>y are not authorisedand operated for <strong>the</strong> purpose of CCS.Sources: Global CCS Instute (2013) and IEA analysis.© OECD/IEA, 2013Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology can, in principle, reduce full life-cycle CO 2emissions from fossil-fuel combuson at staonary sources, such as power staonsand industrial sites, by 65-85% (GEA, 2012). However, <strong>the</strong> operaonal capacity of largescaleintegrated CCS projects, excluding enhanced oil recovery (EOR), so far provides for<strong>the</strong> capture of only 6 million tonnes (Mt) of CO 2 per year, with provisions for a fur<strong>the</strong>r13 Mt CO 2 under construcon as of early-2013 (Figure 1.7). If all planned capacity wereto be constructed, this would take <strong>the</strong> total to around 90 Mt CO 2 , sll equivalent to lessthan 1% of power sector CO 2 emissions in 2012. hile <strong>the</strong> technology is available today,projects need to be scaled-up signicantly from exisng levels in order to demonstratecarbon capture and storage from a typical coal-red power plant. Experience gained fromChapter 1 | Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trends 25

large demonstraon projects will be essenal, both to perfecng technical soluons anddriving down costs. Ulmately, a huge scale-up in CCS capacity is required if it is to make ameaningful impact on global emissions (see Chapter 2).Global status of <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissionsTrends in <strong>energy</strong> demand and emissions in 2012Global CO 2 emissions from fossil-fuel combuson increased again in 2012, reaching a recordhigh of 31.6 Gt, according to our preliminary esmates. 5 This represents an increase of0.4 Gt on 2011, or 1.4%, a level that, if connued, would suggest a long-term temperatureincrease of 3.6 °C or more. The growth in emissions results from an increase in global fossilfuelconsumpon: 2.7% for natural gas, 1.1% for oil and 0.6% for coal. Taking into accountemissions factors that are specic to fuel, sector and region, natural gas and coal eachaccounted for 44% of <strong>the</strong> total <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions increase in 2012, followed byoil (12%). The global trend masks important regional dierences: in 2012, a 3.1% increasein CO 2 emissions in non-OECD countries was oset, but only partly, by a 1.2% reducon inemissions in OECD countries (Figure 1.8).Figure 1.8 CO 2 emissions trends in 2012Mt4003002001000-100-20032%24%16%8%0%Change from2011Share of worldemissions(right axis)-300UnitedStatesEuropeanUnionO<strong>the</strong>rOECDIndia Middle Japan O<strong>the</strong>r ChinaEast non-OECD© OECD/IEA, 2013hile China made <strong>the</strong> largest contribuon to <strong>the</strong> global increase, with its emissions risingby 300 Mt, or 3.8%, this level of growth is one of <strong>the</strong> smallest in <strong>the</strong> past decade andless than half of <strong>the</strong> emissions increase in 2011, reecng Chinas eorts in installing lowcarbongenerang capacity and achieving improvements in <strong>energy</strong> intensity. Coal demandgrew by 2.4%, most of it to supply industrial demand. hile electricity generaon in Chinaincreased 5.2%, coal input to power generaon grew by only 1.2%. Most of <strong>the</strong> addionaldemand was met by hydro, with 18 G of capacity addions coming online in 2012,complemented by a wet year in 2012. Increased wind and solar also played a role. Hydrocapacity at <strong>the</strong> end of 2012 was 249 G, on track to meet <strong>the</strong> 2015 target of 290 G. The5. Global emissions include international bunkers, which are not reflected in regional and country figures.26 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

decarbonisaon eorts in <strong>the</strong> power sector resulted in a decade long improvement of itsemissions per unit of generaon (Figure 1.9). <strong>Energy</strong> intensity improved by 3.8%, in linewith <strong>the</strong> 12 th Five-ear Plan target, indicang progress in diversifying <strong>the</strong> economy and in<strong>energy</strong> eciency.Figure 1.9 CO 2 emissions per unit of electricity generation in Chinag CO2/kWh90085012348007507002000 2003 2006 2009 2012In <strong>the</strong> Middle East, <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions increased by around 55 Mt CO 2 , or 3.2%,on <strong>the</strong> back of rising gas consumpon in power generaon and <strong>the</strong> persistence of subsidised<strong>energy</strong> consumpon. Indias emissions grew by some 45 Mt CO 2 , or 2.5%, mainly driven bycoal. This gure was much lower than <strong>the</strong> previous year due to lower GDP growth andissues related to domesc coal producon.In OECD countries, <strong>the</strong> trends are very dierent. CO 2 emissions declined in <strong>the</strong> UnitedStates year-on-year in 2012 by 200 Mt, or -3.8%, around half as a result of <strong>the</strong> ongoingswitching from coal to natural gas in power generaon (Box 1.2). O<strong>the</strong>r factors contributedto <strong>the</strong> decline: increased electricity generaon from non-hydro renewables, lower demandfor transport fuels and mild winter temperatures reduced <strong>the</strong> demand for heang. CO 2emissions in <strong>the</strong> United States have now declined four of <strong>the</strong> last ve years, 2010 being <strong>the</strong>excepon (Figure 1.10). Their 2012 level was last seen in mid-1990s.© OECD/IEA, 2013CO 2 emissions in <strong>the</strong> European Union in 2012 were lower year-on-year by some 50 Mt,or 1.4%, but trends dier markedly from country to country. ith electricity demanddeclining by 0.3% in 2012, in line with a contracon in <strong>the</strong> economy, cheap coal and carbonprices meant that many large emiers turned partly to coal to power <strong>the</strong>ir economies. Coaldemand grew 2.8%, compared with an average 1.3% decline over <strong>the</strong> past decade. et datashow a 0.6% decline in power sector emissions that are capped under <strong>the</strong> EU ETS, and alarger, 5.8% fall in emissions from industry sectors such as cement, glass and steel. Nonhydrorenewables generaon increased by 18%, thanks to support policies. Emissions inEuropes biggest economy, Germany, increased by 17 Mt CO 2 or 2.2% (UBA, 2013). Drivenby low coal and low CO 2 prices, consumpon of coal in power generaon increased by 6%.Chapter 1 | Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trends 27

CO 2 emissions increased also in <strong>the</strong> United ingdom by 21 Mt, or 4.5%, due to higher coaluse in power generaon and higher demand for space heang (DECC, 2013). Electricitygeneraon from coal increased by 32%, displacing gas in <strong>the</strong> electricity mix.Box 1.2 6The decline in <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions in <strong>the</strong> United States in recent years hasbeen one of <strong>the</strong> bright spots in <strong>the</strong> global picture. One of <strong>the</strong> key reasons has been<strong>the</strong> increased availability of natural gas, linked to <strong>the</strong> shale gas revoluon, which hasled to lower prices and increased compeveness of natural gas versus coal in <strong>the</strong> USpower sector. Over <strong>the</strong> period 2008-2012, when total US power demand was relavelyat, <strong>the</strong> share of coal in US electricity output fell from 49% to 37%, while gas increasedfrom 21% to 30% (and renewables rose from 9% to 12%). 6 The large availability ofspare capacity facilitated this quick transformaon. In 2011, when <strong>the</strong> share of gas hadalready increased signicantly, <strong>the</strong> ulisaon rate of combined-cycle gas turbines wassll below 50% (IEA, 2013b). Gas-red combined-cycle plants produce on average half<strong>the</strong> emissions per kilowa hour than convenonal coal-red generaon. Part of thisgain, however, is oset on a life-cycle basis due to methane emissions from natural gasproducon and distribuon.he<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> trend in emissions reducon from coal-to-gas switching in powergeneraon will connue depends on relave coal and gas prices. Preliminary signs of areversal were seen in <strong>the</strong> rst quarter of 2013: coal consumpon in power generaonincreased 14% compared with <strong>the</strong> same period in <strong>the</strong> previous year, as natural gasprices at Henry Hub increased by around 40% from $2.45 per million Brish <strong>the</strong>rmalunits (MBtu) in 2012 to $3.49MBtu in <strong>the</strong> same period of 2013. In <strong>the</strong> absence ofenvironmental or o<strong>the</strong>r regulaons posing addional restricons on CO 2 emissionsstandards on exisng power plants, exisng coal plants could again become economicrelave to gas for natural gas prices in <strong>the</strong> range $4.5-5MBtu or higher.The resource base for unconvenonal hydrocarbons holds similar promise for o<strong>the</strong>rcountries heavily relying on coal in <strong>the</strong> power sector, such as China. But due to <strong>the</strong>expected relave coal to gas prices in regions outside North America, <strong>the</strong> US story isnot expected to be replicated on a large scale in <strong>the</strong> period up to 2020. Our analysisdemonstrates increased gas use in all scenarios, including that compable with a 2 °Ctrajectory (<strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario), but on its own, natural gas cannot provide <strong>the</strong> answerto <strong>the</strong> challenge of <strong>climate</strong> change (IEA, 2011b and 2012b). In <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, forexample, global average emissions from <strong>the</strong> power sector need to come down to120 g CO 2 kh by <strong>the</strong> 2030s, almost one-third <strong>the</strong> level that could be delivered by <strong>the</strong>most ecient gas-red plant in <strong>the</strong> absence of CCS technology.© OECD/IEA, 20136.Based on US <strong>Energy</strong> Informaon Administraon data for 2012.28 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Figure 1.10 Change in fuel consumption and total <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2emissions in <strong>the</strong> United States1Mtoe60300-306. 2 emissions(right axis)234-605.4-905.2-1202008 2009 2010 2011 20125.0Japans emissions rose by some 70 Mt CO 2 ,or 5.8%, in 2012 a rate of growth last seen twodecades ago, as a consequence of <strong>the</strong> need to import large quanes of liqueed naturalgas and coal in order to compensate for <strong>the</strong> almost 90% reducon in electricity generaonfrom nuclear power following <strong>the</strong> Fukushima Daiichi accident. The increase in fuel importcosts was a key reason for Japans record high trade decit of 6.9 trillion ($87 billion) in2012.Historical emissions trends and indicatorsThe data for 2012 need to be seen in a longer term perspecve. Since 1900, emissionslevels and <strong>the</strong>ir geographical distribuon have changed signicantly, with <strong>the</strong> rst decadeof this century seeing <strong>the</strong> accumulaon in <strong>the</strong> atmosphere of eleven mes more CO 2 than<strong>the</strong> rst decade of <strong>the</strong> previous century. Excluding internaonal bunkers, OECD countriesaccounted for almost all of <strong>the</strong> global emissions in <strong>the</strong> 1900s, yet now non-OECD emissionsaccount for 60%. OECD countries emied 40% of global <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissionsin 2012, down from 55% in 2000 (Figure 1.11). This compares with around 40% of totalprimary <strong>energy</strong> demand and 53% of global GDP (in purchasing power parity terms). Thegrowth in Chinas emissions since 2000 is larger than <strong>the</strong> total level of emissions in 2012of <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r BRICS (Brail, Russia, India, China, South Africa) countries combined. Indiasemissions increased in 2012, reinforcing its posion as <strong>the</strong> worlds third-largest emier.Developing countries tend to be net exporters of products whose producon gives rise toCO 2 emissions, opening up scope for debate as whe<strong>the</strong>r responsibility for <strong>the</strong> emissions lieswith <strong>the</strong> producer or <strong>the</strong> importer.© OECD/IEA, 2013Chapter 1 | Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trends 29

Figure 1.11 <strong>Energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions by countryGt353025201510O<strong>the</strong>r non-OECDMiddle EastIndiaChinaO<strong>the</strong>r OECDEuropean UnionJapan161446558700600500400300200Cumulave emissions (Gt)5United States 921001900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2012Sources: IEA databases and analysis Boden et al., (2013).1900-'291930-'591960-'891990-2012Trends in <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions connue to be bound closely to those of <strong>the</strong> globaleconomy (Figure 1.12), with <strong>the</strong> few declines observed in <strong>the</strong> last 40 years being associatedwith events such as <strong>the</strong> oil price crises of <strong>the</strong> 1970s and <strong>the</strong> recent global recession. Thecarbon intensity of <strong>the</strong> economy has generally improved over me (GDP growth typicallyexceeds growth in CO 2 emissions), but <strong>the</strong> last decade has seen <strong>energy</strong> demand growthaccelerate and <strong>the</strong> rate of decarbonisaon slow mainly linked to growth in fossil-fueldemand in developing countries.Figure 1.12 Growth in global GDP and in <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions8%6%GDP growth (MER)Change in CO 2 emissions4%2%0%-2%1972 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010Note: MER market exchange rate.2012© OECD/IEA, 2013A simple comparison between OECD Europe or <strong>the</strong> United States, and China or Indiareveals a signicant dierence in GDP and CO 2 trends over me (Figure 1.13). In OECDEurope and <strong>the</strong> United States, GDP has more than doubled or tripled over <strong>the</strong> last 40 yearswhile CO 2 emissions have increased by 2% and 18% respecvely. In China and India, GDPand CO 2 emissions have grown at closer rates, reecng <strong>the</strong>ir dierent stage of economic30 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

development. This resulted in Chinas emissions overtaking those of <strong>the</strong> United States in2006, despite its economy being less than one-third <strong>the</strong> sie.Figure 1.13 GDP and <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions in selected countriesTrillion dollars (2011)2016128420161284GtGDP (MER):United StatesOECD EuropeChinaIndiaCO 2 emissions:(right axis)United StatesOECD EuropeChinaIndia12341971 1975 1985 1995 2005Note: MER market exchange rate.2012Global CO 2 per-capita emissions, having uctuated within a range from around 3.7 to4 tonnes CO 2 from <strong>the</strong> early 1970s to <strong>the</strong> early 2000s, have now pushed strongly beyondit, to 4.5 tonnes. Developed countries typically emit far larger amounts of CO 2 percapita than <strong>the</strong> world average, but some developing economies are experiencing rapidincreases (Figure 1.14). Between 1990 and 2012, Chinas per-capita emissions tripled,rapidly converging with <strong>the</strong> level in Europe, while Indias more than doubled, thoughremaining well below <strong>the</strong> global average. Over <strong>the</strong> same period, per-capita emissionsdecreased signicantly in Russia and <strong>the</strong> United States, yet remained at relavely highlevels.Figure 1.14 <strong>Energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions per capita and CO 2 intensity inselected regionsTonnes per thousand dollars of GDP($2011, MER) UnionChinaRussiaJapanUnited StatesKey19902012© OECD/IEA, 20130 3 6 9 12 15 18 21Tonnes per capitaNotes: Bubble area indicates total annual <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions in that region. MER marketexchange rate.Chapter 1 | Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trends 31

Trends by <strong>energy</strong> sectorThe power and heat sector is <strong>the</strong> largest single source of <strong>energy</strong> sector CO 2 emissions. Itproduced over 13 Gt of CO 2 in 2011 7 (Figure 1.15), more than 40% higher than in 2000.Trends in CO 2 emissions per kilowa-hour of electricity produced in a given country largelyreect <strong>the</strong> nature of <strong>the</strong> power generaon. Countries with a large share of renewables ornuclear, such as Brail, Canada, Norway and France have <strong>the</strong> lowest level. Of those regionsrelying more heavily on fossil fuels, <strong>the</strong> large natural gas consumers, such as Europe andRussia, have levels below <strong>the</strong> world average. Despite eorts in many countries to developmore renewable <strong>energy</strong>, in global terms <strong>the</strong> power sector is sll heavily reliant on coal,accounng for nearly three-quarters of its emissions. Australia, China, India, Poland andSouth Africa are examples of countries sll heavily reliant on coal to produce electricity,reecng <strong>the</strong>ir resource endowment. In <strong>the</strong> United States, electricity generaon from coalhas decreased 11% since 2000, coal consumpon for power generaon falling by 64 milliontonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) and yielding a decline in overall emissions from <strong>the</strong> powersector of 0.8% per year on average.Figure 1.15 <strong>World</strong> <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions by fuel and sector, 2011CO 2 emissions from transport, <strong>the</strong> largest end-use sector source, were just under 7 Gtin 2011. 8 Emissions from <strong>the</strong> sector, which is dominated by oil for road transport, haveincreased by 1.7% per year on average since 2000, but with diering underlying regionaltrends. OECD transport emissions are around 3.3 Gt: having declined to around year-2000levels during <strong>the</strong> global recession, <strong>the</strong>y have remained broadly at since. Market saturaonin some countries and increasing eciency and emissions standards appear to be curtailing© OECD/IEA, 20137. CO 2 emissions data by sector for <strong>the</strong> year 2012 were not available at <strong>the</strong> time of writing. Unlike previoussections, this one uses 2011 as latest data point.8. At <strong>the</strong> global level, transport includes emissions from international aviation and bunkers.32 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

emissions growth. Non-OECD transport CO 2 emissions have increased by more than 60%since 2000, reaching 2.5 Gt in 2011, with increased vehicle ownership being a key driver.Emissions in China and India have both grown strongly but, collecvely, <strong>the</strong>ir emissions fromtransport are sll less than half those of <strong>the</strong> United States. More than 50 countries haveso far mandated or promoted biofuel blending to diminish oil use in transport. Emissionsfrom internaonal aviaon and marine bunkers are on a steady rise. They reached 1.1 Gtin 2011, up from 0.8 Gt in 2000.Having remained broadly stable at around 4 Gt for much of <strong>the</strong> 1980s and 1990s, CO 2emissions from industry have increased by 38% since <strong>the</strong> early 2000s, to reach 5.5 Gt. Allof <strong>the</strong> net increase has arisen in non-OECD countries, with China and India accounngfor some 80% of <strong>the</strong> growth in <strong>the</strong>se countries. China now accounts for 60% of globalcoal consumpon in industry. Iron and steel industries account for about 30% of total CO 2emissions from <strong>the</strong> industrial sector.1234Total <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions in <strong>the</strong> buildings sector (which includes residenal andservices) reached 2.9 Gt in 2011, connuing <strong>the</strong> gradually increasing trend of <strong>the</strong> lastdecade. Natural gas is <strong>the</strong> largest source of emissions about 50% of <strong>the</strong> total with <strong>the</strong>OECD (mainly <strong>the</strong> United States and Europe) accounng for two-thirds of <strong>the</strong> total. Non-OECD emissions from oil overtook those of <strong>the</strong> OECD, which are in decline, in 2011. Manyo<strong>the</strong>r changes in <strong>the</strong> buildings sector, such as increasing electricity demand for lighng,cooking, appliances and cooling, are captured in changes in <strong>the</strong> power sector.<strong>Outlook</strong> for <strong>energy</strong>-related emissions and <strong>the</strong> 450 ScenarioThis secon analyses <strong>the</strong> disconnect between <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> path <strong>the</strong> world is on and an<strong>energy</strong> pathway compable with a 2 °C <strong>climate</strong> goal. It does so by presenng and analysing,by fuel, region and sector, <strong>the</strong> essenal dierences between <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, ascenario consistent with <strong>the</strong> policies currently being pursued, and <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, a 2 °C<strong>climate</strong> scenario, both of which were fully developed in WEO-2012 (Box 1.3). Our analysisshows that <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> projecons in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario are consistent, o<strong>the</strong>r thingsbeing equal, with a 50% probability of an average global temperature increase of 3 °C by2100 (compared with pre-industrial levels) and of 3.6 °C in <strong>the</strong> longer term. 9 This comparesto 1.9 °C by 2100 and 2 °C in <strong>the</strong> long term in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario. This indicates <strong>the</strong> extent towhich <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> world is going to have to change: connuing on todays path, even with<strong>the</strong> assumed implementaon of new policies, would lead to damaging climac change.The present <strong>energy</strong> trajectory indicates increasing <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions throughto 2035. By contrast, to meet <strong>the</strong> requirements of <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, emissions need topeak by 2020 and decline to around 22 Gt in 2035 around 30% lower than in 2011, alevel last seen in <strong>the</strong> mid-1990s (Figure 1.16). The cumulave emissions gap between© OECD/IEA, 20139. The long-term temperature change is associated with a stabilisation of greenhouse-gas concentrations, whichis not expected to occur before 2200.Chapter 1 | Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trends 33

<strong>the</strong> scenarios over <strong>the</strong> projecon period is around 156 Gt, an amount greater than thatemied by <strong>the</strong> United States over <strong>the</strong> last 25 years. Such a path of declining emissionsdemands unprecedented change. The 450 Scenario shows how it could be achieved, basedon policies and technologies that are already known but, crucially, it requires urgentcommitment to strong acon, followed by robust, unwavering implementaon. If <strong>the</strong>450 Scenario trajectory is successfully followed, by 2035, non-OECD countries will haveachieved more than 70% of <strong>the</strong> total reducon (10.5 Gt) in annual CO 2 emissions in <strong>the</strong>450 Scenario, compared with <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario.Figure 1.16 <strong>World</strong> <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions by scenarioGt403530New Policies Scenario156 Gt2520450 Scenario151990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035In both scenarios considered here, GDP growth averages 3.1% per year and populaongrowth averages 0.9%, pushing total primary <strong>energy</strong> demand higher but this demandis met increasingly from low or ero-carbon sources. To be consistent with <strong>the</strong> requiredtrajectory in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions must begin to decline thisdecade, even though <strong>the</strong> level of <strong>energy</strong> demand is expected to increase by 0.5% per year,on average: CO 2 emissions peak by 2020 and <strong>the</strong>n decline by 2.4% per year on average unl2035. ooking across <strong>the</strong> fossil fuels, gas demand increases by 0.7% per year on average,oil decreases by 0.5% per year and coal declines by 1.8% per year. <strong>Energy</strong> eciency policiesare <strong>the</strong> most important near-term emissions migaon measure (see Chapter 2 for moreon ways to save CO 2 in <strong>the</strong> short term). By 2035, acons to improve <strong>energy</strong> eciencysuccessfully reduce global emissions in that year by 6.4 Gt equivalent to about 20%of global <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions in 2011. The payback periods for many <strong>energy</strong>eciency investments are short, but non-technical barriers oen remain a major obstacle.It is <strong>the</strong>se barriers that governments need to tackle (see WEO-2012 and Chapter 2).© OECD/IEA, 201334 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Box 1.3 Overview of <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario and <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario 101112The analysis in this chapter of <strong>the</strong> disconnect between <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> path <strong>the</strong> world iscurrently on and an <strong>energy</strong> trajectory consistent with a 50% chance of achieving <strong>the</strong>2 °C <strong>climate</strong> goal relies on two scenarios, both of which were fully developed in <strong>the</strong>WEO-2012. 10• The New Policies Scenario, though founded essenally on exisng policies andrealies, also embodies some fur<strong>the</strong>r developments likely to improve <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong>trajectory on which <strong>the</strong> world is currently embarked. To this end, it takes intoaccount not only exisng <strong>energy</strong> and <strong>climate</strong> policy commitments but alsoassumed implementaon of those recently announced, albeit in a cauousmanner. Assumpons include <strong>the</strong> phase-out of fossil-fuel subsidies in imporngcountries and connued, streng<strong>the</strong>ned support to renewables. The objecve ofthis scenario is to provide a benchmark against which to measure <strong>the</strong> potenalachievements (and limitaons) of recent developments in <strong>energy</strong> policy in relaonto governments stated <strong>energy</strong> and <strong>climate</strong> objecves.• The 450 Scenario describes <strong>the</strong> implicaons for <strong>energy</strong> markets of a co-ordinatedglobal eort to achieve a trajectory of greenhouse-gas emissions consistent with<strong>the</strong> ulmate stabilisaon of <strong>the</strong> concentraon of those gases in <strong>the</strong> atmosphere at450 ppm CO 2 -eq (through to <strong>the</strong> year 2200). This scenario overshoots <strong>the</strong> 450 ppmlevel before stabilisaon is achieved but not to <strong>the</strong> extent likely to precipitatechanges that make <strong>the</strong> ulmate objecve unaainable. The 450 Scenariooers a carefully considered, plausible <strong>energy</strong> path to <strong>the</strong> 2 °C <strong>climate</strong> target.For <strong>the</strong> period to 2020, we assume policy acon sucient to implement fully<strong>the</strong> commitments under <strong>the</strong> Cancun Agreements. Aer 2020, OECD countriesand o<strong>the</strong>r major economies are assumed to set emissions targets for 2035 andbeyond that collecvely ensure an emissions trajectory consistent with ulmatestabilisaon of greenhouse-gas concentraon at 450 ppm, in line with what wasdecided at COP-17 to establish <strong>the</strong> Durban Plaorm on Enhanced Acon, tolead to a new <strong>climate</strong> agreement. e also assume that, from 2020, $100 billionin annual nancing is provided by OECD countries to non-OECD countries forabatement measures.1234The projecons for <strong>the</strong> scenarios are derived from <strong>the</strong> IEAs orld <strong>Energy</strong> Model (EM) a large-scale paral equilibrium model designed to replicate how <strong>energy</strong> marketsfuncon over <strong>the</strong> medium to long term. 11 The OECDs EN-inkages model has beenused to provide <strong>the</strong> macroeconomic context and for <strong>the</strong> projecons of greenhouse-gasemissions o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 . 12© OECD/IEA, 201310.The detailed list of policies by region, sector and scenario is available at: www.world<strong>energy</strong>outlook.org/media/weowebsite/<strong>energy</strong>model/policydatabase/WEO2012_AnnexB.pdf.11.A full descripon of <strong>the</strong> EM is available at www.world<strong>energy</strong>outlook.org/weomodel.12.For more informaon on <strong>the</strong> OECD EN-inkages model see Burniaux and Chateau (2008).Chapter 1 | Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trends 35

In <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, CO 2 emissions per capita decline gradually prior to 2020 and <strong>the</strong>n,reecng more robust policy acon, decline more rapidly, <strong>the</strong> global average reaching2.6 tonnes CO 2 per capita in 2035 (compared with 4.3 tonnes CO 2 in <strong>the</strong> New PoliciesScenario). Signicant variaons persist across regions, with <strong>the</strong> non-OECD average percapita level sll being less than half that of <strong>the</strong> OECD in 2035.In <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, <strong>the</strong> carbon intensity of <strong>the</strong> world economy is around one-thirdof exisng levels by 2035, with many non-OECD countries delivering <strong>the</strong> biggestimprovements (Figure 1.17) as <strong>the</strong>y seie <strong>the</strong> opportunity to base <strong>the</strong>ir extensive investmentprogrammes in addional <strong>energy</strong> supply on low-carbon sources. OECD countries are,however, far from free of challenge. In <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissionsin <strong>the</strong> OECD are around half current levels by 2035, reaching just over 6 Gt a decline ofnearly 3% per year on average.Figure 1.17 CO 2 intensity in selected regions in <strong>the</strong> 450 ScenarioTonnes per thousand dollars of GDP($2011, MER)1.2India1.0 China0.8 Russia0.6<strong>World</strong>0.40.2Middle EastUnited StatesEuropean Union2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035Note: MER market exchange rate.Sectoral trendsThe 450 Scenario requires a rapid transformaon of <strong>the</strong> power sector. In some respects itinvolves only an acceleraon of trends already underway, such as moving to more ecientgeneraon technologies and <strong>the</strong> increased deployment of renewables, but innovaon isalso required, such as <strong>the</strong> adopon of CCS technology. Overall, electricity generaon in2035 is 13% lower than in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, but CO 2 emissions from <strong>the</strong> powersector are more than 10 Gt (70%) less (Figure 1.18). Electricity demand in transport in thatyear is 85% higher in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario than in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, but it is 17% lowerin buildings, due to more ecient appliances, heang equipment and lighng. In industry,electricity demand is 12% lower in 2035, mainly due to more ecient motor systems.© OECD/IEA, 201336 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Figure 1.18 <strong>World</strong> <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions abatement by sector in<strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario relative to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario1Gt40Indirect2302010DirectPower sector*TransportIndustryBuildingsAgriculture3420112035New PoliciesScenario2035450 ScenarioIndirect electricity savings in <strong>the</strong> power sector result from demand reducon in end-use sectors, whiledirect savings are those savings made within <strong>the</strong> power sector itself (e.g. plant eciency improvements).Direct savings include heat plants and o<strong>the</strong>r transformaon.In <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, <strong>the</strong> share of electricity generaon from fossil fuels declines from morethan two-thirds in 2011 to one-third in 2035. Electricity generaon from coal declinesto half of exisng levels by 2035 and installed capacity is 1 100 G lower than in <strong>the</strong>New Policies Scenario (see Chapter 3 on <strong>the</strong> risk of stranded assets). In <strong>the</strong> OECD, <strong>the</strong>greatest change in coal-red capacity occurs in <strong>the</strong> United States, but <strong>the</strong> biggest changesglobally are in non-OECD countries, where <strong>the</strong> recent reliance on new fossil-fuel capacity(especially coal) to meet rising demand gives way to increased use of low-carbon sources.Natural gas is <strong>the</strong> only fossil fuel with increasing electricity generaon in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario,but it sll peaks before 2030 and <strong>the</strong>n starts to decline, ending 18% higher in 2035 thanin 2011. CCS becomes a signicant source of migaon from 2020 and saves 2.5 Gt CO 2in 2035, equivalent to around one-and-a-half mes Indias emissions today. In severalcountries, including China and <strong>the</strong> United States, very ecient coal-red power staonsare built up to 2020 and are retroed with CCS in <strong>the</strong> following years. Installed globalnuclear capacity doubles by 2035 in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, signicantly higher than in <strong>the</strong> NewPolicies Scenario, with <strong>the</strong> largest increases in China and India, and addional capacitybeing installed in <strong>the</strong> United States and Europe. Electricity generaon from renewablesincreases almost 11 000 terawa-hours (Th) to 2035, with wind, hydro and solar Pgrowing most strongly. Renewables-based electricity generaon supplies almost half <strong>the</strong>worlds electricity in 2035.© OECD/IEA, 2013In <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, global transport CO 2 emissions peak around 2020 but <strong>the</strong>n decline,ending 5% below 2011 levels in 2035 (2.4 Gt below <strong>the</strong> level in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenarioin 2035). A range of migaon measures is incorporated in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, with fueleciency gains and an increase in <strong>the</strong> use of biofuels being parcularly important up to2020. Such policies are already in place in <strong>the</strong> United States, which has mandated <strong>the</strong> useChapter 1 | Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trends 37

of 36 billion gallons of biofuels by 2022, and in <strong>the</strong> European Union, where <strong>the</strong> Renewable<strong>Energy</strong> Direcve requires a mandatory share of 10% renewable <strong>energy</strong> in transport by2020. Improved eciency becomes even more important globally aer 2020, alongsidelower growth in vehicle usage in countries where subsidies are removed.In industry, global <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions in 2035 are 5% lower than in 2011 in<strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, at around 5.2 Gt, 21% lower than <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario. Improved<strong>energy</strong> eciency accounts for more than half <strong>the</strong> reducon in cumulave terms, with CCSin <strong>energy</strong>-intensive industries and fuel switching also playing a role. More than 80% of <strong>the</strong>CO 2 savings in <strong>the</strong> sector in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario come from non-OECD countries, with China,India and <strong>the</strong> Middle East all making notable improvements. By 2035, global emissions inbuildings are 11% lower than 2011 in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, at around 2.6 Gt, with <strong>the</strong> savingsrelave to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario being spread relavely evenly between OECD andnon-OECD countries. Much more <strong>energy</strong> ecient buildings are adopted from around 2020onwards.InvestmentA 2 °C world as in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario requires increased investment in <strong>the</strong> power sectorand in end-use sectors, but reduced investment in fossil-fuel supply. In <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario,total investment in fossil-fuel supply is $4.9 trillion lower than in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenariothrough to 2035, and investment in power transmission and distribuon networks isaround $1.2 trillion lower. However, this saving is more than oset by a $16.0 trillionincrease in investment in low-carbon technologies, eciency measures and o<strong>the</strong>r formsof intervenon. Part of <strong>the</strong> incremental investment is oset by savings in consumersexpenditure on <strong>energy</strong>. Addional investment across OECD countries reaches around$590 billion per year in 2035 and in non-OECD countries around $760 billion (Figure 1.19).Figure 1.19 <strong>World</strong> annual additional investment and CO 2 savings in <strong>the</strong>450 Scenario relative to <strong>the</strong> New Policies ScenarioTrillion dollars (2011) 2 Savings:(right axis)OECDNon-OECD© OECD/IEA, 20132015 2020 2025 2030 203538 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report-16Gt

Transport requires <strong>the</strong> largest cumulative additional investment in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario,relative to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario $6.3 trillion (Figure 1.20). Most of this is directedtowards <strong>the</strong> purchase of more efficient or alternative vehicles. The buildings sectorrequires $4.4 trillion in cumulative additional investment, but this reflects investment thatboth delivers direct abatement from buildings and indirect abatement through reducedelectricity demand. The decarbonisation of <strong>the</strong> power sector requires a net additional$2.0 trillion, after accounting for <strong>the</strong> lower investment need for transmission anddistribution lines. More than 80% of <strong>the</strong> additional investment in electricity generationgoes to renewables-based technologies. Industry invests an additional $1.5 trillion,around one-quarter of it directed to CCS.1234Figure 1.20 Cumulative change in world investment by sector in <strong>the</strong>450 Scenario relative to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, 2012-2035Trillion dollars (2011)7654321Transport Buildings Power plants Industry Biofuels supplyNote: Investment in power plants increases, but investment for transmission and distribuon (not shownhere) declines by a cumulave total of around $1.2 trillion over <strong>the</strong> period.© OECD/IEA, 2013The transformaon of <strong>the</strong> global <strong>energy</strong> system in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario delivers signicantbenets in terms of reduced fossil-fuel import bills, enhanced <strong>energy</strong> security, beer airquality, posive health impacts and reduced risk of <strong>energy</strong>-related water stress. Fossil-fuelprices are lower in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario than <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario (Table 1.1), driven bylower demand. In real terms, <strong>the</strong> IEA crude oil import price needed to balance supply anddemand in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario reaches $115barrel (in year-2011 dollars) around 2015 and<strong>the</strong>n declines to $100barrel in 2035 ($25barrel lower than <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario).Coal and gas prices are also lower in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario. The steam coal import price in <strong>the</strong>OECD is almost 40% cheaper in 2035 and <strong>the</strong> natural gas price in Europe and <strong>the</strong> Pacic isaround 20% cheaper. ower internaonal fuel prices and lower demand might be expected,o<strong>the</strong>r things being equal, to lead to lower fuel expenditure by consumers. But we assumethat end-use fuel prices in <strong>the</strong> transport sector are kept at higher levels through taxaon,Chapter 1 | Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trends 39

The 24% reducon in <strong>the</strong> cost of local polluon controls (for SO 2 , NO X and PM 2.5 ) in 2035in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, relave to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, is small when compared wi<strong>the</strong>nergy sector investment costs or potenal fossil-fuel import bill savings, but is associatedwith improved quality of life and health. In China, local polluon in several cies hasalready prompted increased government acon. In our New Policies Scenario, polluoncontrol costs increase by nearly 80% to 2035, and non-OECD polluon control costs as awhole overtake those of <strong>the</strong> OECD around <strong>the</strong> middle of <strong>the</strong> projecon period (Table 1.2).In <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, world polluon control costs sll rise, but at a much slower rate, with<strong>the</strong> OECD level being similar to 2011 in 2035 and <strong>the</strong> non-OECD level being much lowerthan in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario.1234Table 1.2 Pollution control costs by region and scenario ($2011 billion)New Policies Scenario450 Scenario2011* 2020 2035 2020 2035OECD 203 256 261 244 206United States 72 89 85 86 65Europe 81 106 112 100 94Japan 22 23 21 22 15O<strong>the</strong>r OECD 29 38 42 36 32Non-OECD 124 234 325 220 237Russia 8 14 18 14 14China 49 96 124 89 81India 6 15 34 14 28Middle East 11 21 32 20 24an America 17 31 41 30 33O<strong>the</strong>r non-OECD 33 57 76 53 58<strong>World</strong> 327 489 586 463 443European Union 86 108 124 100 94 Esmate.Source: IIASA (2012).© OECD/IEA, 2013Chapter 1 | Climate and <strong>energy</strong> trends 41

© OECD/IEA, 2013

Chapter 2<strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target aliveShort-term actions for long-term gainHighlights© OECD/IEA, 2013 The absence of early, tangible achievement in <strong>the</strong> internaonal <strong>climate</strong> negoaonsand <strong>the</strong> sluggish global economy are threatening <strong>the</strong> viability of <strong>the</strong> 2 °C <strong>climate</strong> goalby weakening condence in <strong>the</strong> investment case for a low-carbon economy. To keep<strong>the</strong> door to <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target open, we propose a set of pragmac policy acons that,without harming economic growth and using available technologies and policies, canresult in a global peak in <strong>energy</strong>-related GHG emissions by 2020. The four priorityareas in our 4-for-2 °C Scenario are: specic <strong>energy</strong> eciency measures limits to<strong>the</strong> use and construcon of inecient coal power plants minimising methane (CH 4 )releases to <strong>the</strong> atmosphere in oil and gas producon and a paral phase-out offossil-fuel subsidies. In <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 and CH 4 emissions increase from 33.3 Gtin 2010 to 34.9 Gt in 2020 (measured on a CO 2 -eq basis) and decline <strong>the</strong>reaer.Emissions in 2020 are 3.1 Gt lower than <strong>the</strong> course on which we o<strong>the</strong>rwise appear tobe set, delivering 80% of <strong>the</strong> abatement needed to be on track with a 2 °C trajectory. <strong>Energy</strong> eciency accounts for 49% of <strong>the</strong> savings realised, limitaons on inecientcoal-red power plants for 21%, lower methane emissions in upstream oil and gasfor 18%, and <strong>the</strong> paral phase-out of fossil-fuel subsidies for 12%. Restricons oncoal use support <strong>the</strong> growth of renewables, which increase <strong>the</strong>ir share in powergeneraon to 27% in 2020, up from around 20% today. In addion to addressing <strong>climate</strong> change, <strong>the</strong> policies assumed in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °CScenario reduce local air polluon and increase <strong>energy</strong> security without hamperingeconomic growth of any given region. Required addional investment to 2020 ismore than oset by reduced spending on fuel bills. A gradual reorientaon of <strong>the</strong>economy resulng from <strong>the</strong> implementaon of <strong>the</strong> four policies entails losses insome sectors, including oil and gas upstream and electricity, but gains in o<strong>the</strong>r areas. The 4-for-2 °C Scenario buys precious me to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive, whileinternaonal negoaons connue, avoiding much carbon lock-in but it isinsucient to limit <strong>the</strong> long-term temperature increase to 2 °C. A frameworkconducive to more ambious abatement aer 2020 needs to be developed, notleast to provide clear market signals to businesses and long-term investors, notablyincluding a global carbon price and roll-out of low-carbon technologies at scale. In<strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, delaying CCS deployment by ten years would increase <strong>the</strong> cost ofdecarbonisaon in <strong>the</strong> power sector by $1 trillion and result in lost revenues for coalproducers ($690 billion) and oil and gas producers ($660 billion).Chapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 43

Introduconarious iniaves have recently been undertaken with <strong>the</strong> explicit objecve of reducinggreenhouse-gas emissions, such as new schemes to price carbon-dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions(ei<strong>the</strong>r through cap-and-trade programmes or carbon taxes) in Australia, orea andCalifornia, along with o<strong>the</strong>r measures that serve implicitly to incorporate CO 2 pricing intoinvestment decisions in <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector (Chapter 1). Some acons taken primarily foro<strong>the</strong>r purposes, for example to reduce local air polluon or improve <strong>energy</strong> eciency orin response to price changes, also benet CO 2 abatement. The recent switch from coal tonatural gas in <strong>the</strong> power sector of <strong>the</strong> United States as a result of lower gas prices is oneexample of <strong>climate</strong> benets derived from changes driven by <strong>the</strong> market, ra<strong>the</strong>r than bydeliberate <strong>climate</strong> policy acon. None<strong>the</strong>less, <strong>the</strong> chance of achieving abatement on <strong>the</strong>scale needed to follow a trajectory consistent with a global average temperature rise ofno more than 2 degrees Celsius (°C) now appears more remote than it was several yearsago, parcularly as governments grapple with economic crisis in many parts of <strong>the</strong> world.A rst eect of lower economic acvity in some regions has been to reduce <strong>the</strong> expectedlevel of emissions but <strong>the</strong> crisis has also curtailed direct government acon to limit <strong>climate</strong>change, partly as a result of fears that more stringent <strong>climate</strong> policies could result in a lossof economic compeveness. In some cases, <strong>the</strong>se concerns have been heightened bywide divergences in <strong>energy</strong> prices between dierent regions.In view of <strong>the</strong> long lifeme of capital stock in <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector, lack of momentum towardsconcerted global <strong>climate</strong> policy acon directly increases <strong>the</strong> scale of <strong>the</strong> challenge to meet<strong>the</strong> 2 °C <strong>climate</strong> goal by failure to deter addional investment in emissions-intensiveinfrastructure, <strong>the</strong>reby locking in emissions for decades to come. The date at which <strong>the</strong>exisng <strong>energy</strong> infrastructure will lock in all <strong>the</strong> CO 2 emissions from <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sectorprovided for in a global CO 2 emissions budget consistent with a 2 °C trajectory, leaving noprovision for emissions from new carbon-eming infrastructure to meet growing demand,is close. Thereaer, it becomes ever more costly and dicult to achieve <strong>the</strong> stated goal(see Chapter 3). In addion, research suggests that <strong>the</strong>re is a point of no return at which<strong>climate</strong> feedbacks could become self-reinforcing (though <strong>the</strong>re is remaining uncertainty asto exactly when this occurs), thus closing <strong>the</strong> door to 2 °C forever (enton, et al., 2008).hile <strong>the</strong> metable to which internaonal <strong>climate</strong> negoators are working provides forimplementaon of a legally-enforceable agreement to reduce emissions from 2020, ourprojecons suggest that, without earlier addional acon at naonal level, global <strong>energy</strong>relatedCO 2 and methane (CH 4 ) emissions in 2020 will already be 3.9 gigatonnes (Gt)CO 2 -equivalent (CO 2 -eq) above <strong>the</strong> level needed to follow a 2 °C trajectory.© OECD/IEA, 2013It thus becomes essenal to consider what can be done in <strong>the</strong> short term to keep <strong>the</strong> doorto 2 °C open. It seems unlikely that naonal policy makers will implement acons that arechallenging to <strong>the</strong>ir naonal economy given <strong>the</strong> economic situaon in many countries. In thischapter, <strong>the</strong>refore, we set out to idenfy a set of pragmac and achievable policy measureswhich, in net terms, do no harm to naonal economic growth yet which, taken toge<strong>the</strong>r,would reduce global greenhouse-gas emissions in <strong>the</strong> period to 2020 by substanally more44 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

than <strong>the</strong> reducon expected to be achieved by exisng and planned policies alone. Thesemeasures would take us only part of <strong>the</strong> way towards an emissions trajectory that wouldachieve <strong>the</strong> 2 °C goal but in <strong>the</strong> second part of <strong>the</strong> chapter we explore addional elementsto support ambious abatement aer 2020, which would help <strong>the</strong> overall goal to be met.GDP-neutral emissions abatement to 2020Many policies to support <strong>the</strong> growth of low-carbon technologies and to moderate <strong>the</strong>growth of <strong>energy</strong> demand unl 2020 and beyond are in place or already planned today:<strong>the</strong>se are <strong>the</strong> policies embodied in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario of <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong>2012 (WEO-2012), a scenario consistent with <strong>the</strong> course on which governments appear atpresent to be embarked (IEA, 2012a). Exceponally, as a result of <strong>the</strong> policy focus over <strong>the</strong>last decade, <strong>the</strong> deployment of renewables today is already broadly on track towards <strong>the</strong>more ambious level required to deliver <strong>the</strong>ir expected contribuon in 2020 to meenglong-term <strong>climate</strong> targets (IEA, 2013a). On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, while <strong>energy</strong> eciency, too,has been high on <strong>the</strong> policy agenda in recent years, exisng and planned policies are likelyto leave two-thirds of <strong>the</strong> global economically viable <strong>energy</strong> eciency potenal untapped(IEA, 2012a). Therefore, much wider adopon of eciency measures will be necessary tofull <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> eciency expectaons of a scenario consistent with <strong>the</strong> achievement of<strong>the</strong> internaonal 2 °C <strong>climate</strong> target.1234The short-term measures considered in this chapter, collecvely embodied in whatwe describe as <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, go beyond policies already adopted and entailmeasures that require ei<strong>the</strong>r signicant fur<strong>the</strong>r streng<strong>the</strong>ning and wider adopon, orthat are currently not high on <strong>the</strong> policy agenda, even though <strong>the</strong> measures required toimplement <strong>the</strong> relevant policies are known and <strong>the</strong>ir adopon could make a signicantaddional dierence. This is <strong>the</strong> approach adopted in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, which isbased on two core assumpons. First and foremost, <strong>the</strong> measures that are assumed to beadopted are readily available today, meaning <strong>the</strong>y do not require <strong>the</strong> idencaon andimplementaon of innovave sets of <strong>energy</strong> policies or <strong>the</strong> deployment of technologiesthat have yet to be proven in <strong>the</strong> market. Though <strong>the</strong> individual measures have notyet been adopted everywhere, <strong>the</strong>y have already been proven in some countries, and<strong>the</strong>refore just need to be tailored to naonal circumstances elsewhere. Second, <strong>the</strong> setof measures adopted, when taken toge<strong>the</strong>r and in net terms, does not adversely aecteconomic growth in any given country or region. Although <strong>the</strong> proposed measures involvean inial deployment cost, <strong>the</strong> set of proposed policies as a whole is calculated to delivereconomic savings (such as through lower fuel bills) to <strong>the</strong> extent that <strong>the</strong> inial deploymentcosts of <strong>the</strong> proposed policies are oset within each economy, considered as a whole. 1 Asa consequence, <strong>the</strong> set of policies proposed does not harm overall economic growth up to2020. Beyond 2020, it actually improves <strong>the</strong> compeveness of <strong>the</strong> economies concerned© OECD/IEA, 20131. The judgement expressed here about economic effects apply to regions taken as a whole, using standardgroupings in <strong>the</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> series (see www.world<strong>energy</strong>outlook.org).Chapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 45

and <strong>the</strong> ability of <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>energy</strong> system to make <strong>the</strong> transion towards a low-carbon basisin <strong>the</strong> long term.The emphasis of <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario is on measures which can be implementedeecvely in <strong>the</strong> short term, to provide breathing space for <strong>the</strong> internaonal negoaonsaimed at policy implementaon by 2020. The measures adopted produce valuable resultsin <strong>the</strong> period to 2020, though <strong>the</strong>ir eect connues beyond that date. In developing <strong>the</strong>4-for-2 °C Scenario, we reviewed a wide range of measures that we assessed as being bothpraccal and implementable in a short me frame and capable of having a signicantimpact on global greenhouse-gas emissions in <strong>the</strong> period to 2020. e <strong>the</strong>n analysed<strong>the</strong> impact on global <strong>energy</strong> consumpon and emissions of <strong>the</strong> implementaon of <strong>the</strong>package of measures under consideraon using <strong>the</strong> IEAs orld <strong>Energy</strong> Model (EM) and<strong>the</strong> impact on GDP at regional level using <strong>the</strong> EN-inkages model of <strong>the</strong> Organisaon forEconomic Co-operaon and Development (OECD). 2 If <strong>the</strong> package of measures as a wholewas found to reduce economic growth in <strong>the</strong> period to 2020 in any region, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> levelof ambion of <strong>the</strong> policies with <strong>the</strong> most severe negave impact on GDP was reduced or where applicable <strong>the</strong> measure was abandoned.Based on this iterave process, we have idened a package of four measures, elaboratedbelow, that meet <strong>the</strong> criteria of making a signicant contribuon to CO 2 abatement in<strong>the</strong> period to 2020 without adversely aecng economic growth. Each of <strong>the</strong> measuresselected can be readily implemented and does not require <strong>the</strong> use of new technologieswith high upfront deployment costs that would require me to apply beyond nichemarkets (such as electric vehicles), nor major technological breakthroughs, nor radicalchanges in consumer behaviour (except those induced by changing prices or increasedavailability of capital in certain sectors). Many of <strong>the</strong> measures that were excluded from <strong>the</strong>4-for-2 °C Scenario might well be cost-eecve in <strong>the</strong> long-run, but <strong>the</strong>y are judged tohave less certain potenal to make a signicant impact on global emissions by 2020.Highly successful exisng policies, like support for renewables, have not been selected forenhancement in <strong>the</strong> short term if <strong>the</strong>y appear to be broadly on track to deliver in 2020 <strong>the</strong>contribuon that <strong>the</strong>y are required to make in <strong>the</strong> (more demanding) 450 Scenario, whichis consistent with achievement of <strong>the</strong> long-term <strong>climate</strong> objecve.The four policy measures adopted in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario are (Figure 2.1):• Targeted specic <strong>energy</strong> eciency improvements in <strong>the</strong> industry, buildings andtransport sectors.• iming <strong>the</strong> use and construcon of inecient coal-red power plants.• Minimising methane emissions in upstream oil and gas producon.• Fur<strong>the</strong>r paral phase out of fossil-fuels subsidies to end-users.© OECD/IEA, 20132. EM is a partial equilibrium model. EN-inkages is a computational general equilibrium model. Thecoupling of both models allows <strong>the</strong> impact of <strong>energy</strong> policy on economic growth to be assessed.46 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Figure 2.1 Policy pillars of <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario1234Although <strong>the</strong> adopon of <strong>the</strong>se measures is primarily directed at <strong>the</strong> reducon ofgreenhouse-gas emissions, <strong>the</strong>y also oer important co-benets and oen complementeach o<strong>the</strong>r (Table 2.1, see also Box 2.3). The phase-out of fossil-fuel subsidies, for example,would incenvise <strong>energy</strong> eciency improvements, while <strong>the</strong> use of more ecient end-usetechnologies complements <strong>the</strong> limitaon on <strong>the</strong> use of inecient coal power generaon bymoderang growth in electricity demand.Table 2.1 ClimateLocal airpolluon<strong>Energy</strong>securityEconomicgrowth<strong>Energy</strong>povertyImproving <strong>energy</strong> eciency iming inecient coal use in power Reducing upstream methane emissions Fossil-fuel subsidy phase-out © OECD/IEA, 2013In a special focus on <strong>energy</strong> efficiency, <strong>the</strong> WEO-2012 identified an extensive rangeof measures, by country and by sector, capable of reducing <strong>energy</strong> consumption ina cost-effective manner (IEA, 2012a). However, since implementation of some of <strong>the</strong>efficiency policies identified in WEO-2012 would depend upon <strong>the</strong> prior elimination ofserious market barriers (which in practice could take considerable time), only a selectedsub-set of <strong>the</strong> measures are adopted in 4-for-2°C Scenario, namely: (i) reducing<strong>energy</strong> use from new space and water heating, as well as cooling equipment (ii) moreefficient lighting and new appliances (iii) improving <strong>the</strong> efficiency of new industrialmotor systems and (iv) setting standards for new vehicles in road transport. Measuresto meet <strong>the</strong> objectives are already widely deployed in many countries, using readilyavailable technologies and methods. hile <strong>the</strong>re are some market barriers, steps toChapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 47

overcome <strong>the</strong>m have been identified and successfully implemented. Bilateral andormultilateral agreements could facilitate <strong>the</strong>ir adoption and implementation on a widerscale.In <strong>the</strong> power sector, we rst assume that a ban is introduced on <strong>the</strong> construcon of newsubcrical coal-red power plants (although it does not apply to units already underconstrucon). The means of implemenng such a policy is likely to dier by market, but avariety of opons is already available including: <strong>the</strong> adopon of stringent <strong>energy</strong> eciencyor CO 2 emissions standards for coal power plants <strong>the</strong> adopon of air polluon standardsor pricing <strong>the</strong> use of carbon, for example through an emissions trading scheme. Second, forexisng inecient coal power plants, we assume that <strong>the</strong>ir level of operaon is reduced to<strong>the</strong> extent achievable, with <strong>the</strong> constraint of maintaining adequate electricity supply. Theimpact of this assumpon varies by region, reecng dierences in <strong>the</strong> power generaoneet, <strong>the</strong> quality of coal used and <strong>the</strong> level of electricity demand. Intervenon for exisngunits is likely to take a more direct regulatory form, for example assigning power produconlimits to each generator according to <strong>the</strong> make-up of its power plant eet (in liberalisedmarkets), or allocang generaon slots, renewing (or not) operaonal licences or altering<strong>the</strong> dispatch schedule to favour more ecient plants (in regulated markets).© OECD/IEA, 2013In <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, we also assume that policies are adopted to reduce releases ofmethane to <strong>the</strong> atmosphere in upstream oil and gas producon. This primarily aectslocaons where <strong>the</strong> incenve to reduce methane releases are currently insucient,e.g. due to a lack of domesc demand. hen producing oil and natural gas, a certainproporon of gas oen escapes into <strong>the</strong> atmosphere, ei<strong>the</strong>r intenonally as part of normalvenng operaons, or inadvertently, for example due to <strong>the</strong> reliance on old infrastructure.In addion some natural gas can be released due to incomplete combuson ei<strong>the</strong>r duringshort-term aring (which is somemes necessary for safety reasons or may be temporarilypermied to test <strong>the</strong> sie of newly discovered reservoirs), or when natural gas producedin associaon with oil is ared on a roune basis, as it is at a number of locaons around<strong>the</strong> world, due to lack of infrastructure to ulise <strong>the</strong> gas. Most of <strong>the</strong> natural gas that isreleased into <strong>the</strong> atmosphere in <strong>the</strong>se ways is methane, which is a greenhouse gas with aGlobal arming Potenal (GP) 25 mes higher than that of CO 2 over 100 years. 3 Globally,we esmate that in 2010 natural gas releases to <strong>the</strong> atmosphere during upstream oil andgas operaons resulted in 45 million tonnes (Mt) of CH 4 emissions (1 115 Mt CO 2 -eq),or around 50% of total oil- and gas-related CH 4 emissions. O<strong>the</strong>r signicant sources ofmethane leakage include leakage from transmission and distribuon pipelines. Measuresto reduce greenhouse-gas emissions from such sources could have a signicant impact,but <strong>the</strong>y have not been included in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, as it is unlikely that <strong>the</strong>y couldbe put in place prior to 2020, in parcular in countries with large transmission pipelinenetworks, such as Russia, or with ageing gas distribuon networks, such as <strong>the</strong> UnitedStates, Europe and Russia.3. Global arming Potential estimates <strong>the</strong> warming effect of different greenhouse gases relative to each o<strong>the</strong>r.48 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Box 2.1 Mitigating short-lived <strong>climate</strong> pollutantsShort-lived <strong>climate</strong> pollutants (SCPs) are substances with a lifeme in <strong>the</strong> atmosphereranging from a few days to several decades that mainly aect <strong>the</strong> <strong>climate</strong> in <strong>the</strong>(relavely) short term. CO 2 emissions, by contrast, aect <strong>the</strong> <strong>climate</strong> system overa much longer me horion. SCPs are responsible for a substanal fracon of <strong>the</strong>radiave forcing to date. The major SCPs are black carbon, methane, troposphericoone and some hydro uorocarbons (HFCs). Black carbon is produced by <strong>the</strong>incomplete combuson of fossil fuels and biomass, and is a primary componentof parculate maer and parculate air polluon. In 2010, household air polluonand ambient outdoor parculate maer polluon were esmated to have caused,respecvely, over 3.5 and 3.2 million premature deaths (im, et al., 2012). Accordingto <strong>the</strong> United Naons Environment Programme (UNEP), black-carbon emissions areexpected to remain stable overall through 2030, decreasing in OECD countries andincreasing in non-OECD countries (UNEP, 2011).1234Although <strong>the</strong> adopon of strategies to reduce SCPs (with <strong>the</strong> excepon of methane) 4are not considered in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, recent studies have idened sixteenmigaon measures related to SCPs which use technologies and pracces that alreadyexist (UNEPMO, 2011 UNEP, 2011). These studies esmate that <strong>the</strong> adopon ofsuch measures by 2030 would reduce <strong>the</strong> warming expected by 2050 by 0.4-0.5 °C(and, in <strong>the</strong> Arcc, by about 0.7 °C even in 2040), while each year prevenng morethan two million premature deaths and over 30 Mt of crop losses. There could beassociated reduced disrupon of rainfall paerns.Strategies that reduce emissions of SCPs complement CO 2 migaon by reducingshort-term increases in temperature, <strong>the</strong>reby minimising <strong>the</strong> risk of dangerous <strong>climate</strong>feedbacks. However, lasng <strong>climate</strong> benets from fast acon on SCPs are conngenton stringent parallel acon on longer-lasng CO 2 emissions. In o<strong>the</strong>r words, whilefast acon to migate SCPs could help slow <strong>the</strong> rate of <strong>climate</strong> change and improve<strong>the</strong> chances of staying below <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target in <strong>the</strong> near term, longer term <strong>climate</strong>protecon depends on deep and persistent cuts in CO 2 emissions being rapidly realised.Subsidies for fossil-fuel consumpon lead to an inecient allocaon of resourcesand market distoron by encouraging excessive <strong>energy</strong> use. hile <strong>the</strong>y may have wellintenonedobjecves, social ones for example, in pracce <strong>the</strong>y have usually proven tobe an unsuccessful or inecient means of achieving <strong>the</strong>ir goals. Moreover, <strong>the</strong>y invariablyhave unintended negave consequences, such as encouraging wasteful and inecientconsumpon, <strong>the</strong>reby contribung to <strong>climate</strong> change. The latest IEA esmates indicatethat fossil-fuel consumpon subsidies amounted to $523 billion in 2011, up almost© OECD/IEA, 20134.The methane emissions reducon measures discussed in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario also contribute toreducon of black carbon emissions and <strong>the</strong>ir eect on <strong>climate</strong> change (Stohl, et al., 2013).Chapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 49

30% on 2010 and six mes more than <strong>the</strong> global nancial support given to renewables(IEA, 2012a). In those regions where <strong>the</strong> subsidies exist, this level of subsidy equatesto an incenve of $110 per tonne CO 2 to consume fossil fuels. Fossil-fuel subsidies areoen intended to improve access to modern <strong>energy</strong> services for <strong>the</strong> poor, but our analysisindicates that only 8% of <strong>the</strong> subsidy granted typically reaches <strong>the</strong> poorest income group(IEA, 2011a). Polical support for fossil-fuel subsidy reform has been building in recentyears, and G20 and APEC (Asia-Pacic Economic Cooperaon) member economies havemade commitments to phase out inecient fossil-fuel subsidies and many are now movingahead with implementaon. In <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, recognising <strong>the</strong> polical challengeinvolved in subsidy phase-out, we assume, as in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario of WEO-2012, atotal subsidy phase-out by 2020 in fossil-fuel imporng countries but in exporng countries(where sustained reforms are likely to be even more dicult to achieve) subsidisaon ratesare only reduced by an addional 25% by 2020, relave to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, withsubsidies completely removed by 2035. 5 Average end-use prices in net-exporng regionsremain signicantly lower than in many o<strong>the</strong>r parts of <strong>the</strong> world as we make no assumponthat <strong>the</strong>y introduce any new taxes or excise dues on <strong>energy</strong>. For example, average gasolineprices in <strong>the</strong> Middle East are around one-h of <strong>the</strong> OECD average in 2020.Emissions abatement to 2020Eecve implementaon of <strong>the</strong> proposed policy measures would have a profound impacton <strong>energy</strong>-related greenhouse-gas emissions. In <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, emissions arelower by 3.1 Gt (in CO 2 -eq terms) in 2020, compared with <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, 6although <strong>the</strong>y are sll higher than today (Figure 2.2). <strong>Energy</strong> eciency makes <strong>the</strong> largestcontribuon to abatement, at 1.5 Gt (or 49%) in 2020. 7 Contribuons to abatement fromrestricons on subcrical coal-red power plants are around 640 Mt (21%), <strong>the</strong> reduconof methane emissions in upstream oil and gas producon at more than 570 Mt (18%) and<strong>the</strong> paral phase-out of subsidies to fossil fuels consumed by end-users at more than360 Mt (12%). In each case, <strong>the</strong>se savings come on top of those assumed in <strong>the</strong> trajectoryresulng from policies that are already adopted or under consideraon by governments(<strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario).© OECD/IEA, 20135. Subsidisation rate is calculated as <strong>the</strong> difference between <strong>the</strong> full cost of supply and <strong>the</strong> end-user price,expressed as a proportion of <strong>the</strong> full cost of supply. For countries that import a given product, subsidy estimatesare explicit. In contrast, for countries that export a given product, subsidy estimates represent <strong>the</strong> opportunitycost of pricing domestic <strong>energy</strong> below market levels.6. All emission reductions in this section are presented relative to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, unless indicatedo<strong>the</strong>rwise.7. <strong>Energy</strong> efficiency-related savings in 2020 take account of <strong>the</strong> rebound effect, i.e. <strong>the</strong> effect of increased useof a product or facility as a result of efficiency-related operating costs savings or higher disposable income fromreduced <strong>energy</strong> expenditures. The rebound effect in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario is largely related to decreases inconsumer prices as GDP does not change in comparison to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, but is counterbalanced by<strong>the</strong> assumed fossil-fuel subsidy phase-out that leads to increased <strong>energy</strong> conservation.50 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

The assumed policy measures go a long way toward closing <strong>the</strong> gap between expectedemissions levels in 2020 on <strong>the</strong> basis of present government intenons, as modelled in <strong>the</strong>New Policies Scenario, and those required to achieve <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target (<strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario).They avoid 80% of <strong>the</strong> dierence in emissions levels. None<strong>the</strong>less, a gap of around 770 Mtsll remains, indicang that yet more stringent measures will be required aer 2020 inorder ulmately to meet <strong>the</strong> 2 °C goal.Figure 2.2 Change in world <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 and CH 4 emissions bypolicy measure in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario1234Gt CO2-eq393735333129UpstreamCH4 reduconsPowergeneraon<strong>Energy</strong>efficiencyFossil-fuelsubsidiesO<strong>the</strong>r <strong>energy</strong>relatedCH 4Upstream oil andgas CH 4 emissions<strong>Energy</strong>-related CO 2272010NPSPolicy measures20204-for-2 °C450S2020Notes: Methane emissions are converted to CO 2 -eq using a Global arming Potenal of 25. NPS NewPolicies Scenario 450S 450 Scenario.More than 70% of abatement occurs in non-OECD countries, where projected demand for<strong>energy</strong> in 2020 is around 480 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) (or 5%) lower thanin <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario (Figure 2.3). China alone is responsible for more than onequarterof <strong>the</strong> global emissions savings from <strong>the</strong>se measures in 2020, resulng from <strong>the</strong>signicant scope to reduce emissions that accompanies its rapidly rising <strong>energy</strong> demand,large potenal to fur<strong>the</strong>r improve <strong>energy</strong> eciency and heavy reliance on coal-redpower generaon. The Middle East (9% share of savings in 2020) and India (9%) toge<strong>the</strong>raccount for almost one-h of <strong>the</strong> savings, driven primarily by fossil-fuel subsidy reformand reduced upstream methane emissions in <strong>the</strong> former and eciency improvements andchanges in <strong>the</strong> power generaon mix in <strong>the</strong> laer. Although <strong>energy</strong> eciency policy playsan important role in <strong>the</strong> Middle East too, it is <strong>the</strong> assumed enhanced phase-out of fossilfuelsubsidies that encourages its realisaon, as this reduces <strong>the</strong> payback period of moreecient technologies to <strong>the</strong> necessary extent to make eciency policy viable. 8 OECDcountries see a smaller share of <strong>the</strong> savings at below 30%, although <strong>the</strong> United States(13% share of savings in 2020) is <strong>the</strong> second-largest contributor to emissions reducons,© OECD/IEA, 20138. For example, given heavily subsidised low petrol prices in Saudi Arabia, <strong>the</strong> payback period for a car thatconsumes half as much fuel per 100 kilometres as todays average car is currently close to twenty years.Chapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 51

aer China, and, toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong> European Union (8%), accounts for around one-h of<strong>the</strong> global total. The larger share of savings in non-OECD countries is directly linked to <strong>the</strong>higher growth in <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>energy</strong> demand 90% of global demand growth to 2020 in <strong>the</strong> NewPolicies Scenario. ith <strong>energy</strong> demand per capita today 70% below <strong>the</strong> OECD average,non-OECD countries have expectaons of higher growth to 2020 in both <strong>energy</strong> demandand emissions and associated scope for savings especially because populaon growth(90% of global growth to 2020) and economic growth (almost three-quarters of globalGDP growth unl 2020) are much stronger than in OECD countries.Box 2.2 The role of renewables in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C ScenarioIn many countries, renewables deployment is driven by government targets. Examplesinclude <strong>the</strong> targeted share of 20% in total <strong>energy</strong> demand by 2020 in <strong>the</strong> EuropeanUnion US state-level renewable porolio standards, covering 30 states and <strong>the</strong> Districtof Columbia exisng capacity targets by technology type in China, India and Brailand biofuels blending mandates in many countries. A wide variety of such policiesand mechanisms are in place today. All are taken into account in <strong>the</strong> New PoliciesScenario, <strong>the</strong> central scenario of WEO-2012. They include <strong>the</strong> enforcement and fur<strong>the</strong>rstreng<strong>the</strong>ning of <strong>the</strong>se policies where governments have announced this intenon.Renewable <strong>energy</strong> accordingly plays an important role in all our scenarios, in parcularin power generaon. Though not characterised specically as one of <strong>the</strong> addionalpolicies of <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, <strong>the</strong> share of renewables in global power generaonincreases from 20% today to 27% in 2020. This is two percentage points above <strong>the</strong>level reached in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, due to <strong>the</strong> proposed policy to reduce <strong>the</strong>use of inecient coal-red power generaon and lower electricity demand from<strong>energy</strong> eciency policies. In net terms, renewables meet about 60% of <strong>the</strong> increasein global electricity demand up to 2020 in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, installed capacityreaching around 1 350 gigawas (G) of hydropower, 580 G of wind, 265 G of solarphotovoltaic, 135 G of biomass-red power plants and 35 G of o<strong>the</strong>r renewables.The 4-for-2 °C Scenario sees cumulave investment in renewables of $2.0 trillion up to2020, contribung to <strong>the</strong> reducon in renewable <strong>energy</strong> technology costs post-2020,<strong>the</strong>reby facilitang steeper emissions reducons <strong>the</strong>n.© OECD/IEA, 2013Increasing deployment of renewables is supported by subsidies, which help overcomedeployment barriers. In power generaon, <strong>the</strong>se subsidies are set to increase to$142 billion in 2020 in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, up from $64 billion in 2011. This is 5%over <strong>the</strong> level reached in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario in 2020 (due to lower wholesaleelectricity prices from lower internaonal fuel prices), but is oset by <strong>the</strong> widereconomic gains achieved from lower fossil-fuel prices. Biofuels (mostly supportedby blending mandates) received subsidies totalling $24 billion in 2011 <strong>the</strong>se rise to$47 billion in 2020 in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario. The European Union, United States andChina account for <strong>the</strong> bulk of renewables subsidies, today (85%) and in 2020 (77%).52 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Figure 2.3 Change in <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 and CH 4 emissions in selectedregions in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario relative to <strong>the</strong>New Policies Scenario, 2020100%80%60%855 Mt 399 Mt 284 Mt 279 Mt 241 Mt 203 MtFossil-fuel subsidiesPower generaon<strong>Energy</strong> efficiencyUpstream CH 4reducons123440%20%China United Middle India European RussiaStates EastUnionNote: Savings are allocated by enabling policy and total emissions are in CO 2 -eq.Abatement to 2020 by policy measureIn <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, <strong>energy</strong> eciency is <strong>the</strong> largest contributor to <strong>the</strong> reducon inglobal greenhouse-gas emissions, resulng in savings of 1.5 Gt CO 2 -eq in 2020, or almosthalf of <strong>the</strong> total abatement relave to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario (Figure 2.4). As indicatedabove, while <strong>the</strong>re is a ra of eciency policies capable of reducing <strong>energy</strong> consumponand <strong>the</strong>refore emissions, 9 we have focused on just four key measures on <strong>the</strong> basis that <strong>the</strong>ycan be quickly implemented and that <strong>the</strong> mechanics of implementaon have already beendeveloped in numerous countries. The selected policies are applied to new equipment andtechnologies: <strong>the</strong>y exclude <strong>the</strong> early rerement of exisng stock.ey <strong>energy</strong> eciency measures include:• More ecient heang and cooling systems in residenal and commercial buildingsthrough minimum <strong>energy</strong> performance standards (MEPS) for new equipment, andtechnology switching, such as through greater use of heat recovery and beer use ofautomaon and control systems.• More ecient appliances and lighng in residenal and commercial buildings.• Use of more ecient electric motor systems in industrial applicaons, such as pumping,compressing air, and o<strong>the</strong>r types of mechanical handling and processing.• Fuel-economy standards and fuel-economy labelling for new passenger light-dutyvehicles (PDs) and freight trucks in road transport.© OECD/IEA, 20139. There are already numerous <strong>energy</strong> efficiency policies in place in many countries an overview of key policiesby country and sector is available in <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> efficiency focus in WEO-2012 (IEA, 2012a). All figures hererepresent <strong>the</strong> additional gains resulting from <strong>the</strong> specified additional measures.Chapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 53

Figure 2.4 Change in world CO 2 and CH 4 emissions in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °CScenario by policy measure relative to <strong>the</strong> New PoliciesScenario, 2020Fossil-fuel subsidies12%Savings: 3.1 Gt CO 2 -eq6%Road transportUpstream CH 4reducons18%Efficiency49%14%14%Industrial motorsAppliances and lighngPower generaon21%15%Heang and coolingAmong <strong>the</strong>se measures, those targeng heang and cooling, appliances, lighng andindustrial motors have a similar eect on reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, eachcontribung around 30% of <strong>the</strong> addional eciency-related savings. Policies targeng roadtransport make up a smaller share of abatement, partly because of <strong>the</strong> lead mes requiredfor more ecient vehicles to penetrate <strong>the</strong> vehicle stock and because <strong>the</strong> New PoliciesScenario takes into account <strong>the</strong> numerous policies already in place to improve eciency inroad transport (thus reducing <strong>the</strong> scope for fur<strong>the</strong>r gains in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario).Figure 2.5 CO 2 and CH 4 policy in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario relative to <strong>the</strong> New PoliciesScenario, 2020ChinaUnited StatesEuropean UnionRoad transportIndustrial motorsAppliances andlighngHeangand coolingIndiaRussiaRest of world100 200 300 400 500 600 700Mt CO 2 -eq© OECD/IEA, 2013Almost 80% of <strong>energy</strong> eciency-related savings occurs in ve regions: China, <strong>the</strong> UnitedStates, <strong>the</strong> European Union, India and Russia (Figure 2.5). China sees by far <strong>the</strong> largestreducon in emissions through more ecient use of <strong>energy</strong>, at around 40% of <strong>the</strong> global54 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

total. Many of <strong>the</strong>se savings are made in industry, at around 280 Mt CO 2 -eq in 2020, or44% of eciency-related savings, stemming from <strong>the</strong> use of more ecient industrial motorsystems. Industry in China currently accounts for about two-thirds of <strong>the</strong> countrys totalelectricity consumpon, of which it is esmated that 60-70% is used by electric motors(IEA, 2011b). hile China has already adopted MEPS for some motors, <strong>the</strong>ir typicaloperaonal eciency is 10-30% below <strong>the</strong> standard in internaonal best pracces(SwitchAsia, 2013). The vast majority of electricity savings from motor systems, however,comes from a combinaon of appropriate use of variable speed drives, proper motorsiing, prevenve maintenance and opmising <strong>the</strong> motor-driven equipment, as <strong>the</strong>nominal eciency of an electric motor can only be enhanced by around three percentagepoints for a medium-sied motor. In China, a combinaon of fur<strong>the</strong>r ghtening ofMEPS, <strong>the</strong>ir wider adopon and, parcularly, <strong>the</strong> imposion of requirements for <strong>energy</strong>management systems could considerably reduce electricity demand and <strong>the</strong>reby emissionsfrom <strong>the</strong> currently carbon-intensive power generaon sector (Figure 2.6). India, too, hasconsiderable potenal for emissions reducons through <strong>the</strong> use of more ecient industrialmotors. At present, India has no MEPS for electric motors in industry and a highly carbonintensivepower mix. The adopon of such standards in India is assumed in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °CScenario and lowers its emissions from <strong>the</strong> industry sector by about 55 Mt CO 2 -eq in 2020(almost 40% of <strong>the</strong> projected abatement related to <strong>energy</strong> eciency). hile MEPS are animportant instrument to encourage <strong>the</strong> use of more ecient industrial motor systems,<strong>the</strong>re are barriers to <strong>the</strong>ir deployment, such as inadequate assessment of <strong>the</strong> actualservice required and <strong>the</strong> complexity of motor systems. However, much has already beendone to study policy opportunies and policy best pracces in this area, paving <strong>the</strong> way for<strong>the</strong> swi and eecve introducon of this measure. 10 This results in widespread adoponof more ecient industrial motor systems in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario.1234Figure 2.6 policies in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario relative to <strong>the</strong> New PoliciesScenario, 2020ChinaUnitedStatesEuropeanUnionIndiaRussiaRest ofworldIndustrial motors-100-2%Appliances andlighngHeang andcoolingChange in electricitydemand (right axis)-200-4%-300-6%-400-8%-500-10%© OECD/IEA, 2013TWh-600-12%10. See for example IIP (2011) and IEA (2011b).Chapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 55

Ecient use of <strong>energy</strong> in buildings, including <strong>energy</strong> used for heang, cooling, appliancesand lighng, has recently aracted considerable aenon as policies in place or underconsideraon tap only around one-h of <strong>the</strong> economic potenal (IEA, 2012a). In 2013,for example, <strong>the</strong> Major Economies Forum iniated a dialogue among its member countrieswith a view to <strong>the</strong>ir seng voluntary intensity targets for <strong>energy</strong> consumpon in buildings.In terms of heang and cooling, installing more ecient equipment (such as gas heangsystems, heat pumps and high eciency air-condioners) is one of <strong>the</strong> best means ofreducing emissions in <strong>the</strong> short term, although <strong>the</strong> potenal to improve <strong>the</strong> buildingenvelope is also vast (IEA, 2013b). Several countries have already adopted voluntaryprogrammes, e.g. India or Brail, or binding ones, such as <strong>the</strong> United States, to advanceuptake of more ecient equipment.In <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, China achieves 40% of <strong>the</strong> global emissions reducon relatedto more ecient heang and cooling systems. The high share reects <strong>the</strong> expected rapidincrease in projected demand in China for such services, parcularly for air-condioning,which means that <strong>the</strong> adopon of MEPS can signicantly curtail growth in <strong>energy</strong> demand.The United States and <strong>the</strong> European Union are toge<strong>the</strong>r responsible for a fur<strong>the</strong>r one-thirdof <strong>the</strong> global emissions reducons related to more ecient heang and cooling equipment.In both cases, <strong>the</strong> deployment of new higher eciency heang and cooling systemshas a signicant impact on emissions, bringing reducons of almost 80 Mt CO 2 -eq and65 Mt CO 2 -eq in 2020 for <strong>the</strong> United States and <strong>the</strong> European Union, respecvely.Just as for industrial motors, <strong>the</strong>re are barriers to <strong>the</strong> use of more ecient heang andcooling systems. hile MEPS are an important means of achieving emissions reduconsin <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, <strong>the</strong>y need to be accompanied by policies to ensure <strong>the</strong>irenforcement. Typical barriers include public acceptance and o<strong>the</strong>r general market risksof new technologies, and can be related to a shortage of skilled labour in some countries.Split incenves are ano<strong>the</strong>r problem that needs careful aenon. 11 Providing informaonthrough awareness campaigns and training programmes can be helpful tools to overcome<strong>the</strong>se barriers.There is considerable scope in all regions to reduce emissions stemming from <strong>the</strong> use ofappliances and lighng. This is linked, in part, to <strong>the</strong>ir important share in overall electricitydemand today: lighng and appliances alone are responsible for 37% of electricity demandin OECD countries and 26% in non-OECD countries. Due to <strong>the</strong> relavely short operanglifespan of <strong>the</strong> equipment concerned, MEPS for appliances and lighng are parcularlyeecve and are already widely used in many countries. Most OECD countries haveadopted such standards for a wide range of products, as has China. Russia is phasing outincandescent light bulbs (100 was and above), while India is set to adopt mandatorystandards and labelling for room air condioners and refrigerators. At <strong>the</strong> Clean <strong>Energy</strong>© OECD/IEA, 201311. A split incentive refers to <strong>the</strong> potential difficulties in motivating one party to act in <strong>the</strong> best interests ofano<strong>the</strong>r when <strong>the</strong>y may have different goals andor different levels of information.56 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Ministerial in New Delhi in April 2013, ministers highlighted <strong>the</strong> importance of <strong>the</strong> SuperecientEquipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) iniave as a means to progressquickly and cheaply towards a more sustainable future. 12In <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, <strong>the</strong> contribuon of appliances and lighng to addional <strong>energy</strong>eciency-related savings is parcularly large in <strong>the</strong> United States, at 44% in 2020. The bulkof <strong>the</strong>se savings could be achieved by ghtening <strong>the</strong> MEPS that already exist. Appliancesand lighng are responsible for close to 40% of <strong>the</strong> eciency-related savings in India, a highshare that reects <strong>the</strong> current dearth of eciency standards. In absolute terms, <strong>the</strong> largestreducons are made in China (125 Mt CO 2 -eq), followed by <strong>the</strong> United States (around85 Mt) and <strong>the</strong> European Union (around 60 Mt), where we assume that <strong>the</strong> new EcoDesignDirecve that covers een product groups is fur<strong>the</strong>r streng<strong>the</strong>ned. Across all countries,<strong>the</strong>re is sll considerable potenal to expand both <strong>the</strong> range of products that are coveredby MEPS and <strong>the</strong> stringency of <strong>the</strong> standards.1234Road transport, which is currently responsible for around 16% of CO 2 emissions from<strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector, has received a lot of policy aenon in recent years, as high oil pricesand rising demand for mobility have streng<strong>the</strong>ned <strong>the</strong> case for eciency improvements.Many governments have adopted fuel-economy policies in a bid to reduce <strong>the</strong> burden onconsumers and <strong>the</strong> cost of oil imports. PD standards have been adopted most widely,including in many of <strong>the</strong> major car markets in OECD countries (IEA, 2012b). OutsideOECD countries, only China has adopted such standards, though India plans to do so.Fuel-economy standards for trucks are also increasingly receiving <strong>the</strong> aenon of policymakers and have been adopted in several OECD countries. Though essenal to realisingfuel eciency in road transport, standards are and should be complemented by supporngpolicies to overcome <strong>the</strong> barriers associated with <strong>the</strong>ir deployment, such as informaongaps. 13In <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, <strong>the</strong> impact of ghter fuel-economy standards, i.e. beyond thoseimplemented in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, is moderate in <strong>the</strong> period to 2020, comparedwith <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>energy</strong> eciency measures proposed. This reects <strong>the</strong> me it takes for <strong>the</strong>full eect of fuel-economy standards for new vehicles to be felt across <strong>the</strong> enre eet. Bycontrast, <strong>the</strong>y have a much greater impact aer 2020. The relavely limited impact alsoreects <strong>the</strong> fact that fuel-eciency regulaons are already in place in many of <strong>the</strong> majoreconomies. None<strong>the</strong>less, fuel-eciency standards in road transport do play a signicantrole in <strong>the</strong> overall abatement: in Russia, <strong>the</strong>y account for about 30% of <strong>the</strong> eciencyrelatedsavings, compared with <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario. In <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, <strong>the</strong>average tested fuel eciency of new PD sales in 2020 reaches around 40 miles per gallon(mpg) (or 5.9 litres per 100 kilometres l100km) in <strong>the</strong> United States 95 grammes of CO 2per kilometre (g CO 2 km) in Europe (or 3.8 l100km) 5.0 l100km in China and 4.8 l100kmin India. The global average is 5.1 l100km.© OECD/IEA, 201312. For more information, see .13. For an overview of suitable policy packages, see IEA (2012b).Chapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 57

In <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, <strong>the</strong> use of <strong>the</strong> least ecient coal-red power plants is reduced,relave to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario. e assume a ban is introduced prohibing <strong>the</strong>construcon of new subcrical coal-red power plants. Plants that have recently been builtor are already under construcon and have <strong>the</strong>refore yet to recover <strong>the</strong>ir investment cost,connue to operate, albeit at reduced levels. Those inecient plants that have alreadyrepaid <strong>the</strong>ir investment costs are ei<strong>the</strong>r rered or idled. Possible levers to achieve thispolicy include:• Adopon of <strong>energy</strong> eciency or CO 2 emissions standards for coal-red power plants.• Adopon of air polluon standards.• Pricing <strong>the</strong> use of carbon, for example through an emissions trading scheme.• Assigning power producon limits for each generator to incenvise <strong>the</strong> use of <strong>the</strong>most ecient plants (typically in liberalised markets).• Allocaon of generaon slots, renewing (or not) operaonal licences or altering <strong>the</strong>dispatch schedule in favour of more ecient plants (typically in regulated markets).As a result of <strong>the</strong> proposed policy, <strong>the</strong> global installed capacity of subcrical power plantsin operaon decreases by more than one-fourth in 2020, or about 340 gigawas (G),compared with <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario (Figure 2.7). Exisng plants account for <strong>the</strong> vastmajority of this reducon: while 170 G of new subcrical plants are added in <strong>the</strong> NewPolicies Scenario by 2020, only about 50 G of <strong>the</strong>m are not already under construconand <strong>the</strong>refore do not go ahead in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario. Of <strong>the</strong> 1 270 G of subcricalcoal-red power plants in 2020 in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, 290 G with <strong>the</strong> lowesteciencies are ei<strong>the</strong>r rered or not used at all by 2020. A more complete phase-out of coalsubcrical plants by 2020 is unrealisc in most regions both because it would unacceptablyreduce <strong>the</strong> reliability of electricity supply and because of <strong>the</strong> costs involved.Figure 2.7 Change in subcritical coal electrical capacity in <strong>the</strong> NewPolicies and <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenarios, 2020GW1 4001 2001 000800600400200RerementsUnder construconO<strong>the</strong>r required addionsAddions not requiredIdled plants© OECD/IEA, 20132011 2020 2020New Policies Scenario4-for-2 °C Scenario58 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

The extent of <strong>the</strong> potenal reducon in use of inecient coal plants by region isdetermined by two main factors: <strong>the</strong> extent of <strong>the</strong> reducon of electricity demand (whichis achieved through <strong>the</strong> proposed <strong>energy</strong> eciency measures in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario)and <strong>the</strong> extent of <strong>the</strong> opportunity to switch to o<strong>the</strong>r technologies. The switch in powergeneraon is mostly possible to gas-red power plants or more ecient coal plants upto 2020, as <strong>the</strong> addional reliance on nuclear power is constrained by long construconlead mes and <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario already embodies rapid growth in renewables,mainly driven by targets in many countries (Box 2.2). The decrease of electricity demandgenerally provides an opportunity to reduce <strong>the</strong> use of subcrical coal plants by at least<strong>the</strong> same amount.1234The possibility of switching to o<strong>the</strong>r, more ecient, technologies depends on severalfactors, which include <strong>the</strong> exisng capacity mix, <strong>the</strong> extent of <strong>the</strong> need for capacityaddions, <strong>the</strong> nature of <strong>the</strong> support schemes in place, <strong>the</strong> relave eciency of <strong>the</strong>plants available and <strong>the</strong> construcon periods for new plants. For example, in China andin <strong>the</strong> United States, <strong>the</strong> reducon of power generaon from inecient coal plants in <strong>the</strong>4-for-2 °C Scenario is greater than <strong>the</strong> reducon in electricity demand, due to <strong>the</strong> possibilityto switch to more ecient coal technologies and gas-red generaon (Figure 2.8). InEurope, on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, <strong>the</strong> CO 2 price assumed in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario alreadyprovides an incenve for higher-eciency power plants, which limits <strong>the</strong> scope foraddional producon from <strong>the</strong>se plants in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, with <strong>the</strong> result that <strong>the</strong>fall in <strong>the</strong> use of coal plants fails to keep pace with <strong>the</strong> reducon in electricity demand.Figure 2.8 <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario by selected regions, 2020TWh-200-400-600-800-1 000UnitedStates-12%EuropeanUnion-11%China India ASEAN-15%-13% -7%20%40%60%80%100%Lower electricitydemandLower electricitygeneraon from lessefficientcoal plantsShare of total coalgeneraon from lessefficientcoal plants(right axis)X% Percentage pointsdifference relave to<strong>the</strong> share of lessefficientcoal in <strong>the</strong>New Policies Scenario© OECD/IEA, 2013At a global level, <strong>the</strong> reduced use of subcrical coal plants combined with <strong>the</strong> greater useof more ecient coal plants increases <strong>the</strong> average eciency of global coal generaon by3.3 percentage points in 2020 in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, relave to 2011. This is moreChapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 59

than twice as high as <strong>the</strong> eciency gain achieved in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, where <strong>the</strong>average eciency of <strong>the</strong> coal power plant eet increases by 1.5 percentage points over <strong>the</strong>same period.The reduced use of inecient coal-red power plants in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario cutsglobal CO 2 emissions by around 570 Mt in 2020, relave to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario,as <strong>the</strong> average emissions intensity of power generaon is almost 10% lower, at about420 grammes of CO 2 per kilowa-hour (g CO 2 kh) (Figure 2.9). Methane emissions fromcoal mining, transport and use, at around 70 Mt CO 2 -eq, are also reduced as a result of <strong>the</strong>lower use of coal. In overall terms, <strong>the</strong> addional emissions savings are most pronouncedin countries which currently have low average power plant eciencies (such as India) or alarge coal power eet (such as <strong>the</strong> United States and China). They are <strong>the</strong> result of a sharpdrop in coal capacity ulisaon from 60% in 2011 to 54% in 2020, driven by a decline in <strong>the</strong>use of subcrical coal plants from 59% in 2011 to 39% in 2020. There is no scope for fur<strong>the</strong>rreducon while maintaining reliability of electricity supply.Figure 2.9 Average power generation emissions intensity andcorresponding CO 2 and CH 4 savings in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenariorelative to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, 2020g CO2/kWh800600400800600400Mt CO2-eqSavings comparedwith New PoliciesScenario4-for-2 °C ScenarioCO 2 savings(right axis)200200UnitedStatesEuropeanUnionChina India <strong>World</strong>© OECD/IEA, 2013Relave to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, almost 30% of global CO 2 and CH 4 emissions savingsresulng from reduced use of inecient coal plants occurs in China. China is increasinglysuering from <strong>the</strong> impact of local air polluon, partly caused by <strong>the</strong> substanal use ofcoal in power generaon. According to recent analysis by <strong>the</strong> Chinese Academy forEnvironmental Planning (CAEP), <strong>the</strong> associated societal cost of environmental degradaon,including health-related damage, amounted to <strong>the</strong> equivalent of 3.5% of GDP in 2010. In anaempt to improve <strong>the</strong> eciency of its power sector, China phased out over 70 G of small,inecient coal-red power capacity between 2006 and 2010 as part of its 11 th Five-earPlan. China has also tested fur<strong>the</strong>r policy opons for reducing emissions of air pollutantsfrom coal power staons, including through <strong>the</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> Saving Dispatch Policy (ESDP) that60 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

was tested in ve provinces in 2007 and 2008 (and that could help achieve <strong>the</strong> projectedreducon in CO 2 emissions seen in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario). In China, power dispatch usuallyworks according to predened quotas allocated to generators by provincial governments,with generators receiving a xed price for <strong>the</strong>ir power output and, in some cases, free-totradequotas to opmise <strong>the</strong> generaon paern. The ESDP sought to maximise <strong>the</strong> overalleciency of fossil fuel-based power plants by allocang higher quotas to <strong>the</strong> most ecientunits, without changing <strong>the</strong> compensaon to power generators. The pilot phase raiseda number of problems such as challenges to system reliability and was seen as onlya temporary device before <strong>the</strong> eventual transion to a fully market-based power systemas envisaged by <strong>the</strong> central government. But <strong>the</strong> scheme demonstrated how one policyto reduce <strong>the</strong> use of <strong>the</strong> least-ecient coal power staons can work in China. In addionto reducing growth in CO 2 emissions, <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario also sees an improvement inlocal air quality in China: sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) emissions from <strong>the</strong> use of coal in powergeneraon are 9% lower than in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario by 2020, nitrogen oxides (NO x )emissions are 8% lower and parculate maer (PM 2.5 ) emissions are 3% lower.1234Almost one-quarter of <strong>the</strong> global reducon in CO 2 and CH 4 emissions from reducing <strong>the</strong>use of <strong>the</strong> least-ecient coal power staons in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario occurs in <strong>the</strong> UnitedStates. Following a US Supreme Court ruling in 2007 that classied greenhouse gases aspollutants, <strong>the</strong> US Environmental Protecon Agency (EPA) determined that <strong>climate</strong> changeendangers public health and welfare, and that CO 2 and o<strong>the</strong>r greenhouse gases contributeto this endangerment. This nding established <strong>the</strong> authority of <strong>the</strong> US EPA to regulate CO 2emissions (including from power plants) under <strong>the</strong> Clean Air Act. The US EPA proposed acarbon polluon standard for new power plants in March 2012, which, if adopted, wouldeecvely prevent <strong>the</strong> construcon of new coal power plants without carbon capture andstorage (CCS). Addionally, <strong>the</strong> US EPA has <strong>the</strong> authority to propose performance standardsfor exisng fossil fuel-red power plants, which are responsible for about 33% of total<strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions in <strong>the</strong> United States, though <strong>the</strong>re are no ocial plans to doso currently and would likely only follow <strong>the</strong> nalisaon of standards for new power plants.The Clean Air Act appears to allow <strong>the</strong> US EPA considerable exibility in applying standardsto exisng sources, such as allowing facilies that emit less than <strong>the</strong> standard to generatecredits that can be sold to higher-eming facilies. hile any such standard is likely to facesignicant opposion from some electric power producers, its applicaon would open <strong>the</strong>way to realising <strong>the</strong> reducons envisaged in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario and help natural gas,despite increasing prices towards 2020, to maintain <strong>the</strong> market posion that it gained in<strong>the</strong> power sector in 2012, relave to coal, as a result of low gas prices.© OECD/IEA, 2013India sees <strong>the</strong> third-largest reducon in emissions from coal-red power generaon as aresult of <strong>the</strong> assumed coal power plant restricons in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario. Despite <strong>the</strong>recent construcon of more ecient coal capacity under <strong>the</strong> Ultra Mega Power Projects(UMPP) policy, India sll has one of <strong>the</strong> lowest average conversion eciencies in coal-redpower generaon in <strong>the</strong> world, esmated at just 28%, or eleven percentage points below<strong>the</strong> global average. This is linked to <strong>the</strong> average age of <strong>the</strong> coal-red power plant eet andChapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 61

<strong>the</strong> relavely poor quality of domesc coal, which has an ash content of up to 60%. hileincreased coal washing at mining complexes is a possibility (which would also help alleviatetransportaon bolenecks by reducing <strong>the</strong> amount of coal transported), plant managersare oen reluctant to aempt to change coal quality due to concerns about operaonalproblems.The low average conversion eciency of coal in India is exacerbang local concerns that airpolluon is increasingly causing health problems and having adverse economic eects. Arecent study esmated <strong>the</strong> extent of health eects at 80 000 to 115 000 premature deathsin 20112012, at an economic cost of $3.3-4.6 billion (Goenka and Gukunda, 2013).India currently does not have strict standards for pollutants from power plants, except forparculate maer, and is suering from peak shortages which make it dicult to imposeaddional constraints on power plant operaon and dispatch. A new Naonal Missionon Clean Coal Technologies is under discussion, whose task would be to foster work onintegrated gasicaon combined-cycle and advanced ultra supercrical technologies, aswell as CCS. ith air polluon concerns growing, interest in clean coal technologies andminimum conversion standards might increase, with spin-o benets for <strong>the</strong> <strong>climate</strong>: in<strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario in India, SO 2 emissions from <strong>the</strong> use of coal in power generaonare 14% lower than in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario by 2020, NO x emissions are 8% lower andPM 2.5 emissions are 3% lower.Emissions savings in <strong>the</strong> European Union due to <strong>the</strong> reduced use of <strong>the</strong> least-ecientcoal power plants are <strong>the</strong> fourth-largest globally by 2020 in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario. Thereare several measures readily available with which to implement this policy. They include,parcularly, <strong>the</strong> EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), although <strong>the</strong> level of CO 2 prices under<strong>the</strong> EU ETS is currently too low to incenvise a shi away from <strong>the</strong> least-ecient coal powerplants, parcularly given <strong>the</strong> current low price of coal relave to natural gas. Measureswould be needed to ensure a level of CO 2 prices sucient to facilitate <strong>the</strong> switch. Thearge Combuson Plants Direcve, established in 2001, limits operang hours of <strong>the</strong>rmalpower plants that exceed specied emissions levels for SO 2 , NO x and dust, is ano<strong>the</strong>r toolthat could be used to implement <strong>the</strong> policy. Demand-side measures tempering electricitydemand growth, as included in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> Eciency Direcve, can support <strong>the</strong> reduced useof <strong>the</strong> least-ecient coal plants.<strong>Energy</strong>-related methane emissions stem from <strong>the</strong> producon, transportaon, distribuonand use of all fossil fuels and from biomass combuson. e esmate that such emissionscurrently amount to 125 Mt CH 4 per year. Using <strong>the</strong> standard 100-years GP of 25 from<strong>the</strong> Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), this amounts to 3.1 Gt CO 2 -eq. 14 Itshould be stressed however that <strong>the</strong>re is a shortage of hard, measured, data on methane© OECD/IEA, 201314. Considering shorter time periods than 100 years, <strong>the</strong> CO 2 -equivalent emissions are even larger, given that<strong>the</strong> 20-years GP of <strong>the</strong> IPCC is 72, which increases <strong>the</strong> need to address CH 4 emissions in <strong>the</strong> short term. Seealso Alvare, et al. (2012) for a discussion of <strong>the</strong> choice of GP.62 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

emissions esmates rely primarily on mulplying emissions factors for various acviesby acvity levels <strong>the</strong> emissions factors <strong>the</strong>mselves can be traced to studies made by <strong>the</strong>Gas Research Instute and US EPA in <strong>the</strong> United States (US EPA, 2013).In <strong>the</strong> oil and gas industry, methane emissions occur across <strong>the</strong> enre value chain. 15Transmission and distribuon of natural gas releases considerable amounts of methaneinto <strong>the</strong> atmosphere due to leakage or venng (which may be voluntary or involuntary),parcularly in countries with a large and ageing distribuon network, such as Russia and<strong>the</strong> United States. Addional methane emissions occur during incomplete combuson,both in end-use and in aring. The extent of emissions in transmission, distribuon andend-use is poorly known, as many of <strong>the</strong>se emissions result from unintended leaks in ageinginfrastructure. Addressing such leakage is a challenging and potenally costly task, beyond<strong>the</strong> short-term focus considered here. The larger potenal for reducing methane emissionsfrom oil and gas in <strong>the</strong> short term lies in opmising operaonal pracces upstream, where<strong>the</strong> sources of emissions are relavely well-known. Technologies to reduce <strong>the</strong>m areavailable (in large part through <strong>the</strong> work of <strong>the</strong> US EPA Gas Star Program) and <strong>the</strong> necessaryacon can be implemented through <strong>the</strong> exisng sophiscated industry, dominated by largecompanies with strong technical skills and budgets. e esmate that <strong>the</strong> global oil and gasupstream industry released 45 Mt of CH 4 emissions (1 115 Mt CO 2 -eq) to <strong>the</strong> atmospherein 2010 (Spotlight).1234Both venng and aring give rise to methane emissions during oil and gas eld operaons.enng (as dened here) includes both <strong>the</strong> intenonal release of methane to <strong>the</strong>atmosphere (as part of normal operaons) and fugive emissions, which are unintended <strong>the</strong> results of leaks, incidents, or ageing or poorly maintained equipment. Someemissions from venng can be reduced at comparavely low cost by applying operaonalbest pracces, such as increased inspecon and repairs, minimising emissions duringcompleon operaons and workovers 16 , and reducing <strong>the</strong> frequency of start-ups andblow-downs. Equipment can also be converted, or designed, to reduce emissions: low-costopons include modifying dehydrators and converng gas-driven pumps and gas pneumacdevice controls to mechanical controls. Addional but more capital-intensive potenallies, for example, in replacing leaking compressors with new ones and installing vapourrecovery units on tanks. Producon of unconvenonal gas has been parcularly cricisedbecause of <strong>the</strong> large amount of methane that can be released to <strong>the</strong> atmosphere during<strong>the</strong> owback phase aer hydraulic fracturing. Controlling such emissions is part of <strong>the</strong> IEAGolden Rules for unconvenonal gas development, and such rules are being adoptedin a growing number of countries, for example in <strong>the</strong> US EPAs New Source PerformanceStandards for <strong>the</strong> oil and gas industry in <strong>the</strong> United States (IEA, 2012c).© OECD/IEA, 201315. Research efforts are underway, including at <strong>the</strong> University of Texas at Austin and <strong>the</strong> Environmental DefenseFund, to study methane emissions at each process step of <strong>the</strong> oil and gas value chain.16. orkover is <strong>the</strong> term used for maintenance operations requiring interventions inside an oil or gas well,requiring temporary interruption of production. Depending on <strong>the</strong> sequence of operations, small volumes of gasmay be released to <strong>the</strong> atmosphere.Chapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 63

S P O T L I G H T© OECD/IEA, 2013How large are methane emissions from upstream oil and gas?Though data on methane emissions are generally poor, it is esmated that about550 Mt of methane emissions in total are released into <strong>the</strong> atmosphere every year(IPCC, 2007), of which around 350 Mt come from anthropogenic sources. In <strong>the</strong> WEO, we esmated total <strong>energy</strong>-relatedmethane emissions to be 125 Mt, of which 90 Mt come from <strong>the</strong> oil and gas supplyand distribuon (IEA, 2012c). The US EPA has recently published a comparable globalassessment of 129 Mt, with <strong>the</strong> contribuon of oil and gas supply and distribuon at80 Mt in 2010 (US EPA, 2012a). Much more work is needed fully to understand <strong>the</strong>magnitude of methane emissions in <strong>the</strong> absence of widespread detailed measurements.There is no global database available that distinguishes methane emissions fromupstream oil and gas field operations from those that occur during <strong>the</strong> processing,transmission and distribution of gas. For <strong>the</strong> purpose of this , we<strong>the</strong>refore conducted a detailed assessment of methane emissions from oil and gasfield operations. During oil field operations, methane emissions occur ei<strong>the</strong>r fromincomplete combustion in flaring (where associated gas cannot be brought to <strong>the</strong>market due to <strong>the</strong> remoteness of <strong>the</strong> oil fields and a lack of infrastructure, such asin Russia, <strong>the</strong> Middle East, Africa and <strong>the</strong> Caspian Region) or as a result of leakageduring associated gas handling processes and (predominantly) venting at hydrocarbonstorage tanks, compressors or pneumatic devices. During field operations dedicatedto natural gas production, CH 4 emissions occur mostly from venting during normaloperations of drilling and well completion, and unloading (including flowback afterhydraulic fracturing), but also from condensate tanks, pneumatic devices, compressorsand dehydrators.For <strong>the</strong> analysis of <strong>the</strong> volume of gas flared during oil field operations, we used <strong>the</strong>satellite data made available through <strong>the</strong> Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership of<strong>the</strong> orld Bank to estimate <strong>the</strong> amount of methane which might remain unburned,based on an assessment of regional practices. For <strong>the</strong> analysis of methane emissionsfrom venting during o<strong>the</strong>r oil and gas field operations, we used a detailed bottomupanalysis by <strong>the</strong> US EPA that assessed US methane emissions by process stepand equipment type as a basis for our global assessment (US EPA, 2013). Using thisanalysis as a starting point, toge<strong>the</strong>r with production levels by region, we analysedcountry-specific field operation practices according to <strong>the</strong> type of development(unconventionalconventional and onshoreoffshore), by region and by type ofhydrocarbon, taking into account <strong>the</strong> average age of existing oil and gas fields, <strong>the</strong>regulatory environment and <strong>the</strong> availability of technology. This enabled us to derive aglobal assessment of total methane emissions from oil and gas field operations, whichare assessed as 45 Mt CH 4 (1 115 Mt CO 2 -eq) in 2010. Of this, 17 Mt CH 4 comes fromgas fields and 27 Mt CH 4 from oil field operations. Of <strong>the</strong> latter, 3.2 Mt are releasedas a consequence of incomplete combustion during gas flaring. Unsurprisingly, <strong>the</strong>largest emitters are <strong>the</strong> regions with high oil and gas production levels, i.e. Russia(10 Mt) followed by <strong>the</strong> Middle East (9 Mt) and Africa (5 Mt).64 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Gas that becomes available in relavely large quanes as a by-product of oil producon(associated gas) oen has no commercially viable outlet. It will not normally be vented,for safety reasons, but will be ared. Gas aring converts methane into CO 2 , i.e. sll agreenhouse gas, but with lower Global arming Potenal. Reducing aring has been along-standing goal of <strong>the</strong> internaonal community it would substanally reduce both CO 2and methane emissions but <strong>the</strong> large investment required cannot materialise quickly.On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, combuson is not always fully complete, which means that unburnedmethane is inadvertently released to <strong>the</strong> atmosphere from an o<strong>the</strong>rwise controlled process,<strong>the</strong> amount varying with <strong>the</strong> design of <strong>the</strong> aring equipment, and o<strong>the</strong>r parameters, suchas wind speed (US EPA, 2012b). To reduce aring on a large scale, infrastructure andequipment, such as compressors and pipelines, need to be built to bring <strong>the</strong> gas to marketsor to enable it to be used for local power generaon a comparavely capital-intensiveprocess. ess capital-intensive opons, such as <strong>the</strong> opmisaon of aring equipment or gasre-injecon, need to be promoted in <strong>the</strong> short term.1234All <strong>the</strong> technologies to pursue short-term opmisaon from upstream operaons inorder to reduce methane emissions from venng and aring are readily available, whichmeans that <strong>the</strong> pace of reducon can be signicant if <strong>the</strong> right policies and enforcementprocedures are adopted (Figure 2.10). In <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, such short-term policies,including reducing venng and improving aring eciency, reduce methane emissions fromoil eld operaons by about 300 Mt CO 2 -eq. in 2020 (or 40% of oil-supply related methaneemissions), relave to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, in which no addional regulaon toaddress venng and aring is assumed beyond that in place today, such as those targenggreen compleon equipment in <strong>the</strong> US EPAs New Source Performance Standards for <strong>the</strong>oil and gas industry. For gas eld operaons, <strong>the</strong> decrease is 280 Mt CO 2 -eq (or about 55% ofgas supply-related methane releases). The largest reducons are in Russia, <strong>the</strong> Middle East,Africa and <strong>the</strong> United States. They are achieved through a combinaon of rapid and broadbasedimplementaon of low-cost and technological best operaonal pracces, e.g. fewerstart-upsshutdowns, more frequent inspecons, installaon of electronic are ignion,replacement of pneumac controls by mechanical ones and upgraded dehydrators.These measures would account for about half of <strong>the</strong> reducon in emissions in 2020. Theremainder would be accounted for by <strong>the</strong> rst results from reducon endeavours thatare more complex, take more me to implement and require larger investments. Thiscategory includes modicaons like <strong>the</strong> installaon of pressurised storage tanks withvapour recovery units, replacing compressors by ones with higher emissions standardsand capturing emissions from individual wells. The impact of <strong>the</strong>se measures would beeven larger beyond 2020, as methane emissions from <strong>the</strong> upstream are likely to connueto increase in line with increasing oil and gas producon.© OECD/IEA, 2013Regulaons exist in many countries to reduce venng and aring, for example, in Russia,Ukraine, Argenna and Colombia. But <strong>the</strong>re is oen a lack of means of enforcement,parcularly for venng. hile <strong>the</strong> extent to which gas is ared is visible, vents are invisibleand eecve enforcement demands installaon of specic equipment (for example,infrared cameras) and carrying out specic measurements. These equipment or processesChapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 65

are oen unavailable. Ano<strong>the</strong>r essenal ingredient for success is raising awareness.Operators <strong>the</strong>mselves, in parcular in dispersed operaons, are oen unaware of <strong>the</strong>extent of <strong>the</strong>ir emissions and lack appropriate detecon and measurement equipment.In relaon to <strong>the</strong> reducon of venng, at least, this points to an inial focus on large,concentrated operaons. A number of related eorts are currently underway, including <strong>the</strong>Global Methane Iniave and <strong>the</strong> US Natural Gas STAR Program. Supplementary oponsinclude extending carbon tax or trading schemes to methane, and imposing mandatoryrequirements to implement appropriate methane emissions control technologies andadopt best pracces.Figure 2.10 Methane emissions from upstream oil and gas by scenario, 2020Mt CO2-eq350300250Addional emissions inNew Policies Scenario4-for-2 °C Scenario201020015010050UnitedStatesO<strong>the</strong>rOECDMiddleEastRussiaAfricaO<strong>the</strong>rnon-OECDEsmates from <strong>the</strong> WEO-2012 suggest that fossil-fuel consumpon subsidies worldwideamounted to $523 billion in 2011, up almost 30% on 2010 and six mes higher than <strong>the</strong>nancial support given to renewables (IEA, 2012a). 17 Fossil-fuel subsidies were mostprevalent in <strong>the</strong> Middle East, at around 40% of <strong>the</strong> global total. These esmates indicate<strong>the</strong> extent to which end-user prices are reduced below those that would prevail in an openand compeve market. Such subsidisaon occurs when <strong>energy</strong> is imported at world pricesand sold domescally at lower, regulated prices, or, in <strong>the</strong> case of countries that are netexporters of a product, where domesc <strong>energy</strong> is priced below internaonal market levels.© OECD/IEA, 2013In recognion that subsidy reform is likely to be a challenging and slow process in manycountries because of polical obstacles, <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario does not encourage highexpectaons for a universal phase-out in <strong>the</strong> short term. A total phase-out by 2020 isassumed in fossil-fuel imporng countries, as in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario but in exporngcountries (where sustained reforms are likely to be more dicult), we assume a moregradual phase-out: relave to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, subsidisaon rates are reduced17. See IMF (2013) for additional discussion of subsidies.66 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

y an addional 25% by 2020, before being completely removed by 2035. 18 As a result of<strong>the</strong>se eorts, CO 2 emissions are reduced by 360 Mt in 2020, relave to <strong>the</strong> New PoliciesScenario (Figure 2.11). Savings are greatest in <strong>the</strong> countries of <strong>the</strong> Middle East, whichaccount for 54% of all savings, followed by Africa at 15%, and an America at 11%. Besides<strong>the</strong> cauous approach adopted towards subsidy reform in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, <strong>the</strong> factthat <strong>the</strong>se savings come on top of those already achieved in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenarioexplains <strong>the</strong> relavely low share of abatement resulng from fossil-fuel subsidy reform,compared with <strong>the</strong> eect of <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r policies adopted in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario.1234Figure 2.11 Change in world CO 2 emissions through fossil-fuel subsidyreform in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario relative to <strong>the</strong> New PoliciesScenario, 2020Savings: 360 MtO<strong>the</strong>rnon-OECD13%Russia7%Lan America11%Middle East54%Africa15%Subsidy reform is dicult as <strong>the</strong> short-term costs imposed on certain groups of society canbe very burdensome and induce erce polical opposion. In Indonesia, for example, anaempt to increase gasoline and diesel prices by 33% in April 2012 induced strong publicprotests. Similarly, several weeks of naon-wide protests followed <strong>the</strong> complete removalof gasoline subsidies in Nigeria in January 2012. Concerns about inaon in several o<strong>the</strong>rcountries in Asia and polical and social unrest in parts of <strong>the</strong> Middle East and North Africahave delayed, and in some cases reversed, plans to reform <strong>energy</strong> pricing. None<strong>the</strong>less,fossil-fuel subsidies represent a signicant burden on many naonal budgets and policalsupport for fossil-fuel subsidy reform has been building in recent years. In net-imporngcountries, in parcular, eorts to reform have been closely linked to <strong>the</strong> unsustainablenaonal nancial burden created by <strong>the</strong> growth of subsidies as import prices rise. Evensome net-exporng countries have taken steps to curtail <strong>the</strong> eect of arcially lowdomesc prices on export availability and foreign currency earnings (Table 2.2).© OECD/IEA, 201318. Subsidisation rate is calculated as <strong>the</strong> difference between <strong>the</strong> full cost of supply and <strong>the</strong> end-user price,expressed as a proportion of <strong>the</strong> full cost of supply.Chapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 67

Table 2.2 Recent developments in fossil-fuel consumption subsidy policiesin selected countries© OECD/IEA, 2013CountryBoliviaChinaEgyptGhanaIndiaIndonesiaIranJordanMalaysiaMexicoRecent developmentsIn January 2012, <strong>the</strong> government returned to <strong>the</strong> issue of phasing out subsidies for gasolineand diesel, aer eorts in 2011 failed in <strong>the</strong> face of strong opposion.Implemented a ered electricity pricing system in July 2012. Announced in March 2013 thatprices of oil products would be adjusted every ten working days to beer reect changes in<strong>the</strong> global oil market.Announced in August 2012 a commitment to gradually phase out subsidies to <strong>energy</strong>intensiveindustries. Plans to implement a smart card system to manage sales of subsidisedgasoline and liqueed petroleum gas (PG).Cut fuel subsidies in February 2013. As a result, prices of premium gasoline, diesel prices,kerosene, heavy fuel oil and PG increased.In January 2013, allowed state fuel retailers to start increasing <strong>the</strong> price of diesel on a monthlybasis unl it reaches market levels and raised <strong>the</strong> price cap on PG cylinders. The 2013-2014budget for petroleum product subsidies has been cut by more than 32%, compared to <strong>the</strong>previous year, from Rs 969 billion to Rs 650 billion (approximately $12 billion).Announced policies to reduce subsidy expenditure in May 2012: tracking fuel use byvehicle banning state-owned and (certain) company vehicles from using subsidised fuelssubstung natural gas for gasoline and diesel and reducing electricity use in state-ownedbuildings and street lighng.Signicantly reduced <strong>energy</strong> subsidies in December 2010 as part of a ve-year programmeto gradually increase prices of oil products, natural gas and electricity to full cost prices. InJanuary 2013, ended supplies of subsidised gasoline for cars with engines of 1 800 cubiccenmetres and above, and restricted sales of subsidised gasoline near border areas.Raised <strong>the</strong> price of gasoline and electricity taris for selected industrial and services subsectorsin June 2012. Since November 2012, subsidies have been removed from all fuelsexcept PG and global oil prices have been reected via a monthly review.In April 2012, announced that subsidies for gasoline, diesel and cooking gas would connueto be provided under <strong>the</strong> current administraon.Gasoline and diesel prices are being raised slightly every month in 2013 to bring <strong>the</strong>m closerto internaonal levels.Morocco In June 2012, raised <strong>the</strong> price of gasoline by 20% and diesel by 10%.NigeriaA naon-wide strike followed a complete removal of gasoline subsidies in early January2012, which doubled prices. Gasoline prices were <strong>the</strong>n cut by a third, parally reinstung<strong>the</strong> subsidy. Announced in March 2013 that <strong>the</strong>re were no plans to reduce subsidies onpremium gasoline.Russia Plans to increase regulated domesc natural gas taris by 15% for all users from July 2013.SaudiArabiaSouthAfricaIn May 2013, <strong>the</strong> Economy and Planning Minister indicated that subsidy raonalisaon wassomething <strong>the</strong> country is seeking to address as <strong>the</strong>y have become expensive and are causingdamage to <strong>the</strong> economy.<strong>Energy</strong> regulator granted power ulity Eskom an 8% per year average electricity priceincrease over <strong>the</strong> next ve years, which will eecvely reduce electricity subsidies.Sudan Commenced a subsidy reducon programme in June 2012, but in December 2012,announced that <strong>the</strong>re were no plans to cut fuel subsidies fur<strong>the</strong>r in 2013.ThailandIn early 2013, announced that PG prices would be increased monthly by 50 satang(approximately $0.02) monthly over <strong>the</strong> next year.68 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Because of <strong>the</strong> social sensivity of <strong>the</strong> issue (and because every country must consider itsspecic circumstances), <strong>the</strong>re is a ra of key principles to be adhered to when implemenngsuch reforms. For example, inadequate informaon about exisng subsidies is frequentlyan impediment. Before taking a decision about reform, governments must rst preciselyexamine <strong>energy</strong> subsidies, including <strong>the</strong>ir beneciaries, to idenfy low-income groupsthat depend on subsidies for access to basic <strong>energy</strong> services, and quanfy <strong>the</strong>ir costs andbenets, in order to determine which subsidies are most wasteful or inecient. Makingmore informaon available to <strong>the</strong> general public, parcularly about <strong>the</strong> budgetary burdenof subsidies, is a necessary step in building support for reform.1234hile <strong>the</strong> removal of fossil-fuel subsidies tends to improve long-term economic compevenessand scal balances, it may, none<strong>the</strong>less, have negave economic consequences in <strong>the</strong> shortterm, parcularly for certain groups, and any such reform must be carried out in a way thatallows both <strong>energy</strong> and o<strong>the</strong>r industries me to adjust. Governments may well be wise todissociate <strong>the</strong>mselves from direct responsibility for price-seng, ei<strong>the</strong>r by liberalising <strong>energy</strong>markets, or, at least, by establishing automac mechanisms for price changes.Box 2.3 Sustainable <strong>Energy</strong> for All and <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C ScenarioProviding access to modern <strong>energy</strong> oers mulple economic and social benets. et,today 1.3 billion people do not have access to electricity and 2.6 billion people relyon <strong>the</strong> tradional use of biomass for cooking (IEA, 2012a). These people mainly live inrural areas in developing Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. The United Naons Sustainable<strong>Energy</strong> for All (SE4All) iniave addresses this urgent problem, but investments undercurrent and planned policies will not be enough to achieve universal <strong>energy</strong> access by2030 (IEA, 2011a).The SE4All iniave sets specic targets for reaching <strong>the</strong> goal of universal access tomodern <strong>energy</strong> services by 2030, including reducing <strong>energy</strong> intensity at an averageannual rate of 2.6% between 2010 and 2030, and increasing <strong>the</strong> share of renewables.The policy measures proposed in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario allow important steps tobe taken towards <strong>the</strong>se goals: in parcular, <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> intensity target is more thanreached as a result of <strong>the</strong> proposed policy package. The proposed ban on <strong>the</strong> leastecientcoal power plants helps to increase <strong>the</strong> share of renewables, but <strong>the</strong> levelreached in 2030 is sll short of <strong>the</strong> SE4All target.© OECD/IEA, 2013Reducing methane emissions from upstream oil and gas is not part of <strong>the</strong> SE4Alliniave, but it could also support <strong>the</strong> achievement of universal access in countrieswith considerable aring. Nigeria, for example, had <strong>the</strong> third-largest populaon in <strong>the</strong>world without access to electricity in 2010, around 79 million people or half of <strong>the</strong>total populaon. The country already makes steps towards reducing aring in oil andgas producon, and full implementaon of such measures as in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenariocould save natural gas at a level that, if supplied to <strong>the</strong> domesc market, would besucient to provide basic <strong>energy</strong> needs to <strong>the</strong> currently deprived.Chapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 69

Even a commitment to subsidy reform will not be sucient in <strong>the</strong> absence of certaininstuonal and administrave capabilies, and even physical infrastructure. There mustbe instuons that are capable of accurate and mely collecon of data about exisngsubsidies, <strong>the</strong>ir distribuon and <strong>the</strong> need for oseng selecve relief accompanyingreform. Governments ulmately have <strong>the</strong> responsibility for ga<strong>the</strong>ring this far-reachinginformaon, but o<strong>the</strong>r organisaons may have <strong>the</strong> technical experse necessary to aid <strong>the</strong>eort. 19Implicaons for <strong>the</strong> global economyThe policy package suggested in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario does not aect global and regionalgrowth of GDP to 2020. GDP grows globally at 4.1% per year between 2012 and 2020,represenng annual average growth of 2.2% and 6.0% in OECD and non-OECD countriesrespecvely. 20 This neutral impact on GDP results from <strong>the</strong> combined implementaonof <strong>the</strong> four policies that are assumed to be adopted and from relave price adjustmentsacross all commodies, goods and services. In <strong>the</strong> period post-2020, however, <strong>the</strong> adoptedpolicy measures foster economic growth, as investments in <strong>the</strong> programme are increasinglyoutweighed by fuel bill savings and resources get allocated more eciently across <strong>the</strong>enre economy. 21<strong>Energy</strong> prices in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario are lower than in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario: oilprices increase to $116 per barrel in 2020, or $4barrel lower than in <strong>the</strong> New PoliciesScenario, before declining in 2035 to $109barrel, which is $16barrel lower than in <strong>the</strong>New Policies Scenario. 22 Natural gas prices are lower in imporng regions such as Europe orJapan. OECD steam coal prices reach $100tonne in 2035, $15tonne lower than in <strong>the</strong> NewPolicies Scenario. The acvity level of each sector in each country is boosted or reduced,depending on <strong>the</strong> specic policies to which <strong>the</strong>y are exposed (Figure 2.12).© OECD/IEA, 201319. The <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> 2013 to be released on 12 November 2013 will examine <strong>the</strong> extent of fossilfuelsubsidies globally.20. Slight deviations from New Policies Scenario GDP levels lie within <strong>the</strong> margin of error of standard mid-termeconomic forecasting, particularly in times of high uncertainty on projected economic activity (OECD, 2012 IMF,2012).21. Some of <strong>the</strong> proposed policy measures, such as <strong>energy</strong> efficiency, can foster economic growth evenbefore-2020. See IEA (2012a) for a discussion of economic benefits of <strong>energy</strong> efficiency policy.22. Each policy pillar may impact <strong>energy</strong> prices. For example, <strong>the</strong> multilateral and progressive phase out offossil-fuel subsidies tends to push international fossil-fuel prices down, but domestic end-user prices increasein countries conducting <strong>the</strong> reform. Targeted <strong>energy</strong> efficiency measures also put a downward pressure oninternational prices by lowering <strong>energy</strong> demand. In contrast, minimising upstream methane emissions andreducing power generation from inefficient coal-fired power plants tend to increase production costs, thusleading to higher end-user prices of oil, natural gas and electricity.70 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Figure 2.12 Average annual GDP growth by scenario in selected countries,2012-202018%6%4%4-for-2 °CScenarioNew PoliciesScenario2342%2.7%UnitedStates1.5%EuropeanUnion1.4%3.7%7.7%7.4%4.0%4.9%Japan Russia China India Brazil Africa4.1%MiddleEastThe value of economic acvity in <strong>energy</strong> sub-sectors (comprising fossil-fuel extraconand processing, transport fuel producon and shipping, and power generaon) is slightlyreduced, as <strong>the</strong>y bear extra costs due to <strong>the</strong> reducon in methane emissions in upstreamoil and gas operaons and lower use of subcrical coal-red power plants. By 2020, <strong>the</strong>global reducon in acvity in <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector, measured by real value-added, reachesabout $150 billion, a 3.7% decline relave to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario. By contrast,o<strong>the</strong>r sectors of <strong>the</strong> economy benet from lower <strong>energy</strong> prices and, in some cases, fromaddional investments linked to <strong>the</strong> adopon of more <strong>energy</strong>-ecient technologies thatbring about savings in fuel costs. These variaons in sectoral acvity level oset each o<strong>the</strong>r,resulng in overall GDP-neutrality.<strong>Energy</strong> eciency measures adopted in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario bring about a $900 billionincrease, relave to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, in cumulave investment from 2012 to 2020(Figure 2.13). More than half of <strong>the</strong> increase is due to households purchasing more ecient<strong>energy</strong> consuming equipment (IEA, 2012a). The increase in cumulave investment in <strong>the</strong>service and transport sectors respecvely reaches more than $160 billion and $170 billion.<strong>Energy</strong> intensive industries are responsible for only a small share of total <strong>energy</strong> eciencyinvestments, as <strong>the</strong>ir potenal for <strong>energy</strong> savings is comparavely limited in <strong>the</strong> period to2020. The reducon of methane emissions from upstream oil and gas requires a cumulaveinvestment of around $20 billion up to 2020, while power generaon investment is slightlyreduced, relave to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, due to lower electricity demand, driven by<strong>energy</strong> eciency policies. 23© OECD/IEA, 201323. The implementation of <strong>the</strong> four policies will require transfer of technology from developed to developingcountries. One such mechanism, Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM), is being established by <strong>the</strong> JapaneseGovernment. Through this mechanism a host country receives technology and sets up measuring, reporting,and verification of a projects emissions reductions. Projects include renewable <strong>energy</strong>, highly efficient powergeneration, home electronics, etc., which facilitates low-carbon growth in developing countries.Chapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 71

Figure 2.13 non-<strong>energy</strong> value-added in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario relative to<strong>the</strong> New Policies ScenarioBillion dollars (2011)300200100Value-added in<strong>energy</strong> sectorsValue-added innon-<strong>energy</strong> sectors<strong>Energy</strong> efficiencyinvestments0-100-2002010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020Capital-intensive sectors, facing sieable fuel spending, benet <strong>the</strong> most from <strong>the</strong> policiesthat are assumed to be adopted in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario (Figure 2.14). Transport services(including freight and shipping of o<strong>the</strong>r goods) are directly smulated by targeted <strong>energy</strong>eciency investments. Cumulave value-added to 2020 increases by 7%, relave tocurrent levels, and 0.7% relave to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario. Despite limited investmentsin <strong>energy</strong> eciency, <strong>energy</strong>-intensive industries are parcularly sensive to <strong>the</strong> reduced<strong>energy</strong> prices stemming from <strong>the</strong> full policy package. This enables those industries toredirect spending to o<strong>the</strong>r primary factors, e.g. capital and labour, which translates into anincrease in acvity of around 1-3% through to 2020 (Chateau and Magné, 2013).Figure 2.14 Change in household spending, investment in <strong>energy</strong>Scenario relative to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, 2012-2020© OECD/IEA, 2013Household spendingServicesTransport servicesTransport equipmentManufactured goodsChemicalsIron and steelCementO<strong>the</strong>r2% 4% 6% 8% 10%100 200 300 400 500Billion dollars (2011)CumulavespendingCumulaveinvestmentsChange in cumulavevalue-added relaveto 2012 levels(top axis)72 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

The manufacturing sector also sees reduced producon costs and a 4% increase incumulave acvity. In relave terms, <strong>the</strong> policy impact for <strong>the</strong> services sector is limited.Given <strong>the</strong> sheer sie of services in <strong>the</strong> global economy currently around 60% of totalvalue-added <strong>the</strong> amount of capital invested in <strong>energy</strong> eciency relave to capital inplace is only a few percentage points. In addion, <strong>energy</strong> use is in <strong>the</strong> services sector is toolimited to benet signicantly from reduced <strong>energy</strong> prices in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario.The overall objecve of reducing CO 2 and methane emissions entails sectoral and regionalreallocaons of supply and demand across all commodies, goods and services. <strong>Energy</strong>eciency investments by households and rms reduce <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>energy</strong> bills, freeing up nancefor <strong>the</strong> purchase of o<strong>the</strong>r goods. Prices of non-<strong>energy</strong> goods and services are moderated,as <strong>energy</strong> costs are lower. This smulates an increase in acvity in non-<strong>energy</strong> sectors thatmore than compensates for <strong>the</strong> reducons in <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector. The global trade impactsof <strong>the</strong> policies remain very limited a mere 0.1% increase in 2020.1234Figure 2.15 Impact on consumption of goods and services in households in<strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C relative to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, 2020OECDElectricityOil productsNatural gasServicesTransport*-3.8%-2.3%-4.2%Manufactured goodsO<strong>the</strong>rNet effect+0.1%Non-OECDElectricityOil productsNatural gasServicesTransport*Manufactured goods-3.9%-3.2%-8.1%O<strong>the</strong>rNet Effect+0.4% Includes transport equipment and transport services.-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80Billion dollars (2011)© OECD/IEA, 2013The reshuing of sectoral acvity is chiey triggered by <strong>the</strong> altered consumponbehaviour of households, a disnct driver of economic growth, parcularly in OECDcountries (Figure 2.15). Goods and services with relavely low <strong>energy</strong> content or whoseadopon may bring about signicant <strong>energy</strong> savings, such as in transport through <strong>the</strong>deployment of <strong>energy</strong>-ecient vehicles, are specically targeted by <strong>the</strong> policy packageimplemented in OECD countries. In 2020, <strong>the</strong> four policies in OECD countries lead to anChapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 73

increase in household expenses of above 1% for transport services and equipment, andalso for manufactured products relave to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario. 24 Both categories ofaddional expense are of similar magnitude, around $35 billion.<strong>Energy</strong> expenses in OECD countries are between 2% and 4% lower than in <strong>the</strong> New PoliciesScenario, equivalent to a net reducon of about $40 billion. The net increase in OECDhousehold consumpon is limited to 0.1%. Similar net deviaons are observed in non-OECDcountries, though non-OECD economies are generally more industry-oriented and <strong>energy</strong>spending accounts generally for a larger share in consumpon. <strong>Energy</strong> eciency measuresredirect consumpon towards goods and services which embed less <strong>energy</strong>. Therefore,<strong>the</strong> set of policies in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario induces a more signicant boost in householdconsumpon. The services sector is fur<strong>the</strong>r developed, as economic development proceedsin <strong>the</strong>se countries. In 2020, household spending on <strong>energy</strong> goods is cut by almost 4% in<strong>the</strong> case of oil products. The electricity bill diminishes by more than 8%, incenvised by <strong>the</strong>reform of fossil-fuel subsidies.Figure 2.16 4-for-2 °C relative to <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, 2020OECDElectricityOil productsNatural gasO<strong>the</strong>rServicesTransport*-1.5%-2.1%-4.7%<strong>Energy</strong>-intensive goodsNet effect-0.2%Non-OECDElectricityOil productsNatural gasO<strong>the</strong>rServicesTransport*<strong>Energy</strong>-intensive goodsNet effect-4.2%-2.7%-0.2%-5.5%-140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0Billion dollars (2011) Includes transport equipment and transport services.The overall increase in household consumpon is, to some extent, counterbalanced byan overall reducon in consumpon of goods and services by rms (Figure 2.16). <strong>Energy</strong>expenses by rms are reduced in similar proporon to those of households. But demand© OECD/IEA, 201324. elfare impacts of <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario are qualitatively similar to consumption trends illustrated in thissection.74 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

y rms for o<strong>the</strong>r goods, notably manufactured products, is maintained, though changedin detail. The resulng net impact on consumpon by rms is a 0.2% decrease ($90 billion)in OECD countries, oseng <strong>the</strong> net increase in households. arger cuts in <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> billsof non-OECD rms also lead to a net 0.2% drop in consumpon in 2020 (-$80 billion).The assumed mullateral reform of fossil-fuel consumpon subsidies leads to moreecient resource allocaon across <strong>the</strong> enre economy and is thus welfare-enhancingin countries implemenng <strong>the</strong> reform. This measure benets Middle Eastern countriesparcularly, which results, in combinaon with o<strong>the</strong>r elements of <strong>the</strong> policy package, in aslight increase in <strong>the</strong>ir GDP.1234Building blocks for steeper abatement post-2020The implementaon of assumed policy measures in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario signicantlyreduces growth in global CO 2 emissions from <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector. Global <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2emissions connue to grow in <strong>the</strong> short term, to 32.1 Gt in 2020, 25 but this is only some 2%higher than is required to put <strong>the</strong> world on track for a global temperature rise in <strong>the</strong> longterm no higher than 2 °C. Emissions stabilise aer 2020 and start falling slowly, reaching30.8 Gt in 2035, 6.2 Gt (or 17%) lower than in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario (Figure 2.17).Almost 60% of <strong>the</strong> CO 2 savings in 2035 occur due to <strong>the</strong> reduced use of coal as a resultof lower electricity demand and less use of <strong>the</strong> least-ecient coal power plants. The useof oil is also reduced, contribung 25% to overall emissions reducons, largely due toeciency standards in road transport and <strong>the</strong> phase-out of fossil-fuel subsidies. Natural gascontributes ano<strong>the</strong>r 17% to emissions reducons, due to lower electricity demand and <strong>the</strong>phase-out of fossil-fuel subsidies. However, <strong>the</strong> use of natural gas, sll grows unl 2035 in<strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, though at a reduced average annual rate, relave to 2010, of 1.1%.It is <strong>the</strong> only fossil fuel for which demand sll increases signicantly over todays levels.Figure 2.17 <strong>World</strong> <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions by scenarioGt393633New Policies Scenario4-for-2 °C Scenario3027Coal© OECD/IEA, 201324Oil450 Scenario Gas212010 2015 2020 2025 2030 203525. Including CH 4 , <strong>energy</strong>-related emissions reach 34.9 Gt CO 2 -eq in 2020.Chapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 75

These addional measures are not sucient alone, however, to reach <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target in<strong>the</strong> long term, as CO 2 emissions are 8.8 Gt (or 40%) higher than <strong>the</strong> required level in 2035,a level which, if realised, would represent only a 13% probability of stabilisaon at 2 °C,and a 50% likelihood of reaching 2.9 °C. In order to change course post-2020 and put <strong>the</strong>world rmly on track consistent with a for a 50% chance of reaching <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target, fur<strong>the</strong>rreducons are required. Relave to <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, <strong>the</strong>se addional reduconsamount to a cumulave 78 Gt through 2035.For <strong>the</strong> required transformaon of <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector post-2020 to achieve <strong>climate</strong> targets,all technology opons will be needed and <strong>the</strong>ir early availability is essenal to minimise<strong>the</strong> addional costs associated with <strong>the</strong>ir deployment. hile deep emissions reduconsare possible if consumers were to reduce demand for <strong>energy</strong> services such as mobility orcomfort, such changes are considered unlikely and might entail lower economic acvity.The acceptable keys to <strong>the</strong> required emissions reducon are, <strong>the</strong>refore, technologicaldevelopments and ongoing improvements in eciency.Figure 2.18 <strong>World</strong> electricity generation from low-carbon technologies byscenarioTWh7 0006 0005 0004 0003 0002020:4-for-2 °C ScenarioIncremental overperiod 2020-2035:4-for-2 °C Scenario450 Scenario2 0001 000Nuclear Hydro Wind Bio<strong>energy</strong> Solar PV O<strong>the</strong>r CCSNote: O<strong>the</strong>r includes geo<strong>the</strong>rmal, concentrated solar power and marine.© OECD/IEA, 2013In <strong>the</strong> power sector, for example, a profound change in <strong>the</strong> way electricity is generated isneeded post-2020. In <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, <strong>the</strong> share of low-carbon technologies includingrenewables, nuclear and CCS, reaches 40% in 2020, up from 32% today, but this is sll well shortof <strong>the</strong> required level of almost 80% in 2035, as reected in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario (see Chapter 1).Achieving this target will require <strong>the</strong> use of all low-carbon technologies, with <strong>the</strong> largestcontribuon coming from increased use of renewables, as electricity output from hydro, wind,biomass, solar and o<strong>the</strong>r renewables combined in 2035 is over 4 000 terawa-hours (Th)76 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

(or almost 40%) higher than in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario (Figure 2.18). Electricity generaonfrom nuclear power needs to increase by almost 1 800 Th in 2035 (or about 40%) over <strong>the</strong>level achieved in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario. In relave terms, <strong>the</strong> largest scale-up, post-2020,is needed for CCS, at seven mes <strong>the</strong> level achieved in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, or around3 100 Th in 2035, with installaon in industrial facilies capturing close to 1.0 Gt CO 2 in2035. Projects in operaon today in all sectors capture only 6 Mt CO 2 , implying a very rapiddeployment of CCS in many applicaons. For all low-carbon technologies, <strong>the</strong> removalaer 2020 of market and non-market barriers towards <strong>the</strong>ir wider adopon will require aconsistent policy eort over <strong>the</strong> next decade.1234In <strong>the</strong> transport sector, a shi towards low-carbon fuels is required as improving <strong>the</strong>eciency of road vehicles alone will not lead to <strong>the</strong> steep reducons required aer 2020(IEA, 2012b). hile natural gas and biofuels are promising alternaves to oil, <strong>the</strong>ir potenalto reduce emissions relave to oil is limited, ei<strong>the</strong>r due to <strong>the</strong>ir carbon content (naturalgas) or quesons with regard to <strong>the</strong>ir sustainability and conicts with o<strong>the</strong>r uses for <strong>the</strong>feedstock (biofuels). From todays perspecve, high expectaons fall on <strong>the</strong> deploymentof electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, with <strong>the</strong>ir share of all PD sales required to riseby above one-quarter by 2035 (as in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario). Such a dramac shi away fromcurrent sales paerns is unprecedented in global car markets. In order to aain such asteep increase in market shares, electric vehicles need to be freely available to <strong>the</strong> massmarket at compeve costs by 2020, soluons having been idened to address issuessuch as driving range (for example, fast recharging infrastructure) or o<strong>the</strong>r issues crucial toconsumer acceptability.© OECD/IEA, 2013The large deployment of CCS aer 2020 is required partly as a fossil-fuel assets proteconstrategy. 26 In 2020, <strong>the</strong>re are almost 2 000 G of coal-red capacity and almost 1 800 Gof gas-red capacity installed worldwide in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario, toge<strong>the</strong>r represenng58% of total electricity generaon. Deploying CCS and retrong fossil-fuel plants with CCSavoids <strong>the</strong> need to mothball large parts of this eet and improves <strong>the</strong> economic feasibilityof <strong>the</strong> <strong>climate</strong> objecve, in parcular in regions where geological formaons allow forCO 2 storage (IPCC, 2005). So far, only a handful of large-scale CCS projects in naturalgas processing are operang, toge<strong>the</strong>r with some low-cost opportunies in industrialapplicaons. hile many projects are economically viable because CO 2 is purchased forenhanced oil recovery (EOR), <strong>the</strong>re is no single commercial CCS applicaon to date in <strong>the</strong>power sector or in <strong>energy</strong>-intensive industries. Addional to technological and economicchallenges, CCS must overcome legal challenges related to liabilies associated with <strong>the</strong>perceived possibility of <strong>the</strong> escape of <strong>the</strong> CO 2 gases that are stored underground. Exisngpolicies so far are insucient to incenvise investments in commercial-scale CCS (Box 2.4).Although progress has been made towards improving <strong>the</strong> regulatory framework, sucient26. See Chapter 3 for an analysis of <strong>the</strong> economic implications of stronger <strong>climate</strong> policies.Chapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 77

technology and deployment support is lacking and <strong>the</strong> absence of a substanal price signalhas impeded necessary development of CCS technology.Past analysis has demonstrated that emissions migaon becomes more costly without CCS(IEA, 2011c). 27 In <strong>the</strong> power sector, delaying introducon of CCS from 2020 to 2030 wouldincrease <strong>the</strong> investment required to keep <strong>the</strong> world on track for <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target by more than$1 trillion, as <strong>the</strong> need for addional investment in o<strong>the</strong>r low-carbon technologies, suchas renewables and nuclear, would more than oset <strong>the</strong> reduced investment in coal powerplants and CCS (Figure 2.19). Although a reducon of electricity demand can accommodatelower CCS deployment in <strong>the</strong> power sector, <strong>the</strong>re are limits to <strong>the</strong> extent to which <strong>energy</strong>eciency can reduce <strong>energy</strong> demand without reducing <strong>energy</strong> services.Figure 2.19 Change in cumulative investment in power generation if CCS isdelayed, relative to <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, 2012-2035Trillion dollars (2011)<strong>the</strong>rSolar PVWindBio<strong>energy</strong>HydroCoal and gas:Without CCSCCS-fied-1.0Coal Gas Nuclear Renewables Totalhile <strong>the</strong> delayed availability of CCS can be compensated in <strong>the</strong> power sector by increasinginvestment in renewables and nuclear, albeit at higher costs, <strong>the</strong> fact that alternavesare not available to compensate for a shorall of <strong>the</strong> deployment of CCS technologiesin industry is a bigger challenge. <strong>Energy</strong>-ecient equipment can go a long way (and isdeployed to its maximum in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario), but <strong>the</strong> potenal for renewables inindustrial applicaons is limited. A higher use of decarbonised electricity in industry hassome potenal, for example in iron and steel via secondary steelmaking, but this wouldnot allow <strong>the</strong> producon of certain product qualies. ithout <strong>the</strong> deployment of CCS or analternave low-carbon technological breakthrough in industrial processes, industry wouldstruggle to reach <strong>the</strong> levels of decarbonisaon necessary to achieve <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario,so pung fur<strong>the</strong>r pressure and imposing greater costs on sectors with more opons todecarbonise, such as transport and power generaon.© OECD/IEA, 201327. The analysis of <strong>the</strong> cost of delaying CCS in this section is based on a comparison of <strong>the</strong> cost of reaching<strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario from WEO-2012 with those of <strong>the</strong> Delayed CCS Case that was presented in WEO-2011 and thatassumes that CCS is introduced in 2030, i.e. ten years later than in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario.78 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Box 2.4 Policies to support CCSCCS deployment requires strong policy acon, as present market condions areinsucient and current CO 2 pricing mechanisms have failed to provide adequateincenves to drive it. Governments need to put in place incenve policies that supportnot only demonstraon projects but also wider deployment. The opmal porolio ofincenve policies needs to evolve as <strong>the</strong> technology develops from being relavelyuntested at a large scale to being well-established. The incenve policy porolioshould inially be weighted towards technology-specic support, explicitly targeng<strong>the</strong> development of CCS into a commercial acvity through <strong>the</strong> provision of capitalgrants, investment tax credits, credit guarantees andor insurance (Figure 2.20). At<strong>the</strong> early stage, measures are needed to enable projects to move ahead in order togenerate replicable knowledge and experience. Targeted sector-specic industrialstrategies are <strong>the</strong>n needed to move CCS from <strong>the</strong> pilot project phase to demonstraonand <strong>the</strong>n deployment phases. In <strong>the</strong> long term, a technology-neutral form of support,e.g. in <strong>the</strong> form of a CO 2 price, allows <strong>the</strong> deployment of CCS to be considered inrelaon to o<strong>the</strong>r cost-eecve abatement opons.1234Figure 2.20 Policy framework for <strong>the</strong> development of CCSSource: Adapted from IEA (2012d).© OECD/IEA, 2013In addion to <strong>the</strong> tailored incenve policies needed to drive CCS forward, governmentsneed to ensure that <strong>the</strong> terms of regulatory frameworks (or <strong>the</strong>ir absence) do notimpede demonstraon and deployment of CCS. In this context, a regulatory frameworkis <strong>the</strong> collecon of laws (and rules or regulaons, where applicable) that removesunnecessary barriers to CCS and facilitates its implementaon, while ensuring it isundertaken in a way that is safe and eecve. Jurisdicons in <strong>the</strong> European Union, <strong>the</strong>United States, Canada and Australia have established legal and regulatory frameworksfor CCS over <strong>the</strong> past few years (IEA, 2011c). hile developing a legal and regulatoryframework for a novel technology is a daunng challenge, a regulatory frameworkcan, within limits, be developed in phases, with regulaons tailored to <strong>the</strong> stageof technology deployment, as has been done in some jurisdicons, so long as <strong>the</strong>regulatory process stays suciently ahead of <strong>the</strong> game. But, in any case, frameworkdevelopment must begin as soon as possible to ensure that a lack of appropriateregulaon does not slow deployment.Chapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 79

CCS can not only safeguard o<strong>the</strong>rwise stranded assets in power generaon and industry,but also has a value for fossil-fuel producers. To achieve <strong>climate</strong> targets, CCS would mainlybe applied to coal- and gas-red power plants and in <strong>the</strong> iron and steel, and cementindustries, which largely consume coal. If <strong>the</strong> introducon of CCS in power generaonand industry is signicantly delayed, coal consumpon must decrease correspondinglyif <strong>climate</strong> targets were to be met: while coal consumpon would decline from around5 200 million tonnes of coal equivalent (Mtce) today to 3 300 Mtce in 2035 if CCS wasintroduced on a large scale by 2020, it would be reduced by ano<strong>the</strong>r 900 Mtce if <strong>the</strong>introducon of CCS was delayed by ten years.Oil and gas producers would also be aected by delayed introducon of CCS. Although gasconsumpon would sll increase over todays level, growth would be slower without <strong>the</strong>applicaon of CCS to gas-red power plants. For oil producers, <strong>the</strong> eect of delaying CCSwould be indirect: in order to keep cumulave CO 2 emissions <strong>the</strong> same in <strong>the</strong> absence ofCCS, <strong>the</strong> transport sector would need to compensate by reducing emissions fur<strong>the</strong>r throughwider deployment of electric vehicles. This could reduce oil consumpon by around1.3 million barrels per day in 2035, compared with introducon of CCS by 2020. Overall, if<strong>the</strong> introducon of CCS was delayed unl 2030, <strong>the</strong>n coal producing countries would loserevenues of $690 billion, gas producers would lose $430 billion and oil producers about$230 billion (Figure 2.21). The combined loss of revenue for oil and gas producers is roughlyequal to that of coal producers.Figure 2.21 Change in fossil fuel cumulative gross revenues by type andregion if CCS is delayed, relative to <strong>the</strong> 450 ScenarioOECDNon-OECDOilGasCoal-700 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100Billion dollars (2011)© OECD/IEA, 2013The analysis in this chapter has shown that it is possible in 2020 to be within reach ofa 2 °C trajectory through <strong>the</strong> adopon in <strong>the</strong> short term of a number of well-targeted,decisive policy intervenons that will not damage economic growth. Aer 2020, <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong>80 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

transion must move from being incremental to transformaonal, i.e. an <strong>energy</strong> sectorrevoluon, is required, which will be aained only by very strong policy acon. The pivotalchallenge is to move <strong>the</strong> abatement of <strong>climate</strong> policy to <strong>the</strong> very core of economic systems,inuencing in parcular, all investment decisions in <strong>energy</strong> supply, demand and use. Everyfeasible abatement opportunity will need to be seied. An important way to achieve this isby pricing carbon emissions.By reecng in <strong>energy</strong> prices <strong>the</strong> hidden cost of <strong>climate</strong> damage, well-judged carbonpricing gives all producers and consumers <strong>the</strong> necessary incenve to reduce greenhousegasemissions, while allowing exibility in <strong>the</strong> technical and business soluons adopted tomake <strong>the</strong>se reducons. Carbon pricing provides an incenve for innovaon, and dependingon <strong>the</strong> policy design, could help <strong>the</strong> scal posion of governments.1234Carbon pricing can be implemented in a multude of ways, matching naonal circumstancesand <strong>climate</strong> objecves. Carbon taxes provide simplicity and investment certainty, whileemissions trading can be used if exibility and internaonal linkages are a higher priority.The revenues raised can be used to maximise overall economic welfare (for example,by reducing o<strong>the</strong>r distoronary taxes) and, in this case, <strong>the</strong> net benet can exceed <strong>the</strong>economic slow-down resulng from <strong>energy</strong> price rises (Parry and illiams, 2011). Therevenues raised can also be used in a targeted way to oset <strong>the</strong> impact of increasingprices for low-income consumers or vulnerable industries and, if designed well, can sllmaintain <strong>the</strong> appropriate incenves for cleaner <strong>energy</strong> choices. Targets in an emissionstrading scheme can be based on an absolute emissions cap, which gives certainty over<strong>the</strong> abatement outcome, or an emissions intensity, which provides greater exibility forrapidly-developing economies and can have a lesser impact on <strong>energy</strong> prices.A key advantage of carbon pricing is its potenal to opmise acon internaonally, ei<strong>the</strong>rthrough internaonal credit mechanisms or <strong>the</strong> linking of domesc emissions tradingschemes. Internaonal linking allows abatement to occur rst where it is cheapest, drivinginvestment ows and technology to regions with abatement opportunies. In <strong>the</strong>ory, thisshould appeal both to buying and selling naons buyers benet from cheaper compliancewith emissions targets and sellers prot from higher unit sales. However, o<strong>the</strong>r policalconsideraons mean that, in <strong>the</strong> real world, linking decisions is complex. There may beconcerns about oulows of capital from buying countries, and loss of cheap abatementopons in selling countries. There may also be concern that internaonal linking willraise domesc carbon prices in regions with ample abatement opportunies, owingthrough to <strong>energy</strong> prices. Even if technical design elements enable linking, <strong>the</strong>se policalconsideraons may mean that carbon pricing policies remain mostly domesc or regionalfor some me.© OECD/IEA, 2013Given <strong>the</strong> important role that carbon pricing must play from 2020, it is essenal to use<strong>the</strong> few years ahead to design and test carbon pricing systems in order to gain experience.Experience in <strong>the</strong> EU ETS and o<strong>the</strong>r systems, such as <strong>the</strong> US-based Regional GreenhouseGas Iniave, has shown that it can take a number of years to put a carbon pricingsystem in place, and several more to sele on robust and sustainable policy parametersChapter 2 | <strong>Energy</strong> policies to keep <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target alive 81

(see Chapter 1). Countries that have worked through <strong>the</strong>se design issues and have carbonpricing as an available tool will be at a disnct advantage in managing <strong>the</strong> ambiousemissions reducons that will be required under any new internaonal agreementconsistent with keeping <strong>the</strong> long-term average global temperature rise to below 2 °C.Box 2.5 Clean <strong>energy</strong> standardsEmissions trading does not necessarily mean a cap and trade system: <strong>the</strong>re are manydesign opons for integrang a exible carbon price into investment decision-making.For example, a clean <strong>energy</strong> standard (CES) for <strong>the</strong> electricity sector could work in avery similar way to an intensity-based ETS, embedding a clear incenve for a clean<strong>energy</strong> transion across electricity sector decision-making and retaining many of <strong>the</strong>benets of carbon pricing. Under a CES, permits are awarded for each unit of cleanelectricity generated, on <strong>the</strong> basis (approximately) of avoided emissions compared to abaseline, which requires careful denion. Electricity suppliers must surrender permitscorresponding to a required share of clean <strong>energy</strong>. The tradability of permits creates aprice for a unit of low-carbon electricity generaon, ra<strong>the</strong>r than a price for emissions. Aswith any emissions trading or creding system, seng <strong>the</strong> emissions cap (in this case <strong>the</strong>required share of clean <strong>energy</strong>) at an ambious level is crical to ensure that <strong>the</strong>re is afunconing market that results in real, addional emissions reducon.CES systems do not necessarily raise <strong>energy</strong> prices by as much as an equivalent capand trade system because <strong>the</strong> cost passed through to consumers is only that of <strong>the</strong>required investment in clean <strong>energy</strong>, ra<strong>the</strong>r than a charge on all fossil-fuel generaon.Conversely, <strong>the</strong>y do not raise revenue for governments to use in an economicallybenecial way and do not provide a clear signal for demand reducon.Despite its importance, carbon pricing alone will not be sucient to drive necessarychanges. Direct targeted policies will be needed to unlock <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> eciency potenal,such as those proposed in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario to 2020. <strong>Energy</strong> eciency is oen blockedby non-market barriers which, le in place, could distort <strong>the</strong> response to carbon prices.The development of new technologies also requires targeted support, both to bring downcosts and to allow for scaling-up to <strong>the</strong> level required for <strong>the</strong> long term. Typical examplesare CCS, some renewable <strong>energy</strong> technologies, smart grids and electric vehicles (whichalso require supporng infrastructure). It may also be necessary directly to discourageinvestment in long-lived <strong>energy</strong> infrastructure that might o<strong>the</strong>rwise be beyond <strong>the</strong> reachof a carbon price signal. Although some sectors are less responsive to a carbon price,such a market signal may sll play a supporng role. For example, fuel-economy standardsin transport are much more eecve if complemented by fuel-excise charges to preventrebound, as is provided for in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario.© OECD/IEA, 201382 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Chapter 3Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sectorHighlightsBuilding resilience now The <strong>energy</strong> sector must ensure that its assets are resilient to <strong>the</strong> physical impactsof <strong>the</strong> <strong>climate</strong> change that is already occurring and in prospect, and also that itscorporate strategy is resilient to <strong>the</strong> possibility of stronger <strong>climate</strong> change policiesbeing adopted in <strong>the</strong> future. If <strong>the</strong>se implicaons of <strong>climate</strong> change are not factoredinto investment decisions, carbon-intensive assets could need ei<strong>the</strong>r to be reredbefore <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong>ir economic lifeme, idled or undergo retrong. The <strong>energy</strong> sector is not immune from <strong>the</strong> physical impacts of <strong>climate</strong> change andmust adapt. In <strong>map</strong>ping <strong>energy</strong> system vulnerabilies, we idenfy some impactsthat are sudden and destrucve, with extreme wea<strong>the</strong>r events posing risks to powerplants and grids, oil and gas installaons, wind farms and o<strong>the</strong>r infrastructure.O<strong>the</strong>r impacts are more gradual, such as sea level rise on coastal infrastructure,shiing wea<strong>the</strong>r paerns on hydropower and water scarcity on power plants. Urbanareas, home to more than half <strong>the</strong> worlds populaon, experience annual maximumtemperatures that increase much faster than <strong>the</strong> global average. Our analysis,which takes account of <strong>the</strong> changing <strong>climate</strong>, shows that global <strong>energy</strong> demand forresidenal cooling is 16% higher in 2050 than when this eect is not factored in.Developing countries cooling needs increase <strong>the</strong> most, parcularly in China. Even under a 2 °C trajectory, upstream oil and gas generates gross revenues of$107 trillion through to 2035. Though 15% lower than <strong>the</strong>y might o<strong>the</strong>rwise be,<strong>the</strong>se revenues are nearly three mes higher than in <strong>the</strong> last two decades. Stronger<strong>climate</strong> policies do not cause any currently producing oil and gas elds to shut downearly. Some elds yet to start producon are not developed before 2035, but thisrisk of stranded assets aects only 5% of proven oil reserves and 6% of gas reserves.ower coal demand impacts on coal supply but, as investment costs are a smallshare of overall mining costs, <strong>the</strong> value of stranded assets is relavely low. In <strong>the</strong> power sector overall, gross revenues are $57 trillion through to 2035 under a2 °C trajectory, 2% higher than those expected on <strong>the</strong> trajectory now being followed,as higher electricity prices outweigh lower demand. Net revenues from exisngnuclear and renewables capacity are boosted by $1.8 trillion collecvely, oseng asimilar decline from coal plants. Of <strong>the</strong> power plants that are rered early, idled orretroed with CCS, only 8% (165 G) fail to fully recover <strong>the</strong>ir investment costs.© OECD/IEA, 2013 Delaying stronger <strong>climate</strong> acon unl 2020 would avoid $1.5 trillion in low-carboninvestments up to that point, but an addional $5 trillion would <strong>the</strong>n need to beinvested through to 2035 to get back on track. Developing countries have <strong>the</strong> mostto gain from invesng early in low-carbon infrastructure in order to reduce <strong>the</strong> risk ofneeding to prematurely rere or retrot carbon-intensive assets later on.Chapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 83

IntroduconAs <strong>the</strong> largest source of greenhouse-gas emissions, a signicant burden lies with <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong>sector to deliver <strong>the</strong> 2 degrees Celsius (°C) <strong>climate</strong> goal commied to by governments.Chapter 2 examined <strong>the</strong> need and <strong>the</strong> potenal for policy makers to take short-term<strong>climate</strong> acons while negoang long-term deals. This chapter shis focus to <strong>the</strong> need andscope for self-interested acon by <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector. The global <strong>climate</strong> agreement thatis expected to come into force in 2020 is both within <strong>the</strong> lifeme of many <strong>energy</strong> assetsoperang today and within <strong>the</strong> current planning horions of <strong>the</strong> industry: it is, accordingly,one of <strong>the</strong> present uncertaines that <strong>the</strong> industry has to manage as it connues to invest.Many of <strong>the</strong> investment decisions being taken today do not appear to be ei<strong>the</strong>r consistentwith a 2 °C <strong>climate</strong> goal or suciently resilient to <strong>the</strong> increased physical risks that areexpected to result from future <strong>climate</strong> change. Is <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector beginning to factor<strong>the</strong>se issues into its planning and investment decisions, or is <strong>the</strong>re a risk that it will needto write-o some of its assets before <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong>ir economic life and before <strong>the</strong>y havegenerated <strong>the</strong> nancial returns expected of <strong>the</strong>mClimate change is, and will connue to be, an important issue for <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector. Theindustry can rise to <strong>the</strong> challenges brought about by <strong>climate</strong> change, but this will require<strong>the</strong> reorientaon of a system valued at trillions of dollars and expected to receive trillionsmore in new investment over <strong>the</strong> coming decades. This chapter analyses some keyissues that <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector must confront. It begins by examining <strong>the</strong> range of physicalimpacts that <strong>the</strong> changing <strong>climate</strong> might have on our <strong>energy</strong> system, highlighng thoseparts of our <strong>energy</strong> infrastructure that may be most vulnerable and need to become more<strong>climate</strong> resilient. It <strong>the</strong>n analyses <strong>the</strong> potenal economic impact on <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sectorof <strong>the</strong> stronger <strong>climate</strong> policies, necessary to meet <strong>the</strong> 2 °C <strong>climate</strong> goal, which may beadopted, measuring this in terms of <strong>the</strong> impact on <strong>the</strong> sectors future revenues, and on<strong>the</strong> lifeme and protability of exisng assets (in terms of fossil-fuel reserves and <strong>energy</strong>infrastructure) and those yet to be discovered, developed or built. Aer all, in a worldwhere condence in <strong>the</strong> conclusions of <strong>climate</strong> science is hardening and <strong>the</strong> availablecarbon budget is shrinking, those companies deriving <strong>the</strong>ir revenues most closely fromfossil fuels are at <strong>the</strong> highest risk from changes in <strong>energy</strong> and <strong>climate</strong> policies, potenallyundermining <strong>the</strong> business models that have historically served <strong>the</strong>m well. The chapter alsolooks more broadly at <strong>the</strong> implicaons if stronger acons on <strong>climate</strong> change were delayed,considering <strong>the</strong> simple queson of whe<strong>the</strong>r it is beer to act now or act later.© OECD/IEA, 2013Impacts of <strong>climate</strong> change on <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sectorThe <strong>energy</strong> sector is not immune to <strong>the</strong> impacts of <strong>climate</strong> change and here we examine<strong>the</strong> exposure of dierent parts of <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> system to <strong>the</strong> associated physical risks. Evenstringent acon to contain <strong>the</strong> extent of <strong>climate</strong> change, such as realisaon of <strong>the</strong> 2 °C<strong>climate</strong> goal, will not eliminate <strong>the</strong> impacts of <strong>climate</strong> change and <strong>the</strong> need to adaptto it (Box 3.1). ithout such adaptaon, <strong>climate</strong> change will increase <strong>the</strong> physical risksto <strong>energy</strong> supply, pushing up capital and maintenance costs, impairing <strong>energy</strong> supply84 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

eliability and accelerang <strong>the</strong> deterioraon (and <strong>the</strong>refore <strong>the</strong> pace of depreciaon) ofassets. The industry must judge <strong>the</strong> extent to which it will be impacted by future <strong>climate</strong>change and how it will need to adapt to <strong>the</strong> new physical risks, whe<strong>the</strong>r, for example,through changes in <strong>the</strong> locaon and <strong>the</strong> resilience of new infrastructure, through <strong>the</strong>decentralisaon of <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> network, or by insuring against loss. Given <strong>the</strong> naonalimportance of some <strong>energy</strong> infrastructure, government will also have an important role toplay. Overall, developing an eecve strategy will involve <strong>the</strong> interplay between a broadrange of stakeholders, including governments, <strong>energy</strong> companies, <strong>climate</strong> sciensts andinsurers.1234Box 3.1 Climate change adaptationhile <strong>climate</strong> change migaon describes acons to reduce greenhouse-gas emissionsin <strong>the</strong> atmosphere, <strong>climate</strong> change adaptaon relates to adjustments that are made inresponse to actual or expected <strong>climate</strong> events (or <strong>the</strong>ir eects), which ei<strong>the</strong>r moderate<strong>the</strong> harm caused or exploit benecial opportunies (UNFCCC, 2013). Signicant eortsto migate <strong>climate</strong> change can reduce <strong>the</strong> need for adaptaon, but not dismiss itenrely because of <strong>the</strong> global warming that will result from <strong>the</strong> accumulaon of pastlong-lived greenhouse-gas emissions. Climate migaon and adaptaon are <strong>the</strong>reforenot mutually exclusive strategies and <strong>the</strong>re are synergies that can be exploited toenhance <strong>the</strong>ir cost-eecveness.© OECD/IEA, 2013Climate change impacts, and <strong>the</strong> adaptaon needs, will vary by region and sector. Someof <strong>the</strong> impacts will be gradual, as a long-term increase in global temperature brings abouta rise in sea level, greater water scarcity in some regions and changes in precipitaonpaerns. <strong>Energy</strong> demand paerns will change (such as for heang and cooling), powerplant cooling and eciency will be aected, as will hydropower output, and coastalinfrastructure (including reneries, liqueed natural gas NG plants and power plants)will be threatened (Figure 3.1). For example, in <strong>the</strong> United States alone nearly 300 <strong>energy</strong>facilies are located within 1.2 metres of high de (Strauss and iemlinski, 2012). O<strong>the</strong>rimpacts of <strong>climate</strong> change are likely to be more sudden and destrucve, with extremewea<strong>the</strong>r events, such as tropical cyclones, heat waves and oods, expected to increasein intensity and frequency (Box 3.2). Cyclones can damage electricity grids and threatenor severely disrupt oshore oil and gas plaorms, wind farms and coastal reneries. Heatwaves and cold spells will impact upon peak load <strong>energy</strong> demand, pung greater stresson grid infrastructure and undermining <strong>the</strong> ability of power plants to operate at opmumeciency. Gradual and sudden <strong>climate</strong> impacts can also interact, such as a sea level riseand more powerful storms combining to increase storm surges. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, disruponsto <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> system caused by <strong>climate</strong> events can have signicant knock-on eects ono<strong>the</strong>r crical services, such as communicaons, transport and health.Chapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 85

© OECD/IEA, 201386 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> ReportFigure 3.1 ⊳ Selected <strong>climate</strong> change impacts on <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sectorSources: Based on ©Munich RE (2011), with information from Acclimatise (2009), Foster and Brayshaw (2013), Schaeffer, et al. (2012) and IEA analysis.

Box 3.2 Extreme wea<strong>the</strong>r – a new factor in <strong>energy</strong> sector decisions?Climate change aects <strong>the</strong> frequency, intensity and duraon of many extreme wea<strong>the</strong>revents and evidence shows that this is already happening (IPCC, 2007 Peterson,Sto and Herring, 2012). A recent report nds that <strong>the</strong> distribuon of seasonal meantemperature anomalies has shied toward higher temperatures and that <strong>the</strong> range ofanomalies has increased, with an important change being <strong>the</strong> emergence of a categoryof extremely hot summerme outliers, relave to a 1951 to 1980 base period (Hansen,Sato and Ruedy, 2012). It also nds that, in <strong>the</strong> 1960s, less than 1% of <strong>the</strong> global landarea (around <strong>the</strong> sie of Iran) was aected by summerme extremes 1 , but observaonsnow point to this gure having increased to 10% (an area larger than India andChina combined). A separate study links <strong>the</strong> 35-year warming trend in ocean surfacetemperature to more intense and larger tropical cyclones (Trenberth and Fasullo, 2008).In 2012, Tropical Storm Irene made landfall much fur<strong>the</strong>r north than was typical andHurricane Sandy was <strong>the</strong> largest hurricane ever observed in <strong>the</strong> Atlanc (NOAA Naonalea<strong>the</strong>r Service, 2012). The 2003 heat wave in Europe is esmated to have caused upto 70 000 deaths (Robine, et al., 2008) and, while <strong>the</strong> summer average was only 2.3 °Cabove <strong>the</strong> long-term average in Europe, August temperatures in several cies were upto 10 °C higher than normal. Several densely populated urban areas are already at highrisk from natural haards. For example, Tokyo and New ork are at risk from cyclonesand oods, while New Delhi and Mexico City are at risk from oods (UNPD, 2012).The IPCC (2012) concluded that it is virtually certain that an increase in <strong>the</strong> frequencyand magnitude of warm daily temperature extremes will occur over <strong>the</strong> course of thiscentury. In a world where <strong>the</strong> average global temperature increases by 4 °C, relaveto pre-industrial levels, several studies nd that <strong>the</strong> most marked warming will beover land and actually be between 4 °C and 10 °C. A global temperature increase of4 °C means that a 1-in-20 year extreme temperature event today is likely to become a1-in-2 year event and, around <strong>the</strong> 2040s, about every second European summer couldbe as warm (or warmer) than <strong>the</strong> extreme summer of 2003 (Sto, Stone and Allen, 2004).1234<strong>Energy</strong> demand impactsComprehensive global studies covering <strong>the</strong> impact of <strong>climate</strong> change on <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sectorare sll lacking, though some regional and sector-specic analysis exists. The buildingssector has been examined in more depth than most, with studies nding that temperatureincreases are expected to boost demand for air condioning, while fuel consumpon forspace heang will be reduced. The eects in <strong>the</strong> transport sector (such as higher use of aircondioners) and in <strong>the</strong> industry sector (changed heang and air condioning needs) areexpected to be on a smaller scale (ilbanks, et al., 2007). In agriculture, a warmer <strong>climate</strong>is likely to increase demand for irrigaon resulng in a higher <strong>energy</strong> demand for waterpumps.© OECD/IEA, 20131.Defined as being more than three standard deviations warmer than <strong>the</strong> average temperature.Chapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 87

Around one-quarter of global nal <strong>energy</strong> consumpon is in <strong>the</strong> residenal sector nearly2 100 Mtoe in 2010 with space heang accounng for around 30% of this and spacecooling making up around 3%. At present, countries in cold <strong>climate</strong>s, such as Canada andRussia, have high heang demand (heang degree days HDD of 4 000 or above), buta comparably low demand for space cooling (cooling degree days CDD below 300). 2Countries in hot <strong>climate</strong>s, such as India, Indonesia and those in Africa, have virtually nodemand for space heang, but high cooling needs (CDD above 3 000). O<strong>the</strong>r regions aresituated in a more temperate <strong>climate</strong> or extend over dierent <strong>climate</strong> ones, such as <strong>the</strong>European Union and <strong>the</strong> Middle East where, for example, Iran has around 1 000 CDDs peryear, while Saudi Arabia has more than 3 000 CDDs.Urban areas, home to more than half <strong>the</strong> worlds populaon, are at <strong>the</strong> forefront of <strong>the</strong>challenge of <strong>climate</strong> change. Annual maximum temperatures in cies increase muchfaster than <strong>the</strong> global average, fostered by <strong>the</strong> urban heat island eect. For example, anaverage global warming of 4.6 °C above pre-industrial levels by 2100 (as in <strong>the</strong> IPCCsRCP 8.5 Scenario) is projected to result in maximum summer temperatures in New orkincreasing by 8.2 °C (Figure 3.2) (Hempel, et al., 2013). In such a case, <strong>the</strong> extreme summerexperienced in Moscow in 2010 may be closer to <strong>the</strong> norm experienced in 2100, while <strong>the</strong>European summer of 2003 could be cooler than <strong>the</strong> average by that me. In a case where<strong>the</strong> average global warming is 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels by 2100 (as in <strong>the</strong> IPCCsRCP 2.6 Scenario), <strong>the</strong> maximum summer temperature in New ork is projected to increaseby only 1.6 °C.For this report, we have extended our orld <strong>Energy</strong> Model to allow for <strong>the</strong> impact of<strong>climate</strong> change on <strong>the</strong> projecons for heang and cooling <strong>energy</strong> demand in <strong>the</strong> residenalsector. 3 Given <strong>the</strong> relavely long mescales over which <strong>climate</strong> impacts occur, <strong>the</strong> mehorion for this purpose is from 2010 to 2050, though it is recognised that <strong>the</strong> largestimpacts will be felt aer this date: our New Policies Scenario is consistent with an averageglobal temperature increase of around 2 °C by 2050 (3 °C by 2100 and 3.6 °C by 2200),compared with pre-industrial levels. In addion to changes in average <strong>energy</strong> demand forheang and cooling, <strong>climate</strong> change may also increase peak-load demand for cooling.© OECD/IEA, 20132. HDD and CDD are measurements designed to reflect <strong>the</strong> demand for <strong>energy</strong> needed to heat or cool abuilding. HDD and CDD are defined relative to a base temperature <strong>the</strong> outside temperature abovebelow whicha building needs no heating or no cooling. For example, if 18 °C were <strong>the</strong> baseline temperature, a summer daywith an average temperature of 25 °C would result in a CDD of 7.3. The orld <strong>Energy</strong> Model has been extended to 2050 for <strong>the</strong> <strong>climate</strong> impact analysis, where <strong>the</strong> effect onspace cooling is based on <strong>the</strong> methodology proposed in McNeil and etschert (2007). Demand for space heatingis based on <strong>energy</strong> services demand, which is driven by factors including change in floor space per capita,price elasticity and a change in HDD. Data on population weighted degree days comes from <strong>the</strong> PASIM-ENTSmodel (Holden, et al., 2013).88 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Figure 3.2 Projected annual maximum temperatures in selected citiesunder different global warming trends1°C46New York44.5 °C423837.9 °C3436.3 °C302000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100Global warmingin 2100 of:4.6 °C1.5 °C234°C46423834.6 °CParis42.8 ° °CGlobal warmingin 2100 of:4.6 °C1.5 °C3436.2 ° °C302000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100°C4238Moscow37.9 ° °CGlobal warmingin 2100 of:4.6 °C341.5 °C3033.3 ° °C31.4 °C262000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100°C5450New Delhi51.6 °CGlobal warmingin 2100 of:4.6 °C464245.8 °C46.8 °C1.5 °C382000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100© OECD/IEA, 2013Note: The temperature trend is <strong>the</strong> average of ve <strong>climate</strong> models.Sources: NOAA (2013a) Hempel, et al. (2013) and IEA analysis.Chapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 89

<strong>Energy</strong> demand for cooling in <strong>the</strong> OECD was higher than in non-OECD countries in 2010.In our New Policies Scenario, not accounng for <strong>climate</strong> change, global <strong>energy</strong> demandfor space cooling already grows by nearly 145% to 2035 and is around 175% higher by2050, pushed largely by demand from emerging markets in Asia, primarily China. However,<strong>climate</strong> trends are going to change over <strong>the</strong> coming decades and, once <strong>the</strong>se are takeninto account, <strong>the</strong> results show that global <strong>energy</strong> demand for space cooling increases byaround 170% to 2035 and 220% by 2050, compared with 2010 levels. In 2050, <strong>energy</strong>demand for cooling is signicantly higher in non-OECD countries than in <strong>the</strong> OECD. In non-OECD countries demand increases by nearly 400% (105 million tonnes of oil equivalentMtoe) compared to around 60% (20 Mtoe) in <strong>the</strong> OECD by 2050. The largest absolutechange in <strong>energy</strong> demand for cooling is in China, where <strong>the</strong> eect of increasing incomes(boosng ownership of air condioners) is complemented by increased cooling needs as aresult of rising temperatures. In relave terms, <strong>the</strong> biggest change in cooling demand thatoccurs as a result of <strong>climate</strong> change (i.e. a comparison between our New Policies Scenarioresults with and without <strong>climate</strong> change) is in China, followed by <strong>the</strong> United States, <strong>the</strong>Middle East and India (Figure 3.3). All of <strong>the</strong> increase in <strong>energy</strong> demand for cooling in <strong>the</strong>residenal sector is in <strong>the</strong> form of electricity, which can be challenging for power systemstability during extreme heat waves.Figure 3.3 Change in <strong>energy</strong> demand for space cooling by region in <strong>the</strong>New Policies Scenario after accounting for <strong>climate</strong> change20%15%10%5%4 0003 0002 0001 000Number of cooling degree daysAddional 2035to 20502035CDD in 2005(right axis)ChinaUnitedStatesMiddleEastNote: These regions cover almost three-quarters of <strong>the</strong> global <strong>energy</strong> consumpon for space cooling.India© OECD/IEA, 2013In 2010, global <strong>energy</strong> demand for heang was ten mes <strong>the</strong> level for cooling, withOECD countries accounng for around 60% of <strong>the</strong> total. In <strong>the</strong> case of <strong>energy</strong> demand forheang, a New Policies Scenario that does not take account of <strong>climate</strong> change projectsa 20% increase to 2035 and 28% by 2050. Once <strong>climate</strong> change eects are taken intoaccount, <strong>energy</strong> demand for space heating increases by only 11% to 2035 and 12% to2050, compared with 2010 levels. In <strong>the</strong> OECD, <strong>energy</strong> demand for heang increases onlymarginally to 2035 and <strong>the</strong>n declines to 2050, ending at a similar level (385 Mtoe) to 2010.Non-OECD countries drive almost all of <strong>the</strong> global increase, reaching around 260 Mtoe90 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

in 2050, with most of <strong>the</strong> increase occurring by 2035. ooking at <strong>the</strong> absolute changein <strong>energy</strong> demand before and aer <strong>climate</strong> eects are taken into account, <strong>the</strong> largestreducons are in Europe, China and <strong>the</strong> United States. The largest relave reducon inspace heang needs occurs in China (Figure 3.4). ess than 10% of global <strong>energy</strong> demandfor heang is in <strong>the</strong> form of electricity, with <strong>the</strong> rest split among fuels, mainly gas.Figure 3.4 Change in <strong>energy</strong> demand for space heating by region in <strong>the</strong>New Policies Scenario after accounting for <strong>climate</strong> changeChinaEuropeanUnionUnitedStatesRussiaAddional2035 to 20501234-4%-8%-12%-16%1 5003 0004 5006 000Number of heang degree days2035HDD in 2005(right axis)Note: These regions cover almost three-quarters of global <strong>energy</strong> consumpon for space heang.<strong>Energy</strong> supply impacts© OECD/IEA, 2013Oil and gas exploraon and producon already takes place in a number of challenging<strong>climate</strong>s, and <strong>the</strong> industry has innovated over me to open up new froners, from desertsto deepwater to <strong>the</strong> Arcc Circle. Climate impacts on this sector will include those thatare relavely gradual, such as a rising sea level and changing levels of water stress, andsudden impacts, including extreme wave heights, higher storm intensies and changing iceoes (Table 3.1). For example, ten Chinese provinces already suer from water scarcity inper capita terms and, if this were to become more acute, exisng coal operaons (<strong>the</strong> coalsector has <strong>the</strong> largest share of industrial water use in China) and future plans to develop itshuge shale gas resources could be aected (IEA, 2012a). Infrastructure will need to adaptto boost resilience to a changing <strong>climate</strong>, and this is likely to entail addional costs. Iraq,which also suers from water scarcity, provides a current example of this, as it is invesngaround $10 billion to construct a Common Seawater Supply Facility that would treat10-12 million barrels per day (mbd) of seawater and transport it 100 kilometres to oilelds where it will help maintain reservoir pressure. This investment will migate futurepressures on Iraqs valuable freshwater sources (see our for moredetail IEA, 2012b).Chapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 91

© OECD/IEA, 201392 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> ReportTable 3.1 Selected <strong>climate</strong> impacts on <strong>the</strong> oil and gas sector by regionRegionMiddle EastOECDAmericasRussiaAfricaLanAmericaChinaOECD EuropeOECD AsiaOceaniaShare of world oilproducon, 2011*33%17%13%11%9%5%4%1%Climate impact ater stress Increase in air and sea surface temperature Increase in intensity of tropical cyclones(Gulf of Mexico) Sea level rise ater stress Permafrost thaw (Alaska, north Canada) Permafrost thaw (Siberia) ater stress (North Africa) Sea level rise (est Africa) Sea level rise Increase in storm acvity (Brail) Increase in air and sea surface temperature(South China Sea) ater stress Increase in intensity of storms Extreme wave heights (North Sea) Increase in intensity and frequency oftropical cyclones (Australia) Increase in air temperatureImpact on <strong>the</strong> oil and gas sector Increase producon costs Reduce cooling capacity in certain processes, liming <strong>the</strong> capacity of agiven facility, i.e. NG Increase costs of oshore plaorms, increase plaorm height, andmore frequent producon interrupons Increase <strong>the</strong> shut down me of coastal reneries Reduce <strong>the</strong> availability of ice road transportaonincrease pipelinemaintenance Reduce <strong>the</strong> availability of ice road transportaonincrease pipelinemaintenance Increase producon costs Increase <strong>the</strong> shut down me of coastal reneries Increase <strong>the</strong> shut down me of coastal reneries Increase in oshore plaorm costs Reduce cooling capacity in certain processes, liming <strong>the</strong> capacity of agiven facility Render some unconvenonal producon unfeasible or very costly (i.e. CT) Increase costs of oshore plaorms and increase producon interrupons Increase costs of oshore plaorms and increase producon interrupons Increase costs for coolingNote: Regional oil producon includes crude oil, natural gas liquids and unconvenonal oil but excludes processing gains and biofuels supply.

Growing producon of unconvenonal gas is expected to result in increased water demandfor hydraulic fracturing, as highlighted in <strong>the</strong> (IEA, 2012c). Shale gas or ght gas development can requireanything between a few thousand and 20 000 cubic metres (between 1 million and 5 milliongallons) per well. In areas of water scarcity, ei<strong>the</strong>r now or due to <strong>climate</strong> change, <strong>the</strong>extracon of water for drilling and hydraulic fracturing may encounter serious constraints.The Tarim Basin in China holds some of <strong>the</strong> countrys largest shale gas deposits, but islocated in an area that suers from severe water scarcity. In <strong>the</strong> United States, <strong>the</strong> industryis taking steps to minimise water use and increase recycling.1234A major part 45% of <strong>the</strong> remaining recoverable convenonal oil resources (excludinglight ght oil) is located in oshore elds (1 200 billion barrels) and a quarter of <strong>the</strong>seare in deep water (a depth in excess of 400 metres). Ice melt can have both posiveand negave eects when looking at oshore oil and gas producon. For example, <strong>the</strong>region north of <strong>the</strong> Arcc Circle is esmated to contain 90 billion barrels of undiscoveredtechnically-recoverable crude oil resources, 47 trillion cubic metres of gas resources (morethan a quarter of <strong>the</strong> global total) and 44 billion barrels of natural gas liquids (USGS, 2008).onger ice-free summers in <strong>the</strong> Arcc are expected to result in longer drilling seasons(and new shipping routes), increasing <strong>the</strong> rate at which new elds can be developed in<strong>the</strong> future (though, in our projecons, we do not expect a signicant share of global oiland gas producon to come from <strong>the</strong> Arcc oshore before 2035). On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand,<strong>the</strong> technical and environmental challenges are already signicant and a number ofprojects have ei<strong>the</strong>r been held back by <strong>the</strong> complexity of operaons and by environmentalconcerns, or suspended due to escalang costs. More prolic ice oes and polar storms arelikely to increase <strong>the</strong> risk of disrupon during Arcc drilling, producon and transportaon(Harsem, Eide and Heen, 2011). Increased ice melt also reduces <strong>the</strong> availability of ice-basedtransportaon (such as ice roads), adversely aecng oil and gas producon at higherlatudes, such as in Alaska and Siberia. In <strong>the</strong> case of Alaska, <strong>the</strong> period that ice roads areopen has halved since 1970 (NOAA, 2013b). Thawing permafrost can also shi pipelinesand cause leaks, which will necessitate more robust (and expensive) design measures.© OECD/IEA, 2013Extreme wea<strong>the</strong>r events can cause extensive damage that takes considerable me andmoney to repair. Employee evacuaons and downmes are increasing, as <strong>the</strong> designthresholds for oshore plaorms are breached more frequently by extreme wave heights(Acclimase, 2009). Oshore oil and gas rigs, such as those northwest of Australia andin <strong>the</strong> Gulf of Mexico, are already at risk from extreme wea<strong>the</strong>r events and <strong>the</strong> risks areexpected to increase with <strong>climate</strong> change, with more severe events resulng in moreproducon interrupons (IPCC, 2012). In 2005, Hurricane atrina caused damage valuedat $108 billion in <strong>the</strong> Gulf of Mexico, which included, toge<strong>the</strong>r with Hurricane Rita, damageto 109 oil plaorms and ve drilling rigs (nabb, Rhome and Brown, 2005). arge-scalemidstream infrastructure, such as oil reneries and NG facilies, is oen located on<strong>the</strong> coast and somemes in locaons prone to extreme wea<strong>the</strong>r events and could besimilarly exposed. In addion, reneries are large water consumers and may becomemore vulnerable to water stress, parcularly in those countries where water is already aChapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 93

elavely scarce resource. NG plants are typically ei<strong>the</strong>r water-cooled or air-cooled and<strong>the</strong>ir eciency is related directly to <strong>the</strong> temperature of <strong>the</strong> water or air available for cooling,a 1 °C temperature rise reducing eciency by around 0.7%. A temperature rise in line withour New Policies Scenario could see NG plant eciency decline by 2%-3% on average, andmore in hoer regions. Parcular care needs to be taken over <strong>the</strong> implicaons of <strong>climate</strong>change for <strong>the</strong> locaon, design and maintenance regime for such long-life infrastructure,which is oen regarded as being of strategic naonal importance.In <strong>the</strong> case of coal producon, which requires large amounts of water for coal miningacvies (coal cung, dust suppression and washing), increasing water stress may rendercertain operaons more costly. An increase in <strong>the</strong> frequency and intensity of rainfall couldcause ooding in coal mines and coal handling facilies. In addion, extreme wea<strong>the</strong>r canaect transport networks, disrupng <strong>the</strong> route to market, as observed when ueensland,Australia, was hit by tropical cyclones in 2011 and 2013.e have shown <strong>the</strong> extent to which a warming <strong>climate</strong> may boost <strong>energy</strong> demand forcooling (mainly electricity). At <strong>the</strong> same me, rising air and water temperatures can havea direct impact on <strong>the</strong> eciency of <strong>the</strong>rmal power plants, ei<strong>the</strong>r decreasing electricityoutput or increasing fuel consumpon. High humidity also decreases <strong>the</strong> eciency of<strong>the</strong>rmal power plants equipped with cooling towers. ater stress, and an increase inwater temperature, can have a profound impact on power generaon. In China, waterscarcity has meant that some power plants have turned to dry cooling systems, whichcut water consumpon sharply but also reduce plant eciency. ater temperature notonly impacts directly on power plant eciency 4 but, in many countries, may also constrainoperaon because <strong>the</strong> temperature of cooling water discharged into rivers exceeds anauthorised level. During <strong>the</strong> summer heat wave in 2003, for example, out of a total of59 nuclear reactors in France, thirteen had to lower <strong>the</strong>ir output or shut down in orderto comply with regulaons on river temperatures leading to a total loss of 5.4 terawahours(Th) (EDF, 2013). Constraints due to <strong>the</strong>se eects are expected to increase in <strong>the</strong>future (Table 3.2). Retrong exisng <strong>the</strong>rmal power plants with closed-loop coolingsystems can signicantly reduce water withdrawal, but it involves costs from $100 perkilowa (k) up to $1 000k (BNEF, 2012).The eciency of transmission and distribuon networks is also compromised by a rise inambient temperature. Taking into account <strong>the</strong> eects of temperature changes on <strong>the</strong>rmalpower plant eciency, transmission line capacity, substaon capacity and peak demand,a higher temperature scenario will ei<strong>the</strong>r require addional peak generaon capacity andaddional transmission capacity, or a greater demand-side response at peak mes. Evenconsidering <strong>the</strong> gradual impacts of <strong>climate</strong> change, <strong>the</strong> accumulaon of relavely small© OECD/IEA, 20134. In <strong>the</strong> case of nuclear plants, a 1 °C increase in <strong>the</strong> temperature of <strong>the</strong> cooling water yields a decrease of0.12-0.45% in <strong>the</strong> power output (Durmaya and Sogul, 2006).94 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

changes in performance will have a signicant impact on <strong>the</strong> availability of generangcapacity and change <strong>the</strong> cost of electricity. 5Electricity generaon and transmission and distribuon networks are also at signicantrisk from extreme wea<strong>the</strong>r events, which can result in infrastructure being damaged ordestroyed and consumers losing <strong>the</strong>ir supply, potenally for long periods. ea<strong>the</strong>r-relateddisturbances to <strong>the</strong> electricity network in <strong>the</strong> United States have increased ten-fold since1992 and, while wea<strong>the</strong>r events accounted for about 20% of all disrupons in <strong>the</strong> early1990s, <strong>the</strong>y now account for 65% (arl, Melillo and Peterson, 2009).1234Table 3.2 Review of <strong>the</strong> regional impact of water temperature and waterscarcity on <strong>the</strong>rmal power generationEuropeUnitedStatesIndiaChinaWater temperatureNearly 20% of coal-red powergeneraon will need added coolingcapacity.About 1 °C of warming will reduceavailable electric capacity by up to19% in summer in <strong>the</strong> 2040s.About 1 °C of warming will reduceavailable electric capacity by up to16% in summer in <strong>the</strong> 2040s.Water scarcity60% of exisng coal-red power plants (347 plants)are vulnerable to water demand and supplyconcerns.Severe water scarcity will amplify competitionfor water and determine <strong>the</strong>rmal plantscompetitiveness and location. Around 70% ofplanned power capacity is in locations consideredei<strong>the</strong>r water stressed or water scarce.ater constraints could make <strong>the</strong> expected increasein <strong>the</strong>rmal power output unachievable, in parcular,as 60% of <strong>the</strong>rmal power capacity is in nor<strong>the</strong>rnChina, which has only 20% of freshwater supply.Sources: Jochem and Schade (2009) liet, et al. (2012) Elcock and uiper (2010) BNEF (2013) Sauer, lopand Agrawal (2010) and IEA analysis.Renewable <strong>energy</strong> can also be aected by <strong>climate</strong> change. Hydropower currentlyaccounts for 16% of electricity generaon globally, but <strong>climate</strong> change will aect <strong>the</strong> sieand reliability of this resource in <strong>the</strong> future. ater discharge regimes will change, withrun-o from rivers in areas dominated by snow melt potenally occurring earlier in <strong>the</strong>year, at levels temporarily higher than previously and with an amplification of seasonalprecipitation cycles. At <strong>the</strong> global level, output from hydropower is likely to change little,© OECD/IEA, 20135. For gas-fired power plants, a 10 °C change in ambient temperature can lead to a decrease of over 6% in netelectric power for a combined-cycle plant (Ponce Arrieta and Silva ora, 2005). According to Jochem and Schade(2009), transmission losses could increase by 0.7% up to 2050 in Europe, while Sathaye, et al. (2013) find thatelectricity losses in substations could increase by up to 3.6% in California by 2100.Chapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 95

ut <strong>the</strong>re will be significant regional variations, with increased generation potentialin some regions and reducons in o<strong>the</strong>rs. The impact of <strong>climate</strong> change is parcularlyimportant in countries that rely heavily on hydropower for electricity generaon, such asBrail and Canada. Hamadudu and illingtveit (2012) nd that, for a warming of about2 °C by 2050 compared with pre-industrial levels, hydropower output increases in Russia,<strong>the</strong> Nordic countries and Canada by up to 25%, while it decreases in sou<strong>the</strong>rn Europeand Turkey. More nor<strong>the</strong>rly parts of an America, including nor<strong>the</strong>rn Brail, are expectedto see hydropower output decrease, but it is expected to increase in sou<strong>the</strong>rn Brail andParaguay. In <strong>the</strong> northwest United States, some analysis points to a 20% reducon inhydropower generaon by <strong>the</strong> 2080s (Marko and Cullen, 2008). Hydropower plants canadapt to <strong>climate</strong> change with structural measures, such as increasing <strong>the</strong> sie of reservoirs,modifying spillway capacies and adapng <strong>the</strong> number and types of turbines.How <strong>climate</strong> change will impact o<strong>the</strong>r renewable <strong>energy</strong> sources is less well understoodand subject to strong regional dierences. The eect on wind power resources is dicult toassess due to <strong>the</strong> complexity of represenng near-surface wind condions in global <strong>climate</strong>models (Pryor and Bar<strong>the</strong>lmie, 2010). Also, it is not only <strong>the</strong> overall electricity generaonpotenal from wind which is impacted by <strong>climate</strong> change, but also seasonal paerns.For example, electricity generaon from wind power could decrease by up to 40% in <strong>the</strong>northwest of <strong>the</strong> United States in <strong>the</strong> summer (Sailor, Smith and Hart, 2008). The eectof <strong>climate</strong> change on <strong>the</strong> operaon and maintenance of wind turbines will depend on <strong>the</strong>frequency of extreme wind speeds and <strong>the</strong> possible reduced occurrence of icing. Futureelectricity generaon from solar photovoltaics (P) depends not only on solar radiaonbut also on ambient temperature and, for regions at higher latudes, on snow cover. Fora level of warming similar to our New Policies Scenario, research suggests that electricitygeneraon from solar P could decrease by 6% in Nordic countries in 2100, relave to ascenario without <strong>climate</strong> change (Fenger, 2007).Biomass producon, including biofuels, is aected not only by an increase in averagetemperature, but also by changing rainfall paerns, <strong>the</strong> increase in <strong>the</strong> carbon-dioxide(CO 2 ) concentraon and extreme wea<strong>the</strong>r events, such as storms and drought. HigherCO 2 levels and a limited temperature increase can extend <strong>the</strong> growing season, but morefrequent extreme wea<strong>the</strong>r events or changes in precipitaon paerns can more than oset<strong>the</strong>se posive impacts. The impacts will vary by region and type of biomass. For example, itis expected that <strong>the</strong> producon of many biomass crops will increase in nor<strong>the</strong>rn Europe butdecrease in sou<strong>the</strong>rn Europe, with Spain parcularly vulnerable due to increased drought(Tuck, et al., 2006).Climate resilience© OECD/IEA, 2013Climate change and wea<strong>the</strong>r extremes directly aect <strong>energy</strong> supply in a number of waysand illustrate how migaon and adaptaon become inextricably linked. Strong acon toreduce greenhouse-gas emissions will reduce <strong>the</strong> need to invest in <strong>climate</strong> adaptaon butwill not eliminate it. Even a global average temperature rise of 2 °C is going to demand some96 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

adaptaon. Unless <strong>the</strong> resilience of our <strong>energy</strong> system to <strong>climate</strong> change is consideredmore explicitly, <strong>energy</strong> supply and transformaon will be exposed to greater physicalrisks, which will increase capital, maintenance and insurance costs, impair <strong>energy</strong> supplyreliability and accelerate <strong>the</strong> depreciaon and deterioraon of assets.The <strong>climate</strong> resilience of <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> system could be enhanced in a number of ways. Interms of overall preparedness and planning, emergency response and co-ordinaon planscan be developed that cover crical <strong>energy</strong> infrastructure that is vulnerable to <strong>the</strong> impactsof <strong>climate</strong> events, such as in response to storms, oods and droughts (NCADAC, 2013).<strong>Energy</strong> facilies can be relocated or hardened to such events, with addional redundancymeasures also built into <strong>the</strong>ir design. Addional peak power generaon capacity, back-upgeneraon capacity or distributed generaon can improve power sector resilience. Also,grid systems can be physically reinforced (streng<strong>the</strong>ning overhead transmission lines orusing underground cables), intelligent controls can be introduced and networks can bedecentralised (liming <strong>the</strong> impact of system failures). In those regions vulnerable to waterscarcity, power plants can move towards recirculang, dry (air-cooled) or hybrid coolingsystems for power plants, as is happening in South Africa, or using non-freshwater supplies,as is <strong>the</strong> case in oil producon in parts of <strong>the</strong> Middle East. On <strong>the</strong> demand side, ero-<strong>energy</strong>buildings, demand-response capabilies, such as smart grids and generally improved levelsof <strong>energy</strong> eciency can help ei<strong>the</strong>r reduce <strong>the</strong> likelihood of system failures caused bypower demand spikes or reduce <strong>the</strong> impact of a supply failure.1234Governments need to design and implement policy and regulatory frameworks thatencourage prudent adaptaon to <strong>the</strong> impacts of <strong>climate</strong> change and help to overcomebarriers across dierent sectors of <strong>the</strong> economy. There have recently been some encouragingdevelopments in this respect, with <strong>the</strong> European Commission publishing a strategyintended to make adaptaon a central consideraon in European Union sector policies(European Commission, 2013), and <strong>the</strong> US Presidents Council of Advisors on Science andTechnology stang that a primary goal of a naonal <strong>climate</strong> strategy should be to help <strong>the</strong>Naon prepare for impacts from <strong>climate</strong> change in ways that decrease <strong>the</strong> damage fromextreme wea<strong>the</strong>rand ways that speed recovery from damage that none<strong>the</strong>less occurs(US PCAST, 2013). As governments encourage acon, <strong>the</strong> private sector needs to reecton how best to bring <strong>the</strong> risks and impacts of <strong>climate</strong> change into its investment decisionmaking,especially for crical or long-lived <strong>energy</strong> assets.© OECD/IEA, 2013Economic impact of <strong>climate</strong> policies on <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sectorMoving on from <strong>the</strong> issue of how <strong>climate</strong> change itself will aect <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector, thissecon analyses <strong>the</strong> related queson of <strong>the</strong> impact on <strong>energy</strong> sector assets and revenuesof <strong>the</strong> adopon by governments of more or less stringent policies to avoid or limit <strong>climate</strong>change. In considering <strong>the</strong> capital allocaon and revenue implicaons of <strong>the</strong> transion toa low-carbon <strong>energy</strong> system, it draws on <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario and <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenarioof <strong>the</strong> , which reect diering levels of <strong>climate</strong>acon (see Chapter 1, Box 1.3, for informaon on <strong>the</strong>se scenarios or refer to forChapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 97

full details). The policy changes in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, which include both <strong>climate</strong>and o<strong>the</strong>r policies, are those that <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector can already expect to deal with aspart of normal business: <strong>the</strong>y have already been announced and many are already beingimplemented. The 450 Scenario goes much fur<strong>the</strong>r, tracing a plausible trajectory to <strong>the</strong>internaonal objecve of achieving a 2 °C <strong>climate</strong> goal and idenfying <strong>the</strong> associatedaddional policies. e focus on <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, ra<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenariodiscussed in Chapter 2, primarily because <strong>the</strong> emphasis is on <strong>the</strong> longer-term outlook(whereas <strong>the</strong>re is parcular emphasis in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario on <strong>the</strong> period to 2020) and<strong>the</strong> longer me horion is more relevant to <strong>the</strong> measurement of <strong>the</strong> economic impact of<strong>climate</strong> policy on <strong>energy</strong> sector investment decisions.e start by examining, rst, <strong>the</strong> extent to which exisng proven fossil-fuel reserves areconsumed under dierent <strong>climate</strong> policy paths and, second, <strong>the</strong> extent to which ourcurrent <strong>energy</strong> infrastructure has already locked-in future carbon-dioxide emissions. e<strong>the</strong>n analyse, by sector, <strong>the</strong> impact of dierent <strong>climate</strong> policies on <strong>the</strong> future gross and netrevenues of power generaon, upstream oil and gas, and coal mining. hile recognisingthat many new developments can result in <strong>energy</strong> sector assets becoming stranded, suchas <strong>the</strong> impact of <strong>the</strong> shale gas boom on NG import terminals in <strong>the</strong> United States, weseek to analyse <strong>the</strong> parcular risks associated with stronger <strong>climate</strong> change policies. Forthis analysis, we dene stranded assets as those investments which have already beenmade but which, at some me prior to <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong>ir economic life (as assumed at <strong>the</strong>investment decision point), are no longer able to earn an economic return, as a result ofchanges in <strong>the</strong> market and regulatory environment brought about by <strong>climate</strong> policy. Thismight, for example, include power plants that are rered early because of new emissionsregulaons, or oil and gas elds that, though discovered, are not developed because<strong>climate</strong> policies serve to suppress demand. In measuring <strong>the</strong> scale of <strong>the</strong> loss associatedwith <strong>the</strong>se stranded assets, we do not include <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> producon or capital recovery upto <strong>the</strong> point <strong>the</strong> asset becomes uneconomic, but only <strong>the</strong> lost element aer this point. edo not seek to esmate here <strong>the</strong> impact that changes in assets or revenues could have on<strong>the</strong> nancial valuaon of <strong>energy</strong> companies, which can be aected by a very broad rangeof factors.The <strong>energy</strong> sector has always devoted considerable resources to nding, and <strong>the</strong>n provingup, fossil-fuel reserves in <strong>the</strong> expectaon that <strong>the</strong>y will one day be commercialised. Theextent to which <strong>the</strong>se reserves which can be regarded as carbon reserves, that is fossilfuelreserves expressed as CO 2 emissions when combusted are actually consumed and<strong>the</strong> CO 2 emissions released diers by fuel and scenario, according to <strong>the</strong> nature andintensity of <strong>the</strong> <strong>climate</strong> policies adopted. In our 450 Scenario, more than two-thirds ofcurrent proven fossil-fuel reserves are not commercialised before 2050, unless carbon© OECD/IEA, 201398 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

capture and storage (CCS) is widely deployed. 6 More than 50% of <strong>the</strong> oil and gas reservesare developed and consumed, but only 20% of todays coal reserves, which are muchlarger (Figure 3.5). Of <strong>the</strong> total coal- and gas-related carbon reserves, 3% are consumedin CCS applicaons where <strong>the</strong> CO 2 emissions are stored underground. In our less stringentNew Policies Scenario, <strong>the</strong>re is higher consumpon of fossil fuels but at <strong>the</strong> price of failingto achieve <strong>the</strong> 2 °C trajectory. Even in <strong>the</strong> absence of any fur<strong>the</strong>r acon on <strong>climate</strong> change,not even those allowed for in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, around 60% of world coal reserveswould remain underground in 2050.Figure 3.5 Potential CO 2 emissions from fossil-fuel reserves and cumulativeemissions by scenario to 20501234Gt2 0001 6001 200800Addional emissions:If remaining reserves combustedNew Policies Scenario450 Scenario:Emissions captured and storedNet emissions4000Coal Oil GasThe prole of <strong>the</strong> exisng global <strong>energy</strong> infrastructure (including facilies under construcon)means that four-hs (550 gigatonnes Gt CO 2 ) of <strong>the</strong> total volume of CO 2 emissions that <strong>the</strong><strong>energy</strong> sector is allowed to emit under a 2 °C trajectory up to 2035 are already locked-in simplyby <strong>the</strong> assumpon that it will connue to operate over its normal economic life. Assuming nolarge shis in relave fuel prices or technological breakthroughs, <strong>the</strong> emissions expected tocome from this infrastructure could only be avoided if policies were introduced which had <strong>the</strong>eect of causing its premature rerement or costly refurbishment. Around half of <strong>the</strong> lockedinemissions originate from <strong>the</strong> power sector and 22% from industry, as <strong>the</strong> facilies in <strong>the</strong>sesectors typically have a long life. The share of power generaon in total locked-in emissionsis highest in India, at 60%, closely followed by China, Russia and <strong>the</strong> United States. In Indiaand China, this is because <strong>the</strong> electricity sector relies to a relavely large extent on recentlyinstalled coal-red power plants, which are set to remain in operaon for decades, while in<strong>the</strong> United States, large (relavely old) coal power plants currently lock-in a considerable© OECD/IEA, 20136. Proven reserves are usually defined as discovered volumes having a 90% probability that <strong>the</strong>y can beextracted profitably. Ultimately recoverable resources (not discussed here) are much larger and comprisecumulative production to date, proven reserves, reserves growth (<strong>the</strong> projected increase in reserves in knownfields) and undiscovered resources that are judged likely to be produced using current technology.Chapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 99

volume of emissions. The share of locked-in emissions for industry in China is around 30%,twice <strong>the</strong> level of that in <strong>the</strong> European Union: Chinas industry is dominated by <strong>the</strong> iron andsteel and cement sub-sectors, which have a relavely young age prole, indicang connuedoperaon well into <strong>the</strong> future.The share of locked-in emissions from transport (9%) and buildings (6%) is lower, as <strong>the</strong>bulk of <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong>-consuming infrastructure in <strong>the</strong>se sectors typically does not remainoperaonal for more than around een years. In <strong>the</strong> United States, <strong>the</strong> transport sectorhas a relavely high share (18%) of total locked-in emissions, since transport is responsiblefor a relavely high proporon of overall <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions. Buildings accountfor 15% of locked-in emissions in <strong>the</strong> European Union, <strong>the</strong> highest share of all regions, dueto <strong>the</strong> importance of space heang in Europes <strong>energy</strong> systems. Ano<strong>the</strong>r 6% of locked-inemissions results from o<strong>the</strong>r forms of <strong>energy</strong> transformaon (mainly reneries, and oil andgas extracon), 4% from non-<strong>energy</strong> use (mainly petrochemical feedstock and lubricants)and 1% from agriculture (including eld machinery).In non-OECD countries, infrastructure that exists or is under construcon locks-in360 Gt CO 2 from 2011 to 2035, led by China, India, <strong>the</strong> Middle East and Russia, while,in OECD countries, <strong>the</strong> gure is 195 Gt CO 2, led by <strong>the</strong> United States and <strong>the</strong> EuropeanUnion (Figure 3.6). The outlook in non-OECD countries is mainly a consequence of <strong>the</strong>infrastructure expansion that has taken place over <strong>the</strong> past decade and <strong>the</strong> amount thatis currently under construcon. However, <strong>the</strong> extent of <strong>the</strong> connuing rapid expansion of<strong>energy</strong> infrastructure in non-OECD countries presents an important window of opportunityto avoid fur<strong>the</strong>r lock-in of emissions by adopng ecient, low-carbon installaons. Thechallenge and opportunity for OECD countries lies, ra<strong>the</strong>r, with <strong>the</strong> replacement strategyadopted for <strong>the</strong> large amount of ageing fossil-fuel based infrastructure that could berered, or its use lowered, over <strong>the</strong> next few decades.Figure 3.6 CO 2 emissions locked-in by <strong>energy</strong> infrastructure in place andunder construction in 2011 by region and sector through to 2035100%80%60%40%177 Gt 84 Gt 51 Gt 39 Gt 30 Gt29 Gt 18 GtO<strong>the</strong>rBuildingsTransportIndustryPower generaon20%© OECD/IEA, 2013ChinaUnitedStatesEuropeanUnionIndiaMiddleEastRussiaJapanNote: O<strong>the</strong>r includes <strong>energy</strong> transformaon, non-<strong>energy</strong>-use and agriculture.100 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

In <strong>the</strong> power sector, gross revenues are made up of a combinaon of wholesale electricityrevenues (volume of electricity generaon mulplied by <strong>the</strong> wholesale electricity price)and support received from governments for renewables (volume of supported renewablesgeneraon mulplied by <strong>the</strong> level of support). holesale electricity revenues account for<strong>the</strong> vast majority of gross revenues, with government support for renewables accounngfor only a small share in our scenarios (just over 6% of gross revenues in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenarioand slightly less than this in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario). Dierent market structures directlyaect gross revenues by establishing <strong>the</strong> way in which wholesale electricity prices areformed. In a liberalised market, <strong>the</strong> price is based on <strong>the</strong> short-run marginal costs of powergeneraon. In an integrated monopoly, wholesale prices largely reect <strong>the</strong> average costsof generaon (Box 3.3).1234Figure 3.7 Power sector gross revenues and operating costs by scenario,2012-2035Trillion dollars (2011)605040302010Fuel costsO&M costsCO2 costsFuel costsO&M costsCO2 costsGrossrevenuesNew Policies ScenarioNote: OM operaon and maintenance.Net revenuesplus depreciaonGrossrevenues450 ScenarioNet revenuesplus depreciaonOn a consistent basis across scenarios, gross revenues in <strong>the</strong> power sector (from 2012 to2035) are $1.3 trillion (in year-2011 dollars) higher in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario than in <strong>the</strong> NewPolicies Scenario (Figure 3.7). 7 The higher gross revenues result from a combinaon oflower electricity demand and higher electricity prices, with <strong>the</strong> laer eect proving slightlylarger. 8 Over <strong>the</strong> projecon period, total electricity generaon is nearly 60 000 Th, or8%, lower in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario than in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, a reducon equivalent to© OECD/IEA, 20137. In <strong>the</strong> calculations made in this section, aggregate gross revenues for existing and new power plants arecomparable across scenarios. However, net revenues are discussed separately for existing and new plants. This isbecause of data deficiencies. For existing plants, investment data is not available for all plants so we present netrevenues before accounting for depreciation. For new plants, investment costs are based on known assumptionsso we are able to present net revenues after accounting for depreciation costs.8. holesale electricity prices are calculated endogenously within our orld <strong>Energy</strong> Model. For moreinformation, see orld <strong>Energy</strong> Model Documentation: 2012 version at .Chapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 101

almost three mes annual world generaon in 2010, but wholesale electricity prices are16% higher, on average, in 2035. The change in electricity prices results from a combinaonof lower fossil-fuel prices, higher overall CO 2 costs (higher and more widespread CO 2 pricesbut lower levels of CO 2 emissions in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario) and capacity addions that aremore capital intensive. Operaon and maintenance (OM) costs are similar across <strong>the</strong> twoscenarios, as <strong>the</strong> reducon in costs that comes from phasing out some fossil-fuel plantsare oset by increased reliance on technologies with higher maintenance costs per unit ofcapacity, such as CCS and nuclear.For all power generaon capacity, net revenues before accounng for depreciaon 9(net revenues plus depreciaon in Figure 3.7) are $4.3 trillion higher in <strong>the</strong>450 Scenario than in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario. These revenues essenally provide for<strong>the</strong> recovery of investment costs and a nancial return on investment. 10 Depreciaoncosts for new capacity are $1.4 trillion higher in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario than <strong>the</strong> New PoliciesScenario, as this scenario requires more generang capacity to be built to oset <strong>the</strong>lower ulisaon factor of many renewables compared to <strong>the</strong> fossil alternave andgenerally more capital-intensive technologies. This addional cost is more than osetby lower fuel and OM costs, which are $4.5 trillion (19%) lower than in <strong>the</strong> NewPolicies Scenario through to 2035. This is due to lower electricity demand, lower fossilfuelprices and a more marked transion to renewables and nuclear with low or nofuel costs. CO 2 costs are $1.5 trillion higher in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, with prices reaching$95-120 per tonne in many regions in 2035. hile higher CO 2 prices increase wholesaleelectricity prices (and <strong>the</strong>refore consumer bills), this revenue can potenally be recycledback to consumers in ways that parally oset <strong>the</strong> economic impact of electricity pricerises, without compromising <strong>climate</strong> policy outcomes.For exisng power generaon capacity, net revenues before accounng for depreciaon 11 areat similar levels in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario and <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, at around $15.6 trillion.In <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, net revenues increase by around $900 billion each for both exisngnuclear and renewables capacity (that receive <strong>the</strong> market price in liberalised markets),compared with <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario (Figure 3.8). This gain osets a similar loss innet revenues by fossil-fuel plants of $1.9 trillion. Coal power plants without CCS bear <strong>the</strong>burden of <strong>the</strong> relave revenue reducons in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, as rising CO 2 costs andreduced operang hours outweigh <strong>the</strong> impact of lower fossil-fuel prices, and power plantswith higher emissions are more aected than those with lower emissions. Net revenuesfrom gas-red power plants increase slightly overall in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, compared with <strong>the</strong>New Policies Scenario, with higher revenues from more ecient power plants, and somecoal to gas substuon, more than oseng lower revenues from less ecient gas plants.© OECD/IEA, 20139. This equals gross revenues minus operation and maintenance costs, <strong>the</strong> cost of fuel inputs and payments forCO 2 emissions in markets with a carbon price.10. The weighted average cost of capital (ACC) is assumed to be 8% in OECD countries and 7% in non-OECDcountries for all technologies.11. Investment data relating to all existing power plants are not available, preventing a robust estimation ofdepreciation costs. The omission of <strong>the</strong>se costs means that our calculation of “net” revenues is artificially highbut, as <strong>the</strong> same approach is adopted in all scenarios, it is reasonable to compare across <strong>the</strong>m.102 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Box 3.3 Implications of decarbonisation on power marketsMarket design reforms are currently envisaged in several countries where <strong>the</strong>re is aconcern that liberalised markets might not be able to smulate sucient investmentin new capacity. In liberalised markets, <strong>the</strong> spot price typically reects <strong>the</strong> short-runmarginal costs of <strong>the</strong> last power plant called to respond to demand. The hourly orhalf-hourly price received by all power generators is typically set by <strong>the</strong> costs of <strong>the</strong>most expensive plant required to be dispatched during that period. This ensures that<strong>the</strong> price is sucient to cover <strong>the</strong> operang costs of all generators, but it may beinsucient to also cover investment costs (or encourage new investment).1234In some instances, generators earn addional revenues via government supportmechanisms intended to encourage <strong>the</strong> deployment of selected generaontechnologies. This is typically <strong>the</strong> case for some renewables technologies but may alsobe considered for o<strong>the</strong>r low-carbon technologies, such as fossil-fuel plants using CCS.As <strong>the</strong>se technologies become more compeve, <strong>the</strong> level of support is expected tobe reduced (and ulmately phased out) for new capacity. The capacity addions thatresult from such support mechanisms tend to lower <strong>the</strong> wholesale market price andreduce ancipated operang hours of convenonal plants, exacerbang <strong>the</strong> problem ofrecovering investment in new plants, making it harder for pre-exisng plants to recover<strong>the</strong>ir investment costs and harder to aract investment in new capacity that does notbenet from such support. Moreover, <strong>the</strong> introducon of variable renewables requiressignicant amounts of exible capacity available to be dispatched to guarantee <strong>the</strong>reliability of supply. In order to ensure adequate generaon capacity, several countriesare considering <strong>the</strong> introducon of ei<strong>the</strong>r a capacity payment mechanism or lookingat <strong>the</strong> possibility of allowing very high wholesale prices during mes of scarcity, forexample, periods when variable renewables are not operang. Capacity addionsthat benet from support mechanisms generally receive a signicant amount of <strong>the</strong>irrevenues from outside of <strong>the</strong> wholesale market, a guaranteed feed-in tari, and<strong>the</strong>refore do not suer from this problem.© OECD/IEA, 2013hile <strong>the</strong> exisng frameworks of many liberalised markets will be able to encouragesignicant decarbonisaon of <strong>the</strong> power mix, <strong>the</strong>y will struggle to deliver a majortransion towards a decarbonised world. Fur<strong>the</strong>r changes to market designs are likelyto be needed. This is parcularly true for those markets that are expected to relyon high levels of variable renewables. This is because, in <strong>the</strong> absence of signicantamounts of storage capacity or smart grid measures (to shi demand away from peakmes), <strong>the</strong> variable nature of <strong>the</strong>ir supply means <strong>the</strong>y may be unable to sell into <strong>the</strong>market when prices are highest, liming <strong>the</strong>ir ability to recover <strong>the</strong>ir investment costsfrom <strong>the</strong> wholesale market. On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, <strong>the</strong> low variable costs of <strong>the</strong>se sourcesof generaon mean that, under exisng market structures, wholesale prices could bereduced to very low levels possibly below <strong>the</strong> levels needed to recover <strong>the</strong>ir owninvestment costs unless <strong>the</strong>re is some form of addional compensaon. Improvingexisng market designs and developing new ones for compeve power systems will<strong>the</strong>refore be an essenal feature of <strong>the</strong> transion towards a decarbonised world.Chapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 103

Figure 3.8 Net revenues before accounting for depreciation for existingpower plants by scenario, 2012-2035Trillion dollars (2011)87654321New PoliciesScenario450 ScenarioNuclear Fossil fuels RenewablesFor new power generaon capacity, net revenues aer accounng for depreciaon are$3 trillion higher in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario than in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario (Figure 3.9). Thegeneral shi towards a 2 °C goal is reflected in <strong>the</strong> relative change in net revenues from <strong>the</strong>New Policies Scenario to <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, with renewables, nuclear and fossil-fuel plantsed with CCS enjoying higher revenues as <strong>climate</strong> policies streng<strong>the</strong>n. Net revenues fromnew renewables capacity are 55% higher in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario than in <strong>the</strong> New PoliciesScenario while <strong>the</strong> capacity addions over <strong>the</strong> projecon period are 46% higher. In <strong>the</strong>450 Scenario, new renewables capacity provides nearly two-thirds of all net revenues fromnew capacity in <strong>the</strong> power sector.Figure 3.9 Net revenues after accounting for depreciation and investmentsfor new power plants by scenario, 2012-2035Trillion dollars (2011)1412108642Net revenuesInvestments($2011, billion)NewPoliciesScenario450ScenarioRenewables 6 020 8 778Nuclear 942 1 513Fossil-fuel plants fied with CCS 216 950Fossil-fuel plants without CCS 2 507 1 803New PoliciesScenario450 Scenario© OECD/IEA, 2013The 450 Scenario sees nearly 1 400 G of addional renewables capacity in 2035, comparedwith <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario. Fossil-fuel power plants without CCS play a signicantlysmaller role in <strong>the</strong> power sector in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, with two-hs less new capacity104 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

uilt than in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, higher carbon prices reduce <strong>the</strong> netrevenues of new fossil-fuel plants without CCS in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario. In contrast, new plantswith CCS see a marked increase in capacity and net revenues, reaching 570 gigawas (G)of installed capacity in 2035. Nuclear capacity addions increase by 60% in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenarioand <strong>the</strong> net revenues for each unit of capacity are higher, on average, due to elevatedwholesale electricity prices.Combining <strong>the</strong> economic prospects for exisng and new power plants, net revenues (aeraccounng for depreciaon) for <strong>the</strong> power sector are $3 trillion higher in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenariothan in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario. Stated simply, nancial opportunies could improvein <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario for power producers with a porolio of low-carbon technologies,including harnessing <strong>the</strong> benets of CCS as a form of asset protecon strategy.1234An important eect of <strong>the</strong> decarbonisaon of <strong>the</strong> power sector in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario is tocause many older, inecient, fossil-fuel plants to be ei<strong>the</strong>r idled or rered before <strong>the</strong> end of<strong>the</strong>ir ancipated technical lifeme, 12 and some power generaon capacity addions underconstrucon to become uneconomic and be rered early, despite originally appearing tobe economically sound investments. An addional 2 300 G of fossil-fuel plants are ei<strong>the</strong>rrered before <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong>ir technical lifeme (37%), idled (47%) or retroed with CCS(16%) in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, compared with <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario (Figure 3.10). Most of<strong>the</strong> rered or idled plants do recover <strong>the</strong>ir investment cost, but <strong>the</strong>y are in operaon forfewer years than in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario. Older, inecient plants are rered early as CO 2costs render <strong>the</strong>ir operaons uneconomic, but <strong>the</strong>ir investment costs have been recovered.Idled power plants remain available and may occasionally run in periods of strong demand,when <strong>the</strong> economics allow. Some exisng, but relavely new, plants require addionalinvestment to retrot <strong>the</strong>m with CCS, so that <strong>the</strong>y can remain in operaon. Almost 50% of<strong>the</strong> plants rered or idled are inecient subcrical coal-red power plants, as rising CO 2prices make <strong>the</strong>m uneconomic, squeeing <strong>the</strong>m out of <strong>the</strong> market in many countries. Thisshare is signicantly higher (75%) in non-OECD Asia, where a large number of subcricalcoal plants have been installed in recent years. These plants alone account for more thanone-third of <strong>the</strong> 1 940 G of global capacity that is rered early or idled.In <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, around 2 000 G of new fossil-fuel plants are built globally tomeet rising demand and, in some cases, to replace old inecient plants that becomeuneconomic. Almost 30% of <strong>the</strong>se new plants are ed with CCS, two-thirds of <strong>the</strong>se asa retrong operaon, as <strong>the</strong> technology becomes more compeve at scale. Just underone-quarter of <strong>the</strong> ancipated new fossil-fuel plants are currently under construconand <strong>the</strong>y may face dicules recovering <strong>the</strong>ir investment costs if <strong>the</strong>y have not taken<strong>the</strong> costs of decarbonisaon fully into account. A smaller, but sll signicant, number of© OECD/IEA, 201312. A power plant may, for example, have an economic lifetime of 30 years (<strong>the</strong> period over which it recoversits capital investment) but be capable technically of operating for longer, perhaps 50 years.Chapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 105

new plants are idled: of this 260 G of capacity, 165 G are idled before repaying <strong>the</strong>irinvestment costs, resulng in an unrecovered sunk cost of around $120 billion, or about40% of <strong>the</strong> inial investment. The remaining 90 G of new power plants that are idledrecover <strong>the</strong>ir investment costs. Idled plants can sll be given new economic life, reducingeconomic losses, if, at some point, <strong>the</strong>y are retroed with CCS. Such retrots would beexpected to apply to <strong>the</strong> most ecient plants where <strong>the</strong> investment case is strongest (CCSreduces power plant eciency in <strong>the</strong> order of 8-10%). The availability of CCS technology,not only for <strong>the</strong> construcon of new power plants but also for <strong>the</strong> retrong of exisngpower plants, is a key assumpon in our assessment of sunk costs, as <strong>the</strong> deployment ofCCS technology has yet to be fully commercialised, making this a key challenge for <strong>the</strong>realisaon of <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario (see Chapter 2 secon on <strong>the</strong> relevance of CCS).Figure 3.10 <strong>World</strong> installed fossil-fuel power generation capacity in <strong>the</strong>450 Scenario relative to <strong>the</strong> New Policies ScenarioGW5 0004 0003 000Reduced capacity needsfrom <strong>the</strong> New PoliciesScenario to <strong>the</strong>450 ScenarioTotal idled capacityin <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario2 0001 000Total fossil-fuelcapacity running in<strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035Installed capacity:New Policies Scenario totalReduced generaon needs450 Scenario totalAddional early rerementsExisng plants built unl 2011 sll in operaonNew fossil-fuel plants installed and in operaon: Fossil-fuel plants installed idled:Without CCSNew plants, with sunk costsRetrofied with CCSNew plants, investments repaidFied with CCSExisng plants© OECD/IEA, 2013The gross revenues of oil and gas companies are determined by two key factors: <strong>the</strong> levelof producon and <strong>the</strong> prevailing prices. In <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, oil and gas gross revenuesare more than $105 trillion from 2012 to 2035 (in year-2011 dollars), nearly three mes106 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

higher than <strong>the</strong> level of <strong>the</strong> last two decades, but lower than in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenariowhich is around $125 trillion (Figure 3.11). Oil accounts for 70% of <strong>the</strong> gross revenues andnatural gas for 30% in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario. Oil demand peaks before 2020 and <strong>the</strong>n declines,while gas demand connues to increase through to 2035, ending 17% higher than 2011.Oil prices average $109 per barrel (in year-2011 dollars) in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario ($120 perbarrel in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario), while <strong>the</strong> course of natural gas prices varies regionally:gas prices decline in Japan, remain broadly stable in Europe and increase in <strong>the</strong> UnitedStates (see Chapter 1, Table 1.1 for our price assumpons).1234Figure 3.11 Cumulative world oil and gas gross upstream revenues bycomponent and scenarioTrillion dollars (2011)140120100806040Net revenuesTaxes and royalesGas transportOperang costsDepreciaonexpenses20Gross revenues1988-2011New PoliciesScenario2012-2035450 Scenario2012-2035Notes: Tax and royalty rates can vary between scenarios but are kept constant for this comparison. In caseswhere producon is dominated by naonal oil companies, <strong>the</strong> denion of taxes is somewhat arbitraryhere we assume tax rates comparable to internaonal averages.Cumulave net revenues, i.e. gross revenues, minus operang costs, gas transport,taxes and royales and depreciaon expenses, are projected to be $47 trillion in <strong>the</strong>450 Scenario, <strong>the</strong>ir level in 2035 being lower than in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, but higherthan in 2011 (Figure 3.12). Net revenues from gas grow throughout <strong>the</strong> projecon period,mainly driven by increasing demand, while net revenues from oil increase inially but peakbefore 2020 and <strong>the</strong>n start to decline, as demand and prices decrease. Net revenues over<strong>the</strong> period are esmated to correspond to around a 25% return on capital. 13© OECD/IEA, 201313. Assuming international oil companies typically operate with 10% risk-free rates of return, and up to20% in regions carrying a risk premium, with <strong>the</strong> average return on capital number being boosted by <strong>the</strong>contribution of national oil companies operating in low production cost areas (based on our conservativedefinition of tax rates).Chapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 107

Figure 3.12 <strong>World</strong> upstream oil and gas net revenues in <strong>the</strong> 450 ScenarioTrillion dollars (2011) 2000 2005 2011 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035Note: The absence of comprehensive historical data means that net revenues for previous years areesmated by applying <strong>the</strong> same gross-to-net revenues rao that is used for future years.Upstream oil and gas assets can become stranded if exisng elds do not operate at as higha level as originally planned, if <strong>the</strong>y need to be rered before <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong>ir economiclife, or if a eld at which exploraon costs have been incurred does not go into produconby 2035 (<strong>the</strong> end date of our calculaons). There is an important disncon between thoseoil and gas elds that are in producon today and exisng or new elds that, depending ondemand, might be developed (and <strong>the</strong>refore start producing) at some point before 2035.Over <strong>the</strong> period to 2035, <strong>the</strong> level of producon from oil and gas elds that are producingtoday is <strong>the</strong> same in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario and <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, as <strong>the</strong>ir produconremains economically viable in both cases. The investment in many of <strong>the</strong>se elds hasalready been recovered and <strong>the</strong>ir level of operaon largely depends on <strong>the</strong> opmaldepleon rate and <strong>the</strong> addional costs associated with connuing producon. Thus, <strong>the</strong>policies in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario do not introduce signicant new risks that currently producingoil or gas elds will be forced out of operaon.© OECD/IEA, 2013In <strong>the</strong> case of oil and gas elds that have yet to start producon, or have yet to be found, <strong>the</strong>lower level of demand in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario means that fewer of <strong>the</strong>m jusfy <strong>the</strong> investmentto bring <strong>the</strong>m into producon (or to nd <strong>the</strong>m) before 2035 (Figure 3.13). This meansthat some elds those that have been found but are not brought into producon by2035 do not start to recover <strong>the</strong>ir exploraon costs in this meframe. Relave to <strong>the</strong> levelin <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario, <strong>the</strong> addional risk of stranding assets in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenarioaects 5% of proven oil reserves and 6% of proven gas reserves, all of which have yet tobe developed. The economic burden of this is relavely limited as, in <strong>the</strong> case of elds yetto be developed, <strong>the</strong> main impact relates to exploraon costs (typically around 15% ofinvestment in a new eld) which are not recovered by 2035, at least some of which could108 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

e recovered in <strong>the</strong> longer term. In <strong>the</strong> case of elds yet to be found, avoided exploraonand development costs oset <strong>the</strong> lost potenal future revenue opportunity.Figure 3.13 Development of proven oil and gas reserves by scenario12100%80%60%OilDeveloped inNew PoliciesScenarioGasDeveloped inNew PoliciesScenarioUndevelopedreserves to 2035Reserves developed:Addional in NewPolicies Scenario450 ScenarioCurrently producing3440%20%Developed in450 ScenarioDeveloped in450 ScenarioUpstream oil and gas sector assets can become stranded for a range of reasons, of whichnew <strong>climate</strong> policies is just one, but our analysis suggests that a companies or countriesvulnerability to this specic risk may be greater if <strong>the</strong>ir asset base is more heavily weightedtowards those that are not yet developed and towards those that have <strong>the</strong> highest marginalproducon cost (unless its development is driven by broader factors, such as <strong>energy</strong> security).Over <strong>the</strong> lifeme of upstream oil and gas assets, <strong>the</strong>ir nancial value and economic viabilitymay be appraised oen, including when: a company compiles its accounts a company takesinvestment decisions related to <strong>the</strong> asset (such as whe<strong>the</strong>r to develop a eld, which is oentested under a range of cost-benet assumpons) and, ownership of <strong>the</strong> asset changes.These, and o<strong>the</strong>r, reasons may mean that <strong>the</strong> nancial impact of stranded assets is realisedrelavely gradually over me and across several pares.© OECD/IEA, 2013hile not analysed here in detail, <strong>the</strong>re is also <strong>the</strong> possibility that assets fur<strong>the</strong>rdownstream will become stranded, such as in rening, NG plants and transportaonnetworks. In <strong>the</strong> case of rening, over-capacity is already a familiar issue in some regionsand could worsen under a range of scenarios. As oil demand grows in <strong>the</strong> Middle East andAsia, <strong>the</strong>se regions have started extensive programmes to expand <strong>the</strong>ir rening capacityboth to meet internal needs and supply <strong>the</strong> export market. ower ulisaon rates, orpermanent shut down, of rening capacity could result in o<strong>the</strong>r regions, such as inEurope and North America, where domesc demand is declining. ithin <strong>the</strong> next decadesome 2 mbd of rening capacity is expected to be idled due to lack of demand, largelyirrespecve of <strong>climate</strong> change policies. This will aect not only old and inecient plants,but also relavely complex facilies that are bypassed by <strong>the</strong> changing crude and producttrade ows (see <strong>the</strong> focus on reneries in <strong>the</strong> forthcoming ). In<strong>the</strong> case of transportaon systems, some regions have already built addional pipelinesChapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 109

to establish new trade corridors and, given <strong>the</strong> very long lifeme of such infrastructure,it is possible that ulisaon rates would decrease in some areas in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario,increasing <strong>the</strong> risk of stranded assets.Revenues generated by <strong>the</strong> global coal industry are a funcon of <strong>the</strong> volumes sold to <strong>the</strong>market and <strong>the</strong> prices received for <strong>the</strong> product. Coal prices vary not only by type (steam,coking and brown coal) but also by region, reecng coal quality, transport costs andinfrastructure constraints. Typically, prices for coking coal are markedly higher than thosefor steam coal, due to <strong>the</strong> relave scarcity of coking coal and <strong>the</strong> lack of substutes insteelmaking, jusfying higher mining costs. Brown coal is rarely traded internaonally andconsequently does not have an internaonal market price. Instead, brown coal is usuallycombusted in power staons close to <strong>the</strong> mine, with <strong>the</strong> cost of mining determining <strong>the</strong>price. In 2010, global coal producon stood at around 5 125 million tonnes of coal equivalent(Mtce), generang for <strong>the</strong> coal industry gross revenues of around $430 billion (in year-2011dollars). In <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, which assumes intensied <strong>climate</strong> policy measures, globalcoal demand falls by 1.6% per year on average through to 2035 (compared to an averageincrease of 0.8% per year <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario), with <strong>the</strong> change in demand leadingto a pronounced price drop.Figure 3.14 Cumulative world coal gross revenues by component andscenario, 2012-2035DepreciaonNew PoliciesScenarioMining costsTransport and o<strong>the</strong>rNet revenues450 Scenario2 4 6 8 10 12 14Trillion dollars (2011)© OECD/IEA, 2013Cumulave gross revenues from coal sales are projected to amount to $8.9 trillion in <strong>the</strong>450 Scenario and $13.1 trillion in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario (Figure 3.14). Coal supply ischaracterised by its relavely high share of variable mining costs, such as labour, <strong>energy</strong>,mining materials and spare parts (around 60% of total costs). In <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, <strong>the</strong>variable mining cost component amounts to $4.6 trillion over <strong>the</strong> projecon period,compared with $6.9 trillion in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario. Coal is also oen hauled long110 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

distances using trucks, railways, river barges and ocean-going vessels. Cumulavetransport costs stand at $2.3 trillion in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, compared with $3.2 trillion in <strong>the</strong>New Policies Scenario. Coal mining is far less capital intensive than oil and gas producon,and <strong>the</strong>refore depreciaon is a relavely minor cost component, amounng to around$0.86 trillion in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario and $1.1 trillion in <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario.Net revenues dier substanally between coal variees, around two-thirds of <strong>the</strong> totalcoming from steam and brown coal (around 85% of global producon), with coking coalcontribung <strong>the</strong> remainder. This means around 15% of global coal producon earns arounda third of <strong>the</strong> industrys total net revenues. Cumulave net revenues are $0.87 trillionlower in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario compared with <strong>the</strong> New Policies Scenario. Nearly 55% of thisdierence can be aributed to a change in price, whereas slightly more than 45% resultsfrom volume change. hile <strong>the</strong> price eect is almost enrely borne by coking coal, <strong>the</strong>demand eect aects mainly steam coal. The level of coking coal producon, a key inputin <strong>the</strong> steel industry, declines by a relavely small amount across <strong>the</strong> scenarios due to<strong>the</strong> lack of a large-scale substute for it in this sector. In contrast, <strong>the</strong>re are substutesfor coal in power generaon and industry, which see greater take-up of nuclear powerand renewables in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario. Although coking coal demand diers by a relavelysmall amount between <strong>the</strong> scenarios, prices for coking coal drop sharply for two mainreasons: rst, coking coal prices are much more sensive to demand changes than steamcoal prices second, low demand for steam coal allows high quality steam coal to be usedfor metallurgical purposes, which fur<strong>the</strong>r depresses <strong>the</strong> price for coking coal.1234Due to <strong>the</strong> relavely low capital costs involved in coal mining, coal prices need be onlyslightly above variable costs in order to provide an adequate return on investment. Hence,<strong>the</strong> risk of incurring large-scale losses on sunk investments is low. Moreover, exploraoncosts, a classic stranded investment risk, are relavely minor in <strong>the</strong> coal industry. Reduceddemand and lower prices in <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario do lead to <strong>the</strong> closure of <strong>the</strong> highest-costmines, for which decreasing market prices do not cover <strong>the</strong> variable costs of producon.These are usually old mines whose compeveness suers from deteriorang geologicalcondions, depleon of <strong>the</strong> lowest-cost resources and low producvity due to <strong>the</strong> scale of<strong>the</strong> operaon and inecient equipment. Such mines typically have already recovered <strong>the</strong>irinvestment expenditure. Although <strong>the</strong> danger of stranded assets is, accordingly, limitedfor <strong>the</strong> industry as a whole, individual players can sll incur substanal losses on sunkinvestment. This is parcularly true for recent investments in elds which also require <strong>the</strong>large-scale development of railway and handling infrastructure. In <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario, coaloperators will generally be able to cover <strong>the</strong>ir variable costs, but sub-opmal ulisaonand depressed prices might result in losses on <strong>the</strong> underlying investment, highlighng <strong>the</strong>benets of early acon to idenfy and migate such risks (Spotlight).© OECD/IEA, 2013Chapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 111

S P O T L I G H TCan corporate strategies help mitigate <strong>climate</strong> policy risk?Our 450 Scenario projects an increase in global <strong>energy</strong> demand relave to today,emphasising that a low-carbon transion is likely to represent a shi in <strong>the</strong> nature ofopportunies within a growing <strong>energy</strong> market. Corporate strategies that successfullytake account of <strong>climate</strong> policy risk could represent a source of compeve advantage,while failure to do so could result in a companys business model being undermined.Broad, non-exclusive approaches to migang <strong>climate</strong> policy risk might include:Decarbonise: Invest in technologies that reduce <strong>the</strong> carbon reserves associated with anexisng asset porolio. Coal companies could invest in underground coal gasicaon,coal-to-gas, increased washing of coal (to improve eciency) or develop coalbedmethane assets. Oil companies could focus exploraon eorts more towards natural gasor invest in enhanced oil recovery ulising CO 2 (or use depleted reservoirs to store CO 2 ).Power companies could invest in CCS and evolve <strong>the</strong>ir porolio of generaon assetstowards low-carbon opons.Diversify: Invest in new assets to develop a more diversied porolio dilung <strong>the</strong> risksassociated with those that are carbon intensive. Many coal companies are acve ino<strong>the</strong>r forms of mining (<strong>the</strong> largest private sector mining companies generate 10%-30%of <strong>the</strong>ir revenues from coal). At mes, some oil and gas companies have also owneda porolio of renewable <strong>energy</strong> assets, such as wind power and biofuels. Geographicdiversicaon of assets can also migate <strong>the</strong> policy risk of a parcular market.Delegate: Take acons to transfer <strong>the</strong> risk onto o<strong>the</strong>r pares willing to accept it,potenally through price hedging instruments or long-term take-or-pay contracts. Pricehedging can ensure a fossil-fuel producer receives a parcular price for all or part ofits supply. A take-or-pay contract can provide a degree of certainty over <strong>the</strong> volume offossil fuels to be sold and <strong>the</strong> revenues to be received.Divest: Dispose of carbon-intensive assets, parcularly those that have higher costs ofproducon, as <strong>the</strong>y are at greater risk of becoming uneconomic.Disregard: The alternave to <strong>the</strong> migaon opons above is to accept <strong>the</strong> risk as itis, toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong> associated impacts should it occur. The nancial impact will,ulmately, fall upon shareholders. It is <strong>the</strong>refore notable that esmatedthat nearly three-quarters of global carbon reserves are held by government-ownedcompanies, i.e. owned by taxpayers.© OECD/IEA, 2013112 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

Implicaons of delayed aconOur 450 Scenario, which is consistent with a 50% chance of liming global temperatureincrease to 2 °C, assumes a growing intensity of co-ordinated acon against <strong>climate</strong> changefrom 2014 onwards. Our 4-for-2 °C Scenario (see Chapter 2) takes a slightly dierentapproach, focusing on naonal short-term acons which can keep <strong>the</strong> door to 2 °C openwithout adversely aecng economic growth in any given country, prior to new coordinatedinternaonal acon from 2020. Both scenarios depend upon early addionalacon to tackle <strong>climate</strong> change, in one form or ano<strong>the</strong>r. But what if this early acon is notforthcoming e analyse here some of <strong>the</strong> implicaons if governments and <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong>sector were to delay taking stronger acon on <strong>climate</strong> change, connuing on <strong>the</strong> path ofour New Policies Scenario 14 unl 2019 and <strong>the</strong>n having to take sharp correcve acon toget back onto a trajectory compable with a long-term global temperature increase of nomore than 2 °C. It is an illustrave case, essenally a “delayed” 450 Scenario, based on <strong>the</strong>hypo<strong>the</strong>sis that, for a variety of possible reasons, a number of years could pass before asignicant new boost is given to naonal policies and low-carbon investment.Delaying acon on <strong>climate</strong> change inevitably makes <strong>the</strong> 2 °C ever more challenging toachieve. In a scenario where <strong>the</strong>re is such a delay, <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions would reach34.4 Gt in 2019 (as in our New Policies Scenario) but <strong>the</strong>n need, to meet <strong>the</strong> 2 °C target, todecline even more rapidly aer this date, ending at 20.6 Gt in 2035 (Figure 3.15). In essence,<strong>the</strong> addional emissions in <strong>the</strong> period to 2020 result in an emissions reducon trajectory<strong>the</strong>reaer which is even more challenging than our 450 Scenario. The emissions reduconaer 2020 is driven by improvements in <strong>energy</strong> eciency (parcularly in <strong>the</strong> industry andservices sectors), even more rapid deployment of renewable <strong>energy</strong> technologies in <strong>the</strong>power sector and widespread adopon of CCS. <strong>Energy</strong> eciency is rapidly increased inindustry by phasing out old and inecient facilies in <strong>energy</strong>-intensive industries, as wellas by introducing new ecient motor systems. <strong>Energy</strong> eciency in buildings is stepped upby replacing oil- and gas-red boilers for space and water heang by more ecient ones.In <strong>the</strong> power sector, addional ecient coal and gas power plants are introduced, withless-ecient plants being operated less or completely rered. The increase in electricitygeneraon from renewables comes mainly from wind power, but also from hydro, bio<strong>energy</strong>and solar P. The key regions aected are China, <strong>the</strong> United States and India. As well, CCSis very rapidly deployed, with <strong>the</strong> power sector accounng for nearly 70% of all CCS-relatedemissions savings, industry for more than 25% and <strong>the</strong> transformaon sector for 5%.Delaying <strong>climate</strong> acon takes <strong>the</strong> world beyond <strong>the</strong> date, esmated to be 2017 in, at which <strong>the</strong>n exisng <strong>energy</strong> infrastructure locks-in <strong>the</strong> enre remainingcarbon emissions budget to 2035. The result is that much more costly acons are requiredsubsequently to undo <strong>the</strong> lock-in eect, including <strong>the</strong> early rerement of assets, lowerulisaon or idling of carbon-intensive capacity and increased investment in CCS retrong.In short, delayed acon creates more stranded assets in <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector. In <strong>the</strong> power1234© OECD/IEA, 201314. The New Policies Scenario does include cautious implementation of national targets to reduce greenhousegasemissions communicated under <strong>the</strong> 2010 Cancun Agreements.Chapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 113

sector, <strong>the</strong> delay results in <strong>the</strong> construcon of a greater number of new fossil-fuelled plantsup to 2020, around 185 G of capacity. As a result, 164 G of power capacity must beei<strong>the</strong>r rered or idled (101 G collecvely), or retroed with CCS (63 G), between 2020and 2035. Developing countries are most exposed to <strong>the</strong>se lock-in eects, as <strong>the</strong>y buildtwo-thirds of <strong>the</strong> addional fossil-fuel plants constructed up to 2020, many of which areinecient coal plants. To compensate for emissions from this capacity, an extra 130 G ofplants in developing countries must be rered, idled or retroed with CCS aer 2020. Itfollows that, if governments are to stand by <strong>the</strong>ir commitment to limit <strong>the</strong> average rise in<strong>the</strong> global temperature to no more than 2 °C, developing countries have <strong>the</strong> most to gainfrom moving towards clean <strong>energy</strong> investment more quickly and <strong>the</strong> most tolose from carbon lock-in. A swi move away from subcrical coal-red power plants, ashighlighted in <strong>the</strong> 4-for-2 °C Scenario in Chapter 2, is a step in this regard and will help tomeet subsequent goals at a lower cost.Figure 3.15 <strong>World</strong> <strong>energy</strong>-related CO 2 emissions abatement in a“delayed” 450 Scenario relative to <strong>the</strong> New Policies ScenarioGt39New Policies Scenario35312723“Delayed” 450 Scenario192010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035CO 2 Abatement 2025 2035Demand 5% 5%End-use efficiency 27% 31%Power plant efficiency 11% 3%Fuel and technology 2% 2%switchRenewables 25% 26%Biofuels 5% 5%Nuclear 9% 9%CCS 15% 20%Total (Gt CO 2 ) 6.2 16.4Analysis of <strong>the</strong> enre <strong>energy</strong> system shows that delaying acon on <strong>climate</strong> change is a falseeconomy. Investments of around $1.5 trillion are avoided in <strong>the</strong> period to 2020, but anaddional $5 trillion of investments are required between 2020 and 2035 (Figure 3.16). 15Prior to 2020, investments are notably lower in buildings (around $0.55 trillion) andindustry (around $0.45 trillion). In buildings, <strong>the</strong> amount of retrot in exisng buildingsis signicantly scaled back, while in transport <strong>the</strong> sales of hybrid and electric cars arelower in <strong>the</strong> period before 2020. The industry sector avoids investments before 2020 byallowing inecient old infrastructure to connue to operate for a few more years, reducinginvestments in more ecient equipment. Aer 2020, $1.4 trillion of addional investment© OECD/IEA, 201315. Using a 5% discount rate, investment costs avoided prior to 2020 are $1.2 trillion, while additionalinvestments required after 2020 are $2.3 trillion. If a 10% discount rate is used, investment costs avoided before2020 are $0.95 trillion, while additional investments required after 2020 are $1.15 trillion.114 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

is required to retrot buildings across both OECD and non-OECD countries. In industry,addional investment of $1.3 trillion is required to nance large-scale replacement bynew equipment, including in furnaces, motors, kilns, steam crackers and boilers. From atechnology perspecve, early acon can increase <strong>the</strong> potenal for accelerated learning andreduced costs. However, delaying acon could leave open <strong>the</strong> possibility of breakthroughsthat surpass current technologies.Figure 3.16 Change in world cumulative <strong>energy</strong> investment by sector in a“delayed” 450 Scenario relative to <strong>the</strong> 450 Scenario1234Trillion dollars (2011) change2012-2035642Trillion dollars (2011)00-0.6Transport Buildings Industry Power BiofuelsgeneraonTotal-2This analysis shows that, if <strong>the</strong> internaonal community is serious about acng to limit <strong>the</strong>rise in global temperature to 2 °C, delaying fur<strong>the</strong>r acon, even to <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> currentdecade, would result in substanal addional costs in <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector. As reectedthroughout this report, it highlights <strong>the</strong> importance of addional migaon acon in <strong>the</strong>period prior to a new global <strong>climate</strong> agreement coming into eect, to avoid <strong>the</strong> waste ofcreang stranded assets.© OECD/IEA, 2013Chapter 3 | Managing <strong>climate</strong> risks to <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong> sector 115

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Annex AUnits and conversion factorsThis annex provides general informaon on units, and conversion factors for <strong>energy</strong> unitsand currencies.UnitsCoal Mtce million tonnes of coal equivalentEmissions ppm parts per million (by volume)Gt CO 2 -eq gigatonnes of carbon-dioxide equivalent (using100-year global warming potenals GP fordierent greenhouse gases)kg CO 2 -eq kilogrammes of carbon-dioxide equivalentg CO 2 /km grammes of carbon dioxide per kilometreg CO 2 /kh grammes of carbon dioxide per kilowa-hour<strong>Energy</strong> Mtoe million tonnes of oil equivalentMBtumillion Brish <strong>the</strong>rmal unitsGcal gigacalorie (1 calorie x 10 9 )TJ terajoule (1 joule x 10 12 )khkilowa-hourMhmegawa-hourGhgigawa-hourThterawa-hourGas mcm million cubic metresbcmbillion cubic metrestcmtrillion cubic metresMass kg kilogramme (1 000 kg 1 tonne)kt kilotonnes (1 tonne x 10 3 )Mt million tonnes (1 tonne x 10 6 )Gt gigatonnes (1 tonne x 10 9 )© OECD/IEA, 2013Monetary $ million 1 US dollar x 10 6$ billion 1 US dollar x 10 9$ trillion 1 US dollar x 10 12Annex A | Units and conversion factors 117

Oil b/d barrels per daykb/dthousand barrels per daymb/dmillion barrels per daympgmiles per gallonPower wa (1 joule per second)k kilowa (1 a x 10 3 )M megawa (1 a x 10 6 )G gigawa (1 a x 10 9 )T terawa (1 a x 10 12 )<strong>Energy</strong> conversionsConvert to: TJ Gcal Mtoe MBtu GWhFrom: mulply by:TJ 1 238.8 2.388 x 10 -5 947.8 0.2778Gcal 4.1868 x 10 -3 1 10 -7 3.968 1.163 x 10 -3Mtoe 4.1868 x 10 4 10 7 1 3.968 x 10 7 11 630MBtu 1.0551 x 10 -3 0.252 2.52 x 10 -8 1 2.931 x 10 -4GWh 3.6 860 8.6 x 10 -5 3 412 1Currency conversionsExchange rates (2011) 1 US Dollar equals:Australian Dollar 0.97Brish Pound 0.62Canadian Dollar 0.99Chinese uan 6.47Euro 0.72Indian Rupee 46.26Japanese en 79.84orean on 1 107.81Russian Ruble 29.42© OECD/IEA, 2013118 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> | <strong>Special</strong> Report

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WORLD ENERGY OUTLOOK 2013www.world<strong>energy</strong>outlook.orgRELEASE: 12 NOVEMBERclass analysis, <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> 2013 presentsThis year <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong>• <strong>Redrawing</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>energy</strong>-<strong>climate</strong> <strong>map</strong>: <strong>the</strong> short-within reach, and <strong>the</strong> extent to which low-carbon• <strong>Energy</strong> in Brazil: • Oil supply, demand and trade: • he implicans r ecnmic cmpeeness <strong>the</strong> changing <strong>energy</strong> <strong>map</strong>: what• he glal spread uncnennal gas supply• <strong>Energy</strong> trends in u<strong>the</strong>ast sia© OECD/IEA, 2013The <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong>www.world<strong>energy</strong>outlook.org


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