IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

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InstructionMnemonic'OperationcodeLoad and storeLoad accumulator [P] L 11000 800Load and zero [P] LZ 11001 1200Load immediate [P] LI 01100 400Load index long [P] LXL 10001 1200Store accumulator [P] ST 11010 800Store index [P1 STX 01101 800ArithmeticAdd [P] A 10000 800Subtract [PIS. 10010 800Add register [P]AR 11111 400Subtract register [P1 SR 11111 400Complement reg ister [P] CR 11111 400Add immediate [P] Al 01110 400LogicalAND [P] N 11100 800OR [P10 11101 800Exclusive OR [P] X 11110 800AND register [P] NR 11111 400OR register [P] OR 11111 400Exclusive OR register [P1 XR 11111 400Execution timein nanosecondsShiftingShift left logical [PISLL 00010 400 + 50N + 50 if odd no. shiftsShift left circular [PISLC 00010 400 + 50N + 50 if odd no. shiftsShift right logical [P] SRL 00010 400 + 50N + 50 if odd no. shiftsShift right arithmetic [P] SR A 00010 400 + 50N + 50 if odd no. shifts(N is <strong>the</strong> number of bitsshifted)BranchingBranch [P]B 00111 400Branch and link [P]BAL 01011 400Branch and link long [P] BALL 01010 800Branch and unmask long" BU L 01010 800Branch conditional [P] BC 01000 400—no branch800—branch takenSkip conditional [PISKC 01001 400Add to storage and skip [P] AS 01111 1200Register-to-registerStore indicators' 3 STI 11111 400Store to register [P1 STR 11111 400Load from register [P] LR 11111 400Interchange register [P1 1R 11111 400Load processor status [P] LPS 11111 400Inspect IAR backup [P] IIB 11111 800Read IAR backup' 3 RIB 11111 800Write IAR backup' 3 WIB 11111 800AND to mask [P] NM 10110 400OR to mask [P] OM 10110 400Sense level and mask [P]SLM 11111 400Figure 4-1. (Part 1 of 2) <strong>System</strong>/7 InstructionsProcessor Instructions 4-3

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