IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

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The accumulator associated with <strong>the</strong> level contains <strong>the</strong> address of <strong>the</strong> I/O devicecausing <strong>the</strong> interruption, in <strong>the</strong> following format:0 4 10 15Sublevel1 1 1 1Deviceaddress1 1 1 1 1Moduleaddress1 1 I I0-F X X XDuring interruption presentation, an I/O device also presents a summary status bit (S),which is placed in <strong>the</strong> carry indicator. The carry indicator is set to 0 if a normal interruptioncondition occurred, or to 1 if an exception interruption condition occurred. Exceptionconditions that set <strong>the</strong> summary status bit are noted in descriptions of I/O commandsfor I/O devices, later in this manual.CLASS INTERRUPTIONSInternal machine error conditions can cause three types of class interruptions:1. Machine check, caused by a machine error or by program execution.2. Program check, caused by an invalid machine instruction.3. Power/<strong>the</strong>rmal warning, caused by a power or <strong>the</strong>rmal irregularity.Class interruptions alert <strong>the</strong> system to error conditions which may prevent fur<strong>the</strong>rprocessing. Machine checks and program checks cannot be prevented from interrupting<strong>the</strong> system. Power/<strong>the</strong>rmal warning class interruptions, however, are controlled by <strong>the</strong>summary mask and are inhibited during execution of <strong>the</strong> supervisor call (SVC) instruction.(Supervisor call is discussed in more detail in Chapter 4.)Because of <strong>the</strong>ir nature, class interruptions immediately disable all four priority interruptionlevels and cause a branch via one of <strong>the</strong> main storage locations reserved for class interruptionstart addresses. (See "Reserved Storage Locations" in this chapter.) Machine checks andprogram checks turn on <strong>the</strong> summary mask function. A power/<strong>the</strong>rmal warning that occurswhen <strong>the</strong> summary mask function is off will also turn it on.A class interruption does not cause a change in priority level; <strong>the</strong> interruption isserviced on <strong>the</strong> level that is active when <strong>the</strong> error condition occurs. If no level isactive when a power/<strong>the</strong>rmal warning interruption occurs, <strong>the</strong> interrupt is serviced onpriority level 3. When <strong>the</strong> class interruption is serviced, <strong>the</strong> servicing program shouldsave any register contents and/or status information needed to restart <strong>the</strong> program.Lights on <strong>the</strong> operator console indicate <strong>the</strong> cause of a class interruption when <strong>the</strong>processor is in <strong>the</strong> stop state. In addition, a machine instruction (load processorstatus) can check <strong>the</strong> processor status to determine <strong>the</strong> specific cause of <strong>the</strong> interruption.This instruction is described in more detail in Chapter 4.Priority of Class InterruptionsAlthough class interruptions are serviced on <strong>the</strong> current priority level, <strong>the</strong>y are servicedaccording to class priority hierarchy. A machine check has <strong>the</strong> highest priority, aprogram check has <strong>the</strong> next priority, and a power/<strong>the</strong>rmal warning has <strong>the</strong> lowestpriority. The load processor status instruction resets all class interruption indicatorsexcept for power/<strong>the</strong>rmal warnings.<strong>System</strong>/7 Interruptions 3-9

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