IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

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111111•1111111111■ IllO (OR) instruction A-15, 4-20odd parity, processor module 2-601A (old instruction address) 3-7OM (OR to mask) instruction A-16, 4-49operating and programming restrictions, printer 17-28operating temperature restriction 1-7operation code (Op code) field 4-5operation end interruption, <strong>1130</strong> 16-3operation modes (see mode)operation register (OP) 2-2, 2-12operations, diskdescription 15-7introduction 1-5module selection from operator console 5-6read data 15-7seek 15-8write data 15-7operator consoledisplay area 5-3IPL source 5-6main functions 5-3security 5-3setting-up for data entry 5-6operator controls, diskDRIVE switch 15-3FILE READY indicator 15-3FILE WRITE switch 15-3IPL switch 15-3operator console module selection 5-6operator stationcheck status bit 4-62command summary B-1functional description 9-2introduction 1-2operators panel, 2502 17-16OR (OR register) instruction A-16, 4-22OR instruction A-15, 4-20OR to mask instruction A-16, 3-5, 4-49original 'good' track 15-26oscillator accuracy 6-2output belt image 17-20overflow (OVRFLW) light 5-5overflow indicator 2-13, 4-56overload (5012 Multifunction Module)analog input control model B 13-5analog input control model C 13-9overrun 1-4, 4-60, 15-6, 15-12OVRFLW (overflow) light 5-5PA (add) instruction A-1, 4-14pad characters 8-4.1, 8-4.2PAI (add immediate) instruction A-2, 4-15PAR (add register) instruction A-2, 4-17parity 2-6parity, start byte, 2790 13-29, 14-16parity, <strong>1130</strong> 16-2parity error indicators 5-3PAS (add to storage and skip) instruction A-3, 4-39PB (branch) instruction A-6, 4-29PBAL (branch and link) instruction A-6, 4-30PBALL (branch and link long) instruction A-7, 4-32PBC (branch conditional) instruction A-8, 4-34PCK (program check) indicator lights 5-4PCR (complement register) instruction A-9, 4-19pending interruption requests, halt I/O command 4-58pending interruptions 3-2PI (see process interrupt)PIIB (inspect IAR backup) instruction A-11, 4-44PIO (execute I/O) instruction A-10, 4-55PIR (interchange register) instruction A-11, 4-43PL (load accumulator) instruction A-12, 4-8PLEX (level exit) instruction A-12, 4-51PLI (load immediate) instruction A-14, 4-10X-10 GA34-0003PLPS (load processor status) instruction A-15, 4-44PLR (load from register) instruction A-13, 4-42PLXL (load index long) instruction A-14, 4-11PLZ (load and zero) instruction A-13, 4-9PN (AND) instruction A-4, 4-20PNM (AND to mask) instruction A-5, 4-49PNR (AND register) instruction A-5, 4-22PO (OR) instruction A-15, 4-20POM (OR to mask) instruction A-16, 4-49POR (OR register) instruction A-16, 4-22positive displacement 4-6positive numbers 2-8positive result indicator 2-13power failure warning 1-7 2-11, 3-8, 3-11, 3-14power switches and indicators 5-9, 5-10, 94power switches and indicators, printer 17-28power switches and indicators, 2502 17-16power/<strong>the</strong>rmal warning interruptions to <strong>1130</strong> <strong>System</strong> 16-3precision E-1prepare I/O command 3-3, 4-57preparing timers for interruptions 6-2print and punch command 9-8print only command 9-7printer belt positions 17-20.1printer, operator station 9-2printer, 5024 (see line printer, 5024)priorityclass interruptions 3-9interruptions 3-2displacement tables 3-7program processing 3-2wait state 3-2level mask, class interruptions 3-5, 3-9levels 3-2assignment, disk 15-6assignment, prepare I/O command 4-57initial program load (ACCA) 7-14interruptions to <strong>System</strong>/7, <strong>1130</strong> 164introduction 1-2option 15-19process interrupt, digital inputdescription 13-15, 14-4digital input exception 13-16equal comparison 13-19, 14-8forced interruption control 13-19, 14-8interruption request 13-15, 144introduction 14programmed selection of comparison 13-19, 14-8read digital input reference registercommand 13-18, 14-7read digital input register command 13-17, 14-6read ISW 13-20, 14-9read/reset digital input register command 13-17, 14-6set digital input interrupt controlcommand 13-19, 14-8set digital input latch control command 13-18, 14-7set digital input reference registercommand 13-17, 14-6set test signal command 13-19, 14-8under program control 13-15, 14-4unequal comparison 13-19, 14-8processorinstructions 4-2module, set interrupt function 4-58status information 444processor loading factor 15-8processor modulecycle steal 1-3, 1-4, 2-3data flow 2-2data formats 2-7functional description 2-2introduction 1-2parity 2-6program indicators 2-12registers 2-9

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