IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

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The storage protect mechanism is disabled (turned off) by power-on reset, system reset, <strong>the</strong>reset caused by check restart, initial program load, <strong>the</strong> occurrence of a class interruption,and <strong>the</strong> execution of an SVC instruction. The storage and protect keys are not changed by anyof <strong>the</strong>se actions. The keys are changed only by <strong>the</strong> appropriate alter storage or protect keyinstructions.The storage protect mechanism is enabled (turned on) by <strong>the</strong> execution of an alter storagekey or an alter protect key instruction. If <strong>the</strong>se instructions are executed when storage protectis already enabled, it remains enabled.The protect key is read using <strong>the</strong> read protect key instruction. If any of <strong>the</strong> storage protectinstructions are issued on <strong>the</strong> 5010 Processor Module models A or B, a program checkcondition results and <strong>the</strong> instruction is not executed.To write into main storage, at least one of <strong>the</strong> following conditions must be true:1. The storage key of <strong>the</strong> addressed block must be 111.2. The protect key currently in use must be 000.3. The storage key of <strong>the</strong> addressed block must match <strong>the</strong> current protect key.The first two conditions above indicate that a storage key of 111 permits writing into anystorage location in that block regardless of <strong>the</strong> protect key used, and that a protect key of 000authorizes writing into any location in storage regardless of <strong>the</strong> storage key value of <strong>the</strong>addressed block.If none of <strong>the</strong> three conditions specified above is true, <strong>the</strong> attempt to write is prevented, <strong>the</strong>contents of main storage are not changed and a program check interruption occurs with invalidstorage address set in <strong>the</strong> processor status word.For certain hardware functions that involve accessing main storage, <strong>the</strong> key comparisonmechanism is suppressed. For <strong>the</strong>se cases, no storage protect checking is performed until <strong>the</strong>hardware function is completed. Because of this:1. No storage protection is provided during an initial program load, since it is preceded by ahardware reset, and no instructions are executed until <strong>the</strong> initial program load is complete.2. No storage protect checking is performed while <strong>the</strong> system is in <strong>the</strong> stop state and storeoperations are being performed from <strong>the</strong> <strong>System</strong>/7 console.3. No storage protect checking is provided during a cycle steal operation.4. The hardware controlled storing of old instruction addresses during class interruptions is notaffected by storage protect.

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