IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

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Recalibrate Operation: A recalibrate operation returns <strong>the</strong> access mechanism to cylinder 0and selects a specified disk and head in <strong>the</strong> disk storage module. The recalibration is performedby a seek command that specifies moving <strong>the</strong> access mechanism in <strong>the</strong> reversedirection across 224 or more cylinders (bits 8 to 15 of <strong>the</strong> control information word equal1110 0000 or greater).Write Initialize (DPC)O 5 8 11 16 20 26 31Op codeRFunZerosMod0 0 0 0 1XXX 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 XXXXXX1 1 1 1 ii1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1••■■■••,en../..•■••••■•■■•••■■■■•■•.„,•••■•,■••••••,...11.,••■■••■,,■■••■ •■•••••■„,...., ••■••■••■,....0,.../..,./.11w,O 8-F 2 0 7 0 0-3 XThis command places <strong>the</strong> disk storage module in <strong>the</strong> write data mode of operation andsearches for <strong>the</strong> sector identifier specified by <strong>the</strong> control information word contained in <strong>the</strong>index register (R), or <strong>the</strong> accumulator if R=000. The control information word has <strong>the</strong>following format:O 2 1011 15DAMAF C T S1 1 11Sector identifiers are read on <strong>the</strong> track previously specified and compared to <strong>the</strong> identifierspecified by <strong>the</strong> control information word. When <strong>the</strong> specified sector is found, a dataserviceinterruption request is presented to <strong>the</strong> processor module. If <strong>the</strong> sector is not foundafter at least one complete revolution of <strong>the</strong> selected disk, <strong>the</strong> no-record-found bit (bit 5)is set in <strong>the</strong> interrupt status word and an interruption request is presented to <strong>the</strong> processor.Upon completion of an error-free write initialize command, <strong>the</strong> disk storage module canaccept only a write data or terminate command. Write data mode is reset by ei<strong>the</strong>r anend-of-sector or an any-error interruption request.Write Data (DPC)0 5 8 11 16 20 26 31Op code R Fun Zeros Mod DA MAoooo xx oal ooooo 0 0 0 ******XXXXXX1 1 1 1 it 1 1 till III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'•■•■N,...■/,..sw.s,omwr''',....,.emrmr' '',•••Ne•••••" '`••••••■■'''■•••1■'"'■••••■e•■•••''''■•••■■...."'O 8-F 2 0 1 0 0-3 XThis command transfers one 16-bit data word from <strong>the</strong> index register (R), or accumulatorif R=000, to <strong>the</strong> disk file data buffer. The write data command is valid only after a writeinitialize command has placed <strong>the</strong> disk storage module in <strong>the</strong> write data mode of operation.Data-service interruption requests occur at 40-microsecond intervals. Four write datacommands must fill <strong>the</strong> disk file data buffer within this interval to avoid a data overruncondition. If <strong>the</strong> data buffer is not filled within 40 microseconds, <strong>the</strong> overrun error bit(bit 2) is set in <strong>the</strong> interrupt status word and a device-end interruption is presented. Once<strong>the</strong> data buffer is filled, <strong>the</strong> disk storage module is busy to any more write data commandsuntil <strong>the</strong> next data-service interruption request occurs.After 128 data words and <strong>the</strong> appropriate check character for <strong>the</strong> entire data field aresuccessfully written, <strong>the</strong> end-of-sector bit (bit 7) is set in <strong>the</strong> interrupt status word andan interruption request is presented. (See "Read Data" for programming note.)

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