IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

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Significant Bits Meaning12 Device busy. The analog input control is converting an input voltage.13 Device end. The conversion operation requested is complete. If errorconditions occur during <strong>the</strong> execution of such operations asanalog-to-digital conversions, this bit is set on along with o<strong>the</strong>rerror identifying bits.15 Invalid multiplexer address. An input point was addressed that wasnot installed.DIGITAL INPUT CONTROLThe digital input control function of <strong>the</strong> multifunction module can accommodate as manyas 128 isolated and/or non-isolated digital input points, in eight groups of 16 points each.These points are two-terminal inputs that can be activated by ei<strong>the</strong>r contact or voltagesources provided by <strong>the</strong> user's equipment.A non-isolated digital input group provides 16latching or non-latching points of contact sensing capability.A digital input contact point has a 1 value in its corresponding bit when <strong>the</strong> contact isclosed, and a 0 value when <strong>the</strong> contact is open.An isolated digital input voltage point has a 1 value in its corresponding bit when <strong>the</strong>input is from +2V to +52.8V, and a 0 value when <strong>the</strong> input is from —52.8V to +0.6V. Anon-isolated digital input voltage point has <strong>the</strong> opposite polarity sensing; a 0 value from+2V to +52.8V, and a 1 value from —52.8V to +0.6V. An input between +0.6V and +2V,in ei<strong>the</strong>r case, produces an indeterminate result.Each group of digital input points can be program controlled to provide ei<strong>the</strong>r latchedor unlatched input. In <strong>the</strong> latched mode of operation, each bit that is set on in <strong>the</strong> groupremains in that state (regardless of any fur<strong>the</strong>r change in input signal or contact operation)until <strong>the</strong> group is reset or unlatched. A bit is not reset if <strong>the</strong> input signal remains active(voltage present or switch closed) throughout <strong>the</strong> execution of <strong>the</strong> read/reset digital inputregister command. In <strong>the</strong> unlatched mode of operation, each bit in <strong>the</strong> group is set on oroff dynamically as determined by <strong>the</strong> input fluctuations.Digital input circuits are compatible with digital output circuits, which permitsmultiplexing of digital output points with <strong>the</strong> user's contacts for digital input sensingapplications. If all of <strong>the</strong> points are isolated, ei<strong>the</strong>r positive or negative voltage sources canbe used through proper connection of input sources to <strong>the</strong> input terminals. This circuitcompatibility also permits direct connection of digital input points to digital outputpoints for testing of <strong>the</strong> input/output circuits.Process Interrupt FeatureA Process Interrupt feature can be obtained for one or both of <strong>the</strong> first two digital inputgroups (group 0 and/or group 1). Each of <strong>the</strong> two groups is a separate interrupting sourceand, <strong>the</strong>refore, can be assigned its own priority level and sublevel by separate prepare I/Ocommands. Group 0 is installed when only one group is ordered. The Process Interruptfeature can be attached only to isolated groups.With <strong>the</strong> Process Interrupt feature, a 16-point group is compared with a 16-bit referenceregister (which can be set to any value by <strong>the</strong> program), and an interruption request ispresented on <strong>the</strong> basis of ei<strong>the</strong>r an equal or an unequal bit-by-bit comparison. The choiceof comparison is under program control and can be changed at any time. When a grouphas been conditioned to perform a compare operation, <strong>the</strong> program cannot read <strong>the</strong> digitalinput register for that group until an interruption request is presented. After <strong>the</strong> requestis presented, <strong>the</strong> group will no longer be conditioned to perform a compare operation.The group can <strong>the</strong>n be used <strong>the</strong> same as a noninterrupting digital input group.<strong>IBM</strong> 5012 Multifunction Module Model Al 13-15

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