IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

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Convert Analog Input0 5 8 11 16 20 26 31Op code R Fun Zeros Mod DA MA00001 XXX 0 01000000000100100 XXXXXX1111 it 11 1111 111 111 I 1 1111 IS•••••••■,,,MINI. •••■111,„....011..." •••••••••,./.11111,. •••••■••,■111111, ...•••••■,••••••■0 8-F 2 0 0 9 0-3 XThis command starts an analog-to-digital conversion cycle based upon control informationcontained in <strong>the</strong> index register (R), or <strong>the</strong> accumulator if R =000. The control informationword has <strong>the</strong> format:0 15Mpxr addr**XX* R RROX XXXXXX1111 11 1 1 1 1 1 1S■1111.NeMer, ,•••■•••■,■,0-2 0-7 0-7 XHigh-order bits of multiplexeraddress field are in bits 2-3 of<strong>the</strong> control word.The range bits (RRR) in <strong>the</strong> control word specify <strong>the</strong> input voltage range and <strong>the</strong> amplifiergain desired, as shown in <strong>the</strong> following table.RRR Bits Input Voltage Range Amplifier Gain000 Automatic gain001 +10 mV 512010 +20 mV 256011 +40 mV 128100 +80 mV 64101 +160 mV 32110 +640 mV 8111 +5.12V 1When automatic gain is specified (RRR bits =000), <strong>the</strong> optimum gain (one of <strong>the</strong> sevenamplifier gains) is selected automatically, based upon <strong>the</strong> input signal voltage. The selectedgain can be returned to <strong>the</strong> program, along with <strong>the</strong> converted signal data, by issuing aread-ADC command. Since <strong>the</strong> indication of gain requires three bits, <strong>the</strong> input data itselfis reduced to 12 bits plus sign.The range bits (RRR) have no significance if <strong>the</strong> high-level amplifier is installed.This convert-analog-input command starts an analog-to-digital conversion cycle of <strong>the</strong>analog input point specified by <strong>the</strong> multiplexer address field in <strong>the</strong> control word. Aninterruption request occurs at <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> conversion cycle. The results of <strong>the</strong> conversionare <strong>the</strong>n obtained by issuing a read-ADC or read-ADC-extended-precision command.With <strong>the</strong> read-ADC command, <strong>the</strong> data format is in short form (12 bits plus sign) ifautomatic gain was specified, or in standard form (14 bits plus sign) if a programmed rangewas specified. The read-ADC-extended-precision command always returns <strong>the</strong> data instandard form.The multiplexer address field in <strong>the</strong> control word consists of bits 2-3 (<strong>the</strong> fieldhigh-order bits) and 9-15. The nine bits can be considered as a binary field to encodeaddresses 000 to 383. Bit 8 is reserved and set to zero. Bits 2-3 are necessary because ananalog input configuration (models B 1/E2/E2) can have up to 384 points.<strong>IBM</strong> 5014 Analog Input Module Models B1 and E2 10-3

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