IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

IBM System/7 Functional Characteristics - All about the IBM 1130 ...

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V IIF 1,1 NM IICONTROL CHARACTERS AND SEQUENCESProgramming note: For more detailed information on binary synchronous communicationsconventions, refer to General Information Binary Synchronous Communications, OrderNo. GA27-3004.The following table shows <strong>the</strong> control characters and sequences for BSCA:Name Mnemonic EBCDIC ASCIIStart of heading SOH SOH SOHStart of text STX STX STXEnd of transmission block' ETB ETB ETBEnd of text' ETX ETX ETXEnd of transmission' EOT EOT EOTEnquiry' ENQ ENQ ENQNegative acknowledge' NAK NAK NAKSynchronous idle SYN SYN SYNData link escape DLE DLE DLEvIntermediate block character ITB IUS USInitial program load 2 IPL DC1 DC1 ENQ.Even acknowledge' ACK 0 DLE (70) DLE 0Odd acknowledge' ACK 1 DLE/ DLE 1Wait before transmit-pos. ack l WACK DLE, DLE;Mandatory disconnect' DISC DLE EOT DLE EOTReverse interrupt' RVI DLE@ DLETemporary text delay TTD STX ENQ STX ENQTransparent start of text 3 XSTX DLE STXTransparent intermediate block 3 XITB DLE IUSTransparent end of text 3 XETX DLE ETXTransparent end of transmissionblock 3 XETB DLE ETBTransparent synchronous idle 3 XSYN DLE SYNTransparent block cancel 3 XENQ DLE ENQTransparent TTD 3 XTTD DLE STXData DLE in transparent mode 3 XDLE DLE DLENotes:1. These control characters and sequences cause a COD (change of direction) interruptionrequest to <strong>the</strong> <strong>System</strong>/7 after <strong>the</strong> required action has been completed,if <strong>the</strong> chaining flag is off.2. IPL sequence is [SEL] DC1 DC1 ENQ. SEL (address) required on multipointnetwork only. Not applicable in ASCII format.3. Transparent mode is not available in ASCII.8-4 GA34-0003

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