Catalog 05-06 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Catalog 05-06 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Catalog 05-06 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 20<strong>05</strong>, 20<strong>06</strong>, 2007. <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>College</strong>Source® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>Catalog</strong> content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs.Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 20<strong>05</strong>, 20<strong>06</strong>, 2007. <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>College</strong>Source® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>Catalog</strong> content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs.Curriculum for students entering program in 20<strong>05</strong>-<strong>06</strong>.<strong>Community</strong> Social ServiceThe Certificate program in <strong>Community</strong> Social Service is an eightcourse,24-credit program offered through the Division of Continuingand Corporate Education at New Hampshire Technical Institute in conjunctionwith the State of New Hampshire Division of Mental Healthand Developmental Services.This program focuses on the core values, knowledge and skills neededto be effective in the provision of community-based support. Studentswill develop skills and competencies in interviewing, counseling, and casemanagement and will be able to link clients with needed communityresources and services.For further information on the <strong>Community</strong> Social Service certificate,intern site placement, and scholarship eligibility, please contact MarkJewell, N.D., Ph.D. at 603-496-7198. This program is available eveningsonly. This program is “financial aid eligible.”CreditsCS 111 Introduction to <strong>Community</strong>Social Services 3CS 112 Supportive Communication Skills 3CS 115 Learning and Behavior 3CS 116 Assessment & Individual Planning 3CS 117 Fieldwork I 3PY 1<strong>05</strong> Introduction to Psychology 3PY 220 Human Growth andDevelopment: The Life Span 321Choose one elective:AD 120 Survey of Addictive Behaviorsand Treatment 3PY 210 Abnormal Psychology 3PY 280 Individual Counseling:Theory and Practice 3PY 283 Group Counseling 33TOTAL PROGRAM CREDITS 24GerontologyThis program is designed to increase the knowledge and skills of theindividual who may already be working with the elderly but has no formalgerontology training. This program will assist the student in upgradingcompetencies and improving knowledge in this area, while working withinthe context of their present employment site. For more informationcontact Kathleen Curran at 603-271-2475. This program is availableevenings only. This program is “financial aid eligible.”CreditsGE 101 Dimensions of Aging 4GE 120 Elderly and the <strong>Community</strong> 3GE 130 Public Policy and Aging 3GE 140 Biological Aspects of Aging 3GE 150 Gerontology: Current Topics 3TOTAL PROGRAM CREDITS 16Certificate ProgramsJustice/Legal StudiesParalegal StudiesThis certificate program is approved by the American Bar Associationand is designed to prepare students to perform effectively in today’slegal and business communities. The program trains men and women forprofessional status as lawyer’s assistants in corporations, banks, insurancecompanies, government agencies and law firms. The program providesstudents with a broad-based academic curriculum which emphasizes theskills, substantive knowledge and ethics a paralegal needs to assist lawyerseffectively.The work of the paralegal requires discretion and independent judgement.It is essential that a paralegal have strong writing ability, an analyticalapproach to organizing and reviewing material, and a foundation incomputers and word processing. Although a paralegal always works underthe supervision and direction of an attorney, it is important that he/orshe be well-motivated and self-starting. While a paralegal can performmany of the tasks which have otherwise been performed by attorneys, aparalegal may not give legal advice, represent a client in court, or otherwiseengage in the practice of law. For more information contact StaceyPeters at 603-271-7104. This program is available evenings only. Thisprogram is “financial aid eligible.”CreditsPL 101 Foundations of Paralegal Studies 2PL 103 Causes of Action in Contract and Tort 1PL 104 Legal Research 4PL 110 Litigation and Trial Preparation 3PL 221 Real Estate 3PL 231 Business Organizations and Bankruptcy 3PL 241 Family Law 1PL 251 Probate Estates and Trusts 3PL 261 Criminal Process 1PL 270 Internship (Optional) 3PL 271 Legal Writing 1TOTAL PROGRAM CREDITS 22-25Prerequisites:1. 45 college credits in general education courses from an accreditedinstitution (consistent with the requirements of theAmerican Bar Association, which approves this Certificate)• 18 of these credits must meet distribution and contentrequirements designated by the ABA, in at least three (3)different disciplines such as English, foreign languages,humanities, mathematics and natural science2. two confidential letters of reference3. writing sample4. submit official high school and college transcriptsInternship ConsiderationsThe college must ensure that individuals (customers, employees,etc.) at internship and service learning sites are not adversely affected bystudents during learning experiences. Therefore, students participating ininternship and field experiences must demonstrate the emotional stabilityrequired to exercise sound judgment, accept direction and guidance froma supervisor or faculty member and establish rapport and maintain sensitiveinterpersonal relationships with employees, customers and clients.Character ExpectationsApplicants should be aware that background checks are completedby potential employers prior to obtaining any position with arrest ordetention powers, and typically, even before being accepted for an internship.Applicants who have been in difficulty with the law may not beemployable, or even eligible for an internship. Because future goals maybe compromised, applicants are advised to discuss any concerns with theDepartment Head.69

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