Catalog 05-06 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Catalog 05-06 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Catalog 05-06 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 20<strong>05</strong>, 20<strong>06</strong>, 2007. <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>College</strong>Source® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>Catalog</strong> content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs.Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 20<strong>05</strong>, 20<strong>06</strong>, 2007. <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>College</strong>Source® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>Catalog</strong> content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs.Financial Aidtive requirements. Otherwise, they must complete future semesters attheir own expense until they regain eligibility for Title IV funds.Academic AmnestyStudents who are granted academic amnesty should be aware thatprevious grades will be used to evaluate Satisfactory Progress (Quantitativeand Qualitative) for financial aid purposes even though they are notincluded in the new academic grade point average.Audit a CourseFinancial Aid does not cover any courses a student audits.Change of ProgramStudents who change majors will be given additional time to completerequirements based on the number of credits transferred into thenew program.Consortium AgreementsConsortium Agreements are counted as transfer credits. The studentneeds to comply with the Satisfactory Progress rules of the Home <strong>College</strong>(college at which the student receives financial aid). Credits received viaConsortium Agreements count toward the maximum time frame (Quantitative),but do not count in qualitative measure (GPA).No Pass Grades (Return of Title IV Funds)Students in the following situation in a given semester will have theunearned portion of that semester’s financial aid returned to the federalgovernment:• are receiving Financial aid; and• all grades issued for a given semester are a combination of “nopassing grades”; and• do not have a last date of attendance documented after the60% period of the semester .The Return of Title IV calculation will use the “last date of attendance”or the 50% period of that semester. Students in this situation may berequired to repay a percentage of their financial aid.Repeated CoursesFinancial Aid will cover a repeated course only when it is retaken toreplace an unacceptable grade as determined by specific course and/ormajor.Transfer CreditsTransfer credits count toward the maximum time frame (Quantitative),but do not count in qualitative measure (GPA).Course WithdrawalCourse withdrawal may affect a student’s eligibility for financial aid.Credit by ExaminationFinancial Aid does not cover courses in which a student earns creditthrough Credit by Examination. Credit by Examinations count towardthe maximum time frame (quantitative) but do not count in qualitativemeasure (GPA). If a student earns credit by examination, the enrollmentstatus could change, an action which could affect financial aid status.Developmental/Remedial CoursesThese courses are not counted toward graduation requirements butare counted in a student’s GPA. Financial Aid uses these credits incalculating Qualitative Standard (GPA) but not in maximum time frame(Quantitative).Experiential Learning CreditsFinancial Aid does not cover courses in which a student earns creditthrough Experiential Learning. Experiential Learning Credits count towardthe maximum time frame (quantitative) but do not count in qualitativemeasure (GPA).Incomplete Grades (Financial Aid Recipients)In most cases, financial aid will be withheld until final grades are in.If financial aid is disbursed and the final grades result in a GPA that makesthe student ineligible for financial assistance, any Title IV monies receivedfor that ineligible semester must be repaid by the student.Institute Withdrawal (Financial AidRecipients)Financial Aid recipients who withdraw from all classes after a semesterhas begun will have a percentage of their financial aid fundsreturned to the financial aid (Title IV) programs. If the student withdrawsafter the 60% point in the semester (please see date in the AcademicCalendar), all of his/her Title IV funds are considered earned.16

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