Catalog 05-06 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Catalog 05-06 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Catalog 05-06 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 20<strong>05</strong>, 20<strong>06</strong>, 2007. <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>College</strong>Source® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>Catalog</strong> content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs.Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 20<strong>05</strong>, 20<strong>06</strong>, 2007. <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>College</strong>Source® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>Catalog</strong> content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs.Course Descriptionsedge and clinical practice occurs throughout the course with interactionbetween the student and faculty. (Prerequisites: NU 116 and NU 117; aminimum grade of “C” in BI 195, BI 196 and BI 202; Corequisite:PI 242)Paralegal Studies* Denotes Certificate Program courses only*PL 101 Foundations of Paralegal Studies 1-0-1The Foundations of Paralegal Studies course is comprised of two sections,the Introduction to the Legal Profession and a Pre-EmploymentSeminar. Introduction to the Legal Profession covers in detail the legalsystems of the United States, in both the Federal courts and the NewHampshire state courts. Students will also be introduced to the Federaland the New Hampshire constitutions, to the legislative processes and toa “how to” approach to the law. Practical experience in drafting courtdocuments, conducting initial client interviews and investigating caseswill be gained. Ethical rules and regulations governing lawyers and paralegalswill also be covered. The Pre-Employment Seminar includes writinga resume, drafting a cover letter, refining interview techniques, andconducting an independent job search. In addition, New Hampshire TechnicalInstitute has career and placement counselors available for customizedcounseling sessions.*PL 103 Causes of Action in Contract and Tort 1-0-1For the purpose of this course, a “cause of action” is defined as a right thelaw gives and will enforce for one to recover something from another. Itis the legal foundation from which the plaintiff derives the right ofaction against a defendant. The course is limited to the elements anddefenses of various causes of action in contract and tort; it does notaddress remedies. (Prerequisites: PL 101 or permission of departmenthead of Paralegal Studies)*PL 104 Legal Research 4-0-4The paralegal will be able to assist in most aspects of legal research insupport of the drafting of clear and concise legal writings. Functionalskills acquired in this course include a working knowledge of federal andstate statutory research including legislative history; federal and state caselaw reporter systems; the hierarchy of the federal and state court systems;legal form books; law digests; case and statutory citators; legal treaties;legal periodicals; legal encyclopedia; and, both local and national standardsof citation used in legal writing. An introduction to the use ofLEXIS will also be included. (Prerequisites: PL 101 or permission ofdepartment head of Paralegal Studies)PL 1<strong>06</strong> Introduction to Legal Studies 3-0-3Introduction to Legal Studies covers in detail the legal systems of theUnited States, in both the Federal courts and the New Hampshire statecourts. Students will be introduced to an overview of substantive andprocedural law, legal research, interviewing and investigative skills. Ethicalrules and regulations governing lawyers and paralegals will also be covered.PL 107 Contracts and Torts 3-0-3The contract portion of the class will cover Contract law from formation,defenses and remedies for breach. Likewise, various civil wrongs inwhich the victim is entitled to a remedy in the form of damages, includingnegligence, product liability, trespass and defamation, are addressed in theTorts section of the course. (Prerequisites: PL 1<strong>06</strong> or permission ofdepartment head of Paralegal Studies)PL 110 Litigation and Trial Preparation 3-0-3The student will be able to assist in virtually all phases of litigation.Functional skills acquired include preparing and maintaining the file;gathering information through client interviews; drafting pleadings; organizingand indexing documents; tracing evidence; examining public records;and preparing briefs and memoranda. (Prerequisite: PL 1<strong>06</strong> and PL 107or permission of department head of Paralegal Studies)PL 221 Real Estate 3-0-3The student will be able to assist in virtually all phases of transactions inreal property. Functional skills acquired include: conducting title searches;assisting in preparation and drafting of deeds, contracts of sale, leases andabstracts of title; gathering and reviewing documentation necessary inmortgage transactions; recording deeds and mortgages; and organizingand witnessing documents at the closing. (Prerequisites: PL 1<strong>06</strong>, PL 107or permission of department head of Paralegal Studies)PL 225 Legal Research and Writing 3-2-4The paralegal will be able to assist in most aspects of legal research insupport of the drafting of clear and concise legal writings. Functionalskills acquired in this course will include a working knowledge of federaland state statutory research including legislative history, federal and statecase law reporter systems, the court systems, legal form books, law digest,case and statutory citators, legal treaties and legal periodicals. In addition,an introduction to the use of LEXIS will be included. Furthermore, thestudent will develop the specific writing skills necessary for the paralegal.Preparation of trial memorandum and appellate court briefs will also becovered. Emphasis will be on brevity, clarity, and precision of expressiontogether with the refinement of editing skills. (Prerequisites: PL 1<strong>06</strong>,PL 107 and PL 110 or permission of department head of ParalegalStudies)PL 231 Business Organizations and Bankruptcy 3-0-3The student will be able to assist in the formation, daily administration,reorganization and dissolution of a corporate entity. Functional skillsacquired include: preparing articles of incorporation; satisfying state filingrequirements; taking minutes at meetings of board of directors; preparingregistration materials for regulatory agencies; and preparing bankruptcypetitions, claims and other documents. (Prerequisites: PL 1<strong>06</strong>, PL107 or permission of department head of Paralegal Studies)* PL 241 Family Law 1-0-1The student will examine the substantive and procedural law and thelegal ethics relating to marriage, divorce, support and custody issues, andwill be prepared to assist the attorney in drafting pleadings and completingpreliminary research relative to these aspects of family law. (Prerequisites:All PL courses at 100 level or permission of department head ofParalegal Studies)PL 242 Domestic Relations Law 3-0-3The student will examine the substantive and procedural law and thelegal ethics relating to marriage, divorce, and custody issues, and will beprepared to assist the attorney in drafting pleadings and completing preliminaryresearch relative to these aspects of Domestic Relations Law.(Prerequisites: PL 1<strong>06</strong> and PL 107 or permission of department head ofParalegal Studies)PL 251 Probate Estates and Trusts 3-0-3The student will be able to assist in the planning and administration ofthe decedent’s estate. Functional skills acquired include: assisting withestate planning; collecting assets; notifying beneficiaries; assisting in preparationof Federal and State Estate Tax Returns; submitting documentationto the Probate Court; transferring securities; drawing checks for theExecutor’s signature; and maintaining account records. (Prerequisites: PL1<strong>06</strong> and PL 107 or permission of department head of Paralegal Studies)* PL 261 Criminal Process 1-0-1The student will examine the various elements of New Hampshire criminalpractice and procedure and will trace the steps by which the process iscompleted, from the initial interview through the post-trial procedure.(Prerequisites: All PL courses at 100 level or permission of departmenthead of Paralegal Studies)PL 262 Criminal Law and Procedures for the Paralegal 3-0-3The student will examine the various elements of New Hampshire criminalpractice and procedure and will trace the steps by which the process iscompleted, from the initial interview through the post-trial procedure.114

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