Catalog 05-06 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Catalog 05-06 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

Catalog 05-06 - NHTI - Concord's Community College

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Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 20<strong>05</strong>, 20<strong>06</strong>, 2007. <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>College</strong>Source® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>Catalog</strong> content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs.Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 20<strong>05</strong>, 20<strong>06</strong>, 2007. <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>College</strong>Source® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>Catalog</strong> content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While <strong>College</strong>Source®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs.Course Descriptionsments but are calculated into GPA. (Prerequisite: <strong>NHTI</strong>’s MT 103 with agrade of “C” or higher or recommendation by Math department based on<strong>NHTI</strong> Assessment Testing)MT 108 Introductory Technical Mathematics I 5-0-5The first in a sequence of preparatory courses for students planning tomajor in the engineering technologies. Topics will include: fractions,decimals, percents, exponents, operations with signed numbers, introductionto algebra, linear equations, factoring, graphing, elementary geometricconcepts and formulas. The five institutional credits awarded for thiscourse do not count toward graduation requirements but are calculated into GPA.Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or higher and MT 109 witha grade of "C" or higher will satisfy the math prerequisite for MT 133.MT 109 Introductory Technical Mathematics II 5-0-5The second in a sequence of preparatory courses for students planning tomajor in the engineering technologies. Topics will include: quadraticequations, logarithms, graphing of functions, systems of linear equations,radicals, Pythagorean theorem, similar figures, elementary trigonometry.A graphing calculator* will be required. The five institutional credits awardedfor this course do not count toward graduation requirements but are calculated intoGPA. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or higher and MT108 with a grade of "C" or higher will satisfy the math prerequisite forMT 133.MT 111 Pre-Algebra 5-0-5This course will review the essential math skills required for success in anelementary algebra course. Topics will include: basic arithmetic operationswith whole numbers, decimals, fractions, signed numbers, percent,ratio and proportion, systems of measurement and conversions, introductionto basic algebra and geometry. The five institutional credits awardedfor this course do not count toward graduation requirements but are calculated intoGPA.MT 113 Accelerated Introductory Mathematics 6-0-6This course is designed for those students who are starting engineeringtechnology or information technology programs and need a review ofhigh school algebra, algebra II, or geometry. Topics include: introductionto algebra, solutions of linear equations, factoring algebraic fractions,exponents, quadratic equations, properties of logarithms, basic conceptsof geometry including the Pythagorean theorem, similar figures and solidgeometry, trigonometry. A graphing calculator* will be required. The sixinstitutional credits awarded for this course do not count toward graduation requirementsbut are calculated into GPA. Completion of this course with a grade"C" or higher will satisfy the math prerequisite for MT 133. (Prerequisite:high school Algebra I)MT 115 Practical Mathematics in Electronic Technology 4-1-1This course is designed to reinforce basic mathematical concepts andintroduce terminology and problem solving with applications employedin Engineering Technology to students planning to enter the Electronicand Computer Engineering Technology and Broadband Networking andCommunications Technology curriculums. Topics covered include: engineeringnotation; precision and accuracy of numbers; use of the TI-86calculator and order of operations; solution of literal equations; units ofmeasure; and conversion within and between systems of units. Alsoincluded are: an introduction to basic electric circuits; component identification;and measurement techniques. Exercises and laboratory experimentswill concentrate on developing methods of analysis employed inproblem solving. Emphasis is placed on terminology and development ofmethods and analytical skills applied in engineering technologies. Theorywill be reinforced through laboratory experiments. (The institutional creditawarded for this course does not count toward graduation requirements but is calculatedinto GPA; grading will be Pass/Fail.)MT 120 Contemporary <strong>College</strong> Mathematics 4-0-4A course in mathematical problem solving. Students will use basic mathskills and technology as they become actively involved in solving appliedproblems from the topics of measurement, algebra, geometry, data analysis,finance, probability, statistics and topics related to the students’ majorfield. Career and life skills will be emphasized. (Prerequisite: <strong>NHTI</strong>’s MT103 with a grade of “C” or higher or the high school equivalent with agrade of “C” or higher)MT 123 Intermediate Algebra 4-0-4Topics include: real numbers, linear equations and inequalities, graphs oflinear equations, systems of linear equations, exponents, polynomials,quadratic (and higher degree) equations, rational expressions, roots andradicals, exponential and logarithmic functions, sequences and series. Agraphing calculator* will be required. (Prerequisite: High school algebraI with a grade of “C” or higher or <strong>NHTI</strong>’s MT 103 and MT 104, bothwith grades of “C” or higher)MT 125 Finite Mathematics 4-0-4Topics include: matrices, linear programming, counting techniques, sets,probability, statistics, mathematics of finance, logic, Markov chains, gametheory. Applications will be emphasized. A graphing calculator* will berequired. (Prerequisite: MT 123)MT 129 Math for Allied Health 3-0-3This course is designed for students in the allied health fields. Topicscovered will include: basic arithmetic operations; basic topics from geometry;conversion of units; dosage calculations; linear functions, statisticsand probability as they relate to the study of health data; inductive anddeductive reasoning for the purpose of drawing valid conclusions. (Prerequisite:High school Algebra I with a grade of “C” or better OR <strong>NHTI</strong>’sMT 103 and MT 104 with grades of “C” or better)MT 133 Elementary Functions 5-0-5Topics will include: algebraic concepts and operations; linear, quadraticand trigonometric functions; vectors; systems of linear equations; exponentialand logarithmic functions; and ratios, proportion and variation. Agraphing calculator* will be required. (Prerequisite: prior knowledge ofalgebra I, algebra II and geometry is assumed)MT 134 Pre-Calculus 4-0-4Topics will include: complex numbers; trigonometric identities and equations;polynomial and rational functions; conic sections; non-linear systems;non-linear inequalities; sequences and series; limits and continuity;and probability and statistics. A graphing calculator* will be required.(Prerequisite: MT 133)MT 2<strong>05</strong> Calculus I 4-0-4This course in the calculus of one variable will include: limits; derivativesof algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions; antiderivatives;and an introduction to integration. Applications will bestressed throughout the course including: velocity, acceleration, curvesketching, optimization and related rates. A graphing calculator* will berequired. (Prerequisite: MT 134)MT 2<strong>06</strong> Calculus II 4-0-4Topics will include: indefinite integration; the definite integral the FundamentalTheorem of Calculus; integrals of elementary transcendentalfunctions; techniques of integration; polar coordinates; and power seriesincluding Taylor series. Applications will be stressed throughout thecourse including: area; volumes of revolution; centroids; and momentsof inertia. A graphing calculator* will be required. (Prerequisite: MT2<strong>05</strong>)MT 251 Statistics 4-0-4Topics include: basic measurements of central tendency and variability;frequency distributions; probability; binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions;sampling distributions; estimation of parameters; hypothesistesting; simple and multiple regression; correlation. A graphing calculator*will be required. (Prerequisite: MT 123)* A Texas Instruments model TI-83+ is required for MT 109,MT 113, MT 123, MT 125, MT 133, MT 134, MT 2<strong>05</strong>,MT 2<strong>06</strong> and MT 251.111

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