NGV Annual Report 2003-04-Part 2 - National Gallery of Victoria

NGV Annual Report 2003-04-Part 2 - National Gallery of Victoria NGV Annual Report 2003-04-Part 2 - National Gallery of Victoria
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NGV Annual Report 2003/04 Report 157practices, and supports the making of disclosures thatreveal corrupt conduct, conduct involving a substantialmismanagement of public resources, or conductinvolving a substantial risk to public health and safetyor the environment.The NGV will take all reasonable steps to protectpeople who make such disclosures from anydetrimental action in reprisal for making the disclosure.It will also afford natural justice to the person who isthe subject of the disclosure.The Whistleblowers Protection Act 2001 commencedoperation on 1st January 2002. The purpose of the Actis to encourage and facilitate the making of disclosuresof improper conduct by public officers and publicbodies. The Act provides protection to whistleblowerswho make disclosures in accordance with the Act, andestablishes a system for the matters disclosed to beinvestigated and rectifying action to be taken.For the disclosure to be responded to by the NGV, itmust concern a staff member of the NGV.2. Definition of key termsImproper conductImproper conduct means conduct that is corrupt, asubstantial mismanagement of public resources orconduct involving substantial risk to public health orsafety or to the environment. The conduct must beserious enough to constitute, if proved, a criminaloffence or reasonable grounds for dismissal.Corrupt conductCorrupt conduct is conduct of an NGV staffmember that:• adversely affects the honest performance of a staffmember or the NGV’s functions;• involves performing official staff functions dishonestlyor with inappropriate partiality;• amounts to the misuse of information or materialacquired in the course of the performance of theirofficial functions; or• amounts to a conspiracy or attempt to engage in theabove conduct.Detrimental actionThe Act makes it an offence for a person to takedetrimental action against a person in reprisal for aprotected disclosure. Detrimental action includes:• action causing injury, loss or damage;• intimidation or harassment; and• discrimination, disadvantage or adverse treatment inrelation to a person’s employment, career, profession,trade or business, including the taking of disciplinaryaction.3. Reporting complaintsDisclosures of improper conduct or detrimental actionby the NGV or its employees are to be made to thedesignated Protected Disclosure Coordinator (PDC) on. All correspondence, phone callsand emails from internal or external whistleblowerswill be referred to the PDC. A disclosure aboutimproper conduct or detrimental action by the NGVor its employees, may also be made directly to theOmbudsman on or1800 806 314.4. Roles and responsibilitiesThe Protected Disclosure Co-ordinator will:• Be a contact point for general advice about theoperation of the Act for any person wishing to makea disclosure about improper conduct or detrimentalaction;• Receive all phone calls, emails and letters frommembers of the public or employees seeking to makea disclosure;• Make arrangements for a disclosure to be madeprivately and discreetly and, if necessary, away fromthe workplace;• Commit to writing any disclosure made orally;• Impartially assess each disclosure to determinewhether it is a public interest disclosure made inaccordance with Part 2 of the Act;• Refer all public interest disclosures to theOmbudsman;• Be responsible for appointing an investigator tocarry out an investigation referred to the NGV by theOmbudsman;• Be responsible for overseeing and coordinating aninvestigation;• Appoint a welfare manager to support thewhistleblower and to protect him or her from anyreprisals;• Advise the whistleblower of the progress of aninvestigation into the disclosed matter;• Establish and manage a confidential filing system;• Collate and publish statistics on disclosures made;• Take all necessary steps to ensure the identity of thewhistleblower and the identity of the person who is thesubject of the disclosure are kept confidential; and• Liaise with the Director of the NGV.The Welfare Manager is responsible for ensuring thegeneral welfare of the whistleblower and will:• examine the immediate welfare and protection needsof a whistleblower who has made a disclosure andseek to foster a supportive work environment;• advise the whistleblower of the legislative andadministrative protections available to him or her;

158 Report NGV Annual Report 2003/04• listen and respond to any concerns of harassment,intimidation or victimisation in reprisal for make adisclosure and record details of the incident;• advise the PDC or the Director of the NGV of thedetrimental action• ensure the expectations of the whistleblower arerealistic.Where the Ombudsman refers a protected disclosureto the NGV for investigation, the PDC will appointan investigator to carry out the investigation. Aninvestigator will be a consultant engaged for thatpurpose. The objectives of an investigation will be to:• collate information relating to the allegation as quicklyas possible. This may involve taking steps to protect orpreserve documents, materials and equipment;• consider the information collected and to drawconclusions objectively and impartially;• maintain procedural fairness in the treatment ofwitnesses and the person who is the subject of thedisclosure; and• make recommendations arising from theconclusions drawn concerning remedial or otherappropriate action.5. Natural justiceThe NGV supports and ensures that natural justice andprocedural fairness is afforded to the person who is thesubject of the disclosure. Where investigations do notsubstantiate disclosures, the fact that the investigationhas been carried out, the results of the investigation,and the identity of the person who is the subject of thedisclosure will remain confidential.6. ConfidentialityThe Protected Disclosure Coordinator, the WelfareManager and investigators of protected disclosures willtake all necessary steps to ensure the identity of thewhistleblower and the identity of the person who is thesubject of the disclosure remain confidential.All record keeping is to be maintained separately fromother NGV paper and electronic systems. Email mustnot be used to communicate matters relating to awhistleblower or a protected disclosure.Criminal offencesThe following criminal offences are created by the Act:1. It is an offence for a person to take detrimentalaction against a person in reprisal for a protecteddisclosure being made. The Act provides a maximumpenalty of a fine of 240 penalty units ($24,000) ortwo years imprisonment or both.2. It is an offence for a person to divulge informationobtained as a result of the handling or investigationof a protected disclosure without legislative authority.The Act provides a maximum penalty of 60 penaltyunits ($6,000) or six months imprisonment or both.3. It is an offence for a person to obstruct theOmbudsman in performing his responsibilities underthe Act. The Act provides a maximum penalty of 240penalty units ($24,000) or two years imprisonmentor both.4. It is an offence for a person to knowingly providefalse information under the Act with the intentionthat it be acted on as a disclosed matter. The Actprovides a maximum penalty of 240 penalty units($24,000) or two years imprisonment or both.Implementation of the VictorianIndustry Participation PolicyDuring 2003/04 NGV commenced one contracttotalling in excess of $3million in value to which theVIPP applied. The contract was metropolitan. Thecommitment by contractors under VIPP included 88full time equivalent jobs. No contracts to which theVIPP applied were completed in 2003/04.Audit, Risk and ComplianceCommittee MembershipTrustee members:Ms M Kelsall (Chair)Mr C Brown (retired 14 May 2004)Mr V FitzgeraldOther member:Mr G Smith, Partner, Clayton Utz

158 <strong>Report</strong> <strong>NGV</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2003</strong>/<strong>04</strong>• listen and respond to any concerns <strong>of</strong> harassment,intimidation or victimisation in reprisal for make adisclosure and record details <strong>of</strong> the incident;• advise the PDC or the Director <strong>of</strong> the <strong>NGV</strong> <strong>of</strong> thedetrimental action• ensure the expectations <strong>of</strong> the whistleblower arerealistic.Where the Ombudsman refers a protected disclosureto the <strong>NGV</strong> for investigation, the PDC will appointan investigator to carry out the investigation. Aninvestigator will be a consultant engaged for thatpurpose. The objectives <strong>of</strong> an investigation will be to:• collate information relating to the allegation as quicklyas possible. This may involve taking steps to protect orpreserve documents, materials and equipment;• consider the information collected and to drawconclusions objectively and impartially;• maintain procedural fairness in the treatment <strong>of</strong>witnesses and the person who is the subject <strong>of</strong> thedisclosure; and• make recommendations arising from theconclusions drawn concerning remedial or otherappropriate action.5. Natural justiceThe <strong>NGV</strong> supports and ensures that natural justice andprocedural fairness is afforded to the person who is thesubject <strong>of</strong> the disclosure. Where investigations do notsubstantiate disclosures, the fact that the investigationhas been carried out, the results <strong>of</strong> the investigation,and the identity <strong>of</strong> the person who is the subject <strong>of</strong> thedisclosure will remain confidential.6. ConfidentialityThe Protected Disclosure Coordinator, the WelfareManager and investigators <strong>of</strong> protected disclosures willtake all necessary steps to ensure the identity <strong>of</strong> thewhistleblower and the identity <strong>of</strong> the person who is thesubject <strong>of</strong> the disclosure remain confidential.All record keeping is to be maintained separately fromother <strong>NGV</strong> paper and electronic systems. Email mustnot be used to communicate matters relating to awhistleblower or a protected disclosure.Criminal <strong>of</strong>fencesThe following criminal <strong>of</strong>fences are created by the Act:1. It is an <strong>of</strong>fence for a person to take detrimentalaction against a person in reprisal for a protecteddisclosure being made. The Act provides a maximumpenalty <strong>of</strong> a fine <strong>of</strong> 240 penalty units ($24,000) ortwo years imprisonment or both.2. It is an <strong>of</strong>fence for a person to divulge informationobtained as a result <strong>of</strong> the handling or investigation<strong>of</strong> a protected disclosure without legislative authority.The Act provides a maximum penalty <strong>of</strong> 60 penaltyunits ($6,000) or six months imprisonment or both.3. It is an <strong>of</strong>fence for a person to obstruct theOmbudsman in performing his responsibilities underthe Act. The Act provides a maximum penalty <strong>of</strong> 240penalty units ($24,000) or two years imprisonmentor both.4. It is an <strong>of</strong>fence for a person to knowingly providefalse information under the Act with the intentionthat it be acted on as a disclosed matter. The Actprovides a maximum penalty <strong>of</strong> 240 penalty units($24,000) or two years imprisonment or both.Implementation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Victoria</strong>nIndustry <strong>Part</strong>icipation PolicyDuring <strong>2003</strong>/<strong>04</strong> <strong>NGV</strong> commenced one contracttotalling in excess <strong>of</strong> $3million in value to which theVIPP applied. The contract was metropolitan. Thecommitment by contractors under VIPP included 88full time equivalent jobs. No contracts to which theVIPP applied were completed in <strong>2003</strong>/<strong>04</strong>.Audit, Risk and ComplianceCommittee MembershipTrustee members:Ms M Kelsall (Chair)Mr C Brown (retired 14 May 20<strong>04</strong>)Mr V FitzgeraldOther member:Mr G Smith, <strong>Part</strong>ner, Clayton Utz

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