School Playing Fields: Planning and Design Guidance - VicSport

School Playing Fields: Planning and Design Guidance - VicSport

School Playing Fields: Planning and Design Guidance - VicSport


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Assumption 15: The playingcapacity of synthetic grass pitchesis unlimited.This assumes that it has been constructedto the recommended st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> is wellmaintained to keep to these st<strong>and</strong>ards.Note: This means that, in our example, the SGPcan accommodate 56 PE lessons per week:of the 38 lessons available (Assumption 5), 20lessons with only one class using it, the other18 shared between two classes (Assumption 13).Assumption 16: The playingcapacity of a grass pitch is eighthours a week.Natural grass pitches can only accommodatea restricted amount of use whilst still maintainingadequate playing quality. A well constructed,well drained <strong>and</strong> well maintained grass pitchshould be able to accommodate around eighthours per week of the varied type of useexpected in a school. It should be noted thatthis is very much dependant on the pitchbeing of the requisite quality <strong>and</strong> receiving anappropriate level of routine maintenance. Pitcheswhich do not meet such a st<strong>and</strong>ard cannot beexpected to accommodate such high levels ofuse. The recent National Audit of Scotl<strong>and</strong>’sSports Facilities has highlighted that a largemajority of grass pitches at schools would needimprovement works in order to accommodatesuch levels of use.Assumption 17: 30% of S3-S4pupils will study for a St<strong>and</strong>ardGrade in PE.This means that, in addition to 120 minutes ofcore PE, it has been assumed that these pupilswill also study PE for an additional four periods(160 minutes).Assumption 18: 20% of S5-S6pupils will study for a NationalQualification in PE.This adds six periods (240 minutes) to theircore allocation of 120 minutes of PE time.Other areas to consider<strong>School</strong> roll – now <strong>and</strong> in the futureThe maximum number of pupils that the schoolis likely to have to accommodate in its lifetimeshould be considered in planning for schoolplaying fields. Demographic trends <strong>and</strong> predictedfuture population levels in the school’s catchmentarea should be considered, as should any likelychanges to the popularity of the school, changesto its admissions policy, possible school closuresor rationalisation <strong>and</strong> so on.Informal use by pupilsAlthough informal use at breaks will have animpact on the condition <strong>and</strong> capacity of grasspitches (particularly as it tends to be centred ongoalmouths, the most heavily used areas of apitch) it is very difficult to quantify how muchactivity will take place <strong>and</strong> the subsequentimpact on the pitch. Such usage is thereforenot included in these calculations.However, informal use <strong>and</strong> its impact remainimportant. The use of moveable goalpostsmay help reduce such impacts, as will accessby pupils to an SGP <strong>and</strong> MUGAs at breaks<strong>and</strong> lunchtime.<strong>School</strong> <strong>Playing</strong> <strong>Fields</strong> 18<strong>School</strong> <strong>Playing</strong> <strong>Fields</strong> 19

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