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newslion, <strong>and</strong> Rutter, whose total winningsamounted to $3.25 million, the mostmoney ever won by a single “Jeopardy!”player. At the end of the three-dayevent, Watson finished with $77,147,beating Jennings, who had $24,000,<strong>and</strong> Rutter, who had $21,600. Themillion-dollar prize money awarded toWatson went to charity.Named after IBM founder ThomasJ. Watson, the Watson system was builtby a team of IBM scientists whose goalwas to create a st<strong>and</strong>alone platformthat could rival a human’s ability toanswer questions posed in naturallanguage. During the “Jeopardy!” challenge,Watson was not connected to theInternet or any external data sources.Instead, Watson operated as an independentsystem contained in severallarge floor units housing 90 IBM Power750 servers with a total of 2,880 processingcores <strong>and</strong> 15 terabytes of memory.Watson’s technology, developed byIBM <strong>and</strong> several contributing universities,was guided by principles describedin the Open Advancement of Question-Answering (OAQA) framework, which isstill operating today <strong>and</strong> facilitating ongoinginput from outside institutions.Judging by the sizeable coverage ofthe event, Watson piqued the interestof technology enthusiasts <strong>and</strong> the generalpublic alike, earning “Jeopardy!”the highest viewer numbers it hadachieved in several years <strong>and</strong> leadingto analysts <strong>and</strong> other industry observersspeculating about whether Watsonrepresents a fundamental new ideain computer science or merely a solidfeat of engineering. Richard Doherty,the research director at EnvisioneeringGroup, a technology consulting firmbased in Seaford, NY, was quoted in anAssociated Press story as saying thatWatson is “the most significant breakthroughof this century.”Doherty was not alone in makingsuch claims, although the researcherson the IBM team responsible fordesigning Watson have been far moremodest in their assessment of thetechnology they created. “Watson is anovel approach <strong>and</strong> a powerful architecture,”says David Ferrucci, directorof the IBM DeepQA research team thatcreated Watson. Ferrucci does characterizeWatson as a breakthrough in <strong>artificial</strong><strong>intelligence</strong>, but he is careful toqualify this assertion by saying that thebreakthrough is in the development of<strong>artificial</strong>-<strong>intelligence</strong> systems.“The breakthrough is how we pulledeverything together, how we integratednatural language processing, informationretrieval, knowledge representation,machine learning, <strong>and</strong> a generalreasoning paradigm,” says Ferrucci. “Ithink this represents a breakthrough.We would have failed had we not investedin a rigorous scientific method<strong>and</strong> systems engineering. Both wereneeded to succeed.”Contextual EvidenceThe DeepQA team was inspired byseveral overarching design principles,with the core idea being that no singlealgorithm or formula would accuratelyunderst<strong>and</strong> or answer all questions,Watson’s on-stage persona simulates the system’s processing activity <strong>and</strong> relative answerconfidence through moving lines <strong>and</strong> colors. Watson is shown here in a practice match withKen Jennings, left, <strong>and</strong> Brad Rutter at IBM’s Watson Research Center in January.says Ferrucci. Rather, the idea was tobuild Watson’s <strong>intelligence</strong> from abroad collection of algorithms thatwould probabilistically <strong>and</strong> imperfectlyinterpret language <strong>and</strong> scoreevidence from different perspectives.Watson’s c<strong>and</strong>idate answers, those answersin which Watson has the mostconfidence, are produced from hundredsof parallel hypotheses collected<strong>and</strong> scored from contextual evidence.Ferrucci says this approach requiredinnovation at the systemslevel so individual algorithms couldbe developed independently, thenevaluated for their contribution to thesystem’s overall performance. The approachallowed for loosely coupled interactionbetween algorithm components,which Ferrucci says ultimatelyreduced the need for team-wide agreement.“If every algorithm developerhad to agree with every other or reachsome sort of consensus, progresswould have been slowed,” he says.“The key was to let different membersof the team develop diverse algorithmsindependently, but regularlyperform rigorous integration testingto evaluate relative impact in the contextof the whole system.”Ferrucci <strong>and</strong> the DeepQA team areexpected to release more details laterthis year in a series of papers that willoutline how they dealt with specific aspectsof the Watson design. For now,only bits <strong>and</strong> pieces of the completepicture are being disclosed. Ferruccisays that, looking ahead, his team’s researchagenda is to focus on how Watsoncan underst<strong>and</strong>, learn, <strong>and</strong> interactmore effectively. “Natural language underst<strong>and</strong>ingremains a tremendouslydifficult challenge, <strong>and</strong> while Watsondemonstrated a powerful approach,we have only scratched the surface,” hesays. “The challenge continues to beabout how you build systems to accuratelyconnect language to some representation,so the system can automaticallylearn from text <strong>and</strong> then reason todiscover evidence <strong>and</strong> answers.”Lillian Lee, a professor in the computerscience department at CornellUniversity, says the reactions aboutWatson’s victory echo the reactions followingDeep Blue’s 1997 victory overchess champion Garry Kasparov, butwith several important differences.Lee, whose research focus is naturalphoto courtesy ibm14 communications of the acm | july 2011 | vol. 54 | no. 7

newslanguage processing, points out thatsome observers were dismissive aboutDeep Blue’s victory, suggesting thatthe system’s capability was due largelyto brute-force reasoning rather thanmachine learning. The same criticism,she says, cannot be leveled at Watsonbecause the overall system needed todetermine how to assess <strong>and</strong> integratediverse responses.“Watson incorporates machinelearning in several crucial stages of itsprocessing pipeline,” Lee says. “Forexample, reinforcement learning wasused to enable Watson to engage instrategic game play, <strong>and</strong> the key problemof determining how confident tobe in an answer was approached usingmachine-learning techniques, too.”Lee says that while there has beensubstantial research on the particularproblems the “Jeopardy!” challengeinvolved for Watson, that prior workshould not diminish the team’s accomplishmentin advancing the stateof the art to Watson’s championshipperformance. “The contest reallyshowcased real-time, broad-domainquestion-answering, <strong>and</strong> provided ascomparison points two extremely formidablecontestants,” she says. “Watsonrepresents an absolutely extraordinaryachievement.”Lee suggests that with languageprocessingtechnologies now maturing,with the most recent example ofsuch maturation being Watson, thefield appears to have passed throughan important early stage. It now facesan unprecedented opportunity in helpingsift through the massive amountsof user-generated content online, suchas opinion-oriented information inproduct reviews or political analysis,according to Lee.While natural-language processingis already used, with varying degreesof success, in search engines <strong>and</strong>other applications, it might be sometime before Watson’s unique question-answeringcapabilities will helpsift through online reviews <strong>and</strong> otheruser-generated content. Even so, thatday might not be too far off, as IBMhas already begun work with NuanceCommunications to commercializethe technology for medical applications.The idea is for Watson to assistphysicians <strong>and</strong> nurses in finding informationburied in medical tomes, prior“Natural languageunderst<strong>and</strong>ingremains atremendouslydifficult challenge,<strong>and</strong> while Watsondemonstrateda powerful approach,we have onlyscratchedthe surface,”says David Ferrucci.cases, <strong>and</strong> the latest science journals.The first commercial offerings fromthe collaboration are expected to beavailable within two years.Beyond medicine, likely applicationareas for Watson’s technology wouldbe in law, education, or the financialindustry. Of course, as with any technology,glitches <strong>and</strong> inconsistencieswill have to be worked out for each newdomain. Glitches notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing,technology analysts say that Watsonliketechnologies will have a significantimpact on computing in particular <strong>and</strong>human life in general. Ferrucci, for hispart, says these new technologies likelywill mean a dem<strong>and</strong> for higher-densityhardware <strong>and</strong> for tools to help developersunderst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> debug machinelearningsystems more effectively.Ferrucci also says it’s likely that userexpectations will be raised, leading tosystems that do a better job at interactingin natural language <strong>and</strong> siftingthrough unstructured content.To this end, explains Ferrucci, theDeepQA team is moving away from attemptingto squeeze ever-diminishingperformance improvements out ofWatson in terms of parsers <strong>and</strong> localcomponents. Instead, they are focusingon how to use context <strong>and</strong> informationto evaluate competing interpretationsmore effectively. “What we learned isthat, for this approach to extend beyondone domain, you need to implement apositive feedback loop of extracting basicsyntax <strong>and</strong> local semantics from language,learning from context, <strong>and</strong> theninteracting with users <strong>and</strong> a broadercommunity to acquire knowledge thatis otherwise difficult to extract,” hesays. “The system must be able to bootstrap<strong>and</strong> learn from its own failingwith the help of this loop.”In an ideal <strong>future</strong>, says Ferrucci, Watsonwill operate much like the ship computeron “Star Trek,” where the inputcan be expressed in human terms <strong>and</strong>the output is accurate <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>able.Of course, the “Star Trek” ship computerwas largely humorless <strong>and</strong> devoidof personality, responding to queries<strong>and</strong> comm<strong>and</strong>s with a consistently eventone. If the “Jeopardy!” challenge servesas a small glimpse of things to come forWatson—in particular, Watson’s precisewagers, which produced laughterin the audience, <strong>and</strong> Watson’s visualizationcomponent, which appeared to expressthe state of a contemplative mindthrough moving lines <strong>and</strong> colors—theDeepQA team’s focus on active learningmight also include a personality loop soWatson can accommodate subtle emotionalcues <strong>and</strong> engage in dialogue withthe kind of good humor reminiscent ofthe most personable <strong>artificial</strong> <strong>intelligence</strong>sin fiction.Further ReadingBaker, S.Final Jeopardy: Man vs. Machine <strong>and</strong> theQuest to Know Everything. Houghton MifflinHarcourt, New York, NY, 2011.Ferrucci, D., Brown, E., Chu-Carroll, J., Fan, J.,Gondek, D., Kalyanpur, A.A., Lally, A., Murdock,J.W., Nyberg, E., Prager, J., Schlaefer, N.,<strong>and</strong> Welty, C.Building Watson: An overview of theDeepQA project, AI Magazine 59, Fall 2010.Ferrucci, D., et al.Towards the Open Advancement of QuestionAnswering Systems. IBM Research ReportRC24789 (W0904-093), April 2009.Simmons, R.F.Natural language question-answeringsystems, Communications of the ACM 13, 1,Jan. 1970.Strzalkowski, T., <strong>and</strong> Harabagiu, S. (Eds.)Advances in Open Domain QuestionAnswering. Springer-Verlag, Secaucus, NJ,2006.Based in Los Angeles, Kirk L. Kroeker is a freelanceeditor <strong>and</strong> writer specializing in science <strong>and</strong> technology.© 2011 ACM 0001-0782/11/07 $10.00july 2011 | vol. 54 | no. 7 | communications of the acm 15

Nnews<strong>Science</strong> | doi:10.1145/2063176.2063182Better Medicine ThroughMachine Learning<strong>Computer</strong>s that tease out patterns from clinical datacould improve patient diagnosis <strong>and</strong> care.Neil SavageImage courtesy of Kenji SuzukiMedicine can be as muchart as science, a detectivestory in which doctors relynot only on lab tests <strong>and</strong>x-rays, but on their ownexperience <strong>and</strong> clues from a patient’shistory to develop diagnoses or predict<strong>future</strong> health problems. But all of thoselab tests, blood pressure readings, magneticresonance imaging (MRI) scans,electrocardiograms, <strong>and</strong> billing codesadd up to reams of data, which beforetoo long will be joined by individualgene sequencing. <strong>Computer</strong> scientistsare increasingly applying machinelearning techniques to all that data,searching for patterns that can aid diagnosis<strong>and</strong> improve clinical care.“Machine learning plays, I think, anessential role in medical image analysisnowadays,” says Kenji Suzuki, assistantprofessor of radiology <strong>and</strong> medicalphysics at the University of Chicago’sComprehensive Cancer Center. Suzukihas been working on automating thedetection of cancerous lesions in imagesfrom x-rays or computed tomographyscans. Considering that radiologistsmay miss 12%–30% of lung cancers insuch scans, a machine learning tool offersgreat potential.Since the mid-1980s, computer sci-(a) (b) (c) (d)Kenji Suzuki <strong>and</strong> colleagues’ comparison of their rib-suppressed temporal-subtraction(TS) images with conventional TS images: (a) previous chest radiographs, (b) current chestradiographs of the same patient, (c) rib-suppressed TS images with fewer rib artifacts, <strong>and</strong>(d) conventional TS images.january 2012 | vol. 55 | no. 1 | communications of the acm 17

newsentists have tried to improve on thatperformance using feature-based machinelearning in which the computerwould pick out morphological features,texture differences, <strong>and</strong> more to identifyabnormal tissue. But such catalogingof features still misses some cancersthat doctors are able to spot with theirown eyes. Sometimes the features thecomputer is seeking can be subtle oroverlap with normal anatomical structuressuch as bone, making them moredifficult to spot. So Suzuki asks the machineto instead focus on the values,such as intensity, of individual pixels.“Because the computing power has increaseddramatically in recent years, wecan process the pixel values directly,” hesays. The resulting system is highly sensitive,achieving up to 97% accuracy.But one concern is making the programso sensitive that it starts findingnonexistent lesions. In Suzuki’s lungcancer tests, the feature-based algorithmfalsely identified five lesions perpatient, while the pixel-based methodproduced less than one false positiveper patient <strong>and</strong> no false negatives.Suzuki says each method produces adifferent type of false positive, so combiningthe two approaches leads to themost accurate outcome. Suzuki is nowworking on exp<strong>and</strong>ing the technique toother types of cancer <strong>and</strong> other imagingmethods, such as MRI <strong>and</strong> PET. “Youjust need to train the machine learningAs the useof electronicmedical recordsgains acceptance,machine learningis likely to playan even larger rolein clinical medicine.technique with new images,” he says.A Guide for DiagnosisAt IBM Almaden Research Center, theAdvanced Analytics for InformationManagement (AALIM) project appliesmachine learning to a wide variety ofdata—readings of vital signs, tests suchas echocardiograms, <strong>and</strong> demographicinformation—to chart the medical historiesof patients over several years. Bycomparing the history of hundreds orthous<strong>and</strong>s of people, the system canidentify previous patients who are similarto a current patient, then apply collaborativefiltering to suggest the bestdiagnosis <strong>and</strong> treatment options for thenew patient.“With a large number of pre-diagnosedpatient datasets available inelectronic health records, physicianscan now benefit from the opinion oftheir peers on cases similar to their patients,”says Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood,head of IBM’s Multimodal Mining forHealthcare project. The hope is that byhelping doctors base their decisions onquantitative information, the numberof diagnostic errors can be reduced. AA-LIM, Syeda-Mahmood says, provides “aholistic view of the patient’s condition,”producing one-page summaries, longtermprofiles of various measurementsof health, <strong>and</strong> detailed comparisonsshowing diagnosis, treatment, <strong>and</strong> outcomesfor similar patients.The computer might, for instance,help a relatively new doctor decide thatshe needs to consult a specialist. Approximately5% of cases, says Syeda-Mahmood, are ambiguous enough thateven senior clinicians ask other doctorsfor their opinions, which AALIM easilyprovides. In emergency rooms, it can cutthe time doctors spend flipping throughcharts by half. Although researchershave tested the system on patient data,it would likely require approval from theFood <strong>and</strong> Drug Administration before itcould be used in a hospital.Finding ways to use all this medicaldata often requires new developmentsin machine learning. For instance,Syeda-Mahmood wanted to give theEducationTech-Rich Learning EnvironmentsWhat’s a solution to classroomsplagued by students’ lowretention rates, high withdrawals,<strong>and</strong> failing grades? Toss outtraditional lectures <strong>and</strong> create atechnology-rich environment, sayresearchers at Rochester Instituteof Technology (RIT).Data from six years ofresearch involving 500-plusundergraduates taking threedifferent engineering coursesrevealed that 90% of the studentssaid they learned <strong>and</strong> retainedinformation better when acombination of tablet PCs,collaborative software, <strong>and</strong>multiple projection screens wereused as teaching tools.The study targeted threefoundation courses forengineering-technology degreeprograms—pneumatics <strong>and</strong>hydraulics, applied dynamics,<strong>and</strong> applied fluid mechanics—all of which suffered fromhigher-than-average studentwithdrawals <strong>and</strong> low retentionrates. In one class, for example,27% of the students hadpreviously received low or failinggrades <strong>and</strong> had to repeat thecourse or withdraw from it.“The students were just notgetting the material,” says RobertGarrick, associate professor atRIT’s College of Applied <strong>Science</strong><strong>and</strong> Technology. “They weren’tunderst<strong>and</strong>ing the intendedlearning objectives.”In a traditional laboratorysetting, students work atdifferent workstations while theinstructor walks around, answersquestions, <strong>and</strong> reviews circuitoperations.For the study, RIT researchersredesigned the courses toinclude a tablet PC <strong>and</strong> DyKnowcollaborative software for eachstudent. Classes took place in aninteractive technology classroomthat featured a multiscreendisplay connected to faculty<strong>and</strong> student tablet PCs. Classinformation <strong>and</strong> any notationswere captured, recorded, <strong>and</strong>archived.The students told theresearchers they preferred thetablets for note taking, in-classwork, test preparation, <strong>and</strong>classroom layout.The combination of thetechnology resources improvedthe visual connection to thematerial, student-facultyinteraction, <strong>and</strong> it enhancedthe modeling of engineeringproblems, three areas seenas critical to retaining thetechnical information, explainsRIT assistant professor LarryVillasmil.The next step for theresearchers is to study howtech-rich learning environmentscan work for underrepresentedgroups, such as deaf <strong>and</strong> hardof-hearingstudents, who makeup about 10% of the studentsin engineering <strong>and</strong> technologycourses.—Paul Hyman18 communications of the acm | january 2012 | vol. 55 | no. 1

newscomputer a doctor’s ability to recognizesome types of heart disease by the characteristicshape of waves produced byan electrocardiogram. She developeda new function, called a constrainednon-rigid translation transform, whichcould identify the similarity betweenshapes in different ECG readouts.The Power of PredictionAlthough diagnosis <strong>and</strong> treatment arekey aspects of medical care, predictionis also important, especially when it canlead to early interventions. We all know,for instance, that factors such as weight<strong>and</strong> blood pressure can give an idea ofa person’s risk of heart disease. Butthose sorts of risk scores are based onpopulation-wide models, says ShyamVisweswaran, assistant professor of biomedicalinformatics at the University ofPittsburgh. “If you build a model froma group of people who are kind of similarto the current patient, you might dobetter,” he says. Visweswaran has developedan algorithm that lets a computeruse clinical data to learn a model tailoredto one specific patient <strong>and</strong> predictoutcomes for that person.The computer takes all the data it hason the patient, such as age, blood pressure,<strong>and</strong> lab results, <strong>and</strong> then picks onevariable <strong>and</strong> builds a model of all thepatients in its database who share thatvariable. It could, for instance, compareeveryone in the 50–55 age group.“With a large numberof pre-diagnosedpatient datasetsavailable in electronichealth records,physicians can nowbenefit from theopinion of their peerson cases similar totheir patients,”says TanveerSyeda-Mahmood.It builds a model for each variable itcan find, looks at which ones best fitthe patient at h<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> then averagesthe best models to make a personalizedprediction of that patient’s outcome.Whereas a population model only usesa h<strong>and</strong>ful of variables considered to bethe best—it could be a simple checklistof several risk factors, for instance—this approach can potentially use any ofhundreds of variables. One additionaladvantage is the machine might identifysome factor that is predictive, butthat medical science was not previouslyaware of, opening up new areas for research,Visweswaran says.As with Suzuki’s pixel-based processing,this is another machine learningmethod that has benefited from thegrowth of processing power. As recentlyas five years ago it might have taken ahalf-hour to build all these models. Todayit takes less than a minute, so themachine can guide diagnoses in realtime during patient visits.This approach could help predict anintensive-care patient’s risk of an infectionspreading to other organs, whichis a notoriously difficult task, <strong>and</strong> leadto earlier or more aggressive treatment.It might help doctors decide, forinstance, which pneumonia patientsneed to be admitted to the hospital<strong>and</strong> which patients could be sent homewith antibiotics.In the informatics program at Children’sHospital Boston, assistant professorBen Reis <strong>and</strong> his colleagues areworking on predicting a patient’s <strong>future</strong>diagnoses years in advance. They havedeveloped Bayesian models that theycall Intelligent Histories, which combthrough the st<strong>and</strong>ard diagnostic codesused for billing, to find patterns in a patient’shistory that predict risk. In theirfirst application of the work, they discoveredthey could identify patients atrisk of domestic abuse as much as twoyears before the doctors seeing thosepatients first discovered the problem.Doctors are supposed to screen patientsfor domestic abuse, but oftenmiss it until the problem becomesacute, says Reis. Not only can the computeraid in screening for known signsof abuse, it also picked up other diagnosticcodes in the test that had notbeen thought of as predictive, such asinfections, which might teach doctorssomething about domestic abuse.The Children’s Hospital Boston teamis working to exp<strong>and</strong> their modeling toother types of diagnoses. At the sametime, they are refining the machinelearning itself. For instance, “we’re tryingto quantify how the quality of thedata that goes into the model affects theresults that come out,” says Reis.As the world moves to a greater useof electronic medical records, machinelearning is likely to play an even largerrole in clinical medicine, researcherspredict. Visweswaran says genetic data,in particular, is going to require complicatedcomputational models if it is goingto be of value. Soon, experts expect,the cost of gene sequencing will dropto the point that individual genomeswill become part of people’s medical records,<strong>and</strong> will be available to the samedata mining <strong>and</strong> pattern recognitionapproaches being applied to other data.Genetic data will be too complicated<strong>and</strong> too voluminous to be h<strong>and</strong>led withold-fashioned charting systems. “Youhave to have computational tools to querythis data,” Visweswaran says. “There’sno way it can be done on paper.”Further ReadingGruhl, D., et al.Aalim: A cardiac clinical decision supportsystem powered by advanced multi-modalanalytics, International Medical InformaticsConference, Cape Town, South Africa, Sept.12–15, 2010.Reis, B.Y., Kohane, I.S., <strong>and</strong> M<strong>and</strong>l, K.D.Longitudinal histories as predictors of<strong>future</strong> diagnoses of domestic abuse:modeling study, British Medical Journal,339, Sept. 2009.Syeda-Mahood, T., Beymer, D., <strong>and</strong> Wang, F.Shape-based matching of ECG recordings,29 th Annual International Conference of theIEEE Engineering in Medicine <strong>and</strong> BiologySociety, August 23–27, 2007, Lyon, France.Suzuki K., Zhang J., <strong>and</strong> Xu, J.Massive-training <strong>artificial</strong> neural networkcoupled with Laplacian-eigen functionbaseddimensionality reduction forcomputer-aided detection of polyps inCT colonography, IEEE Transactions onMedical Imaging 29, 11, Nov. 2010.Visweswaran, S., Angus, D.C., Hsieh, M.,Weissfeld, L., Yealy, D., <strong>and</strong> Cooper, G.F.Learning patient-specific predictive modelsfrom clinical data, Journal of BiomedicalInformatics 43, 5, Oct. 2010.Neil Savage is a science <strong>and</strong> technology writer based inLowell, MA.© 2012 ACM 0001-0782/12/01 $10.00january 2012 | vol. 55 | no. 1 | communications of the acm 19

newsTechnology | doi:10.1145/1721654.1721662Robots Gear Up forDisaster ResponseAfter 15 years of research, robots for search<strong>and</strong> rescue may be nearing prime time.Gary AnthesPhotograph courtesy of the Center for Robot-Assisted Search <strong>and</strong> RescueOn January 17, 1995, an earthquakenear Kobe, Japankilled approximately6,434 people, caused thecollapse of 200,000 buildings,<strong>and</strong> resulted in $102.5 billion indamages. Three months later a truckbomb exploded outside a federal governmentbuilding in Oklahoma City,OK, <strong>and</strong> claimed 168 lives <strong>and</strong> damagedor destroyed 324 buildings withina 16-block radius. While it was anawfully memorable year for disasters,both of these tragedies set in motiona flurry of research in robotics that observerssay could save countless livesin <strong>future</strong> disasters.Indeed, developers of search <strong>and</strong>rescue robots say the technology—which spans such diverse disciplinesas <strong>artificial</strong> <strong>intelligence</strong>, sensing, communications,materials, <strong>and</strong> mechanicalengineering—is nearly ready for deployment.Applications could includesearch, reconnaissance <strong>and</strong> mapping,removing or shoring up rubble, deliveryof supplies, medical treatment, <strong>and</strong>evacuation of casualties.However, a host of technical challengesremain. Also, researchers areconcerned that a lack of st<strong>and</strong>ards,scarce federal funding, <strong>and</strong> tepid interestfrom companies that don’t yet seea big market for robotic rescuers st<strong>and</strong>in the way of the miniaturization, devicehardening, <strong>and</strong> systems integrationthat are needed to make the technologymature.Only one emergency response teamin the U.S.—New Jersey Task ForceOne—so far owns a robot. And the robotstested by researchers in a h<strong>and</strong>fulof disasters in recent years have produceddecidedly mixed performances.“We still don’t know how to use thesethings,” says Robin Murphy, a professorof computer science <strong>and</strong> engineering<strong>and</strong> director of the Center for Robot-A camera robot being inserted in a bore hole at Cr<strong>and</strong>all Canyon Mine in Utah.Assisted Search <strong>and</strong> Rescue at TexasA&M University. “Real disasters are infrequent,<strong>and</strong> every one is different. Therobots never get used exactly the way youthink they will, <strong>and</strong> they keep uncoveringnew bottlenecks <strong>and</strong> problems. Soit’s an emerging technology.”Murphy says the devices are oftentested in unrealistically robot-friendlylabs or via simulations that don’t quiteduplicate the realities of real-life situationsthat involve dirt <strong>and</strong> s<strong>and</strong>, steepchanges in elevation, or radio-blockingmetal structures. Some of the most vexingproblems seem simple yet remainfrustratingly intractable. For example,at the Cr<strong>and</strong>all Canyon Mine in Utah,where six miners <strong>and</strong> three rescue workerswere killed in 2007, mud greatly hinderedthe effectiveness of the workers’camera robot. “We steered the robot toplaces where water was dripping <strong>and</strong>turned it face-up to rinse off some of themud,” Murphy says. However, the camerarobot was eventually trapped by arock slide, causing the robot’s tether tosnap <strong>and</strong> for it to be lost.Howie Choset, associate professorof robotics at Carnegie Mellon University(CMU), specializes in snake robots,which are thin, legless devices with multiplejoints. They can go places moretraditional, track- or wheel-propelledrobots can’t, but the technology stillneeds work. “My last trial at a rubblepile in Texas didn’t go so well,” Chosetnotes. “They didn’t get over little obstaclesI thought they should have. Ourcontrol laws are still not well defined;we don’t have good feedback; we don’thave enough sensing in the robots; <strong>and</strong>their skins have to be better designed.”So while his mechanical snakes canperform remarkable feats such as crawlingup the interior of a vertical pipe orswimming across a pool, Choset saysa lack of funding st<strong>and</strong>s in the way ofmaking the snakes truly versatile <strong>and</strong>april 2010 | vol. 53 | no. 4 | communications of the acm 15

newsrobust. Choset needs, for instance, todevelop more mechanical snake gaits.He’d like his snakes to be able to changefrom a vertical undulating gait to a sidewindergait on comm<strong>and</strong> or, better yet,to autonomously switch gaits to suitnew conditions. And he’d like the mechanicalsnake to know how to executeone gait in its front segments <strong>and</strong> a differentgait at the rear segments. “Wehave developed the greatest variety ofsnake gaits in the world,” says Choset,“but a rubble pile has that many moresituations than we can anticipate.”Asked if further animal study wouldhelp, Choset replies, “It’s true you areinspired by biology, but snakes have200 bones <strong>and</strong> the snake robot has just15 links. Snakes have a material calledmuscles, but we are not going to bemaking muscles any time soon.” And,he adds, snakes have marvelous sensorsfor heat <strong>and</strong> pressure in their skins,something else technology has yet toeasily match.Three Levels of ChallengesUsers of search <strong>and</strong> rescue robots facechallenges at three levels, says SanjivSingh, a research professor at CMU’sRobotics Institute. At the lowest levellies information processing—getting<strong>and</strong> managing information about theenvironment. At the next level comesmobility—getting the robot to whereit is needed. And at the highest levelcomes manipulation—enabling therobot to perform the appropriate physicaltask once it is in place. Singh’sEmber project, partially funded bythe U.S. National <strong>Science</strong> Foundation,seeks to aid first responders at the firsttwo levels, <strong>and</strong> in situations that aredynamic, chaotic, <strong>and</strong> often providingpoor visibility.Inside a burning building, for example,it is unlikely that the structure’scommunication systems will remainworking, <strong>and</strong> first responders won’thave a map or plan for the building.Singh’s group has developed technologywhereby a firefighter or a robot can scattersmart radio beacons inside the building.Some beacons are stationary <strong>and</strong>some are attached to a human or robot.These nodes begin talking to each other<strong>and</strong> autonomously organize themselvesinto an ad hoc sensor network. The radiosmeasure distances to each other <strong>and</strong>,using algorithms developed by Singh’sMiniaturization,device hardening,<strong>and</strong> systemsintegration areall needed for thematuring of search<strong>and</strong> rescue, construct a map of their physicallayout—or a map of conditions such astemperature—<strong>and</strong> track the movementof robots or people.“Imagine there is a comm<strong>and</strong>erst<strong>and</strong>ing outside the building, <strong>and</strong> helooks at a screen <strong>and</strong> he can see whereall his people are inside the building,”Singh says. “And they can do this withoutany prior survey of the building,<strong>and</strong> without any power or prior communicationsinfrastructure inside thebuilding.”Constructing spatial maps fromdistance-only data has been feasible forsome time. It’s possible to draw a mapshowing the positions of cities in theU.S. solely from the intercity mileagetable at the back of an atlas, Singh says.But his innovation was the developmentof algorithms—based on Kalman filtering,Markhov methods, <strong>and</strong> Monte Carlolocalization—that can do the job witha sparsely populated distance table.Singh has also made progress at thesecond level of the hierarchy, the onedealing with robot mobility. He has developeda suite of search algorithms forteams of robots to use in spaces humanscan’t or don’t want to go. Some are suitedto looking for an immobile person,while others are geared to looking formoving people, such as an intruder. Inthe latter case, the robots might post“guards” at various locations in a buildingto spot the intruder’s movement.In addition, Singh’s algorithms canbe classified as “efficient” (find a targetin the lowest expected time); “guaranteed”(clear the environment so captureis assured); or “constrained” (maintainrobot positions that ensure networkconnectivity or line-of-sight communication).“You could combine these algorithmsif you have a team of robots ora team of robots <strong>and</strong> humans,” he says.Combining an efficient search with aguaranteed search would tend to minimizesearch time while still making surethe search ultimately succeeds.Murphy, who has become a kind ofevangelist for the search <strong>and</strong> rescuerobotics community in the U.S., saysthe technical problems associatedwith the devices will be solved in duecourse. But she says strong governmentfunding <strong>and</strong> support is neededif search <strong>and</strong> rescue robots are to seewidespread use in fewer than 10 years.The st<strong>and</strong>ards being developed nowat the National Institute of St<strong>and</strong>ards<strong>and</strong> Technology will also be a big help,Murphy predicts.Brilliant robotic technology exists,says Murphy, but it needs to be integratedinto complete, robust systems, <strong>and</strong>sensors <strong>and</strong> other components must bemade smaller, stronger, <strong>and</strong> cheaper.All of this requires corporate effort, shenotes. “We are just inches away,” Murphysays. “A lot of the software is justwaiting for the hardware to catch up.”Further ReadingMurphy, R., Tadokoro, S., Nardi, D., Jacoff, A.,Fiorini, P., Choset, H., Erkmen, A.Search <strong>and</strong> rescue robotics. SpringerH<strong>and</strong>book of Robotics, Siciliano, B. <strong>and</strong>Khatib, O. (eds.). Springer <strong>Science</strong> <strong>and</strong>Business Media, Secaucus, NJ, 2008.Kumar, V., Rus, D., Singh, S.Robot <strong>and</strong> sensor networks for firstresponders. IEEE Pervasive Computing 3, 4,October-December, 2004.Shammas, E., Choset, H., Rizzi, A.Geometric motion planning analysis fortwo classes of underactuated mechanicalsystems. International Journal of RoboticsResearch 26, 10, October 2007.International Rescue System Institute Laboratory, Carnegie MellonUniversity, S.The Field Guide to Underst<strong>and</strong>ing HumanError. Ashgate Publishing, Farnham, Surrey,U.K., 2006.Gary Anthes is a technology writer <strong>and</strong> editor based inArlington, VA.© 2010 ACM 0001-0782/10/0400 $10.0016 communications of the acm | april 2010 | vol. 53 | no. 4

newsTechnology | doi:10.1145/1941487.1941494I, Domestic RobotWith recent advances in laser rangefinders, faster algorithms,<strong>and</strong> open source robotic operating systems, researchers are increasingdomestic robots’ semantic <strong>and</strong> situational awareness.Gregory GothIn d u s t rial robots, fixed-loplesof advanced manufactur-cat i o n <strong>and</strong> single-functionmachines, have long been sta-ing settings. Medical robots,which can help surgeons operate withsmaller incisions <strong>and</strong> cause less bloodloss than traditional surgical methods,are making fast inroads in metropolitan<strong>and</strong> suburban hospitals. Rescue robots,included wheeled <strong>and</strong> snake-likerobots, are increasingly common, <strong>and</strong>were deployed in the search for survivorsin the aftermath of the earthquake<strong>and</strong> tsunami that recently struck Japan.On the other h<strong>and</strong>, the promise ofmultipurpose domestic assistance robots,capable of a wide range of tasks,has been a distant goal.However, recent advances in hardwaresuch as laser rangefinders, opensource robotic operating systems, <strong>and</strong>faster algorithms have emboldened researchers.Robots are now capable offolding laundry, discerning where toplace an object on cluttered surfaces,<strong>and</strong> detecting the presence of peoplein a typical room setting.“It’s easy for me to be optimistic,but if robots aren’t actually being useful<strong>and</strong> fairly widespread in 10 years,then I will be fairly disappointed,” saysCharles Kemp, assistant professor ofbiomedical engineering at GeorgiaTech University.Sensors Enable AwarenessIn recent months, numerous researchteams have published papers detailingadvances in robots’ perceptual capabilities.These perceptual advancesenable the robots’ mechanical componentsto complete domestic tasks hithertoimpossible.Kemp <strong>and</strong> his research team havepioneered semantic <strong>and</strong> situationalawareness in robots through severalmethods, including the creation ofradio frequency identification (RFID)Willow Garage’s PR2, an open sourcerobotics research <strong>and</strong> development platform.semantic tags on common objectssuch as light switches, <strong>and</strong> by combiningsensor data taken from both twodimensionalcamera data <strong>and</strong> threedimensionalpoint clouds gathered bylaser rangefinders.University of Bonn researchers JörgStückler <strong>and</strong> Sven Behnke also demonstratedsuccess, using a combinationof 2D laser <strong>and</strong> camera sensors.They programmed a mobile servicerobot to combine laser rangefinderdata that hypothesizes the presence ofa person’s legs <strong>and</strong> torso with 2D frontal<strong>and</strong> profile images of the detectedface.Stückler <strong>and</strong> Behnke also modeledthe semantic probability of detectinga person’s presence in differentlocations of a room—highprobability in a chair <strong>and</strong> low probabilityon a bookshelf, for instance—<strong>and</strong> supplied the robot with thatknowledge. The prior knowledge ofthe room semantics <strong>and</strong> precalculatedrange of likely valid facial heighthelps the Bonn researchers discernfalse positive returns.Steve Cousins, CEO of Willow Garage,which manufactures the openplatform general-purpose PR2 robot,says further advances in perceptual capabilitiesmay be even more likely withthe recent debut of sensing technologythat enables a computer to analyze anarea in three dimensions <strong>and</strong> then tocreate what the technology’s manufacturer,PrimeSense, calls a synchronizeddepth image. The technology sells forless than 1/20th of the de facto st<strong>and</strong>ardresearch rangefinder, which costsabout $5,000. Both Cousins <strong>and</strong> Kempbelieve the low cost of the PrimeSensesensor (it is a key component of Microsoft’sKinect gaming system) may leadto a surge in situational <strong>and</strong> semanticrobotic research. Kemp says his teamrecently installed one of the new sensorsto its PR2.In essence, Kemp says its real-timetechnology greatly simplifies a robot’sdata-gathering process.Prior to installing the new sensor,on projects such as the work on makingthe robot discern clutter, he says“we had to tilt the laser rangefinderup <strong>and</strong> down, then snap a picture <strong>and</strong>relate those two things. That’s a prettyslow process <strong>and</strong> really expensive.”A Semantic DatabaseKemp says there are two distinct researchareas for similar problem setsin domestic robotics: those related toperceptual problem sets, <strong>and</strong> thoserelated to mechanical awareness. Forexample, a roving robot meant to helpa person with basic housekeepingchores must not only know how to differentiatea refrigerator door h<strong>and</strong>lefrom a light switch, but it must also beable to calculate which approach itsarms must take, <strong>and</strong> how firmly it mustgrip the respective levers.PhotoGraph courtesy of Willow Garage16 communications of the acm | may 2011 | vol. 54 | no. 5

newsIn the experiment using RFID tags,Kemp created a semantic databasethe robot could refer to after identifyingan object. The database containsinstructions on how the robot shouldact upon an object. For example, under“actions,” after a robot identifies <strong>and</strong>contacts a light switch, the comm<strong>and</strong>sare “off: push bottom” <strong>and</strong> “on: pushtop.” Each of these actions is furthersub-programmed with a force thresholdthe robot should not exceed.Kemp is also investigating anotherapproach to providing robots withsuch situational awareness that entailsequipping human subjects with touchsensors. The sensors are held duringthe completion of common tasks suchas opening refrigerators <strong>and</strong> cabinetdoors in multiple settings. The informationon the kinematics <strong>and</strong> forces ofsuch actions is then entered into a databasea service robot can access whenit approaches one of these objects enroute to performing a task.“If the robot knows it is a refrigerator,it doesn’t have to have worked withthat specific refrigerator before,” hesays. “If the semantic class is ‘refrigerator’it can know what to expect <strong>and</strong> bemore intelligent about its manipulation.This can make it more robust <strong>and</strong>introduces this notion of physicallygrounded common sense about thingslike how hard you should pull whenopening a door.”Offboard computation akin to thekinematic database is also being doneto improve already successful robotictasks. A team of researchers led by PieterAbbeel, an assistant professor ofcomputer science at the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, programmed ageneral-purpose Willow Garage PR2 robotto fold towels r<strong>and</strong>omly laid downon a tabletop by using a dense opticalflow algorithm <strong>and</strong> high-resolutionstereo perception of the towels’ edges<strong>and</strong> likely corners. Abbeel’s experimentyielded a perfect 50-out-of-50-attemptsuccess rate; the robot was able to recalculatefailures in the 22 instances thatwere not initially successful by droppingthe towel, regrasping a corner, <strong>and</strong> carryingon until the task was completed.Abbeel says his team has been ableto greatly reduce the amount of timenecessary to fold each towel in subsequentexperiments, from 25 minutesto approximately four minutes, by utilizinga new approach: rather than relyheavily upon onboard perceptual data,Abbeel has performed parallel computationson the Amazon cloud on meshmodels. Those models, he says, are“triangles essentially put together likepeople using computer graphics orphysics-based simulations. Once youhave that mesh model, you can do asimulation of how this article of clothingwould behave depending on whereyou pick it up.”The new approach, he says, relieson observations that the bottommostpoint of any hanging article is usuallya corner. Two consecutive grasps of atowel, he says, will be highly likely toyield two diagonally opposed corners.For t-shirts, he says, likely consecutivegrasps will be at the end of two sleevesfor a long-sleeved shirt or the end ofone sleeve <strong>and</strong> diagonally across at thehip for a short-sleeved shirt.“There are a few of these configurationsyou are very likely to end up in,then all you need to do perception-wiseis to differentiate between these veryfew possibilities,” Abbeel says.ROS is BossAnother hallmark advance of the domesticrobot community is the growthof an open-source ecosystem, builtaround the BSD-licensed Robot OperatingSystem (ROS), largely maintained byWillow Garage <strong>and</strong> Stanford University.“Our goal has basically been to setthe foundation for a new industry tostart,” Cousins says. “We want twopeople to be able to get together in agarage <strong>and</strong> get a robotics business offthe ground really quickly. If you haveto build software as well as hardwarefrom scratch, it’s nearly impossible todo that.”Abbeel says the ROS ecosystem maygo a long way to taking the robots outof the lab <strong>and</strong> into real-world locations.“In order for these robots to maketheir way into houses <strong>and</strong> becomecommercially viable, there will needto be some sort of bootstrapping,” Abbeelsays. “It will be very importantfor people to do some applications extremelywell, <strong>and</strong> there has to be morethan one. So I hope what may be happening,with robots in different places,is that different schools will develop atrue sensibility for the robot, <strong>and</strong> thesethings could potentially bootstrap theprocess <strong>and</strong> bring the price down. Asingle app won’t be enough.”Cousins says the combination offalling hardware prices for devicessuch as the PrimeSense sensor, <strong>and</strong>the blooming ROS ecosystem might beanalogous to the personal computerresearch of the early 1970s, specificallycomparing the PR2 to the iconic XeroxAlto desktop computer. List price onthe PR2 is $400,000.“Right now the PR2 is the platformto work on if you want to do mobilemanipulation research,” Cousins says.“It’s a little expensive, but in today’sdollars it’s about the same as the Alto.It’s not going to be the robot you putinto your gr<strong>and</strong>mother’s home, but thesoftware we develop on the PR2 willlikely be a key component of the market.I think ROS is going to be drivingthose <strong>future</strong> personal robots.”Further ReadingStückler, J. <strong>and</strong> Behnke, S.Improving people awareness of servicerobots by semantic scene knowledge,Proceedings of RoboCup InternationalSymposium, Singapore, June 25, 2010.Maitin-Shepard, J., Cusumano-Towner, M.,Lei, J., <strong>and</strong> Abbeel, P.Cloth grasp point detection based onmultiple-view geometric cues withapplication to robot towel folding, 2010IEEE International Conference on Robotics<strong>and</strong> Automation, Anchorage, AK, May 3–8,2010.Schuster, M.J., Okerman, J., Nguyen, H.,Rehg, J.M., <strong>and</strong> Kemp, C.C.Perceiving clutter <strong>and</strong> surfaces for objectplacement in indoor environments, 2010IEEE-RAS International Conference onHumanoid Robots, Nashville, TN, Dec. 6–8,2010.Yamazaki, A., Yamazaki, K., Burdelski, M.,Kuno, Y., <strong>and</strong> Fukushima, M.Coordination of verbal <strong>and</strong> non-verbalactions in human–robot interaction atmuseums <strong>and</strong> exhibitions, Journal ofPragmatics 42, 9, Sept. 2010.Attamimi, M., Mizutani, A., Nakamura, T.,Sugiura, K., Nagai, T., Iwahashi, N.,Okada, H., <strong>and</strong> Omori, T.Learning novel objects using out-ofvocabularyword segmentation <strong>and</strong> objectextraction for home assistant robots, 2010IEEE International Conference on Robotics<strong>and</strong> Automation, Anchorage, AK, May 3–8,2010.Gregory Goth is an Oakville, CT-based writer whospecializes in science <strong>and</strong> technology.© 2011 ACM 0001-0782/11/05 $10.00may 2011 | vol. 54 | no. 5 | communications of the acm 17

Vviewpointsdoi:10.1145/1785414.1785428Computing EthicsWork Life inthe Robotic AgeTechnological change results in changes inexpectations, in this case affecting the workplace.Jason BorensteinRobots are beiNG designedto perform a broader arrayof work-related tasks.Global economic hardshipsmay be (temporarily)causing the dem<strong>and</strong> for industrial robotsto decline, 4 but improvements in<strong>artificial</strong> <strong>intelligence</strong> <strong>and</strong> the drive forefficiency will likely encourage companiesto develop <strong>and</strong> use increasingamounts of robotic workers. Thoughthe justification for automation isoften couched in the language of liberation,this oversimplifies the complexitiesassociated with technologicalchange. Merely because technologyis well designed from an engineeringperspective, it does not follow thatsociety’s problems are solved. This isnot to say that efforts to create roboticworkers must stop, but the roboticscommunity must be diligent in dealingwith emerging ethical issues. Designpathways must be selected thateither mitigate or prevent the negativeconsequences of using robots inthe workplace. Otherwise, troublinghistorical occurrences, such as thedecimation of certain segments of thework force, might be repeated.A view of a robot arm used in world’s first remote heart operation performed at GlenfieldHospital in Leichester, U.K., on April 28, 2010.With each significant technologicalchange, visions of how improved<strong>and</strong> efficient our lives will become aretypically offered. To some degree, thepromise that we will be “liberated”from performing repetitive <strong>and</strong> mundanetasks has held true. Most of usdo not mourn the passing of havingto wash clothes or dishes by h<strong>and</strong>.Yet expectations in both our personal<strong>and</strong> professional lives tend to shiftcorrespondingly, which in many wayscounterbalances the “liberating” featuresthat technology offers. RuthSchwartz Cowan recognized years agothat the introduction of electronic devicesinto the home did not free womenfrom the burden of doing householdchores. As Cowan states, “Whata strange paradox that in the face ofso many labor-saving devices, littlelabor appears to have been saved!” 1In short, increasing expectations absorbedall of the extra time that wassupposed to be freed up.Similarly, we need to seriously considerhow the increased use of robotswill alter workplace expectations.For instance, if robots can help surgicalprocedures to be completed morerapidly, will dem<strong>and</strong>s on surgeonsincrease so they will have to performmore procedures per day? Expectationsin terms of what it means to be a “good”professional are also likely to change,especially if a robot’s error rate is lowerthan a human’s. Briefly put, we shouldbe wary of predictions that robots willbe our liberators considering how thePhotoGRAPh by Rui VieIRA/AP photo30 communications of the acm | july 2010 | vol. 53 | no. 7

viewpointstypical workweek does not seem to begetting shorter or less dem<strong>and</strong>ing inthe digital age.The U.S. military is enjoying thebenefits of robots since they can complete“dull, dirty, or dangerous” tasks,<strong>and</strong> their labor is very useful in the civilianrealm as well. Yet automationcan eliminate job opportunities <strong>and</strong>usually causes the demographics of thework force to be significantly altered ina relatively short amount of time. Employersfind robots to be rather enticingsince they do not receive benefits orrequest vacation time. Through the designchoices they make, scientists <strong>and</strong>engineers play a key role in determiningthe kinds of employment practicesthat can <strong>and</strong> will transpire.Employment Impacts<strong>and</strong> ImplicationsIf categories of jobs do indeed vanish asa result of robots, will the relevant skillsof displaced workers be transferred toanother application or will those skillsbe rendered obsolete? This concernis not unique to robots. But what maybe a new variation now is that the jobsavailable to humans may be drasticallyreduced as computers, the Internet,<strong>and</strong> robots replace humans in employmentsectors that used to be thought ofas immune to automation. At present, itis fairly difficult for people to find workthat is not connected in some way tothese technologies. This developmentmight not be conducive to the flourishingof each person’s respective talents,<strong>and</strong> robots are likely to exacerbate thissituation. Also, the type of skills that willbe in dem<strong>and</strong> if <strong>and</strong> when the roboticage takes hold might be obvious in someways but not so apparent in others. aThe impact of robotic workers can<strong>and</strong> will extend beyond the eliminationof labor-intensive jobs, whichcaptures a key reason why the ethicaldimensions of robots seem to be drawingincreased attention. It is not onlypossible to eliminate “dangerous” <strong>and</strong>“boring” work but at least some jobsrequiring specialized expertise, suchaFor example, in Wired for War, P.W. Singerdiscusses how cooks might have more job securitythan military pilots because they canprepare food in creative ways. In the civilianrealm, he reassures hairstylists by suggestingtheir specific abilities may keep them employed;Penguin Press, NY, 2009, 130–132.Scientists <strong>and</strong>engineers shouldreflect on their ethicalresponsibilities tocommunicate withthe public abouta robot’s capabilities<strong>and</strong> being a surgeon, may start to disappear.A decade ago, Bill Joy, the cofounderof Sun Microsystems, famouslywarned against this. 2 Even if we don’tshare Joy’s apprehension about the <strong>future</strong>of robotics, we can still appreciatethe perils of trying to replace “uniquelyhuman” abilities such as critical thinking<strong>and</strong> intuition.To illustrate this point, we can lookat the robots being created to assist withthe health care needs of elderly populations.An outgrowth of this effort is thatit could subtly or perhaps dramaticallychange how nursing homes function. Inprinciple, robots could free up the timeof nursing home staff; for example, a roboticassistant can provide medicationreminders or warnings if a resident isin danger. Such a robotic counterpartmight enable human workers to bemore caring <strong>and</strong> productive. However,nursing homes <strong>and</strong> other care facilitieswill be tempted to downsize theirhuman staff when a robot is “hired”instead of freeing up human staff togive more time to residents. 3 Sincemany nursing home residents in theU.S. <strong>and</strong> elsewhere already do not getenough care <strong>and</strong> individualized attention,this is a very troubling possibility.Theoretically, an increased emphasison in-home care could for example leadto the creation of other types of jobsbut we should be skeptical about this.Financial considerations, the drive forefficiency, <strong>and</strong> overconfidence in technologyare strong driving forces that canpush humans “out of the loop.”On a related note, reliance on automationmay exacerbate a common humantendency to shift our attention to adifferent task when we believe (perhapsfalsely) that we can trust someone orsomething else to deal with the task ath<strong>and</strong>. b Returning to the issue of healthcare, will nursing home staff be less attentiveif a robotic assistant is placed ina resident’s room? The more reliable wethink automated systems are, the morelikely it is our attention will stray. Whatcomplicates matters is that this typeof behavioral shift might not be consciouslydetected. Hence, it would bewise to temper the confidence that usersplace in robots <strong>and</strong> other automatedsystems, especially when people couldbe significantly harmed. This could beaccomplished in part by ensuring thatrisks are transparently presented tousers. To that end, scientists <strong>and</strong> engineersshould reflect on their ethical responsibilitiesto communicate with thepublic about a robot’s capabilities <strong>and</strong>limitations, <strong>and</strong> not merely leave it tomarketers, sales departments, <strong>and</strong> othersto fill this role.ConclusionEthical concerns about integrating robotsinto the workplace are becomingincreasingly pronounced. Again, the intentionhere is not to stop innovation.Rather, the hope is to inform the designprocess. Ideally, the robotics communitywill select design pathways thatmitigate the associated concerns <strong>and</strong>thereby enhance the public’s lives.b Placing too much confidence in technology, oftenat the expense of other sources of information,seems to be a growing problem with GPSin automobiles; see for example, Is your GPSnavigator a friend or foe?” The Sydney MorningHerald, (Jan. 12, 2010); Cowan, R.S. More Work For Mother: The Ironies OfHousehold Technology From The Open Hearth To TheMicrowave. Basic Books, 1983, 44.2. Joy, B. Why the <strong>future</strong> doesn’t need us. Wired 8, 4 (Apr.2000).3. Sparrow, R. <strong>and</strong> Sparrow, L. In the h<strong>and</strong>s ofmachines? The <strong>future</strong> of aged care. Minds <strong>and</strong>Machines 16, 2 (May 2006), 141–161.4. Tabuchi, H. In Japan, machines for work <strong>and</strong> play areidle. The New York Times (July 12, 2009); Borenstein ( is the directorof Graduate Research Ethics Programs in the School ofPublic Policy at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, GA.The author would like to thank Rachelle Holl<strong>and</strong>er, KeithW. Miller, <strong>and</strong> the anonymous reviewers for their helpfulinsights <strong>and</strong> guidance.Copyright held by author.july 2010 | vol. 53 | no. 7 | communications of the acm 31

Vviewpointsdoi:10.1145/1787234.1787248ViewpointRights for AutonomousArtificial Agents?The growing role of <strong>artificial</strong> agents necessitates modifyinglegal frameworks to better address human interests.Samir ChopraIt is a commonplace occurrencetoday that computerprograms, which arise fromthe area of research in <strong>artificial</strong><strong>intelligence</strong> knownas intelligent agents, function autonomously<strong>and</strong> competently; 1 theywork without human supervision,learn, <strong>and</strong>, while remaining ‘justprogrammed entities’, are capable ofdoing things that might not be anticipatedby their creators or users.In short, leaving philosophicaldebates about the true meaning of‘autonomy’ aside, they are worthyof being termed ‘autonomous <strong>artificial</strong>agents’. a And on present trends,we, along with our current social <strong>and</strong>economic institutions, will increasinglyinteract with them. They will buygoods for us, possibly after carryingout negotiations with other <strong>artificial</strong>agents, process our applications forcredit cards or visas, <strong>and</strong> even makedecisions on our behalf (in smarterversions of governmental systemssuch as TIERS 2 <strong>and</strong> in the ever-increasingarray of systems supporting legaldecision-making 3 ). As we interact withthese <strong>artificial</strong> agents in unsupervisedsettings with no human mediators,their increasingly sophisticated functionality<strong>and</strong> behavior create awkwardaJim Cunningham has pointed out that a certaindegree of autonomy is present in allprograms; consider Web servers or emaildaemons for instance. One might think of intelligentagents as a move toward one end ofthe spectrum of autonomy.The <strong>artificial</strong> agentis better understoodas the means bywhich the contractoffer is constituted.questions. If it is a reasonable assumptionthat the degree of their autonomywill increase, how should wecome to treat these entities?Societal norms <strong>and</strong> the legal systemconstrain our interactions with otherhuman beings (our fellow citizens orpeople of other nations), other legalpersons (corporations <strong>and</strong> public bodies),or animal entities. There are, inparallel, rich philosophical discussionsof the normative aspects of these interactionsin social, political, <strong>and</strong> moralphilosophy, <strong>and</strong> in epistemology <strong>and</strong>metaphysics. The law, taking its cuesfrom these traditions, strives to providestructure to these interactions. Itanswers questions such as: What rightsdo our fellow citizens have? How dowe judge them liable for their actions?When do we attribute knowledge tothem? What sorts of responsibilitiescan (or should) be assigned to them?It is becoming increasingly clear thesequestions must be addressed withrespect to <strong>artificial</strong> agents. 4 So, whatplace within our legal system shouldthese entities occupy so that we may dojustice to the present system of socioeconomic-legalarrangements, whilecontinuing to safeguard our interests?The Contracting ProblemDiscussing rights <strong>and</strong> responsibilitiesfor programs tends to trigger thoughtsof civil rights for robots, or taking themto trial for having committed a crime orsomething else similarly fanciful. Thisis the stuff of good, bad, <strong>and</strong> simplisticscience fiction. But the legal problemscreated by the increasing use of <strong>artificial</strong>agents today are many <strong>and</strong> varied.Consider one problem, present in e-commerce: If two programs negotiatea deal (that is, my shopping bot makesa purchase for me at a Web site), doesthat mean a legally binding contract isformed between their legal principals(the company <strong>and</strong> me)?A traditional statement of the requirementsof a legally valid contract isthat “there must be two or more separate<strong>and</strong> definite parties to the contract;those parties must be in agreementi.e., there must be a consensusad idem; those parties must intend tocreate legal relations in the sense thepromises of each side are to be enforceablesimply because they are contractualpromises; the promises of each partymust be supported by considerationi.e., something valuable given in returnfor the promise.” 538 communications of the acm | august 2010 | vol. 53 | no. 8

viewpointsIllustration by john herseyThese requirements give rise to difficultiesin accounting for contractsreached through <strong>artificial</strong> agents <strong>and</strong>have sparked a lively debate as to howthe law should account for contractsthat are concluded in this way. Mostfundamentally, doctrinal difficultiesstem from the requirement there betwo parties involved in contracting: as<strong>artificial</strong> agents are not considered legalpersons, they are not parties to thecontract. Therefore, in a sale broughtabout by means of an <strong>artificial</strong> agent,only the buyer <strong>and</strong> seller can be therelevant parties to the contract. Thisentails difficulties in satisfying therequirement the two parties shouldbe in agreement, since in many casesone party will be unaware of the termsof the particular contract entered intoby its <strong>artificial</strong> agent. Furthermore,in relation to the requirement thereshould be an intention to form legalrelations between the parties, if theagent’s principal is not aware of theparticular contract being concluded,how can the required intention be attributed?Legal scholarship has suggesteda variety of solutions, 6 ranging fromthe idea programs should be treatedas “mere tools” of their principals tothose suggesting programs be grantedfull legal personhood in order togrant legal efficacy to the deals enteredinto by them. Some of the suggestedsolutions struggle to solve this problemwhen: protocols between buyers<strong>and</strong> sellers (<strong>and</strong> their agents) are notspecified in advance; the terms of usegoverning individual transactions arenot specified; the terms of a contractare not finalized via human review; orwhen agents capable of determiningthe terms of contracts are employed.In these settings, agents might arriveat negotiated or reasoned decisions,which their principals might not haveagreed to had they been given the opportunityto review the decision. Giventhis fact the agent cannot just be understoodas a ‘mere tool’ or ‘meansof communication’ of the principal;rather, the <strong>artificial</strong> agent is better understoodas the means by which thecontract offer is constituted. bb This discussion is considerably oversimplifiedbut I hope the outlines of the legal problemare clear.Artificial Agents as Legal AgentsOne possible solution, which would requireus to grant some legal st<strong>and</strong>ingto the programs themselves, 7 wouldbe to treat programs as legal agents oftheir principals, empowered by law toengage in all those transactions coveredby the scope of their authority.We would underst<strong>and</strong> the program ashaving the authority to enter into contractswith customers, much as humanagents do for a corporate principal.Some of its actions will be attributedto its corporate principal (for instance,the contracts it enters into), whilethose outside the scope of its authoritywill not. The ‘knowledge’ it acquiresduring transactions, such as customerinformation, can be attributed to thecorporate principal, in the way thatArt in Developmentknowledge of human agents is. Lastly,the established theory of liability forprincipal-agent relationships can beapplied to this situation. The details ofthis solution aside, the most importantaspect here is that, unlike a car, a programis neither a thing nor a tool; rather,it is an entity with legal st<strong>and</strong>ing inour system.In granting the status of a legalagent to a computer program, weare not so much granting rights toprograms as protecting those thatemploy <strong>and</strong> interact with them. Underst<strong>and</strong>ingappropriately sophisticatedprograms as legal agents of theirprincipals could be a crucial step toregulating their presence in our lives.It will enable us to draw upon a vastbody of well-developed law that dealswith the agent-principal relationship,<strong>and</strong> in a way that safeguards the rightsof the principal user <strong>and</strong> all concernedthird parties. Without this framework,neither third parties nor principals areadequately protected. Instead, we findourselves in a situation where increasinglysophisticated entities determinethe terms of transactions that affectothers <strong>and</strong> place constraints on theiractions, though with no well-definedlegal st<strong>and</strong>ing of their own. Viewing aprogram as a legal agent of the employercould represent an economically efficient,doctrinally satisfying, <strong>and</strong> fairresolution that protects our interests,without in any way diminishing oursense of ourselves.Rights <strong>and</strong> Legal Personhoodfor Artificial AgentsThere are two ways to underst<strong>and</strong> thegranting of rights, such as legal agency,to <strong>artificial</strong> agents. Rights might begranted to <strong>artificial</strong> agents as a way ofprotecting the interests of others; <strong>and</strong><strong>artificial</strong> agents might interact with,<strong>and</strong> impinge on, social, political, <strong>and</strong>legal institutions in such a way thatthe only coherent underst<strong>and</strong>ing oftheir social role emerges by modifyingtheir status in our legal system—perhapstreating them as legal agents oftheir principals, or perhaps treatingthem as legal persons like we do corporationsor other human beings. Andwhen they enjoy such elevation, theyaugust 2010 | vol. 53 | no. 8 | communications of the acm 39

viewpointsArtificial agentshave a long way togo before we cancountenance themas philosophicalpersons.must conform to the st<strong>and</strong>ards expectedof the other entities that enjoyst<strong>and</strong>ing in our legal system.The question of legal personalitysuggests the c<strong>and</strong>idate entity’s presencein our networks of legal <strong>and</strong> socialmeanings has attained a level ofsignificance that dem<strong>and</strong>s reclassification.An entity is a viable c<strong>and</strong>idate forlegal personality in this sense providedit fits within our networks of social, political,<strong>and</strong> economic relations in sucha way that it can coherently be a subjectof legal rulings. Thus, the real questionis whether the scope <strong>and</strong> extent of <strong>artificial</strong>agent interactions have reachedsuch a stage. Answers to this questionwill reveal what we take to be valuable<strong>and</strong> useful in our <strong>future</strong> society as well,for we will be engaged in determiningwhat sorts of interactions <strong>artificial</strong>agents should be engaged in for us tobe convinced that the question of legalpersonality has become a live issue.While the idea of computer programsbeing legal persons might sound fanciful,it is worth noting the law has neverconsidered humanity a necessary orsufficient condition for being a person.For example, in 19th century Engl<strong>and</strong>,women were not full persons; <strong>and</strong>, in themodern era, the corporation has beengranted legal personhood. c The decisionto grant personhood to corporations isinstructive because it shows that grantingpersonhood is a pragmatic decisiontaken in order to best facilitate humancommerce <strong>and</strong> interests. In so doing, wedid not promote or elevate corporations;cIn his Max Weber Lecture, “Rights of Non-humans?Electronic Agents <strong>and</strong> Animals as NewActors in Politics <strong>and</strong> Law,” Gunther Teubnernotes that animals were often treated as legalactors including being brought to trial.we attended to the interests of humans.Artificial agents have a long way togo before we can countenance themas philosophical persons. But theirroles in our society might grow to apoint where the optimal strategy is togrant them some form of limited legalpersonhood. Until then, we should acknowledgetheir growing roles in ourlives <strong>and</strong> make appropriate adjustmentsto our legal frameworks so thatour interests are best addressed. Indeed,this area requires an internationallegal framework to address the ubiquityof <strong>artificial</strong> agents on the Internet,<strong>and</strong> their deployment across nationalborders. d I have merely scratched thesurface of a huge, complex, multidisciplinarydebate; in the years to come, wecan only expect that more complexities<strong>and</strong> subtleties will arise.d The work being done on the “Alfabiite” project(at Imperial College London, NRCCL Oslo,CIRFID Bologna) may be of interest in providingguidance in this regard.References <strong>and</strong> Further Reading1. The fast-growing literature on agent technologies istruly gigantic; for introductions, see M.J. Wooldridge,Reasoning about Rational Agents, MIT Press,Cambridge, MA, 2000, <strong>and</strong> N.R. Jennings <strong>and</strong> M.J.Wooldridge, Eds., Agent Technology: Foundations,Applications <strong>and</strong> Markets, Springer Verlag, 1998.2. See The Proceedings of the International Conferences onArtificial Intelligence <strong>and</strong> Law (, <strong>and</strong> the journalArtificial Intelligence <strong>and</strong> Law are rich sources ofinformation on these systems.4. A very good source of material on the legal issuesgenerated by the increasing use of <strong>artificial</strong> agentsmay be found at the Law <strong>and</strong> Electronic AgentsWorkshops site: Halsbury’s Laws of Engl<strong>and</strong> (4th edition) Vol.9 paragraph 203; c.f. Restatement (Second) ofContracts, § 36. There is a large amount of literature in this area; somevery good treatments of the contracting problem maybe found in: T. Allan <strong>and</strong> R. Widdison, “Can computersmake contracts?”, Harvard Journal of Law <strong>and</strong>Technology 9 (1996), 25–52,; A. Bellia Jr., “Contractingwith electronic agents,” Emory Law Journal 50,4 (2001), 1063; I. Kerr, “Ensuring the success ofcontract formation in agent-mediated electroniccommerce,” Electronic Commerce Research 1, (2001),183–202; E. Weitzenboeck, “Electronic agents <strong>and</strong> theformation of contracts”, International Journal of Law<strong>and</strong> Information Technology 9, 3 (2001), 204–234.Various international trade agreements such as thoseformulated by the UNCITRAL or national legislationssuch as the UCITA have not as yet resulted in clarityin these areas.7. S. Chopra <strong>and</strong> L. White, “Artificial agents—Personhoodin law <strong>and</strong> philosophy,” in Proceedings of the EuropeanConference on Artificial Intelligence, 2004 <strong>and</strong> S.Chopra <strong>and</strong> L. White, A Legal Theory for AutonomousArtificial Agents, University of Michigan Press, to bepublished.Samir Chopra ( is anassociate professor in the Department of Philosophy atBrooklyn College of the City University of New York.Copyright held by author.40 communications of the acm | august 2010 | vol. 53 | no. 8

last byteFuture Tense, one of the revolving features on this page, presents stories <strong>and</strong>essays from the intersection of computational science <strong>and</strong> technological speculation,their boundaries limited only by our ability to imagine what will <strong>and</strong> could be.DOI:10.1145/1562164.1562192Jaron LanierFuture TenseConfusions of the Hive MindCherish the individual.Be cautious about the <strong>artificial</strong> <strong>intelligence</strong>approach to computer science.It is impossible to differentiatethe actual achievement of AI from thedegree to which people change whenconfronted with what is purportedto be intelligent technology. We humansare vulnerable to bending overbackward, sometimes making ourselvessignificantly stupider, in orderto make an algorithm seem smart. Agreat many people in the U.S., as wellas elsewhere, demonstrated this dangerwhen they interacted foolishlywith deeply flawed algorithms relatedto the credit <strong>and</strong> mortgage industries.There is an even greater economicdanger ahead as it relates to the ideaof AI. If we are gullible enough to expectemergent large-scale <strong>intelligence</strong>to arise from the vast connections ofthe worldwide Internet, as has beenproposed with increasing frequencyin Communications <strong>and</strong> elsewhere,then we risk undermining the valuewe place on human labor <strong>and</strong> creativity.We might thus ruin the most successfuldesign yet invented for thepurpose of generating <strong>and</strong> preservingindividual human dignity <strong>and</strong> liberty—capitalism.Those who believe in the imminentarrival of global AI (possibly emergingfrom the computing clouds) pretendthat all the information we humansupload actually comes from somemysterious supernatural dimension.There’s an economic component tothe way we lie to ourselves to supportthis confusion. Millions of us anonymouslyupload our online offerings—thoughts, pictures, videos, links, votes,<strong>and</strong> more. Or, if not anonymously,we often express ourselves in such afragmentary way, as with tweets, thatthere is no room left for personality.Under these circumstances we acceptthat we will not be paid for our acts ofexpression, as if we are engaged in amassive economic ritual to reify thefalsehood that a global supernaturalbrain is speaking, instead of us.The idea of creativity emergingautonomously from the computingclouds has the potential to ruin whatmight be called the endgame of basictechnological development. Willtechnology good enough to providecomfort <strong>and</strong> security usher in a goldenage for all? Or will we diverge intotwo species, one relatively lucky, theother relatively left out, as predictedby H.G. Wells in his novel The TimeMachine in 1898?The rarified beneficiaries mightturn out to be the owners of the computingclouds, while the rest might beinundated with [continued on p. 111]PHOTOGRAPH BY Rami K112 communications of the acm | september 2009 | vol. 52 | no. 9

last byteLAST BYTE[continued from p. 112] advertising.The bifurcation of humanity could besustained only so long as those on thereceiving end have money to spend.But as more things become free inorder to support advertising, fewer ofus will be making money. The dénouementwould probably be some sort ofviolent swing toward socialism.This might sound like an extremescenario, but consider how muchmore difficult it is for certain creativepeople to earn a living today than theydid before the public Internet becamea global social phenomenon. Themost tormented examples are probablyrecording musicians <strong>and</strong> investigativejournalists.Alas, it is now common to hearsuggestions that people in this predicamentshould revert to retro (inevitablymore physical) strategies ofsustenance, like selling br<strong>and</strong>ed T-shirts <strong>and</strong> other merch<strong>and</strong>ise. Thisis a sad reversal of what had been oneof the brightest aspects of technologicalprogress. Prior to the centrality of“open culture” <strong>and</strong> the rise of onlinecollectivization, technological progressgenerally supported ever morecerebral, creative, <strong>and</strong> comfortablemeans of making a living.Now extrapolate: How long will itbe before cheap fabricating robots areable to download T-shirt designs fromthe cloud <strong>and</strong> automatically manufacturecustomized clothing as easily asone downloads music today? And howlong after that will it be before personalrobots are able to build copiesof the latest medical implant or othergadgets from an online design? Theanswers are likely to be measured indecades, not centuries. If robotics iseventually good enough to harvest thegarbage dumps of the world for materials<strong>and</strong> transform them into manufacturedproducts, then a plateau willhave been reached. At that time, allconsumer technology will becomemedia technology. Even those whohoped to make a living from T-shirtswill join the investigative journalist<strong>and</strong> recording musician in poverty.How far back in history toward thestone age will people have to devolvein order to find a way to make a livingHow long willit be before cheapfabricating robotsare able to downloadT-shirt designsfrom the cloud<strong>and</strong> automaticallymanufacturecustomized clothingas easily as onedownloads musictoday?when fabricating robots are that good?Will people be forced by the marketplaceto work the fields, as academicsdid under various Maoist-type regimes?Not with good robots around.Surely, robots will eventually also do abetter job tending the crops.If you go back to some of the earliestthinking about how informationtechnology might interact withthe patterns of human life, you’llfind examples of people who thoughtahead to this potential dilemma. Forinstance, Ted Nelson, probably thefirst person to really think throughhow something like the Web might bebuilt <strong>and</strong> how it would influence humansociety, proposed in the 1960sa design in which each copy of a fileexisted, from a logical point of view,in only one instance. Any user couldmake micropayments to gain access.The conflict between file sharing <strong>and</strong>DRM would be defused because therewould be little motivation to makecopies. Accessing files would be enticinglycheap, but everyone would makesome incremental amount of moneyfrom sharing files with everyone else.A new social contract would emergebased on self-interest. This was notjust a proposal to extend capitalism,but to broaden its benefits to a greatervariety of people, since all wouldbe able to upload interesting bits asneeded.A popular objection when Nelsonproposed this design was that fewpeople had anything of interest orvalue to say, <strong>and</strong> if they tried to saywhat they could, no one else would beinterested. Fortunately, the rise of socialnetworking has proved these objectionsunfounded.I directly experienced a later period,in the 1970s <strong>and</strong> 1980s, when Nelsonwas no longer a solitary pioneer.Much of the underlying architecture<strong>and</strong> ideology that guides the publicInternet today appeared in rough cutduring those years. The ideas hadshifted. Nelson was attacked by thecampus left of the time over his willingnessto imagine a <strong>future</strong> in whichmoney continued to be important.Meanwhile, the culture of AI fascinatedengineers, drawing their attentionaway from the problem of how toreward human creativity that had sofascinated Nelson.We ended up with an Internet <strong>and</strong>Web that is, for the moment, a sort ofcross between mass collective implementationof a Turing Test, throughdesigns like Twitter, <strong>and</strong> the clumsyfantasy of armchair pseudo-Maoists. Irealize these words could strike manyas alarmist. If this is the case for you,please look into the history of collectivistdesign in human affairs. Suchdesigns often appear enlightened atfirst, with a special way of enchantingidealistic young people. But they havealso engendered the worst social disastersof the past century.That’s why I reject the idea that acollective or emergent <strong>intelligence</strong>is appearing through the computingclouds. We’ll never know if it’s reallythere, or if we have collectively becomeidiots.Jaron Lanier is a computer scientist interested ininterpersonal perception, biomimetic computing, <strong>and</strong> newdisplays <strong>and</strong> sensors. He received a Career Award fromthe IEEE in 2009 for his lifetime contributions to virtualreality research <strong>and</strong> is presently working at Microsoft onintriguing unannounced projects.© 2009 ACM 0001-0782/09/0900 $10.00september 2009 | vol. 52 | no. 9 | communications of the acm 111

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