Spa care booklet - BioGuard

Spa care booklet - BioGuard Spa care booklet - BioGuard
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20Handling chemicals.Do’s• Always read the product label andfollow directions carefully. They containimportant information about properapplication, handling and storage of theproduct you’re using. Used correctly,spa water chemicals safeguard thehealth of your entire family. If they’remishandled, they can be hazardous,or dangerous.• Contact your BioGuard ® ApprovedRetailer for advice for the correctdisposal of unused chemicals andcontainers.• Always store chemical products safelywith the containers tightly closed andout of reach of children. Ensure theyare stored in a cool, dry, well ventilatedplace, away from other household,garden and petroleum products.• Take care when putting product in thespa on windy days to prevent productblowing into your eyes, mouth, skin oronto clothes.• Clean up any spills promptly. Smallamounts can be hosed into the spa.Contact your BioGuard ® ApprovedRetailer for advice on larger spills.Don’ts• Never interchange measuring scoopsbetween products.• Never store liquids near otherchemicals, petrol or metallic objects.• Never mix chemicals of any kindtogether, and never smoke nearthe chemicals. An uncontrolledreaction such as fuming, fire orexplosion could occur.• Never add water directly to chemicals– always add the chemical to largeamounts of water.• Never inhale the fumes of the products.In the event of accidental contact,or if the product is swallowed, followthe advice on the label, and callyour doctor and/or the PoisonsInformation Centre (AU) 13 11 26,or (NZ) 0800 764 766.

20Handling chemicals.Do’s• Always read the product label andfollow directions <strong>care</strong>fully. They containimportant information about properapplication, handling and storage of theproduct you’re using. Used correctly,spa water chemicals safeguard thehealth of your entire family. If they’remishandled, they can be hazardous,or dangerous.• Contact your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® ApprovedRetailer for advice for the correctdisposal of unused chemicals andcontainers.• Always store chemical products safelywith the containers tightly closed andout of reach of children. Ensure theyare stored in a cool, dry, well ventilatedplace, away from other household,garden and petroleum products.• Take <strong>care</strong> when putting product in thespa on windy days to prevent productblowing into your eyes, mouth, skin oronto clothes.• Clean up any spills promptly. Smallamounts can be hosed into the spa.Contact your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® ApprovedRetailer for advice on larger spills.Don’ts• Never interchange measuring scoopsbetween products.• Never store liquids near otherchemicals, petrol or metallic objects.• Never mix chemicals of any kindtogether, and never smoke nearthe chemicals. An uncontrolledreaction such as fuming, fire orexplosion could occur.• Never add water directly to chemicals– always add the chemical to largeamounts of water.• Never inhale the fumes of the products.In the event of accidental contact,or if the product is swallowed, followthe advice on the label, and callyour doctor and/or the PoisonsInformation Centre (AU) 13 11 26,or (NZ) 0800 764 766.

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