Spa care booklet - BioGuard

Spa care booklet - BioGuard

Spa care booklet - BioGuard

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<strong>Spa</strong> <strong>care</strong>.Tips & suggestions.RRP $4.95

<strong>BioGuard</strong>® is a trademark of Chemtura Australia Pty Ltd.All product names are trademarks or registered trademarksof their respective holders. © Copyright Chemtura AustraliaPty Ltd August 2009. All rights reserved. Reproduction,adaptation or translation without permission is prohibited,except as allowed under the copyright laws.Printed in Australiawww.bioguard.com

101Contents.PageLooking after your spa...................................03Products to suit you..............................................04Starting or refilling your spa......08Water testing..............................................................................10<strong>Spa</strong> maintenance..............................................................12Water balancing programs.............14FAQ’s.......................................................................................................................18Handling chemicals...................................................20

03Looking after your spa.Nothing feels quite as goodas easing yourself into a nicewarm spa and letting thebubbles work their magic.<strong>Spa</strong>s reduce stress levels,soothe sore muscles andimprove circulation.Over the following pages, we’ll tell youhow <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA products can helpkeep your spa in top condition, so it cando the same for you.We’ll use the term ‘spa’ to refer to spas,swim spas and hot tubs.The benefits of<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA.<strong>Spa</strong> maintenance is important and easy.<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA products will give you:• <strong>Spa</strong>rkling clear water that feelscomfortable• Enjoyment of your spa all year round• Protection from bacteria• Prevention of spa surface staining• Prevention of scale.<strong>Spa</strong>s are all different, so make sureyou consult your manual for equipmentoperation and maintenance procedures,and visit a <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® Approved Retailerfor expert advice. Always read productlabels for detailed information onapplication and use.<strong>BioGuard</strong> ®Approved Retailers.Ask your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® Approved Retailer anyquestions you have about caring for your spa.They offer expert advice and use state of theart technology to recommend a personalisedspa maintenance plan to suit you.For more information visitwww.bioguard.com<strong>Spa</strong> <strong>care</strong> experts.All <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA products have beendeveloped after extensive research andtesting. They’re designed to work best incombination with other <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPAproducts and have the backing of over40 years of expert pool and spa <strong>care</strong>.<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® Approved Retailers havereceived extensive training and ongoingtechnical support, so you’ll get the bestsource of reliable information, qualityproducts and customer service.

04Products to suit you.<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA offers a full line of santisers, oxidisers, balancers and accessories.If your spa uses pre-installed devices, such as ozonators, ionisers, or salt chlorinators,the <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA range can still keep your spa at its very best.Santisers.Kill bacteria and keep you protected.Our <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA products include:Symmetry , Armour and ChlorinatedConcentrate .Oxidisers.Remove undesirable compounds andensure the water is sparkling clear.<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA products include: Purity ,Armour and Chlorinated Concentrate .

05Balancers.Protect spa surfaces and equipment,and increase water comfort. <strong>BioGuard</strong> ®SPA products include: Performance Up ,Comfort Up , Shield , Aquality andPerfect Balance *.Specialty.These products will give you perfect water,super clean surfaces and protect yourequipment. <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA productsinclude: Renew , Crystal Clear , Velvet ,Foam Go and Defence .* Never use in spas with concrete, tile or plaster finishes.

06Popular products.<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Squeaky Clean A fast-acting product that breaks downoils and debris. You’ll be able to wipethem away more easily and unlike mosthousehold cleaners, Squeaky Clean iscompatible with your spa’s chemistry.Natural Chemistry <strong>Spa</strong> Perfect A natural product that prevents waterlinebuild-up. It contains enzymes that digestand eliminate most oils from the water.Your spa will be less likely to form foam,the surface will be clean, the waterline willstay cleaner for longer periods, and the lifeof the filter will be extended.Swirl Away Pipe Cleaner This product will clean your spa’splumbing system by removing depositsof oil, grease and grime from pipelinesand jets in your spa. Its uniqueformulation softens and clearsdeposits, allowing your system tooperate at peak efficiency.<strong>Spa</strong> Fact: 38 minutes in a spa produces more sweat than3 hours outside in 40˚ Celsius.

08Starting or refilling your spa.Ideally, when a spa is filled for the very first time a shock dose of a <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPAoxidiser should be added, with the spa circulation and aeration turned on. You shouldallow the system to operate for a couple of hours, before draining the spa and rinsingthe interior surfaces. If this is not possible, based on local water usage guidelines,follow the steps below.Always read and follow label directions on each package. Apply correctly measureddosages following the application directions on the label.Start up.The following suggestions are suitablefor the Perfect Balance Method and theMineral Balance Method (see page 14).1. As the spa is filing with water, add<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Defence to preventstains caused by metals in the water,whilst protecting spa equipment.2. Once the spa is filled, start equipmentfollowing manufacturer’s directions.Apply <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Crystal Clear andallow the water to circulate for aboutfive minutes.3. If using either the Perfect BalanceMethod or Mineral Balance Method,follow the recommendations on yourcomputerised water analysis from your<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® Approved Retailer. Theserecommendations are personalisedfor your water and spa. Use either<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Perfect Balance,or the correct Mineral Balancingchemicals (see page 17). Be sureto wait the indicated time betweenthe addition of balancing products.4. Allow the water to circulate forapproximately 30 minutes, then add<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Purity to initially oxidisethe water. <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Armour orChlorinated Concentrate can also beused to oxidise the water.5. Add the initial dose of your preferred<strong>Spa</strong> Care Sanitiser as detailed in startup directions on label.6. Once you have established a bromineresidual of 4 - 6 ppm, or chlorineresidual of 2 - 3 ppm, apply NaturalChemistry <strong>Spa</strong> Perfect.

10Water testing.It may come as a surprise, but the water you drink may not be the safest for your spa.Test your spa water regularly, especially when filling up.The two primary components affecting spa water are the sanitiser and pH levels. Whenboth elements are within their recommended ranges your water will be comfortable,protected and clear. In addition, getting these components right enables sanitisers andoxidisers to work efficiently and your spa surfaces and equipment will remain protected.Testing at home:Use a <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® 4-way Test Strip Kit.Check your bromine residual is withinthe recommended levels of 4 – 6 ppm.Chlorine residual must be within 2 – 3ppm. Even if your spa is equipped with anozone generator, you’re still required tomaintain the chlorine or bromine at thelower end of their ranges.Professional testing:To complement your home testing routine,take a water sample to your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ®Approved Retailer regularly (every 4 – 6weeks) for a complete water analysis.In addition to checking sanitiser andpH levels, this analysis will measure thewater’s total alkalinity, calcium hardness,iron, copper, manganese and totaldissolved solids.Based on this analysis, your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ®Approved Retailer will recommend theright products for your spa.

12<strong>Spa</strong> maintenance.Circulation.Correct circulation will help preventbacteria and other contaminants frombecoming a problem. As the watercirculates it passes through the filter,trapping suspended particles.Circulation also helps to evenly distribute<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA products.Improve circulation by:• Running your spa’s circulationsystem every day• Checking your spa manual to see howlong your circulation system should runfor, or asking your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® ApprovedRetailer for advice• Making sure circulation pumps arealways in good working order.Filtration.Many spa problems are caused by poorfiltration. A filter operating correctly helpskeep the water clean by capturing the hair,oils, and cosmetics washed off by peopleusing the spa.When the filter is dirty or clogged, all thisdebris remains in the water. Ideally youshould clean the filter every 4 to 6 weeks.Improve filtration by:• Checking your filter manual to find outhow to remove the filter cartridge• Rinsing the filter cartridge to removeloose debris using a garden hoseor suitable alternative depending onwater restrictions• Using <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Renew everytime you clean your filter. This willdissolve and loosen the built-up oil,dirt and scale deposits• Thoroughly rinsing the cartridge againand leaving to dry• Returning the clean cartridge to thefilter housing.It is also a good idea to check the manual,or ask your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® Approved Retailerhow often the filter should be replaced.To improve filter efficiency, use <strong>BioGuard</strong> ®SPA Crystal Clear once a week. It joinstiny particles of debris together, allowingthe filter to remove them and keep thewater clean.

13<strong>Spa</strong> surfaces.If left unchecked, contaminants such asdirt, oil, and even bacteria can accumulateat the waterline – much like a bathtubring. It is therefore important to cleanthe spa surfaces regularly to preservethe surface and keep the spa looking andfeeling its best.How to clean spa surfaces:• Use a skimmer net to removefloating debris• Regularly brush and vacuum the spa• If you have a skimmer basket, empty itonce or twice a week• Clean the oil ring that forms at thewaterline using <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPASqueaky Clean.<strong>Spa</strong> water.Regular emptying and refilling is a normalpart of spa maintenance. Over time, thewater absorbs and dissolves minerals,chemicals and other soluble material.Your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® Approved Retailer canperform a quick and easy test to helpdetermine if it’s time to replace your water.Generally, your spa should be emptied andrefilled every 6 – 8 weeks (check your localwater restrictions).How to replace spa water:• Clean out the pipes with Swirl Awayprior to emptying• Empty the water. Check your manualfor information about correct emptyingprocedures• Clean the spa surfaces with <strong>BioGuard</strong> ®SPA Squeaky Clean and wash downwith water• Refill the spa with fresh water.Take a sample of the water used to refillthe spa to your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® ApprovedRetailer for a complete analysis.<strong>Spa</strong> Fact: Never use a spa alone – it’s not as fun or safe.

14Water balancing programs.Maintaining correct pH is extremely important. It helps control bacteria, provides usercomfort and prevents equipment deterioration. The acidity and alkalinity of the water ismeasured by pH. The correct level for spas is 7.4 – 7.6, which is a comfortable level foryour skin. Heated, aerated water combined with heavy use can cause the pH to changequickly – unless a means for controlling these changes is present.<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA has two great methods for controlling water balance – Perfect BalanceMethod and Mineral Balance Method. Consult your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® Approved Retailer to findout which system best suits your needs.

15The Perfect Balance Method.Designed for acrylic, vinyl, and fibreglass spas, the Perfect Balance Method softens thewater to increase comfort and protects the spa surface and equipment. It comes in aneasy, single step, liquid dosage for maintaining a stable pH. The product is added whenthe spa is filled, as well as in small weekly maintenance doses.General <strong>care</strong> for the Perfect Balance Method.Use <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® 4-way Test Strips to test your spa water at home.1. Test the bromine/chlorine residualevery day or every other day, using<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® 4-way Test Strips at home.Use a <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Sanitiser,following label instructions, to maintaina bromine residual of 4 – 6 ppm orchlorine residual of 2 – 3 ppm.2. Test the pH of the water weekly. If pHdrops below 7.2 or rises above 7.6,take a sample of your water to your<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® Approved Retailer for testingand recommendations. The ideal rangeis 7.4 – 7.6.3. Apply Natural Chemistry <strong>Spa</strong> Perfect and <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Defence once aweek, following label instructions.4. Shock your spa with <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPAPurity at least once a week. Additionalapplications are recommended afterheavy spa usage or the appearance ofcloudy water. Read the label <strong>care</strong>fully.<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Armour or ChlorinatedConcentrate can also be used as yourregular oxidiser.5. Apply <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA PerfectBalance weekly to replenish &control pH.6. <strong>Spa</strong>s should be emptied and refilledapproximately every 6 – 8 weeksdepending on usage.<strong>Spa</strong> Fact: 4 people in a spa is equivalent to 176 people in a pool.

17The Mineral Balance Method.Designed for all types of spas, the Mineral Balance Method adjusts total alkalinity, pH,and calcium hardness. If any of these levels are out of balance, they can cause problemssuch as scaling, corrosion, cloudy water, ineffective sanitisation and spa surface staining.Consult your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® Approved Retailer for expert advice on the <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPAproducts that will suit your needs.General <strong>care</strong> for the Mineral Balance Method.1. Test the bromine/chlorine residualevery day or every other day. Applyyour <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Sanitiser as perlabel directions to maintain a bromineresidual of 4 – 6 ppm or chlorineresidual of 2 – 3 ppm.2. Test the total alkalinity of the wateronce a week. If the total alkalinity isbelow 125 ppm, use <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPAPerformance Up to raise the alkalinityto the correct range of 125 ppm –150 ppm. If the total alkalinity is above150 ppm, use <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Aqualityto lower the total alkalinity to thecorrect range.3. Test the pH of the water weekly. If thepH drops below 7.2 use <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPAComfort Up to raise the pH to the correctrange of 7.2 – 7.6. If the pH rises above7.6, use <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Aquality to lowerthe pH to the correct level.4. Apply Natural Chemistry <strong>Spa</strong> Perfect and <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Defence each weekas indicated on the labels.5. Once a week – or more often if spause is heavy – shock your spa using<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Purity. Read the label<strong>care</strong>fully and follow the directions.(<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Armour or ChlorinatedConcentrate can also be used to shockyour spa).6. Each month, test the calcium hardnesslevel of your spa. If the calciumhardness is below 100 ppm, add<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Shield. If it exceeds200 ppm, apply <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPADefence as indicated on the labeldirections.7. <strong>Spa</strong>s should be emptied and refilledapproximately every 6 – 8 weeksdepending on usage.

18FAQ’s.This section will help you identify and correct any typical problem you may have withyour spa. However, when in doubt, take a sample of your spa water into your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ®Approved Retailer for analysis and expert advice.Why is my water coloured?Copper may erode or corrode the spa’sheating system and dissolve into thewater. As a result, it can make your waterlook green or greenish-blue. To preventthis from affecting the spa’s surface andcausing unsightly stains, use <strong>BioGuard</strong> ®SPA Defence.A metal remover, such as <strong>BioGuard</strong> ®Quick Clear, can help remove mostcommon metals from spa water. In someinstances, your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® ApprovedRetailer may recommend you empty thespa and refill with fresh water. Whendoing so, be sure to follow correct start-upprocedures and water testing.How can I avoid irritations?When your spa is used, non-filterablewastes like perspiration, oils, hair sprays,cosmetics and body fats can accumulate.This makes the water dull, irritating andunattractive, as well as interfering withsanitising products.To remove these wastes and restoresparkle to the water, use an oxidiser suchas <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Purity, ChlorinatedConcentrate or Armour. Note: leave thespa cover off for at least 1 hour afteradding the product and run the pump tocirculate the water.What is scale?Scale is a rough, sandpaper-like deposit,which coats the walls of your spa and clogspipes, filters and heaters. To help preventand reduce scale formation, and protectyour equipment, ensure your spa’s wateris correctly balanced. Use <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPADefence weekly, and visit your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ®Approved Retailer.Can I prevent foaming?High aeration and agitation, combined withbody oils, lotions and high temperatures,will sometimes create an undesirable foamlevel. <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Foam Go stops thefoaming almost immediately.Why is my water cloudy?Cloudy water can be caused by heavyusage of the spa or hot tub, or initialbleeding of tannin from wood surfaces.<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Crystal Clear turns cloudywater sparkling clear, and is ideal forregular use to improve water quality. Forextra ‘shock’ treatment use an oxidisersuch as <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Purity, ChlorinatedConcentrate or Armour.

19FAQ’s.How can I remove stains?<strong>Spa</strong> surface stains are usually causedby metals in the spa water. <strong>BioGuard</strong> ®SPA Defence can lighten or remove freshstains. To prevent stains before theyoccur, use <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Defence weekly.Can I enhance the water?For spa water that feels really comfortable,use <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Velvet. Combinedwith a fresh rose fragrance, the uniquetechnology of <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Velvetenhances the feel of the water andreduces eye and skin irritations.<strong>BioGuard</strong> ® SPA Velvet also enhances waterclarity and helps reduce chemical usage.

20Handling chemicals.Do’s• Always read the product label andfollow directions <strong>care</strong>fully. They containimportant information about properapplication, handling and storage of theproduct you’re using. Used correctly,spa water chemicals safeguard thehealth of your entire family. If they’remishandled, they can be hazardous,or dangerous.• Contact your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® ApprovedRetailer for advice for the correctdisposal of unused chemicals andcontainers.• Always store chemical products safelywith the containers tightly closed andout of reach of children. Ensure theyare stored in a cool, dry, well ventilatedplace, away from other household,garden and petroleum products.• Take <strong>care</strong> when putting product in thespa on windy days to prevent productblowing into your eyes, mouth, skin oronto clothes.• Clean up any spills promptly. Smallamounts can be hosed into the spa.Contact your <strong>BioGuard</strong> ® ApprovedRetailer for advice on larger spills.Don’ts• Never interchange measuring scoopsbetween products.• Never store liquids near otherchemicals, petrol or metallic objects.• Never mix chemicals of any kindtogether, and never smoke nearthe chemicals. An uncontrolledreaction such as fuming, fire orexplosion could occur.• Never add water directly to chemicals– always add the chemical to largeamounts of water.• Never inhale the fumes of the products.In the event of accidental contact,or if the product is swallowed, followthe advice on the label, and callyour doctor and/or the PoisonsInformation Centre (AU) 13 11 26,or (NZ) 0800 764 766.

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