Location Services Guide - Finca Bellavista

Location Services Guide - Finca Bellavista Location Services Guide - Finca Bellavista

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WHILE YOU ARE HEREBecause this is a special, fragile and wild place, thereare some precautions and guidelines that we wouldlike for your party to note. As a result, your visit willbe more enjoyable and comfortable. In general, pleasetreat the Finca, its residents and structures as if theywere your own. A lot of hard work and care went intoeverything you see and it is very important to us thatothers are allowed to enjoy it too. We hold our gueststo the same standards that we hold ourselves and askthat you respect these general guidelines:-If you turned it on, turn it off.-Please do not use open flame in any of our structures(e.g.: lanterns/tiki torches/candles). Even thoughit’s the jungle and it rains a lot, it can get dry andstructures can catch fire. Battery operated lanternsand candles are supplied in rentals without electricity.-Use only biodegradable products in our bathroomsand waterways.-If you cook it or eat it, clean it up afterwards.-NO VISITOR PETS PLEASE (if unaccustomed tothe jungle, they will be frightened and keep us and ourother guests awake as a result).-Take off your shoes when you venture inside or ontoflooring.-Please use water and electricity sparingly. Allresources are precious at FBV.-Pack it in, pack it out. Don’t throw trash on theground or leave it lying around-Use the appropriate containers to separate glass,plastic, aluminum, paper and trash. If it’s full oroverflowing, let an employee know and they willempty it.-No, no, no paper or sanity products in the toilets! Weare using biodigestors and they can’t handle anythingother than #1 and #2.-NO SMOKING in any of our structures...they mightbe open-air, but things like curtains and linens stillabsorb smells.Safety—-Shake out your shoes, clothing, and towels beforeuse. Ants, spiders, caterpillars, and scorpions are a fewthings that might be waiting for you!-Watch your step. The rocks can be slippery, pathwayscan be muddy, and surfaces are uneven in the jungle,especially along the rivers.

Tim Hussin-Take a friend when you explore the Finca. If you venture far awayfrom Base Camp, let someone know your plans or be accompanied byanother person if you are unfamiliar with the area.-Don’t swim in the river during downpours or if it appears to beraining in the mountains above FBV. Rio Piedras Blancas and RioBellavista are both wild, undammed rivers that can become moodyand very dangerous during rainstorms. Likewise, it could be rainingupstream in the mountains causing a flash flood further downstream.Be watchful for signs of rain and seek higher ground when they appear.-Look out for critters. Snakes, cats, and spiders are a few members ofthe animal kingdom that have a bad reputation in the jungle. Thoughnone are inherently dangerous, a snake that gets stepped on mightbe tempted to defend itself. Wearing tall, snake-proof boots is thebest way to prevent harmful contact with a snake. WORSTCASESCENARIO: If you are bitten by a poisonous snake, try to stay calmand keep your heartrate down (walk calmly, don’t run). The majorityof people in relatively good health can avoid tissue damage if youarrive to a clinic and receive anti-venom within 2 hours. The nearestclinic is ten minutes away from base camp.-Don’t drink untreated water out of the river! It looks clean but therecan be parasites.-Protect yourself from the sun. We’re 8 degrees north of the equator,and the sun is intense even under the rainforest canopy!-Don’t grab onto plants, trees or rocks. Stinging insects, spikes andother hazards exist.-Always use a flashlight or headlamp at night to light the way andalways watch where you step.-Take care of your feet. Damp conditions coupled with wet footwearcan make your feet miserable. Let them breathe after long hikes orriver hikes.-Don’t eat unknown mushrooms, berries, fruits or plants.-The nearest medical clinic is the EBAIS in Piedras Blancas. Turnnorth on the InterAmericana Highway at the bottom of the hill inLa Florida, and drive about 1 mile. On the left you will see the clinicsign (EBAIS). We have been thrilled with the level of care provide inthis small clinic, and feel very lucky to have this as our closest medicalcare.-There are two hospitals within a half hour’s drive of FBV. One is enroute to Ciudad Neilly, on the right-hand side of the highway. Thenew southern zone hospital is just north of Palmar, near a towncalled Cortez. It is located on the left- hand side of the Costanera SurHighway.-The closest pharmacies are located in either Rio Claro or PalmarNorte.-We have a FIRST AID station at the Finca’s base camp – please seethe map for location. Each rental unit has first aid kit in a markedbox.-Don’t molest the wildlife. It goes without saying that poking a snakeor throwing a stick at a puma would both qualify as bad ideas. Butother animals like monkeys or anteaters can be aggressive towardshumans if pestered. Observe them at a safe distance and don’t givethem reasons to run off.-DO NOT FEED THE WILDLIFE! Unintended consequencesabound when wild animals get used to the easy forage of human foods.

WHILE YOU ARE HEREBecause this is a special, fragile and wild place, thereare some precautions and guidelines that we wouldlike for your party to note. As a result, your visit willbe more enjoyable and comfortable. In general, pleasetreat the <strong>Finca</strong>, its residents and structures as if theywere your own. A lot of hard work and care went intoeverything you see and it is very important to us thatothers are allowed to enjoy it too. We hold our gueststo the same standards that we hold ourselves and askthat you respect these general guidelines:-If you turned it on, turn it off.-Please do not use open flame in any of our structures(e.g.: lanterns/tiki torches/candles). Even thoughit’s the jungle and it rains a lot, it can get dry andstructures can catch fire. Battery operated lanternsand candles are supplied in rentals without electricity.-Use only biodegradable products in our bathroomsand waterways.-If you cook it or eat it, clean it up afterwards.-NO VISITOR PETS PLEASE (if unaccustomed tothe jungle, they will be frightened and keep us and ourother guests awake as a result).-Take off your shoes when you venture inside or ontoflooring.-Please use water and electricity sparingly. Allresources are precious at FBV.-Pack it in, pack it out. Don’t throw trash on theground or leave it lying around-Use the appropriate containers to separate glass,plastic, aluminum, paper and trash. If it’s full oroverflowing, let an employee know and they willempty it.-No, no, no paper or sanity products in the toilets! Weare using biodigestors and they can’t handle anythingother than #1 and #2.-NO SMOKING in any of our structures...they mightbe open-air, but things like curtains and linens stillabsorb smells.Safety—-Shake out your shoes, clothing, and towels beforeuse. Ants, spiders, caterpillars, and scorpions are a fewthings that might be waiting for you!-Watch your step. The rocks can be slippery, pathwayscan be muddy, and surfaces are uneven in the jungle,especially along the rivers.

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