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<strong>The</strong> <strong>UWA</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Agriculture</strong>Number 20 August 2013(LtoR): Hackett Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Kadambot Siddique (<strong>UWA</strong>), Dr Majd Jamal (Assistant Director General,ICARDA), Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Paul Johnson (Vice Chancellor, <strong>UWA</strong> ), Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Zhou Xuhong (President, LZU),Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Jing Tao (Vice President, LZU), Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Fengmin Li (LZU).Joint Centre for Dryland Agricultural Ecosystemslatest highlight in Australia – China collaborationMs Ully FritschEmail: ully.fritsch@uwa.edu.auA joint Centre for Dryland AgriculturalEcosystems (CDAE) is testimony both tothe important role <strong>of</strong> drylands in ensuring(future) food security and to the high priorityplaced by leading agricultural researchorganisations on pooling their expertise andknow-how to advance sustainable drylandagricultural production.<strong>The</strong> Centre is based at Lanzhou <strong>University</strong> (LZU)and represents a joint endeavour between LZU,<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Western Australia (<strong>UWA</strong>) and theInternational Center for Agricultural Research inthe Dry Areas (ICARDA); dignitaries from the threeinstitutions travelled to China for the <strong>of</strong>ficial launchon 23 May 2013.<strong>UWA</strong> was represented by Vice-ChancellorPr<strong>of</strong>essor Paul Johnson, Pro Vice-ChancellorInternational Iain Watt, advisor Eva Chye andHackett Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Kadambot Siddique. ICARDAwas represented by Dr Majd Jamal, AssistantDirector General; dignitaries from LZU includedPr<strong>of</strong>essor Zhou Xuhong, President LZU, andPr<strong>of</strong>essor Jing Tao, Vice President LZU andPr<strong>of</strong>essor Femgmin Li.<strong>The</strong> celebrations reflected on the challenges facedby all, on the successes <strong>of</strong> previous collaborationsand on the shared vision regarding the joint centre<strong>UWA</strong> Vice Chancellor Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Johnsonemphasised the urgency for improved adaptationand resilience in dryland agricultural production:“Drylands make up forty per cent <strong>of</strong> the world’sland area and are home to one in three peopleworldwide,” he said. “Australia’s agriculturalsystem is largely based on drylands, and likeChina, it faces the challenges <strong>of</strong> climate change,especially frequent droughts, high temperatures,nutrient poor soils and dryland salinity.”He remarked on the effective collaborationbetween <strong>UWA</strong> and ICARDA spanning twodecades and reflected on the highly productivecollaborations between <strong>UWA</strong> and LZU: “Ourpartnership with LZU dates back to 2006 andhas led to numerous exchanges <strong>of</strong> academic staffand students, many joint international workshopsand industry exchanges, joint research projectsand publications and two national awards,”said Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Johnson, “and this joint Centrefor Dryland Agricultural Ecosystems representsanother milestone towards sustainable foodproduction in dryland areas to meet the needs <strong>of</strong> agrowing population.”<strong>The</strong> overall objective <strong>of</strong> the Centre is to provideexpertise and research groups to act as aknowledge hub to form new research relationshipswith a view to collectively supporting high impactresearch, postgraduate training and developmentactivities focused on sustainable drylandagricultural ecosystems.On a practical level, research at the Centre willbring together scientists across a wide range<strong>of</strong> disciplines, to optimise the development <strong>of</strong>integrated cropping/animal production and agrosystemsmanagement approaches with a focus onlong term sustainability. “We look forward to beworking together with LZU and ICARDA on drylandagricultural systems through crop simulationmodels, smart genetics, agronomic and animalproduction packages, eco-system managementand decision support systems which will assistfarmers in adapting their (dryland) food productionsystems to a changing climate and otherchallenging conditions now and in the future.”IOA Director Kadambot Siddique summed up thesentiments <strong>of</strong> the <strong>UWA</strong> contingent: “We are proudto be part <strong>of</strong> this important endeavour and confidentthat it will deliver not only practical benefits for(dryland) farmers around the world, but will alsostrengthen further the collaboration between <strong>UWA</strong>,LZU and ICARDA for the benefit <strong>of</strong> all.”In this issue Three Brothers Project P4 IOA Postgraduate Showcase P5 Africa Sympoisum P10 Smartphone app to optimize pesticide spraying P14

Director’scolumnHackett Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Kadambot Siddique AMFTSE (kadambot.siddique@uwa.edu.au)Australia is a ‘net food surplus’ producingcountry. However our agricultural sector iscurrently facing a number <strong>of</strong> challenges.Australia’s public research and developmentexpenditure has been decreasing and henceresearch intensity has been lagging in recentyears. Agricultural total factor productivity(TFP) has reached its peak and has beendeclining in the period 2000 – 2012.Governments, universities and private sectors mustensure significant new investments in agricultureand food industry in order to make Australia aninternationally competitive and high quality foodproducer and supplier. Continued interaction andpartnership between farmers, industry, researchersand policy makers are essential for improving TFP<strong>of</strong> Australian agricultural sector. <strong>UWA</strong>’s <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Agriculture</strong> has benefitted greatly from the strongsupport <strong>of</strong> its Industry Advisory Board (IAB) underthe able leadership <strong>of</strong> outgoing Chair Mr BrucePiper, to whom I would like to express my heartfeltthanks. I am privileged to welcome Dr Terry Enrightas his successor to the IAB and look forward to hisChairmanship based on his wide-ranging industryexperience (cf page 2).Our international collaborations have received aboost with the signing <strong>of</strong> an academic partnershipknown as the Three Brothers Project, between<strong>UWA</strong>, Zhejiang <strong>University</strong> (China) and Tarim<strong>University</strong> (China) in April at Zheijiang <strong>University</strong> (cfpage 4), was the first <strong>of</strong> two milestones in <strong>UWA</strong>-China collaborations in agriculture.<strong>The</strong> second highlight was the launch <strong>of</strong> the Centrefor Dryland Agricultural Ecosystems (CDAE) atLanzhou <strong>University</strong> (LZU) which is a partnershipbetween LZU, <strong>UWA</strong> and the International Center forAgricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)(cf cover story).Innovation in our agricultural research anddevelopment has been highlighted in novelapproaches to long-standing global challenges:Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Amin Mugera used economicalapproaches and models to outline ways forimprovement in the agricultural sector in selectedAfrican countries (cf page 10). Other projects haveemployed cutting edge technology and modernmedia to push beyond the boundaries <strong>of</strong> traditionalmethods and set the stage for more sophisticatedresearch – and adoption <strong>of</strong> research outcomes.Examples includes: projects in soil biology (cf pages7 and 12), herbicide resistance (page 13), waterand micronutrient status in plants (cf pages 4 and9) and farm management tools (cf pages 8 and14). Applications <strong>of</strong> existing and new technologiesare required for improving Australia’s agricultureTFP and our contribution to sustainable globalfood security.<strong>The</strong> high calibre <strong>of</strong> our scientists is reflected inthe significant number <strong>of</strong> scientific publications(cf pages 19/20), the prizes and awards theyhave received (cf page 15) and the number <strong>of</strong>new research grants (cf page 18). This year’s IOAPostgraduate Showcase drew a record audienceand highlighted the multi-disciplinary nature<strong>of</strong> agricultural research and teaching at <strong>UWA</strong>(cf page 5).With the year already past half way mark, welook towards another exciting field day at the<strong>UWA</strong> Future Farm on 6 September where we areshowcasing the current research and developmentactivities at the farm.For more information on the <strong>UWA</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Agriculture</strong> (IOA) and its activities go to:www.ioa.uwa.edu.auNew Chair at IOA’s Industry Advisory BoardWA grain and livestock producer Dr TerryEnright has been appointed chairman <strong>of</strong> theIndustry Advisory Board <strong>of</strong> the <strong>UWA</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Agriculture</strong> (IOA)<strong>The</strong> former Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Grains Research andDevelopment Corporation (GRDC) takes over fromMr Bruce Piper who stepped down in May aftermore than five years as the inaugural chair sincethe institute’s re-establishment in 2007.<strong>UWA</strong> Vice-Chancellor Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Paul Johnsonwelcomed Enright to this position which plays acritical role in the <strong>Institute</strong>’s strategic directionand interaction with industry. Enright has servedin key agricultural appointments, including acommissioner <strong>of</strong> the Export Wheat Commission,a member <strong>of</strong> the standing committee on nationalresearch priorities and member <strong>of</strong> the panel toconduct an independent review <strong>of</strong> the AustralianCentre for International Agricultural Research(ACIAR) in 2012.He is an Independent Director <strong>of</strong> the AustralianLivestock Export Corporation (Livecorp), Director <strong>of</strong>Grain Producers Australia, Chair <strong>of</strong> theWestern Australian Crawford Fund Committeeand a member <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors.Johnson said that on under Enright’s leadership,the Board would continue to enhance the value<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong> and the <strong>University</strong> to the ruralIncoming chairman Terry Enright.and regional industries through <strong>Institute</strong> policyand direction.Johnson also acknowledged outgoing chairPiper and his guidance <strong>of</strong> the Board which helpedbuild the <strong>University</strong>’s reputation agriculture andrelated areas.Outgoing chairman Bruce Piper.2 THE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture August 2013 Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing world

What’s newat the <strong>UWA</strong>Future Farm2050www.ioa.edu.au/future-farm-2050Ms Christine ShervingtonEmail: christine.shervington@uwa.edu.au2013 has seen an increase in outreachactivities, commencing with a visit to <strong>UWA</strong>Future Farm by about 30 Climate Championsfrom across Australia (www.managingclimate.gov.au/climate-champion-program). <strong>The</strong>Climate Champions program is an initiative<strong>of</strong> the Managing Climate Variability program,Meat and Livestock Australia and the GrainsResearch and Development Corporation,looking at climate risk management. Throughthis program these farmers work withscientists and industry to provide relevanttailored information, feedback on researchresults and adaptation options for agriculture.<strong>The</strong> farmers, who are at the forefront <strong>of</strong>their industries, commit their own time andnetworks to contribute to managing climaterisk and formed part <strong>of</strong> the influencer group forthe Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong>, Fisheries andForestry Climate Change Research Program.Phil Vercoe speaking to the Climate Champion farmers about<strong>UWA</strong>’s Future Farm work during their national workshop.In April, at the annual <strong>UWA</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong>Industry Forum, the <strong>UWA</strong> Future Farm 2050Project contributed to a forum on ‘Food 2050’ with16 presenters.To complement the above event, and as part <strong>of</strong>community outreach, a series <strong>of</strong> public lectureson ‘Food 2050’ will be held between August andOctober. Topics include:ÌÌÌÌÌÌ6 August: ‘Australian agriculture and global foodsecurity’ (W/Pr<strong>of</strong> Kadambot Siddique,<strong>The</strong> <strong>UWA</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong>);4 September: ‘Is ‘more efficient’ food productionin conflict with animal welfare?’(Pr<strong>of</strong> MarianStamp Dawkins, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Oxford); and10 October: ‘Do genetic effects threaten thesustainability <strong>of</strong> marine fisheries?’(Pr<strong>of</strong> FredAllendorf, Fulbright Senior Specialist to <strong>UWA</strong>).In addition, the <strong>UWA</strong> Future Farm will hold its nextField Day on 6 September 2013 (see also backpage <strong>of</strong> this newsletter). For further details visitwww.ioa.uwa.edu.au/future-farm-2050In May, a group <strong>of</strong> about 60 students from sixagricultural colleges across the southwest <strong>of</strong> WAvisited <strong>UWA</strong> Future Farm as part <strong>of</strong> their educationprogram. <strong>The</strong> visit was organized by the WADepartment <strong>of</strong> Education.In July, the farm hosted an international group <strong>of</strong>visitors: Kansas State <strong>University</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor RonMadl visited the farm with seven <strong>of</strong> his students toview sustainable agriculture practices, projects andtechnologies on-site.<strong>The</strong> ‘City Kids Come to the Country’ High SchoolScience Project, whereby students participatein the ecosystem restoration program on thefarm, has also expanded: seven groups <strong>of</strong> up to50 students are set to visit the farm in July andAugust, planting trees they have nurtured in theirown schools.International visits planned for 2013 also includestudents from the North West <strong>Agriculture</strong> andForestry <strong>University</strong> (China) and the South ChinaAgricultural <strong>University</strong>.Photo courtesy Econnect-Communication.<strong>UWA</strong> student wins prestigious CSIRO ScholarshipBidhut Banik.Interdisciplinary research at <strong>UWA</strong>’s School <strong>of</strong>Plant Biology and School <strong>of</strong> Animal Biology haspaid <strong>of</strong>f for PhD Student Bidhut Banik, who wonthe CSIRO Sustainable <strong>Agriculture</strong> FlagshipScholarship awarded in the research priorityarea ‘Plants, ruminants and methane: it’s purechemistry’. Only one scholarship is awarded perpriority research area.Banik’s research focuses on rumen fermentabilityand methane production and its relation with plantsecondary compounds (PSCs) <strong>of</strong> different cultivars<strong>of</strong> Biserrula (Biserrula pelecinus L.). He firstdeveloped an interest in the fermentability <strong>of</strong>pasture legumes in the rumen while studying for hisMasters degree in Genetics and Breeding at <strong>UWA</strong>.“I became more and more curious about themechanism <strong>of</strong> pasture selection and about thegenetics <strong>of</strong> the plants, so when the opportunityarose to do my PhD with Pr<strong>of</strong>essor William Erskine(CLIMA), Asst/Pr<strong>of</strong> Zoey Durmic (Animal Biology)and Dr Clinton Revell (DAFWA) as my supervisors,I jumped at it.”He describes the advantages <strong>of</strong> working acrossdisciplines: “My involvement in research that isrelevant for the environment, plant biology andanimal biology, has made me eligible to apply forquite a few top-up scholarships.”He also appreciates the collective knowledgeand experience from the different disciplines:“Working with two different schools is reallyinteresting and allows you to gain a vast amount<strong>of</strong> experience and knowledge – provided everyoneis clear and in agreement about the main focusand the boundaries <strong>of</strong> the research.”<strong>The</strong> ‘CSIRO Sustainable <strong>Agriculture</strong> Flagship’ isone <strong>of</strong> CSIRO’s 11 national research flagshipswhich were formed to develop scientific solutionsthrough multi-disciplinary research partnershipsto meet Australia’s most significant challengesand opportunities.Banik’s research is also supported by anAustralian Postgraduate Award.Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing worldTHE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture April 2013 3

Three Brothers Project boosts <strong>UWA</strong> – China relation in <strong>Agriculture</strong>counterparts at the two Chinese partner institutions, was soon followed by avisit to Tarim, where Hackett Pr<strong>of</strong> Kadambot Siddique, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorGuijun Yan and Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Michael Considine attended a symposiumat Tarim <strong>University</strong> to identify the most suitable areas <strong>of</strong> collaboration underthe Three Brothers Project.<strong>The</strong> Three Brothers framework was founded in 2005 by the Ministry <strong>of</strong>Education in China to support relationships between high-performinguniversities abroad and elite and emerging universities in China. Previoustripartite agreements have been formed with New Zealand’s Massey andLincoln Universities.<strong>The</strong> signing ceremony <strong>of</strong> the Three Brothers initiative was hosted by Zhejiang <strong>University</strong>:(LtoR) Robyn Owens (Deputy Vice Chancellor Research, <strong>UWA</strong>), Wu Zhaohui(Executive Vice President, Zhejiang <strong>University</strong>) and Wang Heli (President, Tarim <strong>University</strong>).Dr Anke van Eekelenemail: anke.vaneekelen@uwa.edu.auA new academic partnership between <strong>UWA</strong> and two Chineseuniversities has <strong>of</strong>ficially been launched at a signing ceremony atZhejiang <strong>University</strong> in China in April.This new international collaboration is the result <strong>of</strong> tripartite discussions heldlate last year. <strong>The</strong> initiative is referred to as the Three Brothers Project between<strong>UWA</strong>, Zhejiang <strong>University</strong> in Hangzhou on the east coast <strong>of</strong> China and Tarim<strong>University</strong> in the West Chinese province <strong>of</strong> Xinjiang.<strong>The</strong> visit by Deputy Vice Chancellor Research, Winthrop Pr<strong>of</strong>essor RobynOwens, to Hangzhou to finalize the agreement <strong>of</strong> cooperation with herCloser ties between <strong>UWA</strong>, Tarim <strong>University</strong> and Zhejiang <strong>University</strong> are <strong>of</strong>most interest in the research area <strong>of</strong> arid horticulture. It is envisaged that afocus on key topics like the endemic Poplar trees in the Tarim Basin, watersaving irrigation technologies and the safe and efficient production <strong>of</strong> crops,can further develop research capacity and training at Tarim <strong>University</strong> in theremote desert region <strong>of</strong> West China.An academic exchange <strong>of</strong> scholars and students is recognized as beingintegral to the success <strong>of</strong> the program. Visiting scholars and students fromTarim <strong>University</strong> will receive English language and research training atZhejiang <strong>University</strong> before they will come to <strong>UWA</strong> to engage in collaborativeresearch projects.<strong>The</strong> first early career researcher to visit <strong>UWA</strong> has already been selected.Dr Peipei Jiao is an Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor in biodiversity and conservation, whohas recently been awarded a fellowship through the China Scholarship Council(CSC) and is preparing to come to <strong>UWA</strong> in 2014 to participate in phenologyresearch on the well known Tarim Basin Poplar trees with Michael Considine.Combined efforts in the next three years will see joint funding applications toChinese and Australian institutions, shared publications in relevant journalsand the organization <strong>of</strong> workshops and symposia in China as well as at <strong>UWA</strong>.Remote control: Probing the water use <strong>of</strong> crop plantsto help solve agricultural problems in Australia. IOA’s Dr Helen Bramleyvisited Germany in May to discuss advances made with the project andplan the upcoming research activities.“We have been able to show that these novel probes can monitor the waterstatus <strong>of</strong> wheat plants and indicate when the plants are water stressed,”Bramley said. “<strong>The</strong> innovation is that these probes monitor remotely, so we canview the data over the internet without visiting the field”. An Honours student,and GRDC and Eric Smart scholarship recipient, Mr Liam Ryan is now usingthe probes on a range <strong>of</strong> wheat genotypes in the glasshouse to show thatthe technology can indicate those genotypes with greater drought tolerance.“We expect that this technology will help wheat breeders identify droughttolerant germplasm more easily.”<strong>The</strong> ZIM-Plant Technology team in Hennigsdorf, Germany, duringa rare sunny moment in May, with Ulrich Zimmermann, Head <strong>of</strong> thegroup (far back left) and Helen Bramley, IOA (front centre).Dr Helen BramleyEmail: helen.bramley@uwa.edu.auA group <strong>of</strong> researchers at the <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong> (IOA),<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Adelaide and ZIM-Plant Technology (Hennigsdorf,Germany) are able to visit each other through the Group <strong>of</strong> Eight –German DAAD Research Cooperation Scheme. <strong>The</strong>ir project, ‘A novelnon-invasive method to monitor water status <strong>of</strong> crop plants’, is adaptingGerman technology in the form <strong>of</strong> magnetic pressure sensing probes<strong>The</strong> group’s German colleagues, headed by Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Ulrich Zimmermann,have made modifications to the probes making them easier to adapt to wheat,and during Bramley’s visit they started the development <strong>of</strong> a new applicationthat could possibly identify when the plant is flowering. “We’re excited by thenew possibilities this technology opens up, as we are getting new insights intothe behaviour <strong>of</strong> wheat plants at the fundamental level. Remote monitoring willbenefit the wheat industry in their development <strong>of</strong> new varieties and monitoring<strong>of</strong> field sites,” Bramley said.Other collaborators include Hackett Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Kadambot Siddique (<strong>UWA</strong>),Adjunct Asscociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Jairo Palta (CSIRO/<strong>UWA</strong>), Pr<strong>of</strong>essor SteveTyerman (<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Adelaide) and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Erik Veneklaas (<strong>UWA</strong>).4 THE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture August 2013 Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing world

IOA postgraduate showcase impresses with diverse presentations(LtoR) Presenters Monica Kehoe, Madeleine Hartley, Cesar Rosales,Kelsie Moore, Renu Saradadevi with Tony O’Donnell (Dean, Faculty <strong>of</strong> Science),Peter Davies (Pro Vice-Chancellor Research) and presenter Alex Liu.Ms Ully FritschEmail: ully.fritsch@uwa.edu.auSix <strong>UWA</strong> PhD students from the disciplines<strong>of</strong> medicine, law, animal biology and plantbiology made this year’s PostgraduateShowcase: Frontiers in <strong>Agriculture</strong> asmorgasboard that had something foreveryone. An audience over 100 packed outthe auditorium to listen and engage withthe students.Monica Kehoe (Plant Biology) talked about thecause <strong>of</strong> black pod syndrome (BPS) in narrowleafedlupin; her research established that BPS iscaused by the Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus (BYMV)and by using genetic sequencing she identifieda particular gene in the virus, which may beresponsible. As BPS is the main cause for reducedyield in this crop and Australia produces 85% <strong>of</strong>the global crop, Ms Kehoe’s findings represent amajor step forward in solving BPS.Ms Kehoe’s supervisors are Pr<strong>of</strong>essor RogerJones (<strong>UWA</strong>/DAFWA), Adjunct AssociatePr<strong>of</strong>essor Bevan Buirchell (DAFWA), and herresearch is supported by <strong>UWA</strong>, DAFWA and GRDC.Renu Saradadevi (Plant Biology) compared thestomatal conductance – a water conservationstrategy by plants – <strong>of</strong> several wheat cultivarsunder terminal drought, and the role <strong>of</strong> Abscisicacid in this process. Her findings will help identifyand develop wheat varieties best adapted to adrying climate. Renu’s supervisors are HackettPr<strong>of</strong>essor Kadambot Siddique (<strong>UWA</strong>), AdjunctAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Jairo Palta (CSIRO/<strong>UWA</strong>),Dr Helen Bramley (<strong>UWA</strong>), and her research isfunded by an Australian Endeavour PostgraduateResearch Award and <strong>UWA</strong>.Alex Liu (Medicine and Pharmacology) presentedthe benefits <strong>of</strong> a rich green-leafy vegetable diet onarterial stiffness and blood pressure. He showedthat a high dietary nitrate intake from eatingspinach mediates vasodilation and reduces bloodpressure. He is sponsored through the ChinaScholarship Council and <strong>UWA</strong>, and his supervisorsare Pr<strong>of</strong>essors Jonathan Hodgson and Kevin Cr<strong>of</strong>t(both from <strong>UWA</strong>).Madeleine Hartley (Law) provided great insightsregarding the governance and the reality <strong>of</strong>groundwater use efficiency in Western Australiaon the Gnangara Mound, advocating an integrativeapproach <strong>of</strong> improved stakeholder awareness repolicies, metering, and enforcement <strong>of</strong> sanctionsto achieve water use efficiency for sustainabledevelopment. Her research is supported bythe National Centre for Groundwater Researchand Training, Cotton Research & DevelopmentCorporation. Her supervisors are AssociatePr<strong>of</strong>essor Alex Gardner (<strong>UWA</strong>); Pr<strong>of</strong>essorSimon Young (<strong>UWA</strong>); Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Tom I Romero II(SCOL, Colorado).Kelsie Moore’s (Animal Biology) findings on alpacafleece characteristics and vitamin D synthesisindicated that Vitamin D levels in alpacas are highlyinfluenced by shearing, season, skin colour andfleece distribution around the face.Kelsie is supervised by Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorDominique Blache, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Shane Maloney andAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor John Milton (all from <strong>UWA</strong>).Cesar Rosales (Animal Biology) showed thatmating <strong>of</strong> Merino ewes can be brought forwardfrom 18-24 months old to 8-10 months oldwithout affecting the animal’s reproductive abilityin the long term, and that the pregnancy rate (forearly mating) is strongly correlated to live weightgain during that mating period: a gain <strong>of</strong> about200g per day could result in a 75% pregnancyrate. Cesar’s supervisors are Winthrop Pr<strong>of</strong>essorGraeme Martin (<strong>UWA</strong>), Dr Mark Ferguson(NZ Merino) and Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor AndrewThompson (Murdoch <strong>University</strong> and DAFWA).IOA Director, Siddique summed up the significance<strong>of</strong> the event:“<strong>The</strong> IOA Postgraduate Showcase has againhighlighted the outstanding research undertakenby <strong>UWA</strong> students in agriculture and related areas;and perhaps more importantly and befittingly for<strong>UWA</strong>’s 100 year anniversary, the Showcase hasdelivered a clear message that agriculture is a trulydiverse and multidisciplinary field, which continuesto attract some <strong>of</strong> our brightest students.”<strong>The</strong> presentations can be accessed atwww.ioa.uwa.edu.au/publications/showcaseSustaining productive agriculture for a growing worldTHE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture April 2013 5

Champion for soilhealth visits <strong>UWA</strong>Dr Anke van EekelenEmail: anke.vaneekelen@uwa.edu.au(Lto R) Matthias Leopold (<strong>UWA</strong>) , Chris Gazey (DAFWA),Lyn Abbott (<strong>UWA</strong>), Tony O’Donnell (<strong>UWA</strong>), Hon. Michael Jeffery,Fran Hoyle (DAFWA), Daniel Murphy (<strong>UWA</strong>) and Gavan McGraw (<strong>UWA</strong>).Former Governor-General, Major General the Hon. Michael Jefferyvisited Western Australia in March this year to open the ‘Talkin’ SoilHealth’ conference in York. It created the opportunity for Major GeneralJeffrey to hear from local growers and researchers what challenges inagriculture are faced in our State.His attendance at the meeting was initially followed by a busy schedule <strong>of</strong>regional visits to WA farmer’s organization and groups <strong>of</strong> growers in the CentralWA grain tbelt. Here, the topic <strong>of</strong> conversation was soil acidity managementand related issues that impact on a grower’s capacity to manage soil health,like live animal transport and seasonal conditionsHackett Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Kadambot Siddique, Director <strong>of</strong> the <strong>UWA</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Agriculture</strong> (IOA), and Winthrop Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Tony O’Donnell, Dean <strong>of</strong> the Faculty<strong>of</strong> Science, hosted a <strong>UWA</strong> event for Major General Jeffrey to discuss currentresearch projects at IOA and its collaborators. Major General Jeffrey met withseveral agricultural experts at <strong>UWA</strong> and was presented with <strong>UWA</strong>’s futuredirections <strong>of</strong> agricultural research and teaching.He was keen about the Future Farm 2050 project. “I look forward following theprogress <strong>of</strong> the project and hope other universities and agricultural collegesacross Australia will follow your example,” Major General Jeffrey said.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Daniel Murphy <strong>of</strong>fered Major General Jeffrey a look at soil healthfrom an unconventional view point. He illustrated how NanoSIMS (NanoscaleSecondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) technology can help understand soil-plantinteractions at a subcellular level and discussed the value <strong>of</strong> knowledge <strong>of</strong> ourecosystem to improve the health <strong>of</strong> our landscape. How it complements appliedresearch and development in the field was covered in further conversationsaround this sophisticated research approach.A final meeting with soil scientists and microbiologist to hear about otherfundamental soil focused research at <strong>UWA</strong> and some large collaborative soilmicrobiology and soil organic matter projects between IOA and DAFWA,concluded the Major General’s visit to WA.Beijing Youth Science successfor Shenton College –<strong>UWA</strong> partnershipAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Matthew NelsonEmail: matthew.nelson@uwa.edu.au andMr Warwick MatthewsEmail: warwickmat@gmail.comA group <strong>of</strong> Shenton College girls blitzed international contestants atthis year’s Beijing Youth Science Competition to become the latestambassadors <strong>of</strong> the highly successful ‘<strong>UWA</strong> Learning Links’ outreachprogram, in which Shenton College students are mentored by <strong>UWA</strong>scientists in conducting a research project <strong>of</strong> their own.14 year-old Shenton College student Eemali McDonald took out the gold medalthis year for her poster presentation on identifying the gene which controlsflower colour in narrow-leafed lupin.<strong>The</strong> poster was based on molecular genetics research she conducted at <strong>UWA</strong>with mentors Assoc/Pr<strong>of</strong> Matthew Nelson (School <strong>of</strong> Plant Biology and IOA)and Ms Naghmeh Besharat (visiting scholar), who commended Eemali on herability to grasp advanced genetic concepts and quickly learn laboratory skills.Another project put fellow student Ellie-Rose Rogers in the spotlight at Beijing:Ellie-Rose shared her research <strong>of</strong> the effects <strong>of</strong> sulphur dioxide on grapes,which she conducted with her mentor Assist/Pr<strong>of</strong> Michael Considine (School<strong>of</strong> Plant Biology and IOA). Together with Sarah Barnes, Daisy Evan and SarahEffler, the girls were judged the most successful international team at theworld’s largest youth science competition, in which students from Denmark,Korea, the US, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, Italy, South Africa andAustralia competed along with 200 finalists (selected from 350,00 applicants)from the Beijing area.“It was a fantastic feeling and a big confidence boost to be up there withstudents from all these other countries and to get <strong>of</strong>ficial recognition thatthe work we have produced is up there with the best, “says Eemali. “We hadsuch great support from our mentors at <strong>UWA</strong> and from our Science teacherat Shenton College – they were a real inspiration and kept us motivated andI want to say thank you to all <strong>of</strong> them.”Learning Links Coordinator, Warwick Mathews, returned the compliment“Eemali and the other members <strong>of</strong> the Shenton College team were greatambassadors for <strong>UWA</strong> at the Beijing Competition and for the LearningLinks program.” For more information on this program visitwww.shenton.wa.edu.au/college/uwaEemali (centre) with mentors Matt Nelson and Naghmeh Besharat,showing her ‘spoils’ from Beijing’s Youth Science competition.6 THE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture August 2013 Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing world

Microbes – understanding their secret life in soils(LtoR): Deirdre Gleeson with Linda Maccarone preparing for soil analysis.Dr Jennifer Carsonjennifer.carson@uwa.edu.auResearchers from IOA and School <strong>of</strong> Earthand Environment are breaking new groundin the study <strong>of</strong> microbes in semi-arid soils.Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Deirdre Gleeson andDr Linda Maccarone, from the Soil Biologyand Molecular Ecology Group, are studyingthe groups <strong>of</strong> microbes called nitrifiers.<strong>The</strong> nitrifiers investigated in this study belongto two different domains <strong>of</strong> life, bacteria andarchaea; they have different evolutionary histories,with archaea considered one <strong>of</strong> the earliest lifeforms on earth. <strong>The</strong>se microbes can affect cropproduction by converting ammonia into nitrate,in a process called nitrification. Nitrate can beleached out <strong>of</strong> the soil and can contribute to soilemissions <strong>of</strong> nitrous oxide, a potent greenhousegas. Until now, most <strong>of</strong> the research on nitrifiershas been conducted in temperate regions, suchas North America and Europe.<strong>The</strong> research by Gleeson and Maccarone wasundertaken in the wheat belt region <strong>of</strong> WesternAustralia, with soils collected from DAFWAresearch station at Wongan Hills, from CunderdinAgricultural College and the Liebe Group’s longterm trial site at Buntine.Gleeson explains the importance <strong>of</strong> studyingnitrifiers in local soils, “Microbes are affectedby climatic conditions and there’s been littleresearch on nitrifiers in semi-arid regions,particularly in South-West Australia. <strong>The</strong>se regionsare very important to agriculture in Australia– they’re responsible for 40% <strong>of</strong> Australia’sgrain production.”Nitrifiers are still largely a ‘black box’ for soilscientists. For many years it was thought that allnitrifiers were bacteria. However, recent researchin temperate regions shows that nitrifying archaeaare not only present in most soils, but can be moreabundant than nitrifying bacteria.Gleeson and Maccarone have shown that therelative importance <strong>of</strong> different nitrifiers insemi-arid soils in Western Australia seems to bedifferent to what has been reported previouslyin temperate regions. Gleeson says, “Comparedto temperate soils, we found that in semi-aridsoils nitrifying bacteria were more abundantthan nitrifying archaea. Now that we know whichmicrobial populations dominate these soilswe can investigate how best to manage thisbiological process.”Maccarone compared the abundance <strong>of</strong> nitrifyingbacteria and archaea down the soil pr<strong>of</strong>ile. Shefound that nitrifying bacteria inhabit the top-soilwhilst nitrifying archaea inhabit the sub-soil. Shesays, “Understanding how nitrifiers are distributedat different soil depths may provide farmerswith alternative management strategies such asaltering the depth placement <strong>of</strong> fertiliser to improvenitrogen use efficiency.”Maccarone also found that as soil got deeper,both the abundance <strong>of</strong> nitrifying bacteria andnitrification rates decreased. “We think it’s likelythat it’s bacteria that are responsible for most <strong>of</strong>the nitrification in these semi-arid soils, rather thanarchaea. It’s important we know which microbesare performing these processes in soil so that wecan understand how to manage the processes tobenefit crop production, greenhouse gas emissionsand sustainability,” says Maccarone.<strong>The</strong> researchers also found that nitrifiers in semiaridregions responded differently to water thanthey do in temperate regions. Gleeson says, “Unlikein temperate regions, we found that in semi-aridsoils, nitrifying bacteria were more affected by soilwater content than nitrifying archaea, particularly inthe top ten centimeters <strong>of</strong> soil.”“This is important as climate change is projected tomake rainfall more variable, which has implicationsfor these key microbial populations in soil.”Gleeson adds, “Our understanding <strong>of</strong> thesemicroorganisms in semi-arid soils may becomerelevant to other agricultural regions across theplanet if climate change causes them to shifttowards aridity.”This research was supported by GRDC’s SoilBiology Initiative II and an ARC Discovery Project.Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing worldTHE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture April 2013 7

Livestock forage-gapfilled with green feed<strong>The</strong> Tedera and Cullen trial site at Buntine before grazing.ScienceNetworkWESTERN AUSTRALIAMin Songwww.sciencewa.net.auIDEAL conditions for producing perenniallegumes – that could be used to relieve theshortage <strong>of</strong> forage during dry periods – havebeen identified by agricultural researchers.<strong>The</strong> results will interest early adopting farmers andcrop breeders working toward commercial release<strong>of</strong> perennial legumes and could assist during theannual feed-gap period when stocks <strong>of</strong> green feedfor livestock run low, according to study co‐authorand <strong>UWA</strong> School <strong>of</strong> Plant Biology and IOA’sAssiciate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Megan Ryan.“<strong>The</strong> feed-gap occurs in the late summer-autumnperiod prior to the first autumn-winter rains,and reflects the fact that WA farming systemsare mostly based on annual crops and pastureswhich grow only over the winter-spring period,”says Ryan.Over two years, the team <strong>of</strong> researchers observedthe survival and production <strong>of</strong> tedera (Bituminariabituminosa var. albomarginata) and Cullen speciesin Buntine and Newdegate, two low-rainfall sites inWA, under different growing conditions.<strong>The</strong>y found that in these areas, which receive lessthan 350mm <strong>of</strong> average rainfall annually, tederagenerally survived better, with survival rates <strong>of</strong>approximately 70 to 80 per cent as opposed toCullen australasicum’s rate <strong>of</strong> 18 to 45 per cent.<strong>The</strong>y also discovered that cutting tedera threetimes a year – twice during summer-autumnbut not in early summer – would be optimal formaximising shoot dry weight for use during thefeed-gap.<strong>The</strong> researchers suggest that a favourable plantdensity to aim for is about eight to 16 plants persquare metre, slightly less than that recommendedfor a place <strong>of</strong> higher rainfall, though growersshould use their own knowledge <strong>of</strong> local growingconditions before consulting any findings fromthe study.Ryan says these results support findings fromother recent studies that show the economicsignificance <strong>of</strong> green feed in the autumn feed-gap.“Many farmers have to purchase feed oncetheir animals have eaten all dry feed available,”she says.“This is expensive and can reduce farm pr<strong>of</strong>its andanimal health, and product quality may also suffer.“<strong>The</strong> ability <strong>of</strong> perennials to provide green feedduring this time will be a major driver <strong>of</strong> adoption.”Tedera and Cullen species have not yet beencommercially released, but the researchersare optimistic.“<strong>The</strong> team is working towards commercial release<strong>of</strong> tedera by working on other aspects <strong>of</strong> itsbiology, especially seed production, and agronomy,and through selection <strong>of</strong> superior germplasm,”says Ryan.“We are continuing to work on the ecology,physiology and agronomy <strong>of</strong> other nativespecies with pasture potential, including otherCullen species.”This was first published online by ScienceNetwork WA.Do-it-yourself soilmonitoring trialledfor on-farm useDr Anke van EekelenEmail: anke.vaneekelen@uwa.edu.auA recent workshop on Garry Page’s farm inPingelly saw landowners learn how they canassess some <strong>of</strong> the components <strong>of</strong> soil biologyon their properties with simple equipment.<strong>The</strong>y were guided by Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Lyn Abbott fromIOA and <strong>UWA</strong>’s School <strong>of</strong> Earth and Environmenton how to use a newly developed toolkit to quantifysoil fauna on their farms and to determine theamount <strong>of</strong> mycorrhizal fungi present in roots <strong>of</strong>their crops and pastures. <strong>The</strong> soil fauna assessedare mites and springtails. <strong>The</strong> toolkit is based onresources developed in collaboration with SPICE at<strong>UWA</strong>, which is a collaboration with the Department<strong>of</strong> Education WA to expand teaching resources forscience teachers.According to Abbott, more and more farmers arelooking for alternative ways to improve productivityand this on-farm toolkit can help them monitor theimpact <strong>of</strong> poor seasons and agricultural practiceson their soil.“In sustainable farming systems, we want soilbiological processes to complement managementpractices as much as possible.”<strong>The</strong> easy to use toolkit, developed by Abbott incollaboration with the Wheatbelt Natural ResourceManagment Inc and the South-West CatchmentCouncil, provides farmers with the means tosample and monitor aspects <strong>of</strong> soil health withouthaving to call on experts.<strong>The</strong> workshop in Pingelly was one <strong>of</strong> a seriesrecently conducted in south-western Australia.Other workshops were held in York, Northam,Boyup Brook, Dalwallinu and Dumbleyung. <strong>The</strong>yhave come at a time when farmers are becomingincreasingly aware <strong>of</strong> the importance <strong>of</strong> soil healthand biological fertility.8 THE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture August 2013Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing world

Bi<strong>of</strong>ortification tomeet the demandfor micronutrientrichfoodWinthrop Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Zed RengelEmail: zed.rengel@uwa.edu.au<strong>The</strong> European Cooperation in Science andTechnology (COST) held its 4th annualconference in Ås, Norway, last June, andfocussed on the theme <strong>of</strong> “Essential andDetrimental Trace Elements Entering theFood Chain via Plants”. Winthrop Pr<strong>of</strong>essorZed Rengel <strong>of</strong> <strong>UWA</strong>’s School <strong>of</strong> Earth andEnvironment and IOA was invited to givea keynote presentation on availability<strong>of</strong> micronutrients and undesirable traceelements in the soil-plant-microbe continuum.COST puts a strong emphasis on quality <strong>of</strong>agricultural produce, particularly from thestandpoint <strong>of</strong> increasing micronutrient content <strong>of</strong>grains and vegetables. <strong>The</strong> micronutrient initiativewas started in the early 1990s as an Australian-UScollaboration between the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Adelaideand Cornell <strong>University</strong>. It has since blossomed intoa huge world-wide research effort administeredby Consultative Group on InternationalAgricultural Research (CGIAR) under the banner<strong>of</strong> HarvestPlus, funded by philanthropists (e.g.(Front row right): Zed Rengel, <strong>UWA</strong>, with fellow delegates in Norway,at the 4th annual conference <strong>of</strong> the European Cooperation in Science and Technology.<strong>The</strong> Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) andvarious governments.<strong>The</strong> reason why the world is interested inproducing food with increased micronutrientcontent is that 4 to 5 billion people worldwideare deficient in the micronutrients iron and zinc,particularly in developing countries, with zinc andiron deficiencies being, respectively, the 5th and6th leading causes <strong>of</strong> disease. <strong>The</strong> most effectivesolution to the micronutrient malnutrition problemin these countries is increasing micronutrientcontent in staple cereals.But if you think that solutions to micronutrientdeficiencies are only implemented in developingcountries, check your packet <strong>of</strong> breakfast cerealsnext time you eat them. <strong>The</strong>re is a fair chance yourcereal is fortified with Fe, potentially Zn, vitamin Cand folic acid among many others. And switchingto a ‘ham and eggs’ breakfast may not help youavoid micronutrient-containing chemicals addedto your food – in developed countries many othergrain-based products, like flour and pasta, are als<strong>of</strong>ortified with micronutrients.Rengel’s research interest is in developing analternative way <strong>of</strong> producing micronutrientenrichedgrains without adding chemicals duringfood processing. He investigates bi<strong>of</strong>ortification inthe field during crop growth. Bi<strong>of</strong>ortification canincrease micronutrient content in grains via targetedfertilisation and/or selecting varieties with enhancedcapacity to take up micronutrients from the soil.Rengel’s group works on wheat and barley(the latter not a staple crop but is becoming anincreasingly important food component in Westerncountries). His group characterises physiologicalmechanisms and genetic factors responsible for ahigh capacity to take up micronutrients by the rootsand load them into the grains.Crop sequence and fallow treatment effects in a changing climateDr Anke van EekelenEmail: anke.vaneekelen@uwa.edu.auUnder the umbrella <strong>of</strong> the National Adaptationand Mitigation Initiative, a recent 2-yearresearch trial by Dr Ken Flower and DrSudheesh Manalil from the <strong>UWA</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Agriculture</strong> and School <strong>of</strong> Plant Biology hasfocussed on the effects <strong>of</strong> different cropsequence and fallow treatment regimes ongreenhouse gas emission and soil waterconservation in Western Australia.<strong>The</strong> study aimed to demonstrate what impactdifferent farming systems in the WA grain belthave on mitigation <strong>of</strong> agricultural greenhouse gasemissions and adaptation to climate change.Crop sequences with either wheat or canolapreceeding the final year wheat crop, and weedyversus chemical fallow treatments were tested atthe <strong>UWA</strong> Future Farm near Pingelly as well as atthe DAFWA Merredin Research Station. <strong>The</strong> <strong>UWA</strong>researchers collaborated with Mr Glen Riethmullerand Dr Geraldine Pasqual, both from theDepartment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong> and Food WA (DAFWA).Fallow management in the first year <strong>of</strong> the trialdid not increase the soil nitrous oxide emissionsmeasured in the wheat crop <strong>of</strong> the following year,compared with growing crops the previous year.Emissions in the second year <strong>of</strong> the study increasedslightly after seeding and more noticeably when ureawas applied at the tillering stage <strong>of</strong> the wheat crop.<strong>The</strong> chemical fallow with no weeds present wasable to conserve the most soil water, followed byKen Flower and Sudheesh Manalilwith a manual chamber that allowsmonitoring <strong>of</strong> green house gasemission from crops in the field.the cultivated fallow and a fallow with weedskilled in August. <strong>The</strong> weedy fallow – wheatsequence conserved the least water.Funding for this project was received fromDAFWA, the Australian Government Department<strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong>, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)and the Grains Research & DevelopmentCorporation (GRDC).Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing worldTHE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture April 2013 9

Africa Symposium addresses plant virusdisease threat to world food security(LtoR) Lava Jumar (IITA Nigeria, principal symposiumorganiser), and three <strong>of</strong> the IPVE award recipients –Michael Thresh (NRI UK, foundation PVE chairman),Alberto Fereres (CSIC Spain, current IPVE chairman),and Roger Jones (<strong>UWA</strong>/DAFWA, former IPVE chairman).Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Roger JonesEmail: roger.jones@uwa.edu.auAs part <strong>of</strong> a series <strong>of</strong> International Symposiaorganized every three years by the InternationalCommittee on Plant Virus Epidemiology <strong>of</strong> theInternational Plant Pathology Society, this year’sSymposium on ‘evolution, ecology and control <strong>of</strong>plant viruses’ was held in Arusha, Tanzania. It wasan international gathering <strong>of</strong> plant virologists,where Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Roger Jones <strong>of</strong> the School <strong>of</strong> PlantBiology at <strong>UWA</strong> was honoured for his achievementsin plant virus epidemiology and invited to presentkeynote addresses to an audience <strong>of</strong> more than 150fellow researchers from across the world.Jones presented one lecture on the opportunitiesin plant virus epidemiology, which consideredrecent advancements, trends and new technologiesapplied to plant virus epidemiology, includingknowledge enhancement, data collection andprocessing. His view on the provision <strong>of</strong> moreeffective prediction and decision support systems tooptimize virus control measures complemented thefocus <strong>of</strong> the meeting on how best to address thethreat to world food security posed by losses due toviral infections <strong>of</strong> staple crops and the devastatingvirus pandemics now occurring in crops in Africaand other parts <strong>of</strong> the globe.Jones and six other distinguished plant virologyresearchers received awards for their outstandingcontributions to the field <strong>of</strong> plant virus epidemiology.Among them, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Karl Maramorosch, whohad even more reason to celebrate. He turned97 years <strong>of</strong> age at the meeting and took theopportunity to talk about his meeting with the latePr<strong>of</strong>essor Nathan Salaman, the first pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong>plant virology world wide. Most attendees belongedto generations that were born well after Salaman’slifetime.<strong>The</strong> Symposium was also attended by <strong>UWA</strong> PhDstudent Eviness Nyalugwe from Malawi, whopresented her work on oilseed brassica germpasmfor resistance to the Turnip mosaic virus.<strong>The</strong> symposium was organized by the InternationalPlant Virus Epidemiology (IPVE) committee andthe International <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Tropical <strong>Agriculture</strong>(IITA) in partnership with the Mikocheni AgriculturalResearch <strong>Institute</strong> (MARI, Tanzania), the NationalAgricultural Research Organization (NARO, Uganda),the West and Central African Council for AgriculturalResearch and Development (CORAF/WECARD),Biodiversity International and the Asian VegetableResearch and Development Center (AVRDC-<strong>The</strong>World Vegetable Center). It was sponsored by manyinstitutions and private companies.(RtoL): Australia’s Prime Minister Kevin Rudd showsnew sweet potato variety with high beta-carotene contentto Rob Williams (Seeds <strong>of</strong> Life) and former President <strong>of</strong>Timor-Leste HE José Ramos-Horta.New sweet potatoes hsecurity and nutritionMs Ully FritschEmail: ully.fritsch@uwa.edu.auNew sweet potato varieties are producingmore reliable crops <strong>of</strong> superior quality thanlocal varieties in poverty-stricken Timor-Leste,a country with one <strong>of</strong> the highest percentage<strong>of</strong> chronically malnourished children inthe world.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor William Erskine, from <strong>UWA</strong>’s Centre forLegumes in Mediterranean <strong>Agriculture</strong> (CLIMA)and <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong> (IOA), is co-author<strong>of</strong> a study which shows how the new varietieshelp to improve life for Timor-Leste’s 1.1 millionpeople, <strong>of</strong> whom more than 80 per cent aresubsistence farmers.CLIMA; IOA; the Ministry <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong>, Forestryand Fisheries in Timor-Leste; and the Seeds <strong>of</strong>Life Program collaborated on 198 farmer-managedtrials over the 2006 – 2007 and 2007 – 2008growing seasons. <strong>The</strong> Project is supported byAusAID and Australian Centre for InternationalAgricultural Research (ACIAR).Economic viability <strong>of</strong> African <strong>Agriculture</strong> assessedAmin Mugera in his home country <strong>of</strong> Kenya.Dr Anke van EekelenEmail: anke.vaneekelen@uwa.edu.au<strong>The</strong> dependence <strong>of</strong> rural welfare andeconomic growth on productivity within theagricultural sector is particularly evident inAfrica. Across this continent it is vital thatcountries embrace opportunities to remaintechnically efficient, yet new studies by aKenyan born researcher at <strong>UWA</strong> show that theability to do so varied considerably betweenAfrican regions with dire outcomes for some.Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Amin Mugera, <strong>of</strong> <strong>UWA</strong>’s School<strong>of</strong> Agricultural and Resource Economics and IOA,collaborated with colleagues from California State<strong>University</strong> in the US and Konkuk <strong>University</strong> in Koreato analyse data from 33 African countries usingnew economical approaches and models.<strong>The</strong>y were able to outline ways for improvementin the agricultural sector across Africa, recentlydescribed and published in two relevant journals inthe field <strong>of</strong> agricultural science and technology andresource economics, the Journal <strong>of</strong> InternationalDevelopment and Contemporary Economic Policy.10 THE THE <strong>UWA</strong> <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture <strong>of</strong> agriculture March 2011 August 2013 Sustaining Sustaining productive productive agriculture for for a growing a world

Gabon looking to <strong>UWA</strong> foragricultural development expertiseMs Ully FritschEmail: ully.fritsch@uwa.edu.auIn April this year, a representative <strong>of</strong> Gabon’sMinistry <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong>, Ms Jocelyne Awandong,visited IOA to identify potential opportunities toprovide direction in how <strong>UWA</strong> and the Gabonesegovernment can collaborate on agriculturaldevelopment and training in Gabon.elp achieve foodin Timor-LesteErskine describes some <strong>of</strong> the benefits: “<strong>The</strong> newvarieties produce larger sweet potatoes that aremore marketable because <strong>of</strong> their smooth skin andflesh and regular shape.” But this is not the onlyarea in which the study has proved a big success;the new varieties are now being widely adoptedacross Timor-Leste, which Erskine attributes tothe study’s unique nature: “We involved farmers inthe trials and also interviewed them after harvestto find out how they viewed characteristics in thelocal and test varieties and whether they wouldre-plant and why.”<strong>The</strong> improved yield and ready adoption <strong>of</strong> the newsweet potato varieties mean that Timor-Leste nowhas a much better chance to achieve food security.Sweet potato stores well and one <strong>of</strong> the varieties,which is high in calories and has good levels <strong>of</strong>beta-carotene (a source <strong>of</strong> vitamin A), is likely tohelp prevent vitamin A deficiency, which can causecancer, birth defects, impaired immune functionand night blindness as well as calorie malnutrition.Sweet potato maintains its beta-carotene for atleast 50 days and retains it during cooking.Situated on the west coast <strong>of</strong> Africa across theequator, Gabon’s economy relies on mining and oilproduction and export. “Gabon’s agricultural sectoris relatively underdeveloped with only about 10% <strong>of</strong>the total land area under cultivation,” explained MsAwandong. “Agricultural production is dominatedby food crops, and the lack <strong>of</strong> infrastructure means,they are consumed in the regions where they areproduced, while the rest <strong>of</strong> the country depends onmassive food imports.”At the invitation <strong>of</strong> IOA Director Hackett Pr<strong>of</strong>essorKadambot Siddique, Awandong met with seniorstaff at the <strong>Institute</strong> over five days and exchangedinformation about Gabon’s needs and expectationsfor agriculture versus IOA’s (training) programs,expertise and facilities.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor William Erskine discussed the Seeds<strong>of</strong> Life project in Timor-Leste and how such anapproach can be useful for Gabon.Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Christian Nansen shared hisexperience on running short courses in Africa andoutlined the benefits <strong>of</strong> working in both countries interms <strong>of</strong> assessing the real needs and adapting thetraining programs to local needs.Awandong showed keen interest in Dr Ken Flower’sviews on the importance <strong>of</strong> conversation agricultureand the need to develop farming systems thatare productive, but also avoid erosion andenvironmental degradation.She was inspired by her meeting with Ms SusanHall, Project Manager, Grower Group Alliance (GGA)with whom she discussed what Gabon can do todevelop effective farmer groups in Gabon.Jocelyn Awandong on the <strong>UWA</strong> campuswith (LtoR) Wallace Cowling, Michael Perryand Kadambot Siddique.<strong>The</strong> meeting with Winthrop Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Tim Colmershe found equally valuable: “He has worked withthe International Rice Research <strong>Institute</strong> (IRRI )on rice projects and has run short courses inThailand, Vietnam and the Philippines – and thiscould be <strong>of</strong> interest because rice is a staple foodcrop in Gabon.”Awandong was also very interested in the expertiseand short courses <strong>of</strong>fered under IOA’s AnimalProduction Systems Program, as Gabon is a netimporter <strong>of</strong> meat.“<strong>The</strong> discussions and meetings have given mevaluable ideas for our collaboration, as well as anunderstanding <strong>of</strong> the difficulties and constraints,”she said. “Currently, there are no real farmersin Gabon, so the first thing we need to do is totrain people to become farmers, to give them thebasic knowledge they need and to help them getorganized in cooperatives.”“<strong>UWA</strong> has all the expertise needed to help Gabondevelop efficient agricultural systems, and Ihope that jointly we can secure funding from theAustralian Center for International AgriculturalResearch (ACIAR) and AusAID to supportagricultural development projects in Gabon. I willbe reporting findings from my visit to <strong>UWA</strong> to theMinister for <strong>Agriculture</strong> Gabon.”<strong>The</strong> initial focus was on whether African agriculturewas lagging behind in technical efficiency byexamining statistics from 1966 to 2001. Furtherresearch examined whether or not povertyreducing,low-interest loans from organisationssuch as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) andthe World Bank had an impact on productivity byexamining available statistics from 1981 to 2001.In both research projects the effects <strong>of</strong>globalisation, civil violence, levels <strong>of</strong> development<strong>of</strong> physical and financial infrastructure and theinfluence <strong>of</strong> natural resource factors on agriculturalproductivity were considered.<strong>The</strong> authors found that efficiency differed greatlyacross African regions and countries withevidence <strong>of</strong> “catching up” to the latest technologyprimarily within the East African countries.“Our analyses point to the need for policiesthat improve technological uptake in Africanagriculture,” they write.<strong>The</strong> authors also found that macroeconomic policyreforms instituted by groups such as the IMF andWorld Bank improved agricultural productivity inthe 33 countries they sampled. “This is importantbecause many countries rejected the IMF andWorld Bank requirements in the initial stages,”they argue.“It was not until the IMF and World Bank turnedthe requirements for policy reforms into conditionsfor receiving financial aid that countries slowlystarted to adjust to the new macroeconomicenvironment.”Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing worldTHE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture April 2013 11

Australia and Japan target key Australian pastureidentify environmentally-friendly subterranean clover and discover thegenes controlling economically important traits in this pasture.Subterranean clover is the most widely sown pasture legume species inAustralia. Covering about 29 million hectares nation-wide, subterranean cloveris valued by sheep and cattle producers because it is highly nutritious. Itsnitrogen-fixing qualities also improve the soil, leading to better yields whencereal crops are grown on clover paddocks on alternate years.This collaborative research project funded by the Australian Research Council(ARC) and the Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong> and Food (DAFWA) through a linkagegrant is on its way to uncover genes controlling important traits in this speciesby sequencing the complete genome.(LtoR): Rudi Appels (Murdoch <strong>University</strong>), Parwinder Kaur (<strong>UWA</strong>),Phil Nichols (DAFWA), William Erskine (<strong>UWA</strong>) and Sachiko Isobe (KDRI, Japan).Dr Parwinder KaurEmail: parwinder.kaur@uwa.edu.auClimate-smart clovers/crops ... it sounds like the stuff <strong>of</strong> science fictionbut it is one possible outcome <strong>of</strong> Sub-clover Genomics Research projectat <strong>UWA</strong>’s Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean <strong>Agriculture</strong> (CLIMA) andSchool <strong>of</strong> Animal Biology. This project’s focus is not so much on the cowsand sheep themselves, but rather, on their fuel. This multi-disciplinaryteam <strong>of</strong> researchers is developing methodologies to enable breeders to“<strong>The</strong> sequence will dramatically accelerate research on molecular markers,”says Dr Parwinder Kaur. “<strong>The</strong>se markers will help us discover the genes in theclover that control complex traits such as methane release potential.”Collaboration with Kazusa DNA Research <strong>Institute</strong> in Japan has brought accessto their expertise in legume genomics and to state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art equipment toachieve the goals <strong>of</strong> the research program.<strong>The</strong> team is very excited about the opportunity that this collaborativearrangement brings. “This research is a world-first effort and will change theway grazing is practiced,” says Kaur. “<strong>The</strong> results could help address a range<strong>of</strong> emerging issues such as climate change and ruminant health.”With this multi-disciplinary team work, climate-smart clovers/crops couldbecome a science fact.Future <strong>of</strong> soil carbon storage is below 10cmDr Jennifer CarsonEmail: jennifer.carson@uwa.edu.au<strong>The</strong> future <strong>of</strong> carbon storage in Western Australian soils is in deeper soillayers, according to researchers at IOA and <strong>UWA</strong>’s School <strong>of</strong> Earth andEnvironment working in collaboration with DAFWA and grower groups.A key finding <strong>of</strong> the Soil Carbon Research Program was that in manyagricultural regions in the Southwest, the 0-10cm layer <strong>of</strong> soil isstoring as much organic carbon as it can under the current climate andmanagement practices.This is because many farmers use annual legumes in rotation with cerealsand employ minimal tillage. <strong>The</strong>se management practices cause most inputs<strong>of</strong> organic carbon to be in the surface soil layers. Over time, organic carbonaccumulates there rather than deeper in the soil.However, there may be other ways to increase the amount <strong>of</strong> organic carbonstored in soil. Soils between 10 and 30 cm below the surface were found tohave the potential to store twice as much carbon as they are currently storing.<strong>The</strong> next step in this research will be to identify practical ways for farmers toincrease the carbon stored in these deeper soil layers.One approach may be to improve soil properties in the 10-30cm layer thatconstrain plant growth, such as subsoil acidity, compaction or waterlogging.This would allow greater plant root growth in these soil layers and thereforegreater inputs <strong>of</strong> organic carbon. Another option may be inverting soil, usingmould-board ploughing and spading, to bring the 10-30cm layer to the surfacewhere most inputs <strong>of</strong> organic carbon occur.<strong>The</strong> Soil Carbon Research Program also demonstrated that it is most realisticto expect small annual changes in organic carbon in soil over long periods <strong>of</strong>time. Some examples <strong>of</strong> the annual increases in soil organic carbon foundby the researchers are 0.1 t/C ha for stubble retention compared to burningin a low rainfall environment, 0.2 t C/ha for clay addition to sandy soil and0.4 t C/ha under perennial pasture (> 500 mm rainfall).<strong>The</strong> program was funded by the Australian Government’s Climate ChangeResearch Program and GRDC.Further information:Fact sheet “Organic Carbon Storage in Western Australian Soils”on www.soilsquality.org.au;Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Daniel Murphy Email: daniel.murphy@uwa.edu.auÌÌÌÌAndrew Wheret touching base with alocal farmer while collecting soil samples.12 THE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture August 2013 Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing world

Victory over black spot key tosuccess for field pea productionMs Ully FritschEmail: ully.fritsch@uwa.edu.auField peas have <strong>of</strong>ten been referred to as a poor man’s meat: high inprotein and allergen-free, they are little powerhouses <strong>of</strong> nutrition and werea staple in the Middle Ages. <strong>The</strong>y can be grown on different soil types andenvironments. One major obstacle to field pea production is black spotfungus, which is endemic to most field pea growing areas in Australia.Research Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Tanveer Khan from the <strong>UWA</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong> (IOA)has just led a review <strong>of</strong> international methods trialled to combat the diseasewhich appeared in the recent issue <strong>of</strong> the journal Field Crops Research(www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378429013001202).“Black spot is a difficult disease to control, primarily due to the absence <strong>of</strong>robust host plant resistance, and a lack <strong>of</strong> cost-effective fungicides,“ he says.”<strong>The</strong> fungus survives on pea stubble, releasing spores into the air with the firstwinter rains, so in Australia the best management option is to delay sowinguntil after the first winter rains, when there are fewer spores left to threaten theplant.” He is quick to point out, however, that this method comes at a heavyyield loss (up to 25%) due to the shortened growing season.<strong>The</strong> review found that traditional breeding methods to develop black spotresistant cultivars have produced only partially-resistant varieties and it isyet to be determined whether they perform better with a single application <strong>of</strong>fungicide and/or when sowing is not delayed.Traditional breeding methods have been complemented by research to developmolecular marker technology, and although there have not been any majorbreakthroughs as yet, Khan believes it is well worth investing in novel molecularand genomic technologies and to explore whether it is possible to transferresistance from another species into field pea: “Our findings suggest that it isunlikely that conventional breeding, even if aided by marker-assisted selection,will succeed in developing very high levels <strong>of</strong> black spot resistance. As field pearemains the most produced grain legume in Europe and the second-most in theworld (after common bean), it will become a very large crop in Australia – if weare able to control black spot.”Black spot infection at an early stage.Section <strong>of</strong> a field pea crop at anadvanced stage <strong>of</strong> black spot infection.Qin Yu examining seeds.AHRI research expandsunderstanding <strong>of</strong> metabolicherbicide resistanceMs Brogan MicallefEmail: brogan.micallef@uwa.edu.auResearchers at the GRDC-funded and <strong>UWA</strong>-based Australian HerbicideResistance Initiative (AHRI) have started a battle to crack themechanisms responsible for causing herbicide resistance.Most herbicides kill weeds by inhibiting an enzyme that is essential to plantgrowth. <strong>The</strong> herbicide binds to the enzyme (target site), rendering it unviableand causing the plant to die. Weeds have now developed resistance to manycommon herbicides, which can be grouped into two main mechanisms.AHRI’s Research Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Qin Yu explains: “Herbicide resistancecan evolve through either target site resistance, where the herbicide can nolonger bind to the target site due to a mutation in the plant; or it can evolvethrough metabolic resistance (non-target site resistance), where the herbicidedoes not reach the target site because the plant metabolises, or eats, theherbicide before it can get there.”One type <strong>of</strong> metabolic resistance involves P450 enzymes, which ‘eat’ someherbicides, including those not yet marketed.“<strong>The</strong>re are literally hundreds <strong>of</strong> P450 enzymes,” says Yu, “and there has beena growing interest world-wide to better understand their role in the evolution <strong>of</strong>metabolic resistance.”In 2005, then AHRI researcher Dr Paul Neve, now Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor atthe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Warwick, UK, showed that ryegrass could quickly developresistance after being sprayed with low doses <strong>of</strong> Hoegrass® (dicl<strong>of</strong>op-methyl).Yu and her team have now confirmed that this was due to enhanced metabolicresistance, likely involving P450 enzymes. <strong>The</strong> same results were confirmedfor a population <strong>of</strong> wild oats by AHRI former PhD student Dr Ahmad-Hamdani.“Wheat can tolerate herbicides such as dicl<strong>of</strong>op-methyl due to rapidmetabolism. We now know that weeds such as annual ryegrass and wild oatsalso have the ability to evolve this mechanism <strong>of</strong> resistance,” says Yu.“It is likely that several P450s and other enzymes may be involved in causingthis resistance, but currently there is no simple way <strong>of</strong> measuring a particularP450 enzyme. Now we are collaborating with scientists at Bayer CropScienceFrankfurt to provide more precise answers to these questions.”For further information, visit the AHRI website, www.ahri.uwa.edu.auSustaining productive agriculture for a growing worldTHE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture April 2013 13

<strong>UWA</strong> scientists pavethe way for strawberryrenaissance in WA:A story on root rot instrawberryMs Ully FritschEmail: ully.fritsch@uwa.edu.auStrawberry root rot may soon become a thing<strong>of</strong> the past in WA, thanks to groundbreakingresearch by scientists from <strong>UWA</strong>’s School <strong>of</strong>Plant Biology and IOA.<strong>The</strong> team, comprised <strong>of</strong> PhD student Ms XianglingFang, Winthrop Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Martin Barbetti andAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Patrick Finnegan, hasidentified new genetic groups <strong>of</strong> soil-borne fungusRhizoctonia, a pathogen that causes serious rootrot <strong>of</strong> strawberries and poses a major threat tocommercial production worldwide.<strong>The</strong>y collected about 100 isolates <strong>of</strong> Rhizoctoniafrom diseased roots <strong>of</strong> strawberry plants fromcommercial strawberry fields across the PerthTypical root rotting symptoms <strong>of</strong> strawberry plants caused by binucleate Rhizoctonia infection in a WA commercial strawberry field.region. <strong>The</strong>y then characterized the isolates on thebasis <strong>of</strong> their capacity to produce disease and theirgenetic diversity and two thirds <strong>of</strong> them were foundto cause significant disease on strawberries.Molecular sequence analysis highlighted that atleast six different genetic groups occur acrossthe pathogenic isolates <strong>of</strong> this fungus, and it alsohighlighted the existence <strong>of</strong> new genetic groupsnot previously reported in Australia or anywhereelse in the world. <strong>The</strong> research was recentlypublished in the journal PLoS One (www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0055877).Barbetti said they were surprised to discovergenetic groups <strong>of</strong> the disease which had notpreviously been found anywhere in the world,highlighting the peculiar challenges for Australianstrawberry producers.“Now that we know about these new geneticgroups it is possible to develop new strawberrycultivars that have an improved resistance to thefungus and are better suited to WA conditions,”Barbetti said. “This will reduce the need for antifungalchemicals, reduce input costs and generateimproved outcomes in terms <strong>of</strong> human health andthe environment.”<strong>The</strong> research was funded by the AustralianResearch Council, the Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong>and Food WA (DAFWA), the Strawberry GrowersAssociation <strong>of</strong> Western Australia, the ChinaScholarship Council and <strong>UWA</strong>.Smartphone app to optimize pesticide spray applicationsDr Anke van EekelenEmail: anke.vaneekelen@uwa.edu.auA new app may soon help farmers to quantifyspray coverages when pesticides are appliedto field crops. Low and inconsistent coveragesare believed to increase the risk <strong>of</strong> pestpopulations developing resistance, so it is veryimportant that pesticides are applied withthe highest possible canopy penetration andoverall crop coverage. Researchers at IOA andDAFWA are developing a smart phone app incollaboration with the Mingenew-Irwin groupto optimize spray applications <strong>of</strong> pesticides.Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Christian Nansen from the IOAand School <strong>of</strong> Animal Biology at <strong>UWA</strong>, and Mr RobEmery from DAFWA, received funding from theCouncil <strong>of</strong> Grain Grower Organisations (COGGO)to address the issue <strong>of</strong> low and inconsistent spraycoverages. Nansen’s position at <strong>UWA</strong> is supportedby GRDC.<strong>The</strong> smart phone app will enable growers toquantify spray coverages after pesticides havebeen applied. In other words, the app can be usedas part <strong>of</strong> quality control. “If the app indicates youshould be achieving 32 per cent coverage andyou got 18 per cent on your yellow card, there issomething wrong. So you can go back and see ifthere is a problem with the nozzles or the pressure– it’s a form <strong>of</strong> quality control,” says Nansen.<strong>The</strong> app will also allow growers to plan how spraycoverages can be optimized by spraying with differentnozzles and taking weather conditions into account.“A grower may want to spray a paddock <strong>of</strong> canolafor control <strong>of</strong> a disease, weed or insect pest – he/she can then plug forecasted weather conditions intothe app and also select a type <strong>of</strong> spray nozzle and atarget spray volume (liters per ha). With these inputs,the app will calculate a predicted spray coverage, sothe grower can select the settings that are practicallyfeasible and give the best spray coverage. This smartThree vertically placed spray cards placed in the top,the middle and the bottom section in a crop canopy.phone app will therefore help growers to obtain betterspray coverages when applying pesticides, and thatwill lead to: better pest control and lower risk <strong>of</strong> pestsdeveloping resistance,” says Nansen.<strong>The</strong> phone app is linked to an internet server,and users <strong>of</strong> the app will have their own personalwebsite to store all spray application data andtherefore be able to easily compare results obtainedacross different paddocks, for different spraysettings and under a range <strong>of</strong> weather conditions.<strong>The</strong> new app will be presented at field days inAugust and will be free to download.TopSectionMiddleSectionBottomSectionSpray coverage from the same trial (left), showingspray coverage in top portion <strong>of</strong> the canopy was muchhigher than in bottom and middle portions.14 THE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture August 2013Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing world

IOA Director joins CGIAR Grain LegumesIndependent Advisory CommitteeNew staffKadambot Siddique inspecting grass pea drought experiments at <strong>UWA</strong>.Dr Anke van EekelenEmail: anke.vaneekelen@uwa.edu.auRecently the Director General <strong>of</strong> InternationalCrops Research <strong>Institute</strong> for the Semi-aridTropics (ICRISAT), Dr William Dar, invitedHackett Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Kadambot Siddique,Director IOA, to join as an independent advisoron the Consultative Group for InternationalAgricultural Research (CGIAR) Program onGrain Legumes.<strong>The</strong> overall aim <strong>of</strong> CGIAR as a global agriculturalresearch partnership is to bring together adiverse range <strong>of</strong> research institutions and partnerorganizations to think in an innovative way about afood secure future.Siddique will join the advisory panel <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the15 Research Programs (CRP) <strong>of</strong> the influentialCGIAR, and will take part in defining a researchand developmental strategy to improve grainlegume production in developing countries.Within his CGIAR Centre on Grain Legumes (jointlywith ICRISAT, ICARDA, IITA and CIAT), Siddiquewill contribute to the generation and dissemination<strong>of</strong> specific knowledge, technologies, and policiesfor agricultural development through the strategicplanning <strong>of</strong> a research program in the area <strong>of</strong>sustainable nutrition for the poorest people inthe world.<strong>The</strong> appointment to become a member <strong>of</strong> the CGIARResearch Program on Grain Legumes IndependentAdvisory Committee will allow Siddique to joina world-wide network <strong>of</strong> agricultural scientists,providing access to the most comprehensivecollections <strong>of</strong> genetic resources and agriculturalresearch infrastructure in the world, among themany other benefits <strong>of</strong> this prestigious position.Research and industry recognitionDr Yichao RuiEmail: yichao.rui@uwa.edu.auDr Yichao Rui has been appointed as aResearch Associate within the School <strong>of</strong>Earth and Environment and IOA.He holds a joint PhD from the Chinese Academy<strong>of</strong> Sciences and Griffith <strong>University</strong> and has beeninvestigating carbon, nitrogen and phosphoruscycling in various ecosystems for the past sixyears. He currently focuses on the DAFF NationalCarbon Farming Program and will be investigatingthe influence <strong>of</strong> carbon on critical soil functionsand long-term viability <strong>of</strong> sequestering carbon inagricultural systems.Dr Jeremy BougoureEmail: jeremy.bougoure@uwa.edu.auDr Jeremy Bougoure has been appointed asa Research Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor within theSchool <strong>of</strong> Earth and Environment and IOA.He completed his PhD at <strong>UWA</strong> and acquiredpostdoc experience at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> BritishColumbia and the Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory, Canada. He currently works on theCRC Polymers Project, specifically investigatingthe microscale interactions <strong>of</strong> soil biota withcertain additives to ameliorate reduced waterholding capacity and non-wettability.NAMEAWARDW/Pr<strong>of</strong> Kadambot Siddique Ag <strong>Institute</strong> Australia Fellow Award for his outstanding contribution to the agricultural pr<strong>of</strong>ession.Pr<strong>of</strong> Kingsley DixonE/Pr<strong>of</strong> Alan RobsonAsst/Pr<strong>of</strong> Marit KragtMs Xixi LiLinnean Medal awarded by <strong>The</strong> Linnean Society <strong>of</strong> London for his contribution to research on native plants and theregeneration <strong>of</strong> ecosystems.Officer <strong>of</strong> the Order <strong>of</strong> Australia (General Division), for distinguished service to tertiary education through governance andadministrative roles, to the advancement <strong>of</strong> scientific and medical research, and to the community.Essay Prize <strong>of</strong> the Agricultural Economics Society for the essay ‘Comparing stated and inferred attribute attendance models inenvironmental choice experiments’.Best young scientist oral presentation award at the 8th International Meeting on Anaerobic Microbiology for her presentation‘Eremophila glabra reduces methane production and methanogen populations in Rusitec’.Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing worldTHE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture April 2013 15

New staff continuedDr Falko MathesEmail: falko.mathes@uwa.edu.auDr Falko Mathes has been appointed as aResearch Associate within the School <strong>of</strong> Earthand Environment and IOA.He holds a PhD from Cardiff <strong>University</strong>, UK, wherehe studied marine sedimentary microorganismsunder stress conditions such as starvation andelevated temperatures. Dr Mathes currentlyworks in the CRC for Polymers which aims tooptimize the growing conditions for plants inthe soil. He will investigate how soil microbialcommunities respond to these polymers usingnext-generation sequencing and other molecularbiological techniques.AlumniDr Jiayin PangEmail: jiayin.pang@uwa.edu.auDr Jiayin Pang has been jointly appointed as aResearch Associate within the School <strong>of</strong> PlantBiology and IOA, to work on the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF) GrandChallenge Project ”Genomics approaches todrought, salinity and heat stress tolerancein Chickpea”.Dr Pang completed her PhD at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong>Tasmania, and over the past three years, she hasworked on improving nitrogen use efficiency inwheat at CSIRO Plant Industry in Perth and, priorto this, on phosphorus use efficiency in perenniallegumes at <strong>UWA</strong>’s School <strong>of</strong> Plant Biology andIOA. She will be involved in the screening <strong>of</strong>chickpea genotypes tolerant to salinity and droughtstress in the WA grain belt and identifying thekey physiological traits encoding the salinity anddrought tolerance in chickpea.Ms AanandiniGanesalingamEmail: aanandini.ganesalingam@uwa.edu.auMs Aanandini Ganesalingam has beenappointed as a Research Associate at IOA.She completed a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in <strong>Agriculture</strong>(Hons) and a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Economics at <strong>UWA</strong> in2009. She then went on to undertake a PhD,researching how the efficiency <strong>of</strong> plant breedingprograms can be improved using information oncorrelated traits, ancestry and environments andher thesis is currently being examined.Ms Aanandini is currently working on the Statisticsfor the Australian Grains Industry (SAGI) Projectfunded by GRDC.Hani Saoub (centre) with alfalfa farmers south <strong>of</strong> Amman, during a visit to provide technical advice.Dr HaniMahmoud SaoubEmail: hanis@ju.edu.joDr Hani Mahmoud Saoub graduated at <strong>UWA</strong>in 1994, with a PhD in the area <strong>of</strong> agronomy/forage crops after completing a Mastersdegree in Plant Production and a Bachelor<strong>of</strong> Science (Soil and Irrigation) degree in hishome country <strong>of</strong> Jordan.Following his return to Jordan, Saoub commencedteaching at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Jordan, in agronomyand forage crops. Since then, he has supervisedpostgraduate research students, served onexamination committees, authored numerousscientific papers, participated in national andinternational research and conferences, andcontributed to consultancies at home and overseas.He is currently the Vice Dean <strong>of</strong> the Faculty<strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong> at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Jordan andPr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Field and Forage Crops/Agronomy,at the Department <strong>of</strong> Horticulture and CropScience, where he served as the Head <strong>of</strong>Department from 2009 to 2012.“During my studies at <strong>UWA</strong>, I gained significantexperience in the field <strong>of</strong> crop science as well as inmy social life. I would like to thank my supervisorPr<strong>of</strong>essor Walter Stern, along with all the otherdedicated staff at <strong>UWA</strong>, who helped me achievemy dreams. I look forward to visit <strong>UWA</strong> in the nearfuture, and to further strengthen links between<strong>UWA</strong> and the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Jordan.”16 THE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture August 2013Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing world

New postgraduate studentsSTUDENT NAME TOPIC SCHOOL SUPERVISOR(S) FUNDING BODYMs Myrtille LacosteUnderstanding the strategies <strong>of</strong>outstanding performers in drylandfarming enterprisesPlant Biology and IOADr Ken FlowerW/Pr<strong>of</strong> Stephen PowlesGRDCMs Louise BlackmoreAchieving joint carbon andbiodiversity outcomes in Australia:social and economic dimensionsAgricultural andResource Economicsand IOAAssoc/Pr<strong>of</strong> Steven SchilizziAsst/Pr<strong>of</strong> Marit KragtAsst/Pr<strong>of</strong> Abbie RogersAPANational EnvironmentalResearch Program –Environmental Decisions (NERP-ED) Top-Up ScholarshipMr Benjamin CongdonUnravelling the complex factors thatdrive pea seed-borne mosaic virusepidemics in peas and development<strong>of</strong> an innovative predictive modelPlant Biology and IOAPr<strong>of</strong> Roger JonesAssoc/Pr<strong>of</strong> Michael RentonARC Linkage ProjectMs Suzanne OrchardFine endophytic mycorrhizal fungi inpasture plant speciesPlant Biology and IOAAssoc/Pr<strong>of</strong> Megan RyanAsst/Pr<strong>of</strong> Rachel StandishAPAHenry SchapperPostgraduate ScholarshipMLA ScholarshipMs Asha GunawardenaOptimal use <strong>of</strong> policy instrumentsto control waste water pollution inKelani River in Sri LankaAgricultural andResource Economicsand IOAPr<strong>of</strong> Ben WhiteAsst/Pr<strong>of</strong> Ram PanditAssoc/Pr<strong>of</strong> Hailu AtakeltyEndeavour Postgraduate AwardCurrent and upcoming visitors to IOAVISITOR VISITORS’ ORGANISATION, COUNTRY HOST DETAILS/PURPOSE DATESAssoc/Pr<strong>of</strong> Xiaoling WangVisiting scholar, Agricultural College <strong>of</strong>Guizhou <strong>University</strong>, ChinaPr<strong>of</strong> Dan Murphy Jun 2013 – May 2014Ms Rebecca Bitter ZIM-Plant Technology GmbH, Hennigsdorf Germany Dr Helen Bramley Aug 2 – 26, 2013Pr<strong>of</strong> Ylva HilburDeputy Director General for Research,International <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Tropical <strong>Agriculture</strong>, NigeriaW/Pr<strong>of</strong> Kadambot Siddique Aug 12, 2013Delegation from Huazhong Agricultural <strong>University</strong>, China W/Pr<strong>of</strong> Kadambot Siddique Sep 9 – 10, 2013Dr B AshokVice Chancellor, Kerala Veterinary &Animal Sciences <strong>University</strong>, IndiaW/Pr<strong>of</strong> Kadambot Siddique Sep 30 – Oct 3, 2013Ms Solveigh Hennig Visiting researcher, Kiel <strong>University</strong>, Germany Assoc/Pr<strong>of</strong> Stephen Schilizzi Sep 18 – Nov 2, 2013<strong>Agriculture</strong> online and on airTOPICMethane emissions(Pr<strong>of</strong> Phil Vercoe)<strong>The</strong> ‘wine dress’ (Fermented Fashion)(Mr Gary Cass)Soil quality (radio interview)(Pr<strong>of</strong> Daniel Murphy)ACCESS FROMwww.abc.net.au/news/2013-06-09/wa-researchers-measure-gas-from-cattle/4742908on.aol.com/show/hardwired/episode/517800206www.abc.net.au/news/2013-05-29/soil-quality-website/4721268Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing worldTHE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture April 2013 17

New research projects (since April 2013)Title Funding Period Funding Body SupervisorsManaging soil-borne root disease insub-clover pasturesFertility crisis: harnessing the genomictension behind pollen fertility in sorghum2013 – 2017 MLA W/Pr<strong>of</strong> Martin Barbetti2013 – 2014 <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Queensland ex ARC Linkage Assoc/Pr<strong>of</strong> David JordanPr<strong>of</strong> Ian SmallDr Emma MacePr<strong>of</strong> Robert KleinDr Diana DugasGrazing into the future: building soil health andcarbon with pasture managementHarnessing soil biological functions to improvegrapevine management for a sustainable industry2012 – 2015 DAFF Carbon Farming FuturesAction on the Ground2013 – 2014 Victoria DPI ex Grape and Wine Researchand Development CorporationW/Pr<strong>of</strong> Lyn Abbott,Dr Natasha PauliPr<strong>of</strong> Daniel Murphy,Dr Linda Maccarone,Assoc/Pr<strong>of</strong> Deirdre GleesonExperientia docet: learning and rememberingin plants2013 – 2015 ECR Fellowship Support Program Dr Monica GaglianoSafeguarding honeybees: Understanding hostparasiteinteractions at the level <strong>of</strong> proteinsGenomic basis <strong>of</strong> clonal variation in CabernetSauvignon wine grapes2013 – 2016 Australian Research CouncilBetter Bees <strong>of</strong> Western AustraliaSwiss Federal <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Technology2013 – 2016 Australian Research CouncilDAFWAWestern Australian VineImprovement Association<strong>The</strong> Yalumba Wine CompanyAustralian Wine Research <strong>Institute</strong>Pr<strong>of</strong> Boris BaerPr<strong>of</strong> Richard OliverMr John DaviesPr<strong>of</strong> Paul Schmid-HempelAsst Pr<strong>of</strong> Michael ConsidinePr<strong>of</strong> James WhelanPr<strong>of</strong> Ryan ListerMr Glynn WardDr Kristen BrodisonMr James Campbell-ClauseMr Daniel NewsonDr Paul Chambers<strong>The</strong> Fourth Australia-China Wheat Genetics andBreeding WorkshopAchieving least cost greenhouse gas abatement –opportunities in Australian grains farmsModifications and update <strong>of</strong> Dam Design S<strong>of</strong>twareTool – Damcat5Identifying the biochemical and molecularbases <strong>of</strong> 2,4D herbicide resistance in theeconomically important weedRaphanus raphanistrum (wild radish)2013 GRDC Assoc/Pr<strong>of</strong> Guijun Yan2013 – 2016 DAFF: Filling the Research Gap Peter Thornburn (CSIRO)Asst/Pr<strong>of</strong> Marit Kragt2013 WA Department for Water Asst/Pr<strong>of</strong> Chun Woo BaekMr David StantonDr Neil Coles2013 – 2015 Nufarm W/Pr<strong>of</strong> Stephen Powles18 THE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture August 2013 Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing world

<strong>UWA</strong> IOA Publications 2013(April-July)Refereed journalsAhmad R, Hussain S, Farooq M, Rehman A andJabbar A (2013). Improving the performance <strong>of</strong>direct seeded system <strong>of</strong> rice intensification by seedpriming. International Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong> andBiology 15: 791–794.Anisa, Chen S, Turner NC and Cowling WA (2013).Genetic variation for heat tolerance during thereproductive phase in Brassica rapa. Journal <strong>of</strong>Agronomy and Crop Science ISSN 0931-2250:1-12.Asseng S and Pannell DJ (2013). Adaptatingdryland agriculture to climate change: farmingimplications and research and development needsin Western Australia. Climatic Change 118 (2):167-181.Barton, L, Gleeson DB, Maccarone, LD, Zúñiga,LP, Murphy DV (2013). Is liming soil a strategy formitigating nitrous oxide emissions from semiaridsoils? Soil Biology and Biochemistry. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2013.02.014.Barton L, Murphy DV and Butterbach-Bahl K(2013). Influence <strong>of</strong> crop rotation and liming ongreenhouse gas emissions from a semi-arid soil.<strong>Agriculture</strong>, Ecosystems and Environment 167:23-32.Bose J, Babourina O, Shabala S and RengelZ (2013). Low-pH and aluminium resistancein Arabidopsis correlates with high cytosolicmagnesium content and increased magnesiumuptake by plant roots. Plant and Cell Physiology54 (7): 1093-104.Chen S, Dunbabin VM, Postma JA, Siddique KHMand Rengel Z (2013). Modelling root plasticity andresponse <strong>of</strong> narrow-leafed lupin to heterogeneousphosphorus supply. Plant and Soil, DOI 10.1007/s11104-013-1741-x.Christensen S, Nemchenko A, Borrego E, MurrayI, Sobhy I, Bosak L, DeBlasio S, Erb M, RobertC, Vaughn K, Herrfurth C, Tumlinson J, FeussnerI, Jackson D, Turlings T, Engelberth J, NansenC, Meeley R, Kolomiets M (2013). <strong>The</strong> maizelipoxygenase, ZmLOX10, mediates green leafvolatile, jasmonate, and herbivore-induced plantvolatile production for defense against insectattack. <strong>The</strong> Plant Journal 74: 59-73.Doole GJ and Pannell DJ (2013). A process forthe development and application <strong>of</strong> simulationmodels in applied economics. Australian Journal<strong>of</strong> Agricultural and Resource Economics 57 (1):79-103.Doole GJ, Romera AJ and Pannell DJ (2013). Amathematical optimisation model <strong>of</strong> a New Zealanddairy farm. Journal <strong>of</strong> Dairy Science 74: 59-73.Dunbabin VM, Postma JA, Schnepf A, Pagès L,Javaux M, Wu L, Leitner D, Chen YL, Rengel Z andDiggle AJ (2013). Modelling root-soil interactionsusing three-dimensional models <strong>of</strong> root growth,architecture and function. Plant and Soil DOI10.1007/s11104-013-1769-y.Coutts BA, Kehoe MA and Jones RAC (2013).Zucchini yellow mosaic virus: contact transmission,stability on surfaces and inactivation withdisinfectants. Plant Disease 97:765-771.Fang X, Jost R, Finnegan PM and Barbetti MJ(2013). Comparative proteome analysis <strong>of</strong> thestrawberry-Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariaepathosystem reveals early activation <strong>of</strong> defenseresponses as a crucial determinant <strong>of</strong> hostresistance. Proteome Research 12: 1772-1788.Fang X-W, Turner NC, Xu D-H, Jin Y, He J andLi F-M (2013). Limits to the height growth <strong>of</strong>Caragana korshinskii resprouts. Tree Physiology33: 275-284.Farrell M, Hill PW, Farrar J, DeLuca TH, RobertsP, Kielland K, Dahlgren R, Murphy DV, Hobbs PJ,Bardgett RD and Jones DL (2013). Oligopeptidesrepresent a preferred source <strong>of</strong> organic N uptake:a global phenomenon? Ecosystems 16: 133-145.Foster K, Ryan MH, Real D, Ramankutty andLambers H (2013). Seasonal and diurnal variationin the stomatal conductance and paraheliotropism<strong>of</strong> tedera (Bituminaria bituminosa var.albomarginata) in the field. Functional Plant Biology40 (7): 719-729.Gaines TA, Wright AA, Molin WT, LorentzL, Riggings CW, Tranel PJ, Beffa R, WestraP and Powles SB (2013). Identification <strong>of</strong>genetic elements associated with EPSPS geneamplification. PLOS ONE June 2013 | Volume 8 |Issue 6 | e65819.Garg H, Li H, Sivasithamparam K and BarbettiMJ (2013). Differentially expressed proteinsand associated histological and diseaseprogression changes in cotyledon tissue <strong>of</strong> aresistant and susceptible genotype <strong>of</strong> Brassicanapus infected with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.PLOS ONE 8 (6) e65205 plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0065205Guo YM, Chen S, Nelson MN, Cowling W andTurner NC (2013). Delayed water loss andtemperature rise in floral buds compared withleaves <strong>of</strong> Brassica rapa subjected to a transientwater stress during reproductive development.Functional Plant Biology dx.doi.org/10.1071/FP12335.Han H, Yu H, Cawthray GR and Powles SB (2013).Enhanced herbicide metabolism induced by2,4-D in herbicide susceptible Lolium rigidumprovides protection against dicl<strong>of</strong>op-methyl.Pest Management Science DOI: 10.1002/ps.3552.Hancock, GR, Murphy, DV and Li Y (2013). Soilproperties and environmental tracers: A DEMbased assessment in an Australian Mediterraneanenvironment. Geomorphology 183: 45-57.Inostroza-Blancheteau C, Aquea F, Loyola R,Slovin J, Josway S, Rengel Z, Reyes-Diaz M,Alberdi M and Arce-Johnson P (2013). Molecularcharacterization <strong>of</strong> a calmodulin gene, VcCaM1,that is differentially expressed under aluminiumstress in highbush blueberry. Plant BiologyDOI:10.1111/j.1438-8677.2012.00722.x.Jayakannan M, Bose J, Babourina O, Rengel Z andShabala S (2013). Salicylic acid improves salinitytolerance in Arabidopsis by restoring membranepotential and preventing salt-induced K+ loss via aGORK channel. Journal <strong>of</strong> Experimental Botany64 (8): 2255-68.Kamphuis LG, Zulak K, Gao L-L, Anderson J andSingh KB (2013). Plant–aphid interactions witha focus on legumes. Functional Plant Biologydx.doi.org/10.1071/FP13090.Kaur J, Sirari A, Kumar D, Singh Sandhu J, SinghS, Kapoor K, Singh I, Gowda CLL, Pande S, KaurP, Sharma M, Imtiaz M and Siddique KHM (2013).Combining Ascochyta blight and Botrytis greymould resistance in chickpea through interspecifichybridization Phytopathologia Mediterranea52 (1): 157-165.Khan TN, Timmerman-Vaughan GM, RubialesD, Warkentin TD, Siddique KHM, Erskine Wand Barbetti MJ (2013). Didymella pinodes andits management in field pea: Challenges andopportunities. Field Crops Research 148: 61-77.Kragt ME (2013). <strong>The</strong> effects <strong>of</strong> changing costvectors on choices and scale heterogeneity.Environmental and Resource Economics 54 (2):201-221.Kragt ME, Robson BJ and Macleod CJA (2013).Modellers’ roles in structuring integrative researchprojects. Environmental Modelling and S<strong>of</strong>tware 39(1): 322-330.Li M, Yu Q, Han H, Vila-Aiub MM and Powles SB(2013). ALS herbicide resistance mutations inRaphanus raphanistrum: evaluation <strong>of</strong> pleiotropiceffects on vegetative growth and ALS activity.Pest Management Science 69 (6): 689-95.Liang B, Yang X, Murphy DV, He X, Zhou J (2013).Fate <strong>of</strong> 15N-labeled fertilizer in soils under drylandagriculture after 19 years <strong>of</strong> different fertilizations.Biology and Fertility <strong>of</strong> Soils DOI: 10.1007/s00374-013-0789-3.Liu CA, Li FR, Zhou LM, Feng QI, Pan CC, WangLJ, Chen JL, Li XG, Jia Y, Siddique KHM and Li FM(2013). Effect <strong>of</strong> water management with plasticfilm in a semi-arid agricultural system on availablesoil carbon fractions. European Journal <strong>of</strong> SoilBiology 57: 9-12.Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing worldTHE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture April 2013 19

Liu Y, Zang Y, Long X, Shao H, Liu Z, Zhang Z andRengel Z (2013). High nitrate removal capacity<strong>of</strong> an aerobic denitrifier Klebsiella oxytoca DF-1isolated from aquaculture ponds in coastalmudflats. African Journal <strong>of</strong> Microbiology Research7: 1527-1534.Long X, Ni N, Wang L, Wang X, Wang J,Zhang Z, Rengel Z, Liu Z and Shao H (2013).Phytoremediation <strong>of</strong> cadmium-contaminated soil bytwo Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.)genotypes. Clean Soil Air Water 41: 202-209.Ma Q, Zhang F, Rengel Z and Shen J (2013).Localized application <strong>of</strong> NH 4+-N plus P at theseedling and later growth stages enhances nutrientuptake and maize yield by inducing lateral rootproliferation. Plant and Soil DOI: 10.1007/s11104-013-1735-8.Maccarone LD (2013). Relationships betweenthe pathogen Olpidium virulentus and the virusesassociated with lettuce big-vein disease. PlantDisease 97(6): 700-707.Nansen C, Stokes B, James J, Porter P, Shields EJ,Wheeler T and Meikle WG (2013). Biological controlagent <strong>of</strong> larger black flour beetles – a nuisancepest developing in cotton gin trash piles. Journal <strong>of</strong>Economic Entomology 106(2): 648-652.Nansen C, Sidumo AJ, Martini X, Stefanova K andRoberts JD (2013). Reflectance-based assessment<strong>of</strong> spider mite ‘‘bio-response’’ to maize leavesand plant potassium content in different irrigationregimess. Computers and Electronics in <strong>Agriculture</strong>97: 21-26.Raman H, Raman R, Kilian A, Detering F, Long Y,Edwards D, Parkin IAP, Sharpe AG , Nelson MN,Larkan N, Zou J, Meng J, Aslam NM, Batley J,Cowling WA and Lydiate D (2013). A consensusmap <strong>of</strong> rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) based ondiversity array technology markers: applications ingenetic dissection <strong>of</strong> qualitative and quantitativetraits. BMC Genomics 14: 277.Schroeder JI, Delhaize E, Frommer WB, GuerinotML, Harrison MJ, Herrera-Estrella L, Tomoaki H,Kochian LV, Munns R, Naoko K, Nishizawa NK,Tsay Y-F and Sanders D (2013). Using membranetransporters to improve crops for sustainable foodproduction. Nature 497: 60-66.St Jack D, Hesterman DC and Guzzomi AL(2013).Precision metering <strong>of</strong> Santalum spicatum(Australian Sandalwood) seeds. BiosystemsEngineering 115: 171-183.Savage D, Barbetti MJ, MacLeod W, Salam MU andRenton M (2013). Temporal patterns <strong>of</strong> ascosporerelease in Leptosphaeria maculans vary dependingon geographic region and time <strong>of</strong> observation.Microial Ecology 65: 584-592.Skurray J, Pandit R and Pannell DJ (2013).Institutional impediments to groundwater trading:the case <strong>of</strong> the Gnangara groundwater system<strong>of</strong> Western Australia. Journal <strong>of</strong> EnvironmentalPlanning and Management 56 (7): 1046-1072.Suriyagoda LDB , Real D, Renton M, LambersH and Ryan MH. Establishment, survival, andherbage production <strong>of</strong> novel, summer-activeperennial pasture legumes in the low-rainfallcropping zone <strong>of</strong> Western Australia as affectedby plant density and cutting frequency. Crop andPasture Science 64 (1):71-85.Tang K, Shen J, Zhang F and Rengel Z (2013).Interactive effects <strong>of</strong> phosphorus deficiencyand exogenous auxin on root morphological andphysiological traits in white lupin (Lupins albus L.).Science China Life Sciences 56: 313-323.Thamo T, Pannell DJ and Kingwell RS (2013).Measurement <strong>of</strong> greenhouse gas emissions fromagriculture: economic implications for policyand agricultural producers. Australian Journal<strong>of</strong> Agricultural and Resource Economics 57 (2):234-252.Turner NC (2013). Climate change, population andfood security. World <strong>Agriculture</strong> 4 (1): 25-28.Zhang Z, Rengel Z, Liaghati T, Torre A andMeney K (2013). Influence <strong>of</strong> plant speciesand submerged zone with carbon addition onthe removal <strong>of</strong> metals by stormwater bi<strong>of</strong>ilters.Desalination and Water Treatment DOI:10.1080/19443994.2013.803709.Zhang ZH, Solaiman ZM, Meney K, Murphy DVand Rengel Z (2013). Biochars immobilize soilcadmium, but do not improve growth <strong>of</strong> emergentwetland species Juncus subsecundus in cadmiumcontaminatedsoil. Journal <strong>of</strong> Soils and Sediments13: 140-151.Zimmermann U, Bitter R, Schüttler A, EhrenbergerW, Rüger S, Bramley H, Siddique KHM, Arend Mand Bader MKF (2013). Advanced plant-based,internet-sensor technology gives new insights intohydraulic plant functioning. Acta Horticulturae991: 313-320.Book ChaptersBramley H, Turner NC and Siddique KHM (2013)Water use efficiency: governed by an interactivenetwork <strong>of</strong> physical, biochemical and hydraulicprocesses. In: Kole C (Ed.) Genomics and Breedingfor Climate-Resilient Crops, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,pp 225-268.Farooq M, Wahid A and Siddique KHM (2013).Physiology <strong>of</strong> grain development in cereals. In:Pessarakli M (Ed.) Handbook <strong>of</strong> Plant and CropPhysiology, Third Edition, Taylor and Francis Group,LLC 6000 Broken Sound Parkway, Suite 300,Boca Raton, FL 33487 USA.Stefanova K (2013). Statistical model for multienvironmenttrials: accounting for variety byenvironment interaction. In: Muggeo VMR etal (Eds.) Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the 28th InternationalWorkshop on Statistical Modelling, InstitutoPolygrafico Europeo, Palermo, Italy. ISBN 978-88-96251-49-2, pp 783-788.upcoming meetingsand eventsInternational EventInterDrought-IV Conference2-6 Sep 2013Perth, Australiawww.interdrought4.com4th Australia-China Wheat Geneticsand Breeding Workshop5 Sep 2013<strong>UWA</strong>, Perth, AustraliaEmail: guijun.yan@uwa.edu.auNational eventComBio 2013 Conference29 Sept – 3 Oct 2013Perth, Australiawww.asbmb.org.au/combio2013/Local Event<strong>UWA</strong> Future Farm Field Day6 Sep 2013167 Page Rd, West Pingelly, Western Australiawww.ioa.uwa.edu.au/future-farm-2050help us reduce waste<strong>UWA</strong> ioa missionTo advance research, education,training and communication inagriculture and resource management,for the benefit <strong>of</strong> mankind.contact detailsTo receive this newsletterin electronic format only,please send an email toioa@uwa.edu.auEditor: Ully FritschEmail: ully.fritsch@uwa.edu.au<strong>The</strong> <strong>UWA</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong>Tel: +61 8 6488 3756ioa.uwa.edu.au<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Western AustraliaM082, 35 Stirling HighwayCrawley, WA 6009UniPrint 10709820 THE <strong>UWA</strong> institute <strong>of</strong> agriculture August 2013 Sustaining productive agriculture for a growing world

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