curriculum vitae – paul taimitarha - Svenska handelshögskolan

curriculum vitae – paul taimitarha - Svenska handelshögskolan

curriculum vitae – paul taimitarha - Svenska handelshögskolan

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CURRICULUM VITAE – PAUL TAIMITARHAName:Paul TaimitarhaAddress: Tiilimäki 2 B 700330 HelsinkiMobile: +358 (0)400 699 788Home: +358 (0)9 556 114E-mail:p<strong>taimitarha</strong>@yahoo.comDate of birth:Family:26.6.1957, HelsinkiMarried to Susanna Taimitarha, Lecturer at the HANKEN School ofEconomics & Bus. Admin. Children Oscar ( 1982 ) and Janina ( 1985 )Qualifications: M.Sc. ( Econ ), HANKEN School of Economics & Bus.Admin, 1981Major: Business Admin.Matriculation Examination, Nya <strong>Svenska</strong> Läroverket, 1976Languages: Swedish: nativeFinnish: fluent/nativeEnglish: fluentGerman: basicRussian: initialCAREER PATH________________________________________________________________11/2005 Consultant and Owner, Oy Freeforce Ab,Partner, Mirror Learning Oy,SITRA Business Mentor, Food and Nutrition Programme, mentoring several small &mid size food companiesDoctorate student at HANKEN Swedish School of Business Administration8/2003 Managing director Fazer Amica5/2000 Managing director Fazer Bakeries, a division of the Fazer Group1/1998 Nordic Category director Culinary, Van den Bergh Foods Nordic11/1994 Marketing director, Van den Bergh Foods, Unilever Finland8/1992 Sales director Van den Bergh Foods, Unilever Finland8/1991 Appointed Management Group member8/1990 Sales director, Paasivaara-Lipton,4/1988 Sales director, Paasivaara Oy, Unilever Finland1/1988 Management Group member, Product Development and Studio, Oy Wärtsilä AbArabia1/1985 Management Group member, Logistics and Product Development, Oy Wärtsilä AbRörstrand, Lidköping, Sweden4/1984 Marketing planning mgr, Oy Wärtsilä Ab Consumer Goods Division,Export department1983 Product mgr, Lipton Oy, Unilever Finland1982 Assistant product mgr1/1982 Marketing trainee, S.W. Paasivaara-Yhtymä, Unilever Finland1

CV PAUL TAIMITARHA ( contd)MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS_______________________________________________________2005- From 2005 to the present date my activities cover three areas:- Company board responsibilities and smaller scale venture capital projectsunder Oy Freeforce Ab- Consulting and top team coaching as partner in Mirror Learning Oy- Research in the field of Strategy, focusing on developing more effective strategyprocesses and effective strategy implementation as a doctorate student at theHanken School of Economics and Businesss Admin. in Helsinki, department ofManagement and Organisation2003-05 When appointed MD of the largest Fazer business area, Amica, ( 440 M€, 7500employees, 5 countries) it was with the brief; to “sort out the management crisis ofAmica, rebuild confidence and motivation and to develop an aggressive growthstrategy for Amica in line with the overall Fazer strategy”. This was achieved, andhighlights include:- devising the new strategy and starting roll out- forming a workable management team and initializing previously unheard of cooperationbetween the country organisations- acquiring in Norway, after difficult negotiations, the Adviso Meny cateringbusiness. The profitability of the acquisition exceeded plans and investmentbanker predictions.2000-03 Joining Oy Karl Fazer Ab I was responsible for the Fazer Bakeries business,covering at the end operations in 6 countries and involving 4500employees. Key accomplishments were:- growing the bakery business from 214 M€ at end 1999 to 350 M€ in 2003, with- a doubling in profits despite heavy investment- acquiring two further bakery operations in St.Petersburg to develop and cementmarket leadership in the region and driving the “Hlebni Dom” bakery business tobecome the most profitable part of Fazer Bakeries- getting approval for and implementing a 130 M€ investment to totally restructureFazer Bakeries1995-00 During my time as Marketing director for Van den Bergh Foods, the Unilever foodsoperation, accomplishments during the period included:- exceeding growth and profit targets repeatedly, with special emphasis on drivingnew product share of sales to an industry high- managing key launches, such as “Ruoka Crème”, which totally transformed thewhole creams category and ended with the “Crème” series being the number oneproduct of the company and the launch of “Becel Proactive”, which subsequentlypushed the local “Benecol” brand into second place.- remodelling the media purchasing of Unilever Finland- participation in designing and building the Van den Bergh Foods Nordicorganisation. This involved the total restructuring of manufacturing, productharmonization, reorganisation and reassigning of personnel- playing a key role in the acquisition of the Kraft Foods’s Slotts & Kockensoperation in Sweden2

CV PAUL TAIMITARHA ( contd)1988-94 Working as sales director for the Unilever foods operation in Finland, my keyachievements were:- the transformation of the Paasivaara sales force into a strong, well motivated andcompetent sales organisation- the successful “Flora” margarine relaunch, which made possible an increase ofthe market price level for the whole product category and turned the decline incompany profits- launching GB Glace on the Finnish ice cream market- merging the Paasivaraa sales organisation first with Lipton Oy and then with theJalostaja sales organisation1986-87 Working in Sweden at the Rörstrand factory, responsible for logistics, product dev.and art studio, I was responsible for driving joint Finnish-Swedish projects todevelop new tableware products. Artistic rivalry, sociocultural differences andcommunication thresholds were bridged and the projects completed according toplan.1985-86 Managing the identity transformation project when the Wärtsila Consumer GoodsDivision became the “ Designor “ division, covering several brands and productionfacilities; Arabia, Rörstrand, Nuuutajärven Lasi, Järvenpään Emali1983-84 Working in the two man marketing team of Lipton Oy, the Unilever Finland food &drinks subsidiary built up from scratch. Meeting the growth and profit targets of thenew operation.Training:Mil.rank:IT:Other :Interests:Extensive throughout career, 1 – 3 weeks per year average, mostly at theUnilever training centre in London. Key events include- Johdon Valmennus, Oy Wärtsilä Ab- Unilever General Management Course- Competitive Strategy, Harvard Business School- “Fazer FAST” and “FazerWay” management training programs 2003-4Lieutenant ( res.)Microsoft Office solutionsParticipant in, or management responsible for ERP implementations including SAP,MFG Pro and customer tailored ERP and CRM solutionsChairman, Oy Freeforce AbChairman, Leonardo Nova OyChairman, <strong>Svenska</strong> Handelshögskolans Studentkårs UnderstödsföreningBoard member, Helsinki Bourse ClubMember, Markkinointijohdon ryhmä MJRReading, sports both as practitioner and spectator, fishing, building, filmsReferences:As requested and subject to prior agreement3

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