DPSS Laser - 성경 포토닉스

DPSS Laser - 성경 포토닉스

DPSS Laser - 성경 포토닉스

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SPMMicro SeriesHigh Gain APDOverviewSensL’s SPMMicro series is a High Gain APD and encapsulatesSensL’s world-leading APD technology in a variety of miniature,easy to use, low cost packages. The SPMMicro detector seriesis suitable for applications requiring high sensitivity, low noisedetection in the visible to near IR range.The SPMMicro series is a solid-state detector sensitive to singlephotons. The detector consists of an array of Geiger ModeAvalanche Photodiodes (APDs), each individually coupled tointegrated quench electronics. It is a type of detector commonlyreferred to as a Silicon Photomultiplier (SPM). The SPMMicrocombines high gain and quantum efficiency characteristicscomparable to Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) detectors with theadditional benefits of silicon technology such as compact size,magnetic field insensitivity, low operating voltage, robustness,and tolerance to overexposure.Geiger Mode APDs have extremely high internal amplificationthat allows single photon sensitivity at room temperature. Theoutput of a Geiger Mode APD is an identical, fixed charge orcurrent pulse for each single photon detected. By connecting anarray of Geiger Mode APDs in parallel, the summed output becomesproportional to the number of Geiger Mode pulses and hence proportionalto the incident photon flux.The arrayed Geiger Mode APDs, referred to as microcells, haveexcellent uniformity giving the SPM exceptional photon countingperformance. The typical output response of an SPM to a weak opticalpulse is a quantized signal. In a charge integration measurementthe quantized pulses of charge resulting from successive opticalpulses can be processed to produce a photoelectron spectrum withwell-resolved peaks.SensL offers two detector sizes for the SPMMicro series, a circular1mm diameter and a square 3mm x 3mm active area. Two SPMdesign options are available where the number and size of the microcellin the SPM are varied for PDE optimization and optimal dynamicrange.SPMMicro detectors come in a variety of pin package formats accordingto footprint requirements, levels of hermeticity, and cooling.These include glass/metal sealed transistor header package types(TO46, TO5, TO8) and ceramic packages (TO5 pin compatible)where the detector is mounted on a ceramic and covered with aclear epoxy resin for applications that applications that requireexcellent coupling to scintillators as an example.All glass⁄metal sealed transistor headers (TO can packages) arebuilt to the highest hermeticity specification are are capable ofpassing fine and gross leak testing per MIL standard MIL-STD-750, Method 1071(

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