DPSS Laser - 성경 포토닉스

DPSS Laser - 성경 포토닉스

DPSS Laser - 성경 포토닉스

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THGTimeplate Tripler for Ultrafast <strong>Laser</strong>sAPE GmbH now provides a new line of ultrafasttriplers for Ti:Sa lasers. With the addition of theultrafast fs and ps triplers, APE GmbH has becomeone power source for wavelength conversions.The new family of high efficiency triplers consists ofa complete line of fs and ps triplers for both Ti:Samplifiers and Ti:Sa oscillators. They are based onthe ingenious invention of Time Plate TM - a newdelay device for ultrafast pulses.The new ultrafast triplers are the most compact anduser friendly, while setting the record of the highestefficiency. The steps of the separation andrecombination of the fundamental and SHG beamsin other ultrafast triplers are no longer needed andthe spatial overlap of the two beams areautomatically obtained with the Time Plate design.The smooth time delay control adds more value tothe triplers for your application.SIMPLER IS BETTER !So far all other fs triplers use a delay line for time compensation. The delay line consists of two beam splitters(or dichroic mirrors), several mirrors, and a translation stage. It works in three steps: (1) the separation of twolaser beams ω and 2ω; (2) the two beams travel through different paths and the time delay between them isSHGSHG2ω2ωωωZTime plateω2ωDelay lineω2ωω2ωTHGTHGadjusted by moving the translation stage; (3) therecombination of the two beams. The drawbacks of delayline are that it is complicated, expensive, large in size, andvery difficult to align.The Time Plate was invented to overcome the drawbacksof a delay line. A Time Plate (TP) consists of a speciallydesigned birefringent crystal. After the SHG stage, a timedelay between the two beams ω and 2ω, which arepolarized perpendicularly to each other, is generated. Thetime delay is compensated after the two beams travelthrough the time plate since they have different refractiveindices n oand n eff. The delay time is tunable by rotating theangle of the time plate around the z-axis to change theeffective index n eff. One degree rotation changes the timedelay about 10 fs for a 2 mm thick calcite crystal. In the fstriplers, there is no beam separation and recombination and the beams ω and 2ω keep collinear so thespatial overlap are automatically achieved. The better method for spatial and time overlap makes the fstriplers to be very user friendly and more reliable.Ultrafast Pulse DiagnosticsWavelength ConversionPulse Managementwww.skphotonics.com 124 <strong>성경</strong><strong>포토닉스</strong>AcoustoopticsYour Partner in Ultrafast

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