The Changeless Nature

The Changeless Nature

The Changeless Nature

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Enlightenment 916b2. Presentation of Each KayaSVABHAVIKAKAYA - <strong>The</strong> Essence KayaOf these, the buddhas' svabhavikakaya should be known as thatpossessing five intrinsic characteristics and, in brief, five qualities.5 intrinsic characteristics of svabhavikakayaBeing:261. uncreate and indivisible,2. completely free from the two extreme notions 27 ,3. definitively freed from the three obscurations: negative affects,the cognitive obscuration and obstructions to meditative balance,4. stainless and beyond thought,5. it is lucid clarity, because it is the domain of the supreme yogis 28and because the dharmadhatu is in essence perfectly pure.5 principal qualities of svabhavikakaya<strong>The</strong> svabhavikakaya is truly endowed with the qualities of:1. immeasurability,2. unaccountability,3. inconceivability,4. incomparability and5. ultimate purity because, respectively:1. of its vastness,2. of its immeasurable qualities,3. it is beyond the scope of intellectual speculation,4. it is unique and5. all obscurations and their accompanying latencies have beenrelinquished.

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