The Changeless Nature

The Changeless Nature

The Changeless Nature

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Enlightenment 87This is because 'immature' beings have never seen this enlightenmentbefore — just as someone blind from birth has never seenform. Even the deeply-realised barely perceive it, like a newlybornbabe perceives the sun from within the house of its birth.2. permanent since it has no origination,3. everlasting since it has no cessation,4. at peace since it is free from both origination and cessation,5. immutable since it abides within the true nature,6. perfectly at peace since it is the truth of cessation,7. all-embracing since all has been understood,8. concept-free since it does not dwell on any idea,9. non-clinging since all negative affects have been relinquished,10. unhindered knowledge of everything since the cognitiveobscuration has been purified,11. free from coarse sensations being perfectly fit for samadhi sinceit does not have the two impediments of drowsiness and agitation,12. invisible since it is formless,13. imperceptible because it has no characteristics,14. wholesome since its nature is pure and15. immaculate since all impurities have been abolished.6. ACTUALISATION6a. <strong>The</strong> Essential Characteristics — in Brief6a1. Who understands this <strong>Nature</strong>Beginningless, centreless and endless, completely indivisible,free from the two extreme notions 20 , free from the three obscurations21 , stainless and not the object of thoughts — such is thedharmadatu. Understanding of its nature is the vision of the supremeyogi 22 , constantly abiding in meditation.

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