The Changeless Nature

The Changeless Nature

The Changeless Nature

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ConclusionI572B. Upon What BasisV2. Just as, when aided by a lamp, lightning, a gem,the sun or the moon, those with eyes can see,so likewise, by relying on the great sage,who light of meanings, terms, dharma and dharani radiates,have I now properly expounded this.2C. How to Recognise A True Buddhist TeachingV3. Whatever has significance, is well-connected with dharma,is a teaching which removes all the three worlds' 4 defilementand shows peace's benefit: such is the sage of truth's 5 teaching.What is contrary to this is something other.2D. One Should Adopt What Accords With ThatV4. Whatever those of perfectly-undistracted mind have expounded,solely in accordance with the teachings of the victorious one,and which is conducive to the path for attaining liberation,should also be placed on the head — like the buddha's own speech.2E. Not to Assert Other Than the True TeachingV5. Since no one in this world has more dharma skill than the buddha,the omniscient one who properly knows all without exceptionas being the supreme suchness, which others know not,then whatever sutras were expounded by the great sage himselfshould not be adulterated; such would harm the true dharmathrough destruction of the way of the great victor.2F. Exposition of What is Contrary to the True TeachingHow One Abandons Dharmaindirect causesV6. Those who, through defilement, are by their nature ignorant,revile the deeply-realised and despise their teachings.That all occurs due to opinionatedness. <strong>The</strong>refore the mindshould never in the impure prison of fixed views be confined.Clean cloth may be dyed with colour; never cloth by oil stained.

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