The Changeless Nature

The Changeless Nature

The Changeless Nature

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Buddha Activity 1 35Just as the disease need be diagnosed, its cause eliminated, ahealthy state achieved and the remedy implemented, so also shouldsuffering, its causes, its cessation and the path be known, removed,attained and undertaken.3B4. BRAHMA - the Example of Emanationoutline of exampleWithout effort and without leaving the Brahma-heaven, Brahmacan manifest his presence in any of the divine realms. Similarly,without ever departing from dharmakaya, the great victor effortlesslymanifests his emanations in any sphere to those who arekarmically mature.explanation of exampleWithout leaving his palace, Brahma manifests in the sensuousrealm 14 . Seeing him there makes its gods abandon their seeking ofsense gratification. Similarly, the sugatas, while never departingfrom dharmakaya, are seen in every world-sphere by those who areready. This vision is constantly causing them to relinquish impurity.cause for being seen like thatDue to both the power of his own former prayers and the gods'virtue, Brahma appears effortlessly in their worlds; the spontaneousone's emanated form appears through similar reasons.the twelve deeds of the nirmanakayaDescent from Tusita, entry into the womb, going to his father'spalace, enjoyment, solitary practice, subjugation of negativity, attainmentof enlightenment, teaching the path to the citadel of peace —having demonstrated these, the mighty sage becomes invisible to thoseof insufficient maturity 15 .

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