The Changeless Nature

The Changeless Nature

The Changeless Nature

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Buddha-Qualities 117elements) given to illustrate them. <strong>The</strong> buddhas are like earth, water,fire, and wind since they are the basis for the sustenance of all theworlds 18 . <strong>The</strong>y are like space since they are beyond both worldlyexistence and that which transcends the world.the indivisibility of the aboveAlthough the dharmakaya is analysed in terms of these thirty-twoqualities of freedom, they are in fact inseparable from each other,just as a gem's colour, brilliance and shape are inseparable.4B2. <strong>The</strong> Qualities of Maturityhow the marks belong to the two form kayasThose attributes which, when seen, inspire contentment, are calledthe thirty-two marks of a supreme being. <strong>The</strong>y are founded in the twoform kayas i. e. the nirmanakaya and the sambhogakaya, which makesthe dharma perfect.apprehension of these - moon in water exampleThose ordinary beings, far from purity, and those mahabodhisattvasclose to purity see these in two different ways; as being somethingin the world or as the mandala of the buddhas. This is like seeingthe form of the moon, either reflected in water or in space.This was the third chapter, on the qualities, from the Analysis of thePotential for the Rare and Supreme, in this Ultimate MahayanaTreatise on the <strong>Changeless</strong> Continuity of the True <strong>Nature</strong>.

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