On the non-linear scale of cosmological perturbation theory

On the non-linear scale of cosmological perturbation theory

On the non-linear scale of cosmological perturbation theory

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Basic formalism for large <strong>scale</strong> structureDensity contrast ρ(x, τ) = ¯ρ(τ)(1 + δ(x, τ)), pec. velocity u(x, τ)1st and 2nd moment <strong>of</strong> Vlasov eq. for f (x, p, τ), neglect multi-streaming(pressure, stress/viscosity → talks by Mercolli, Zaldarriaga)∂δ(x, τ)∂τ+ ∇ · {(1 + δ(x, τ)u(x, τ)} = 0 (continuity)∂u(x, τ)∂τ+ Hu + u · ∇u = −∇Φ (Euler)∇ 2 Φ(x, τ) = 3 2 ΩmH2 δ(x, τ) (Poisson)neglect vorticity ∇ × u ≈ 0 ⇒ sufficient to use θ = ∇ · usolution <strong>of</strong> <strong>linear</strong>ized eqs (D + ∼ a, D − ∼ a −3/2 in EdS)Power spectrum in Fourier spaceδ lin (x, τ) = D +(τ)δ 0(x) + O(D −)〈δ(k, τ)δ(k ′ , τ)〉 = δ (3) (k + k ′ )P(k, τ)assume Gaussian IC described by P 0(k) = P(k, τ 0)Mathias Garny (DESY Hamburg / CERN)<strong>On</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>non</strong>-<strong>linear</strong> <strong>scale</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>cosmological</strong> <strong>perturbation</strong> <strong>the</strong>ory

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