Rules & Regulations - South African Football Association

Rules & Regulations - South African Football Association

Rules & Regulations - South African Football Association

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22.8 SAFA or the relevant SAFA Disciplinary Committee may, at any stage,subpoena any person or body bound by the SAFA Constitution and these <strong>Rules</strong>and <strong>Regulations</strong>, to give evidence or produce any book, paper or document in ahearing before the relevant SAFA Disciplinary Committee.22.9 SAFA shall furthermore issue a subpoena in terms of Rule 22.8 above, atthe request of a party summoned by SAFA, provided a sum of money to coverthe costs thereby entailed is deposited with SAFA prior to the issue of such asubpoena.22.10 A witness subpoenaed to attend a hearing of the relevant SAFADisciplinary Committee, who fails to attend or remain in attendance at such ahearing until excused by the Disciplinary Committee, shall be guilty of anoffence.22.11 If any witness present at a hearing is required to give evidence at such ahearing, and refuses to answer any question put to him, or refuses or fails toproduce any book, paper or document required to be produced by him, therelevant SAFA Disciplinary Committee may in a summary manner, enquire intosuch refusal or failure, and unless the person refusing or failing has a validexcuse for his refusal or failure, shall sentence such a person to a fine of notmore than R5 000,00 (Five Thousand Rand) over and above any other sentenceit deems appropriate and provided for in the relevant SAFA Constitution andthese <strong>Rules</strong> and <strong>Regulations</strong>.23. HEARINGS BEFORE THE DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE IN CASES OF ALLEGEDMISCONDUCT IN RESPECT OF WHICH THE LEAGUE HAS INSTITUTED A CHARGE23.1 The authority to institute and conduct a prosecution before a relevant SAFADisciplinary Committee in respect of any act of misconduct/offence pursuant to acomplaint or at the instance of the Chief Executive Officer or the relevant SAFAOfficial, shall vest in SAFA.23.2 The onus of proving the charge shall lie with SAFA, which must prove thecharge on a balance of probabilities. In the case of a doping offence, it isincumbent upon the accused to produce the proof necessary to reduce or cancela sanction. For sanctions to be reduced, the accused must also prove how theprohibited substance entered his/her body.23.3 The pro-forma prosecutor conducting a prosecution may:23.3.1 Before the accused pleads to a charge, withdraw that charge, in whichevent the accused shall not be entitled to a verdict of acquittal in respect of thatcharge;23.3.2 At any time after an accused has pleaded to a charge, but beforeconviction, stop the prosecution in respect of that charge, in which event therelevant SAFA Disciplinary Committee hearing the matter shall acquit the accusedin respect of that charge.23.4 The pro-forma prosecutor shall read out the summons addressed to theaccused and the accused shall then be asked by the Chairperson of the relevantSAFA Disciplinary Committee to plead "guilty" or "not guilty" to the charge(s). Aplea by the accused that it/(s)he has already been convicted or acquitted of the

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