Rules & Regulations - South African Football Association

Rules & Regulations - South African Football Association

Rules & Regulations - South African Football Association

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19.10 The complainant shall have a right to be present at, or give evidencebefore the Disciplinary Committee hearing the charge(s) against the offendingparty. SAFA may subpoena the complainant to present or give evidence orproduce any book, paper or document at the hearing.19.11 The hearing of any charge(s) instituted by SAFA in terms of Rule 19.8 shallbe heard by the relevant SAFA Disciplinary Committee in accordance with theSAFA Constitution and these <strong>Rules</strong> and <strong>Regulations</strong>,except that any sentence imposed by the Disciplinary Committee shall be limitedto the following sentencesor combination of sentences:19.11.1 The imposition of a monetary fine not exceeding R20 000, 00 (TwentyThousand Rand);19.11.2 The censure of the offending party concerned;19.11.3 The closure of a ground for a stated period;19.11.4 Ordering the offending party to pay all expenses of and incidental to theconsideration of the matter;19.11.5 Suspension of individual players or officials;19.11.6 Recommend to the Competitions Committee the cancellation/expulsionor suspension of a team from the SAFA League Competitions for any period. Inthis case, all results involving the expelled team will be expunged from the SAFALeague Competitions as if the team had never played any matches;19.11.7 The barring of the offending party from entering the relevant SAFALeague Competition in the following season;19.11.8 Forfeiture of points without awarding them to the complainant or anyother team directly or indirectly affected by the misconduct.20. DISPUTES20.1 Any dispute or difference, not otherwise expressly provided for in therelevant SAFA Constitution or these <strong>Rules</strong> and <strong>Regulations</strong> between a club orclubs and any player in respect of the player's registration, transfer or contract ofservice shall be adjudicated by the relevant SAFA Dispute Resolution Committee.20.2 A party to the dispute shall lodge with the relevant SAFA Official, a writtennotice of dispute accompanied by a dispute fee as determined in the Competition<strong>Rules</strong> and/or SAFA Schedules.20.3 Thereafter SAFA shall summon all the parties to the dispute, to appearbefore the relevant SAFA Dispute Resolution Committee.20.4 In hearing the dispute, the relevant SAFA Dispute Resolution Committeeshall adopt such procedures or formalities as it, in its sole discretion deemsappropriate, save where otherwise provided in the relevant SAFA Constitutionand these <strong>Rules</strong> and the <strong>Regulations</strong>.20.5 Any party to the dispute may appeal against any decision of the relevantSAFA Dispute Resolution Committee. No other person or body shall have theright to appeal against any decision of the relevant SAFA Dispute ResolutionCommittee taken in terms of this Rule. The appeal shall be lodged in terms ofrelevant SAFA <strong>Rules</strong> and the <strong>Regulations</strong>.21. DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE

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