Images Magazine Spring 2013 - Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

Images Magazine Spring 2013 - Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

Images Magazine Spring 2013 - Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

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<strong>Palmer</strong> <strong>Eye</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>. David T. Tse, M.D., professor ofophthalmology, described an innovative technique toremove optic nerve glioma (a tumor of the optic nerve thataffects mostly children and can lead to blindness if notaddressed quickly). The technique preserves vision in thefellow eye and retains eyelid function in the affected eye.Additionally, he reported dramatic results of a recentstudy he conducted, treating 19 patients via a novelapproach he created more than 23 years ago calledintra-arterial cytoreductive chemotherapy. This innovativemethod is used to treat adenoid cystic carcinoma of thelacrimal gland (an often lethal orbital malignancy affectingthe gland that produces tears). Results of his studydemonstrated survival rates of 94 percent at both fiveandten-year follow-ups, compared to 43 percent and 29percent respectively in patients managed by conventionaltherapies. Two of his patients treated with this techniquehave had more than 15 years of disease-free survival, oneof them for 22 years.The three-day meeting concluded with a session titled“Historical Perspectives.” This presentation was given byeight ophthalmologists, all of whom share strong, longtermties to <strong>Bascom</strong> <strong>Palmer</strong> <strong>Eye</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>. Together, theyshared recaps and memories of the <strong>Institute</strong>’s foundingand legacy. Among those highlighted were <strong>Bascom</strong>H. <strong>Palmer</strong>, M.D., for whom the <strong>Institute</strong> was named;Edward W.D. Norton, M.D., who served as <strong>Bascom</strong><strong>Palmer</strong>’s chairman for more than 30 years; and VictorT. Curtin, M.D., one of <strong>Bascom</strong> <strong>Palmer</strong>’s foundingophthalmologists.Current clinical trials and research efforts shared atthe meeting included:g Multiple gene variants, recently identified via two ongoingclinical trials, may help explain why some patientshave elevated eye pressure following use of the drugTriamcinolone ® for treatment of such conditions as swellingof the retina due to diabetes and retinal vein occlusions.g Results of a study done by <strong>Bascom</strong> <strong>Palmer</strong> showed a rateof far less than one percent of endophalimitis (severeinflammation of the internal coats of the eye usually causedby infection) following anti-VEGF (vascular endothelialgrowth factor) injections for age-related maculardegeneration. Notably, there was no significant differencein the rate of infection following injections of eitherLucentis ® or Avastin ® .To schedulean appointmentwith a <strong>Bascom</strong> <strong>Palmer</strong>specialist, please call1-888-845-0002or visitbascompalmer.org23

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