Images Magazine Spring 2013 - Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

Images Magazine Spring 2013 - Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

Images Magazine Spring 2013 - Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

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featureresearchers to more than 25 research faculty members, and we are one of the top tenophthalmology labs in the country,” he said at the time. “My vision is for us to continue movingup in the national research rankings as we contribute to a better understanding of ophthalmicdiseases and disorders and the ways to treat and cure them.”Looking Toward the FutureToday, <strong>Bascom</strong> <strong>Palmer</strong>’s tradition of innovation is as strong as ever. From genetic therapy andstem cell treatments to new oncology surgical procedures, the <strong>Institute</strong>’s researchers continueto break new ground. “Working collaboratively with our colleagues at the University of Miami,<strong>Bascom</strong> <strong>Palmer</strong> now has the most robust genetics research program in the nation,” added Alfonso.“That talent has already enabled us to identify specific genes involved in glaucoma and retinaldegenerative diseases.”One of the world’s leading experts in the field of neuro-ophthalmology, John R. Guy, M.D.,is using a five-year $4.7 million NEI grant to study Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), aninherited genetic defect that affects the eye’s retinal ganglion cells, leading to a progressive lossof central vision. Guy has pioneered gene therapy techniques in the laboratory that will be used totreat people with visual loss from LHON.Unable to see for nine years, Sharron “Kay” Thornton regained her sight in 2009 thanks to asurgical procedure that was performed for the firsttime in the United States at <strong>Bascom</strong> <strong>Palmer</strong>. Thecomplex series of procedures – called modifiedosteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (MOOKP) – involvedimplanting Thornton’s canine tooth or “eyetooth”into her eye as a base for a prosthetic lens.Corneal specialist Victor Perez, M.D., led amultidisciplinary team that carried out the MOOKPprocess, which was originally developed in Italymore than 50 years before. In MOOKP, the patient’stooth and surrounding bone are carefully removedfrom the mouth. An optical lens is inserted into the“Working collaboratively with ourcolleagues at the University of Miami,<strong>Bascom</strong> <strong>Palmer</strong> now has the most robustgenetics research program in the nation.”Eduardo C. Alfonso, M.D.2007Eduardo C. Alfonso, M.D.,is named <strong>Bascom</strong> <strong>Palmer</strong>’sinterim chairman whenPuliafito becomes dean ofKeck School of Medicineat the University ofSouthern California.Alfonso becomeschairman in 2009.2009<strong>Eye</strong>tooth Surgeryfirst in USA<strong>Bascom</strong> <strong>Palmer</strong> team, under thedirection of Victor L. Perez, M.D.,performs the first “eyetoothsurgery” in the UnitedStates, restoring visionto a woman who hadbeen blind for nine years.19

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