VISUCAM lite / C - Carl Zeiss

VISUCAM lite / C - Carl Zeiss

VISUCAM lite / C - Carl Zeiss

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Software-DocumentationDICOM_ ConformanceStatement.doc<strong>VISUCAM</strong> 01.10.2004 Seite1 / 10<strong>VISUCAM</strong><strong>lite</strong> / CDICOM Conformance StatementV 1.2© <strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG<strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG Tel: ++49 - (0)3641 / 220 0Göschwitzer Str. 51-52 Fax: ++49 - (0)3641 / 220 202D-07745 Jena http://www.meditec.zeiss.com

Software-DocumentationDICOM_ ConformanceStatement.doc<strong>VISUCAM</strong> 01.10.2004 Seite1 / 10Table of Contents1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 31.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................31.2 Scope .........................................................................................................................................31.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations...................................................................................31.4 References .................................................................................................................................51.5 Credits and Trademarks.............................................................................................................51.6 Revision History .........................................................................................................................52 Implementation Model ....................................................................... 62.1 Application Data Flow Diagram..................................................................................................62.2 Functional Definition of Application Entities ...............................................................................62.3 Sequencing of Real World Activities ..........................................................................................63 Application Entity Specifications...................................................... 73.1 File Meta Information for Application Entity................................................................................73.2 Implementation Identifying Information ......................................................................................73.3 Real-World Activities for this Application Entity..........................................................................73.3.1 Real-World Activity: Export to local export media............................................................73.4 Application Profiles.....................................................................................................................73.4.1 STD-GEN-CD...................................................................................................................74 Extensions, Spezializations and Privatisations of SOP Classes.... 84.1 Image Pixel Attribute Description for Grayscale Images............................................................84.2 Image Pixel Attribute Description for Color Images ...................................................................84.3 Acquisition Context Module........................................................................................................84.4 Further Specializations...............................................................................................................95 Configuration ..................................................................................... 96 Support of Extended Character Sets.............................................. 10<strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG Tel: ++49 - (0)3641 / 220 0Göschwitzer Str. 51-52 Fax: ++49 - (0)3641 / 220 202D-07745 Jena http://www.meditec.zeiss.com

Introduction<strong>VISUCAM</strong>1 Introduction1.1 PurposeThis DICOM Conformance Statement was written according to part PS 3.2 of [1].The intended audience for this Conformance Statement is hospital technical staff, system integratorsand software engineers. The reader is assumed to have good understanding of the DICOM standard.The Conformance Statement of one implementation can be compared with the ConformanceStatement of another implementation to determine which capabilities are commonly supported.DICOM does not, by itself, guarantee interoperability. Furthermore, the identification of commoncapabilities by comparing DICOM Conformance Statements is also not sufficient to guaranteeconnectivity between two devices.A DICOM Conformance Statement cannot replace validation and cross-vendor testing with otherdevices. Validation and cross-vendor testing are still required to ensure that both devices areperforming as intended.1.2 ScopeThe application described in this document is the <strong>VISUCAM</strong> Software from <strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Jena GmbH,Germany. This software implements DICOM Offline Media Storage service and acts as File SetCreator.1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and AbbreviationsACR-NEMAAEDCOAmerican College of Radiology - National Electrical Manufacturers Association.Application EntityDICOM Composite Object. A DICOM object such as an image, overlay, lookuptable,waveform, presentation state or radiotherapy plan which can be stored usingthe Storage Service Class.Copyright © <strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG. All rights reserved.Alle Rechte vorbehalten.DIMSEDIMSE-CFSCIODPACSSCSCPSCUSOPUIDVRDICOM Message Service ElementDICOM Message Service Element -CompositeFile Set CreatorInformation Object DefinitionPicture Archiving and Communication SystemService ClassService Class ProviderService Class UserService Object PairUnique IdentifierValue RepresentationTable 1: Acronyms and abbreviations<strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG Seite 3 von 10

<strong>VISUCAM</strong>IntroductionOther acronyms and abbreviations used within this document are defined within the different parts ofthe DICOM standard [1].Copyright © <strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG. All rights reserved.Alle Rechte vorbehalten.Seite 4 von 10<strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG

Introduction<strong>VISUCAM</strong>1.4 References[1] DICOM, PS3.(1-14)-2000, National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 1300 N. 17 th StreetRosslyn, Virginia 22209, USA.[2] DICOM_VL – Library: Benutzerdokumentation für <strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG, Medigration GmbH,Henkestr. 127, 91052 Erlangen, Germany[3] Coding Scheme 99HIKO, VP3.21.5 Credits and TrademarksACR/NEMA and DICOM are registered trademarks of the American College of Radiology (ACR) andthe National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA).Copyright © <strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG 2005-2004. All rights reserved.Alle Rechte vorbehalten.1.6 Revision HistoryRevision Date Author Reason for Change1.1 23.04.02 B. Schäfer First Release1.2 01.10.2004 H.-Joachim Riedel Firm renamingCopyright © <strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG. All rights reserved.Alle Rechte vorbehalten.<strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG Seite 5 von 10

<strong>VISUCAM</strong>Implementation Model2 Implementation ModelThe <strong>VISUCAM</strong> DICOM services are implemented as a single Application Entity which acts as ImageCreator and provides the DICOM Offline Media Storage service as File Set Creator. It provides aninterface to CD-R/RW , other mass storage devices and network connected file systems. The<strong>VISUCAM</strong> software includes a database for configuring and managing operating parameters.2.1 Application Data Flow DiagramLocal Real-WorldActivitiesCopyright © <strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG. All rights reserved.Alle Rechte vorbehalten.Createoffline mediaReal-WorldActivity<strong>VISUCAM</strong>Application Entityoffline mediastorage orshared directoryFigure 1 : Offline Media Storage Implementation ModelFigure 1 illustrates the relationship between the <strong>VISUCAM</strong> Application Entity and its associated Real-World Activities. The Remote Real-World Activities are shown on the right and the Local Real-World Activities are shown on the left.2.2 Functional Definition of Application EntitiesThe <strong>VISUCAM</strong> Application Entity is designed to create DICOM images and write them to (shared)harddisk or an offline medium. It is capable of:• Creating a new File-set onto an unwritten medium (e.g. CD-RW)• Writing a new File-set to a network file system2.3 Sequencing of Real World ActivitiesA sequencing of Real-World Activities is not applicable.Seite 6 von 10<strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG

Application Entity Specifications<strong>VISUCAM</strong>3 Application Entity SpecificationsThe <strong>VISUCAM</strong> software acts as a single Application Entity (AE). <strong>VISUCAM</strong> provides standardconformance to DICOM Media Storage Service Class (Interchange Option).Application Profiles Supported Real World Activity Role SC optionSTD-GEN-CD Export to local archive media FSC InterchangeTable 2: Supported Application Profiles and Roles3.1 File Meta Information for Application EntityThe Source AE-Title is “<strong>VISUCAM</strong>”.3.2 Implementation Identifying InformationImplementation Class UID: Version Name:V_4_0Table 3: Implementation Identifying Information3.3 Real-World Activities for this Application Entity3.3.1 Real-World Activity: Export to local export mediaThe <strong>VISUCAM</strong> application acts as FSC (media not initialized) using the interchange option whenrequested to copy SOP Instances from the local storage to local file export medium.Further on <strong>VISUCAM</strong> can write DICOM-Files to network directories.Copyright © <strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG. All rights reserved.Alle Rechte vorbehalten.3.4 Application Profiles3.4.1 STD-GEN-CDFor media conforming to the STD-GEN-CD Profile the following SOP classes will besupported as an FSC:InformationObjectDefinitionsSOP Class UID Transfer Syntax and UID RoleVL PhotographicImage Storage1.2.840.10008. Explicit VR Little EndianUncompressed1.2.840.10008.1.2.1FSC<strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG Seite 7 von 10

<strong>VISUCAM</strong>Extensions, Spezializations and Privatisations of SOP Classes4 Extensions, Spezializations andPrivatisations of SOP Classes4.1 Image Pixel Attribute Description for Grayscale ImagesThe <strong>VISUCAM</strong> application supports the MONOCHROME2 photometric interpretation pixelformat. The values are:• samples per pixel (attribute 0028, 0002) = 1• photometric interpretation (attribute 0028,0004) = “MONOCHROME2”• pixel representation (attribute 0028, 0103) = 0• bits allocated (attribute 0028, 0100) = 8• bits stored (attribute 0028,0101) = 8• high bit (attribute 0028,0102) = 7Copyright © <strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG. All rights reserved.Alle Rechte vorbehalten.4.2 Image Pixel Attribute Description for Color ImagesThe <strong>VISUCAM</strong> application supports the RGB color image description with the unsignedinteger 24 bit color image plane pixel format:• samples per pixel (attribute 0028, 0002) = 3• photometric interpretation (attribute 0028,0004) = “RGB”• pixel representation (attribute 0028, 0103) = 0• bits allocated (attribute 0028, 0100) = 8• bits stored (attribute 0028,0101) = 8• high bit (attribute 0028,0102) = 7• planar configuration (attribute 0028,0006) = 0.4.3 Acquisition Context ModuleThe <strong>VISUCAM</strong> application utilizes a special Coding Scheme to encode the AcquisitionContext Module:Coding Scheme "99HIKO" (see [3]):Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102):Coding Scheme Version (0008,0103):99HIKOVP3.2Seite 8 von 10<strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG

Configuration<strong>VISUCAM</strong>String-Values:Code Meaning ValuesCode Value (0008,0100) Code Meaning (0008,0104) Text Value (0040,A30A)Sensor Kind of Sensor 0.5 inch 1CCD b/wor 0.5 inch 1CCD colorPixel Width Width of a pixel in mm e.g.: 0.0095Pixel Height Height of a pixel in mm e.g.: 0.0095Integer-Values:Code Meaning ValuesCode Value (0008,0100)Code Meaning (0008,0104) NumericValue(0040,A160)Flash Flash level 0 - 20Angle Viewing Angle 37 / 45Sensor Gain Gain value of the sensor 0 - 2554.4 Further Specializations<strong>VISUCAM</strong> Software uses value multiplicity 4 for ImageType (0008, 0008). The third value isnot used:ORIGINAL / DERIVED |PRIMARY / SECONDARY | |FAG / COLOR / GREEN / RED / BLUECopyright © <strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG. All rights reserved.Alle Rechte vorbehalten.5 ConfigurationConfiguration should only be performed by staff with administrative training.For modification of the Acquisition Context Encoding the following <strong>VISUCAM</strong> IniFile-Entryis used:...[Import/Export]DICOMExplLenEnc=0/1...Meaning:0 ... undefined length (e.g. VISUPAC, DICOM-Eye, Netscape-PlugIn)1 ... explicit length (e.g. JiveX, MRI-Viewer)<strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG Seite 9 von 10

<strong>VISUCAM</strong>Support of Extended Character Sets6 Support of Extended Character SetsThe extended character sets listed in Table 4 are supported:ISO-IR 100 Latin Alphabet Supplementary Set No. 1 (ISO 8859-1)Table 4: Extended character setsNote, the DICOM default character set (ISO-IR 6) is a subset of ISO-IR 100.Copyright © <strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG 2005. All rights reserved.Alle Rechte vorbehalten.Copyright © <strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG. All rights reserved.Alle Rechte vorbehalten.Seite 10 von 10<strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong> Meditec AG

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