MEMBERS - Deputy Sheriffs' Association of San Diego County

MEMBERS - Deputy Sheriffs' Association of San Diego County

MEMBERS - Deputy Sheriffs' Association of San Diego County

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PRESIDENT’S REPORT hank turnerGrowing up, I heard my grandparentsand older relatives talking about how theyremembered where theywere when they heard aboutthe attacks on Pearl Harbor,the Apollo Moon Landing,and the assassination <strong>of</strong>John Kennedy. I alwaysthought it was incredible theyremembered a moment intime so vividly.It has been 10 years since theterrorist attacks on 9/11 andI still remember it like it wasyesterday. It was something Iknow I will never forget. Mywife woke me up at 6:04 a.m.to tell me a plane had just flown into the twintowers. I was horrified and angry. I was workingas an area detective at <strong>San</strong>tee at the time, so Iquickly dressed and went into work. I noticedhow traffic seemed much lighter and the radiowas quiet. I walked into the briefing room, andit was full <strong>of</strong> people. We were stunned, watchingthe coverage as the tragic events unfolded.The mantra at the time was we will never forget9/11. Sadly some people have. That day, 343firefighters and 60 police <strong>of</strong>ficers died in theattacks at ground zero. They went to work thesame way we do every day. Not knowing whatis around the next corner, in the next module,or behind the doors we knock on. Sixty police<strong>of</strong>ficers died in a few hours, which is about thesame number <strong>of</strong> deputies assigned to the SouthBay Jail or Encinitas Station or the combinednumber <strong>of</strong> deputies at the South Bay and ElCajon Courts.Sadly, our job is getting more dangerous.Violence in the jails seems to be on the increase.Violence on the streets has increased. Policehave been involved in four shootings in <strong>San</strong><strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> in the same number <strong>of</strong> weekends.SDPD Officer Jeremy Henwood was murderedbecause he wore a uniform. While the generalpublic might question how <strong>of</strong>ten this reallyhappens, we know it happens way too <strong>of</strong>ten. Twoyears ago, four cops in Washington state weremurdered by a gunman because they wore apolice uniform. Last week, an unknown personattacked a Fresno PD Station parking lot withMolotov cocktails. Luckily, no one was injured.Two deranged suspects set up multiple attackson Hemet PD Officers last year. Once again, wewere lucky no one was killed.Other than the military, we have the onlypr<strong>of</strong>ession in this country that has peopleattack us because <strong>of</strong> what we wear and whatwe represent. I recentlyheard some grumblingabout the large funerals forlaw enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficers.Some <strong>of</strong> our detractorsquestioned sending somany “public employees”to the ceremony. Thesefunerals are the best way forboth the public and the lawenforcement community totell our criminals that westand behind the police andsupport law and order. Ithonors the ultimate sacrificemade to protect and serve acommunity. It shows our communities we won’tstand for the violence that is so commonplacesouth <strong>of</strong> the border.I have already forgotten the name <strong>of</strong> themurderer who killed Jeremy Henwood; I willnever forget Jeremy Henwood.I appreciated the calls and text messages fromthose <strong>of</strong> you who saw my daughter on the news.She, and a couple <strong>of</strong> friends she talked intoattending, held up signs <strong>of</strong> support at Jeremy’sfuneral. She was interviewed on television withher sign and spoke very well according to allthe calls I received. It was completely her ideato attend, and I could not have been more proud<strong>of</strong> her.Please keep ECPD Officer Jarred Slocum inyour prayers as he recovers from a gunshotwound to the head. He was dragged to safetyby his trainee, Tim McFarland. (I’ll be sendingOfficer McFarland a Sheriff’s application.) Itis a reminder to treat each other well, becausewe never know when our lives will be in ourpartner’s hands.Stay tuned! A major announcement will becoming from the DSA in the next couple <strong>of</strong>weeks. We have come to an agreement withElbeco to sell deputy sheriff uniform pantsand shirts. While we are still ironing out thedetails, we hope to have the uniforms for saleby mid-September with the grand reopening <strong>of</strong>our newly renovated store. Hopefully, this willput an end to mystery pricing on our uniforms.Our goal is to <strong>of</strong>fer the best price on Sheriff’sUniforms in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong>, and an evenbetter price for DSA members. Rememberwhile there are 3 million residents in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong><strong>County</strong>, only 2,200 can call themselves deputysheriffs! Be safe out there! HOW TO REACH THEBOARD OF DIRECTORSYou may use the numbers belowto speak with a board memberabout an issue you may have.President Hank Turner(619) 322-1132HTurner@dsasd.org◄►Vice President Matt Clay(949) 246-1385MClay@dsasd.org◄►Secretary/Treasurer Steve Purvis(760) 484-0115SPurvis@dsasd.org◄►Director Tammy Bennetts(760) 390-6665TBennetts@dsasd.org◄►Director Dave DiCarlo(760) 271-3210DDicarlo@dsasd.org◄►Director Mark Elvin(619) 884-1007MElvin@dsasd.org◄►Director Marco Garmo(619) 212-0719MGarmo@dsasd.org◄►Director Tim Petrachek(760) 315-6465TPetrachek@dsasd.org◄►Director Dave Schaller(760) 504-8185DSchaller@dsasd.orgSilver Star September 2011 3

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT MATT CLAYI want to share with you some exciting newson the DSA front on behalf <strong>of</strong> the board <strong>of</strong>directors. For some time now, we have beenplanning on slightly expanding the DSA Store.In addition, we will have anew look to the receptionarea.As you know, we were alreadyfortunate to have one <strong>of</strong> thenicest retail stores found in apublic safety association <strong>of</strong>ficebuilding. We are proud <strong>of</strong> theproducts and services <strong>of</strong>feredto our members, and <strong>of</strong>course, the fact that the DSAprovides the lowest pricingpossible.After many weeks <strong>of</strong> research and discussion,the DSA board recently decided to expandour product line to include uniform apparel.I recently needed to purchase a pair <strong>of</strong> wooluniform pants from an outside source, andwith some very minor alterations, I was out thedoor for a mere $99. Well, those days are over.You can now purchase your uniform shirts andpants at the association store for a price you willcertainly appreciate. Of course, you are alsosupporting your own association in the process.Member Glenn Giannantonio was also involvedin the process and provided valuable insight. Inthe coming weeks, we will announce a grandre-opening for the DSA Store. Please come inand take advantage <strong>of</strong> the best uniform pricesout there and buy from your own store!Speaking <strong>of</strong> great deals, many <strong>of</strong> you tookadvantage <strong>of</strong> the Wave Water Park summerevent, selling the event out. We were able toincrease the maximum attendance to includethe extra hundred or so people who purchasedtickets in the last week! Secretary Steve Purvis,Director Mark Elvin, andour staff did a great jobplanning and promoting theevent, and at an unbelievablecost to the membership. It’sgreat to see such a fantasticturnout to finish <strong>of</strong>f thesummer.This month marks the tenthanniversary <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> themost tragic days in ournation’s history. It also marksthe single deadliest day forlaw enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficers,with 60 police <strong>of</strong>ficers being killed at groundzero in New York and an additional <strong>of</strong>ficer beingkilled in the associated Pennsylvania planecrash. Many more responding <strong>of</strong>ficers havesince been plagued with cancers likely causedby toxic exposures from their heroic and selflessresponse to that tragedy. Join us as we attend thetenth anniversary 9/11 Memorial that is beingheld at Cardiff State Beach in Encinitas at 10a.m.; 9/11 will never be forgotten and shouldalways be honorably remembered.Our hearts continue to go out to our brothersand sisters at <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> PD who haveexperienced one tragedy after another thesepast several weeks.Please be safe.“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will becalled children <strong>of</strong> God.” - Matthew 5:8-10. STATION REPRESENTATIVESThe members listed below havevolunteered to be DSA liaisons.Chula Vista Court - Don WestEl Cajon Court - Cydney King,Elizabeth MadridEncinitas Station - David DiCarlo,Dawn Patterson, Glenn GiannantonioFallbrook Station - Gary CrowleyGeorge Bailey - Brian Baker,Shane Bartlett, Robert PiersonImperial Beach - Luis Chavez,Julian - Fred DueyLas Colinas - Amy Thomas,Scott JohnsonLemon Grove Station - Michael Arroyo,Jerry Jimenez, Shannon Justice<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Court - Patty Britcher,Matt Etchepare<strong>San</strong> Marcos - Robert Jennings,Scott Carter, Allan Paez<strong>San</strong>tee Station - Rob BuenoSDCJ - Steve Bulthuis,James DownhourSouthbay Detentions - Steve BowenTim StineNOTARY SERVICE◊ AT THE DSA OFFICE ◊FREE FOR <strong>MEMBERS</strong>$10 for nonmembersPlease call (858) 486-9009to schedule an appointment.Transportation - Jon CurrieValley Center Station - Jim BennettsVista Station - John CannonBecome a station rep!Contact Adah Mathias at amathias@dsasd.org for more information.We need one repper team for each station or unit.Immediate or Walk-in appointments will be accommodated if anotary is present in the <strong>of</strong>fice and does not have prior appointments.4 Silver Star September 2011

California’s criminaljustice system is incountdown mode.On October 1, PublicSafety Realignment2011 is scheduled to go into effect. It’s beingcalled by commentators the most significantchange in criminal justice in California inhalf a century, a “fundamental change” inthe system. I will leave that judgment tohistorians. The fact that Realignment changesthe definition <strong>of</strong> a felony tells you you’re dealingwith something exceptional. This is a subject<strong>of</strong> constant discussion with my leadershipteam, and something I will be discussing withyou in detail in the future. For now, here’s aquick brief on what Realignment does andits immediate, significant impact on everyaspect <strong>of</strong> our operations—detentions, courts,law enforcement, human resources, capitalconstruction, training, and so on.In April, Governor Brown signed Public SafetyRealignment 2011 into law—Assembly Bills 109and 117, which shift responsibilities for lowerlevel convicted felons and adult parolees fromthe State to the <strong>County</strong>. What’s behind this?We’ve been talking about this crisis since I took<strong>of</strong>fice. The state has a two-fold problem. First,the California Department <strong>of</strong> Corrections andRehabilitation needs to comply with a federalcourt order to reduce its prison population.Second, the state needs to save money. Thecost to house an inmate for one year in StatePrison today is well over $50,000. Quite simply,the state figures that sheriffs can do the samejob at less cost. In fact, the law anticipates thatsheriffs will create alternative custody options(e.g. home detention, residential drug treatment)as a way <strong>of</strong> managing the jail population andreducing costs.Impact on DetentionsRealignment’s most dramatic change relates towhere sentenced felons do their time. Rememberthe historic definition <strong>of</strong> a felony: a crime forwhich the defendant could be sentenced to deathor state prison. That definition is changed. Nowa felony also includes any crime for which adefendant is sentenced to serve more than a yearin county jail. While maintaining the length <strong>of</strong>current sentences, the law changes where certainconvicted felons do their time. BeginningOctober 1, those convicted <strong>of</strong> “non violent,”“non serious,” and “non sexual” <strong>of</strong>fenses asdefined by law (see PC 1192.7 (c) or 667.5 (c))will now be sentenced to <strong>County</strong> Jail instead <strong>of</strong>State Prison. These inmates are referred to asnon-non-nons or N3s.Today, our detention system can house andREALIGNMENTMessage from Sheriff Bill Goremanage about 5,600 inmates, including 930women. Currently, the jail population is around4,600, including 645 women. Once Realignmentis fully operational, our county can expect tohouse an additional 2,000 felons annually. Basedupon classification requirements, we have bedsavailable today for 800 to 1,000 additionalinmates. These beds will be filled sometime nextsummer. Using data from CDCR, we project ourjail population will continually increase so thatby October <strong>of</strong> 2013 there will be a need for 1,000to 1,200 new beds.We will need to house around 2000 moreinmates than we do now, a gigantic increase. Butit’s not just the population increase that presentsthe challenge. It’s the nature <strong>of</strong> the inmatesand the length <strong>of</strong> their stay. These realignedfelons—these N3s—typically have been throughthe juvenile system and the adult probationsystem; yet, they continue to re-<strong>of</strong>fend. Indeed,this population at CDCR has a recidivism or re<strong>of</strong>fenserate <strong>of</strong> 70 percent.Additionally, according to CDCR figures,we can expect realigned inmates to serve anaverage <strong>of</strong> 18 months in custody. In fact, manywill serve substantially longer sentences. Thedistrict attorney has identified defendantswho, if sentenced under Realignment, wouldbe sentenced to 12 years in our <strong>County</strong> Jail. Bycontrast the typical stay <strong>of</strong> a sentenced inmatein our jail today is 75 days.This influx <strong>of</strong> inmates requires construction<strong>of</strong> new beds, hiring and training <strong>of</strong> new staff,and development <strong>of</strong> new programs—geared forlonger term felons. I am determined that we willnot warehouse inmates. We will take advantage<strong>of</strong> their custody time to do our best to providethem an opportunity to succeed when theyget out <strong>of</strong> our jail. I know they’re hard cases.Having been in criminal justice for 40 years, I’mnot naïve about the prospects <strong>of</strong> rehabilitativesuccess. I know many will fail, but I believewe can improve on that 70-percent recidivismfigure—for the benefit <strong>of</strong> public safety and forthe benefit <strong>of</strong> those who turn their lives around.Kudos to the leadership team <strong>of</strong> DSB forwrestling with this major change—andespecially to Assistant Sheriff Guerin,Commanders Ingrassia and Miller, and CaptainBrown for their careful, thoughtful planning.They’ve mapped out plans for housing inmatesand constructing new facilities. Their workreflects well on the pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism <strong>of</strong> our entireDSB staff.I also appreciate the work <strong>of</strong> Robert VanderKamp, our Inmate Services Manager, who isactively exploring the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> custodialprograms—vocational training, alcohol anddrug treatment, life skill and anger managementcounseling, and, perhaps most importantly,educational options, including GED, literacy,and community college courses. As I’ve noted,these programs make sense from an overallcrime control standpoint. Significantly, theyalso make the population more manageablefor our detentions deputies. We can’t afford tohave inmates idly sitting around for months onend. It’s a recipe for serious problems as well asa missed opportunity. Right now we’re workingthrough what programs to make available.Impact on Law EnforcementOne way Realignment aims to save money isby scaling back the supervision <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fendersafter they’re released from custody. Most N3swill be released without supervision. Otherswill be supervised by our <strong>County</strong> ProbationDepartment as part <strong>of</strong> a new program calledPost-release Community Supervision—anothernew term we’re going to have to learn. PCS isnot probation and it’s not parole. It’s a hybrid.Our Probation Department will be addinga new field unit <strong>of</strong> peace <strong>of</strong>ficers to deal withits expanded responsibility. These <strong>of</strong>ficerswill be working closely with our patrol andinvestigative operations. This dovetails withour efforts <strong>of</strong> Tracking Known Offenders—parolees and probationers—as part <strong>of</strong> a crimesuppression strategy.Impact on CourtsWhat happens when a PCS <strong>of</strong>fender violates theconditions <strong>of</strong> his release? He goes back to courtfor a hearing. Indeed, under Realignment, parolehearings will be moved out <strong>of</strong> the jurisdiction<strong>of</strong> the Parole Board and into Superior Court.Further we can expect more experimentalefforts, like the fledgling Re-Entry Court, to beused as a way to combine rehabilitation effortswith public safety controls. All <strong>of</strong> this means anexpansion <strong>of</strong> security at our courthouses.Now a word about the future. The Realignmentlaw provides that the Sheriff serve on theexecutive board <strong>of</strong> the Community CorrectionsPartnership, a group with responsibility to makepolicy and divvy up resources to implementRealignment. I have been meeting with sheriffsstatewide, CDCR <strong>of</strong>ficials, and local public<strong>of</strong>ficials with the aim <strong>of</strong> securing the resourcesto make sure we can do the job right. No onehere invited this change, and the road ahead isnot going to be easy. Still, based upon the trackrecord <strong>of</strong> this department, if anyone can makethis work for the public’s good, it is the men andwomen <strong>of</strong> the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Sheriff’s Department.Stay tuned. Do well and stay safe. Silver Star September 2011 5

MinutesPresident Hank Turner called the Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors to order onAugust 11, 2011 at 4:05 pm.ROLL CALL OF DIRECTORS:Present: Turner, Purvis, Schaller, Elvin, Bennetts, PetrachekAbsent: Garmo and Clay/department business – excused, DiCarlo/personal -unexcusedUpon motion by Schaller, Second by Purvis and passed by unanimous vote, theAugust 11, 2011 meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors entered into closed session at4: 06 pm pm for confidential communications to include Fern Steiner, Cindy Olson,John Wainio and Adah Mathias.1) DISCUSSION:a) Closed session minutes from July 14, 2011, Legal, PoliticalMOTION/Petrachek, SECOND/Purvis to come out <strong>of</strong> closed session at 4:45 pm.Motion unanimously carriesBennetts left the meeting at 4:47 pm. The Executive Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directorswas recessed at 4:48 pm and President Turner called the General MembershipMeeting to order at 5:37 pm.<strong>MEMBERS</strong> IN ATTENDANCEPORACRETIREDSTATION REPSCHULA VISTA COURTEL CAJON COURTENCINITAS STATIONGEORGE BAILEY DETENTIONLAS COLINAS DETENTIONLEMON GROVE STATIONSANTEE STATIONSAN MARCOS STATIONSAN DIEGO CENTRAL JAILron Cottingham, Mike DurantWilliam PernoDon WestCydney KingGlenn Giannantoniorobert Piersonscott Johnson, Jerry Jimenezshannon Justicerob Buenoscott CarterJ D Downhour2) APPEARANCES:a) PORAC President Ron Cottingham and Vice President Mike Durant gavean update on legislation in Sacramento.b) Bill Perno made a presentation on Spice and Bath Salts problems in<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong>. He is working with a group called PASS to enlightenthe public about the problem and requested support from the DSA forlegislation.c) Cort Anderson made a presentation on Pelican flashlights that areavailable in the DSA store.3) LEGAL REPORT: Steinera) Issue with CCW’s for deputies who retired prior to January 1, 1981. Steinerdiscussing with department.4) CONSENT CALENDAR:a) Minutesi) July 28, 2011b) Membershipi) 2093 Class 1 Members, 151 Affiliate Membership, 55 Class III ReserveMembers, 938 Retired Members for a total membership <strong>of</strong> 3,237ii) Affiliate(1) MaryAnn Hillery(2) Anna HensonMOTION/Petrachek, SECOND/Purvis to approve the consent calendar. Motionunanimously carries.5) PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Turnera) Alternate Strategies is working with El Cajon POA, Chula Vista POA andEscondido POA on Public Relations campaigns. They made a presentationat a mixer about concepts and ideas for working with other associations.b) Discussion regarding Board <strong>of</strong> Supervisors appointment to the SDCERAboard. SDCERA Board member Myers requested that the DSA submit acouple <strong>of</strong> names for the position.c) Committee Ratificationi) Legal Defense – Tim Petrachek, Matt Clay, Tammy Bennetts, LisaHarris, Rafael Flores and Dawn Pattersonii) PAC – Tim Petrachek, Matt Clay, Tammy Bennetts, Lisa Harris, DawnPatterson and Bob BrunkMOTION/Petrachek, SECOND/Purvis to ratify the President’s recommendationfor the PAC and LDF committee members. Motion unanimously carries.6) VICE PRESIDENT REPORT: Claya) Discussion regarding remodeling/updating the store to allow for moredisplay space and the receptionist area in the lobby. The remodel willprovide additional space to sell uniforms.MOTION/Purvis, SECOND/Petrachek to approve up to $24.500 to remodel thestore, receptionist area and miscellaneous expenses from unbudgeted funds.Motion unanimously carries.b) Elbeco Uniforms has agreed to sell uniforms to the DSA with a minimuminitial purchase <strong>of</strong> $10,000.MOTION/Purvis, SECOND/Elvin to approve $10,500 from unbudgeted fundsfor store merchandise.AMENDED MOTION/Purvis, SECOND/Elvin to approve $10,500 fromunbudgeted funds for uniforms. Motion unanimously carries.7) COMMITTEE REPORTS:a) BUDGET: Purvisi) The DSA donation fund has approximately $50 left to support nonmemberevents. Recommendation to transfer additional $2,500to the donation fund for donations through the rest <strong>of</strong> the year.MOTION/Purvis, SECOND/Petrachek to transfer $2,500 from undesignatedfunds to the donation fund. Motion unanimously carries.b) MEMBER EVENTS: Purvisi) Summer Event at Wave Water Park in Vista on August 26 th startingat 4:00 p.m. Water Park will not be opened to the public duringthe event.ii) Contract for Lonny Brewer Golf Tournament - Board direction toauthorize the President to sign the contract with Carlton OaksCountry Club for the Lonny Brewer Golf Tournament.c) DONATIONS: Purvisi) Fresno DSA Golf Tournament - $250ii) <strong>San</strong> Francisco POA Golf Tournament - $250iii) ALADS Golf Tournament - declineiv) LAPPL Golf Tournament - $250v) Ontario POA Golf Tournament - declineMOTION/Purvis, SECOND/Petrachek to approve the chairman’srecommendations. Motion unanimously carries.d) NEGOTIATIONS: Clayi) Board direction to pay Wainio from the negotiation fund throughJanuary, 2012. Discussion regarding purpose <strong>of</strong> taking the retainerfrom negotiations.ii) Wexler invoice for JulyMOTION/Petrachek, SECOND/Elvin to approve payment <strong>of</strong> Wexler invoice for$50 from negotiations fund. Motion unanimously carries.e) MEET & DISCUSS/CONFER: Clayi) Department would like to assign a detention deputy to theWeapons Training Unit as a civilian which would be out <strong>of</strong>classification. Department is researching the issue and will addressit at the next Meet and Discuss.f) PEACE OFFICER MEMORIAL: Bennettsi) Office Jeremy Henwood funeral is on Friday at Rock Church inLiberty Station. Turner encouraged members who are <strong>of</strong>f duty toattend to show support at the motorcade.ii) CPOMF meeting will be held at the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice in September.MOTION/Petrachek, SECOND/Purvis to approve up to $500 from meetingexpenses for CPOMF meeting here at the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice. Motion unanimouslycarries.g) CCLEA – Turneri) Discussion regarding membership in CCLEA and benefits <strong>of</strong>6 Silver Star September 2011

membership. Board direction tonot renew membership in CCLEA.h) PEACE OFFICERS RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA (PORAC)-Petracheki) PORAC meeting is being held at Omni Hotel in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> on Friday,August 12 th and 13 th .ii) Review <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>/Imperial <strong>County</strong> PORAC Chapter meeting.i) LEGAL DEFENSE: Petracheki) Committee approved funds to pursue Civil Service case.j) INSURANCE: Schalleri) Update on meetings held for county health insurance premiumsand co-pays.k) RETIREMENT: Schalleri) <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Taxpayer <strong>Association</strong> is trying to make changes tothe current county retirement formula. More information will beavailable in the near future.l) BYLAWS/STANDING RULES: Garmoi) Line <strong>of</strong> Duty Death donation – tabled until August 25 th meetingm) UNIFORM COMMITTEE: Purvis/Garmoi) Discussion regarding black t-shirt for uniform. Informal pollconducted to see if there was an interest in wearing the blackt-shirts. At this time the uniform committee is not recommendingapproval <strong>of</strong> the black t-shirts.8) GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATIONa) Station Rep raffle for 2 tickets to Knott’s Soak City was won by Scott Carter.ADJOURNED 7:34 pmPresident Hank Turner called the Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors to order onAugust 25, 2011 at 12:00 pm.ROLL CALL OF DIRECTORS:Present: Turner, Elvin, Garmo, Bennetts, Schaller, Petrachek arrived at 12:10 pm, Clayarrived at 12:17 pm, Purvis arrived at 1:07 pm Absent: DiCarlo/personal - unexcusedAugust 25, 2011 - These minutes are for review only and have not been approvedby the board <strong>of</strong> directors.Upon motion by Elvin , Second by Bennetts and passed by unanimous vote, theAugust 25, 2011 meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors entered into closed session at12:03 pm for confidential communications to include Fern Steiner and Adah Mathias.1) DISCUSSION:a) Legal, Closed Session Minutes from August 11, 2011MOTION/Schaller, SECOND/Bennetts to come out <strong>of</strong> closed session at 12:35pm. Motion unanimously carries2) TIME CERTAIN:a) Frank Gallardo made a presentation regarding deputies who have beencalled to active duty by the military and what the department and DSAcan do to assist them.b) LPL Financial reviewed the DSA investments.3) CONSENT CALENDAR:a) Minutesi) August 11, 2011b) Retirementsi) Alan Walbridge – 16 years membership - $3,200MOTION/Petrachek SECOND/Schaller to approve the consent calendar. Motionunanimously carries.4) PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Turnera) Synthetic Drug Dangers – “spice” and “bath salts” – Board direction tosend letter <strong>of</strong> support.b) Department committee is planning the State Sheriff’s Conference.They are requesting DSA assistances to help with the process <strong>of</strong>commemorative gun purchase to raise funds to <strong>of</strong>fset the cost <strong>of</strong> theconference. Turner to gather more information from Capt. Myers.c) Governor’s Award Ceremony on September 14 th in Sacramento.Discussion on sending director to ceremony.MOTION/Petrachek, SECOND/Garmo to approve up to $8000 to send a directorto the Ceremony.AMENDED MOTION/Petrachek, SECOND/Garmo to approve up to $1,000 tosend Petrachek and Elvind) Captain in Personnel made the decision that there would be norescheduling <strong>of</strong> Sergeant Oral Interviews. Issue has been discussed withthe department and has been resolved.5) COMMITTEE REPORTS:a) MEMBER EVENTS: Purvisi) Wave Water Park in Vista on August 26 th .b) NEGOTIATIONS: ClayMOTION/Clay, SECOND/Schaller to reconven closed session at 2:17 pm to includeAdah Mathias and John Wainio.i) DISCUSSION(1) NegotiationsWainio left the closed session meeting.(2) LegalMOTION/Petrachek, SECOND/Garmo to come out <strong>of</strong> closed session at 2:37 pm.Motion unanimously carries.c) PEACE OFFICER MEMORIAL: Bennettsi) Next CPOMF meeting will be held at the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice.ii) Research possible room options in Washington DC.d) PEACE OFFICERS RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA (PORAC)-Petracheki) Review <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors meeting in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>. September17 th is Region IV meeting at the Four Points on Aero Drive startingat 9:00 am.e) POLITICAL ACTION: Petracheki) Interviewed Dustin Steiner, Sherry Hodges and Brian Manschiemrunning for state assembly.ii) Discussion on new PAC questionnaire and update on PAC issues.f) INSURANCE: Schalleri) <strong>County</strong> Task Force meeting to discuss the county <strong>of</strong>fered healthplans.g) BYLAWS/STANDING RULES: Garmoi) Standing rule for Line <strong>of</strong> Duty Death donation – tabledADJOURNED 3:15 pmSpeaking For The WorkingPerson, Speaking For You...Tosdal, Smith, Steiner & WaxSpecializing in Labor and Employment Law, Personal Injury,Medical Malpractice, Sexual Harassment, Product Liability,and Workers’ Compensation401 West A St., Ste 320 • <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>, CA 92101-4506Telephone: (619) 239-7200 • Fax (619) 239-6048SINCE 1983Are you or someone you know inthe market to Buy?Thinking <strong>of</strong> Selling?Call me, your real estate specialist!Serving your real estate needs forover a decade.Realtor ®Becca BerlinskyBroker AssociateCell: (760) 525-5625bberlinsky@coldwellbanker.comLic # 01416788 Owned And Operated By NRT Incorporated.Silver Star September 2011 7

news DSA | DEPARTMENT | COUNTY | INDUSTRYMEMBER SPOTLIGHTLuis Rios<strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriff DetentionsYears with Department: 14 1/2Years with DSA: 14WHERE DID YOU GROW UP? Huntington Park,California.WHAT DID YOU DO BEFORE YOU JOINED THEDEPARTMENT? ? I was a Child Counselor for 8 yearsbefore coming to the department.WHAT DREW YOU TO LAW ENFORCEMENT?It was by chance. My cousin was going to go test andasked me to go with him. I got hired, he didn’t…WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST DAY ON THE JOBLIKE? I don’t really remember.WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU ARE MOSTPROUD OF SINCE JOINING THE DEPARTMENT? Being part <strong>of</strong> the PeerSupport Program and being able to provide the support the program hasallowed me to provide to my partners.WHAT IS YOUR DREAM VACATION? One or two Months in Europegoing from country to country, exploring all the history.The member spotlight features one Active or Retired DSA Member eachmonth.Lonny Brewer MemorialGolf Tournament The 24th Annual LonnyBrewer Memorial Golf Tournament will take placeat Carlton Oaks Country Club on Monday, Sept.26. The $100 per person fee includes cart rental,green fee, and dinner at the award banquetimmediately following the tournament. Allmembers <strong>of</strong> your foursome must be currentlyworking for or retired from law enforcement.The tournament is played each year to honor andremember Lonny Gene Brewer, who was shot andkilled Dec. 5, 1987. As a member <strong>of</strong> SED for twoyears, Lonny Brewer had been on the departmentsince 1980, working both detentions and patrol.Sheriff John Duffy said in his eulogy, “The phrase‘killed in the line <strong>of</strong> duty’ endshis career and his life on thisearth. That phrase will giveus cause to honor him, andremember him forever.”Proceeds from this populartournament benefit the DSFscholarship fund, which awardsa scholarship in the name <strong>of</strong> eachfallen deputy from the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong><strong>County</strong> Sheriff’s Department. This eventsells out each year, so get your teamtogether now!Reservation forms are available at the DSA<strong>of</strong>fice and online at www.dsasd.org/golf.FALL RETIREE LUNCHEONSept. 10, 2011 @ the El Cajon Elk’sPatricia W. ElkertonATTORNEY AT LAW“Every Estate Needs A Plan”ESTATE PLANNING, TRUSTSPROBATE, CONSERVATORSHIPSAND POWERS OF ATTORNEYTELEPHONE:(619) 985-05657777 Alvarado Rd. Suite 311La Mesa, CA 91941From a Law Enforcement FamilyFACSIMILE:(619) 561-61038 Silver Star September 2011

FRONTLINE CERTIFICATESFIREARMS TRAINING AT FRONT SIGHT FOR FREE!The DSA has a very limited number <strong>of</strong> free coursecertificates available for Front Sight Firearms TrainingInstitute in Pahrump, Nevada. A premier resort anddefense training facility just down the road from LasVegas. The certificates are good for first time studentsonly for two or four day Defensive Handgun, TacticalShotgun, or Practical Rifle courses. Visit www.frontsight.com for more information on the facility and courses.Contact Cindy Olson at colson@dsasd.org beforeSeptember 23 if you would like one <strong>of</strong> the certificates.Recipients will be chosen randomly from among all thoseinterested. If you have received a certificate from the DSAin the past, even if you did not use it, you are not eligiblefor an additional certificate.<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong>Motor Officers <strong>Association</strong>Golf TournamentSeptember 22, 201112 noonCheck-In 1 p.m. Shotgun StartRIVERWALK GOLF COURSE1150 Fashion Valley RoadFour-Player ScramblePrizes: Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive,Hole-in-1(Win a New Vehicle)Awards for Top Teams and Raffle Prizes.Welcome new DSA membersThe DSA welcomed the followingnew members in the last month.Remember to get involved withthe DSA by attending the monthlymember meeting on the secondThursday <strong>of</strong> each month.AffiliateJoseph Ciokon, JrCandis FearJames HowardCharlotte MarshallRussell MartinCharles SinclairActiveJohn BaloghMatthew EllisTevita FifitaJeffrey GarrettCarlos GarroMartha GonzalezJacob HernandezJose MadridAndrew PhillipsTamani PughJoshua RamirezMatthew RendahlDavid RosenthalHelen SalterThomas SuttonKelly ThompsonCharles ThurstonRonald WardrobeAnthony WhiteClaudia Zapata$80 a player (on or before September 9, 2011)$100 per player (after September 9, 2011)Entry Fee Includes:Green Fees, Range Balls, Golf Cart,Awards/Prizes & Buffet DinnerBenefits the California Peace Officers’Memorial FoundationRegisteration Form at:www.sdcmoa.comor call: Rusty Nelson 619-476-5300Dan Douglas 619-869-9552Tim Petrachek 760-315-6465PerpetualTree Care, Inc.(619) 596-0990Mike PratkoCell: (619) 726-3000Certified Arborist #WE-7165A(Reserve <strong>Deputy</strong>)Cont. Lic. #428898Fax: (619) 334-4360Certified Tree Worker #1520Silver Star September 2011 9

Shop With a CopThat’s right, whether you eat at Rubio’s, take food to go, or pick up aRubio’s a-Go-Go ® catering order*, just present this flyer to the cashierand Rubio’s will donate 20% <strong>of</strong> your transaction to this cause.Wednesday,September 28th, 20112:00 pm - CLOSEOceanside4201 Oceanside Blvd., Oceanside, CA 92056La Jolla - UCSD9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093Kearny Mesa - Clairemont Mesa & Overland9187 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>, CA 92123 13724

DSA ONLINE STORE UPDATEWhile the DSA Store is under construction, the online store will also beupdated. Updates include using your DSA Member’s Only website loginto login and place orders with the DSA Store. This means all memberscurrently registered with the website will automatically receive memberdiscounts in the online store. If you were registered for both the DSAMember’s Only website and the DSA Online Store, you will need touse your Member’s Only login and password. For those <strong>of</strong> you onlyregistered with the DSA Store, your account will be transferred, but willrequire a password reset. You will now have access to the Member’s Onlysection without further approval. If you registered with the store, but notconfirmed as a DSA member (you did not receive the member discountwhen placing orders online), then your account may be transferred asa basic customer account with no access to the Member’s Only section.You will be able to request an account update. While all <strong>of</strong> this may seemvery convoluted, the directions will appear throughout the DSA andStore website. The new online store is set to launch at the same time as thenewly expanded DSA Store in Poway. If you are not currently registeredwith the DSA Member’s Only website, now is a great time to register.Beside qualifying for member discounts in the online store, you willhave access to information about your benefits, event reservations, andmember only updates.Open EnrollmentOpen enrollment for DSA insurance and benefits will most likelytake place in November this year. Information will be posted onlineat the DSA website as soon as it is available. You will also receivethe information in the mail and see it in the Silver Star. To preparefor open enrollment, you should register for the DSA website andreview the current benefits <strong>of</strong>fered by the association. If you have anyquestions about what programs you are already enrolled in, pleasecall the DSA. Open enrollment is the only time each year you canregister for many <strong>of</strong> the insurance and benefits <strong>of</strong>fered by the DSA.Keep your eyes open in October for open enrollment packets, whichwill be mailed to your homes.Follow the DSA onlinewww.facebook.com/DSA<strong>San</strong><strong>Diego</strong>www.facebook.com/DSAStorewww.twitter.com/DSAStorewww.twitter.com/DSA<strong>San</strong><strong>Diego</strong>Store Closurethrough mid-SeptemberThe DSA store will be closedthrough mid-September. Followthe DSA Store Facebook pagefor updates on constructionand grand re-opening news.Discount tickets can still bepurchased in the lobby.Retiree LuncheonSeptember 10The Fall Retiree Luncheon willbe Saturday, September 10 atthe El Cajon Elk’s Lodge. Comeearly to enjoy social hour,which begins at 10:30 a.m.Lonny Brewer MemorialGolf TournamentSeptember 26Get a foursome together forsome fun on the links to raisemoney for the DSF Line <strong>of</strong>Duty scholarship fund. Just$100 per person includes greenfees, cart rental, and dinner.Visit www.dsasd.org/golf for aregistration form.Trick or Treat at the DSAOctober 26-31Trick or treat at the DSAOctober 26 to 28 and onOctober 31 and enter the DSAHalloween Costume Contest.Each child (or adult) that stopsby the DSA in costume receivesa goody bag filled with toysand Halloween candy. Moreinformation, including thisyear’s prizes, will be sent toyour homes.DSA (858) 486-9009DSA DATESSilver Star September 2011 11

Win $100DSA T-Shirt DesignContestMembers, put your artistic hats on—a chance for fame, immortality,and a minor fortune awaits you! We are looking for a new t-shirt designfor the DSA Store.Express yourself.Unleash your imagination.What would YOU like to see on a DSA or Sheriff’s Department t-shirt?Here’s your chance to dream up something amazing and see your fellowdeputies wearing your design.We will be accepting artwork for new t-shirt ideas through Oct. 14.Designs can be any size, front design, back design, or use both sides.The winning design will be put into production, then added to our newDSA Store inventory, so you can brag to all your buddies, “Hey, that’smy t-shirt!”You can also show <strong>of</strong>f your $100 gift card to the DSA Store. The artist <strong>of</strong>the winning design will receive one $100 gift card. Use it for duty gear,or spend it on something fun like tickets or movie passes! The winnerwill also receive two shirts with their design. Designs will be judged oncreativity, originality, and content...along with a “But, will it sell?” score.Let the creative side <strong>of</strong> you come out!In order for our t-shirt printers to have the best quality forreproduction, please send your submissions in jpeg format, at least a2MB file, with a 300 dpi resolution at full size. That will insure a clean,crisp silkscreen. Designs that are not large or clean enough to print willnot be judged. While the primary purpose <strong>of</strong> the design is a t-shirt, theDSA may also use your design on other products. The maximum shirtdesign size will be about 12 inches square, but should be scalable.Other tips for a successful design:1. Print the design yourself on your own printer at the same size youwould want to see it on a shirt. If it looks "pixelated" or "dirty" on yourprinter, it will look "pixelated" or "dirty" on the shirt, and will not besuitable. Back to the drawing board.2. When you save using JPG format, try using the lowest compressionsetting possible. Where this setting is located varies with differentimage s<strong>of</strong>tware, but they should all have a 1-100 compression factor thatyou can set. Lower compression means less distortion. If you have thechoice <strong>of</strong> saving with no compression at all that would be ideal.3. On light colored fabrics be aware that any white in your image willshow as the color <strong>of</strong> the fabric. Also very light colors may be affected bythe color <strong>of</strong> the shirt. On dark colored fabrics, white ink will be printedon the shirt.4. When creating your design, try to reduce as much white spacearound the image as you can. Extra white space around the image willprevent the image from printing to its maximum size.5. In general, graphics will screen print better than a photo. Youprobably want to avoid using a giant photo <strong>of</strong> your puppy or that photo<strong>of</strong> your partner sleeping at his desk.6. All images and graphics must belong to you. Please do not includeany images found on the internet or that may be copyrighted. If youwould like to include the DSA logo, please download a clean copy fromthe DSA website or request one from kmacris@dsasd.org. Logos can besupplied in EPS or JPG formats depending on the design program youwill be working with.Of course, include your name and contact info with your t-shirtdesigns. Make it clear if it is a front, back, or two-sided design. Contestopen to DSA members only. Feel free to enter more than one design.Winner must sign design release form to receive their gift certificate.Send your designs to ccrowell@dsasd.org before Oct. 14. Group Savings Plus ®Cynthia Kelley CA License #0693987(858) 486-7917 ext. 58245www.libertymutual.com/cynthiakelleyCynthia.Kelley@LibertyMutual.comCall today for a free, no-obligation rate quote!EFT and Payroll Deduction Payment Options AvailableDiscounts, credits and program features are available where state laws and regulations allow and may vary by state.To the extent permitted by law, applicants are individually underwritten;: not all applicants may qualify. Coverageprovided and underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company and its affiliates. 175 Berkeley Street. Boston. MA.DSA Members Save on Auto & Home InsuranceEVERGREEN TREE SPECIALISTTREE CAREAND REMOVALCertified Arborist#WC-3509AFFORDABLERATESRESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIALLacing • Pruning • Stump Grinding • Complete RemovalEdward Gross - Owner619-255-3719 Bus. Fax619-850-9583 CellFully Licensed & InsuredContractor’sLic #73137712 Silver Star September 2011

Chaplain’s Cornerby Chaplain Herb SmithRehearsing 9/11“He who dwells in the shelter <strong>of</strong> the Most High will abide in the shadow<strong>of</strong> the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, myGod, in Whom I trust’” (Psalm 91:1-2).Often called the warrior’s psalm, so begins an Old Testament hymnfor those who live to guard the well-being <strong>of</strong> others. It is a compellingpsalm because it captures a sense <strong>of</strong> the resolute state <strong>of</strong> mind for onewho knows not only the purpose <strong>of</strong> their life, but the ultimate truthupon which their life is hinged.War <strong>of</strong>ten captures an essence <strong>of</strong> life itself, equalizing all men in theface <strong>of</strong> their mortality. What one will do in the face <strong>of</strong> death is probablyone <strong>of</strong> the clearest indicators <strong>of</strong> genuine character. “Generally speaking,the way <strong>of</strong> the warrior is resolute acceptance <strong>of</strong> death” (MiyamotoMushashi), and scripture reminds us death is the end <strong>of</strong> every man, andthe living takes it to heart (Ecclesiastes 7:2). That inevitability was quitegraphically burned into our psyche ten years ago this month.I wrote then that “Our understanding and interpretation (<strong>of</strong> life) is tiedto our experience <strong>of</strong> it, and our reality now has become hued with avery stark and ominous shadow. The horrifying and catastrophic loss <strong>of</strong>life was paralyzing to witness with thousands perishing before our eyes,and the overwhelming destruction <strong>of</strong> property and corporate meansstaggering and incomprehensible.”We understand now, perhaps for this generation more than ever, thereality <strong>of</strong> evil and its dispassionate, psychotic, indiscriminate, anddark resolve. Diplomacy, though needed, seems pointless at timeswith the strain <strong>of</strong> malevolence that has since threatened our peace andfreedom, and true to our expectations, life in our time has changeddramatically. Living with tragic loss, domestically and internationally,is becoming an unnerving new normal, though try as we might to curbits opportunity and thwart its intent. We are constrained to live with anacute color-code <strong>of</strong> mental awareness, and vigilance is our watchword.Ten years and nearly 4,700 military deaths later, we’re still threatenedby attack. Where is our peace?Last month we endured the heartbreaking deaths <strong>of</strong> SDPD OfficersDonna Williams and her daughter, Dave Hall and Jeremy Henwood.These weren’t due to terrorism, but violence from psychosis, mentaldistress, or... Lord, what was his reason, still brings the same senselessend and anguish. But if anything good came out <strong>of</strong> these terrible events,Is Your Mortgage Causing You Stress?CALL <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>’s TRUSTED Short Sale Team~ we will help you explore the 10+ alternatives to foreclosure~ provide a confidential consultation in a non-judgemental environment~ identify the best option for your financial futureTHE VERSA TEAM |DAVE WERTH | MARY ARONOFF | LACEY HEBERT619-955-8949DRE: 01865561A portion <strong>of</strong> each closing will be donated to the DSAit was a reminder <strong>of</strong> who we really are and how much we really meanto each other. What we reflected to one another in our response was aforce more powerful than any evil could destroy, more enduring thandarkness can comprehend.Soldiers in combat operations develop a sense <strong>of</strong> closeness because <strong>of</strong>the mortality they face on a daily basis. When 9/11 occurred, people inthis country came together in remarkable ways to affirm, encourage,support and give comfort. We were more united than we’d been sinceWWII. The stage collapse tragedy at the Indiana State Fair last monthcongealed everyone in the crowd into a massive rescue force to free andcare for those trapped in the rubble. Last month’s tragic deaths broughtus together again for high honors and regard for these dear friends, andfor the assurance and affirmation and regard we have for each other.The embraces, the tears, the testimonies, the attention to dignity andrespect from their department as well as the community were as muchfor each other as the loved ones we lost, as we strengthened whatremained, and proved their deaths a lasting legacy to the care andkeeping we maintain for each other. And in so doing, we add to theheart <strong>of</strong> what makes us overcomers. We have hope and peace becausewe resolve to take care <strong>of</strong> each other all the more, and ever revere ourfallen.Scripture tells us “let us love one another, for love is from God; andeveryone who loves is born <strong>of</strong> God and knows God. The one who doesnot love does not know God, for God is love” (I John 4:7-8). It also says“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear” (v.18). We don’tfear consequence or failure when we act out <strong>of</strong> love and respect and thedignity <strong>of</strong> God’s image in us.We live in a world that incorporates dark and violent beings hell-benton destruction with their own senseless, obsessive, self-serving andevil desires. To pretend they’re not in waiting is to fall prey to them. It’swhy God’s Light, Life and Love entered this world to redeem it, and aswe stand strong for each other, whether in life or in death, we manifestthat Love which overcame all to draw us to Himself, that we might livestrong through Him and not be afraid, having the hope <strong>of</strong> eternal life.As a warrior for His sake, we can have a resolute and confidentacceptance <strong>of</strong> death as we trust God’s Spirit to equip and strive throughus to live our lives sacrificially, knowing then we will not have lived invain, as we honor Him, the lives entrusted to us, and the legacy we giveto each other. We are restored as we fulfill th13at legacy, taking to heartevery moment we live the privilege <strong>of</strong> proving it true. There’s no betterhope than that.“Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set himsecurely on high, because he has known My Name” (Psalm 91:14). Specialists in Transmission Overhaul & RepairsForeign & American Work GuaranteedMICHAEL NOWLIN10227 Prospect Ave. Ste. B<strong>San</strong>tee, CA 92071EAST COUNTYTRANSMISSIONPH: (619) 448-1511FAX: (619) 448-6034Silver Star September 2011 13

9/11 Anniversaryby Sheriff Bill GoreThis month, ten years ago al-Qaeda terrorists deliberately crashedAmerican Airlines Flight 11 into the World Trade Center’s NorthTower. The time was 8:46 in the morning, East Coast time. Minuteslater, a little past 9 a.m., terrorists flew United Airlines Flight 175 intothe South Tower. This was followed by an attack on the Pentagon andan aborted attack on Washington, D.C., that resulted in a crash in ruralPennsylvania.All <strong>of</strong> us remember where we were when we learned <strong>of</strong> this tragic event.We remember watching on television as the towers crumbled to theground leaving a cloud <strong>of</strong> smoke and debris unlike anything any <strong>of</strong> ushad ever seen.And we witnessed something else.Following the attacks, as people tried to make their way out <strong>of</strong> thebuildings and fled from the site <strong>of</strong> Ground Zero, there were those whomoved in the opposite direction: police <strong>of</strong>ficers and firefighters wereheading into the buildings. In the face <strong>of</strong> terrible danger and obviousrisk to themselves, they were determined to rescue who they could.Indeed, at the moment the first tower collapsed, a NYPD helicopter waspoised to land on its ro<strong>of</strong>top to affect a rescue. The building collapsedbeneath the hovering copter.At this time <strong>of</strong> remembrance, we recall the loss <strong>of</strong> innocent lives—the 2,977 victims <strong>of</strong> the 9/11 attacks. And we in law enforcement areparticularly mindful <strong>of</strong> the courage <strong>of</strong> our brethren in New York whogave their lives that day. Police <strong>of</strong>ficers and emergency workers put theircommitment to duty ahead <strong>of</strong> every other concern, including their ownsafety and their own fear <strong>of</strong> death; for 411 <strong>of</strong> them their commitmentexacted the ultimate price.We remember them. We honor their sacrifice. September 11 th10 th Anniversary MemorialTo Remember Our FallenFirefighters & Law Enforcement OfficersHosted by:CongressmanBrian Bilbray&CarlsbadFirefighters <strong>Association</strong>Sunday, September 11, 201110:00 a.m.South Cardiff State Beach Parking LotSouth Highway 101Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA 9200714 Silver Star September 2011

10 Years Laterby Kristie MacrisTen years ago, I awoke to Robin on the Howard Stern show joking abouta twin engine plane hitting the World Trade Center. What many <strong>of</strong>you watched on television over the next few hours, I watched from my“deck”, the ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> my Brooklyn building’s garage, a little less than threemiles from the World Trade Center. When the first tower fell, I retreatedfrom the dust and smoke, closing my windows. It would be monthsbefore I could open them again, despite the heat, due to the smell thatlingered over lower Manhattan and Brooklyn. I didn’t take pictures andhave never written about it before, because I need no reminder. Everytime I close my eyes, I can see the towers fall as if its happening all overagain.Yes, I lost friends that day—good friends. But, not all <strong>of</strong> them onSeptember 11. Being on the other coast and working for the DSA since2002, each anniversary <strong>of</strong> 9/11, the focus <strong>of</strong> tributes I’ve been exposed toeach year have naturally been on the 343 firefighters, 60 police <strong>of</strong>ficers,and 8 EMTs who died that day. Unfortunately as I know throughpersonal connections, those are not the only first responder casualtiesfrom that day. Thousands more suffer from lingering health issues andPTSD, and have been all but forgotten.hours battling insurance companies and <strong>of</strong>ten end up paying for costlytreatments out <strong>of</strong> their own pocket. New York has also decided thatvolunteers and first responders who responded outside their scope <strong>of</strong>duty are not covered under the law.My friends who served on the NYPD for varying lengths <strong>of</strong> time arenow “retired” in their 30s and early-40s due to deteriorating health.Some never worked another day after falling on the rubble at GroundZero—collapsed lungs were frighteningly common. The ones thatare healthy enough to advocate for those too sick have been workingtirelessly with the Patrolmen’s Benevolent <strong>Association</strong> and other nonpr<strong>of</strong>itsto alleviate some <strong>of</strong> the battle in receiving benefits.Organizations continue to try to secure ongoing benefits for firstresponders and their families. Two such organizations deserve yourinterest and your support: Fealgood Foundation (fealgoodfoundation.com) and 9/11 Health Now (911healthnow.org). Friends <strong>of</strong> Firefighters(friends<strong>of</strong>firefighters.org) has also been working on behalf <strong>of</strong> New YorkFirefighters.This year, on the tenth anniversary <strong>of</strong> 9/11, while honoring the firstresponders who gave their life that day, also remember the thousands<strong>of</strong> first responders and rescue workers who grew sick from endless dayssearching for survivors. As the main building <strong>of</strong> the new World Trade Center,the Freedom, expected to be complete in 2013, Towerwill eventually soar 1,776 feet with two observationdecks. In its shadow sits the 9/11 Memorial, featuringtwo reflecting pools placed in the footprint <strong>of</strong> theWorld Trade Center. The memorial also includes thenames <strong>of</strong> those who died in the 1993 World TradeCenter bombings. The memorial will be dedicated onSeptember 11, 2011, and open to the public after theceremonies.Conspicuously missing from the memorialdedication will the be NYPD <strong>of</strong>ficers and New YorkCity firefighters, who responded on the morning<strong>of</strong> September 11 and worked the pile for monthsafterwards. For the past years, the anniversarymemorial ceremonies were open to the public,including first responders, but this year, increasedsecurity and visits from Presidents Obama and Bush,among hundreds <strong>of</strong> other politicians, limit thenumber <strong>of</strong> attendees, with a focus on the family <strong>of</strong>those who died. Many first responders have suggested the omission is tohide the “walking dead” who have not received proper treatment overthe last decade.The Tribute in Light that appears in the New York City skyline will once againmemorialize the victims <strong>of</strong> 9/11 this year. The Municipal Art Society hopes toraise enough funds to continue the tribute each year.This latest blow comes on the heels <strong>of</strong> a health bill that increased thesupport to the medical and mental health <strong>of</strong> first responders whileexcluding cancer as a covered ailment. For many first responders andthe families <strong>of</strong> the first responders diagnosed extremely young fromcancer following their work at Ground Zero, the fight continues. Since9/11, 45 <strong>of</strong>ficers have died from cancer and hundreds more are battlingthe disease. Because <strong>of</strong>ficials have not linked their cases to time spentat Ground Zero, they are not eligible for federal compensation underthe new law. The same applies to first responders suffering from certainliver, pulmonary, and respiratory ailments.With a narrow list <strong>of</strong> ailments currently allowed to be linked to workat Ground Zero, first responders and their families spend countlessINSTRUCTORS AND STUDENTS WELCOMELAW ENFORCEMENT DISCOUNTNEW OWNER: MARGARET MIDDLETONDaughter <strong>of</strong> Lt. Flo HelmsCLOSEDSUN & MONSilver Star September 2011 15

WAVE WATERPARKOn August 26, members and their families gathered at the WaveWaterpark to say good bye to summer with the DSA. Over 600 peopleattended the event, taking over the waterpark for fun on the waterslidesand a BBQ dinner.16 Silver Star September 2011

Silver Star September 2011 17

DSA STOREYOUR DUTY GEAR STOREWatch your inboxes and the DSA bulletinboard for the Grand Re-Opening <strong>of</strong> theDSA Store in Mid-September. The newDSA Store is bigger with more on and <strong>of</strong>fduty gear with the same great prices.Follow the renovation on theDSA Store Facebook page:www.Facebook.com/DSAStoreTHE DSA STORE IS GROWINGHAVE A SUGGESTION?Have a suggestion to improve the DSA Store, or would like the DSA Store to stockan on or <strong>of</strong>f duty item on a regular basis? Please fill out and return this suggestioncard to the DSA (N-241 or 13881 Danielson Street, Poway, CA 92064). Includeyour contact information if you’d like to be contacted. We welcome and appreciateall <strong>of</strong> your feedback. You can also e-mail ccrowell@dsasd.org with any commentsor suggestions for the store.Name: ___________________________________________E-Mail: __________________________________________Phone: ___________________________________________Comments:DISCOUNT TICKETSAVAILABLE IN LOBBY DURINGCONSTRUCTIONDISCOUNT TICKETS FOR DSA <strong>MEMBERS</strong>ATTRACTION REGULAR PRICE MEMBER PRICEDisneyland Resort $80 $76(Child) $74 $661-Day Park Hopper $101 $92(Child) $91 $842-Day Park Hopper $161 $139(Child) $146 $126PassPorts:SoCal Select $184 $179SoCal Annual $239 $235*Please visit the DSA website or call the DSA Store for complete price listand availability. Visit www.Disneyland.com for blackout dates.LegoLand $69 $54Triple Play $89 $64SeaWorld $74.99 $46(Child) $66.99 $46Zoo or Wild Animal Park $40 $34.50(Child) $30 $26Universal Studios 3-day $74 $65MOVIE TICKETS MEMBER PRICEEdwards, Regal $ 6.50Reading $ 6.75AMC, UltraStar $ 6Krikorian $ 7.50These tickets are available in the DSA store, by calling the DSA Store or sending an email toccrowell@dsasd.org. A $5 fee is added to all mail orders. A service fee is added to all non-memberpurchases. DSA not responsible for tickets lost in mail. Tickets cannot be purchased for theseprices at the admissions gate at any <strong>of</strong> the parks. Tickets are Non-Refundable. Ticket pricesare subject to change without notice. Please call ahead to see if tickets are available. DSAStore (858) 486-7153.

<strong>County</strong> LineTransmissionsby Robbie BetheaJohn FalconerJohn Falconer and his wife <strong>San</strong>di were on respite from the Texas heatwhen they were spotted dining at the Casa de Pico Mexican Restaurantin La Mesa recently. After they retired, they moved to Texas and enjoyliving near their two children. Foreign travels have included trips toTahiti, Peru, Macho Picchu, and the Cusco ruins with the Caribbeanon the itinerary this year. Domestic travels included trips to Sedonaand <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> with an island getaway planned for Hawaii. When nottraveling they stay busy working around the house and yard.Valerie FinchValerie Finch and her husband, who retired in March from SDPD,moved to Tennessee in May. Their home includes a dock on the riverwhere they can relax and watch boats drift by. She reports that living inEast <strong>County</strong> prepared her for the hot weather she is experiencing now.The difference is that now they can afford to run the air conditioner. Sheenjoys the fact there is no state income tax and loves the greenery andthe friendly people she’s met.Lindley HeherLindley Heher, a deputy I worked with at the 222 West C Street jailmany, many years ago, was admitted to the California State Bar inDecember 1999 and is currently a <strong>Deputy</strong> District Attorney for the<strong>County</strong> <strong>of</strong> Los Angeles. She is assigned to the Hardcore Division. (Yes,it’s really called that.) She attended the University <strong>of</strong> Colorado, School<strong>of</strong> Law and was admitted to the New York State Bar in 1988.Bill HogueBill is currently in Akron, OH, flying World War II military planesfor the Collings Foundation (collingsfoundation.org). Bill has workedseveral weeks each year for the past 12 years flying planes at air showsthroughout the U.S. The tour consists <strong>of</strong> a B-17 “Flying Fortress”bomber, a B-24 “Liberator” bomber, and a P-51 “Mustang” fighter plane.His next stop will be in Pittsburgh, PA, before heading home.Dick ReedDick Reed recently returned from backpacking to “DesolationWilderness” in the Sierras. People were still snowboarding the eastfacing slopes above Aloha Lake. He reports there is still more snowabove 8,000 feet. The icebergs are gone from Aloha Lake, but some <strong>of</strong>the glaciers in the Crystal Range have been replenished, and he expectsthe snow willlast in the higherelevations untilthe next snowfallin October orNovember.Jimmy Sims<strong>San</strong>di and JohnFalconerJoe Stauffer at the Veterans Wall <strong>of</strong> Honor in AlpineJimmy Sims worked for the Clerk <strong>of</strong> the Court as a bailiff shortlyafter he arrived in Crossett, Arkansas. He worked at WalMart forapproximately two years and then went to work for the Ashley <strong>County</strong>Sheriff in 2007. He has been the jail administrator, transport deputy,and court security deputy. Jimmy suffered heart problems in 2004 andhas been to visit the hospital three more times since then for a “tuneup.”Jack SmithJack Smith retired in 2004 and is working his 16th year at the CaliforniaState Fair. He is the sergeant <strong>of</strong> the 12-man motor squad insuring thesafety <strong>of</strong> over 350,000 visitors during the fair’s three-week run. Whenhe’s not in Sacramento he is deployed for Operation Enduring Freedom.Joe StaufferThe Kiwanis Club <strong>of</strong> Alpine and the Alpine Community Center held aninduction ceremony placing Joe Stauffer’s name on the Veterans’ Wall<strong>of</strong> Honor along with other U.S. military personnel. Joe is an eight-yearveteran <strong>of</strong> the U.S. Navy, having served prior to his long tenure on theSheriff’s Office. He and Jan currently reside in Alpine. Other SDSOpersonnel on the Wall <strong>of</strong> Honor are Roy Williams and Dave Truax (U.S.Army), Jeffrey Duckworth (U.S.M.C.), and Dick Rabell (U.S. Air Force).In Other NewsOur sincere condolences are sent to John and Suzy Burroughs on thepassing <strong>of</strong> their son; and the families <strong>of</strong> Ted Bear, Louie Erreca, RayHosier, Sharon McIntire, Paul Nevills, and Joe Stables on the loss <strong>of</strong>their loved one.Contact me at <strong>County</strong>_Line@cox.net if you have any information forfuture articles. Thank you! 20 Silver Star September 2011

sdleo }j|äxá{<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> LEO Wivesmeetings are now opento all women marriedor engaged to lawenforcement <strong>of</strong>ficers.What started out as fourwives <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> SheriffDeputies has quicklygrown to include 81members simply by word<strong>of</strong> mouth. We now havewives <strong>of</strong> SDPD, CHP, Border Patrol, La Mesa PD, El Cajon PD, and evenICE.At the July DSA meeting, we sought and successfully gained financialsupport allowing us to publish a website with the help <strong>of</strong> the HiddenPartners Network. Apparently, we are not the only ones who haverealized how invaluable marriages are when supporting a LEO.Additionally, we can contact members via email about our upcomingevents. The <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> POA has also signed on to help spread the word.Our group meets once a month with various agendas. We haveinformational meetings on topics ranging from DSA benefits, CPR,gun safety, and even estate planning. Those meetings are alternatedwith social events. Past meetings have included a “Get To Know Us”at the Wet Stone Wine Bar and Café, a forum <strong>of</strong> female LEOs whoshared the female perspective <strong>of</strong> the job, and a family beach day atCoronado Tidelands Park. We hope to gain enough momentum to adda philanthropic thread to our group as well.Already we have seen newfriendships form and grow,and we are looking for newmembers to add to ourdynamic group <strong>of</strong> amazingwomen—all <strong>of</strong> course inthe same boat.Please email us at info@SDLEOwives.org to get ourlatest meeting informationand visit our website atwww.SDLEOwives.org. Female law enforcement<strong>of</strong>ficers discuss life on thedepartment during a panelfor SDLEO WivesBuying? Selling? Investing?Search all <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Homes for Sale atwww.YourDarlingRealtor.comCurrent 30 Year Fix asLOW as 4.5%!!Loan Amount = Payment/Month$150,000 = $760.02$200,000 = $1013.37$250,000 = $1266.71$300,000 = $1520.05$350,000 = $1773.39$400,000 = $2026.74$425,000 = $2153.41• Conventional, FHA, and VA• Jumbo Loans as low as 4.99%• $0 Down USDA program available• Hud Approved - Good NeighborNext Door Program availableCall or Emailto take advantage <strong>of</strong>these FREE services• Free Home Value Analysis withcomparative market data provided• Free Mortgage Consultationfor purchasing, refinancing, orinvestment rates• Free list <strong>of</strong> properties gauged toyour specific desires and criteria• Free 15 min phone consultationwith 1031 tax deferredexchange accommodatorYOUR REALTOR & EXECUTIVE MORTGAGE CONSULTANTSTEVEN DARLING619-504-9983 directSDarling@RealtyExecutives.comLICENSE # 01383804 NMLS # 237274Realty Executives All Area – 3773 Willow Glen Dr. #100, El Cajon, Ca 92019 DRE Broker #01853235, All terms and APR are subject to changeSilver Star September 2011 21

station reports10-4 Station MComm Center by Shannon O’Neil-HuntoonIf you have been watching the news at all overthe last few months, you would know thatevery doom and gloom analyst is predicting yetanother economic downturn in our immediatefuture. This means tightening already tightenedbelts both in our personal lives as well as in ourdepartment. But have no fear, while one maythink they have to start bonking co-workersover the head to generate a little much neededovertime (**Disclaimer-that was an attemptat humor not a written sanction on workplaceviolence. For that, please call HR), I have decidedto use this month’s article to prove we all havethe single most wonderful thing to weather outthese hard times: job security. Yes, with peoplelike the following, there is no way our jobs areat risk. So stop hovering over your 401k and stepthis way, won’t you?Community ResourcesThe <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Sheriff’s Department has a wellearnedimage <strong>of</strong> being proactive; <strong>of</strong> pullingresources out <strong>of</strong> its citizenry and using themto improve our community. Through the use<strong>of</strong> Explorers, Senior Volunteers, NeighborhoodWatch groups, PERT, Community ServiceOfficers, and Crime Prevention Specialists (justto name a few), the department has evolvedbeyond the single dimension entity that isthought <strong>of</strong> as “sworn” and emerged a multifacettedresource to better serve the public. Butthere may remain a few untapped resources inthis great county <strong>of</strong> ours.A man called the Communications Center to notonly report the location <strong>of</strong> child pornography,but to also <strong>of</strong>fer assistance to law enforcementthrough a resource that he has exclusive accessto. Sounds amazing, right? Well, that is the postmanic episode version. The actual conversationstarted something like this:“My name is Agent Thomas. I am a pr<strong>of</strong>essionalscavenger with a magical dog.”Wow! Where can a conversation go fromthere? Apparently, absolutely everywhere.The helpful citizen-agent-scavenger-guy wenton to state that he wished to work with localauthorities to implement a sting operation forchild pornography. His dog had located a photo<strong>of</strong> “questionable origins” in the parking lot <strong>of</strong>the local CVS. Through the animal’s magicalproperties, the caller had deduced the photowas placed there by the store’s manager to enticepassing high school students inside. Oh, and thedog would also like SDSO to know that Verizonis staffed by capitalist pigs. Could dispatchplease patch him through to a deputy?Now let me just say, through policy andprocedure, if a person requests to speak to adeputy, they will be put in contact with one(though generally not “patched through”, Car54). And in all fairness, just because a personexhibits signs <strong>of</strong> mental illness, that does notmean they cannot be the victim/witness to acrime. So a call was written and a deputy wasdispatched. Within a half hour the photo wasevaluated for its content, the man was evaluatedfor his well being, the dog was evaluated for itsmagical properties, and Verizon—well, we canonly do so much.Really?I tried to come up with a more clever title forthis next entry, but honestly this story makes myhead hurt too much. You read on, I am going toput my head down on the desk for a few minutes.A woman called the Lemon Grove stationwishing to report her purse taken at the Targeton College Grove. Our dispatcher apologizedfor the inconvenience, but advised the poorwoman she would need to contact SDPD forthe report as the College Grove Target was notin the Lemon Grove deputies’ jurisdiction. Herresponse?“Really? But the street name has the word“grove” in it?”I’ll move over so you can put your head downtoo.The Difference Between Accuracyand AsinineAccuracy is a big deal in all <strong>of</strong> our chosenpr<strong>of</strong>essions. Be it in the wording <strong>of</strong> a ProbableCause Declaration, the checking <strong>of</strong> courtdocuments at final release down at SDCJ (bigdifference between concurrent and consecutive),or investigating a harassment claim, each andevery one <strong>of</strong> us needs to be bringing out our “A”game.Accuracy is also important when it comes togathering information from the public. Asdispatchers, we try to be specific and select inour questions to get the best information out tothe field in a priority driven fashion. We know,if a suspect has fled, that the description and lastknow direction <strong>of</strong> travel are the highest priority.If said subject has fled in a vehicle, we know thedescription <strong>of</strong> the car is a higher priority thanthat <strong>of</strong> the suspects. Why? Because a deputyis going to register a black Ford F150 roaringby far better than the fact that the driver was awhite male with a pierced lip. Yet while we valueaccuracy, sometimes a citizen’s desire to be sojust seems to get in the way.Dispatcher: “Is the suspect still there?”Caller: “No…no he took <strong>of</strong>f.”Dispatcher: “Okay did he leave on foot, or in avehicle?”Caller: “No no, he had on shoes.”And we’re back with our heads upon the desk….It’s Not Always Wise toAccessorizeOkay we are in very delicate territory here, butthis call is just too bizarre and (forgive me,gentlemen) too funny not to share. How to beginand not get edited? A man called 911 for medicalassistance, because he could not remove his ring.So far, still Disney, yes? Okay. This ring was noton any <strong>of</strong> his fingers. It was not on any <strong>of</strong> histoes. Have we all arrived at the same conclusion?Judge not lest ye be judged! We all bear theweight <strong>of</strong> an embarrassing moment in our lives.If you’re shaking your head “no.” I call liar, liarpants on fire. Each <strong>of</strong> us has had that moment<strong>of</strong> perfect clarity as the words “oh that was nota good idea” sizzles across our mindscapes. Soread on, good people, with empathy in yourhearts, even if there is a smirk upon your face.So, one 911 call made and one fire crewdispatched. End <strong>of</strong> story, right? Not so much.A few minutes pass then a second 911 call camein from the same location. This time it is theroommate advising, hallelujah and pass thebiscuits, the ring is <strong>of</strong>f, cancel everybody. Okay,a second call to the fire department and theycancel the medical response.Nice dodge on an embarrassing situation, huh?Not so much x 2. A third 911 call came in.It’s the roommate again. Umm yeah, the ringis actually still on...and the “victim” has nowaccidently cut himself—with pliers. I shall giveyou a moment to shudder.Call number three to the FD and our bleedingbut blinged victim is finally whisked away forappropriate medical treatment. Lesson learned?Beyonce was wrong, just “because you liked itdoesn’t mean you have to put a ring on it.” * * * * *Hope you all enjoyed this installment. Iencourage anyone who has questions about theCommunications Center and/or its policies toplease drop me a line. I will do my best to answerany and all questions! Shannon.ONeilHuntoon@sdsheriff.org22 Silver Star September 2011

Cajon ZoneEl Cajon Courts by Cyd Poulin and the gangFinally got the triple digit “hotter than awitches...” weather. Keep that H2O comin’ andthe sunscreen handy!Well, we did not get to have the surprisebaby shower. The little feller surprised usand decided to become part <strong>of</strong> the fireworkcelebration. He popped out on the Fourth <strong>of</strong>July. Congratulations to the Estacio Family.We knew we would not get to keep her for long;Dep. Jessica Charles headed up to the North<strong>County</strong> to begin her patrol training. Say hito Fallbrook Unit 32P3A for us. We had somegrub and bestowed a parting gift to rememberher time here in the CSB. Te vamos a extrañar.Buena suerta y cuidate. We do have a graduatefrom the 87th Regional Academy for a shortstay; Dep. Jose Gonzalez is learning the CSBtricks <strong>of</strong> the trade. Welcome, congratulations,good luck, stay as long as you like, and most <strong>of</strong>all stay safe.We also bid adieu to our payroll-slash-takecare <strong>of</strong> this-slash-can you do this for me-slashyouname it and it gets done person. Amandadeparted to join the DSB team. We wish younothing but the best. Don’t forget to keep usupdated on your wedding plans.I have to take a moment to give kudos to a staffmember in our civil <strong>of</strong>fice. Hilda H<strong>of</strong>fstadthelped Dep. Tony Dillard out during somehands on cord cuff trainingrecently. She volunteered to“go to the mat.”We all send our thoughts andprayers to the families who arenow unable to physically holdonto their loved ones. May youfind strength in your faith andeach other; may your memorieslinger beyond the days.It’s a short one this monthfolks. Stay safe. (above) HildaH<strong>of</strong>fstadt volunteersfor cord cuff training.(left) Amanda givesWendy Krushesky thelow down on her doit-alljob to pass on tothe new person.Discounted auto insurance for law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficers.Shaping young minds has its rewards.Officiallysponsored by theJoin the over 21,000public safety pr<strong>of</strong>essionalswho have already madethe switch to CaliforniaCasualty’s A+ Auto &Home Insurance.SDCDSA members deserve the finest protection.• Discounted Rates – Guaranteed for a Full Year• $500 Personal Property Coverage – includes firearms!• Broad Policy Protection• Law Enforcement Officer-Friendly Service Hours• Unlimited Towing & Roadside Assistance Available• 24-Hour Emergency Claim Service• Identity Theft Resolution Service - FREE!Call now for your FREE,no-obligation rate quote today.Call toll-free1-888-744-9717Monday – Friday – 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.Saturday – 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., P.T.www.aplus.com/law“Protecting America’s Protectorsfor over 30 years.”De. Jessica Charles shows <strong>of</strong>f her parting gift fromthe Cajon Zone.24 Silver Star September 2011

station reportsSTATION No. 1<strong>San</strong>tee Station by Jeremy Sheppard“Some days you’re the big dog and some daysyou’re the fire hydrant.”Hello everybody, and welcome back to anotheredition from Station Number 1. As you sit andread this article, I bet some <strong>of</strong> you wonder howI know so much. Well, to be honest my articleis only as good as the source I get it from. Notto say that the source is unreliable or anything<strong>of</strong> the sort. It’s just that sometimes the storiesare told second and third hand, so when I getit, some piece may have unintentionally beenforgotten from its origin. So I’d like to beginthis with a correction to a story that was writtena couple <strong>of</strong> issues ago.If you recall, there was a great piece about<strong>Deputy</strong> Lozano and Detective Smith where aBOL was issued about a vehicle and a burglarand stolen property with ties to Nevada andseveral cases in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>. Well, after thearticle was printed, I got a message from<strong>Deputy</strong> Lozano who wanted to set the storystraight. <strong>Deputy</strong> Lozano was working withhis third phase trainee <strong>Deputy</strong> Kusler. <strong>Deputy</strong>Kusler was the one who actually recognized thevehicle from the BOL and handled the incident.He worked alongside with Detective Smith torecover the stolen property and sat in withthe interrogation. <strong>Deputy</strong> Lozano providedguidance to <strong>Deputy</strong> Kusler and let him do whatwe deputy sheriffs do best. So kudos are to begiven to <strong>Deputy</strong> Kusler as well for a great case!Dep. Karl Miller was recently advised thathe was the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Sheriff’s Departmentnominee for the Alcatel-Lucent/IACPInternational Police Officer <strong>of</strong> the Year award.This nomination was for his commendable workon a number <strong>of</strong> investigations involving metaltheft while assigned to the COPPS team at the<strong>San</strong>tee Station. So when you see <strong>Deputy</strong> Millerout and about, give him a big pat on the back forwork well done!Congratulations are also in order to Det. Sgt.Tom Poulin who was selected as the <strong>San</strong>teeStation’s Law Enforcement <strong>Deputy</strong> <strong>of</strong> theYear at the 19th Annual El Cajon Elk’s LawEnforcement Appreciation Dinner. SergeantPoulin was honored on August 22, at the ElCajon Elk’s Lodge.More congratulations are extended to ourresident loony expert (yes, loony is a technicalterm) PERT Clinician Kim Bozart. Kim wasrecently promoted to Eastern Division TeamSupervisor. She will still function as ourclinician, but will be overseeing all cliniciansfrom La Mesa, Lemon Grove, El Cajon, andRural areas. That’s a lot <strong>of</strong> craziness for Kim,but like I said—she’s an expert!We say goodbye to a few good people fromour station. Barbara Wallace left our bit <strong>of</strong>sunshine to be the Crime Prevention Specialistat the Ramona station. CSO Monica Fontanozais leaving our department, having accepted aposition as a <strong>County</strong> Animal Control Officer.<strong>Deputy</strong> Kirchhoefer is heading out with theNavy people to keep our military brethrensafe. We wish him a safe journey and a quickreturn. And last, but most definitely not least, wesaid goodbye to CSO Jim Wieboldt. Jim took aposition with the Lemon Grove Station as theirCrime Prevention Specialist. I think manyemployees <strong>of</strong> the tow companies shed sometears when Jim left. And Jim, I found my stapler!Well, until next time, stay safe! There’s badpeople and stuff out there. you may qualify for vista’s down payment assistance program!call or visit our sales <strong>of</strong>fice today!2 & 3 BedroomsStarting from the low $200’sown for as littleas $1,486 per month!*Beautiful townhome residenceswith all the amenities:• Large floorplans 1274 to 1357 sq. ft.• Custom crafted cabinets• Granite countertops in kitchen• Stainless steel appliances• Fireplaces in some models• Attached garages760.532.62421392 Isabella Way, Vista, CA 92084www.hallmarkcommunities.com*Offer and/or incentive valid though preferred lender ONLY. Payment reflects3.5% down based on a purchase price <strong>of</strong> $239,900. Payment includes P & I, taxesand Mortgage Insurance. Payment does not reflect HOA dues $220 Monthly.Offer and/or incentive subject to change without notice. See agent for additionalinformation. Hallmark Communities and its affiliates reserve the right to modifyfeatures, plans and pricing without notice and/or obligation.Silver Star September 2011 25

viewfrom aboveASTREA by Scott Blighstation reportsAlcohol on the beach—denied. Talking on yourcell phone while driving—denied. Hiking toCedar Creek Falls—denied. Huh?After a barrage <strong>of</strong> media coverage and Facebookpostings, Cedar Creek Falls, a popular East<strong>County</strong> hiking destination for folks to enjoya beautiful waterfall and swimming hole, hasbeen <strong>of</strong>ficially closed by Cleveland NationalForest <strong>of</strong>ficials.No doubt the tragic death <strong>of</strong> a 16-year-old ElCajon teenager was the final straw, but evenbefore that incident the calls for service to thefalls bordered on ridiculous. Aside from injuredhikers, reports <strong>of</strong> weapons violations, andexcessive alcohol consumption with the usualbad behavior were cause for concern.ASTREA deputies refer to summertimeweekends as Cedar Creek Saturday and CedarCreek Sunday. We are all but guaranteed tobe called to rescue multiple persons on theweekend mostly due to heat related injuries.Summer temperatures <strong>of</strong>ten reach 100 degreeson the long and rugged trails to the falls, whichbegin at Thornbush Road in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> CountryEstates, the east side <strong>of</strong> Ramona, and along EaglePeak Road on the Julian side <strong>of</strong> the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>River.We all are left shaking our heads when we seeinfants carried on the backs <strong>of</strong> their parentsalong the blazing hot trail, hikers with a mere12-ounce bottle <strong>of</strong> water for the trek, hikerswith their dogs (some have died due to the heat),morbidly obese hikers whose only exercise hasbeen back and forth to the buffet line, and hikerswith nothing but a12-pack <strong>of</strong> CoorsLight.Since the closing <strong>of</strong>Cedar Creek Falls,another populardestination calledThree Sisters Fallshas seen an increasein activity. ThreeSisters is a series<strong>of</strong> short waterfallsand shallow poolslocated a couplemiles southeast <strong>of</strong>Cedar Creek Falls.The trail to the fallsis very steep in placeseven requiring arope along the trailto aid in passage. Ithink that’s wherethe kayak carryinghiker decided he hadbetter leave the boatbehind. No, I’m notkidding.Three Sisters Falls is a great hiking destination if you arein shape and prepared. Be careful out thereEnjoy the outdoors during the summer, butremember a few basic pointers. These apply inmost places, not just our east county:1. Bring plenty <strong>of</strong> water; more than you thinkyou need and drink it.2. Wear light weight, loose fitting clothing andbright colors.3. Bring a cell phone with a charged battery.4. Tell somebody where you are going andwhen they can expect you back.5. If the weather forecast calls for triple digittemperatures, postpone your activity andwait for a cooler day.I hate to say it, but we’ve also plucked a <strong>San</strong><strong>Diego</strong> <strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriff <strong>of</strong>f the trail. Don’t be thenext one, or you may find yourself featured inthe Silver Star. SHOP ONLINEDIVORCEBANKRUPTCYRONALD A. HAUSERAttorney at Law(619) 206-3811(619) 741-3961WWW.DSASTORE.comNational City ♦ <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> ♦ La MesaDISCOUNT TO LAW ENFORCEMENTSilver Star September 2011 27

station reportsThe Southwest CornerImperial Beach by Luis ChavezI have taken over writing about IB from Omri.Hopefully, I won’t bore you with my nonsense.Anyway, several recent movements haveaffected IB, so here they go. We are saddenedto lose Capt. Dave Myers to SID. He was a greatperson to work for, and he will be missed. Capt.Roy Heringer will be taking over IB. We lookforward to working for him.<strong>Deputy</strong> K. Brayman got picked up for theRecruiting Unit and <strong>Deputy</strong> Black is TAD toGangs. Dep. Manookian is TAD to COPPSreplacing Black. We also have two new traineesJoseph Garay and Maricela Walker. I wish themgood luck with training. Returning to us froma tour in Afghanistan is Dep. D. Harris. Wewelcome him back.The hardest part <strong>of</strong> writing an article is comingup with a story, so I decided to highlight one<strong>of</strong> the deputies that works here in IB—kind <strong>of</strong>like the member spotlight in the magazine, butwithout their consent. Maybe the rest <strong>of</strong> thecounty will get to know us a little better. Sohere goes.This month’s article will be about a certaindeputy, that in order to protect his identity, Iwill make up a name for him. I will call him JoeBarry. Now before I start his story, I must warnyou, he’s from Jersey.Lucky BarryThis first story started one evening duringbriefing. It was a cool night with the starsshining. Right after briefing, Joe’s Jersey meterwent <strong>of</strong>f; he realized he was missing his ATMcard. He looked everywhere and was unable tolocate it. Chris Manookian looked inside Joe’spersonal vehicle and happened to find the ATMcard underneath the driver’s seat. Now youmay say, what’s so great about that? Well, keepreading, the night got better.Later that evening, Chris had a wanted subjectrun away from him near the beach. The subjectran into the ocean, and it took Law EnforcementLifeguards going into the water to capture thesubject. Maybe I’ll write that story in the nextarticle.When the subject was brought to shore, we hadto walk into the water to help the lifeguardscarry the subject back on land. The suspect wasin custody, everyone wet up to their knees, butthe Jersey was going <strong>of</strong>f again. Joe was missinghis wedding band. While carrying the suspectback to shore, his wedding band fell <strong>of</strong>f.Now what are the chances <strong>of</strong> finding a weddingband on the sand in the middle <strong>of</strong> the night?All Joe could say was, “How will I explain thisto my wife?” Being married, I can relate. You’reallowed to lose certain things during yourmarriage, but a wedding band isn’t one them.We started a search and rescue mission for thewedding band. Two deputies with great eyesight,Jeff Jackson and Eric Rader, at the same time sawa tiny shiny object in the sand. And guess what,they found the wedding band. Now by this timeI’m thinking, Joe should go directly to 7-11 andbuy himself a lotto ticket. But it’s not over yet.We go back on patrol and somehow ended upon beat 705. I forgot why we were there, butthat is not important. We walked around a fewresidences and then back to our patrol cars.When Joe returned, he was missing his patrolkeys. Somehow they fell <strong>of</strong>f somewhere in thearea. He starts looking for them and guess what,he found them. That’s one lucky guy.FAA BarryOn another occasion, during the day thistime, Joe and Chris were on patrol in Bonitawhen they received a radio call <strong>of</strong> a suspicioushelicopter in the area <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> Miguel Road andthe 125. The helicopter was flying very low,landed, dropped <strong>of</strong>f a duffle bag, and flew away.Joe and Chris contacted the reporting party whopointed them to the area where the duffle bagwas dropped. Sure enough, there was a dufflebag and two helicopter doors on the ground.They checked with other agencies and no onehad any helicopters flying in the area. They werethinking they had smugglers dropping <strong>of</strong>f theirload.As they were checking the load, they hear thehelicopter coming back. Joe stands in front <strong>of</strong>the helicopter’s flight path and pointed towardsthe pilot. With his command presence, hepointed for the pilot to land. The pilot, seeingthat a <strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriff was giving him an order,actually complied and landed the helicopter.Joe contacted both the pilot and passenger,conducting a traffic stop. Joe called the towerat Brown Field and verified they were legit.Turns out, they were hired by the governmentto conduct a survey <strong>of</strong> invasive plants in the areaand inside the duffle bag were some <strong>of</strong> thoseplants.Okay, enough <strong>of</strong> Joe. I hope you enjoyed my firstarticle. There are so many characters here in IB;I need more space for everyone. On a seriousnote, when something tragic happens like theassassination <strong>of</strong> SDPD Office Jeremy Henwood,it makes you take a step back and think about28 Silver Star September 2011

station reportsThe Snake Pit<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Central Jail by Mirelle Chateignepraise goes to Corporal Grijalva, <strong>Deputy</strong> Hill,and <strong>Deputy</strong> Smith on Team Two. Who needsan x-ray machine when you have these threeexemplary deputies on duty?The SDCJ opened on May 13, 1998, whichmarked the day the clamshells were laid torest. At approximately 230 feet tall, SDCJ isabout three times the size <strong>of</strong> the “old” CentralDetention Facility (CDF), and with two levelson each floor, SDCJ is the equivalent height <strong>of</strong> a17-story building.On SDCJ’s opening night, just seconds beforethe witching hour, old CDF closed its doors. AtCDF’s Intake, Corporal Grijalva stopped thelast patrol car from entering the facility. Heredirected that unit, driven by <strong>Deputy</strong> Bibs fromthe Lemon Grove Substation, across the street toSDCJ’s brand new vehicle sallyport. Shortly after<strong>Deputy</strong> Bibs rolled up to the iron gates, OfficerDavenport from El Cajon Police Departmentrode up behind him. Neither arresting <strong>of</strong>ficerknew it at the time, but the race was on!Unbeknownst to the arriving deputies and<strong>of</strong>ficers on duty that night, the first arresting<strong>of</strong>ficer to bring their 10-16 to medical triagewon a $50 gift certificate. Corporal Grijalva wasrooting for <strong>Deputy</strong> Bibs, as he wanted someonefrom SDSO to be the winner. But <strong>Deputy</strong> Bibshad two 10-16s in his vehicle. By the time hesecured his weapon and got all his paperworkin order, Officer Davenport was leaving thepre-booking area. So technically, while <strong>Deputy</strong>Bibs was the first arresting <strong>of</strong>ficer to enter thebrand new jail, Officer Davenport received allthe glory.<strong>Deputy</strong> Powell and his son Lane on theMalihini holding a <strong>San</strong>d Bass.Officer Davenport wasn’t the only one to get his15 minutes <strong>of</strong> fame that day. SDCJ’s first 10-16was greeted by 20 anxious deputies, sergeants,and lieutenants in the new intake area. Thesestaff members included the deputies assignedto the area, command staff, and deputies on thetransition team. Sergeant Montesdeoca was one<strong>of</strong> the deputies assigned to work intake that firstnight. She tells me Officer Davenport’s 10-16 wasgiven a t-shirt that read, “First Inmate Bookedinto <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Central Jail”. Such a proud dayfor him I’m sure!Stories <strong>of</strong> the old CDF and the infant beginnings<strong>of</strong> SDCJ are still present at our facility today.Photos <strong>of</strong> the old jail grace the wall on theninth floor, taking us back into time wheneverwe enter or exit the jail. About two years ago,Corporal Gehris was working the second floorbooking position when he came across aninmate who had been arrested for DUI. Theinmate had no past criminal history, but wasable to tell Corporal Gehris exactly how manycells were on the second floor. The inmate alsoknew the square footage <strong>of</strong> each cell and theirRated Maximum Capacities. Corporal Gehris,who many <strong>of</strong> us refer to as “Special Agent”, grewcurious and asked the inmate how he knew somuch about the jail.The inmate revealed he was one <strong>of</strong> theconstruction foremen that built the jail. Heknew how many floors the jail had and wherethe boilers were located (I don’t even knowthat). Just as Corporal Gehris placed the formerforeman in the Book and Release Tank, theinmate said, “You want to know somethingawesome about this jail?”Being the outstanding special agent CorporalGehris is, he replied, “Sure!”Inmate Drunken Pit Boss disclosed the jailwas built on a series <strong>of</strong> giant springs, with thecapability <strong>of</strong> withstanding a 9.0 earthquake,making SDCJ the strongest building inDowntown <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>. Corporal Gehris hasn’tvalidated this information, and as such it maybe my duty to take his Special Agent title awayfrom him, but I hope I’m here at work if/whenthe “Big One” ever comes.Just another day at the <strong>of</strong>ficeNo matter how busy we get here at SDCJ, it isalways easy to find deputies who perform atthe highest level <strong>of</strong> excellence. This month’srecipient <strong>of</strong> the much acclaimed OOH-RAHOne day, while working on the Eighth Floor,<strong>Deputy</strong> Smith discovered an anonymous“kite”. The kite stated there were tobacco andcell phones in Module 8C. A subsequent search<strong>of</strong> the module, and all <strong>of</strong> the inmates assignedtherein, ensued. The result: approximately 7pounds <strong>of</strong> tobacco, 16 lighters, 9 packages <strong>of</strong>rolling papers, a dollar bill, one hand rolledcigarette, approximately 20 books <strong>of</strong> matches, aneedle and thread, miscellaneous contraband,hoarded medication, and the ultimate prize, twocell phones with chargers.The majority <strong>of</strong> the items were found in thewheelchair <strong>of</strong> one inmate in particular. Thatinmate would routinely make excuses to beplaced in the eighth floor multipurpose roomevery night. Inmate Nicotine Nick (aka “CanYou Hear Me Now?”) used the room to chargethe cell phones. He also used the needle andthread to sew the cushions on his wheelchairafter he distributed the contraband. <strong>Deputy</strong>Smith attests their tobacco and cell phonebust “was simple motivation, paying attentionto detail, and more importantly, a supportivesupervising staff that let us run our program.”And while I don’t think I could ever give theseguys enough accolades, to them it was justanother day at the <strong>of</strong>fice.<strong>of</strong>f dutyYou’ve all heard the saying, “The family thatplays together, stays together.” The same holdstrue for us here at SDCJ. Team One recentlyhosted a trip aboard the Malihini for a day <strong>of</strong>sports fishing. The trip began at Point Lomaand continued along the Coronado Islands,where Team One fished for yellowtail, bonito,halibut, rock cod, sculpin, barracuda (not surewhy anyone would want to catch one <strong>of</strong> those asthey are definitely not a friendly fish), and whitesea bass. at the end <strong>of</strong> the day, the group caught20 sand bass, one calico bass, and six sculpin.And, in honor <strong>of</strong> Discovery Channel’s SharkWeek, Team Three’s <strong>Deputy</strong> Myers (you mightremember him from my article about the ToughMudders) hosted a snorkeling trip to La JollaShores. The plan was to swim with LeopardSharks! The crew consisted <strong>of</strong> fellow TeamThree Deputies Romero and Ramirez. Theywere joined by Vista Detention Facility Deputies(former SDCJ Deputies) Martinez, Robinson,and Victorio.Here’s what <strong>Deputy</strong> Myers had to say abouttheir aquatic adventure: “We all met up at LaJolla Cove with our masks, fins, and snorkels.30 Silver Star September 2011

<strong>Deputy</strong> Robinson, currently at VDF, snorkeling at La Jolla CoveThe smart ones (all the SDCJ Deputies) worefull wetsuits to combat the cold water. The VDFdeputies were too “hardcore” for wetsuits, sothey braved the cold water (around 65 degreesor so), but they shivered the whole time. Oncewe all got in the water, we didn’t actually seeany sharks, but we did get up close and personalwith a few different sea lions (many <strong>of</strong> them havemoved away from seal beach/children’s pool andinto the coves). <strong>Deputy</strong> Robinson and I were lessthan three feet away from a few different seals asthey checked us out, and another swam underour group’s feet.”I know not swimming with sharks was probablya disappointment to the boys, but it was kind <strong>of</strong>a relief for me, as I really didn’t want to have totell this tale with a Jaws type <strong>of</strong> ending.As you can see, we’re not just a busy jail to workin. We tend to stay busy <strong>of</strong>f duty as well. Nexttime I’ll tell you all about SDCJ’s very ownsoccer team, started by <strong>Deputy</strong> Campos abouttwo years ago. We handle our business so wellhere at work; in part by following the guidelinespresented to us from Dr. Gilmartin in his“Emotional Survival” training a few years back,having outside hobbies helps “maintain and/orimprove the quality <strong>of</strong> our lives, both personallyand pr<strong>of</strong>essionally.” Let’s face it, our job is farfrom glamorous and our “customers” cansometimes be a source <strong>of</strong> stress and difficultiesin our lives.Employees <strong>of</strong> the QuarterLastly, I’d like to say congratulations to <strong>Deputy</strong>Nguyen and Stock Clerk Burton. They havebeen selected as the “Employees <strong>of</strong> the Quarter”DONOVAN J. JACOBSAttorney at Law • (Retired SDPD)I REPRESENT LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS IN CIVIL LITIGATIONPersonal Injury • Discipline AppealsCivil Service & Skelly HearingsIf you have any legal questions,feel free to call:(619) 445-8650(619) 466-2335 (FAX)DonovanJJ@yahoo.comfor the Second Quarter <strong>of</strong> 2011. In addition tobeing role models, they have, by their actionsdemonstrated extraordinary service to ourfacility, fellow employees and/or the public.Great job you guys!Stay hungry!!!Corporal Kellas, from THE Team 3, approvesthis message. Silver Star September 2011 31

october member birthdays1 Morad GarmoJohn LaurianoJames NapperJoseph PassalacquaBolivar SierraLydia Werner2 James BolwerkTony FantWilliam KilpatrickDavid PasemanEdward WongMario Zugasti3 Derek AnneseJoseph ArnoldMichael BeaMichael DoryEdward Frost JrEdward JacksonJames Mc KennaMelvin NicholsFrank NunezBrandt PileDavid Poindexter4 Andrew AguilarMichael HanksJohn HoapiliMarcy KappnerMarshall KelsayAriel LayounTony LienMarlon Mc CurdyWilliam PoeEmil RodinecRandy RubyRobert RyeJames Thomas5 Danielle BenjaminAndrew BigbeeChad ChamberlainSteven ClarkeJames HughesKenneth HunrichsCynthia MontgomeryCory RicheyGreg RoseVictor ShevkolenkoRobert Smith Jr6 John Barrios JrDennis BrugosRussell BurkettTerry ForsheyJulio Garcia32 Silver Star September 2011Guy GarfieldLaurence HenkinEdwin MeeksJames NolanSamuel PledgerGregory RobinsonFrederick SchwartzKathryn Wayne7 Mark FosterDavid GieseBrandi HainesJerry HansenDavid LopezEvan Mc CormickStephanie OrtegaShane Watts8 Jeffrey BarryRobert CarsonJames CooleyRoy HartnettMichael LaneBarry LumleyRey LyyjokiEric StubbsTrinidad Tejeda9 Richard ArnesonDaniel CheungMartin HeilScott HillStefan KopchakKevin MenziesChris PangalosThomas ParnellAnthony PortilloMargaret <strong>San</strong>filippoStanley SpicerGregory Ward10 Gary BaileyMichael BakerPatricia BowlesRaymond Castillo<strong>San</strong>dra EdwardsJoseph GiaconeJospeh John JrBrittany StubbsMartha TorresRaymond Yurgelon11 Byron BarriosChristopher BrownBrian ButcherAaron DabbsEric FroistadEd PrendergastChrisVon OlnhausenJoel WigandRichard WilliamsRichard WilsonReceive an additional 5% <strong>of</strong>fin the Poway DSA Storeduring the month <strong>of</strong> your birthday!12 Elizabeth BryanJames FitzgeraldChristopher GallardoChristopher HydarVeronica Donald-GarciaPablo ReyesRobert TownsendJustin WhiteJesse Yoder13 Marshall AbbottAlton CorneliusAlan GriffithKimberly HouryJesse JohnsNicki Sharpe14 Robert AuslerKimberley BakerWilliam BaxterMark BryanWilliam DonahueJose Gonzalez MarquezMiguel HernandezJohn ScheckTobin StrohmWilliam White15 Salvador AcevedoCecil BellTiffany FogelRichard HedgecockWilliam HuskeyHenry LebitskiDavid LeonhardiNicholas RamirezWarren Wolff16 Robert Novak17 Michael ArensEugene BurchDavid CoramJoseph DavisEric FriedrichOrval JonesRobert KeirseyCarlos SerratoAlan SkoglundMark ThygesenJack Van Den AkkerNorman WatsonDan Wilson18 Elizabeth AranaLaurie BerryKimberly CaseyMichele ChismMaria FerrellDarryl KimballRobert MitchellLon NguyenBogar OrtizJon Shellhammer19 Terry ArmstrongDavid HillenJacob KlepachDavid KnightPaul LacroixLeo LeclaireKenneth PipesSylvester Washington Jr20 Gary ChristensenKenneth Feistel JrKenneth GordonJesse LopezKatrina <strong>San</strong> NicolasBenny Yancey21 Billy DukeMatthew ForbesJon HolmerudWilliam LawScott Mc ClintockPeter MontalbanoMichele MorganLeslie RoederAnthony <strong>San</strong> NicolasEarl WentworthChristopher York22 Jose ArvizuGary BrownenDarrell Carr JrCarla GarciaDavid GibsonDonald GloverDebra H<strong>of</strong>fmanDouglas HuseRichard KurzTodd Richards23 Clark CaldwellJack DrownJames EmigJaime Gomez JrDavid HarrisJose JimenezWes KnowlesCharles PatrickMike SgobbaFrancisco SolteroRobert Talamantez24 Russell AbbottDavid BurkhartRobert Hilliard JrBrian HoranArthur MangubatMalinda SadlerJames Smith25 Arthur AyalaGeorge BaroneJames BlancoMyron BradburnAaron BrownChristina CekanderJames DuffyJulius FaulknerDouglas MorseAvez RobertsJorge Rodriguez26 Brian CoyneDonna DuncanMark GeringerJuan GuerreroRobert HaleyDonald HokensonTerry JacksonVernon LemkeJoseph PattonManuel Perez27 Todd CooperCesar DiosdadoGloria GonzalesScott MorganCharles ParrishBurton Quick JrMark ShermanArmin Vianzon, JrNancy Walker28 Laurence BloomBrett FullerBenjamin GalvanDennis HainesDustin NelsonVictoria PaylorVincent PeaceRandall RibadaFloyd Willis29 Duane BrownRonald DesrosiersWilliam HammondBruce HauptMichael HelmsAnthony RayGary RogersJeffrey SchultzAlan Truitt30 Charles BorraSteven BrewerKenneth CrossmanBenjamin HealdAlexander MartinezMark PalmerGale SaflarLaura Spang-Dvorchak31 Kristin BillieuxFernando Bonifacio JrSteven BowdenRobert FaresKelly HillenEfren JaureguiStephen KriegDavid LadieuTimothy Mc FarlandTamani PughVanessa RochaScott SeitzAngel SevillaJoseph SpinaMichael Villalobos

Congratulations!Scott and Elaine Miedecke are proud to announce the birth <strong>of</strong>their first grandchild. Gannon Michael Garcia was born August16, 2011, and weighed 7 Lbs., 8 oz. The parents are former CommCenter dispatcher Elyse and her husband Rigo Garcia, a CHPOfficer assigned to the Temecula <strong>of</strong>fice. Grandpa Scott Miedecke isa Sergeant in the Special Investigations Division, and Uncle EthanMiedecke works at SDCJCongratulations to Heather and Joshua Bruton on the birth<strong>of</strong> their son Elijah Dean born August 10, 2011, at 2:45 a.m. Thenewborn weighed 7 lbs 6 ozs and measured 20 inches. Big brotherSamuel welcomed Elijah home. John works at <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> CentralJail.For birth announcements, please contact Daphne Williams at dwilliams@dsasd.org or (858) 486-9009 x 100. For wedding, birthday, anniversary,graduation, retirement, and other announcements, please email kmacris@dsasd.org for publication in the announcements section. You may also sendphotos to accompany any announcement.SERVICESANTHONY RIOSOwner/Hair Stylist & Make-up ArtistLocated in Birdrock, La JollaA Full Service Salon Specializing in KeratinComplex Treatment, Extensions, Make-up &On Location Bridal Services. Mention thisad and receive the Keratin Treatment for$175 w/complimentary trim (reg. starting@ $300). Other Specials may apply with themention <strong>of</strong> this ad. Located in Sola Salon5726 La Jolla Blvd. Ste. 109, La Jolla, CA.92037. By appointment only (619)940-8466 or 83magictouch@gmail.com.Short Sale orForeclosure?A Short Sale may be a good optionfor those in specific situations.Market values on the majority<strong>of</strong> homes has dropped quitesignificantly. If you want out <strong>of</strong> your current situation thena short sale might be a good option for you. Call me for aFREE No-Obligation Consultation: Lydia Seeley, Century 21Award, DRE Lic #01861649, 619-922-4609, LydiaSeeley@Century21Award.comCONTESTWINNING PHOTO:James Marmack submitted this photo <strong>of</strong> Retired LieutenantBob Takeshta, Retired Lieutenant Frank Nunez, and RetiredAssistant Sheriff Jim Marmack at Fenway Park in Bostonreading the Silver Star before a Red Sox-Seattle game.Where have you taken your Silver Star? Whose been reading itand where? Send in your photos <strong>of</strong> the Silver Star around theworld or in the hands <strong>of</strong> someone famous (or infamous). Thewinning photo receives a $15 gift certificate to the DSA Store.Non-winning photos are printed as space allows. Send yourphotos to kmacris@dsasd.org.HOLMERUD STUDIOSDigital Video EditingNow with High-Definition movie filmcapture and Blu-ray Disc production. Yourold movies and videos should be convertedto digital video. Using the latest technology,standard definition DVD-Video or highdefinitionBlu-ray Disc can be producedfor you. Your family’s precious memoriesmake wonderful and thoughtful gifts for anyoccasion. Call Jon Holmerud (619)370-8569or holmerud@cox.net.DJ ServicesWeddings, Formal Events, and Parties.Dance Music & Light Show for all occasionsat a 70’s Price. Call DJ “Franco” at (619)829-1319 or email at deejayfdr@gmail.com.PARTIES WITH A PURPOSEIf you have a charity you are trying to earn moneyfor, why not try an Arbonne party with a purpose?You can earn 25% <strong>of</strong> retail sales for your charityand at the same time earn products for yourselfat an 80% discount. Call me! Monica SwannieIndependent Arbonne Consultant #15911906(951) 551-0989, toocleangirl@hotmail.com.To place a classified ad for a service or business, please contact KristieMacris at (858) 486-9009 or kmacris@dsasd.org.Silver Star September 2011 33

MISC. FOR SALEGUNS FOR SALE: Glock 27 (.40) with two mags,ankle and hip holster, under 200 rounds fired,$400. Beretta 92FS (9mm), with 7 high capacitymagazines and 600 rounds, $600. Pleasecontact Daniel @ 619-948-7335 or @ Daniel.Cruz-Lambreton@sdsheriff.orgGuns For Sale: M1A Springfield SA 9802Super Match oversized walnut stock andthe douglas SS barrel. “Like new” condition,comes with a sling and scope. AR – Smith &Wesson 5.54 upper, Spikes Lower A-3 flat topwith carry handle, tac sling and a scope. Likenew condition $849. AR – Spikes 22 upper andSpikes lower, not a dedicated 22 lower, thislower can be used for .223, 5.56, 5.54 and 22LR. A-3 flat top with carry handle, tac sling anda scope, Like new condition $849. Contact Waltat rangerwalt@cox.net.Helmet: General use (Mark 7) N00024-97-C-4023. I have 3 <strong>of</strong> these helmets, these areNEW; I got them from the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong>Sheriff’s Dept. at auction.Only $80. ContactWalt at rangerwalt@cox.net.Front Sight Memberships: All for just $ 2149.All-Inclusive Diamond Lifetime Membershipfrom Front Sight Firearms Training Institute.Only $995 each. These are SOLD OUTmemberships and I have 4 to sell. rangerwalt@cox.net.REAL ESTATERoom For Rent: Roommate wanted in 3bedroom house in the El Cajon area. Houseis on a quiet cul de sac, pool, huge yard, andgarage parking. Great place to relax! Asking$650 and half <strong>of</strong> utilities. Contact Mike at 619905 6855 for more information.For Rent: Vista. 1322 sq. ft., Tri-level, 3 bdrm, 2bath Town Home w/2-car garage. Living roomhas laminate wood flooring and fireplace.Kitchen has new counter tops. Master suiteis located on the private third floor and has alarge walk-in closet, A/C, private bath and glassslider leading to enclosed patio. Covered patio<strong>of</strong>f dining room has pet friendly “EZ-Turf” andlow maintenance shrubbery. Washer/dryer andstorage. Complex features pool, hot tub andsport court. Pet friendly (dogs under 25 lbs.)Long term lease preferred. $1600/mo includeswater and trash collection. First Months rent+ negotiable security deposit. Ret. SDSO.Contact by email; dhpalmer1@yahoo.com.CLASSIFIED ADSREAL ESTATEREAL ESTATEFor Rent: A Private upper one bedroomapartment on quiet cul-de-sac in <strong>San</strong>tee.Upper floor Patio/deck with view. Refrigeratorand stove, DirecTV with DVR, premium channelpackage, Showtime and HBO, wifi internet, airconditioner, gas, electric, water, trash, accesstolaundry all included. $1100 a month. CallOfficer Cindy Meyer at 619-987-9184. Readyfor occupancy July 1st.VACATION RENTALSBig Bear Rental: 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, perfectfor large group or family gatherings. Minutes toslopes, call for availability & prices. Sarah (909)866-2846.Mammoth Rental: Mammoth Mtn. Condo. 1bedroom w/large l<strong>of</strong>t—sleeps 7, 2 Baths. Pool,Spa, Sauna, Wood (provided) Burning Stove,Fully Stocked Kitchen, Washer/Dryer in Unit,Cable, Restaurants/Bars/Shops, Unit #216.Mention Ad and get 10% <strong>of</strong>f total stay. 760-934-2669.Panama: 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath, 2000 sq ft,10th floor, Luxury Condo facing the Pacificin Rio Mar, Panama. Located approx. 60 min.north <strong>of</strong> Panama City , Panama. There are anumber <strong>of</strong> one-stop flights from <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> toPanama City. For more info and pictures lookat www.riomarpanama.shutterfly.com and thedevelopments web site www.riomarpanama.com no passwords required. Can also beviewed on www.vrbo.com listing #360391 orwww.homeaway.com listing #902304. LawEnforcement Rates Myron Klippert 512-965-4994Wyoming: Thinking about your summervacation? RV lot for rent in beautiful Star Valley,Wyoming. 55 miles South <strong>of</strong> Jackson. Lot isavailable weekly or monthly. If you have agroup additional lots are available($105 dollarsa week, $375 a month). Park opens mid Mayand closes in October. Fishing, hiking, <strong>of</strong>f roadtrails, river rafting, and plenty <strong>of</strong> golf. ContactValinda Sutton (619) 980-74742003 Winnebago: Journey 36’ class Amotorhome available for rent. Deliveryincluded for local trips only. Email Mary.Baier@gmail.com for information.Placing a classified ad: Free for DSA members.$20 per month for non-members. Email ads tokmacris@dsasd.org Include name, phone numberand work station, info does not need to appear inthe ad. Ads are considered public and appear in themagazine posted on the DSA website. Deadline isthe 20th <strong>of</strong> the month.ADVERTISERINDEXCalifornia Casualty 24ClearView Eye and Laser Center 2Diamonds Ltd.Back CoverDiscount Tickets 18DJ Services - Franco 33East <strong>County</strong> Transmission 13Evergreen Tree Specialist 12Holmerud Studios 33ID Removal 21Kang’s Martial Arts Supply 15Liberty Mutual 12Lonny Brewer Golf Tournament 37Motors Gold Tournament 9Notary Service at DSA 4Parties With A Purpose 33Perpetual Tree Care 9September 11 Memorial 14Shop With A Cop Fundraiser 10Uniforms & Duty GearDSA Store 18DSAStore.com 27Real Estate and MortgagesBecca Berlinsky - Coldwell Banker 7Hallmark Communities 25Lydia Seeley - Century 21 Award 33Steven Darling - Realty Executives 31Versa Team - Keller Williams 20Law OfficesPatricia Elkerton, Attorney 8Faunce, Singer & Oatman, APC 8Ron Hauser, Attorney 27Donovan Jacobs, Attorney 31John Madigan - Schroth & Schroth 23Scott O’Mara, Attorney Inside FrontTosdal, Smith, Steiner & Wax 7ADVERTISERINDEXSilver Star September 2011 35

10-7 EOSThis month’s EOS was submitted by Dep. Michael Moeller. If you have lighthearted humor or interesting photos to share, please email all submissions tokmacris@dsasd.org or mail artwork to the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice, ATTN: Kristie Macris.36 Silver Star September 2011

Dates to Remember:SEPTEMBER 5Office Closed8 Board Meeting10 Retiree Luncheon22 Board Meeting26 Lonny Brewer Golf TournamentOCTOBER 13 Board Meeting27 Board Meeting26 -31 DSA HalloweenThe Silver Star <strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriffs’ <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> 13881 Danielson Street Poway, CA 92064-6891 www.dsasd.orgSpecializing in:DiamondsGemstonesManufacturingCustom DesignGold & PlatinumAppraisals by GIA graduatesDiamonds Ltd.FINE JEWELERS and a name you can trustGold, Jewelry, & Estate BuyersCash paid on the spotAny quantity, any condition, in strict confidence(Bonus paid for larger diamonds)Don’t forget to ask foryour DSA discount!Work Done on Premises!RepairsRedesignRestorationStone SettingLaser Repair/WeldInside Ring EngravingThe Zwibel family has providedover 30 years <strong>of</strong> exceptionalservice in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>With three generations in bothJewelry and Law Enforcement(Not pictured: Ed ZwibelSDPD #5475-Eastern Division)We are located across from Parkway Plaza mall at the intersection <strong>of</strong> Fletcher Parkway and Pioneer Way450 Fletcher Parkway, Suite 104 • El Cajon, CA 92020 • (619) 442-0671 • www.diamondsltd.com

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