139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center

139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center 139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center


26lo'Figure 1.Area of interest, showing the locations of the eight stationswhere monthly mean sea levels have been documented. Thehatched two-degree squares show the areas from where shipdriftvalues have been used to estimate coastal currents. Thetangent to the coast used to compute the longshore componentis shown at each location. The convention used to define thesign of the component is also shown.94

tFigure 2. An idealized coastal current. Thecoastline stretches along thenorth-south direction. The currentis southward, and the motionextends up to a distance R fromthe coast. Z,(x,y> is the seasurface. X, Y and Z are theeastward, northward and upwardaxes respectively. The seasurface tilts down by Zc at thecoast. The thermocline tiltsupward towards the coast. Po isthe pressure at the level of nomot ion.95

26lo'Figure 1.Area of interest, showing the locations of the eight stationswhere monthly mean sea levels have been documented. Thehatched two-degree squares show the areas from where shipdriftvalues have been used to estimate coastal currents. Thetangent to the coast used to compute the longshore componentis shown at each location. The convention used to define thesign of the component is also shown.94

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