139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center

139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center

139736eo.pdf (20MB) - Japan Oceanographic Data Center

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B2: How does the Agulhas Current interact with the anticyclonic gyre east of Madagascar?B3: Where and how are water masses (mode waters) formed in the Indian Ocean?B4: What is the origin of the water transported by the Leuwin Current off westernAustralia? (See e.g., GODFREY and RIDGWAY, 1985.)B5: The circulation in the Subantarctic region is only known qualitatively. The heatexchange between the Indian Ocean and the Circumpolar Current system has apparently neverbeen assessed by physical methods.B6: Figure 4 illustrates the existing uncertainties in our knowledge about deep meridionalcurrents in the Indian Ocean.REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIESAll the research problems listed above do affect also various current or planned internationalprograms such as the Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA) project, the World OceanCirculation Experiment (WOCE) and the International GeospherelBiosphere Program (IGBP). Assuch they are of some concern to all the participating countries and to the global scientific community.Regional studies within the framework of these international programs should provide scientists fromthe Indian Ocean littoral states with opportunities for cooperation and international support.REFERENCESDE RUIJTER, W.P.M. and BOUDRA, D. (1985). The wind-driven circulation in the SouthAtlantic - Indian Ocean. Deep-sea Res., 32,557-574.GENT, P.A., O’NEILL, K. and CANE, M.A. (1983). A model of the semiannual oscillation in theequatorial Indian Ocean. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 13,2148-2160.GODFREY, J.S. and RIDGWAY, K.R. (1985). The large-scale environment of the polewardflowingLeuwin Current, Western Australia. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 15,481-495.OU, H.W. and DE RUIJTER, W.P.M. (1986). Separation of an inertial boundary current from acurved coastline. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 16,280-289.McPHADDEN, M.J. (1982). Variability in the central equatorial Indian Ocean. J. Mar. Res., 40,157- 176.PIOLA, A.R. and GORDON, A.L. (1984). The near surface equatorial Indian Ocean in 1979. J.Phys. Oceanogr., 14,747-753.REVERDIN, G. and CANE, M. (1984). The near surface equatorial Indian Ocean in 1979. J. Phys.Oceanogr., 14, 1817-1828.TRENBERTH, K.E. (1981). Interannual variability of the southern hemisphere 500 m b flow:Regional characteristics. Mon. Wea. Rev., 109, 127-136.VANLOON, H. (1972). Temperature in the southern hemisphere. In: C. Newton (ed.), Met.Monograph No. 35 “Meteorology of the southern hemisphere”, AMS Boston, 25-58.WYLIE, D.P. and HINTON, B.B. (1982). The wind stress pattern over the Indian Ocean during thesummer Monsoon of 1979. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 12, 186-199.45

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